4 SODTHEM OREGON MAIIi THE MAIL IS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE AND PEOPLE'S PARTY OF SOUTHERN OREGON. ADVERTISERS - Do you study your beat loter cxta aud patronize thin paper. It will be. appreciated by all- the best farmers, from whom you get trade. A Paper Of, By and For the People! VOL. IV. MEDFORD: OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1892. NO. 23. SOCIETIES OF MEDFORD. K. of P. Talisman lodge No. 31, meets M m day evening at 8 p. m. Visiting brothers al ways welcome. C. I. Hutchison, C C. J. A. Whitman, K. of R. S. A. O. TJ. W. Lodge No. 98, meets every sec ond and fourth Tuesday in the month at S p. m. in their hall in the opera block. Visiting oro thers invited to attend. - L A. Webb, m: W. B. S. Webb, Sec. I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 83, meets in L O; O. F. hall every Saturday at at 8 p. m. Visiting brothers always Welcome. Chas. Strang, N. G. H. G. Nicholson', Rec. Sec. I. Ol O. F. Rogue River Encampment. Lodge No. 30, meets in I. O. O. F. hall the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 8 p. m. W. I. Vawtkr, C. P. B. S. Webb, Scribe. Olive Rebekah Lodge No. 28, meets in I. O. O. F. hall first and third Tuesdays of each month. Visiting sisters invited to attend. Mrs. Chas Strang, N. G. Mrs. Bessie Webb, Sec A. F. & A. M. Meets first Friday on or be fore full moon at 8 p. m., in A. O. U. W. hall. N. L. Nakregas, w. M. ' J. S. Howard, Sec O. A. R. Chester A. Arthur Post No. -7, meets in G. A. R. hall every second and fourth Thursdays in each month at 7:30 p. M. G. C Noble, Com. J. H. Faris, Adjt. F. A. & I. TiL. L. polk lodge No. 2o3, meets every Tuesday at S p. m. - J. W. Millek, Pres. G. S. Briggs, Sec Epworth League meets each Sunday even ing at 6:30. D. T. Lawton, president, Julia Fulde, secretary. Young People's Literary meets Frtdy even ing of each week, under the auspices of the Epworth League. ' W. C. T. U. Meets at Christian cbarch every Monday evening at J p. m. Mrs. A. a. Kellogg, Pres. Mrs. E. P. Htvnosp, Sec y. T. M. C. A. Meets every Sunday at 3 p m. at M. E. church. W. 8. H-llv, Pres. M. E. Rigby, Sec Seeretariesof above lodges will please attend to corrections. Any society wishing to have a place in this directory will please hand in nec essary data. CHURCHES OF MEDFORD. Methodist Episcopal Church E. E. Thorcp son. pastor. Services the second and fourth Sabbaths; morning. 11 a. m.. evening, 7:30 p. m Prayer meeting at 3 p. m. Thursday. Sunday school each Sunday as 10 a. m. A. E. Johnson, superintendent. Christian Church P. R. Burnett, pastor. Preaching first and third Sundays in month, morning and evening. Worship every Sunday morning. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Presbvterian Chnrcn F. J. Edmunds, pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 il p. m. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Y. P.S. C. E:15p.m. Baptist Church is at present without a pas tor. .Prayer meeting every Wednesday even ing." Sunday school at K a. m Further notice given as soon as pastor is secured. The pastors of the different churches are re quested to attend to corrections. p W caps. E B. PICKEL, Physician and Surgeox Medford, Oregon. Office: Rooms 243. I.O.O.F. Bldg J B. WAIT, - Physician and bCKGEON. Medford, Oregon. InChilders' Block. Office: E p. geary; Physician and Surgeon. Medford, Oregon. Office: Cor. C and 7th sts, f. S. JONES, Physician and Surgeon. Medford, Oregon. Office: Hamlin block, up stairs. R. O. F. DEMOREST, Resident Dentist. Makes a specialty of first-class work at reasonable rates. Office in opera house, Medford, Or R OBT. A. MILLER- Att'y and Cowsbllor-at-law. Jacksonville, Oregon. Will practice in all courts of the State. J, H. WHITMAN, Abstractor and Attokxey- - - At-Law. . . Medford, Oregon. Office in bank buildine. Have the most complete and reliable ab stracts of title in Jackson co unty TTJTLLARD CRAWFORD. n.A, Attorney and Counseilor- -At Law. Medford, Oregon. Office: In Opera block. AUSTIN S. HAMMOND, ' Attorn ey-At-Law. . Medford, Oregon. ' Q35ce: LQ.O.F, Building. IN THE GRAND MARCH A DEMOCRATIC- DISTRICT CHAIRMAN JOINS THE PEOPLE'S PARTY. Colonel Sidney ' Harper, of Texas, Says There Is No Difference Between the Two Old Parties and Ho Wants to Be In the Straggle for Liberty. Patriots are quitting the old bulks and joining the new party of the people. One of the latest acquisitions is that of Colo nel Sidney