Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, May 06, 1892, Page 1, Image 1

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Do jroirdhidT your best lnter
estH ad patronize thia paper. It
will be appreciated by all Ue best
farmers, lmn whom you get trade.
A Paper Of, By and For the People!
NO. 18.
Adopted by the People's Party, at
Oregon -City, On March 16, 1892.
Preamble;' "As isjurt to okk is the cos
ckrjj or ALU"
I. ' We demand a national currency, issued by
the general government only, a tull legal tender
for all debts, public and private, and that with
out the use of banking corporations, be distrib
uted direct to the people at not to exceed two
per cent tax, as set forth in the sub-treasury of
the Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union,
and-at the SC. Louis conference, and land loans,
or souk bktikk 5Y5TKJI ; also by payments iu
discharge of :. the .government's obligations for
.. public improvements.- -
We demand the free and unlimited coinage of
silver, and we denounce the practice of- the
government buying and storing bullion.
That the -medium of exchange or currency
be based upon the wealth and law making
power of the country, and that we demand that
the amount of the circulating medium be speed
ily increased to not less than $50 per capita.
We demand that postal savings banks be es
tablished by tiie government for the safe de
posit of the earnings of the people and to facili
tate exchanges. ...
a.- The land, including all the natural sources
of wealth, is the heritage of all the people, and
should not be- monopolized for speculation pur
poses, and alien ownership of land should be
prohibited. All lands now held by railroads
and other corporations, in excess of their actual
needs, and all lands now owned by aliens should
be reclaimed by the government and held for
actual settlers only, and that any settlers who
may have acquired lands of such corporations
be protected in their rights to their- homes and
in the sums paid to such corporations.
' 3. Transportation being a means ot exchange
and a public necessity, the government should
- own and operate the railroads in the interests
.of the people; and until such ownership can be
'acquired, we demand the abolition of the rail
road commission and the establishment of a
maximum rate law within the state, and that
the present rates be reduced one-third.
The telegraph and telephone, like the post
office system, being a necessity for the truns-,
mission of news, should be owned by the gov-'
eminent in the interest of the people.
We demand that all moneys asked and appro
priated for the improvement of the Columbia
river be spent in building and operating a rail
road parallel with the river, said road to be
owned by the government and run at cost.
We demand that all national revenue shall be
raised by a S per cent tax on money loaned by
the government, and a graduated property tax.
Koexemption for indebtedness should be al
lowed, unless the person claiming such exemp
tion, should give in a corresponding taxable
5. Whereas, The working people are en
tirely under subjection to the plutocracy, which
compels one portion of them to work too many
hours, and thereby increasing the army of the
unemployed; therefore be it
Resolved, That we demand that our legisla
ture pass a law defining eight hours as a legal
day's work in factories, mines, shops and pub
lic works. And also that we recognize the
Knights of Labor in their controven-j with the
Rochester Clothing Company.
That we are unalterably opposed to the Pink
ertons, or like organizations, ever entering our
That alcohol, in any form, shall be sold only
by state agents, said goods to be pure and sold
at cost, without profit to the agentd, and shall
not be drunk within the building nor within
sixty feet of the place where delivered nor in
any place of resort of gaming, thus abolishing
license, the saloon in society and the saloon in
politics. That the national government shall
not license "the sale of any alcoholic sub
stance in any states legally prohibiting the
sales thereof, nor shall it in any way interdict
or interfere with such prohibitory laws.
7. Resolved. That we affirm our unqualified
adherence to the doctrine of equal rights to all
special privileges to none, and that wt will
never cease our efiorts till every citizen shall
stand before the law equal in intellectual,
moral and civil privileges.
a We demand the passage of a law which
.. will prevent the immigration of Chinese to the
United States.
9 We demand that the state publish the
school books and sell the same to the people at
. cost.
10. That county officials be paid a stipulated
I I. We object to the government having any
thing to do with the Nicaraugua canal, unless
it owns and operates the same at cost.
12. Revolted. That we are in favor of elect
ing all officers by a direct vote of the people.
, 13. We demand that the government Issue
legal tender notes and pay the union soldiers
-. between the price of the. depreciated money in
which he was paid in gold.
Physician and Surgeon
Medford, Oregon.
Office :. Rooms 2 & 3. I.O.O.F. Bldg
Physician and Surgeon.
v. .
: Medford, Oregon. . ,
Office: In Childers' Block, '
1 Physician and Surgeon.
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Office: Cor, C and 7th sts,
Physician and Surgeon.
Medford, Oregon.
Office: Hamlin block, up stairs.
. Resident Dentist.
