Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, July 08, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat, No. 1, per bushel I .C5
"Oats, . . -Si
Barley " .'.. .40
Cora. .0
Potatoes. - .SO
Mill Feed, Bran and Shorts, par ton . 15.00
Hay, baled, 111.00; loose; 10.00
Wnodt ok.- ' per cord -too
WOO11 Fir, ; " 3.50
Floor, wholesale, per barrel 4.40
Flour, retail, per sack 1.90
Butter, per roll .40
Eggs, - per dozen .184
Onions, per pound .03
Apples, . per box JO
Bacon an Ham per lb. .18H
Ehonlde " ' .10
Beans ' .04
Lard. '- . " .18
Honey, " .13
July 4th next Monday.
Fine job work at this office.
Fruit jars at Davis & Pottcager's.
Francis Fitch and wife are out from
Portland. ,
Soda water 5 cents a glass at C. V.
The flour
mill has closed until the
fall trade.
Maxcy handles all kinds of soda'
water at 5 cents a glass.
Edwards Bros, are home from their
trip to Lane county.
Pure Cider Vinegar at Davis &
Pottenger's. .
L. B. Fisher, the organ and piano
man, is among us again.
Glassware at cost. Davis & Pot
ten ger.
' Miss Halle Hoy t visited her home
in Grants Pas3 this week.
Lamp chimneys at Wolter's gro
cery. -
Ed. Gulches took up a course in the
business college this week.
Fine spices and extracts at Davis
& Pottenger's.
Mesdamss Vawter and Pickel visited
the county seat Wednesday.
For teas and coffee try Davis &
Ed Anderson and wife were visiting
in town this week from Phoenix.
Hanging lamps at cost. Davis &
Geo. Slover. of Grants Pass, took in
the Fourth of July celebration in this
Pure maple syrup at Davis & Pot
tenger's. Miss Ora Adkins is home from her
visit with G. W. Howard's family at
Olympia, Wash.
Coma and inspect those Piano
rakes, handled by Merriman &. Legate.
Mrs. J. L. Worlow. of Antelopi, was
visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. Purdin,
one day last week.
Cool yourself off with a 5c glass of
Slover's fountain soda.
Quaker Rolled Oats at Davis A;
Mrs. E. C. Genung, of Oakland. Cal
ls visiting herdaughter, Mrs. W. P.
Wood of this city.
The Keve York Cheap Cash Store
lake eggs and chickens in trade.
Bishop Morris will conduct services
in the Episcopal church cn the even
ing of July 17th. ,
Placer aDd quartz claim notices
for sale at this office.
C. B-Rosiel went over to Yreka, i
CoL, last Saturday for a visit of a few
days with his brother.
Call odL-E. Hoover if you want
to buy or sell a cow.
W. P. H. Legate, accompanied by
his family, were over from the mines
to attend the celebration.
The highest price paid for chick
ens at J. S. Howard's.
W. IC Davis is at work at Clarence
Farnhaia's mills near Ashland put
ting in a new roller process.
Ladies' visiting cards printed at
this office.
The bst and ' lightest running
"binder made is the Piano, sold by Mer
riman & Legate.
Miss Jessie Worman is at home
spending her vacation,-school at Eu
g ene having closed last week. .
gGas is the only painless method
of extracting teeth. Dr. Eetcham,
Clarendon hotcL
Gen. Thos. G. Reames returned
home Momday from Chicago, where he
went to help nominate the big (at man.
Jaspor Crenshaw, formerly of this
place, but now a resident of Ager, CaL,
was over visiting friends during the
week. ;"' -
All extras for the Piano machin
ery kept on hand by Morriman &
Legate. v
Miss Delia J. Pickel and the Misses
Theiss arrived home Tuesday morning
from their San Francisco and Portland
trip. . - -
Slover ' has' the only fountain in
town and gives a large, foaming glass
of soda for 5c. ;
The camp meeting at Central Point
is being largely attended from differ
ent sections. Medford is well repre
sented. v
We give a cash discount of 5 per
cent en all purchases, Angle & Ply
male. . - ,
S. Smith, son of the late Henry
Smith, passed through the city Sun
day on his way to his Eastern Oregon
stock ranch. ,
Largest stock of men's youths', and
. childrens' clothing in town at Angle &
tr lymaie s.