H'arper, of Texas, who has heretofore occupied the prominent posi tion of chairman of the Fourth congres sional district committee. His letter, resigning his chairmanship and declar ing his purpose to "join the grand march in the struggle for liberty," speaks ia no uncertain language. It has the ring of the true metal. It is as follows: To the people of tho Fourth congressional dis trict: I hereby tender my resignation as chairman of the Democratic party for this congressional district. My reasons for so doing are that I go to a party more democratic in principle, more patriotic in practice and less prescriptive in management. Ut dcr the name Democracy the great mass of common peoplonf the&onthhave been lured step by step, each year being led farther away from the old landmarks of its founders, until today there is no perceptible difference between the leaders and the vilest Republicans. The age of corporations, trusts and combines in which we live is debauching our politics, corrupting our laws and destroy ing our government, and making a wreck of our liberties and paupers of our people. During this era of corruption the people hare been kept divided while the lenders of the two parties have been in partnership. amassing millions of' dollars out of the very corporations and fraud which they by law have foisted upon the people. The land, the bank, the transportation, the miniugaml man ufacturing monopolies aro jointly owned and controlled by the leaders of tlie two old par tics. The press, the greet political dailies being largely under the great telegraph news combine, must of necessity depend ou the enemies of the people (the trusts and com bines) for classification and transmission of political news. By these methods the people were kept deceived nntil they wero educated .otherwise through their industrial organiza tions. Looking back for thirty years over this era of corruption aud fraud coming out and per petuating itself in the passions and prejudices of tho late war. we find as the production of modern Democracy and Republicanism over l.uX) millionaires and GQ.0ft) paupers each year. Over half the wealth of the Union is owned and controlled by 73.HW people, whose corpora tion managers have a power in the assessment and collection of freights, tolls and tariffs un rivaled by Lue royal blood of Russia. States' rights, individual rights and the liberties of our people have been usurped by corporate greed. What does the cry states rights signify when half a dozen corporation managers in the state of New York, by the stroke of a pen. can col lect over $5,000,000 a year out of the people of Texas on fictitious or watered stock in trans portation cnmpan'cs or let the salary of a cor poration officer at five times the highest paid state officer, and make the people pay it. with no power in the modern states rights to pre vent it. Whatdocs thecryof individual rights signify when a few chartered classes have a monopoly of the governmental power to make, coin, issue and control the money which prices every individual's labor and product. and that, too, withoat legal power or redress or preven tion. The very men who have carried our pol itics to a system of spoliation, pillage and plunder are now and have been about equally divided among the managers and leaders of the two ol 1 parties, thus proving their joint re sponsibility for the wrongs which exist. In this condition of matters it is folly to ex pect reform in either of the old parties, and for the good of myself, my family, my poster ity and my country 1 expect to take part in the ratification which takes place at the court house on Saturday, and join the grand march and struggle for liberty. To those who know me I have no explanation to offer, but to those who do not, will state timt I am a farmer, was born and raised in the south and havo taken this step after due deliberation. feinsEY Harpzs. JL Solemn Hoar. The wealth producers of the country have solemnly declared for certain great economic reforms, lney nave promul gated their principles and will vote only for such men and such party as will use their best effort to enact these princi ples into law, and they earnestly invoke the aid of all good citizens in their patri otic endeavor. Impressed with the solemnity of the situation and the magnitude and im portance of tho stupendous issues in volved, I pray God that my countrymen may discard all selfish ambitions, all