Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, July 29, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    SOUTHERN. OREGON 1IAU.,: RlbAY, JULY ao. 189a.
Whaat, No. 1, par bushel I .S3
OttO, : " t .
Barley "
Corn, . .
Potatoes, .30
Mill FssU, Bran and Shorts, per ton 1S.0O
Hay, balad.tU.00; loose, 10.00
, t Oak, pereonl 4.00
Floor, wholesale, per barrel S.90
Floor, retaU, - per sack . 1.00
Botter, ' per roll .40
Eggs. per dozen .IS
Onions, - per pound .OS
Apples, " per box .80
Baoon and Hani - per lb, .ISViQ-M
Shoulder .10
Beans "' .04
Lard - .IS
Bener, " .14
. Dry popcorn At Elder'.
Subscribe for the Mail.
Fine job work at this office.
Fruit jars at DavU 3s Pottenger's.
W. G. Cooper was at Portland this
week. . '.
Fountain soda water at Slover's, Sc.
Jos.- Hockeranuth was in town during
the week.
Goto Elder's for the best tea in
town '
C Q. Fitzgerald was doing the city
Tuesday. --
Quaker Boiled Oats at Davis 4
Pottenger's. r. ;
John Montague is visiting the folk
at Roseburg. : j ;
Glassware at cost. DavU & Pot
tengerv ; L. Leonard, of Josephine county, was
here this woek.
' Soda water, pure and sparkling,
5c, at Slover's. , -. . .
. Clarence Kellogg is off on a pleasure
jaunt in California.
Pure- Cider ' Vinegar at' Davis &
Pottenger's. . . '
A. A. Davis is having an addition
built to his residence.
Soda water 5 cents a glass at C. W.
J. M. Weaver spent several days at
Eugene this week.
Lamp chimneys at VTolter's gro
cery. . .
J. A. Whitman spent a few days at
Dead Indian last week.'
Fine spices and extracts at Davis
3t Pottenger's.
The Weeks family were camping on
Rogue river last Sunday.'
Ladies' visiting cards - printed at'
this office.
B. R. Stevens, the 'Woodville peda
gogue, was up Saturday.
' Pure maple syrup at Davis & Pot
tenger's. Some newly threshed wheat is being
hauled V town and stored.
For teas and coffee try Davis &
D. T. Lawton and wife visitad the
county seat the other day.'
Hanging lamps at cost. Davis &
Potten&er. .'. j
S. Robbins and family, of Phoenix,
visited Medford Saturday.
V The highest price paid for chick
ens at J. S. Howard's.
Judge Hanna has - returned from a
flying visit to Oakland, Cal.
Call on L. E. Hoover if you want
to buy or sell a cow.
A. J. Fredenburg's fine brick resi
dence is haring completion.
The best placs in town to trade is
at J. S. Howard's.
The Mesdames Golds tone are home
f ram their visit to relatives at Eugene.
Cool yourself off with a 5c glass of
Slover's lountain soda.
- The Baptist divine of Ashland, Rev.
G. W. Black, was in the city Sunday.
Ten cent Cuban Blossom cigar for
five cents at Davis & Pottenger's.
" : Tom Miles, the would be detective,
tarried in town several days this week.
- Placer and quartz claim notices
for sale at this office.
Mrs. Dr. OF. Demorest is visiting
her parents at Dallas for a few weeks.
Maxcy handles all kinds of soda
water at 6 cents a glass.
Mrs. D. S. Youngs is at the 0da
springs near Ashland for a few weeks.
Go to Davis & Pottenger's foi all
kinds of soda drinks 5 cents a glass.
Clarence Farnham, of the Eagle
mills, was looking up business here
Saturday. , .
We give a cash discount of 5 per
cent on all purchases, Angle & Ply
male. - , f
The Whitmans and Pentzs have re
turned from the mountains all brown
and blistered.
- -Largest stock of men's youths', and
childrens' clothing in town at Angle &
Ply male's. .; - , . .
Jucfge Willard Crawford has re
turned from a few days business trip
on Rogue river.
Slover'has the only-fountain in
town and gives a large, teaming glass
of soda for Sc.
A. W.-Cormack and Wm. Marlow, of
Round Top, were doing some trading
in town Monday.
Persons owing for the Singer
sewing machine should call, on L. E.
Thos. E. Nichols and wife were over
. from their farm in the Butte creek
country last Saturday. ,
Go to O. Hoi tan, tailor, and in
spect his goods and pricss before buy
ing elsewhere.
