Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, June 17, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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' To The Guarantors.
'Ever person who bus affixed his name to the
uscrijrtioa guarantee should not lose a
moment Li securing every sucscrlber possible
as the time in now ripe (or this work and every
. tiny lost is so much time lost in the cause, and
subscriptions will lie only that much more dif
tlculi to secure. Organization has been et
teeted aud a president, secretary and treasurer
- eWcted, so send in names, to them as fast as
they are secured, accompanied by the money
lu every possible instance.
By order of IRA Wakefikid,
Phoenix. Ore. President.
Per G. S. BRIG6S, Seo'y & Troas., Medtord, Ore.
To Old Subscribers.
Person, wishing, to discontinue their sub-
' iaripUoato this piiorcay do so bv paying up
: all vrfeauas. bet until that is done we must
,;empJy witU.tholawlrhiofi'sayst' "No paper
' shall b stopped. with tnbseription unpaid.''
vBuJjfpriptlojrt Price.
" The subscrlptftii prfoe'tdbis paper has been
'jnMtopetl'itv-ftl itV tier, vbar tf'nAld in advance:
Vi-WT'?oth9w1siwaihe.ehsjeAThe price being
-T-i'?'"' a-'ap-pmi w ms ao inj to protect ourselves.
OtMMirae this do9-noV pertain to those hav
ing to do Willi our guarantors.
AHianss Dirsstory.
L. I. Polic president Farmers' Alliance and
Industrial Union, at SM D Street. Washington.
D. C: Ben H. Clover, vice-prexi dent. Oambridfro,
Kas.; J. H. Turner, sec'y; J. F. Willitts, lec
turer. Oskaloosa. Kan.
President. Nathan Pierce. Miltoo
1st Vice-pros . James Bruce Corvall's
Cad Vioe-pre. S. H. Holt I'ba-nut
Rec'y- Treasurer. ..W. W. Myers. .Oregon city
Cbaplain IraOvenurf Mist
Steward .Wm. Brown KakerClty
IVxirkeepor P. U-Hari Ms. Tabor
Asst-D-keepcr.Mrs. Gf-o. Carmichael.. Weston
Executive Committee Nathan Pierce, W. VV.
Vyers. G. V. Weeks, V. A, SainD'.e. W. H.
State Lecturer. M V. Iicrk, Salem,
As the Oregonian .bas estimated the
People's party vota ia th3 state at
15,000, wo era safe in aayinff it will
rench 1S,0X, only 3,000 less thau one
third of the entire state vote, putting
that at G'D,0C0, which is correct, wo be
lieve. At this rate it is certainly not
unreasonable to say that the People's
party have a vrry food show to
carry the stato this fall, if it gains in
strength in the next throe months as
much as it has in the last three. At
least Oregon is now a doubtful state
instead o' a sure republican as hereto
fore. - .-
EVEX in the far south' thero is a de
mand for municipal reform. The of
ficials of Atlanta reooutly borrowed at
lit per cont $I00,CC0 more than they
needed. They loaned this sum to a
local bank at 3 per cent A little later
thev borrowed it back from the bank
at 5 per cent. This systjm of finan
ciering vras too looso to escape notice,
and now the officials are busy making
esnlanations that do not explain. It
was a newspaper that exposed the job,
and though several of the men impli
cated have quit taking the paper, it is
coming out right along.
People's Party.
IL B. TAUBENECK, Ch.ukjiax,
Marshall, HL
Milwaukee. Wis.
M. C. Rankin. Treasurer. Terre Haute, Ind,
. J. H. Dav Sulphur Springs, Texas.
Ignatius Lonnrlly. Hasting, Minnesota,
G. F. Gaither, Birroinpnora. Alabama,
J. F. Washburn, Boston, Mass.
William H. fialvant Chairman.