sectional feeling, all partisan prejudice. and will meet the demands of the hoar in a spirit of exalted patriotism and pre serve and perpetuate onr free institu tions and the blessings of liberty. L. L. Polk. "Evidences of Prosperity." The following interesting statistics are taken from the report of the special in vestigation made by Mr. Robert PorterTj census bureau: In Kansas in 1880, of the whole nnm ber of farmers, 13.13 per cent, lived on rented farms. In 1890, of "the whole number of farmers, 83.25 per cent, were tenants. In Ohio in 1880, of the whole number of farmers, 34.96 per cent, lived on rent ed farms. In 1890, of the whole num ber of farmers, 87.10 per cent, were ten ants. ' ' . The "evidences of prosperity" are in creasing as the census reports come in. And Crime Follows. Never in the history of this nation has there been more crimes committed, more destitution and want, more drunk enness and debauchery, more licentious ness, more" corruption in high places, more general cussedness, than today. The devil finds work for idle hands to do. The lack of a circulating medium makes the idle hands crimes follow as consequence, Tiffin (O.) Plow and Hammer, Down the Promlao Breakers. If the people will defeat next Novem ber all who have broken their promises there is hope for the country. Promises made to be broken, men elected to con gress to betray their constituencies, will hardly contribute to party success un der the blazing light of Alliance educa tion, Greer (Tex.) News. A Commotion. Georgia is in a terrible political com motion as a result of the Democratic party repudiating its pledge to pass a free silver bill, and the people are organ izing the People's party with energy and determination. Montgomery (Ala.) Al; liance Herald, . To liaise I'uuds. ' General James B. Weaver writes to The National Economist: In thinking over the best plan for raising money, now so sorely needed in tho campaign, I have been impressed with the following plan: Have our na tional committee designate a week to be styled "self denial week," during which every person who wishes this movement to be successful will deny himself or herself some luxury or supposed neces sity for which they are in the habit of expending weekly a sum of money, and at the end of tho week send the sum so saved by self denial to tho treasurer of the national committee. This will ex tend to the use of tobacco in its various forms, liquors or other articles of daily consumption which the person or fam ily may see fit to abstain from. This ought to raise a very large sum of money, and it would tend to impress npon the whole country the serious char acter of our movement and the reforms which wo advocate. Tho idea is bor rowed from tho Women's Christian Tem perance union, which last year raised a quarter of a million dollars in a single week in that way. If this matter should be promulgated by the committee and is taken up with zeal by the reform press everywhere, it will yield a large snm. Then the Fourth of July collection added ought to give us a very consider able snm of money. P. S. This plan also possesses tho merit of being a practical levy upon the enemy. - . Not for tho Rabble. The review editor of the Chicago Tribune, in commenting on "Money, Silver and Finance," says: It is unfortunate that tula information ia not likely to reach thabo who need it most. Unsound views in relation to the currency ore notably rife among the middle classes, espe cially the agricultural communities. But the arguments here presented are beyoud Iht com prehension of theso classes. Oh, but ye are gods and wisdom will die with you. You have this financial question to perfection. You have reached the point where panics recur as regular as the equinox, and the trade of the country plays seesaw oa the bridge of Shylock's nose. Yes, your "trained in telligencer iu this country understands finance. Its Alpha is bonds and mort gages and its Omega is per cent, and taxes. It is an inverted pvramid with idocy and theft and despotism -on top and long suffering labor at the bottom. To test the question of competency we beg The Tribuno to trot out its speci mens of "upper class men who will try their power of comprehension npon the! sufflclent extent to damage our order, but it platform alongside of a representative of i mars that perfect unity that should prevail, these lower classes. Forvears this ar-' and always injures oil concern -I. and is eon-roo-inro tliU lnn-htv niwriiirilr this! trory to the spirit vt brotherly love and for rogance. tins uau0nty superiority, uiis , tlua fclipu! prevaii. studied insult has been tho reliance of Anothcrcril.nUirta fortnoatc!)' prevails only plutocracy, but it will sot in be pnnctu- In very few localities. i the deposition of ... - . . ..... 