Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, May 20, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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K. of P. Talisman lodge No. 31, meets M m
day evening at 8 p. m. Visiting brothers al
"ways welcome. c. I. Hutchison, c. C.
J. A. Whitman, K. of K. & S. .
A. O. U. W, Lodge No. 98, meets every sec
ond and fourth Tuesday in the month at 8 p. m.
In their hall in the opera block. Visiting
orothers invited to attend. .
I. A. Webb, M. W. ,
B. S. Wkbb, Seo.
I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 83, meets in L O. O. F.
nail every Saturday at at S p. m. Visiting
brothers always Welcome.
a. 3. NtCHOUON, Rec Sec.
1. 0. 0. F. Rogue River Encampment, Lodge
No. 30, meets in I. O. O. F. hall the second and
Tourth Wednesdays of each month at 8 p.m.
W. I. Vawter, c, P.
B. S. Wsbb, Scribe.
Olive Rebekah Lodge No. 88, meets in I. C 1
O. F. hall first and third Tuesdays of each-
month, visiting sisters invited to attend.
Mrs. Chas Strang, N. O.
Mbs. Bessie Webb, See.
A. F. A A. M. Meets first Friday on or be
fore full moon at 8 p. m.. in A. O. U. W. hall.
N. L. Nakregah, W. M.
J. S. Howard, Sec
G. A. R. Chester A. Arthur Post No. 47.
meets in G. A. R. hall every second and fourth
TThursdavs in eah month at 7:30 n. M.
G. C. Noble, Com.
J. H. Faris, Adjt.
f..-l.tiEl.u. Ij. X. r"Oia lougejao. soa, mcais
every Tuesday at 8 p. m.
J. W. Miller, Pres.
. G. S. Briggs, Sec
- Epworth League meets each Sunday even
ing at 6:30. D. T. Lawton, president, Julia
Fulde, secretarv.
' Young People's Literary meets Friday even
ing of each week, under the auspices of the
Epworth League. -
W. C T. IT. Meets at Christian church every
Monday evening at 7 p. m.
Mrs. A. a. Kellogg, Pres.
Mrs. E. P. Hammond, Sec'y.
Secretaries of above lodges will please attend
to corrections. Any society wishing to have a
place in this directory will please band in nec
essary data. . - . :
Methodist Episcopal Church E. E. Thomp
son, pastor. Services the second and fourth
Sabbaths: morning, 11 a. m.. evening. 7 p. m
Prayer meeting Thursday. Sunday
school each Sunday as 10 a. m. A. E. Johnson,
Christian Church P. R. Burnett, pastor.
Preaching first and third Sundays In month,
morning and evening. Worship every Sunday
morning. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Prayer
meeting every Thursday evening.
Presbyterian Churcn F. J. Edmunds, pas
tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S.C.E., 6:15 p.m.
Baptist Church is at present without a pas
tor. Prayer meeting every Wednesday even
ing. Sunday school at 10 a. m Further notice
given as soon as pastor is secured.
The pastors of the different churches are re
quested to attend to corrections.
Wheat, No. 1, ' per bushel i .(3
Oats, . " . JS
Barley . .40
Corn, .40
Potatoes, .30
Mill Feed, Bran and Shorts, per ton 15.00
Hay,r baled, tll.OO; i loose, ia00
Wood', O- Per cord 4.00
wooa f Fir, - " 3.M
Flour, wholesale, per "barrel 4.40
Flour, retail, per sack LS0
Butter, per roll .40
Eggs, ' per dozen .12V4
Onions, per pound JOS
Apples, per box JO
Bacon an Ham ' - per lb. .12ii
Shoulde ; " .10
Beans " .04
Lard - " .IS
Heney, . " .15
bummer beat.
Floods in the East.
Fine job work at this office.
Fourth of July celebration.
Demorist Brothersdentista. - . j
Patronize your home "'pa per first.
The highest prica paid tor chick i
ens at J. S. Howard's.
An eastern show will be here
Cash paid for chickens at Henry
Lots of good political speeches
these day 8. .
Ladies' visiting- cards printed at
this office. .
Decoration day celebration and
services. r
A full line or tinware at lowest
prices at Angle & Plymale's.
' Read Governor Pennoyer's speech
in this issue.