. Charles . Rippey? of Central Point,
leaves for California in a few days to
locate permanently. .
Hurrah for straw hats. All sizes
and. styles below cost at Angle & Ply
males's. Miss Edith Crouch, a Klamath
county school teacher, is paying her
parents here a visit. .
Trunks! Trunks! Valises! Valises!
Largest stock; lowest prices at Angle
& Ply male's.
The Ashland tailor who recently put
- is a shop here has pulled in his horns
' aao departed hence, x
Smoke the Detroit Free Press
cigar at C. W. Wolters'.
C. A. Dickison, of Table Rock, did
Medford this week.
Mrs. H. H. Woltsrs has returned
from her visit to Applegate.
Col. R. A. Miller meandered among
us a couple of moons agone.
The A. A. Davis mill property has
been improved lareelv inside and out
If you want the Singer sewing
machine, call on L. E. Hoover, of
W. T. Anderson, the substantial
Phoanix citison, was among us Wednes
day of this week.
Miss May Sander, of Eugene, is vis
iting her sisters, the Mesdames Gold
stone, of this place.
We claim to turn out the best and
neatest job work in the valley at rea
sonable prices.
C. J. Howard put in a couple of days
At Portland this week in the interest
of railroad surveying.
Thos. W. Whelpley brought down a
load of wool from his ranch on Rogue
river during the week.
Demorest Bros., dentists. Nitrous
oxide gas administered for painless
extraction oi tcctn.
Misses Prudie and Katie Angle came
home Monday evening from a week's
visit to Ashland friends.
There was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Will Q. Brown, at Kiddles, Ore., on
July 17th, a 11-pound son.
W. P. Dodge has moved into his new
houss, which he has recently erected
on his farm east of this place.
N. Langell was at Grants Pass Mem
day on business pertaining to his office
as internal revenue collector.
J. R. Wilson is building a residence
for himself in the western part of the
city near Prof. Narrcgan's place.
W. J. Rodgsrs, Thomas Martin and
Perry Foster, of Sams Valley, were do
ing business in town daring the week,
T. F. West is putting in a few weeks
of the heated t-rm at Sticnman, a
summer resort a few. miles south of
There will be a gospel meeting by
the temperance union at the Presby
terian church next Sunday. C. H.
Hoxie will preach.
w. l . uoagc nas received nis new
tools and is boring wells again in full
blast. . He lost - considerable time, but
will make up for it. : ,
L. F. Willits and wife are visiting
C. W. Wolters this week. Mr. Wil
lits is principal of the Indian school
on Klamath, reservation.
G. W. Mathas and Jeff Brophy will
soon open up a butcher shop in Med
ford. Mr. Mathes has moved his fam
ily hers from Bear Phoenix.
The celebrated Manhattan Food for
horses, cattle and poultry. Guaran
teed to cure chicken cholera. For salo
at the Strang drug store, Medford, Or.
Miss Myrtle and Ralph Woodford
are visiting relatives at Grants Pass.
Miss Addie Colvig, who has been visit
ing nero tor some time, accompauicd
B. F. Crouch, who has been working
on J. Xunan's fine new residence at
Jacksonville, is home again and is en
gaged at work on A. A. Davis addition
to his dwelling.
W. L. Grinnell and wife, of Portland
are enjoying the salubrious climate of
boutnern Oregon for a few days. Sirs.
Grinnell is a daughter of Mr. "and Mrs.
G. W. Galloway.
Rev. F. J. Edmunds preached at
Eagle Point last Sunday, both morn
ing and evening ami he reports, that
his reception was in every way pleas
ing and profitable.
George Wright found an account
book about one-half mile this sida of
Phoenix last' Saturday, which he has
left at the MAIL office. The owner
may have it by calling.
Mrs. I. Merriman went down on the
train Thursday evening to see ber old
schoolmate and friend, Mrs. Philip
Sioipkins, near Woodville, but did not
arrive until she had died.
Several good young horses for sale,
on time if desired. Also a thorough
bred Poland-China sow and pigs. In
quire of D. T. Lawton, Mitchell-Lewis
& Staver's agent, Medford, Ore.
We are having some complaints that
our subscribers do not receive their
papsr regularly in the outlying post
offices. We are investigating, and the
troubla will be righted if in our power.
