Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, July 08, 1892, Page 1, Image 1

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Do you study your best Inn-r
esin ami patronize tut paper. It
win nvicztAUsa oy an uie uei
t urmcru, lrtm whom you gtsl trade.
Paper Of, By and Foj1 the. People!
NO. 27.
jfji. M-
K. Of P. Talisman lodge No. 31. meets M a
day evening at 8 p. m. Visiting brothers al
ways welcome. c. I. Hutch isos, C. C.
J. A. Whitman, K. of It. & S.
A. O. U. W. LodRO No. 98. meets every sec
ond and fourth Tuesday in the month at 8 p. in.
in their hall in tho opera block. Visiting
orothcrs invited to attend. -
I. A. Webb, M. W.
B. S. Webb, Sec. .
I. O. O. F. Lodge No. S3, meets in I. O.'O. P.
hall every Saturday at at & p. m. Visiting
brothers always Welcome.
A C. Nichoi.sos. Eec. Sec
I. O. O. F. Rotnie River Encampment. Lodge
No. 30. meets in I. O. O. F. hail the second and
fourth Wednesdays of each month at 8 p. m. .
W. I. Vawtex, C. P.
B. S. Webb, Scribe.
Olive Rebckah Lodge No. 38. meets in I. O.
O. F. hall first and third Tuesdays of each
month. Visiting sisters invited to a'ttend.
Mrs. D. S. Yocsgs, N.O.
A. C Nichoios. Sec.
A. F. A. M. Meets Brst Friday no or be
fore fall moon at S p. m in A. O. U. W. hall.
N. L. Narkegan, W. M.
J. S. Ho-ward, Sec
G. A. R. Chester A. Arthur Post No. -17.
meets in 1. A. R. hall every second and fourth
Thursdays in each month at 7:S0 p. M.
G. C. Noble. Com.
J. H. Farts, Adjt.
F. A. & I. TJ. L. L. Polk lodge No. 263, meets
every Tuesday atS p. m.
J. V. Miller, Pres.
G. S. Bbigos, Sec
Epworth Leaque meets each Sunday even
In? at 6:30. D. T. Lawton, president, Julia
Fulde, secretary. .
Yenns People's Lit -rary meets FrLlay even
ing of each week, uuder the auspices of the
Ei worth League.
W. C. T. U- Meets at Christian church every
Monday evening at 7 p. m.
Mks. a. a. Kellogg, Pres.
Mrs. E. P. Hammond, Secy.
Y. M. C. A. Meets every Sunday at S p tn.
at M. E. caurch. . V. S. Hally, Pres.
AL E. Right, Sec
Secretaries of above lodges will please attend
to corrections. Any society wishinc; to have a
place in this directory will please hind in nec
essary data.
Methodist Episcopal Church E. E. Thomp
son, pastor. Services the second and fcurtii
S6iattis; morning. II a. m.. cveniag,7:C0p.m
Prayer mseiing uto p. m. Thursday. " Sunday
school each Sunday as 10 a. m. A. E. Johsvu,
superin ic n dent.
Christian Church P. R. Burnett, pastor.
Preaching first and third Sundays in momh.
m-rnin? and evening. Worship every Sunday
morniug. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Prayer
meeting every Taursday evening.
Presbyterian Chnrcn F. J. Kdmunds, pas
tor. Preaching at 11 a. ra. and 7-.V0 p. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. ra. Y. P. S. C. 6:15 p:ra.
Baptist Church is at present without a" pas
tor. Prayer meeting every Wednesday eves
in?. Sunday school at. 10 a. m Furlii'er iiolice
g;ven as son as yasuir i3 secured.
The pastors of the different churches are re
quested to attend to corrections.
PIOTE lift
Physician axd Surgeon
Medford, Oregon.
OSce: Rooms 2 & 3. I O. O F. Bldg
B. WAIT, .
Physician and Scrgkon.
Medford, Oregon.
OSce: In Childers Block. ".
Physician and Surgeon.
" Medford, Oregon.
Office: Cor. C and 7th sts,
Physician and Suegson.
Medford, Oregon.