Groceries, Farm Produce, cheese,
bacon and ham at Anglo. & Plpmale's.
Joe Sheriden . and wife were visit
ing in town this week.
Maxcy handles all kinds of soda
water at a cents a glass.
P. W. Olwell and wife were do
ing business in town this week.
Cinnamon bark and whole cloves at
The bakery ha8 moved to the
old photograph gallery building.
Go to Davis & Pottenger's for all
kinds of soda drinks 5 cents a glass. -
: The verdict: Mrs. Mary E.
Lease is one of the smartest women
of the age. - '
Soda water 5 cents a glass at C. W.
J. H. Brantner, one of the solid
ranchers of the Applegate. came
down last week on a business trip.
Placer and quartz claim notices
lor sale at this omce.
A. V. Cormack of Big Eutte
jnd A. C. Howlett of Eagle Point,
were among onr visitors this week.
For bargains in boots'and shoes call
on M. S. Damon. - -
Mrs. F. F. Post of Salem, daugh
ter of Mrs. M. H. Graves of this
city, is visiting relatives in . Med
ford. . Buy your school tablets at SJover's
and get a nice lead pencil free with
eacn one.
W. II. Breese, secretary of county
Farmera Alliance, passed through
the city Saturday on his way to
attend the Rogue River picnic.
Medford citizens have never
failed to respond liberally when
the hat is passed around to defray
the expenses of public speakers.
Among those from Phoenix who
attended the Lease speech were:
8. H. Holt, A. L. Rose, Dr. T. H.
West, S. Bobbins and others too
numerous ' to mention,
Election, June 6.
Dry popcorn at Elder's.
Australian ballot this year.
Subscribe for the Mail.
J. J. Watts is down from Pros
pect. '
Mrs. S. E. Penwell has removed
her bakory from the Medford house to
the old photograph gallery, on B St.-
Thomaa Riley, of Wellan, visited
Medford not long since.
Goto Elder's for the best tea; in
Mrs. Harvey was visiting in town
from Central Point last week.
The best placa in town to trade is
at J. S. Howard's.
Our subscribers always do their
trading with our advertisers.
Our' next county judge, W. T.
Anderson, took in the Lease speech
Lamp chimneys at Woltor's gro
aerv. Joe Roden of Butte creek, regis
tered at the .Grand Central this
We claim to turn out the best and
neatest job work in the valley at rea
sonable prices. .
Miss Lillie Hay and brother were
in the city from Rock Point this
week.- "
Beautiful line of solid back hair
brushes just received at J. A,' Slover's
drug store. '
The fire lads are having elegant
suits made and will soon be on
parade. ' .'.
S. M. Xealon, one of our next
representatives, smiled in on us
Tuesday. .
Hay by the ton or bale, seed oats
and barley at J. H. TUorndike's
Talent was well represented at
the speaking of 'Mrs. Lease as also
was Ashland.
We print as good a paper for
$1.50 per year as do the other
county papers who charge $2.50.
Just think of it!
The New York Cheap Cash Store
take eggs and chickens in trade.
The two vear old babe of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Beatty of Talent died in
this city Tuesday, after a lingering
illness. The burial took place at
Talent Wednesday.
The finest line of men's shoes ever
brought to Medford, just received at
Henry Smith's.
G. W. Howard, who is looking
after his milling interests on the
sound Tor the summer, has
been in the city for a few days do
ing business and visiting friends.
We give a cash discount of 5 .psr
cent en all purchases, Angle & Ply
male. The marriage record this week is
as follows: Lewis A.'Askins and
Mamie L. E. Glass; John Homer
Gee and Grace Hargrave; W. G.
McKnight and Mary J. Swacker.
Largest stock of men's youths', and
childrens' clothing in town at Angle &
Plymale's. .
Geo. M. Conde, after burying his
wife hare, has returned to San
Francisco with his children', but
xpects to return in the near future
and locate -among us permanently.
We carry the largest assortment of
ladies' shosC Oxford ties and slippers.
Call and get prices before buying.
Angle & Plymale.
The social at the Christian
church . last Fridav evening, was
largelv attended and much en
joyed. The supper was fine and
the flower decorations were artis
- Judge Willard Crawford is a
fisherman of no mean qualities.
He informs us he has hooked about
twenty-five hundred, of the spark
ling trout from Bear Creek this
season. .