Mrs. Frank Kesterson, living near
Tolo, who recently gave birth to a lit
tle ba"y, died at her home on the 22d,
and was buried on the 24th. Consump
tion was the cause of her untimely tak
ing away.
E. J. Phipps, of Etna, last week sold
his ltjoacre ranco to unarlos Vincent
Mr. rmpps expects to soon make a
trip o Montana on a tour of inspection.
but may return to this valley if he
finds nothing to suit him up north.
Miss Lou Gibson and Miss Halle
Hoyt departed from here last Monday
for a pleasure trip up north of a few
weeks duration. . Miss Buckley, of
Jacksonville, is occupying Miss Gib
son's position during tho latter's
The Medford Distilling and Refin
ing Co., challenges the world for
purity of goods. Their goods are
made from the best of corn and rye
and are absolutely PURE. Whole
sale bouse at Medford Ore. Your val
ued orders solicited. .
, Ira Wakefield called Tuesday and in
formed us that ho will speak at Ash
land Saturday evening. On Monday
evening, August I, at Phoenix, he will
formally open the campaign, at which
time it is proposed to illuminate the
speaking grounds and have a rousing
' TheO. K. Barber shop of which
J. E. Shearer is chief tonsorial artist,
is furnished with elegant and easy
chairs and the razors are always in
good order. Go thou there and have
my iace snorn oi us pncKiy points.
Next to Grand Central Hotel Front St.
Mrs. Myra Simpkins, wife of Phillip
Simpkins, of Woodville precinct and
daughter of Hon. J. B. Wrisley, died
Thursday, July 21, and was buried in
the Jacksonville cemetery Saturday.
A large number of friends and rela
tives attended tho funeral from this
place. .''.;
-W. Green, the new merchant tailor
of Medford, has just received the larg
est stock of goods ever brought to the
Rogue River valley, and as he is here
to stay and build up a trade, ho will
make suits to order for $24 and up, and
pants for six dollars and up. - Step in
and see his display. Fit guaranteed.
A1J kinds of cleaning and repairing
one.i uhi f arid nosei auuuing.
Flour, "$1 per .jajwkv" ' "."i "
Wheat, S3 peats bushel.
Mrs. C. F. CranQU is visiting friends
at Ashland.
E. D.- Briggs. the Ashland lawyer. Is
in ttwti.
Col. Robt. A. Miller was at GranU
Pass ond day this week.
L. G. Porter It bulldine a residence
for himself on hi9 6-aore lot.
Miss Dora Buchanan ha finished
her school at the Meadows.
Poter Adams went to Portlant this
week and may go as far as Idaho.
Born. July 20, to Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Peninger, of Tolo, a daughter.
Tb.3 Hanley Bros, lost about 350 tons
of hay this week by spontaneous com
B. P. Thelss is home from his Cali
fornia trip in the interest ef tho distill
ery company.
The coast delegation, consisting of
C. W. Wolters and family, D. T. Sears
and family and others, expect to start
about Sunday.
Judge E. B. Watson and wife and 'a
Miss Donaldson, came out from Port
land Thursday moraine-, on a visit to
Jacksonville folks.
We learn that H-jnry Pap9, post
master at Jacksonville, was struck
with paralysis on Wednesday, and is
in a veryprecarious condition.
Mrs. W. V. Lippincott and children
are at Mott, Cal., where they are en
joying the balmy air of that noted
nealth resort. Mr. LiDmncott went as
lar as uornDrouk witn them.
Perrv Farlow's house a short dis
tance tnis side of Dead Indian springs.
burned to the ground last Monday. It
is supposed the cause of which was a
defective flue. Total loss. Insurance,
The citv council has under advise
ment a proposition from Willamette
capitalists to light Medford with elec
tricity. The parties wero here this
week looking over the ground, and left
their proposition.
Governor Peonoyer has appointed
Jeff Meyerfc, the brave and gallant hero
of several sanguinary Orogonian inter
views, a colonel or the O. IN. vice
Col. Robert Miller. Fame has marked
the Linn county statesman for hcrown
Roseburg Review.
nas It a dream or did it really come
to pass that one of the most estimable
voung ladies of Medford bad a nar
row escape from drowning not more
than a hundred years ago or more
than a million miles from here while
bathing in a babbling brooklet?