Mrs. J. W. Goff. M. H. Goff. J. T.
Clark and wife, of Leland. Josephine
county, were visning relatives here
during the week. '
If you want the Singer sewing
machine, call on L. E.- Hoover, of
leaiora. -
Tha Tl Tt V T7. Vf anrrina inmn
the track one day last weetc by running
into an open switcn. but tne train was
delayed but a short time.
Persons owing for the Singer
sewing macnine snould call on JU JS.
Hoover. . .
Frank Sifers, of Coos county, a Jack
son county boy. is visitinsr relatives in
.the valley. Frank has. been teaching
in mat county tor tbe oast two years.
but will take a position in the clerk's
office under the new- regime.' "He is a
etuneh Peoplo-'s-Pfcrtyyman,
Dry popcorn at Elder's.
- Subscribe for the Mail.
Fountain soda water at Slover's, oc.
Go to Elder's for the host tea lu
Will Merriman, telegraph opjrator
at Albany, spent the Fourth in Mod
ford. -
" We claim to turn out the best and
neatest job work in the valley at rea
sonable prices.
Mrs. J. W. Barksdull canie up from
Josephine county to spend the 4th and
to visit relatives and frauds.
Soda water, pure aud sparkliug,
5c, at Slover's.
W. H. Gore is spending his sum
mer's vacation from his work in Port
land among his relatives here.
The best place in towu to trade is
at J. S. Howard's.
J. J. Watts and Chas. Pattoe, good
citizens of Prospect, wore in the city
this week taking in the sights.
F. M. Mingus, who is working the
wire brace fence in Yamhill, is spend
ing a tew days with his family here.
Ten cent Cuban Blossom cigar for
five cents at Davis & Pottenger's.
J. C. Barnard, of Rocktfood. Tenu.,
an old friend of Dr. E. B. Pickel. pass
ed north Monday on his way to Albany
to locate.
Go to Davis & Pottenger's foi all
kinds of soda drinks 5 cents a glass.
A. A. Davis, who is building up an
extensive milling business in the state
of Washington-, came home Saturday to
remain for a while.
Demorest Bros., dentists. Nitrous
oxide gas administered for painless
extraction of teeth.
The Uttlo three months old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Priddy died at
the family residence in this city on
the 1st of this month.
Mrs. S. E. Penwell has removed
her bakery from the Medford house to
the old photograph gallery, on B St.
J. H. McCloud and E. A. Welds,
who are working at the Wire Brace
Fence business in the Willamette val
ley, spent a few days in Medford this
Ladies call at New York Cheap
Cash store on the 4th of July and get
a fan free of charge. Kote the address,
Cooper brick.
John Hanlay had the misfortune to
1-ise a very fine mare one day this week.
The animal was kicked and had a leg
broken in the corral in this city, and
she had to bo shot.
Merriman tc Legate handle the
Piano mower, which is conceded the
best on the market.
D. H. Miller is at horns and at his
accustomed place of business again.
Chas. Brous was considerable better
when he left Cinnabar, and will stay
there for sometime vet.
Dr. Ketchani, at the Clarendon
hotel, says tho elevator is out of repair,
but his office can be reached by the
stairway, just the same.
The Weeks Bro3. are putting in new
furniture throughout the business col
legs. The fait terra of this school be
gins September 1. Special U-achers
ior each departing. t will be provided.
We carry the largest assortment of
ladies' shoss Oxford ties and slippers.
Call and get prices before buying.
Angle & Piytnale.