J. K. Hon-lrix. Swretux-. - .
Published Every Friday Morning,
IX another column will bi found the
tabulated official count for Jackson
couuty, with the total vote reeaived by
each candidate and the plurality re
ceived bv the candidates elected. Also
we publish the precinct officers elected
The official returns are worth preserv
ing, that comparisons may be r.iaJo at
the nest election, Hlthough we here
predict that at the county election two
vears h-nci. the People's party will
certainly carry everything. As it is,
the People's party polled 773 votes at
this election in the county, out of a to
tal of 2.700 votes. That this is a tuar-
relously good showing is conceded by
everybody, and as the party becomes
settled to business, fully one-third
more votes will be drawn to it and
that means a sweeping victory.
' II II f" irtk II II ir"
u u sa
n inv i ---9
Used in MiHions of TTntriffi An Vears the Standard.
The American Central Incorporated.
Salem, Or., Juno 13. Cyrus Bald-
ridge, C. Yv. Lamson and W. S.
Campbell havo incorporated the
American central liailwav L.iiin!)any
with the capital stuck of S20.01K),000.
The principal office is to be Junction
City, ana tue object will bo to build a
railroad from San I'raneiseo to Boise
City, Idaho and ah-so a braneh line
from emtio point in California to Kla
math Falls, Or.
Oxford Ties.
Oxford ties for laduS. Largo stock.
New Goods. Just arrived. Latest
style. Hound too. Patent tips. Com
mon sense nocls. only uu coins a pair,
at the New York Cheap Cash Store,
Coopjr Block.
Central Committoe Meeting.
The Pooole's Partv countv central
club will nu?et at Central Point on
Salurdav, Juna 23. Each precinct
club is requoi-tou to send out ona dele
gate, and all msrab.'rj ol I eople s
Partv clubs aro invitoa to oomo nnd
tnkvj part in the meeting. The objoct
of this nwetiuff is to map out anu
arrange plans lor the fall campaign,
therefore, it is absolutely necosarv
that each pi-ocinct iu the county ba
fully represented. By order of county
central commite.
W. W. SCOTT. Chairmau.
J. W. MARSsaauitY. Sjcretary.
Calere4 in the Postostce at Medfonl. Oregon,
as Secoad-Clasa Hail Matter.
fDFoRD. FKIDAT. JCNE 17, 18.12.
AT the election In Jackson county
the republicans elected the clerk, one
. representative and the surveyor and
the republican "congressman and mem
ber of board of equalization and district
judge received pluralities: the demo
crats got the rest of the ticket. The
People's party didn't elect any of their
candidates, but they are in it just the
am and will como out onfa-pnext
'" Time, '
The national convention of the Peo
ple's Party will bo held in the city of
Qmaha, Neb-, on July 4. Each con
gressional district In the United Stat3
, in entitled to send four delegates and
each state to send eight delegates at
large, making s total delegate body of
1776. Among the prominent People's
Party mex mentioned for president are
. Gjq. Jas. B. Weaver of Iowa; and
Ir Ijfnatius Donnelly, of Mianajota.
-' Blaine- wasn't in it at the republl
i tsa convention at Minneapolis. Pres-
ilent Harrison was renominated for
president on the first ballo and White
law Beid for Vice president. The
platform is the same old' rehash about
':zt''jyr-rr jhe country's prosperity, owing to pro-
'-"viecUtonJetCKTllffwlver plank knocks
Q ree siltor in th'-eada far as the
Almost dailv the Oregoniau devotes
considerable editorial spac3 to sug
gesting who the People's party bhould
nominate for president, and on that
line it has boomed Governor Pennoyer
for that place ever sinoo ho declared
in iavor of the third party, borne
other paysrs in the east have taken
up the refraia from the Oregoaiao
and are suggesting who the People's
party shall name. These papers might
as well save their space, for their sug
gestions tail Hat, ana far ircm Deing
heeded, the convention at Omaha will
steer clear of any material so far put
up by the monopoly press for presi
dential timier on tha PeopleVparty
ticket. Tho third parly understands
its business, and Pannoyer or Stewart
have no more show of biiug nomiaat d
for president than Harvoy Scott him
The People's Party cast over 13,003
votes in Oregon last Monday. As the
West Side said of Mm. Liass's spasch
hers, ''sha madi thj old panic j
wine j," 8J tb.032 votJB last Moaday
have caused a deep concern to coma
over the spirits of the republicans and
democrats. The Oregonian said eui-
torially yestarday: 'Altogeth3r the
result is one of which, if not for jtell-
ing the dissolution of parties, shows
that the foundations of parties are
profoundly shaken.' Just what we
have b.-lieved for some tim i. Indepen
dence West Side.