Dr. and Mrs. x Pickel returned from
the mountains Tuesday, leaving the
rest of the campers still enjoying life
in the woods. The doctor is the proud
possessor of a wild cat skin, the result
of bis unerring aim with the rifle. He
shot the animal just before 'starting
The base ball boys or this vicinity
hied themselves to Grants Pass last
Friday to cross bats with the boys at
that place. The scientific wielding of
the willow resulted in a draw after the
eighth inning of 17 to IT. The draw
was tho immediate caus of the umpire
not being infallible.
The Grants Pass and Medford base
ball clubs playod on tho former's
grounds Saturday. At the close of the
eighth inning the score stood IT to IT.
and the game broke up in a row over a
decision of the umpire. The clubs talk
of a match game for a big purse, to be
played on tho Rosoburg grounds.
Koseburg Review.
Miss Elva Galloway has resigned her
position in the Madford public schools
and accepted one in tho Ashland
schools at a much larger salary. It is
a notable fact that the teachers of this
city are paid less wages than nny town
in Southern Oregon. If the district ex
pects to keep up a good school it will
have to pay better wages.
Brophy & Mathes, the new butcher
firm of Medford, expect to be ready
for business about the first of next
week. The shop will be temporially
located in the building where the city
meat market used to be. but will be
moved to the brick on C street back
of Slover's drug store as soon as it is
ready for occupancy. Watch for their
adv. next week.
It isn't very often ona refuses to re
ceive a present, but our friend, D. T.
Pritcbard, refused to accept one the
other day sent to him by express. It
was a nice box of cherries worth about
15 cents, with express charges due on
it, amounting to 35 cents. Any one
sending Mr. Pritchard a present will
please prepay the charges or tho same
will not be received;
The disputed line which Mr. How
ard, of Medford. was called upon by
V"e "lJ cuncu xo resurvey nas oeen
aeciaea in lavor ol our county sur
veyor. Mr. Howard's survey agreed
witn mat oi .Mr. Haven s to a trac
tion. Thfc council simply "marched
up the hill and then marched down
again," ana were out ine extra ex
pense for the amusement. Grants Pass
Articles Filed.
Articles of incorporation were filed
July 26 with the secretary of the state
as follows:
Great Oregon Gold Minine Comnanv.
of Modford; capital stock, $250,000: in
corporators, S. P. Conger, L. W
bmitn and V. M. Uonger.
Bncklen's Arnica Salve.
' Tho best salvo in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fover
sores.tetter, cnapped bands, cnllblalns,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to- giye perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25c
per box. For sale by G. H. Uaskins.
', ' Pled.
In this city, July 22, at - 8 a. m.,
Mab-1 Hieanbotham, aged 11 years,
daughter of Mrs. Hlganbotham, a
wiaow laay.
The funeral services were held in
the Christian church and the sermon
was preached by Judge Walton, Sat
urday morning July 23. . The burial
.took place - Saturday at the Central
Point cemetery in the family lot where
the father and one other child are,
buried. - . ' .-.
Tho immediate cause ' of the death
was congestion of the braiu brought on
by a severe case of mularial fever to
which the poor child succumbed in
only four days. "
Yostarday a living bright and
healthy child; today death claimed
her own; tomorrow in mother 'earth's
embrace lies all that tails the tele; ' all
is over but the memory; how sad.
No amount of .misrepresentation of the facts
by jealous competitors, or Juggling with fiy
ures, or pretended analyses and certificates,
or distortion of any kind, can change the
fact that the
Royal Baking Powder has
been found by every official
examination to be the high
est of ALL in leavening
power, and of absolute pur
ity and wholesomeness.
ROYAL is the best and most economical.
Campaign Hats.
For Campaign Hats, your choice
Cleveland or Harrison plug bat price
$1.90 each, at New York Cheap Cash
Store, Cooper brick.
Of Soma Interest.
State Agricultural College, )
Corvallis, Ore., July 26, 1S2.
Editor Southern Oregon Mall:
I shall be in Medford some time next
week and shall be pleased to see any
oce wishing to learn anything about
the Oregon Agricultural College.
Yours truly,
F. U WAsnBunx.
It Should Be in Every House.
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
burg, Pa., says he will not b? without
Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption, coughs, and colds, that it
cured his wife who was threatened
with pheumonia after an attack of "la
-,fiT l v.j a
no good. Robert Barber, of Cooks
port. Pa., claims Dr. King's. New Dis
covery has done him more good than
anything ho ever used for lun?
trouble. Nothing like it. Free trial
bottles at G. H. Haskin's drug store.
Large bottles, 50c. and SI. 00
Ratification Meeting.