The Milk Maid brand of the Anglo-
Swiss Condensed Milk Co.. for sale at
C. W. Wolters". This is the finest
milk in the market.
T. J. Johnson of Etna, called at
this office this week and stopped
his paper after paying up arrearges.
Much obliged, Mr. Johnson : we
lose sight of the loss of your sub
scrintion in making use of. the
money due us.
The celebrated Manhattan Food for
horses, cattle and poultry. Guaran
teed to cure chicken cholera. For sale
at the Strang drug store, Medford, Or.
Yesterday afternoon Skeel &
Son's planing-mill horse, attached
to the delivery wagon, took a circu
lar runaway, spinning about town,
ending up against an obstruction
near the pork packing house. The
wagon was somewhat demolished
but the horse was uninjured.
Mrs. I. A. Webb leit at our sane
turn table yesterday morning a
half-dozen of the very choicest of
roses. Part of them are of the
Henrietta variety, and were culled
from a bush containing 36 of these
large, red beauties. The white
ones are of a rare, delicate wax
color, and very fragrant.
Dr. Pryce, of Medford, was in
town from the Bonanza country
Tuesday, en route to Medford.
"Doc" Lea vitt' took him down to
Ager. He will return with Lionel
R. Webster and ether eloquent
Jacksonville speakers, who come
to address the people on the politi
cal issues of the day. Klamath
btar. : .
Boots and shoes anatomically built
fey A. C layier. Keparing promptly
attended to. Carries in stock ladies,
men's, and infants correct sbane shoes.
Personal attention given to fitting the
foot. Opposite Post Omce.
L, G. Porter and Harry Angle
returned this week from a trip to
the Rogue River timber and re
port the wood3 in. a pretty rough
condition, the neavy tall ot snow,
about 12 feet, having failed lnuwer
able trees across the path. Game
has been plenty the past winter,
especially deer. Angle says
that Porter ate six deer in as
many days while on the trip.
The special train to Jacksonville
to hear the public speaking was a
grand success.
Judge Ercanbrack and family
and W. W. Scott and family were
in town this week.
We will bet a rotten egg that Col.
R, A. Miller is is on the verge of
swearing allegiance to the Peoples'
Party. -
Geo. W. Priddy hns moved his
family to Medford from Central
Point. He started up his brick
yard this week and will soon have
a kiln under way.
A Gospel Temperance meeting
will be held at the Methodist
church, Sunday, May 22d, at the
usual hour in the evening. Ad
dress by Rev. F. J. Edmunds. v
We have it on good authority
that on Tuesday of this week, the
day following Mrs. Lease's speech
at Ashland, the democratic nomi
nee for sherrifi", Jno. E. Pelton,
withdrew his name from the ticket
and resolved not to make the fight,
but later in-the dav for some un
known? reason he changed his
mind and is' still a candidate.
Evidently there is a row iu camp.
Children and Misses' School Shoes
Solid and good, with patent tip, S3
cents, 86 cents and $1.08 per pair, at
the New York Cheap Cash Store.
Fourth of July.
The call for citizens meeting to ar
range for tha Fourth of July celebra
tion which took place Wednesday
evening in the opera houso resulted in
the appointment ol cotnmitta ot live
to confer with like committee from
Jacksonville to devise wavs and moans
for a joint celebation. The commitue
appointed wero: Austin Hammond.
J. A. Jacobs. C W. Wolters, Dr. t.
P. Geary and G. L. Davis.
Mayor u hitesida presided and Jno.
W. Curry acted as secretary. , The
meeting adjourned to meet next
Weduesday at sanij place and same
Ladies and gentlemen to inspect
shoes in the window of tno New ork
Cheap Cash store and see prices.
A If arrow Escape.
Dr. E. P. Geary's residence had a
narrow escape from fire Wednesday
night at about II o'clock. The ash
barrel, which stood near the woodshed
and next to the fence, took fire, and
when discovered the fire had spread to
the woodpile and also the fence, which
were all burning with increasing fierce
ness, and would have soon reached the
woodshed and the house, but for the
timely arrival of Marshal Youngs, who
happened to be in the vicinity looking
for stray cows to impound. The mar
shal calling upon Chas. Perdue and
Gabe Plymale, rushed to the scene of
the fire, and with the aid of the garden
hose soon extinguished the flain.-s, thus
preventing a serious conflagration.