Bedford Cords.
On account of late arrival I am sell
ing at loss than cist lit dford Cords.
Bedford Cords. Bedford Cords, newest
novelties and attractive patterns of the
season, only 12i conts per yard, at New
i ork Cheap Cash btore, trooper block,
Reunion to be Held at Ashland.
The committee, consisting of Jas.
Xorris. LWallcy .n I T- E. Hills,
Ashland: J. U. Hvzer. Abe Axtle and
J. E. Peterson. Grams Pass: J. M. Gib-
s-m, C.'ntral Point: J. n. Paris and J.
K. Erford. M .Mlford. anp.iintd to select
a place to hold a reunion of old soldiers
and sailors, met in this citv ecnes
day and oreanized by electing J. 11.
Faris president, and J. E. Peterson
secretary. It was deeidinl to hold the
reunion "at Ashland, commencing S. p
tmbor 13 and continuing for throe
davs, that place offering the best in
ducement nnd agreeing to furnish
tout?, wood ar.d straw for the lx.ds.
etc. Tho fine grove on Ashland creek
has been secured for the encampment
purposes, and the bravo old bovs can't
h-li but have a good, lolly tim:. lor
the whole souled, big hearted people of
Ashland know bow to make it pleasant
for visitors and have them f.-cl at
Startling .News.
For bargains in bojts and and
footwear of all kinds, apply at
Cooper Block
.--i4--'v? '- (s-prorpeetsj-that?,Ui:Utnoerat3 will
c t - Is tb' death on tir lltlf inst.' at
ii It fey i'lashinjfton of Polk, -MeW-
-f' --J ensoi ine national rarraers; Aiiiancs
-- - "jfeBJid prominent in- Peopw s. party 91c-
- - ales, thSae pruanjzations are loser be
yond caloulatlon, and the sorrow felt
at the sudden demise of this great and
good man was deep and universal.
The Colonel would more than likely
have b.-en tho nominee for president
- " by the People's party at Omaha, but as
the grim destroyer has claimed him,
.the people' must look to another as
their standard bearer.
' - - . Tijie following "is clipped from the
Portland Telegram:
'We fear that the. Chicago conven-
. tion wm 's'sjoavile' the -hnancinl ques
tion, the amc-he Jvlinneapohs con
' '. - vention haa"dbne. And in the mean
""time the third party is getting votes,
' tons, hundreds', thousands. In a few
years it wiUJ'b'e millions, unless the
" democratic party plucks up the courage
. of iu, convictions and quits worship-.-
- ping at the shrine of the Goulds, the
Vanderbilts and the Carnegies. The
democratic party needs no more Payne
or Bricks. They do it more barm than
How is that for a squeal?
The People's Party has developed a
surprising amount of strength in this
election, and shows the effect of the
campaign of education that has ban
carried oa by them for the last few
years. That party has been forced
into ezistnca by the defects of other
parties, and is composed in the main
of. honest, hard-working people, and
they stand upon -a platform of princi
ples that their'opponents may ridicule,
but scarcely 4re to meet in open do-
bate, and the more these principles
become known the greater the
strehgth'of the party will be. Gt-rvais
Star.':.. - - j'.- '..fie ..
Bv ni.Y.
The young hostess who is desirous of
presenting her friends with some
novelty in the wav.ol euiermining, win
no doubt bo highly pleased with her
Knglish cousins idea ol a dainty tea.
