SOUTHERM : THE MAIL IS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE FARMER ALLIANCE ANII PKOPLK'S PARTY OF SOUTHERN OUKGON. ADVERTISERS Do you study your bt-t inter estM uud patronize this paper. II will be appreciated by nil Uu: best farmers, I rem whom you set troue. A Paper Of, By and For the' People! , , ' , VOL; IV. . MEDFORD: OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1892. r ... ; NO. 24. TJ BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! SOCIETIES OF MEDFORD. K. of P. Talisman lodge No. SI. meets Mm day evenlni? at 8 p. m. Visiting brothers al ways welcome. . C. I. Hutchison, (X C. J. A. Whitman, K. of K. & S. Fol'owlng is tho Count in Full &3 R 'suited from tho Election on Jons 6, TJcdsr the Australian Ballet -AT- OFFICIAL ELECT RETURNS JACK I COUNTY A. O. U. w. lode No. s, meets every sec ond and fourth Tuesday in the month at 8 r. m. in their hall in the opera block. Visiting o rotters invited to attend. L A. Webb, m. W. B. S. Webb, Sec.' I. O. O. F. Lodes No. 83. meets in L O. O. P. hall every Situnlny at at b p. m. Visiting brothers always Welcome. Chas. Strang, N. G. H. G. Nicdolsos. Rcc. Sec. I. O. O. P. Kngiw River Encampment. I-od;?e Jin. 9X meets in I. O. O. P. hall the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 8 p. m. W. I. Vawtek, C. P. . B. S. Webb, Scribe. Olive Rcbekah Lodge Ko. 2S. meets in I. O. O. F. hall first and third Tuesdays cf each month.. Visiting sisters invited to attrml. Helex Strang, N. G. Mrs. Bessie Webb, Sec A. P. & A. M. Meets first Friday on or be fore full moon at 8 p. m., in A. O. U. W. hall. N. L. Kakkegam, W. M. J. S. Howard, Sec A. R. Chester A. Arthur Post No. 4". meets in U. A. R. hall every second and fourth Thursdays in each month at 7:30 P. M. G. C NoBUE, Com. J. H. Faris, Adjt. " F. A. 4 1. TJ. L. L. Polk,lodgc No. SOS, meets every Tuesday at 8 p. m. J. W. Miller, Pres. G. S. Briggs, Sc - Kpworth Leasrae meets each Suiday even--. In? at D. T. Lawtou. presideut, Julia Falde, secretary - Y0U93 Pajle's Literary meets Friday even ins; of each week, under the auspices cf the EworUi League. 1 W. C. T. TJ. Meets at Christian church every Monday evening at T p. m. ; MkS. A. KELLOGG, Pre. Mrs. E. P. Hammond, Sec y. T. M. C. A Meets every Sunday at 3 p m. at M. E. ennrch. W. S. Hallv, Pres. M. E. Right, Sec Secretaries of above lodges will please attend to corrections. Any s-ciety wis hin to have a place in this directory will please haadia nec essary data. CHURCHES OF. BEDFORD. 1 - Methodist Episcopal Church E. E Tiipcp son. past, rvices Um second and T-cru. S bbths: moraine. II a. m.. eveQinsr.:.Kp.m Prajer meeting at 3 p. m. TiursUtoT. Sunday scbooi each Sxauay as Id a. ra. A. K- Joansuu superintendent- r Christian Chore V-P. R. Burnett, paxtT. Preaching first aud third Sandjj in inontu morain '. and evening. W.r3iiip every Snnilu? rajniiLg. Suniiny school at rrajc-r meeting every Taurjday evening. Presbyterian Chnrcn F. 1. E-lmucds, tJ tor. Proacaing at 11 a. rs. as-d7:S0n. m. Sua day