Office: Hamlin block, up stairs.
Resident Dentist.
Makes : a specialty . of, first-class
work at reasonable rates.
Office in opera house, Medford.Or
AttV and CoUl.ShLLOR-AT-I.AV.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Will practice in all courts of the
. ' , State. '
Abstractor and Attokney-
Medford, Oregon. .
Office in bank building. Have the
most complete and reliable ab
stracts of title in Jackson county
Attorney and Counsellor--At
Medford, Oregon.
Office: In Opera block.
Medford, Oregon.
QSfice: J O O F, Building.
1. in L i
Weaver and Field Named on the
First Ballot.
Knights of Labor Resolution
Gresham Declines Sood Feel
ing: Throujrhout-
Omaha, July 5. Thes afternoon ses
sion of thj p;ople:s national convention
yesterday aid not settle down to busi
ness until nearly 3 o'clock. Tho firs:,
business was thej report of the co
tea on plittoi-m. Th s sub
mitted the following, which was
Ve demand u national currency, safe,
sound flexible, isucd by tho gen
eral government: a full l-"pal tender
for all debts, public and pr:va;e, and
that without beuikinsr cjrpoea 10 is; a
just, equi;abK- and suBiei. nt aisti ibu
110a to' the people; a tax not to exceed
2 J er cer.t per snm in. to be provided
as set forth in the subtreeasury plau of
tne farmers' alliance, cr a better s; s
tem; also by payment in the diichare
of itj obligations for public improve
ments. (a) We dsmand the fros and unlim
ited eoinage of silver and cold at the
present legal ratio of IS to 1.
(b) We demand the amount of cir
culating medium bee srecdily increased
ti not less than 50 pjr capita.
(c) We demand a graduated iccome
(J) We believe the monoy of the
country should ba kept as much as pos
sible in the bands of ihi people, ar.u
hence demand all stale and national
revenues shall be limited to the neces
sary expenses of ths government, eco
nomically and honestly administered.
(e) We d Jinaud postal savings banks
b3 established by the government for
the saf j deposit of the earnings of the
people and to faciiitata exchange.
Transportation being the mans of
exchange and a public necessity, the
government should oivn and operate
lh3 railroads in the interests of the
pople. The U-U-graph aud telephone,
liiie the pot; fiice system, b-ing a ne-e-'ssity
for the transioiajion 01 nsws,
should bi owned and operated by the
government iu the interests of the pec
d1. Lmd. iacluding n!l tho natural
svjrc's of wealth, i-s 'ha htritsge of
the peapi'', and should not b3 monopo
lized for speculative purpoi.s, and
alien owj rship of land sdo-i d be pro
Li .j. ted. All la.d now held oy the
roa. s and o'.he:- curpoi alio: s, in excess
cf tten actual neeos, and ati lands ruw
owned by aliens, should be reclaimed
by the governing nt. and held for aetuui
settlei s only.
Af er th ? adoption of tiis p!alf-rm, a
m.s.-ag9 wa3 r waived frjm V. vj.
Gresham absalut ly d c'iaia ths
nomina".io:i for presideaL. After dis
cussion of th-; situation, the convention
adjourned until 8 o'clock in the even
At ths evening session tho first ac
tual business was the reading oi the
following addition to the platform,
rrhich was unanimously adopted:
Whereas, Other questions having
been pres nted lor our consideration,
wo htreby submti the following, not 1 8
a part of tho piat.'orm of the itople"s
part;, but as a resolution expressive of
the sentiment of this convention:- We
d 'inand a freo ballot and fair count in
all eleclioni, and pledge ourselves t-j
secure it to every ligul vo'er withoLt
fel .ral intarven.ioc, throih theadop
ti jn by state9 of the unpji-vortei Aus
tealiaa cr 8 cret bailot syst.m. The
revenue derived from a graduated in
coaie lax should ie applied to the re
duetion cf the burcen ct taxation no
levi ;d upon the domestic industries ol
the country. We pledge . suppoi t to
fair and liberal p.nsions to ex-uniou
soldiera and sailors. We eorulein j pro
t c ing American Ubor under tho
ei t system, which 0;jcns our pt,rs to
the pauiier and criminal cias-.e oi the
world, and crowds out our Wi.go earn
ers, and we denounce the present in
effective laws against contract labor,
and demand a further restric
tion of undesirable immigration.
