i THE MAIL . IS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THB .FARMERS' ALLIANCE AND PEOPLE'S PARTY OF SOUTHERN OREGON. ADVERTISERS Do you study four beat Inter ests and patronize this paper. It will bo appreciated by ill UiebMt farmers, Ina whom 70a get trade. .. - - A Paper Of, By and For the People! .. VOL. IV. MEDFORD: OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY i, 1892. 7 . NO. 26. SOCIETIES OF MEDFORD. K. of P. Talisman lodge No. 31, moots Mon day evening at 3 p. m. Visiting. brothers al ways welcome. C. I. Hutchison, C C J. A. Whitman, K. of B. & S. - A. O. TJ. w. Lodge No. 98. meets every sec ond and fourth Tuesday in the month at S p. m. ti their hall in the opera block. Visiting orothers inrlted to attend. B. S. Wsbb. See. 1 A. WXBB, M. W. I. O. O. P. Lodge No. S3, meets in L O. O. P. kail every Saturday at at a p. m. Visiting brothers always Welcome. Chas. Strang, N. Q. H. G. Nicholsos. Ree. Sec I. O. O. F. Rogue River Encampment, Lodge No. 30, meets in I. O. O. F. hall the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 8 p. m. . . W. I. Vawtbk, C. P. B-S. Webb, Scribe. Olive Rebekah Lodge No. S3, meets in I. O. O. F. hall first and third Tuesdays of each month. Visiting sisters invited to attend. Heeex Straso, N. O. Ubs. Bbssxs Wiu sec A. F. & A. M. Meets first Friday on or be fore full moon at 8 p. in., in A. O. TJ. W. halL. . - - - N. L. Narbigas, W. 11. J. S. Howard, Sec G. A. R. Chester A. Arthur Post No. 47. meets In G. A. R. hall every second and fourth Thursdays in each month at 7 :30 p. M. G. C Noble, Com. J. H. Faris, Adjt. -- F. A. & L TJ. L. L. Polk ledge No. 233, meets very Tuesday at 8 p. m. J. W. Mff.T.lca, Pres. G. 8. Bbioss, Sao. Epworth League meets each Sunday even ing at 6:Xt D. T. Lawton, president, Julia Fulde, secretary. Toung People's Literary meets Friday even ing of each week, under the auspices cf the Epworth League. W. C. T. TJ. Meets at Christian church every Monday evening at 7 p. m. Mrs. A. A. Eeixogg, Pres. MBS. E. P. BLUMOSD, ec"y. Y. M. C. A. Meett every Sunday at 3 pm. at M. E-church. W. 3. Eiai, Pres. M. E. RIGBT, Sec . , i . . Secretaries of above lodges will please attend to corrections. Any society wishing to have a place in this directory will please hand is nec essary data, CHURCHES OF MEDFORD. Methodist Episcopal Church E. E. Thomp son, pastor. Services the second and fourth Sabbaths; morning, II a. m.. evening, 7:30 p. tn Prayer meeting at S p. m. Thursday. Sunday school each Sunday as 10 a. m. A. E. Johnson, superintendent. Christian Church P. R- Burnett, paster. Preaching first and third Sundays in month, jnornin j and evening Worship every Sunday morning. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Presbyterian Churcn F. J. Edmunds, pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sun - day school at 10 a. m. T.P.S. C. E., 0:15 p.m. Baptist Chorea is at present without a pas tor. Prayer meeting every Wednesday even ing; Sunday senool at 10 a. m Further notice gives as soon as pastor is secured. - The pastors of the different churches are re quested to attend to corrections. PDFESSiilL GflRDS. B. PICKEL, Physician and Sdrgeon Medford, Oregon. Office : Rooms 4 3. LO.OF. Bldg J B, WAIT, '-Physician and Surgeon. Medford,. Oregon. Office: In Childers Block. E PrGEARYj Physician and Surgeon. Medford, Oregon. Office: r Cor. C and 7th sts. f. S. JONES, Physician and Surgeon. Medford, Oregon. Office: . Hamlin block, up stairs. u R. Gi F. DEM0RE3T, PB0GRES5 P PREGEDEHT ONJ5 OF IBS NATION'S POSTS . , DiSCCiXBSES THEKEON. Existing: Conditions Which Must bo Changed or the End of Our Conn try's History is at Hand. Resident Dentist. Makes a specialty ' of first-class work at reasonable rates. Office in opera house, Medford, Or ROBT. A. MILLER. Att'y and Counskllor-at-law. Jacksonville, Oregon Will practice in all courts State. of the J. H. WHITMAN Abstractor and Attorney- At-Law. : Medford, Oregon. Office in bank building. Have the most complete and reliable ab stracts of title m Jackson co unty TltlLLARD CRAWFORD, Attorney and Counsellor . i. -At Law. ' - Medford, Oregon. Office': In Opera block. A USTINS-HAMMOND, Attorney-At-Law. y ' ' Medford, Oregon. Office: - I.O.O.P. Building. Written for the Mail by James G. Clark. Ingersoll very