school at W a. m. Y. P. S. C. K., C:15p. ra. Captis: Church is at present without a pas tor. Prayer meeting every Wrdueday evas ion. Saaday sciioul at 10 a. m Further noiivt given as a as pastor is secured. , ; . The pastors of the diSerrot churches are re quested to ateu to correction. PPS1E SIP, E B. PICKEL, Physician and Surgeon Medford, Oregon. Office : Rooms 2 & 3, 1 O.O F. Bldg J B.WAIT, Physician and Surgeon. -- Medford, Oregon. Office:. In Childers' Block. E P. GEARY, a hysician ana oukgeon. ,' - -: Medford, Oregon. .. Office: Cor. C and 7th sts. . I S. JONES, Physician and Surgeon. Medford. Oregon. ' Office: ' Hamlin block, up stairs. D R. O. F. DEM0RE3T, Resident Dentist. Makes a . specialty of first-class work at reasonable rates. - Office in opera house, Medford.Or B OBT. A. MILLER- IAtt'v and Couskllob-at-law. Jacksonville, Oregon. Will practice in all courts of tbe . Sute. J Hi WHITMAN, AbjTractok and Attoknev- At Law. -' ' Medford, Oregon. Office in bank building. - Have the most complete and reliable, ab stracts of title in Jackson co unty TTTILLARD CRAWFORD. - ArroKNEY and Couksellor . -At Law. . Medford, Oregon. OflSce: In Opera block. ' AUSTIN S. HAMMOND. ; ' Attorney-At-Law. .-. ' , Medford, Oregon. 05ce: J.00.PrBuilding. r Candidates. For Supreme Jud: A. S. B.'nneit. Um!cnit. . F. A.Mco-s. R lmbHcan Will H. Walker, People's Benjamin P. Welch, Prohibition For Conjfier. Fi:st District -. Binjrcr U :i in uin, Reuublic:tn . . . 1-10 2-5 110 Wiafi slil T. RigJon. Prohibition . . . M. v. K irk. ftopl's R. XI. Yeutch. Democratic For Attorney Gjoeral Gr. E. Cfiamberloin, Democrat. . . Lionel R. Webster. Republican . . . Fcr Circuit Jud rej. Fii-st District W. C. Hale, R publican H. K. Hanno, Democrat P. P. Prim, D.Tiocrat Ira Wakcfi Id. Peoples. For District A-torney. First District Henry L. Benson, Republican.... 12 13j 2T5 21-1 2"0 US W. J. Edwards, People s . . .' S. TJ. Mitch -ill. Domoc-at For M.mber State B d EquuPn, 1st (list V. A. Dunlap. Dmocoitic - Gxtrg-i W. Dunn. Republican Sara u -I H. Holu Peopiys For R pn-sentativ.'S W. H. Atkinson, R 'publican William H. Bi-eeso, P lZs F. T. Djwninjr, People's ' E. D. Foudray, Democrat. J. J. Houck. Democrat. yi. W. M-eri itt, Republica i S. M. Ncalon.- People's Charles Nickel!, Democrat... Cbauncy Nye, Republican. '. Fcr County Judge W. T AndersoQ. People's J. M. McCall. Republican ' J. R. Neil, Democrat ' J. p. Whitman, Independent For County Commissioner Rial B -n-dict, Republican Samuel Furry, Democrat Harvey Richardson, People's .. For Canity Clerk E. E- Deicinr. People's Max Miill-ir, R -publican El. R. Owen. D. niocrat F r Cimnty Recorder R. T. Armstrong. R. -publican....".. . Wra. M. Holme-?. Democrat J. F. Wisner, Peo: le's... FarSlurM W. H. B-cdshax, People's... G -o. F. M .rriman. R publican John E P. ltou. Democrat Fr County Treiisuror G o. E. Blocme, D mocrat Wra. Kiifcl-?r. R-epuMica:i E P. Walk.r. P.ople's Flt County Ass sso- . J. Mr. Ma: kbcrry. P o;le's B. F. Mi:l ?r. Republican J. LI Woolridg. Domccrrt For School Supi rintenuent Scott Morris. R.