Vo cordialiy sympathize with the
efforts of organized workingmcu
to shortsn their hours of labor,
and demand a rigid enforcement of the
existing eight-hour law on government
works, and ask a penalty clause be
added to said law. We regard the
maintenancs of the largo standing
a. mies of-mercenaries, 4c town as the
Piakertou system, as a ma.'acu to our
liberties, and we condemn tho recent
invasion of the territory of Wyoming
by the hired assassins of plutocracy,
assisted by Foderal oHicjrs. We com
mend to tho thoughtful consideration
of the people and tne reform press the
legiilativo system known as iha init.ii
tive and rofuroadum. We favor a con
stitutional provision limiting the
offices of preaid-nt and vice-president
to one term, and providing for ihc
election of senators for tho United
States by tho direct vota of tho peo
ple. We oppase any su'isiiy or na
tional aid to any private corporation
for any purpose .
Hugh Cavanaugh, of Ohio, theu in
troduced the following resolution,
which was adopted:
Resolved, That this convention 6ym
pathiz -s with the Knights of Labor in
their rigttious contest with the tyran
nical combine of clothing manufactur
ers cf Rochester, and declares it the
duty of all who hate tyranny and op
pression to refuse to purchasa goods'
made by said manufacturers, or to .pat
ronize any merchant who. soils such
Aftar adoptiirg the resolution, a roll
of states was called for the pre
sentation of candidates for tho presi
dency. When Alabama was culled
Delegate Planning placed in nomina
tion General Jas. B. Weaver, of Iowa.
Colorado yieldod to S. F. Norton, of
Illinois, who placed Senator Kyle, of
South Dakota, in nomination.
Stephen H. Bashnr, of Illinois, nom
inated Senator Van Wyck, of Ne
braska. It was midnight when the balloting
began. The result was as follows:
Weaver P93
Kyle 275
Scattering 4
Morton of Illinois, moved to mnko
the nomination unanimous, and Schill
ing, of Wisconso!, seconded the nomi
ation. It was carried with a hurrah
and loud cheering, ending with calls
for Weaver. Tho general was not
present, and.a committee was appointed
to escort him to the hall.
With little delay the roll of states
was calied for nomination for vice
president. General P. Gaither, of Alabamr,
presented tho nutno of Ben Terrell, of
Texas, for th honor.-
Delegate Reverely, of Arkansas,
nominated General James G. Field, of
Virginia, and the nomination was sec
onded by a Colorado man.
Final I r balloting was begun, and the
first ballot resulted: Field, 733: Ter
rell. 554.
Weaver and Field each mada spirited
addresses, ar.d at 3 s. m. tho conven
tion adjourmed sine die.
The Situation.
Editor Ssutticra sircsor. Mail:
It is so hard to pprsnade the
average vcU-r of the magnitude, of
the crisis that is upon us as 11
nation. This is r.ot so much -the
want of intelligence as an innate
desire of inaction; the dread tu
launch out into new fens and to
traverse the) unexplored.
That the majority of the Peo
ple's Party have the impending
crisis not only in their heads, hut
also in their heart., is now a dem
onstrated fact, find newr before 111
our history, not even in the old
slave days, have principles been
studied ;.i:d comprehended Unit
reb.te to our nation's vrc-lf.ire and
existence as a republic as r.o.v.
Never before have a people mo:c
keenly felt that there is but two
ways before them victory soon at
the polls, or republican death
wi.h all that means.
The same furcis are nt work
this day in our nation that have
destroyed every nation of history,
except those destroyed by subjuga
tion ar.d'the ppeid with which we
have approached this ui.-is lias
never before been equaled, because
cf the prolific soii in which and by
which it has been propagated and
nourished. .