1 ... . . ... . , . .1 . i 1 .. m .1.- 1. .i area witu a tun stop. 11 tne tanners dont understand the money question they are studying it. Junction City (Kan.) Tribune. Don't Scatter. As before the St. Louts conference, so now we have a word of suggestion to committees on resolutions in state and national conventions. It is this: Put in nothing for buncombe; leave that to the old parties. They have done it until the people are disgusted with words, swelling words, only this and nothing more. Make a few clear, dtrong points and put them in the words that have been before the people and understood by them. Do not rewrite a plank because you think you cau state it better than it has been stated. Go slow on new planks. They may be all right, but 110 party has ever yet absorbed all the good things. Concentrate rather than scatter. When the responsibility of government is placed upon us, theu we must meet and act upon new questions as practical questions of legislation. Any material deviation from the grand principles al ready stated to details of construction L will do far more harm than good. Keep on the solid ground in the middle of the road. American Nonconformist. Complaint and Action. Throughout the agricultural states south, west and northwest where, a few decades ago, were the happiest, best con tented, most prosperous nud most inde pendent jieople on the habitable globe, possessed of the most princely heritago which God ever vouchsafed to man, now .dejection, depression, suffering and pov erty hang like a pall of night, and they Bro practically no more than a respecta- ble class or tenants wuose earning un der iniquitous laws nre appropriated by the money power of tho country. They would be less than human if they did not complain, they would be more than human if they did nothing more than complain. L. L. Polk. Well, Why Not? The Topcka Capital thinks tho Dcn-,ocrats would save a good deal of bnrd work aud money if they wero to move to make, tho elec tion of Harrison unanimous. Kansas City Gazette. TUey could do this without any sncri fice of principle, because the controlling wing of their party is iu practical accord with gold bug leadership. Wall street will name the candidates of both old parties. It is only a question of time when they will double teams against the people. Junction City Trib une. . Open Your Hearts. The campaign is here. The time for political action has come. Remember that the People's party is tho party of the people and has no weultby office seek ers, national bankers or monopolists to furnish the campaign funds, and the people must contribute to their own cause. Don't be' close, but open your hearts and assist in pushing tho work of reform. K0U01110 (Ind.) Populist. Honesty and Ability. The Alliance members of congress in tho house are showing an ability in de bate' and the possession of such a fund of information on economic subjects as are gaining them the respect of. their fellow members. We beliove that Kan sas was never more ably represented in congress than now by her 'hayseeds." Peninsula Farmer, THE BIRMINGHAM MANIFESTO. Address , of tho Katlonul Alliance And Industrial Uulou PrcNldcnla. The capitalistic press, especial! in tho south, is trying to distort the mean ing of the action of tle recent confer ence of Alliance officials at Binning- ham, Ala., so as to create the belief that it was in opposition to the People's party. The conference did only what it could do in that particular and conform to the Alliance constitution aud obliga tion. Following is the text of the ad Aress issued by the conference, and the "solid south" is welcome to all the com fort it can obtain therefrom. To tho Brotherhood of National Farmers Alliance and Industrial union: We, tho presidents and executive officers of the states of Tennessee, Kentucky. Missouri, Texas, tauieiana, Virginia. Mississippi, Ala bama, licorgin. West Virginia nud Florida, together with the members of our national executive committee, naliuuai legislative com mittee, national judiciary committee and President having been called together In