Makes a" specialty of first-class
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Office in opera house, Medford.Or
Att'y and Couksexlor-at-law.
' Jacksonville, Oregon.
Will practice in all courts of the
State. "
Abstractor and Attorney-
At-Law. -Medford,
Office in bank building. Have the
most complete ' and reliable ab
stracts of title in Jackson co unty
Attorney and Counsellort
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Medford, Oregon.
Office: In Opera block.
A Attorney-At-Law.
' - Medfordr Oregon.
Office: I. O.O.F. Building.
Just What It Is and What It
Will Accomplish.
It Will TJndouatedly bo the Para
mount Issue the Coining
Whatever may be the disposition of
the two Houses of the present Congress
in regard to the silver question, it is
likely to become an issue in the approaching-
campaign. The free coin
age of silver in the mints of the United
States has been advocated at various
times ever since the demonetization
act of February, 1S73; but at no time
has the agitation been so general as
within the past two years. Under the
present law, which was passed a little
more than a year ago, the Secretary of
the Treasury is authorized to purchase
for the government every month 4,500,-
000 ounces of silver, which at the aver
age market price of the bullion
amounts to about that many dollars.
The purchased bullion, to the amount
of 2.500.030 ounces a month is stored in
the vaults of the treasury, and for con
venience Treasury notes in the form
of paper money are issued except for
the 2,000,000 ounces coined. Thus 4,
500,009 is added monthly to the circu
lating medium of the United States or
about $34,000,000 a year. The advo
cates of trie coinage insist now, as they
have done since the act of 1S73, that
no limit should be placed upon the coin
age of the white metal. Richard Bland,
of Missouri, who is tne leader of the
free coinage element in the House of
Representatives, takes the position
that silver should be given an equal
advantage with gold and that the owner
of silver bullion should be accorded
the privilege of taking it to the mints
in any quantity and securing its coin
age or obtaining its equivalent in sil
ver certificates. His reasons are that
free coinage would greatly increase tne
circulating money of the country; that
it would not disturb the present circu
lation of gold, silver and paper,side by
side; and that it would correct a great
natl rtno 1 kr-4-i n n tiq1 rr 4 Via 1 n - -v .--. I n
tmnAfci'lfoi. T T5 o rwl aA ;
nuu va oil , 4 . iut. aviaiiu UUU J AO
herents deny the prediction of their
opponents that free ceinage would
draw from all parts of the world im
mense quantities of silver not not? in
circulation, and thus flooding the coun
try with the white metal, would depre
ciate the currency and disturb values.
Mr. Bland estimates that free coinage
would not add more than $75,000,000 a
year to .the circulating medium of the
country. '- :
Until the act of 1873 silver as well as
gold was coined free by the mints.
Free coinage was . established in 1792,
just a hundred years ago, the ratio of
the two metals being fifteen of 6ilver
to one of gold. This gave silver at
first a value of about 138 cents an
ounce, the highest valus in Its history
in thi3 country. ' This high value of
silver, however, virtually drove gold
out of the country, since it would buy
elsewhere more than fifteen ounces of
silver. Little gold remained in circu
lation until the ratio was charged in
1834. However, the coinaga of silver
dollar was stopped in 1809 aud was not
resumed until after the change of ratio.
Tne new ratio was sixteen of silver to
one of gold. .This lower valuation of
silver had the effect eventually of driv
ing silver out of circulation, and while
free coinage ' existed in theory the
basis of circulation was practically
gold. The free coinage of the smaller
denominations of silver was stopped in
1854 and was really the first instance
of demonetization in the history of
this country. Then the act of Febru
ary 12, 1873, demonetized the standard
dollar or limited the coinage by mak
ing those who wanted it coined pay the
government mints for the privilege
while the coinage of gold was free.
The total coinage of silver dollars from
1792 to 1873 was less than nine million
dollars,' or about the same as is now
added to the circulation every two
The advocates of free coinage are
principally in the. West and South,
The strongest opposition comes from
New England and the central States,
The mining States of the far west are
especially earnest in their advocacy of
free coinage for the one reason at least
that it would revive the industry in
which they are chiefly interested. If
silver and gold were on a parity or of
equal purchasing power and -help in
the same regard as circulating med
iums the value of silver, it is asserted,
would be 129 cents an ounce. That is
the standard toward which the free
coinage advocates claim to be working,
and that free coinage would establish
that parity they insist, and that the two
metals would circulate sido by side
without disturbing each other. As
silver is now only about ninety cents
an ounce the opponents of free coinage
declare that the government by pur
chasing the unlimited supply of silver
at the parity price suggested would be
not only placing a premium upon the
white metal, but would effect a dis
turbance of values in every sort of
busluess, and injure the creditor class
and destroy tho prosperity of the
Tho questions involved are to some
extent experimental aud both sides
present arguments worthly of con
sideration. While the silver question
is not exactly political, it is evident
that the majority of the advocates of
free coinage have tho good of th3 peo
ple at large to heart, while the major
ity of its opponets are Monopolists and
eastern capitalists. The Peoples'
Party will not, and neither of the old
parties dare, at their coming national
conventions, ignore this subject and
the indications are that it will becoma
an issue in tha national campaign
quite as prominent as any other ques
Democrat Alarmed Over Editor Irwin
Statement About tbo Alllanco Hen.