truthfully says: ''Precedent is osnally what the other jackass did." The majority of people are gov erned entirely by - precedent and cling - tenaciously - - to opinions and moral , conditions in herited from the past, no matter how imperfect and manifestly ob structive (hose opinions and condi tions may be. Humanity as a whole, is always riding to mill with corn in one end of the Saeki and in the other end a stone to balance it, aud alvvays getting angly and shouting "crank," "agitator." "fanatic," "socialist," and "disturber of the peace" to whomever advises it to throw away the stone and allow the grist to ad just itself through the natural law of equitable division and distribu tion. And so the blind, stupid, obstin ate, egotistical mass moves ou or rather, is dragged along by the heels and tail against its will aud despite its protests, its threats and its kicks until it subsides into belter conditions and a more recep tive frame of mind from 6heer exhaustion. Then, when it finally awakens to a dun consciousness of the im proved situation, it complacently rubs its eyes and 6tomach, and looking in the face of inventors and reformers whom it has maligned. insulted, slandered and stoned. says, "We've got here all haven't we?" The excuse uttered in that wail of despair on Calvary, "They know not what they do," is the only sat isfactory solution to the perplexing and provoking conuuidrum. It was so at Jerusalem. It wns so in 1776 in America. It was so during the anti-slavery agitation when 3, 000,000 black siaves were lifting their fettered bands to heaven for help denied them by 30,000,000 white freemen, who remained in different to every appeal made by a little handtul 01 emancipators in behalf of simple justice and fair play, until the slaveholders them selves forced the issue and com pelled the sordid and pusilanimous north, v-'hose merchants and manu facturers were coining gold out of the black chattel's toil and Etripes, to answer their challenge with an army of soldiers; nearly every one of whom marched to the field of ttle 8 wearing that he went forth to "right for the flag and not to free the nigger," who, over all olher6, was in the greatest need of protec tion under the flag. Ai.d it will be bd until the last trump announces the final enlightenment or death of all the fools on earth. It is worse than vanity to expect that it will be otherwise during the industrial conflict in the country, where wage-workers who earn on an average $10 per day receive less than 20 per cent of that amount; where we have 10,000 miiiiouancs and a million . and half of unem ployed men that have in the gov ernment and society no possible interest save that inspired hv hatred for a svstem through which capital has been premitted to crowd them out of work and home by cornering labor-saving ma chinery that dispenses with the service of 470,000,000 Jabor-jis working eight hours a day. These so-called "tramps" are on the in crease, while fools are saying amen and expecting the condition to last forever. Of course, I refer to fools in the qualified or partial sense. and as regards the spiritual and moral faculties out of which looks the mortal soul and through and into which shines the new light from the higher Jaw and the higher life. J1 or while the animal nature and acquisitiveness of civilized man have through the spur of in spiration of competitive trade and struggle, been developed to the verge of insanity and disolution, the hemisphere which represents man's better nature has been left to languish in disguise and gather inc darkness. In the mean lime the intellect, for the want of proper incentive and encouragement to reach for higher prizes, has largely degener ated Into a paid servant and pro 6titiite of commerce and of Mam mon, until, as a rule, great and responsible offices are seldom within the reach of men of great hearts and minds, but are pur chased by men of great wealth. Men like Webster, Clay, Stewart, Douglas, Lincoln," Summer, and Conklin who are never remem bered or spoken of in connection with commercial values, but who live' as statesmen and great moral and intellectual figures and forces have retired and given place to Senators, Judge3 and p6litical leaders who have brought their way to public recognition and national