Vice has always been the sub
ject of legislative icstrainls, but
in this cvuntry vice, in a borrowed
garment, has- legislated unto itself
powers which belong only t-i virtue
and ir.stead of being legislated
against most sli legis!ai!on fi r the
past '25 years has been in favor of
vice, double distilled ar.d as per
nicious as the '"baleful dews" i f
Charim's dreary lake, and unices
speedily restrained our republic
will be destroyed.
We are told that ' tho People's
Paity wilt soon be a thing of the
past." If so, then will also cur
republic be a thing of the past;
th-.-v live or die together.
Just how the plutocratic forces
will strengthen their forces, in the
fmv days more "of respite granted
them, will depend much upun the
degree of moral degredation tu
which they have arrived. .The pro
verbial straw that broke the
camel's back they have now in
their power of use; will they lay
it on or will telf pic? crvutinti (and
nitli whom perhaps no higher
motive can 1 o.-s.bly weigh) cause
them to retain? To delay is a
possible escape with their ill gotten
g:;ins. Jo lay it 1111 loics an issue
we dread. To even think if the
results which cannot be less than
their political and finauchil death
and must be much more, which of
the tivo ways all things considered
is the better we opine not. Thirty
millions of people are under the
power and control of cipilal
Will they continue to submit and
pass the unremedied evils, down
to coming generations, or for the
good of their childre.i and the
honor of a patriot' name, bid
defiance., now to plutocratic itile?
Stand up and be counted as men
on the side of equal right to all
and special privileges to none.
As for myself i still have faith in
the humanity of man. When once
we get the people to see and under
stand, then will come the victory.
Oil Lord hasten the day.
Ira Wakefield.
Towilerty Will Ho There.
There is a great work ahead: a plat
form is erected: it is u uiaHMvo piece of
workmanship, and is so constructed that
to strengthen tho nation it should bo
placed in Washington, where our law
makers shonld stand on it. Neither the
Democratic nor Republican parties will
help transport it to Washington, for
they have refused to give it transporta
tion on their railroads, and the people
arc leaving their work in field and shop
to help push this platform on to Wash
ington. Tho sidewalks are too narrow,
and to land it at tho capita) we must nil
walk iu tho middle of the road. When
tho candidates for president and vico
president aro nominated on the St.
Louis platform, 1 expect to bo fonnd
just behind them and right in tho mid
dle of the road. T. V. Powderly in
Knights of Labor Journal,
To trie Peoples Party Platform
A Masterly Effort. Read
and Icmembsr.
"Assembled upon the HGth ennivcr
sary of tho declaration of independ
ence, the People's parly, invoking the
blessing cf Almighty God, puts forth
in tha uama of the popl s of the coun
try the following preamblo and declar
ation of principles:
Wc .m ;et in tho midst of a nation
brought to thj verge of moral, political
and mat. rial ruin. Corruption domi
nates tho ballot bjx, tha L-gisUuure,
congivss, uud even .louche tho
ormino of the bench. Tho peo
ple are demoralised; most of the stat;s
have been compelled to isolate voters
at the polling places to prevent uni
versal iulimiuatio;i or bribery. News
papers are subsidized or muzzled; pub
lic opinion silenced; business pros
trated; our homes covered with mort
gages; labor iuioverish -d: lands con
cntraling in the hands cf capitalist?;
urban workmen denied th j right 01
organization for s-df protection: im
ported paup -riznl" !nb.r -bts down
their wage; n hireling standing army,
uuriCrtguiz.-U by law. is established iu
.ho;)t tlKin down, and they arj rapidly
dei'jneriiliii'T into lha Euronean condi
tion: Ih j fruits of tho toil of millions!
aro boldly stolen to build up colossi
fortunes unprcc.xientod in thi iiis'.ory
f maukiud, and tin possessors cf ihesj
ia turn de-piso the n public and en
dangjr liberty. From th sa:n - prolific
womb of covcrnmont injustice we
b.-ord two great classes, tramps and
millionaires. The national power to
create mon.-v is utiDroijrial-.d to enrich
j bondcldets; tlu v;isl public debt, paya-
oie in 1 gai tender, lias been lunU.-d into
gold b aring toads, tber, by adding
miiliotig to !i: buru-.-ns of the i.:cpl".