council to consider the reported peculiar conditions in the order in the southern states, which It was believed seriously threatened that harmony, brotherly love and unity of action ro iieceasnry to tho surcexs of our cause, and success of our order In these Motes, after counseling together aud hearing detailed re ports, rejoice to Niy to you that wo feel greatly encouraged and inspired by the splendid spirit of unity and determined adherence to princi ple which pervade the order in nearly every one of these states, notwithstanding the com bined efforts of our enemies to sow seeds of discord in our ranks, pending heated political contests, iiic.il and national. We therefore feel it our duty as servants of the people we represent, standing upon the nntpiKtsand uatchlowers of this the greatest iliticnl revolution ever known to the nation, to say to you that wo have entered the crucial period in the history of our great reform move ment, iu which the greatest caution, earnest deliberation and strict adherence to our prin ciples are necessary to preserve Intact that or ganixation which stands today as the sheet anchor and hope of millions of wealth pro ducers in the great battle for the God given rights of humanity. Yon are congratulated upon tho great harmony and nnity of senti ment in rtvard to the Alliance principles which prevail within your border, and upon the fact that a careful canvass of the subject at this meeting has shown that practically the members of tho order In these state stand squarely upon their demands, with the avowed determination of holding devotion H them above that to any method of action, and thru today the number of those who no Indorsed the principles of the Alliance Is muck greater than ever before. The sentiment alo prevails, strong and uni form, that this great order as an orimnization Is the greatest of all modern forces for the spread of reform education, and that its work must I perpetuated and encouraged in this high sphere entirely free from any partisan entanglement s. The only dangers which seem in any way to threaten a lark if the fullest development and praerity of the ordor are those which attend the disposition of a few men aud papers to publicly rritiebe and con .1 ... 1 1 1. ..! . . 1 1 ri. i members to tock political office at the hands of their brethren, forgetting tfcat principle of Alliance doctrino which declares that the office should seek the man and not the man the office. In consideration of these views as to the situation, the following rules of action aro suggested as well calculated to enable the order to go through the coming ordeal of fierce political contest and come out strengthened and pnrificd: 1. IjcI a spirit of harmony prevail aud let cnity of action be the rule. Let none con demn a brother who stands squarely by prin ciples of I he order or speak in any way dis paragingly or disrespectfully of him because they may differ as to the best methods of en forcing our principles. Grant toevcry brothel honesty of purpose. S. Let fealty to the principles of the order be the true and only test of membership, and let Ihoeo who value partKon affiliations more than, their Alliance obligations be informed that their order demands strict and f ui1 devo tion to its principles aud leaves each to h'r own choice as to methods, but that method con in no case control principle, and therefore all who afuiinte should accept as supreme tne principles of the order. L Every member who takes the obligation always atlmfnu-tcrcd to those who Join, is first told nsacondittn.i precedent and upon which all that is to fo'.low is predicated. "That it shall in no way interfere with your political or rellijiou liberty." Therefore this order as such, or any of its branches, bus no right to take any iartisnn. political or sectarian re ligious action. We urge ujwn the biotlierhood of all reform associations and ail uood citizens who believe, ns we do, that llio enactment 01 laws bnscd upon our demands is for the pres ervation of free Institutions of our govern- nicnl and to rescue the ma-vica from degraded servitude, that they use all honorable means to seeuro the election of men to our national legislative council who stand pledged to work for the passnwc of such laws. riiiully. brethren, remember that devotion tonr.r principle Is only to be emphasized and our Influence uaitle effective by voting for our demands al the ballot box. We send greeting