Well Understood.
The New York Cheap Cash Store is
offering man's, youths" and boys' cloth
ing at away down prices. Give us a
The Ivy Leaf.
For the first time in the history of
Medford an attraction which oidy
plays the larger cities is to visit us.
The company is W. II. Power's bjauli-
lul Ivy Leaf which carries a carload
of scenery and all necessary adjuncts.
Of the. play th; San Francisco Cull
"The Ivy Leaf is drawing very good
audiences, numerically and otherwise.
to tne tsush-streel. u:ie leature ol
this picture of Ilibernnin life is the
performance on the Irish pipes, an in
strument much less known than the
Scotch bagpipes, with a drcne as if a
thousand be3 were imprisoned in
its bai'. A lilt bv the Irish nirer is
something worth listening to. and es
pecially when he branches oil Into the
ur which embellishes lorn -Moore s
Nora Creina, and you almost here sink
ing through the music "Lssbia hath a
beaming ee," the well kuown words
of the song. Some of the dramatic
effects in "The Ivy Leaf' are full of
life and action, and the general run of
the piece never fails to give satisfac
tion. Attention! Attention.
Ladies' shoes, fox kid with patent
leather tips at $1.43 per pair. Men's
gaiter shoes at $1.43 per pair. French
kid Waukenphast ladies' shoes, the
very latest, with patent leather tips,
$2.87 per pair.
To The Public
We tak-j pleasure in recommending
to the public Mr. Hiram Allen, who
having had long years experience in
repairing sewing machines and organs
is master of his chosen vocation and
nothing in this line is too difficult for
him. He comes recommended from
far and near and among others we will
mention Prof. Get., of Ashland, who
will boar us out in ail we have said.
Mr. Allen can bo found at the Claren
don hotel for a few days where all
ordora can ba left.
Modford Hotels.
It is a general complaint among
commercial travelers that the hotel
accommodations at Medford are
very inferior, and the Observer ia
informed that in order to avoid
stopping at the Medford hotels the
knights of t' e road always make it
a point to reach Central Point or
Ashland. From this it would seem
that there is a splendid opportunity
for some practical landlord to en
gage in business in our sister city.
The town is centrally located and
should by all means have a first
class hotel. Grants Pass Observer.
From the very fact that the Ob
server publishes the above item,
proyos it to be a lie on its face. .,
A Million Friends. J;
A friend in need is a friend indeed,
and not less than one million p3ople
have found just such a friend in Dr.
King's Now Discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds. If you have never
usau tnis great cougn medicine, one
trial will convince you that it has won
derful curative powers in all disoases
of throat, chest and lungs. Each hot-;
tie is guaranteed to do all that is claim
ed or money will be refunded. .Trial
battles free at G. H. H ask ins' drug
store, large bottlcsXOc and $1.00,
' Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Dr. E. T. Ketcham.
All work relating to dontistry, espe
cially crown and oride-work. Gas
given for painless extraction of teeth.
Temporary ollico: Clarendon Hotel.
Union Services.
The following is the program for
union servlcos on Sunday, May 29th, ut
the Methodisjt chui-ch, presided oyer
by Rev. E. E. Thompson:
Singing by the choir.
Invocation by the Rev. Mr. Russ.
Reading of the scriptures by Rev. F.
J. Edmunds.
Singing by the choir.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Uoxie.
Song by the choir.
S'jrinon by Rev. P. R. Burnett.
Prayer by Judge Walton.
Singing: "God Blesi Our Native
Benediction by Raw Thompson.
All old soldiers aro inriu-d to attend
with the Post. Committee:
U. S. Briggs.
Wm. Tcrnku.
Medford, April G. 1302.
All persons indebted U the et.tate of
Henry Smith, at Medford. are requested
to cull and settle without delay.
F. L. Cr.vnfill, Maunder.
By order of Mrs. E. A. SMITH,
D.-coration day is one of the purely
American holidays. We are the only
nation which sets apart a d:ty in which
to honor our heroic dead.
Lot us not fail, bv some act however
small, to turn aside and with rev
erence remember those who gave their
lives that their country might liv
Especially should it be our duty o
teach the'ennoblingsentimentsof h.-'ro-isin
and patriotism to the voung. The
future statesmen and soldier. are t
dav in the school room. What are
we doing to develop the heroic in
character and moreasj a patriotic
love of country.'