notoriety, and who, except for the accidents or incidents of wealth, would . never hava been known outside of their respective localities. The leading "writers" in our leading reviews and, to a certain extent, even in our fashion and family journals prominent among which are the Ladies' Home Journal and Youth's Com panion are men who have made their mark as money-getters or professional warriors rather than teachers and thinkers, while, alas, uur "Cicero" is Chauncey M. De pew. Mr. Depew is a man who gets a salary of $75,000 a yearfor presid ing over the Vanderbilt' railway lines and for acting as the oratori cal mouth-piece of Wall street. He is a man who openly proclaims that from now on "the nations are to be ruled neither by Kings. Presi dents nor the people, but by the merchants and bankers." lie is the man who "beleives in special providences" that the ruler of the universe "ordered that the short crops in the Old World t the end that the American farmers might, through the advent of returning prosperity, vote to save the coun try by keeping in power the repub lican party." Mr. Di'pew is a pious man who has not discovered that a man can no mora make a success in the attempt to serve God and Mammon now than he could 1.S00 years ago. stewards we all are, say, well done. "Inasmuch as ye did it unto the least of one of these, ye did unto me." Enter through the gate into the joya of the Lord. I. W. CHAIRMAN TAUBENECK. Beware, Thou Plutocrat Fool! Editor SouUsera Oregon Vail: The shadow of a great national crisis is upon us. The people are being arraigned on one side and"il-e money power on the other in the light. 'impending conflict 1 he issue is the ever recurring principle of might against right, tyranny agaiitst freedom, master versus slave, and while the name changes with times and condition t is View of the Froe Silver Hen Tha People's Party's Itricht Prospects. Hon. H. E. Taubeneck, chairman of the executive committee of the People's party, during attendance upon the silver convention iu Washington, granted The Economist an interview. "1 am here as a looker on in Vienna," he said pleasantly, with a wave of his hand toward the platform of tho Con cordia hall, where Shinn, of Kansas, was holding forth to lees than 200 delegates end visitorn, "not in official capacity. I have little hope of our being nblo to fuse 6ur interests with these people. They have only one issue free coinage. They wish to eliminate from our platform ev erything but a financial plank, and dio tate that. Is it not broad enough? Whita we recognize the justice of their de mand, we have others even more mate rial to Cv battle for. If they cannot sup port our measures (including their own), they hava only at heart sectional proa peri ty." "In other words, they war.t to ride your horse in their race? "Yea. And tho People's party have put forth a plat form which has received indorsement from Maine to California: they conld not at the eleventh hour recant and pro mulgate another. Now 1 wanted this convention to meet at Omaha during ours. There they would have felt the popular pulse of all sections, while here the silk batted, kid gloved audience who listen 'to their t&lo of woe,' is, as yon aeo, countable." "Tell you something about the march of the new party? "It amounts in many sections to a landslide. Statos which have been wedded to Republicanism or Democracy since the war are getting out divorce papers right along. Mr. Davis, cf Texas, stated to me et Omaha, where 1 recently met him, that Texaa had already organized bOO People's party clnbs end would give ns over T3.0G0 votes. We conlidcntly count on carry ing the state and electoral vole of North Carolina. Georgia, Kentucky, Kansas, Nebraska, the two Dakotas. Minnesota and Texas, with a powerful vote in Wis consin and Michigan." "What will be the numerical position of the People's pwty in the Fifty-third congro?" "That cf bnlance of power. We will elect a great number of roprcaentativea. This is ccncedeJ now even by our ene mies." National Economist. LISTEN, LIVINGSTON! YOU MAY HEAR SOMETHING DROP DOWN IN YOUR GEORGIA HOME. BARGAINS I BARGAINS I BARGAINS! -AT- he principle is ever the same. This time it is "capital control of labor." the . mrans employed is 'control of rcouey." Tne results tf the