-pub!ican.. C. S. Price. D .-muciiit E. E. Smith. People's For County Sarveyos . Welborn B-eson. Pco;:l:-!s G. Y. Eiksnat, Demot-mt Charles J. Howard, Republican For Coroner Jese Hiakle, R -publican Bfivren Por!e. D mncriit. TH3 PBOeaiNESX DEAD. President Polk, of ths Farmers' Alli ance. Dies in Washias:on. Washington, Jane 11. Colonel L. L. Polk, president of the Farmers' Alliance, died at 11:15 this morning . THE FCXERAU : Washington, June 11. Tha 11 o'clock train ov-.r the Richmond & Dinvilie road tonight carried the re miins -f Colonel L. L. Polk toRaluigh, N. C. for iolermcr.t. The remains are acJomranLd by a party of about 25 of Ujion l iol k a liusnas. Co'oael Pcli wns to years of agr V a rclaiivj of Prewid ?ni Polk, and a native of North Carolina. Ho served for a tim; in lho Confederate army and then resifrntd 10 enter tbe st--te leg slat jr . .Later he was commis si nir of agriculluie. and still later b.-gin tho publication of tha Progress ive Farmer. At tho timy of hia death he was serving his third t-i m as presi dent of ih? Farmers' Alliance. His hom i was ia Raleigh, N. C. Had he survived h-3 would probably Dave bjen nam'nated for president or vics-presi-d -nt at th i Pco"l Party convention, soan to ba hsli in Omaha COLONEL POLK'S FUNERAL. Raleich, NC, June 12. The train bearinj' ths body of President Polk at rived here at 3 o'clock this aft r uoon. It was' met at tha dewt by hundreds of people. Tha body wns escorted to the First Baptist chui ch. cf which Polk was a communicant. By four o'clock the church was pucked. Amoajr thoa present wore Governor Holt, and all the state officers, m tm b: s of the supreme court and ofticers otthe btate Farmer's Alliance. The s rrvic is were conducted by D. 8. Car le Skinnis and Hall. At tho corc'.u sioa of tha servic ;s the remains were tiken to Oakwood cemstary. At the cemetery a short address wtis made by R-v. Carter, afior which Rjv. Dr. Hall i ff jred a prayer, and the R v. Dr. Skinnis rrjnou-c.d tho b medio ii m. Mrs. Polk, h3r thran d iughtes anu so'i-in-iaw were ln3 chief mourn ers. Associate Ram -'y and the com positors of Polk's papjr, the Progress ive Farmer, were present at the fun eral, which was one of the largest ever known here. lira. Boric Dead. ,- -Mra. Anna Rork. wife of M. V. Ro:-k, the People's Party 1 omlnee fur nnnirpiMj' I ! ,i 1 linn 11 t Cnlum .. f . u a h: inf Uln fii Mr. Ttnrlr win in C cointy at the time. Mrs. Rork's death was unexpected. ' District Ticket For cansss-B'lfjar H-armtna is elected ou the republican ticket. For circuit judges W. C. Hale 1.4 elected on the republican, ticket nnd H K. Hanna on the democratic ticket. For marabjr of State Bjard of Equalization- V. 'A. Dunlap is elected on tbe democratic-ticket. - For district attorney H. L. Benson I elected op tho republican tickot. O 64 tS! 6: 3T 21 ' 8 13 1 - 43 4 20 27 65 10 1 1 50 23 - 55 2.. ..I 2 4s; sa 49 30 13 91 24 1 .1. ii CS 28 5.1 11! (io 22 60 7 99 20 4-tl 8 14 2 SO I 49 i; 1: 17 to 15 SO 29 ei So 77 30. 