S. K. Witt, of Woodville, called
Tuesday and reports that the celebra
tion at Woodville was a first class sue-
Ciss. A large crowd was m. atten
The celebrated Manhattan Food for
ho;-3e3. cattle and poultry. Guaran
teed to cure chicken cholera. For salo
at the Strang drug store, Medford, Or.
J. Nunan, the live Jacksonville mer
chant," who has been at Colestein drink
ing in pure mountain air and soda
water, returned home cn Saturday j
eveniDg's train. j
Several good young horses for sale.
on time if desired. , Also a thorough
bred Poland-China sow and pig-. In
quire of D. T. La ton. Mitchell-Lewis
& Stayer's agent, Medford, Ora. .
Medford boasts at a lawn tennis club
and croquet club, and the mcmlr.-rs
tberei't can of evenings bo seen at tne
ground on the Adkins premises swing
ing the racquet and handling the mal
Merriman & Legate handle the
best binder twine made and sell it at
fourteen and ons-half cents per
pound. Call on thsm when you want
twine or the best agricultural machin
D. D. G. M. Gearv. K. of P.. was at
Grants Pass this week installing officers
in tho K. of V. lodge at that placo.
This is a busy tim? among tho lodges,
tho nsw officers being installed almost
Tho City restaurant Is forging to tha
front and will soon have a good portion
of the trade of the oating public. The
supper lor tho hose company dance was
furnished by the City restaurant, and
we understand it was well served.
. On the 4th at Phoenix a young man
by the name of Cristlow was considera
bly hurt about the head and body while
racing horses, through being knocked
down and tramped on by one of the
animal3. Dr. Pickel was called to at
tend. .
Boots and shoes anatomically built
by A. C. Taylor. Reparing promptly
attended to. Carries in stock ladies,
men's, and Infants correct shape shoes.
Personal attention given to fitting tho
foot. Opposite Post Office.
We have the - material -bore' for a
first-class band, as was demonstrated
on the 4th. It would please a great,
many citizens if the boys were encour
aged to give open-air concerts during
the summer. If this should be done,
in a short while, Medford could boast of
tbe best band in tho valley.
Gooseberries saem to thrive in this
section far bcyoad the average." From
the Weeks Bros.' ranch and from E.
Russ' nursery samples of this fruit
were sont us last week whioh averaged
about three inches In circumference.
They were of tho Berkeley variety and
were of delicious flavor.
Wm. Marlow returned from Horn-
brook. Calif., Wednesday evening hav
ing in charge A. F. Rngsdalo. who
lately sold his ranch on Butte Creole,
and disappeared. He was taken to the
county court Thursday and adjudged
insane. The-sheriff took htm to Salem
the same evening.
Attorney Pentz offers a reward for
the conviction of the person or per
sons who make it their special duty to
scald his dog. He says there's a
statute cuacnrning crueny wi animais
and he would liko to practice on it.
Somebody had best look a " leetle
ening gas, and will raise
than the same quantity
powder, and will make
purer and more wholesome. Sec
Report on Baking PouJers, p. 13.
Judge Willard Crawford is at Salem
on business.
We acknowledge a pleasant call from
L. J. Marck, of Etna, during the week.
District Attorney H. L. Benson was
at Jacksonville during the week on
business pertaining to his office.
Frank R. Neil, who has been living
in .Multnomah county for three vears
past, was selocted by Sheriff Pel ton as
his office deputy. Ho is a son of Judge
Of course, turn about is fair play and
the officers so lately elected in this
county turned about and played into
eaeh others hands like majors when
it came to giving and taking bonds.
Xickelltras in great demand as was
several others. Look at the list.
The real estate trasfers this week
show that the timber claim holders in
the vicinity of Prospect have been reap
ing a rich harvest by the sale of their
claims to Julius E. Miner. Several
claims were sold, the purchase price
being S700 for each.
The Southern Oregon Pork Packing
company received a cur load of pork
and lard direct from Denver. Col., last
week. It was sent in a refrigerator
car and arrived in excellent shape.