The public schools of this city will
present the first Decoration day pro
gram by the schools ever given here.
They are sparing no pains to make
it the event of the year.
The program of grand chorus;- of
national and patriotic airs. tribut-s to
the flag, soldiers and nation will b
given bv the best talent of the school
under the nec-.ssar- discipline and in
struction of the Principal. The par
ade of thi drumcad-t and flag corps
at 0 o'clock, p. m., of that day. will bo
a scenj that we hope none will miss.
We have ia our schools what cannot
be found In any other school in the
stat;: a drum corp8- a uniformed cadet
corps and a young ladies flag corps.
The pricj, by request of many citi
zens, will be i"i and 10c
You can't afford to miss this exhibi
tion by the boys and girls of your
town. Stand "by them, encout-nse
th,m, believe in them in your owu
town and all its interest, work for
right and let policy fall into line.
To Intending Builders.
It will pay you to write or send to the
Southern Oregon Lumbering and Man
ufacturing company of Grants Pass for
all kinds of building materinl: lumber,
sash, doors, and mill work of all kinds,
as they will guarant-w you satisfaction
in material, workmanship and prices
Plans mid estimates furnished on all
kinds of work.
A Jolly Good Time.
Burnside Post, of Ashland, accord
ing to the previous arrangement,
visited Chester A. Arthur post of Med
ford, on Thursday evening of last
week. All old soldiers and their fam
ilies wero invited. The posts were
formed on C street and marched up is-
to the opera house by th-.-ir respective
commnnders. The meetir.g was called
to order by commander noble of the
homo post. M. S. Damon made the
address of welcome. Tho commander
of Burnside Post, of Ashland then ad
dressed thd mieting, followed by com
rads of both posts. The ladies in the
meantime had spread two tables the
length of the hall with the good things
of earth. Th 3 posts then formed and
wero marched and seated n round the
festal board where they all did ample
justice, after which the meeting was
called to order to discuss tho probab
ility of organizing an old soldiers
reunion. It was decided to have a
comraittao of thnvj appointed, one
oach from Grants Pass, Medford and
Asbland, to set lime and placo for
meeting and perfect such organization.
A vote of thanks was thon tendered by
Burnside Post of Ashland, to the
ladies, soldiers and friends of Medford
for tho royal mnnnor by which they
were received and entertained. The
meeting then adjourmed, aud all felt
that is was good they had mot and
enjoyed an evening together. "The
Union Forever." E pluribus Unum."
Tha Worli EnrlcneJ.
The facilities of the present day for tha
production of everything that will con
duce to the material welfare and comfort
of mankind are almost unlimited and
when Syrup of Figs was first produced
the -world was enriched with the only
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
renicdywhich, is truly pleasing and re
freshing to tho taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
end the better it is known the more pop
ular it b'-ome.
Ilucklen'8 Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, 9ores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapjied hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to giye perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25c
per box. - For salo by G. II. Hasklns.
Hose Co. Officers.
Tho following officers have been
elected to serve for the ensuing year in
froiecuon Hose, iso. I:
D. T. Law ton, president; A.C. Nich
olson, vice-president: Jno. W Curry,
secretary; F. G. Plymale, assistant sec
retary: G. L. Davis, Foreman; H. G.
Nicholson, 1st assistant foreman; Jno.
W. Curry, 2d assistant foreman; G. L.
Davis, treasurer: Wm. Robinson, ser-geant-at-arms;
D. T. Lawton,- A. C.
Nicholson, H. O. Nicholson, trustees;
E. A. Lnngly and H. Anmnn. hydrant
man; Jno. W. Curry and H. G. Nich
olson pipemn: Carriage Directors, F.
G. Plymale, Robt. Galloway. .
Thank You.
J he erlitor ot tha AUnKord .MAIL, a
pap -r which has recently b jen hired to
preach "relorm" to the unsophisticated
of Jackson county, acknowledged the
weakness of tho People's party here by
the candid confession that tho MAIL,
hud only ono subscriber iu Josephine
county. Tin calamity howlers" must
do b?tV;r than that clsi they will soon
bo without an organ. Grants Pass Ob
Sines the above was published in th
Observer our subscription lisi in Jose
phine county has climbed close on to
fifty names, therefore we sav, thank
you, Mr. Observer, for this puff.