3.; 1 11 2 19 5 3." 14 17(5 21 11 1 14 191 5uj S8 1J 249 20 19 IS! 5(M 2S 15 10 4.1 21 5 24; 5! 07 11 10 1&: 3iH 14 lir 1 0 w 2:S 55; 17 22; 4 2." 5 14 14 1 30S 19i -26: 71 4S 13o 54 SI 62; Zi 261 19- 14.S 2t;l. lfSj 2i'. 41 13 Zi 21: 14 4 4.1 U C!j 14; 65i 121 Hi ;i 4t V 115 I: OO 181 l 42! 4ii 3. -i 1! 4 1! 13' is: lo.i 21 251' 2 60 9J 24j o: ; IS bi 3J: 5l 1: 10 I6j 111 24- 14"? 2".l 22i 76 SO' 4J 45; 4 24' 24! 21 41 4 23: i-ii 71 "! 24; 21: 12 10 11 3 1 rl! 10 21j 47i 221 5ii; 3-i 6,; 6, 14 l; 57 26; i?i 25'. 1 21 4v 67 71 6b; 14 HI 144 16 231 lit 22" Is li" t 11; 17' 2il ia' 2:7 lfr 151 2-V 431 ! 1; 50: Hi 1U 9 3: 3i! 72 4; 9,j 2.-; 4i: 3li 1 ! li lit 2ni SO - i 2t' 2t, "I i; 21i 24'. n sis W IS! 30! 2s ebj 17i o. 32 71: i;j 40 2.! 6 24 9 10 t0- 3! 14 14! 46! 6i 8! 10 o: Si! 25; 73! 19: 12i 11 4:1! 14 j i;i 4 70; I i 4i -J id! I 7t,: 4 5 1 S 1 24 8 li! n! 4i 47 21! l;i 2S; 11 37 f3 49! S3j 12 9; 51 c; 2; 14 13i i-i 5 19' I 19! 14-' 8: 19! 4-! Hi 12' 9' 197 42 11 15 3 2 93! 67! 1J lo .I--.2i mi 233 4! 59! 50; 15 11 Ciii 34 . 5-i 14! 5 m 5i 14, 1j! 2r.i 3! 19- 9' 15' 14' 5 t4 79' 4S TUa State Ticket. For a:tirnry CinorJ Georg-? E. Chambrlaii iiel):tai on thj dem ocratic ticket. For suprenid julje F. A. Maoro is elected on th renublicm ticket. ireciacl orficara. , The following is a 'complete list of Jdstics and Constant elocteJ in each precinct in Jackson county at the late election: Ashland Milton Barry, justice; Jno. Real, constable. Applcgate, St.'ambaat, Slorlinvillo and Uniontown J. H. Knutzea, jus tic:; Thos. Robert", consUibls. Bis Butt;, Eagle Point, Lost Cr:ck and Mt Pitt A. G. Johnston, justice: A. Pool, constable. C -ntral Point and Willow Springs V. B. A. Temple, justic; I. J. Carson, constable. Chimney Rock Jno. Grieve, jus tice; Chas. Turpin, constable. Eden Rile; Hamorsly, justice; Riley Nyswanor, const ibl i. Flounce Rock nnd Trail Creek O. J. Willard, justice: Hanry Vocgaly, con stable. Gold Hill and Rock Point J. W. Hays, justice; C. X. Lambert, consta ble. Jacksouvillor-R. S. Dunlap, justice, David Cronsmllle, coastablc. Mjdford Geo. S. Walton, justice; Isaac Woolf, constable. " Table Rock and Maadows C. C. Gall, justica; Martin Perry, constable. Woodvillo and Pleasant Crek Simon. Simpkins, justica; Frank, M. Parker, constable. Talent S. Shrrman, juttica; J. B. Carlisle, constable. K9ap in tai ill Ilia of tai Bail. Ashland, Oe'., July 14, liJ2. EJltor Su them Sregoa Mall: The People's Party cast a better vote than : some expected in this part of the c unity and if the vote were take:i thia week m my more would hV) supported the ticket than di I, for several have sstiti they wo.ild h.ive done so if they had thought there wua any choiv of eiejiiag anyone on that ticket. The general result in the state is iiico'.irngin nnd proves we have the balance of' purer aV least. Now lei us continue the fight from no on and kerp in tho riiddle of the road . nnd no comproniise of principle for temporary success and then we will be eure to win grand results in the near future. Our members are eulljciunt to 4 150 12 1 1'. J 31 2: 12 18 17 2-H y:tl 19 3 24 137 14: 3! US' 128! 