In a double leaded article about the
third party in Georgia, tho Atlanta
Constitution, the leading Democratic
paper of the state, speaks as follows:
Is the Alliance of Georgia going into
the third party?
Have the members of that order de
termined to forsake the Democratic
Sensational, indeed, ore the claims of
the tAird party leaders; .and if the adop
tion of resolutions indorsing the action
of the St. Louis conference is any indi
cation ci the sentiment of the Alliance
men of Georgia, the statements of the
editor of the official orgun of that order
as to the action of the sub-Alliances
means much to the Democracy.
The Constitution is no alarmist. As a
newspaper its plain duty is to present
the fall facts concerning the growth of
third party sentiment in Georgia. The
statements made by the third party
leaders anil by the editor of Tho South
ern Alliance Farmer may not prove al
together pleasant reading to those Dem
ocrats who have believed or-profsssed
to believe that the movement was mak
ing no headway in Georgia, but it is well
for these and all other members of the
party to be made to realize the real situ
The sub-Alliances are indorsing the St.
Louis convention.
That means that many Alliance men.
unless shown the error of their ways,
are going into the third party.
Editor Irwin, of The Southern Alli
ance Farmer, is authority for the state
ment that of the 2.2C0 sub-Aliianccs in
the state over 1.C0O have indorsed the
St. Louis convention, and that but three
of those so far heard from have refused
to indorse that convention.
The week following tho St. Lonis con
vention Editor Irwin published a request
to the snb-AUiances of Georgia to meet
at once and take action upon the St.
Louis conference and report the result
of their action to The Southern Alliance
Fanner at once-
The returns seem to give great conso
lation to the third party men, and if one
half they claim is true they have a right
to feel happy.
Editor Irwin says he is not a third
party man. Ho says he is a nonparty
- He was sitting at his desk scribbling
hard away, with three big piles of papers
before him. "See those three piles of
papers there," said he, pointing to them,
with a smile; "and you Bee here," and
he opened a copy of The Southern Alli
ance Farmer and run his finger down
two columns of matter containing re
ports of the action of seventy-nine sub
Alliances on the St. Lonis platform.
"We have but a few in the paper," the
editor continued, "but we have received
reports from 1,600 and odd and they are
pouring in every day. It is just paralyz
ing how the Alliances are going into the
third party. Out of over 1,600 Alliances
reported only three have failed to in
dorse the St. Louis conference. And
they are still coming. 1 believe that
when they are all heard from there
won't be enongb dissenting sub- Alliances
to count
"You may put this down: Tho Geor
gia alliance is going into the third party.
Not only the Alliance is going into it,
but the workingnien in tho cities and
professional and business men are join
ing in. . Why, three prominent Atlanta
lawyers told me that they were in sym
pathy with the movement and hod
joined the party."
To Solve the Labor Problem.
The house labor committee is in re
ceipt of a long essay by William How
ard, of Bethlehem, Pa., a noted writer
on the subject of political economy, in
which ho' gives his solution of the labor
problem. The idea conveyed in the es
say is that the government shall provide
a nnit of tho wage value of labor. Mr.
Howard suggests sixty pounds of good
flour or its equivalent price at the time
wages are paid as the nnit. Mr. How
ard contends that the government should
provide a nnit of measurement for land,
a nnit of weight for products and a unit
of money for measures of value.
The essay has received high commen
dation from the Right Hon. William E.
Gladstone, Cardinal Gibbons, T. V.
Powdorly, the late Secretary Windom;
H. C. Boird, of Philadelphia; Samuel
Gompers, of the American Federation
of Labor; Governor Pattison, of Penn
sylvania, and Robert G. IngersolL
Mr. Howard asks the labor committee
to request an appropriation of $5,000 to
publish and circulate the essay. The
essay has been submitted to Representa
tive Dnngan, a member of the commit
tee, to examine and pass an opinion upon
it. Washington Dispatch. .
Speech at tha Massachusetts
Feopls's Party Convention.