It is known by tho unique name of a
'Green Tea." It is simple as it is
nrvttv and ouito effective so far as
table" decorations aro considered. It
consists of a jardinicro of maidenhair
terns, which occupy the outer 01 me
table: around this, fern loaves are
carelessly but gracefully arranged, and
outside of this circle 01 lerus inuia
silk, of a dolicato green, is so arranged
as to form a second circle. At diago
nal corners aro placed candelabra con
taining green candles and finished
viih linv irrfcn shades. At one end of
tile table coffee is poured, at tho other
end chocolate is served, the attendants
wearing gowns of green: sandwiches
tied with baby green ribbon, pistachi
and vanilla lee cream in pretty torms.
with wafers, bon bous and suited al
monds, from tho ranti, and if the
bo:0.;s.e8 are alert, bright and witty
conversationalists, the hours sp-.-nt
with them will prove most delightful.
A ros tea has for the center pieca t
bowl of pink ros.'s and ferns; the can
delabra hold pink candles finished
with pink shades. The voung ludies
in this case are gowned in liiuk, and
the bouquets at tho side of their place
at the table consist of pink roses and
forns lied with piuk ribbon. Ices and
creams must be in piuk, aud the cakes
must have pink icing.
The teas can bo varied to suit the
host.-ss' own idea. An infinite variety
of pietty effects can bo obtained at a
comparatively lowvixpenaiiuro.
Anothor quaint fancv is a 4-LiIy Tea,"
substituting white and yellow for
colors, and serving salad in lilies sur
rounded by snniax among the dainty
If the oven should be too hot at any
time, place a pan fiik-d with wator iu
i:, aud the heat will be lesenjd.
To test tho freshness of CjTgs, drop
thorn into a dish of water, and if the
small end i-ouks to thd top thev are
Tp make pios or biscuit a nice color,
moisten the top of them with a little
sweet milk bjfore they arc put iato
the oven.
For iron rust, lay in kerosene oil ar.d
let it remain covered for aome time.
The oil will loosen the rust so that it
will como off.
A tabl.-spoonful of powdered borax
dissolved in the bath will prove very
invigorating, as well as soften the
water so that it wiil feel like velvet.
To take oil out of carpels or woolens.
put on buckwheat flour, aud brush it
oil very carcimiy iuu a uuipa:i.
Keonoa applying "till ail the groas.-
has been absorbed.
July 4th in Med ford.
At tho Fourth of July meeting held
in the opera. house yesterday afternoon,
Judge Willard Crawford presided, and
J. W. Curry acted as secretary. It
was decided to celebrate tho coining
Fourth in grand style. The following
committees were appointed: .
On Finance G. L. Davis, Chas W.
Woltoi a, II. G. Nicholson, Mrs. I. A.
Webb and Mrs. J. R. West.
On Grounds Judge Crawford, S.
Higgins nnd W. G. Cooper.
On Program Mayor J. A. White
side, W.W. Curd well, Mosdamos Frank
Galloway, -A. E. Kellogg and G. W.
Galloway. , "
On Music and Orator Prof X. L.
N'arregan, I. A. Webb, Dr. E. B.
Pickle, Mesdames Y. I. Vawter and
Myron Skeel.
On Printing Henrv Demorest, F.
G. Kertson and X. A. Jacobs.
Fireworks aud firing salute Geo. F.
Merriman, John Redden and S. Rosenthal.
On motion tho finance committee was
roo.uestcd to report at adjourned meet
ing to 03 h;ld at the Opera House
Saturday evening at 8 o'clock.
Dissolution Notice.
Mkdford Ore., June 11, 192.
To whom it may concern. This is
to c-rtifv that we.'M. R. Uart and M.
E. Kigby have dissolved partnership
in tne Aicdiora uusiness school.
M. It. Hart.
M. E. Rig by.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
known aud to popular as to need no
special mention. All who have us id
Electric Bitters sing the same song of
praise. A pur-T medicine does not
exist and it is gunrant.xnl to do all that
is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure
all diseases of tho liver and kidneys.
will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum
and other nffecuons caused by impure
blood. Will drive malaria from the
system and preveut as well as cure all
malarial fevers. For cure of head
ache, constipation and indigestion try
Eiectric Bitters. Eutire satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded.
Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per battle at G
II. Raskin s drug store.
Marriage Liconea.
Married at the residence of the bride' par
ents. June8, life! by Rev. E. L. Thompson, wm.
H. Downing and Miss Martha L. Paa'ney.
Married at Central Point June K. by
Rev. E. L. Thompson, O. C. PurUeyiillo and
Miss . M. Fries.