15 102 18 8. 13 Si 8 1 4 5 10 1' C9 3-1 45 18 16S 1-4 6 198 14 181 2i-: 4! li 10 4-1 3.H 173 1 3. 3(il 2i 51 17 4 4 10 1 3 301 179 1 104 S4 19 li; 2S US, 123 1-1 Ii 27j 126! 2 lij 41 1 11 13 2; 13J 21 5S 2! 13. 35- 21 19 117 S! 144; 17! M. 102j 9ii 11! -3 l 3 21 1-1 l-'i i4 IS 23; llJi 42 12 4 231 2i 145! 3' IOi! 2, 123' 6! 131' 4 135! 14 34 2j! Ii9j 13! 34 29j 17oi 11 75j 11 2l SI IS is s! 15: 7l 6' 15 ' 1 ! "J 2 23 15- 3 15 25' 71! 76 23 15! 01 11. 1! ; 15- -5: 35 s! 6: 37 17i! 5; 70 i'i 2 13o 4 139 21 1J7'. 4 11 1 0i j 19, 2-ij i 'i 3) 17, 18j 2-- l J- 25 25 in; 4! 10' ::l l-vij '1 4i ii! si' 2 184! i s;; o! 4 2. to 14 .! J i 15 )'. 1C4 4 9! 9 16 .r in; 135' 841 l.i IT' ia; 3 1 2i! S;.... 21 13 I j 32 lV 9 i:l 14; 3! ! J - 14 : x ffi -5 20; 11; 35. loui 2ov; 6; 6 9! 17 S9 loJ is; 13 23j 5 155 12! I', 18 l! 94 4 81 7 Li ':1 J 1 3 2- 15'J 4 V. Si Ij 112; 5i 10 6' 5 121! ttj 15 IT! 33! 17i I 10 47! 2J; J3i! 2) . J 88 ' 4! 9' 4! 6, 14 o; U' 2 2 1Ji 6 o. 19. j j !....! ,J l! 10 11! 14 17j. 5! 2os! 0; & 16 67 19j; li; 41i 21! ! 1 1 S7 2; 4 24 iro o! 2-8S 128 14 li' -V) Mr. 2! 173 0 K4l n! 1 r! ss comuinnd ro$icct nnd we must continue to pu.-h the battle tiil the old parties uuilo or one or the other goes down into oblivi- n. Then it will be the pt-ople ngainst the plutocrats and their tools ami henchmen and the maFFea will gain the victory over the classes and society take another grand stride in the m.irch of progress and social evolution. The people are thinking and talking nnd they will not except stones for bread or promises for deed. Let us not accept any misleading ci-heme of the hankers, but continue the demand for land loans and sub treasuries and insist tlmt aliens and corporations shall not own laud for m-re vpev illative purposes, and a reduetiou of p i?9ener and freight rntes to a fair interest mi the actual investment with the watered stock left olT. Let the taritf go for the present ns that is less ttiun one-fifteenth of an issue compared with what I have men tioned. E. E. Demi so. Eagle Point News. . Tho smoke of oaltU has cl.ared awuy the b. tile of tho ballots. The smoice of lho "best Huvanus ' and th tunica of "old rye' no longer paifum. the pure inouutuin air of Eaclo Point. The election pabbod off very, quietly. Political uilTcr.nces of o)iuiuii hud b.en discussed and sof.l.d in tin cKc lionierlug days b-forehaud. Every thing s.ieins sadsfactorv except ibe ci tiee of justice of tha pjac.