The First Great Demand is for
Money Enough
At the 6tate convention of the Peo
ple's juirty, held nt Boston for the pur
pose of electing delegates to the Omaha
convention, George F. Washbnrn, of the
national central committee, delivered an
able address, from which the following
extract is made:
In response to the call of the national
committee of the People's party, we
meet today to ratify the p" form adopt
ed at St. Louis. It is eminently proper
that we should consider for a few mo
ments the work accomplished by the
conference aud the elements which com
posed that grand body. First, I have
no hesitation iu stating that it was the
largest and most important industrial
conference ever held in America. It was
composed of dnly elected delegates from
the leading industrial organizations in
this country, and represented a larger
actual membership than constitutes the
voting strength of either of the two old
parties. Every section of the country
was represented by delegations coming
from nearly every state and territory.
There were delegates in that conference
representing a majority of all of the
actual voters of the south. From the
snnnv south, the army of the gray with
enthusiasm unlimited, with devotion to
our caurj unbounded, marched across 1
Mason and Dixon's line to meet and i
greet with brotherly affection the boys
in blue of the north, each -lowing iu
loyalty and patriotism to tho one flag
unfurled, the stars and stripes for both
north and sonth, representing a united
country in sentiment and mutual inter
ests as well as in government now and
for evermore.
It was in Fancuil hall that ocr noble
patriots rpoke for abolition and liberty,
and in no place so appropriate could we
meet to ratify the union of the two great
sections of our country. From the St.
Louis conference emanated an address
to the American people, which is one of
the grandest productions of modern
times our second declaration of inde
pendence. It speaks in clarion tones,
portraying the pitiable condition of our
country. It dispels the darkness of de
ception and holds to the glaring light of
publicity the ruinous results and the
blighting curse of the oppressive slave
holding trusts and monopolies of today.
It photographs the bribery and corrup
tion resulting from the general scram
ble for office by the two old parties,
which have abandoned for spoils every
principle they ever possessed. It tells
plainly of the horrors of industrial
slavery of today, greater in area and
numbers, more intense in its suffering
and despair, more inhuman and wicked
in its application than human slavery
thirty years ago. It sounds tho alarm
and calls upon all God fearing, liberty
loving citizens to organize at once and
rescue from the iron hand of our oppress
ors what should be the government of
the people, not of the politician; for the
people, not for tho corporations, and by
the peoplo and not by Wall street and
its money lenders.
I The conference also adopted a plat
form which breathes liberty and pros
perity from the beginning to the end.
It speaks with special emphasis on the
great issues of finance, land and trans
portation. Our first and great demand is that we
shall have a greater volume of money of
some sort, as we have not one-half
enough to properly transact the business
of the country. In lbCG and 1867 we en
joyed the most prosperous period this
country ever saw and at that tune had
over fifty dollars per capita in circula
tion and with only 033 business failures,
while in lifc'J we had less than five dol
lars per capita in actual circulation and
bad 12,377 business failures. This rep
resents the results of expansion on one
side and contraction on the other. Since
I860 we have added more than 38,000,000
of people to our population without pro
viding one dollar for their use. Again,
wealth results from labor only. About
12,000,000 workingmon are adding an
average of seven dollars per day to the
wealth of oar country and receiving as
their share an average of one dollar per
day. Let me ask who gets the other six
dollars? -
We have been draining the country by
war taxes of thirty years to support the
government and pay our national debt.
Notwithstanding the millions of dollars
the people have paid, it will take 1,000,
000 more bushels of wheat to pay the
debt today than it would have taken in
1809. It will also take double the
amount of cotton to pay it today than
then, and these are the two principal
products of the country. The silver
squabble at Washington will result in
enormous advantage to the People's
party and has added at least half a mil
lion voters and fifty congressmen to our
ranks. It enables the sonth to consist
ently break away from Wall street
Democracy and join the great western
movement. We wero sure of Georgia
and North Carolina, together with six
western states. Now our chances are
good not only in the entire south, bnt
also in all the silver states. The two
old parties served notice on the masses
that Wall street did not propose. to al
low an increase in the circulating
medium. The people of the south, west
and northwest will answer this notice
next November. Contraction at cur
rency, poverty and industrial slavery are
running mates. Expansion and prosper
ity go together. . Bear in mind it is
always in the interest of the men who
possess the money to have a contraction
of it It is for the interest of the masses
or the-men without the money to have
an expansion of currency.
The Time lima Arrived.
1 shall claim, as 1 have previously
stated, that the Alliance demands ana
its principles are fouuded on Juffersonian
Democracy, and 1 expect to advocate
them as long as there is life in me. 1
believe thein to be right and just and
proper. Our condition has come from
oppressive national financial legislation.