Silver, which has .been accepted
euia sis;ee the of history, has
been demOiKlued to add to the. pur
chasing power cf gold, by ti.crea.-ii,g
the vaa:e of ail fO:Cisof property, a
well as human hvx.r. aud the Mtppiy of
the currency is purpes .ly abridged to
fatten the Ufurue, bankrupt eulerptise
and enslave industry. A vast conspir
aev against mankind has been orau
iieu mi the two continents, cud n is
raoiiily taking of t-ie aorid.
1 not a;d orei tlin.wn at once, il
forbades a l-.-rrihle s: cial convulsion,
the des'ruc.:o;i of civUise.thm or the
esiablishm.r.t of absoiu;e despotism.
We have witnessed for 1:10.-0 than a
quarter of a century lite struggle- oil
two great Hiiticat parties for jk-v -r j
and plunder, v.i.iie greviou wi-o::g-.
h:vo ben i'.Mieted upon u s-.iteri;ig J
p-e-o.d i. Wo charge the controlling iu- j
ilueno-es. do:ni;:a-ing tolh cf l.vejcl
I parties h.ive pcrua.'.-ed d .-1
jca'.cd con.ii.i-j.i u deve lou w ithcat a
serious eiTcrt to prevent or restrain!
them. Neither do they now promise;
us a y iubs-.autial reforci. Tucy ,
agreed together to i;n-re ia the co.u- j
ing campaign every is?ue bit mo.
Tir-y j:t'j.ose to drown tho cries of
the piund.-ied pcnpl 1 with an uproar
oi a htia bnUle over the taritT, sj tnal
CRpi'.alis'.ic corporal tun . uat:onal liank
rings, iriisis, watered stocks, dern-j' c
tizaliou of Sliver and the o-'press'on of
j all usuivrs may te lost sighi of. They
pivjRiS tj siic. iiiee i,ur umiks, u-
and children on t:i j a'.tar cf in!!!,
to destroy the uv.i' iu o.-der to s
cars co: i;ou funds for millionaires.
escinbled on the aii'iivcrs.iry oi the
birth of tho uaticii, ami fillc-d i;h th-f
-j iritofour graudf who Ci-tab-;i.-hcd
our ieid.p . r.d.uce, wo s ::k to
restore the gov.-ruiu ut of the r. public
to tt.e hairos of te ""lain p-ii'i te. '
with whem it originated. We assert
our purpose to be to fora more peif.ct
us.ion, e.-tablish justice, insure domes
tic tranquility, provide lor a co.iu.tor.
defense, nromut ; g n.ral we'f;iro aud
i secure the blessings cf libariv for our
selves and rity. We dcitirj thii
republic can only endure as a fr. e gov
enrnent u; on the love of the w hole
people for each other and for the na
tion; that itc;m:iol be pinned to cither
by the bay on -t; that the war i-
over. ui:d every passion and rest nt
m -nt which grew out of it must die
with it, and that wo must be in fe.ct
art v.e tre in name, oa ) unit d broihcr-
hox-d of fro. men. Our count: y liudsj
u:o conn on-., u oy ceu:u.iun- n;i
which there is 110 pivcedj t iu tho hiv
lory of the world. Our agricultural
productions nmouuts to biilions of dol
lars, which must iu r. few weeks or
months 'o exchanged for biliiinis of
commodities consumed in th: ir pro
duction. The exU'.ing enrroney sup
ply is holly inadequate t'j male i this
exchange. Tho results are falling
prices, tho formation rf combines and
rings' cud the impoverishment of the
producing cluss.