-, which is a "httlo mixed." Your correspondent, who is not a politician, feels sure thai tha country is safa. For how could it ba otherwise whon tl.r so or four polit ical parties ara looking so anxiously after its welfare. - Tiie carpjntar's hammer and saw i bend early and late on all sidis. Block- Hnntns are leapt busy repatruig larm implements. VVagou repairara are also in d.mand. Dry . weather and rough roads are Lot heullhy for wagons. Merchants are dointr a thriv ing business, which is alwas tha case when a good - crop is anticipated. Everything depond upon tho farmer, til vi why should he not rula tho uni v rse? Echo answers whvi Tiio weather has b en eloudy and co .1 the l UBt waek and bay makers ara wishing for sunshine. The alfalfa crop was saved in good condition and was vary heavy. A large acreage -was ajwly sown to this crop in this vicinity last Hpring, a id tho season has been iavoraul a i-V its growth. A numhjr- of railroad men from O.naha, Nob., word hire recantly, and of our citizans took thein up into a high mountain : and showad tnom all tha el.ies of Jackson county, but is not known if ha ollorad to givs any of thcra in exebaaga for a railroad to Eagle Point, M 149 24! J 2d! 2 5 05 0 62 25 2 2G 29 CO 80 2G 29 40 5 26 11 20 49 9D ICO lo 4 86' 4 1 10 7 22 1 21 27 41 21 1 79 2! 957 09 4 5-. 3W 11 27 73J 31 45 10' K18l. 53 62 31 US- CS3 26 Si is: 819 10 SO 91 22111; 6 S7S 11 a6 68 501 28; 51 57 5 83 ld 81 3! 28 33 15 1100 10 31 15! 22 2 SJjlOjo S, 9: 95j.... '.... irij -i 6;!.... 850.... 8v M 61 26' 25! 48 9i I 40 lJ ill 51 2-! i S: 24 1 li S7i 1 11 15 0 ti 1 48 53-' 1 19' 1 t ! 7o 9J 6 32! ' l' o-J 9! 3d 2 2 Eo 22! 10 9Si 8! 24' 10 1 9ee! 12, 2'j 2H 7JI! ... loj 25 44j S 1.9J; Lm 't re 10; 70 14 5! 15: 7S7..... a is! 2; X 3 SK 6'5.... 1. C9u ... 13 1j2s' 3J 271 -r, 4 31 1 Oi 4 4 7J2 i 20 6 19! 87S.... s; vjs i jo 30 7.8 2" 2r: 1 18: 2. 0! 45! Hi lu, 17- 30, 13 12! 21I07S-; 229 9 8.9.... ! i I l!l07! lbs 25 CjS.... i i 32. 773'.... 17! s.-o; lo' 1051; 210 17s 1IC 3S2 1) 7t6'.... : 3i 1$ 47 11 9 29 25! SI 9. 67! 35' Z3 6 id 2S' 1 a 1 49 19 l' 2T 4S .j . .11 6 vJ 3t: 25 hi 3! C-; 30; SO: S9 5 lu 2i: M '4i i3 'ssJ... 51! 9 2j 9 24' 6 54 2? 5a; s 4l! li C3; SI 3) 9 I-! 8U:.... 3u iui ois; Co 17 9: 151 rc.r,.... 35 471 17'rii Jj' 217 19j 23 26. 92J.... 2.1 2 j Si 7 111... 21 ili 9 Sit'.... 25j 8j 17 K2ij tXl Si SSIIS."... 4.1 .s 11 irl Iim Zl 2li SA 1! 41 13 -r4 The closing of oir school f.irthi sum n -r vacition is lator tbsn usual b; r awn ol lha sieKn.'S of th? teacher, Pro . llai.llo.i. sjinae, hia r. c v.-ry no ca3itls rious sicj au are r po. tw!. A . ang im an s ard b ing rnad j t4 r-ei- ebrut tia nntions bir;ht:a in th b aaliful grove nar kuon as t; e "old camp gro.ind. notice ol wnicu will be pi.b.Unjd in due lima. Polal -rvie.i has baen increased at this pos:cIli-u. but Postmaster Flony is equal lo the demand. MlCKOSCOPS. Oil, Hot They ! Li! The plntocrttic press i.j muddled over t'ac objects and adieu of tho Dirniia" liaui conference. Some cf them assert thnt it was a vigorous repudiation of the People's party. Others are equally sure that it was an unequivocal indorsement of iL These differing opinions are given only as opinions. But they undertake to givo facta and hero U where they revel ia tho broad and congenial anl familiar domain of rcCncd lying. Tor example, thcr say that tho test vote which killed tho Third party stood 21 ta'-en. They say that a certain fellow ia tho conferonco