Agriculture stands at tho bottom of all
the other industries in this depression.
No argument need be longer adduced to
convince the people of this fact. Our
surroundings proclaim that the time has
arrived for the great west, the great
south and tho northwest to link their
hauds and hearts together and march to
the ballot box and take possession of the
government, restore it to the principles
of our fathers and run it in the interests
of the people.
This our national organization has
been endeavoring to do, composed as it
is of both Democrats and Republicans.
As a proof of this, two years ago we
presented our demands to congress.
They were snpportcd by the petitions of
600,000 farmers, and nothing was done.
No attention was paid to the demands
by the lawmakers, and one year ago
they were presented again, and what
was the auswer to their appeals? "Go
home, work harder, live closer and stay
out of politics, and all will be well."
Only three months ago we again knocked
at the door of the present congress, and
what has been the answer? After four
months of discussion about the poor
negro and the wild Indian they have
passed a resolution of "sincere sym
pathy" for the poor white man. That's
all, and now we are not asking sym
pathy, or charity, but simple justice at
tbo hands of our national legislature.
We want relief, and as 1 have said on
many a stump, we are contending for it
and must have it, even if we have to
wipe the old national parties out. W. J.
Talbert Interview in Charleston News
and Courier.
me Alliance Idea la MaMachatelta.
The Alliance of Massachusetts has held
its convention, and has bad the triumph
of seeing upon its benches a number of
the must distinguished literary men of
Boston, among them Edward . Everett
Rale and Edward Bellamy. The truth
is thnt the Alliance voices some of the
most advanced theorists of the country.
It represents those ideas in politics which
arc most iulcllecTual, experimental and
progressive. The w orld-Lerald u not
in sympathy with all of the more ex
treme measures of the Alliance, but at
the same time it realizes that the Alli
ance has had a healthy effect upon the
nation. The Alliance doctrine is that
what is for the good of the peoplo is for
the good of the nation. It is firm in its
advocacy of equal rights, and it is but
natural that it should enjoy the encour
agement of soins of its most distinguished
and advanced men of letters.
It is also gratifying to know that dele
gates were chosen from every district in
Massachusetts at the convention, to be
present next July in Omaha. Omaha
No fr'uloa In Kuui.
A Topeka correspondent of the Wash
ington Star says:
All the leaders of the People s party
are opposed to conceding anything to
the Democrats. They say they can win
without them, and have no proposition
to make to tbcm except that if they
want to vote the People's ticket they can
do so without any regard to the desires
of the Democratic committee. The
People's party call their state convention
to meet in Wichita Jnne 15, when aa
electoral and state ticket will be put in
the field and congressmen at large
nominated, and delegates chosen to the
national convention, which meets at
Omaha July 4. They declare their in
tention to "keep in the middle of the
road," and advise the Democrats that if
they want to be "in it" in Kansas they
must get into the procession and as near
the People's party band wagou as possi
ble. -,-
American. Reient the Con.plracjr.
"But as for me, give mo liberty or
give me death," was the noble spirit
that actuated Patrick Henry in his re
seutmcnt of English domination by a
king, and were he alive today he would
resent with even more vigor the domina
tion through corrupt and traitorous
politicians of England by her gold.
Americans do not deserve the name of
Americans who do not resent this con
spiracy against their liberties. National
Economist .
Strong- In Bllululppl.
A mass meeting about 500 strong at
Pontotac, Miss., presided over by N. M.
Bradford, indorsed the St Louis plat
form and declared for independent po
litical action. They adopted resolutions
to this effect, and appointed four of the
brethren iu five supervisors' districts to
act as county executive committee.
Plenty ol Gubernatorial Timber In Sanaa.
The remarkable part of the prelimi
nary canvass by the third party for gov
ernor of Kansas is that there are no self
announced candidates on the list, for the
office must seek the man and not the
man the office in the third party. Peo
ple's party candidates are all in the
bands of their friends, und will make no
expression upon tho subject of their pro
posed candidacy except to say that they
are willing and ready to do the bidding
of their party. Among tho men men
tioned for gubernatorial candidates are
A. F. Allen, of Douglass county; W. D.
Vincent, of Clay county; S. M. Scott, of
McPheroou county; John F. Willits, of
Jefferson county; C M. Williams, of
Reno" county; P. P. Elder, of Franklin
county, and Frank Doster, of Marion
county. All of these may be said to be
in tho field.
'''.- ...'.-'-..
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Jackson County Bank.
CAPITAL, - $50,000 Medford. Oregon.
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