However, can it be possib that the
laborers and farmers of Josephine
county will support a paper of the Ob
server's ilk, which mmtlons them only
as "calamity howlers." aJive thd
devil hU due.' and quash the viper.
Di.-d May Gth, 1892, at Mr. S. G.
Wortuian's home, after lingering
illness, Cornelia Conde, wile ol Geo.
M. Conde of San Francisco, daugh
ter of Mrs. E. A. De Groot, and
sister of II. De Grotit of Medford,
and sifter of Mrs. r. E. liirge of
San Francisco,, and mother of
Edgar Bowe and Bessie Conde.
The funeral services wero held
in the Presbyterian church on the
following day, the pastor, Rev. Mr.
F. J. hdroor.ds, preached the fun
eral sermon, and paid a feeling and
glowing tribute to the manv virtues
and the pure and exalted Christain
character of Mrs. Conde.
A maie quartet sang three ap
propriate pieces at thj church and
one at the grave.
Mvself aod family and relatives.
would take this opportunity to
thank Mr. and Mrs. S. U. Wortman,
and each member of their family
for their great kindness and assis
tance to Mrs. Conde during all the
time she was at their home. Also
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Angle for many
favors and assistance, and the Kev.
Mr. Edmonds for his wjrds of con
solations, and Prof. Narrcgan and
the Gore brothers who composed
the quartet, also to Mrs. Walter
Scott, organist, and many others
whose presence bespoke their sym
pathy with us in our bereavement.
G. M. Conpe.
Medical Society,
About 10 o'clock a. m
the 16th. the regular physicians of
Grants Pass and neighboring towns
assembled at this place for the pur
pose of organizing the Southorn Or
egon Medical society, the objects of
which, as stated in its constitution,
"are to keep the profession within
its limits in organic relations with
the American Medical Association
and Oregon State Medical Societv,
and unite its members for co opera
tive effort for their mental welfare
and professional advancement."
The meeting was called to order
and it objects stated by Dr. W. F.
Van Dyke, of Grants Pass, and on
motion Dr. E. P. Geary, of Med
ford, was olected president, and Dr.
E. B. Pickel, of Medford, was elect
ed secretary and treasurer. On
motion Dr. A. A. DePuv, of Grants
Pass, and Dr. J. S. Parsons, of Ash
land (the president being one) were
oppointed a board of consors. Drs.
an Dyke and Kretner, of Grants
Pass, and Dr. De Bar, of Jackson
ville, were apjiointed a committee
on constitution and by-laws. The
president announcing, that by or
der of the Medford members, a
sumptuous repast was in waiting at
tho Grand Central hotel for all
present, the meeting adjourned to
meet at 1 :30 p. m. The afternoon
session was taken up with general
discussions and enrollment of mem
bership. About fifteen physicians
were placed on the list. Any grad
uate of a medical school entitled to
representatation in the American
Medical Association and the State
Medical Societv, engaged in a repu-
tablo practice in the counties of
Josephine, Jackson, Lake and
Klamath are eligible to member
ship and earnestly requested to
loin. The meeting adjourned to
meet at Grants Pass on the second
Tuesday in May, 1S93. All pres-
ent expressed themselves as highly
pleased with the prospects of tho
new organization.
A $7,000 Deal. .
A land agent naraod Pierce left $7,000
in Yrelca last wooKt havingr purenasou
a section and a hall of tiuibar land on
Klamath rivor, back of Trultt's, near
Shovel creek, balonginjr to Yreka par
ties. Ho oaid St.tiOJ to E. H. Schofleld
and G. A. Nordhoim for a section of
school land, and $2, 400 to John Push
burp and Dr. A. J. Collar, for two
quarter sections near the Rama place as
tno aoovj.-r-xroKu .lourniu.
Carpets, and Paper
oi Curtains
Unflertaldna Carefullv AtteMei to.
ANCLE & PLYMALE, Proprietors.
General Merchandise Groceries;
Fresh Bacon and Lard, Choice Strained Honey.- Pure Cider, Vinegar
Cigars and Tobacco, Canned Fruits, Vegetables and Meatiy
Extracts, Spices, Flour, Matches, Etc., Etc. "
J". B Produce Taken in Exchange.