Tho pork will ba cured and smoked at
the company's establishment.
We are pleased to know that our
friend, J. W. Smith, who recently sold
his fine farm east of this city, will not
leave the valley, but expecti to pur
chase other property and remain per
manently in the county. He knows of
no place" where he could go to b.-tt-jr
Oa the evening of the Fourth, Rt
their residence Mr. and Mrs. I. A.
Webb entertained a f ;w of their friends
while waiting for the illumination of)
Rosy Ann. The guests were: Dr.
and Mrs. E. B. Picket Rinker ad
Mrs. W. I. Vawter, Mr. and Mrs. F.
G. Kertson and Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Gus. Woody, living east of Medford.
met with a bad aecid-nt oa Tuesday
evening last, which will disfigure hid
face for life. As he was attending to
his horsos, in some way one of thm
struck him in the face "with his foot,
breaking and smashing in tho check
bono. Ke was brought to t'n and the
wuuiiu uressju oy ur. i . 3. Jones.
Gus is getting along as well as could be'
expected under the circumstances.
Each day. iust as the aiukinir sua is
kissing the hilltops far around, may be ia constant attendance uj.on her, but
seen much of Mwdford'a youth and ' h?r mania ccatinuea to assume more
beauty quietly and sweetly strolling i violent form. Sbo tgtab taken to
amonjr the friendly troes " that shade ' S"'1 Lake, whe-re she baa thre grown
the roadway leadinjr from town toward (children rvsidinjr. reitoratit.? th as
Roxy Ann. There the vounjj man and . jertion that her husniid cad children
maiden fair, free from "all earth's in-i burned her home. The Knowies family
trusion, can safelv warble their tales of j wcr9 v'T hard-working, industrious
love until the shadows or nigh?, sternly ! Pple and they had a pleasant home,
closing down, admonish them that it is i surrounded with choice fruits and
high time to return to "home and j Rowers, and it is little wonder ht the
mother."' Who knows but that ere SKl5lien calamity should have tvmnor-
summer is gone the littl-i sprier of af
r Pf
fection now budding there will srow
into croat trees of love, the existence
of which will creatn a demand for mar
riage lic-iusos and tho minister.
Women's Holier Corps Instituted.
On Thursday of last week Mrs.
M. E. McCall, of A? bland, assisted
by several, ladies of the same place,
instituted Chester A. Arthur Relief
Corps Xo. 3-4, in this city, with
twenty-four charter members. The
fallowing officers were elected and
installed for the ensuing term:
Mrs. Isaac Woolf, president; Mr.".
M. S. Damon, S. V. ; Mrs. J. II.
Whitman, J. V. ; Miss Minnie
Weaver. Hec. ; Mrs. W. K. Davis,
Treas.; Mrsl E. I'roun, Chap.:
Miss Ida Redden. Con.; Missfearah
Aiaann, Asst. Con.; Mrs. Etta Ear
hart, Guard ; Mrs. Minnie Pliipps,
Asst. Guard. The following ladies
from Ashland were in attendance:
Mesdaaies Crocker, Casey, Mc
Clunic, Ganiard, Hammond, Tol
man, Ganiard, Savlo, Beach,
Veghte, La Vulley, Corbett. "
A Dilricult Problem.
The people are wondering- who is go
ing to bo the next chief ruler of this
great United Slates, but wonders never
ceaee. Call at the New York Cheap
Cash Store and see the prices put on
men's and boys' clothing. You will
cartainly wonder at tho good valueo re
ceived. Bonds and Bondsmen.
J. L. Woolridge, county assessor,
presents his ofilcial bonds in the mm of
$-3,iXK), with Chas. Niclcull and K. Kubli
as suratles. Bond examined and ap
proved. . .
Bowen Porter, coroner, presents of
ficial bond in tho sum of $3.0D0, with
M. P. Hull and Wm. P. Jacoby as sure
ties. Approved.