Listen to a Talo at Wno.
Some busy bees In a gunien f.-ny.
Listen to a Uile of woe.
Till spied by Grove, aud llcnjiia iuo.
From tbe flowers houcy drew.
And grew, and grew.
Listen to a talo of woe.
Chorus Hard trials for tbem two.
Harrison and Cleveland loo.
Over tlio bees who tbe uoney drew.
That grew, that grew.
Lia leu to a tale of woe.
Tbcse little bees who booty stored.
Listen to a tale of woe.
Were robbed by dronca of their Juicy
And right aloud in anger roared.
Ignored, ignored.
Listen to a tale of woe.
For bees, liko men wbo money maite.
Listen to a talc of boo.
Object when drone the honey take.
And raise a row for Justice sake.
And shake, and shake, .
Listen to a tale of woe.
C boras.
When Ren and Grove to the bees appeal.
Listen to a tale of woe.
A stinging answer both a ill feci.
And in despair will gently kneel.
And sqaeaL and sqocaL
Listen to a tale of woe.
Coder the sod where the daisies blow.
Listen to a tale of woe.
We'll plant our Ben and C rover so
That neither one will longer grow.
Yon know, you know.
LUtea to a tale of woe.
And yon wbo these opinions vote.
Listen to a tale of woe.
Don't slop when them you ting or quota.
And on tbe tide of leiscrc Coal,
But rote, but rote.
Listen to a tale of woe.
Dr. A. S. Houghton (after Wilton).
Great Clothier
Has just receive(t a large stock of
also a finestock of
Which he will sell as low as cari
be sold. Small profits and quick
sales will be his motto. - Call and
see for yourself.
Photograph Gallery
Has changed hands and
Arc much more satisfactory.
Give -Me a Call.
Our Constituency.
We take this occasion to thank our
constituency for their loyalty and de
votion to our causj ol reform. 1 ou
are worthy son ol worthy si es. You
have fou-rht well and have b.en victo
rious!. We have foueht the battle for
principle. Tbe oilicoa were only a sec
ondary consideration. We have failed
to reach the olncjs. through wtncli
tbe needed reforms could be brought
about, but we have shown our colors
and maintained our priuciules by
stand inrr by our color. Deserters
could hi counted on thj Qnsors of one
I have no need to exhort vou to
again gird up your loins for the No
vember battle, Dgbt we will yield, we
cannot conquer, we rautt.
For myself, lei mo aay I a n in tb ;
conflict for righteousness' sake and
victory. I fought once with tbe sword
to save our country; I Egrht ngain to
save our country from tber power of
'"enthroned capital." Count mo one
whenever and wherewr niH?ded. and
command mo at will. Yours for life
and victory, Iua Wakefield.
J The politicians isLo wera ridiculing
the People's Party are surprised at
the size of its vote. The Telegram in
sisted all aloDg that the third-party
vote would be an important factor. , It
got its strength from tha failure of the
democratic convention to incorporate a
silver plank in tho platform. Other
wise the bulk of that vote would have
gono for the democratic ticket, and we
would have bean 10,00) votes ahead.
Portland Telegram.
The dispatchis have it
the death of Col. L. 1 Polk a new
plan has developed in Omaha which
soems to meat with favor among the
third party in that section. It is pro
posed to nominate United States Sen-
- ator Stewart, of Nevada, for president,
and Watson, representative in congress
? from, for vioe president. We opine
(bat Stewart will never bo nominated,
as in our opinion he ia by no means the
man for tbe place. " His silver views
' may coincide with thoaoof tbe Peqple's
party, but he is, purely selQsh iq that
respet,as his whole interests are in
,- silver mines in Nevada, and bb a nat?
ural result he is fighting for free silver
- Otherwise Senator Stewart has nothing
: in common with the 'Alliance or Peo-
Ii. It. Folk Resolution.
At the last regular meeting of L. L..