uiado a gallant Gght againRt tho Third party aud squelched it. Not a word of trnta ia it. Tliey say that a Third party president from one of tho states absolutely burst into tears when ho saw it was defeato 1. Another one out of wholo cloth. To show that ubsoluto harmony prevailed look at the address and you will see that all the gentlemen present from tho states signed it. .Keep oa guessing. Wo will cortaiuly not aid yon ia Gliding out what tho conference did. Aro you pnsrJed? Keep wp rour misrepresentation. Dou't yon feel badly? Don't you wish you did know what tho Birmingham conference means? Wait and see. Progressiva tanner. - Our Own Man Flrat. As I havo said nothing as to candi date I hopo you will givo me room for a few words. If anything on earth makes mo lose faith in tho capacity of tho human family it U to soo men who really aro in earnest and havo tho old political wool partly out of their eyes, straying off after strange gods, into tho camps of our bitterest enemies fcr rep resentatives of our political principles. What can our men moan when they say Sanford, Grosham. Butler and out el's equally far from our fold are tho men to uoniinato for president by tho People's party? Any honest, able and intelligent man in onr ranks would be a thousand times preferable to any out sider. We havo a host of patriots iu our ranks that havo the qualifications. Harrison Ugborn in Nonconformist. Tho Kansas Commoner says the Peo ple's party convention, of Kansas., which is to bo held at Wichita on June 15 and 10. will l "the greatest statu conven tion evor held In America," DflVlS 8t POTTEflGES. WE WILL SELL FOR THE OF CROCKERY & GLASSWARE AT COST. COME EARLY A NO GET A BARGAIN. , Ws Vi'ill Also GS2 Away Or.3 cf Oar 4iPis22 Tea Ssts. One Cti2n:e for Ea:h Ddlar's Furchssa cf Goods. J. S. HOWARD.'.' Dry Goods, Boots 1 Shoes, GrocrciBs, and GrockeryT The best goods at ibe lowest prices for Cash. The juig;bat prices jid ' ' for country produce. '-- -t,--vi"T-s s MEDFORD. - - -SbREGQJ JAMES A. SIM i GO., MEDFORD, v ORE. , PURE DRUGS AT POPULAR PRIGESr COMB X3 U1U.EUS. C-TWPS AVD OT.VriONUItY. T)r::cs AND TJ ROOMS Chamois, Sponges and a Full Line cf Toilet Prepcrations. PRESCRIPTION'S CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED DAY AND XIGST. All ordars answers! with cara ar.d dispatch. Our stock of Medicine is complex, warranted and of the best quality. ADKilMS & WEBB, HgjiXgi's in 1 SHELF AND HEAVY HABWABE. Stoves, Tin and Willow Ware. Cycone and Hoosier Pumps. JT-SKvery article ITHE! A-' Clare n p.iiM CCl. G. COOPER, Pi6pt., Medford, - Oregon. First-class Board by lie Day, feel or Montii Centrally Located, West CHIP tOESTIL JiTEL :Siledford, Harris 5'Fnriia Prcsristcrs. . Ms: $1 $1.50 asi S2 turte First-class in Every Particular. - ..... :'- .-'.." - - - - '.' - JSSneoial attcution paid to Commercial Travelers, . NEXT THIRTY DAYS ANY OUR v - a LASTEiA. .TnwDEt5 AND 1 KKt-'CJ AND bears a guarante. Side of the S. P. R. R. Depot Oregon. - ' n' r i -tfr '- -.a . -T - I