We pledge ourselves, if given power,
to labor to correct these evils by wise
aud reasonable legialatioa. We believe
the poweis of the government shall be.
expand d. as in the causa of the poj'.a!
s.-rviee, rapidly, and o far as the good
sense of an imelligent people and the
teachings of experience shall justify, to
tho end that o)iprcssion, injusiiea and
poverty tdnill eventually coase In the
land. "While our symnaties, us a party
of reform, uro nalurully upon every
sido of every proposition which will
lend to make mon intelligent and tom
porato, wj nevertheless regard thojo
questions, as imjortint as they are,
subordinat.; to great lsst:os n w press
ing for solution, and upon which not;
only individual prosp-rily, but tho
very exist. ace of fico institutions dc
penrt, and we ask all mon 11 ret to holp
us dotonnino whethor we aro to have a
republic to administer, beforo wo dif
fer, as to conditions upon which it ia to
b.s administered. Believing that the
fore -is of reform, thU day s-.t in motion,
will never ceaso to move forward until
ovory wrong is remedied and equal
privileg-n securely established fer all
men and women, wo doclaro ihero
foro: .
First That the union of tho labor
forces of tho United Suites, this data
cousuraraated, shall bo pernmnont aud
perpetual; muy its spirit cut ir into ail
hearors foe tho salvation of tho reiiub-
j lie and the uplifting of mankind.
Second Wealth belongs to him who
creat jd it, and every dollar takoti from
industry, without equivalent, is rob
bery. "If any man will uot work,
neither shall 113 oat." The interosts
of rural and civic labors are the same;
their enemirs identical.
Third We believe tb.3 time has
come when railroad corporations
must either own tho people or
the people tha corporations, and
should tha government enter up
upon the work of owning and man
aging any, or all, railroads, wo should
favor an amendment of tho constitu
tion that all employes upon such roads
shall, for the lime boiug, forego the
exercise of tneir right of suffrage, in
accordance with tho precedent estab
lished by the constitution as to tho
inhabitants of the District of Columbia.
In' Memory of Coloual Polk and Dr.
Omaha. July 3. The vast assem
blage which ultended the memorial
exercises of the 1 ite Colonel Polk
aiTorde.l a striking proof of tho respect
in which bo was held by the sup
porters of th ; movement of which ho
was instrumental in founding. The
session was devoted exclusively to the
delivery of addresses eulogistic of the
dead companion cf reform, and ex
pressive of tho reverence in which his
name is held. After prayer by Chap
lain Di!T ;ulachor, tho opening ad-dr.-FS
was delivered by LI. L. Leeks, of
South Deikotx who has been s-jleeli
a-, permanent chairman of the conven
tion. One cf the sentiments which
broke the painful stillness of the
gathering, was the declaration, that
th; peopli of ths nw movement
looked to To'.k as tho "Lincoln" of the
era of freedom. Editor MeCune fol
lowed, r.nd Mrs. Todd, of Michigan,
then paid a touching tribute to the
deceased leader. - General Weaver
wes the next speaker. lie gummed
up bri-.-Hy. ia we!l-choson and pathetic
words, the public lit 5 and de.eds of
Cdotiel t'olk. A speech, every mrd
of vehieh irn.s mivrk nl with solemnity
and earnestness, was d divereJ by Mrs.
L, of Kansas, r.nd followed by the
most c'opu.-nl eulogy of the day," that
of igr-auus Denneily. Ia closing, he
sii.i: "A fitting epitaph ovir the
loneb c f the uepe.rt- d leader wcu'd bo
:':ie iiais cf the Quaker poet of 'ew
I.r.ree t'mir.nt. ciarvd t yt- Sac-b as ie
Shuil Kroher: XO'lcg ajx'. btf.
Delegate Ciii .tt. of Iowa, speka of
Mr. D.-iamnter, and Dunnii-g. of Wash
ington. D. C. addinl to the tributes of
Co.oncl Polk. T. V. Powderly also
adu.-d his expression cf regret and
praise, speaking of the leader as well
:is Ueia-naVer.
a scnscrapTiox orr.Kr.D.
Delegate Dean, of New York, pro-
pewa a re&mition to tne fct tact
eoliicticn tvoxes be placed ia every
alliance hnll throrgheut th3 coun'rv
f ir teo parpuMS of receiving oceat
sub;Hjri:'U;.-; to form a fund out of
wh'.e'i the femi'.y cf Celoael I'olk
should be jirot-eted and a roonttntes;
erected to his memory ea the fassily
'ur n in North Carolina. Tho rvsohi
tlri.i was stcoaJed by Ign.stius Don
nelly and carried by acclaarjtion.