Poik Alliance in Medford, a committee
was appointed and ordered to draft a
resolution taking proper notice of the
death of President L. L. Polk and con
doling with the b3reaved widow and
children. The following is the result
of the committee's work:
Whereas, It has pleased the All
Wise God, the dispenser of all good, to
call home our beloved brother, L. L.
that 6lnoe ! Polk, to that higher realm where mor
tals never dwelt, wnere tnere is no
more weeping, no sorrow or pain; he
has crossed the line to the bourne upon
whose borders he may exultantly Bland
and bid the world, war and strife a
happy and eternal adieu. . But remain
ing here we deplore the loss of one
whoso pleasure it was to direct the un
happy to that exit gate to the higher
kingdom; Therefore be it
ftESOLVED, That we, as members
of the great Alliance family, say to his
widow and children that we feel that
we have lost a great and good friend
whose active labors for ''Equal rights
to all and special favors to none,"
nlaced him in the ouioe which he so
ably filled. The depth of your sorrow
we cannot feel, but tbe great President
of Heaven and earth can, therefore He
ia your strength and comforter.
Piira.oU! Parasols ! Parasols!
A fine variety and latest styles and
handles. On account of tlu lulj
arrival of parasols, I a;n offjr
ing them at a great reduction.
New York Cheap Cash Stork,
x . Cooper Block.
motym .
Connfy Commissioners Court.
In matter of county road petitioned for by
Jas. winnlngnain ct at. la Jrnu i:rroK pro
duct, continued until July term of this court.
In matter of county road petition dforoy D.
R. Mills in Ashland precinct, ordered that the
rond be declared a public highway.
Iu matter of county road petitioned for by
F. T. D wnlng, ct ul, in Ceutral Point precinct,
same order as aboTe.
County road petitioned for by L. Henderson.
ct al. in Woodvlllc precinct, ordered that C. F
White, Joseph E. Wliftcmun nnd George Mea
eerly appointed viewers and Peter Applcinito
surveyor, to meet and qualify before the sur
veyor at VVoodvllle, Juue-J. at 10 o uiock
a. m.
In matter of bridiro across Evans Creek near
Wlmcr postomre. bid of Jas. McUougnl ao
eented and the lients on north side of brlilee
bo placed on the hard cement and further
ordering thut said Jan. McDonul enter Into
bonds to the sum of i'OO for faithful perfor
mance of bis contract and said bridge shall be
completed on or ucioro acpt, is, in'j.
Ordered that Albert Eaton be appointed
supervisor of road district No. al for tho year
Mlscelleaueues bills amounting to tI8?4.K
1 ai
A Difficult Problem. '
Tho people are wondering who is go
ing to 1)3 the next chief ruler of this
great United States, but wonders never
cease. Call nt tho New York Cheap
Cash Store and see tho prices put on
men's and bovs' clothing. You will
certainly wonder at tho good values received.
ilarion Rarland's Opinion.
Readers of the Mail are familiar
not only with the (prightlr writings
of Marion Uarland, but also nith
her Ound common sense uintn mat
ters of every day life and action.
Ht-r name, indeed, id a household
vord. and is equally well known
in parlor and kitchen. Ileroele
braU-d conk book ' Common Sense
.. r 1 ii II ' - a
in the iiousenoiu, is wiinout a
peer nnd thow3 that she has made
a careiui stutiv 01 now to prepare
good, wholesome food in the best
manner bv the lest materials. In
this issue we produce a fac simile
letter from Marion Harland that
giieaks from her experience in the
highest terms of the uiicquxled
ovahties of the Royal Bakui' Pow
der. Housewives everywhere should
read the opinion of such an expert
and act accordingly. All good
cooks, who have used the Royal,
are of the same opinion also.
Estate of Warren Lynch, a minor, order con
firming sale of real entate.
Estate of Geo. W. Cooltsey. ordor of final sot
tlement; administratrix and her bondsmen dis
charged from further liabilities.
Estate of M. Ilanley nnd Lumnn Townsend,
ordered that administrators and sureties be
discharged from further liabilities.
Estate of II. W. Hoaclaiul, order for snlo of
real property.