John E. Pelton, sheriff, presents of
ficial bond in the sum of $10,000, with
Horace Pelton and It. P. Neil as sure
ties. John E. Pelton, tax collector, pre
sents bonds in tha sum of $10,003, with
Chas. NicUell and Ja:ne3 Helms as
Chas. J. Howard, oounty surveyor,
presents official bond iu the sum of
",0t0, with G. H, Haftkius and E. P.
Geary as sureties. Approved.
Max Muller, county clerk, files bonds
In the sum of $10,0.:0, with C. C. Bcek
man and K. Kubli as suretiss. Ap-
proveu ana aceeptea
vvm. m. iiotm?s, coumy recorctor,
present bonds in the sum of S3,(MX),
with K. Kubli aud O. Harbaugh as
sureties. .'Approved. .
Gso. F. Bloomer, county treusuror,
presents bonds in Ihe sum of .$0,000,
with J. Nunan, K. Kubli, Bonj. Hajv
mond and Chas. Kickoll a sureties.
Royal .. .
Baking Powder
Will produce One ; Hun
dred cubic inches of leav
one third more biscuit
of any other baking
them lighter, sweeter,
U. S. Gov't
I. O. O. F. Installations.
At. the last regular meeting of
Medford lodge No. S3, I. O. O. F.,
the following ofl'icprs were installed
by W. I. Vawter, D.. D. G. M., for
the ensuing six months: -Clias.
Strang. P. G.; D. S. Youngs, N. G.;
A. 0. Nicholson, R. S.; M. Puidin,
P. S.; A. M. Woodford. Treas ; Geo.
F. Mcrrimnn. W.; J. R. Wilson. C;
B. F. Adkins, R. S. N. G.; W. F.
Shawver, L. S. N. G. ; A. S. Ham
mond. R. S. V. G.; V. S. Reej., L.
S. V. G., Jay Brad icy. R. S, S.; K.
A. Johnson, L. S. S. ; Clarence Kel
logg, I. G.; C. C. Taylor, 0. G.
The following officers of Olive
Rebekah Degree lodge No. 2S xvere
installed by Mrs. I. A. Webb, D. D.
G. M., on iast Tuesday -vening for
the next term: Mis Helen Strang,
P. G.; Mrs. D. S. Youngs, N. G.;
Mrs. j. L. WebUV. G.; A. C. Nich
olson, Sec.; Clarence Kelloge, P. S.;
Mrs. H. G. Nicholson, Treas ; Mrs.
T. Woolf, R. S. N. G.; D. S. Youngs.
L. S. N. G.; Mrs. I. A. Merriman,
W.; Mrs. G. II. Haskins. Con.; Mrs.
B. S. Webb, Chap.; Mrs. A. M.
Woodford. R. S. V. G.; Miss Laura
Webb, L. S. V. G.; Miss Ora Ad
kins. I. GA Mr. C5:as. Strane.
0. G.
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised drug
gist to sell Dr. Kind's New Discovery
for consumption, coughs and colds. uj
on this condition. If you are nffiieu-d
with a cough, cold or any iung. throat
or chest trouble, and will"uso thU tvm-
I ody as directed, giving it a fair trial.
and cxpriruco no relief, you miiy re
turn tne Dottle ami have your money
refunded. We eould not make this of
frdidwcnot know that Dr. Kins'
New Diicovary could bo rvlmd on. It
at G. H. liul-kina' dru- stcrc Iir-r,,
siso 5Cc and sl.UU.
, , .
. ;T""T h
Mrs, t. Y. KnowUrii. whos huusj
ri . . - t . u . I
T''"'-!' We"' ,laA v.l0!'?nl br1"
' family and two physicians Lavo b.en
amy aenriveu mo v.omuu oi uer rea
son. Ilersou s;arted with her Vo Salt
Lake Sunday. whil her husbnnd re
mains h ir with the oth r children to
re-build their home.
Startling- News.