to the brotherhood in the north and the great northwest, and assure them thnt our hearts bent In unison with them iu tiiclr efforts for iiidustrlnl freedom, and we will stand by them In all laudable efforts to redeem this country from t ho clutches of orgniiizcd rapital and thzit we will stanil with them at the ballot box for the enforcement of our demands. The address was signed by all tho members of tho conference. Insincere Antlallvcr Men. The utter insincerity of tho antisilver men is bevoud belief if they give the pontile credit for any intelligence at all. When they condomu iu such tlerco terms tire silver dollar liecause it only costs seventy cents to produce the silver in it, one would suppose of course that it cost 100 cents to produce the gold in the gold dollar. But what is tho fact? Accord ing to some authorities it costs but 80.3 cents to produce the gold in a gold dol lar. What right has the government to give the gold men sixty-one cents on every gold dollar coined? Cotton Plant. Must Succeed, In the telegraphic reports of tho Maiuo People's party convention, which met at Gardiner on May 8, there was evidence of a spirit of devotion to principle which must make tho people victors ere long in tho battlo with tyranny and injustice. The press reports contained these words: "There is no fund to assist delegates to attend the convention and they are here at their own expense. Some walked from ten to twelve miles iu order to bo presont," , llo Is a Bobber. When the farmer produces a bountiful crop there is great rejoicing by the speculators, who reap where they have not sown and gather where they have not strewn. The speculator first de presses prices and takes the profit from tho producer; then he raises the prices of goods again and takes a profit from the consumer. The speculator is a rob ber. Beatrice (Neb.) Arbor State, SAVE THE REPU&LIG. Ignatius Donnelly's Warning and Elo quent Appeal to the People. We are about to enter upon the great est political conflict this country or this j world has ever known. I have tried to 1 show in my book, "Caesar's Column," ; the overwheming dangers which thrcat ' en civilization. The man who in such a crisis will refuse to study the coudi , tions aud think for himself is unworthy of life. The men who aro small enough to be hustled along and driven in a body by outriding politicians as we see droves of bewildered sheep driven throngli the streets of a great city, bemused iu und turned aside .it every pathway of inde pendent thought, deserve themselves, and at once, the hell which their ig norance ami indifference are assuredly preparing for posterity. The newspaper editors who refuse to tell the truth about public affairs, and who try to occupy the minds of their readers with whole pages devoted to fist fights, ball games and horse races, are worse than the emperors who of old kept the masses of Borne from thinking of their lost liberties by free feeds and gladiutor murders. That man is in deed blinder than -a bat iu the full glare of noonday who does not perceive the steady march of plutocratic selfishness and greed over the privileges of the people; who docs not know that that march has been going on in the old world forcetitnries nntil it lias squeezed its wretched victims oat ia millions to nil parts of the earth. That vast army of cunning nod injustice crossed the sea amid the uproar and confusion of our civil war and has ever since moved westward, nntil now its desolating pres ence is felt in the remotest regions of our country. Combinations, rings, trusts, the dem onetization of silver; the abridgment of the volume of currency; the control of the press: the interference of the money power in popular elections: the manage ment of legislative bodjafclry corpora tions: the dtmiination of tbe two great political parties by Wall street; the ownership of even some of the conrts; the United States senate chamber turned into a clubroom of tueJuols of the capitalists: the impossibility of any poor man nowadays obtaining any high office: the gradual rise of the sea of debt until it is tip to tbe lips and ecrs of the must laborious: the concentration of all industries iu the hands of syndicates: the decadence of farming and tho un natural growth iu numbers of city popu lation; the f.stautjy increasing strug gles of the musses to live: the increased taxation: the steadily swelling volume of crime and the loosening of fauulj ties