Estate ot Henry J. Holmes: O. F. Billings ap
pointed admluistrator and letters of adminis
tration Issued to htm upon his tiling a bond in
the sum of 110,000. Dan Chapman. John J,
Murphy aud Barney Miller appointed apprais
ers. '
Estate of Eber Emery, ordered that Sophia
Emery be appointed executrix and letters test
tamentary bo Issued upon her qualifying as by
luw provided. Will admitted to probnte.
Estate and suurUluiiHhip of Thad Moilulton.
minor, ordered that 8. T. Songer be appointed
guardian of the person and estate of said minor
and letters of guardianship be issued to him
vpou his giving bonds in tut sum ( IrtOO,
Baal Estate Transfers.
Wm T tlolliday to P 11 V acner, lot 12, blk 51
Suiniuer add to A.-!;!aml; S10.
O V il axon to W T Holllday, lot 10, bile 51.
RummiL add to Ashland: 10.
ti r' llllllnss W o & C It K Co. right of war
deed across John Barrett's die No 4S tpS3rI2:l
T Uarratt to Lewis Sawyer, parcel of land la
Ashlund : .
Elizabeth Kobard3 to Chas T Robards. IfiOacs
in sec 7 tp :S and M acres in sec I. and S acres
lu see In and 70 acres in sec 13 same Ip : 1.
A F Kngsduio toll U Meyer, land in tp SSs
rs-; rJJJ-i
Milton Mauie to Ida K Crane, lot 6, blk SI,
Medford: 0.O.
J F Hull to A t Hall, property In tho Pool and
Ivllppel add to Jacksonville: F-uu.
Juiues Hopwood to KUzubeth McKenzle, tbe
undivided OUi Interest in the Thou Hopwood dlo
06 to :tTs r aw; Su.
T Sturns to J O Starns, t acrs sees 2 and 8
tp :H r iw; shoo.
J H Bumuiu to Kittle L. Wceb. a parcel Of
land, Pnipps reserve to Medford fcuO.
Wm Oce to H H Carter, -W acres, sea IS, tp
39 s. r I e.
j H Lynch to Wm Oec, 40 ocros, seo 10, tp
39. r 1 0.
Mux Pracht to L R Uller, Its 5 and , blk 8.
Prarlit a add to Ashland. II.).
WES Eddy to Wm Mycrund Q F Billings,
Its II nnd jj.blk 30, Medford, S-lA).
Edward A Wope to S O SoweU, -10 acres, tp SS 8
r 2 e.
John W Farmer to Ursula Million, 5 acjes.
seei. tnss. r 1 e.11.
Ursula Million to John W. Farmer, i S0-I00
acres In see S3, in ) s, r 1 e. 1.
A B VV'llhrow to N E Oltn, Its 7 aud 9, blk ti.
Central Point. 1700.
T J Kinnoy to W S Sinclair. It 3, blk 56, Jack
sonvuio, m.
Kdu A Johnson to Wm Ulricb, It 6, blk A
Mcilfonl. tut.
W O Holins to B N Trout, It 0. Harndino's
aim to Asmanu, fMX).
U S patunt to Henry S Kccran, 1C0 acres, tp
4U s. r 4 e. -
Same to Charles E Kecran, 1C0 acres, tp 40
Same to Harry Harper, 138 43-100 acres, seo
2U, tp ;w s, r a e.
Hame to David Rusor, 160 acres, soo 10 ,tp 40
s. r 4 e.
Same to Henry A Rusor, ICO acres seo 10, tp
40 s, r 4 e.
Same to Josoph G Plorue 160 acres, seo 8, tp
33 s, r 3 e.
Same to Frank Cardwell, 160 acres, soo 21, tp
35 s. r3o.
Same to Andrew It. Ellis, 160 acres, see 0, tp
Same to John C. Angle 188 05-100 acres, soo 6,
tp S3 s, r a 0.
To Intending Builders,
It will pay you to write or send to the
southern uregon Lumoering ana Alan
ufacturing company of Grants Pass for
all kinds of building material: lumber,
sash, doors, and mill work of all kinds,
as they will guarantso you satisfaction
in niatoriui, workmansnip anu prices
Plans and estimates furnished on all
kinds of work,
Palo Alto Stock Farm
llatno ofSinttoL S.ONS't Ait,
C:o.: .Irion. -JclP'i: Ull Blrd.SrCCvf.