T. Syson Cundy, a reformer of the
first water, of Grants Pass, writes as
follows: "We bad a grand ratification
meeting here not long since, ending
with three rousing cheers that wnked
the echoes of the night, for Wcavor
and Field the Blue and the Gray.
"The People's Party club of Grants
Pass meets every Wednesday night."
Eagle Point Items.
The famous calf with such
sounding name, referred to by the cor-
respondent ol ine alley lvfcoru, is
still shouting to its bovine mother for
thi nourishment necessary to the de
velopment of a full fledged thorough
bred. Some changes have taken place in
roperty ownership. A. J. Daley has
ought the drug store and saloon build
ings, for what purpose rumor saith not.
F. M. Burdick, a representative of
the wholesale house of the J. V. Far
well company, of Chicago, is here vis
iting his mother. Mrs. L. K. liurdick.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B.
Hubbard. Ho is accompanied by bis
wife. Thev came bv tbr Northorn Pa
cific and will return bv the Denver and
Rio Grande and Salt Lake. They are
much pleased with the Roifue river
valley and contemplate a visit to this
coast next yeir. They were doing bus
iness in Medford on Friday.
To Ba or Not to Bs.
.Is it for the best? That Is tho ques
tion which the city council has wrest
led with for the lost few days and
which will bo settled definitely at the
regular meeting noxt Mondnv evening.
Shall the city be lighted with elec
tricity? Parties hare been here this
week and proposed to the city council
to put in a $12,000 electric plant and
lurnlsn the city ten arc ligats tor
$1,200 per year for so many rears. The
council are muchly tempted to acenpt
tho offer, tho particulars of which of
course we have not extended into. The
property owners and tajc-payors are
of course to be consulted, they having
tho more interest at stake. But as
tho charter limit for city taxes 10
mills has been reached, this added
expense will not raise taxes and tbcre-
loro win not be uoticcd, lue only dif
ference is this added expanse will de
lay the payment of the city's indebted
ness just so much longer and of course
taxes will remain as tbey are at pres
ent until the town is out of debt.
However, as Medford claims to bi
the hub of tho valley is it not timo she
was taking on somewhat more of a
metropolitan air? i There is no deny
ing that improvements are at all times
beneficial, and. especially at this dull
season of tho year. It would without
a doubt be a great feather in tho city's
cap if she could out inform the world
that improvements within her limits
are the order of the day even in the
dullest season. Streets well lighted
take on an attractive air and -while
serving as a good drawing card tor cap
ital, they enhance the value of property.
Is it for the best?
Probate Court.
In matter of estate of Victor Mitchell. Mrs.
Marr Mitchell appointed aduilnsiratlvv with
bona fixed at (400. Peter Elmer and W. J. Ply.
male and John Beavenue appointed appraisers.
Estate of Levi H. Blnkeman. Inventory and
appraisement. Property approved at HMO.
Estate of S. B. Oaley. Inventory and ap
praisement. Total amount of appraisement
Enisle ot Henry J. Holmes. Inventory and
.appraisement. Property appralsod at SI007.4O.
esuto ana guardianship r q. . rorrs : order
approTing settlement of guardian with ward,
Charles E. White guardian, and his bonds
men dlsoaargedirom further hablllties.
' Good Stables.
' First das riga of all descriptions
can be procured at all ttmus of the day
or night at the Clarendon hotel livery
taama al,iti1l r.ln Wl. .... 1,1 . i 1
. ....... .uuu, vuij -ainuio m- trial.
Satisfaction guaranteed;' charges rea
Marriage Licenses.
Marriage license issued July Sf, IS! to Prrnk
Theslnt and Mrs. Johanna Schuiz
Marriage lloense issued July SS, ISM tt Join
D. Jonnson and Miss fcmc Kiien tvee-1-.
Bal Estate Traafers.
Ben Raymond to Nld Strattoa. I St-100 acres
Ashland, too.
George Hargadloe to AUie MT Rargadtne
tract west o( said lot I, conveyed to A T Kjle.
Robert Westrop to J B and Mrs. Welch. Its IS
13. blk 13, Central Point. VOX
Thos A Cone to John R Cook, Beit ee 96.
tp 40 s, r 4 e. roo.
Edgar E Sayle to John R Cook, lev frlGO
acres sec . tp ) . r e, th.
Ursula Million to V A Morris, i acres, see A
tp 39 a. r 1 e. KW0.