Successor to
Wholesale and
Mer, Lai
Dealers in - . -
Stoves, Tin and Willow Ware.
Cycone and Hoosier Pumps.
iEvery article
Hardware, Stoves,
and Fins
tVarraatcd Cutlery, Carpenters and Builders
Redjackct Force Pumps, for deep or
Repairs Baggies snd Wagons
-AXD -
t very reasonable rates. Nest door
to Merriiuan's blucbsmith shop,
Land OBlce at Rospburg. Ore.. May t. "SS.
Notice is hrivbv ctven thut th tollovinir
named settler cas tiled notL-e ot his intention
to make until proof in support ot his claim, and
that said nruof will be wade before the judco.
or clerk of the county court, of Jackson county
Ureiron, at Jacksonville, (jr., on s-aruruay,
July 8, lSS.vts: Homestead entry No. RI0S, of
ira H. icaymonci, lor tne J-.', 01 s anq
W4 of SE of sec S, tp 83 s, r 0,
Ue names the following wellnesses to pro-re
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Albion H. Boothby, Squire S. Aiken, Charles
Dora of Prospect. Jackson Co. Ore, and Harvey
kicLardson of Kuia. Jackson Oo., Oregon.
auai John li. Suuik, Uegister.
Boots and Shoes.
As I give my attention to this line
of trnde only I can do better by my
customers than dealers in all kinds
of goods. Call and examin stock.
Repairing Neatly Done.
Retail Dealer in
SMngles, Mels,
Ceiling, Etc.
bears a guarantee.
Building Material.
Tools. Flsning Tickle, Ammunition, Etc.. Etc
shollow wells. Tin Shop Attached
Will make the season of Ji at CeatHS Point,
where he 1U be every Thursday from noon
until Saturday noon, and the balance of the time
at the McClccdon farm in Sam's Valley.
Lewis P. is a handsome sorrel, nearly & years
old. weighs I liU pounds, and for form and actios
cannot be surpassed, lie is the winner of svr
oral fast races and won a I mile race at Chi
casn as a two year-old in 4:10. Also has a record
at Los Angvlvs ot 1 as a 4 year-old for miia
Lewis P. was sired by the celebrated Jos
Hooker of California, he by Monday. Hooker"s
first dam was Mayflower, by imp. Eclipse: Sd.
Hennie Furrow by imp. Shamrock :3d. Ida by
imp. Belschaxrer:-llh, Grandma's dam tuMl
ltosleyi by Sir Richard: Mh. by imp. Eagle: r.-it
ltt Itrtslev hif-Vilke--Wonder: Tin. bv lia .
tieleer: Sth, by imp. Sterling: th. by Clw.ius:
lum. oy imp. c-uvervyv ; iiui. i, uuu
mp. Jolly
Rocer: 13. bv lirtaer: i:nh. by imp.
14th. imp. uiare from stud of Harrh-on ot Bran-
Lewis P. s dam was Lime p. oy ieinster. by
imp. Australian, foaled in 1STU, and bred by Vr.
i. iTitcnaru ox sacramenxo. iiiuorma. rter
1st dam was Addie A. bv Asteroid: 2nd. Loreua
bv imp. Sovereign : Srd. Nard Ogden by Thorn
hill: 4th, Mary Thomas by imp. Consul : &th.
Parrot by Randolph s Koanoke. eu, nroquet
bT imp. Merritleld: Tin. imp mare by Popinjay:
Sth. Hourbon's dam by Precipitate: Itth, by
Highnver: w.n. Titrany by Kcnpse: inn,
Youns Hac bv Skin: 13. Hae i Wintrus" dam) by
Crab: IS. tbony of Guilders: 14th. Old Kbony
dv uasto: iau, aiasseys mare oy Hassey s
black Barb. - - '
By the srason, RM. and good pasturac fur
nished mnres during the time for 10 additional.
Every precaution taken to prevent accidents,
but no responsibility assumed.
r tt t I rk tiiiii mttaW
I). L bAMJiM OT.
J. E. SHEARER," Prop.
Pa m's Old Stand.
First class work done toall.
Ladies' hair cutting executed with
it on (nacB
r wt -v w r