For bnrjrains in boots and shoes
footwear of all kinds, apply at
New Yokk Cheap c.'.u Stork.
" Cooper Block:
Real Estate Traaafora.
Cor,:aQthx Mairrurtrr to Aaiuia Fonl, It 5
and 6. bik -V CDimt Point. ?r.o.
U & T Co lo Gpo H Amlrt-w. blk 91. SS. ?. 1
T. K. S. 10. 1 1. IS. 13. 14. l. li"-. ti. IS. blk V. blk ,t.
5!. SI. lis 1. S. 3. 4. 5. t. In blk 04 blk , 4S, -H, 4j.
K K Mild to Pba-nlx.
J i rllruscv. sl'iriB. to M!n Winchester.
It . bU 14. Mcdtonl Hndlu 4,5,1V. bik W. Med
lord. iIM.i1.
i J (I Hinlfrr to Prank Chirein. IliEd .ly-.iUi
; lnr JackAcni flic. fcxv.
j Cmrlinc Tim.T to Mary J! C'hlMcrs. land lu
j iec l. tp .'(7 , r w. tr.' nctx-a Vci.v
! Ansln M Ford to Kdiinrlc Konl. land-in ! L
ll XI s. r S . S S KO ncn.5, w.
Mnuii M Clark lo Julie E Mii:c. lt- .1. 4. rml
SE', o( NWH aad sV v, o( XE'- Sec 2, Ti33.i.
it Se. . 4S-10O acres. :m
Hurry J Gordon to same. SVi See ia. Tp an
James L Gordon to same, SE!i 3tc II Ti 33.
Olat Rye BjertcRaard to sania, NV 1 4 S i-?.
John Clark to same, KE I A Soc if. Tp S. KV.
Robert G Roliert-i to unir.c, lot S and SS 1-1 of
N W 1 4 and N4 o SW 1-4 Sec 4, Tp Sos. it So,
V. S. to Gilbert Chrle:isen. 3-iof NV M.
Sec 2. Tp 333. 11 S. ion aenw. -
U 8. to Kdorln Harlow. S' of SE 1-4. Sec x
Tp. 3Ss, It 3e, ft) acres.
V to Luther G Porior.a'i acres, TpSJ,
Ij. O. Porter to Rarhel M Johnsou, land la
Sec 3. Tp 3."s, K I r, acres, H(.
. Campers, Attention.
A full line of wall touts, camp stools
camp chairs, otc, at lowest prices, at
Angle & Plymale's.
Probate Court.
Estate of Velt Srhultz: properly
lued at
i.000; order ndmlltinu will to
will lo nr
mhate, with
Johanna Schultr. aa cxbculor alii
ml K. C. nuck
man, J. Nunan and Charles Nickell appralacrs.
The best binder twine in ths
market at Merriman & Logate for
Fourteen and one-half cents per
Marriage Licenses.' .
License IksupA July 4, 1KB, to Charles Han
dles and Viola MuNell. .
JulyS, to John H. Kneulacd end Maggie
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve.
Tho b?st salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, uloors, salt rheum, fover
sorc.i,tjttor, chap)ed hands-, chilblains,
corns, and all akin eruptions, and posi
tively euros piles, or no nav reo uived.
! it ia guaranteed to glye pertect satis-
faction or monoy refunded. Price ile
por box. For salo by G. H. Iluskins. -
, Married. '
tn Uniontown Drei-lnet. July 3. 1S03. by W. .?
Plmale, J. p., 1. I. Buck aad Miss Edna
Yulo beat Harvard in a boat race at
Jew Loudon, Coiui.
The United Stales senate has passed
the Stewart tilver coinage bill
Professor Theodore D wight of Colum
bia college, died at Utica, N. Y.
Three hundred negroes at Huyues,
Lee county. Ark., took one of their race
from the jail and hanged him. He as
saulted a i-pear-old colored girl.
Tho Homestead iron works at Pitts
burg has discharged all their employes,
aud thus forced an issue with the union
making it a lockout instead of a strike.