F F FTadenburg to James Shields. 100 acres
in sec , tp X s, r 1 e, SHX Subject to mongmgo
tor tiX
R M Garret to John R Cook, n4 ot ace ta.
tp i, r 4 e. V
R L Andrews to caae ne ot see IS, tp 40, r
e. SV
John L Ayer to Fred Brisks, JO acres, see 3fi,
toss. rSe. fUdO.
OtTCouKT Robbias. lots 3 and 21, blk
"R." R R add to Ashland. (ISO.
D J Lurcm'en. el al. to Mn D G Bnt, all ot
11 7. blk 3, Lumvien add to Mcdrcrd. tju.
Conslanllne Mac-ruder to J IS Welch. Its
8, s, to, ii. i ana u, out u. cen-
irl IVIni. si.
U I Waldrooa to John R Cook. swV ot sec 13.
to 40 s. r 4 e. ki
U S to James Thornton. 100 acres, see 12, tp
Same to Ralph F Dean, 100 acres, see SI. tp
U S to Charles Cooper, ISO acres, see 31. tp 39
s, rje.
U S to Frank I Dunbar, ISO acres, sec V, tp 39
a. rl e.
U S io Olans Kristeascn. US 88-KU acres, sec
s. tp 33 s. r s . "
Electric Hitters
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
Electric Bitters sing the same song of
prais. A purer medicine do. s not
exist and it is guaranteed to do all that
is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure
all diseases of the liver and kidney?,
will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum
nnd other affections caused by impure
blood. Will drive malaria from the
system and prevent as well as cure all
malarial fevers. For cure of head
ache, const icat ion aud indigestion try
Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction
I guaranteed.
or money refunded.
Hrice 50 cts. and $1.00 per bofJe at Gj
H. Haskin's drug store.
Nearly one-half the town of Hnroa,
Cal., vu burned. Loss, abont $23,000.
Wilson, the monster who killed little
Mamie Walsh at Mil wanker. Or., con
fessed that he has killed five persons.
He formerly traveled with a circus as a
Rarachol. the Paris anarchist, was
guillotined for murder.
A rowboat containing thrre persons
was run down in Long Island sound by
a ateoinrr. The occupants were
The total speculation of the officials of
the defunct National bank of San Diego
will reach $1,000,000.
A block ot house at Portland were
burned. The total looses will reach
1 35.000, insurance 130.000.
Jephtha D. New, a member of ttte In
diana appellate court and a candidate
for re-election, committed suicide at his
home at Vernon. Be was a cousin of
John C New.
St, Johns N. F., has been visited by
the worst fire in Its history. Ten thou
sand people are homeless and $5,000.
000 worth of property was destroyed.
The homeless are encamped in the fields.
A man 80 years of age ws run over
and killed by a cable car at Los Angeles.
The car was crowded and ho was hang
ing on the outside. He fell under the
wheels and was crushed into a shapeless
mass. i
Race war has broken nt at Padncah,
Ky. A mob of negroes assembled at the
jail aud refnsed to disperse. . State
troops were called out, the negros fired
on the soldiers, killing a private. The
fire was returned and several negroes
were killed. . Further bloodshed is ex
pected. .
A heavily loaded cable car was com
ing down the hill from Portland Heights
at Portland and when within two blocks
of the bottom the grip refnsed to work
and the gripman miKsed the rable. A
(light rain had made the track very
slippery and the brakes would not hold.
The car gained a 'speed of twelve mils
an hour and when the curve at tho bot
tom of the hill was reached it turned
over. Eleven persons were injured.
The murderer of Captain Greenwood's
wife at Napa, was killed by lightning
at Bellings, Mont. He hired out to a for
mer under the name of Horace Moore.
While driving along the rood in a thun
der storm a bolt of lightning struck the
wagon and killed Moore and the team.
A. P. Jackson, Moore's employer, was in
the wagon and was knocked senseless by
the shock. Moore was identified as the
man wanted at Napa when the body wot
H. Harris, editor of The Taooina Sun,
the People's party organ, has been
arrested, charged with having issued a
challenge to W. A. Ryan, a reporter on
The News, to fight a duel. The trouble
arose, at the anti-Pinkerton meeting,
Harris making a slighting remark be
cause the editor of The- News was not
present. Ryan's remark that this was
ungentlemanly caused Harris to become,
very angry. He immediately demanded
satisfaction according to the code of
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