past similar conflicts have been invariably in favor of the rich and against the poor, hence the lives of "republics" have been as compared with "monarchies" very brief. Thus emooldened by the records of the past, and with blind faith in that old and perhaps true saying that "history repeats itself," and conscious of their power this monied men of this land have combined to force similar results upon the American people, and we must admit that through Corrupt legislation they hae stole a march upon u?, commen surate with their Lelish design and the direct 'results of which will be a long time felt and perhaps require a "blood attonement, yet that the final result will be the subjugation of the masses and per manent enthronement of capita', thus forceing history to repeat itself, I am very far from believ ing for the following reasons: If history ever repeats itself, as perhaps it does, the conditiors must be the same. In this case they, are not, for the education of the masses as compared with that of other and past Republics, may be said to be universal, lhe average American is a born legislator, and if the law does not suit him he will soon make one that will: all he needs is to be awakened. The free atmosphere of six generations course through his veins. The inspiration of freedom he drew from his mothers breast; his fathers could not De "serfs" no more can he be a slave ; the Anglo- Norman blood, so far back as his tory runneth not to be contary, were free men, free as the wild winds of the mountain, (let the plutocrat fool beware) such stuff is unfit to make slaves of, we don't want your cold or silver. Green backs based upon the products of our green fields, are good enough for us and if you don t like us or our wav of doine things and don t propose to abide to the issue of tho comine criuis, vou will have to immigrate to a hotter climate than Southern Illinois, or what is tar better, break off your shackles of gold -and bonds, and let your better nature assert itself. Com prehend if you enn the brother hood of man, feel that nobleness of soul that dares to claim compan ionship with God, lay up for your selves treasures where moth can not corrupt and where Pinkcrton thugs will not be required to pre vent theivesfrom breaking through to steal. Take a good 6leep and by and by come up early in that blessed morning and hear him who owns all,' thing' and whose The CalchUm l ftouCU Carolina. The following questions should be cut out and na1 at the organization of rour subordinate club, and then aain at your county convcntjnn: Arrroa In favnr of ahniisblnff th prlal prtvliccfX rr.o i-d by iuuiisia ban? Arw run Ui favor of palling- the producers of colttrn on an vuaal fondr with 1'ir prodarars of tllvrr and ruM- bj aiiuwtnc Ihwii to p!edo cotton sari land anabasis forr-irculattoa. w'.lo la aafr ltmi: Are rou in favor of rwuirtnc th volume of cttrrvorr tn tceflamrmtto thai it rastalned to thv population and bunIncM of lh country urban our publit rtrbtM r conlnwtod? Ar roti In favor of prohibiting tbe mon atmua nyvtem of sumblloc la agricultural prodnrta. that rob lb farmer of ail tilt Ixard wracd profit aad urrBput Lh moral of tba country? Are jroo In favor of frw colnajr of llvvr? Ara yoo in favor of prohibiting Ihr otrocr ahlpof taaU by al'anaaad IbrHporoUilv bold ln? by Kyntlirauv? Are you In favor of a tariff for rvaoe only. and that levivd apon lb luznrtB ralbw than life necEar!o of life? Are yoo In farar of a crariuatrd tax on la- eoman? Are yon In favor of Hmltlr.c all date acd national rvvrnoe to tho ntccmary vxpenam of the government, oronomlrally and honmtly admlniaiaral? Are you In favor of honost and Jcat but rigid control of railroads and tolecraph linos? Are yoa In favor or election of inltd iitalaa aenalora by direct vote of the poaplo? Thene qnentions embody the demands cf" tho Farmers' Alliance and kindred organizations of fanners and laborers. and to be made effective they must enter as factors in Democratic clubs, primaries and conventions. A arranged. the answer of each true blue Allianoe maa would be "yea" to every one. Cotton Plant A Man of rtioolplo. One of tho last acts of L. L. Polk in which the public had an interest was the writing of the following latter, tsade public a few days before ho died. It