Rev. Dr. John Nouri, a:i eiuiueut
Greek icl;ol.r and traveler, who is now
at San Francisco, claims to have found
Xoah's ark.' AcvcordiiK; to hid tale it is
on the top of Mount Ararat.
Almost $5,000 yas realised at an open
air performance of "As You Like It" in
Senator Farwell's residence grounds al
Chicago. Ada Itehau was the Rosalind.
The performance was for charity.
Kansas farmers are having great dif
ficulty in getting enough hands to har
vest the enoruious wheat crop now
ready for cuttiurj. It w believed the
yiold will be the largest in the history
of the state.
Ed Banks wa hinged at Montezuma,
Ga., for the murder of Will Bevlin ip
1SS0. On the sc-xl 1 1 Iw read a loug
statement to the assembled crowd of
4,000 people. As lie went through the
trap tbe groans aud goto of tbe multi
tude were distressing.
The Chicagos and Ciacinnatis played
a game of baseball at Cincinnati tbe
other day, which was declared a draw
after the twentieth hiding. The last
run was made iu the fifth inuing. The
score was T to 7. Darkness -prevented
the game being finished.
The bill amending Uio Chinese exclu
sion apt, introduced in the senate the
other day, requires a Chinaman appear
ing before a court nud r arrest for not
having a certificate to show by a wit
ness other his own cooutrymeo,
that hisfailnre tj hvi; itis uaa voidable,
or else suffer the penalties of the law.
An artesian wt 11 thrive uiKes southeast
of Bethany, on the west side of the Sun
Jonquui river, S00 fort deep, has a flow
of 4.000 to S.IW3 g-Ilons of water a day.
The water is etiargvd with snliihtireted
hydrogen gas. bat will be aa;2r2id to
see if it cm be ael for irriij-itioa pur
poses. An encrmens school of Sfh kr.own as
barracuda w.ia sporlinj in MonUTey
hay off the ba:h hoiuie wfcarf, when
with a sudden turn they hendi-d straight
for the bwtch without diminution iu
their speed nr.d were soon Isnd. 1 high
and dry npon the shore. Many jrties
who were fortruate enough to bs in the
vicinity gathered baskets of tbs Fqninn
ing fih bofore they oald regain the
iwater. 1 te ttn were ur.ven acDore ov
. 8th1'1 of whale.
Emma Aili of MUwsn!rte. a niece of
I ex.-Govcn:or Yates, has brought suit
tt.n vears 3S0 g-a was learned to Jero
mouth Blimonv.
Mrs. AilU had trouble
i " ccllectais he
alimony and c nnmbcr j
of letters pa.sse.1 btftwt-en Mr. AUis ud
herself. lie tiniuly rkrMudeu nt-r to
aecpt I.5.0OO iu seUlezu-ut for nil claims
and he would remarry hr. Failing to
keep his nreotaeat the brought suit
afTiiast hi;a.
The pension oiKcers at Chicago have
discovered that Mrs. Alice L. Taylor of
Monnt PleasaSt. Ia.. the v-'ife of Dr.
John S. Taylor, surgeon in the Twenty
third minor infantry dnrinjj the war,
who has been confined in various insane
atylnma s'.uco 1S33 as an ir.fiine panper,
has been drawing and convertinir to her
own nse his pension iJ (73 a njouth
since July. 1ST4. receiving in tbe aggre
gate $10.54;!, none tf which has been
ned for his benefit. Mrs. Taylor waa
tnien to Chicago and compromised with
the govern mimt fy the payment of
(3.J0O, She i well known iu Iowa as a
temperance worker, her writings on the
auhjtet h.-.vini; a wiue eirenUition.
A Bnrlington, in., dispatch says: The
river here is now larha only fear incltvs
of equalics; the great vise of J!??, which
was the luphust point the water has
rvachei since the noT.coilentei rise of
ISol. A ri.-o if two more inches will
flood a number of UHsetuonta containing
valuable to:''Ja an'l morhanta a busy
removiujr their jxls to higher rronnd.