Tomcrroiv the resolution wi:l lo fcrm
a!!y presented to the cou vent ion. iMid
(ho 'at LI.-. Delamator will probabiv
b- ineiiitied. With the singing o'
'The S.rect Bye-ar.d-Eye" tha gither
l:g dis!K-rs-ed.
Till rruliiblllnn I'arjT.
The !:idiinr.;x)lu Nauconformist has
a:i 0:1 the l:idiaiui suite conven
tion of the Prohibition party, ia which it
The platform adopted is one that we
can coiiHuetul. and. other tilings being
satisfactory, we could indorrw it. If iu
this campaign any contest must ensue
between us ami them it will not bo
directed against their platform. Tho
reason we rsanct go with that party is
a belief that it hes not comprehend the
re;il conditions aud that it docs uot pre
sent the most efficient remoiies in proper
order. The traRic in intoxicating liquors
should ln fought politically from the
economic ride. Any other presentation
will prove fruitless at this time, and we
cannot snlnirdinate the treineudoaa ia
trwts of the people who are suffering
from hydra headed monopoly to this o::o
line cf attack. Chairman Dickey says
that his party luur-t keep its skirts clear
from any union with the People's party,
and it looks like he will be succrssfuL
It has the appearance or foolishness, but
there is perhaps this consolation, that
move voters will ba whittled off from
the present dominant parties by this
method, and so bring on the final col
lapse sooner.
The lAlili-lst slid II U Fee
Most lobbyists got their pay promptly,
but one well known man, who had been
promised $10.UCU for a job, collected it
only after ustsig strategy. The parties
for whom he worked claimed there was
110 visible evidence, that he was doing
anything for thum, aud ho had been un
able to couvinco them that ho had been
of any service. So ho went to Senators
Plumb and Ihgalis and said he was com
ing iu to see thein with the interested
people. Ilo was going to bluster around
and lay the law down in a way that
would mako his employers stare. The
two senators agreed to tho joko. and tho
lobbyist appeared beforo each of tho
Kansas senators, lie stormed to Ingnlls
aud gave orders to Plumb aliout what
he wanted done. His employers stared
in fear and surprise. Both Knnsans en
tered into the spirit of the tiling and ap
parently submitted ingloriously. Tho
strangers were convinced that their man
was a regular Mogul, and inside of a
few honrs the lobbyist had his money.
Kate Field's Washington.
Tlilx Is tho Tear.
Tho St. Louis Globe-Democrat is very
much exercised because it fears tho Peo
ple's party and Democrats will fuse this
fall in seven western .states and thus
completely knock out tho Republicans.
To discourage such a step it assures tho
Democrats that tho "Alliance men" aro
over so much weaker, politically, this
year than last, aud that while "they mpy
recover soino of their old potency in
or 180-1, they aro powerless to boom this
year." Leaving fusion out of the ques
tion altogether. Tho Globe-Democrat
may discover 'that this is the year of
special potency oa the part of the iado
We Will Also Give Away Ons of Oar Tea Sets. Obi
CtansG for Each Dollar's Purchase cf GoDds.
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Tha best goods at the lowest prices
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Brooxs ANI
Chamois, Sponges and a Full lies cf Toilet Preparations.
All orders aswerod wi;h ear and cisp-atch. Oar stock of Medicine
i coiapleto, warrua'.ed tuii ef the bat qualitr. . - - -
Dealers in.
Stoves, Tin and Willow Ware.
Cycone and Hoosier Pumps.
jp niif in,
fjSTEvery article
UX. G. COOPER, Pfopp.,
Medford, - Oregon.
First-class Board ly'i BaM or lonlli
Centrally Located, West
140,000 Brick en Hand. First Class Quality--"' Lara and Small
Orders Promptly Fills! -
Briek Wotk of fill Kinds
Exssutsd With Satisfaction- Givs Me a Gall.
AT -
for Cash. The highest price paid
produce. "
bears a guarantee.
do M
Side of the S. P. R. R. Depot.
- B