shows what a sterling character his was. For the sake of principle he gave up what was of great valuo to him ss tho publisher of The Progressive Far mer; Hon. ft. n. Aloxandor, President ExoouUva Board North Carolina State Alliance; Dear Six AMD Brother Having learned that yonr executive board at ita recent session In Kaloiitb cxprcwed its dissatisfaction with the attitude of Tbe Progrofsivo Farmorlnlts I tut preceding issue toward tbe People's party, 1 hereby tender the resignation of that paper as tbe official organ of Ibo state Alliance of North Carolina. While it will remain as true and loyal to the AUlanco organization and Its principles as it has ever been. It cannot and will' not be cir cumscribed In Its advocacy of tbe methods which only can bring relief to our suffering people, and which have been so overwhelm ingly Indorsed by them. In thus severing Its official connection with the state AUlanco it In no measuro abates Ita allcirianre to the principles of oar order, and will ever stand ready and willing to extend ita full and bearty co-operation to nil tho officers and the brotherhood for promoting and main taining the principles which we buvoospoved. Fraternally yours, L L. Polk. Editor Progrosslvo Farmer. Senator Kyle's Views. We have gono into this movement in earnest. Tho third party will nominate a presidential ticket, and in my opinion will carry tho states or liansaa, meet-as- ba, Minnesota. South Dakota, Georgia ana South Carolina, If our movement increases in strength within the noxt few mouths as it has since the" first of the year, I believe we will carry other states. Such a viotory would of course give ns tho balance of power between the two great parties. Senator Kyle to Intorvlew. " An Opou Letter to a Congresamaa Who la a HoBtoeratle rartylta Above AU Things Influenoe of the Town oa tho Boy Soot to Market. fo beonidas F. Livingston: Dbau Sia and Brother It is bard to kick against the pricks; and why do yoo persist tu yonr mistaken course? If you have ears to bear, why cot hear; if eyos to see. why not soe? Surely you have not reached the point that the light of reason cannot reach yon. Surolv the magicians aronnd Washington have not entwined themselves around about you. so aa to totally obscure the light that once shone upon you and which radiated and warmed the hearts of your countrymen. causing them, yea, your fellow country men, to place their trust ta you, relying implicitly on your iutegrity, and pray ing to God to give you the ability and direction whereby they might be lod out frora endnr the bondage of the money changers and monopolists. Now. my misguided brother, open your cars, please, for one moment. You know tan long as a fellow lives in the country he believes there are town cliques and rings which manipulate and run the connty politics, but if he moves to town aud lives there a little while be is made to believe that rir.s and cliques are nothing but creatures of the imag ination. Yes. he is soou captured by the town ring, is made to believe as they do: in reality be becom one among thorn. Then it is that he tells you there is no such Iking as a town riugt he onoe thought there was, etc Uh. deception! What a potential in fluence! Yea. strip the devil of bis de ception means and Christ's kingQotn would oon cover the earth as the waters cover the bosom of the grat rlep! My dear brot9er, are yoa beginning to believe that tbc-re are no snch taings aa monopolies, trusts, cnir.binca, etc.: Are yon begiunisg to think. Well, I know I told my people when I was can vassing for congress that there were snch things, but I was jast mistaken about it? It is just so lovely up here in and aronnd the Cap: tel. The people are all so genial and hopeful, happy and in telligent, that to insist on tho demands upon which 1 was elected would exposo me to ridicule as well as shock the finer sensibilities of those around the Capitol. Really, I think my constituency are do ing well. I thick they are happy if they only knew it. Yes, in fact, this is a grand and glorious republic My dear brother, have ar-.v of theee thonichts been passing through yocr mind? If so. in the language of ocr blessed Saviour rise and say, "Get thee behind tne, Satan." Let yonr mind revert to the old red hills of Georgia. Commence with