Jul the things indicate that the civilisation if the world is on the down grade an J moving rajidly to dostrcc tiox Vut is the remedy? Is not a movement, rising up from the body of the whole people, ueccssary to save the republic and society? .Dues any intelligent man doubt it? U there purity enough and tense enough left in the inuliitudo to redi-eni the nation? if uot. then are we lost indeed. The remedy must cuius from the peo ple themselves. It must originate in individual brains and hearts. It tnusM be bona of suTcnng and of a great, pas sionate love for right and virtue and country. In the presence of the dread daugers which encompass ns all petty ambitions and differences should be for gotten. Miner questions should be lost sight of, and the whole peojde move for ward together in the grandest effort for human rights known since man ap peared ou the piauet. We should rejoice that this great task, and responsibility is thrown npon ns while wo have still enough of the results of old batilcGelds for liberty left in our institutions to ennble ns to tight with some hope of success. Every man should be glad that the opportunity is given him yea. oven unto lain to do something in this great day of trial and tribulation for the unaccountable mil lions that nre to come after us: In the world's great field of battle. In the bivouac of life. ' lie not like dumb driven cattle. Be a hero in the strifc. And so I close by sending out to every heart that my words can reach, priest and layman, rich nud poor, this appeal to come up to the highest levels of their better natures,, and to do all- that in them lies for Cfod and (Jod's greatest creation, humanity. All things pass awav fame, glory, property, life, friends, foes bnt the human race, the iucxtinguishitblo, the glorious, the im mortal, remains. Let us not stand idly by and see this noble and splendid hu manity trampled down, in blood aud tuiro, under tho feet of an ignorant, bru tal shortsighted, selfish plutocracy. Let us rejuvenate the republic, Ltf us re vive the spirit of the elder and better days the spirit of Washington and Jef ferson and Jackson and Lincoln. Let ns crush down these gildedlnoukeys of a false, shallow aud arrogant aristoc racy. Let us once more make merit, virtue, knowledge outweigh, hi the bal ance of public judgment, a bank ac count. Let us stop this worldwide and degradiug worship of tho money chang ers. Lot us blot out this picture of a wholo nation down on its knees In the wilderuess of desolation beforo tho golden calf of successful rascality. Ignatius Donnelly in St. Paul Globe. ITnt and South United. We want all tho ex-Coufoderato sol diers to couio to Omaha; we want to meet thorn, not as we used to meet them. with fixed l-nyouets and eyes turned to the right like enraged animals, but to give them a hearty greeting: wo have been separated by politicians and the money power long enough. ivOiue, brethren, let us be f rionds. Ingalls snys tho south aud west would have to ally themselves toirother for self protection, He ought to know. Johu Johnson, of Kansas. Those who imagine that the third party iu this stute has lost heart or hope do uot understand the situation. The danger is as great as it ever was. At- lnnt (,'onstitutKm, BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! - DRVIS 8t POTTEfiGE'S. WE WILL SELL FOR THE OF CROCKERY & GLASSWARE AT COST. COME EARLY AND GET A BARGAIN. Ws Will Also Give Away Ons of Our Wises Tea Sets. Ocs Chance for Each Dollar's Purchase of Goods. J. S. HOWARD. Dry Goods, Boots i! Shoes, Grocrcies, and Crockery. The best goods at tbe lowest prices for Cash. The highest prices paid for country produce. MEDFORD, - - - OEEGON. . JAMES I MEDFORD, ORE. PURE DRUGS AT COMBS AND OTATIONEUY. TKXS AND 1 UN CI Li B ROOMS HUSHES. Chamois, Sponges and a Full Line of Toilet Preparations. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED DAY AXD NIGHT. All orders answered with ear and dispatch. Our stock ol M?di.cja is coraplot, warranted and of the best quality. ADKiNS Dealers in SHELF AND HEAVY HARWARE. Stoves, Tin and Willow Ware. Cycone and Hoosier Pumps. SrEvery article bears a guarantee. IT HE! m ClarenpoN HOTEL. Ol. 0. COOPER, PpopP,, Medford, - Oregon. First-class Boara liy Centrally Located, West AT - NEXT THIRTY DAYS ANY OUR k CO.. POPULAR PRICES. AND 1)0XDKKS AT EKFLMES. COA.PS A3 1 LAST Bit. & WEBB, the Day, Weefc or Side of t!;c S. P. R. R. Depot SLOYER Moni J