Chas. Liar via writes under date
of January 9U1, 1891, be found by fecd
ii.g tkc Rc-J Ball Brand Scanbattan Food
to the borcs urdcr bis charge, that it
proved to be as represented. Abo Mr.
V, nu Cor'oi'.t of the San Mate Stock
Taru.. Siia. Gauiblc, J. A. tto'dsatith,
B. C. Holly end Fibers speak iu I be
Lihest tcrau of it. Th:s i'ood is jtist
the thing to prepare colts for circuit;
Civy nurture more rapidly and it keeps
thcru in splendid spirits, i-or a horse
oJ his Iccvl, or one run Joan, it is high
ly btatnciaL This L the only slock
food which ever received medals at
'tv.cracimto State Fair 1S91, Stockton
Fair iS,i. San Frinciico 1590. The
forcmcst vclv.-inarv sii;coas cf Coli
foruU feed ad rcccmtncnd it, vtx:
C S:.iJ.rJ, Ii. J. Crctiy, r. Burns, V.
F. K.-r:. TjU .'co.1 coutaii no an'J-
mo:iy or any tuiucral ur puiauu-
ous hc.La.
httan Vou
lt larjicjl pouilry ntiii oa lUc cvKUt
r-rcer it to r!l titSf.
Charles St.vxo. A.-it.
Medford, Ore.
lontractor anfl Buililer
Jobbing of all kinds. Plans and
Th-3 TTorll rnr:c3-?4.
Tbe faculties of tic present day for tbe j
producticn cf ercrything that will coc-
dace to the mrtcnal welfare and comfort
of mankind are almost unlimited and
when Syrup of F:js was first prcdaced i
perfect laxative known, as it is the only j estimates furnished on appricatioa.
reraccy vbich. is truly pleasing and re- 'Jack screws to let.
freshing to the teste and pronrpt and
effectcal to cleanse tie system gently in
tbe Spring time or, ia fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
xUsi ittT'omes.
Protection Hose Co.!
NO. i,
IjUay E?e, July i
j " Tho very best of music end calling-1
! will be furnished, aud no pains spared
to make this the event of the season.
COME QSE, COSE ALL ur.n i:ra:.d M...,-:Ti3ae!s, Including Supper, $2.
ir Food is likewise re:;-UU; ; ,m,v rrupv
W. L. Towxsexd, Proprietor.
Main Street Opposite Postoffice.
Hot and cold baths, pompadour
hair rutting and clean towels a
Fair treatment for eTerybodv.
i Give us a trial.
flavin? bought out Frank Gallowar
j U now prepared to fill- all orders
The Cheapest and Bst Picket Fence
made. Correspondence Solicited. Ad-
I dress all orders to
::: Staple Dry (Ms, Groceries, Proiiiis,::::
We Pay the Cash or Exchange Our Merchandise
for All Farm Products
Juno H.1S62. Yours Respectfully, . J. NUNAN.
Medford, -
Branch, MEDFORD. Ore.
Hall Farm ana spring wagons, Buggies,
J. I. CASE Threshers, Engines, Etc. CHAMPION Mowers and
Binders EMPIRE Mowers and Binders RANDOLPH Headers
Red, White and Blue Mowers JOHNSON Left Dump Rakes-
Bonanza and Dairy Hand Dump Rakes CANTON Clipper and J. I
CASE PI0WS---B1SU1I and Gale Ghilled Plows.
11 1 nr 111 1
The leading Drag Store ot Medtord ts -
Soocessor to Hasttas & Lawtoa.)
He has anything in the line cf
Pure Drugs,
Patent Medicines,
Books, Stationery,
Paints and Oils, :
Tobacco, Cigars. Perfumery,
Touet Articles,
And everrthinjf that is carried ia a
first-class . .
Prescriptions Carefully Com
Maix Street, Medford, Oregon.
at meoford. .
Horses Bought and Sold, and
J obbing of all Kinds.
Medford, - - Oregon