the humble people around their rude dwellings. Jet your heart palsate from their breathings, enter as it were from their feelings. Do this, and the enchantments that sur round thee will be rendered and you can then eeo as you are now seen. List en not to the Eatterer, forget net yocr weaknesses, yea, trust not to the flesh; human wisdom is but c-f today tomor row it vantsheth away. How. believe me, n:y brother, you have not pnrpoee in your heart to do those tilings which you should not have done that ynur people might remain ia the wilderness. Nay, but thou hast been carried npon a high mountain and hast been promised the possession of the beautiful valleys, and thy prido hath let thee fall. Your perception is far behind now. Be knoweth not the advancement of the people: his end is near at hand. While his methods were a success on his part for a time, they will never serve to boy you ia oblivion. Yon are traveling on a new route. If your heart be with your people, and u yoo are guided by patriotism, truth and vtrtao. success w.ll crown you and you will be a father and a benefactor. Look not trustingly upon Alfred. Neither lis ten to the cunning of Evans, nor shouldst thou give ear to the wily flattering words of a Crisp. These cunning poli ticians only purpose to use you in carry ing out their owu schemes. Yon no doubt aro realizing this now to some ex tent, and if you purpose to oontinco tn their service, my brother, your destruo-1 tion is sure. Let not thy vanity pervert thy under standing. Think thyself but a straw what is man that he should boast? If Carear bad ' been unable to control men he would never have been known in his tory. Neither would Cromwell, Napo leon or Blucher. Co mo down, my friend and brother, and breathe -with the people. Let the same blood that once coursed thy voins circulnto and purify thy system. Yoa, let thine imagination dwell upon tbe beautiful forests, hills and valleys of thy childhood. Let thy diet be simple, but nourishing. Let thy inhalutioas be pure. Do this, and thy understanding will turn to thoe. Yours in love. Mathusala. DAVIS & POTTEflGErVS. WE WILL SELL FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS AST OF OUR CROCKERY & GLASSWARE AT COST. COME EARLY AND GET A BAROAlSf. Ws Will Also Give Away One of Our 44-Piece Tea Seti Chance for Each Dollar's Purchase of Gceds. On J. S. HOWARD. Ory Goods, Boots II Shoes, Grocrcies, and Crockery. The best goods at the lowest prices for Cash. The highest prices paid for country produce. MEDFORDi - - - OREGON. JAMES 1 MER HO., MEDFORD, ORE. PURE DRUGS AT POPULAR PRIGES. COMBS AND CRI.EBS. last: CT.VMfS AND CTATiONERY. CO APS A3TB CA1 ALVR. POWDERS AND EaFVXES. I KiCll-S TJROOS1 Chamois, Spongss and a Full Line of Toilet Preparations. . PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED DAY AND NIGHT. AU orders answered with cars acd dispatch. Our stock of Medicine is complete, warranted and of the best ijuality. ADft.NS & WEBB, Dealers in. SHELF AND HEAVY HARWARE. Stoves, Tin and Willow Ware. Cycone and Hoosier Pumps. 11 J ' fsST-Every article 'bears a guarantee. re- Let It It. DiMasswI. There are millions of people in this United States who ivairo congress to take np the enbtreasury bill and con sider it upon its merits, giving every part a fair and full investigation with out fear or favor. If it is wrong its ad vocates want to know, and they will drop it. If any man can propose a bet ter plan for securing a flexibility in the volume of money that will be just to all, remove the discriminations against agriculture and keep np a true ratio be tweon the volume of money and the de mand for its use, it will be accepted with pleasure and hailed with joy. The -Alliance contingent in the house may uot be able to put that body- on record upon the bill, but they can put them on record as to their willingness to discuss tbe bill, which is the same thing, and which the people expect as a reasonable nor vice. National Eoonomist, rmE LAREMDO N HOTEL. ux. O. COOPER, Pfopp., Medford, - Oregon. . First-class Board M i) Day. M or M. Centrally Located, West Side of the S. P. R. R. Depot. mmu joTEL :Medford, Oregon- 1 o Terms: $1 $1.50 ani $2 nertir Harris & Pnrctin First-class in Every Particular SySpeoial attention paid to Coramercial Tr.-Aletv i