Tne waves -.if the river now bp the track
of the Burlington. Cei'.ar Rapids and
Xorthern line. The Dinmoud Jo boat
freitththouse is entirely surrounded aud 1
the water U five feet deep ou the ofilce
Koor. The water camo up over t!ie first
floor of the Bnrlingtou Boat club house
anij the guests to a b;dl there were fer
ried to the door of trausfetred by means
of an cxt":uorir.ed bridge. Mauy build
ings along the river front hare been an
chored down to keep them troin floating
away. The water completely covered
the mouth of the big city sewer aud
backed np and filled tho b:isements for
several blocks with fill a. In the pres
ent condition of things a heavy rain
would be a disaster to the city, ai a tor
rent rushing into the sewer from the
nppcr portion of the city aud having no
outlet into the river, would rip the
sewer up all along the the route and
cause immense damage. The Carthage
and Qnincy branch of the Burliustou
road has four more inches to spare hut
tbe embankment beiug sand fill is fast
crumbling away and traffic may be sus
pended at any time. The river above
Bnrhngton ia twenty miles wide. A
bout cau travel in three feet of water
Anywhere between Kingston, Ia., aud
liladstone, 111.
Piano L inder,
It is the best
Runs the easiest.
Binds the neatest.
Cuts the cloaat-Bt.
I the oheapt Bt.
. Wastes no rain.
Ia always on hand at
Piano Binder,
Piano Einder,
Piano Binder,
Piano Binder,
Plar.o Binder,
PI: no Binder,
Merriman & Legat;
Medford, Ore.
The Only Place
WE CHflliliEflGE
The World for r"urity of Goods.
idford Distilling and Refining Co.
Our Beads ar-a. mate from the best cf Corn and Eye and sre
We Solicit Your Valued Orders.
vr Tnr7rc:i-ic erratic:
General Merchandise Groceries,
-- -
i r rcba uucuu unu i-axu.
Cigars and Tobacco, Canned Fruits, Vegetables acd Meat,
Extracis, Fpices, Flour, Matches, Etc., Etc.
'.Produce Taken in E.xrc7iange.
Carpets, and Paper
o --Curtains
UMertaMflfi GareffillY Attended to. :
X). EL 3ME
hardware, Stoves,
and Fine
Vrranted Cuilerv. Caroeatcrs and Builders
Redjacket Force Fumps, for deep or
Vtc Pres.
Jackson County Bank.
CAPITAL, - $50,000 ' Medford, Oregon.
Loau money on approved security, receive deposits subject to check,
and transact a general banking business on thi most favorable terms.
. , CQrYour Business Solicited.
Corbin Banking Co., N. Y. Pacific Bank, Sen Francisco.
Commercial National, Portland. . Ladd & Busli, Salem.
Tliia fuod is just the tlun.c for Colts and Horses whea in traiuing, and fcetfw Workinir
stock hi tiileudid tonditiuq. Marvin frcds anil mcoir.meu'.u i; ; so do Goldsmith. Gamble, Holly
and Valentin. The furetnost Vet of the state iurtorse i.?: . snoh ax Vusocro, B-.trns, Kyaa
ed Uree'y. Onr l-i; K-.1 is also uwfl bysomeofourb.- i'ultry Kaisa-i; It iMslrr-ng. chea
ad rcuuulc. Aik your dealer or aeud lo Mautiatiau t-'uud to., !i Howard Si., S. K., '1.
in Town Where -
ALE, Proprietors.
Strained Honey, Pure Cider, Vinegar
- EK m-
Tinware "
Building Materia!.'
TniL v-tM-- V -
shullow weilt. Tin Shop Attached
u. y.
HOWARD, -Cavhtvr.
Asst. Cashier
CHARLES STRANG, Drist, Agent, Medfoixl. Ore,