Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, April 29, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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To The Guarantors,
Every 9ron bl n3 01xed his name to the
. Subscription iruaraotee should not lose a
kurnttt is seeorin every noseriber Doaslble
m the time is uw rip tor tbiR Fork nd cveryl
fiaj lost ia so mneh time lost in the oause, and
nbscrtption TQl he only that mneh more dtf-
'JeyiU')peeW-'XlrjipMim has 'been ef
y ?WPieWla)t. cvstary and treasurer
' -"'I9te, ase4 to' aaaies to them v fast .a
t yisf aeearwl aaaminlfl t the pjftt&'l
VV &MHdtt'to'ttOa mm saajriw4kw PWfaaAipi
rafcV.iiT-wHh the bar, Mt Mi?n I S, umt
shall be stopped with subscription nttpafil?-
Subscription Price,
The subscription price to this paper has been
ded to 1.50 ier year it paid in advance;
jstbersrisett vol be charged. The price being
so lo y fiuitt do this to protect
JM coarse this does not pertain to those hav
ing to do with our EUaratitors."
J3 t A.
J Kestsox, JYl Ed.-
The Mail, ia the only papier in
Southern Oregon which has been of
ficially endorsed by the farmers,' and
is therefore the boat' advertising med
ium In this section, beinir read, as it is.
'all "substantial people. Advertise
tY.:!: :
foilO.Hon" of Jaukson
eoimyv called at these headquarters
estSWlay; Col. "Bob" invested in
'- ,,. . . I. g: . . .
9UUU4-.UH3raiure ou wiu uimiiumi qucs
t loir and evidently smells a mouse or
two in political affairs. Northwest R j-
forin Journal. . '
Klippel, of Jackiou county, was
the. man that opposed Pennoyer for
national ticket in the democratic state
convention. He must be looking for a
Cleveland gold bug appointment or
ha&soni antipathy toward Pennoyer.
Northwest R ?fbrm Journal.
Published Every Friday Morning;
auBScmrrtoN $1.50 per year in advance.
Sntsred in the PostoHc at Medtord, Oregon,
as 4scoad.-Class MaS fatter. .
-, Vkdjvrd, Fridat. April, 29, 1692.
fOR SHERIFF, . . t -
of Brownsboro.
of Ashland.
fou jiro.
p eomiissHeK,
. . ... ..... .... ,
yon TBEASltER, 4 :
,-bf Goja Hill,
- e.v
of Med ford
fOK tenqor. erPEBi.vFESDKXT,
of Central Point.
fOB SCRVKTOB. '-' ' : - " 5
' ' of Talent.
of Lake Creek.
- . of Table Rock.
' of Central Point.
: ' of Talent.
Votk tt straight Peoples' Party
v .
Grading is v baing done and roek
hauled for '. the laying of the foun
dation for the ice fuctory and brewery,
and they tall us we will have ice plenty
and to spaco 'inside of five weeks.
Medford truly moves.
Tns various county p:tyars ai-e not
saying much about polities at the pres
ent writing. Why is it so? Have
they rvsignad themsolves to the in
evitable, or are they loading their
campaign guns for a desperate broad
side at the last moment. Forwarnd
is forearmed..
In the last issue of the Grants Pass
Courier we had the pleasure of perus
ing an able article from the pen of T.
Syson Cundy, Josephine's formost re
former. The subject dealt with was
'Fiat Money and Farm Lands"- and
the article throughout is worthly care
ful attention and study.
OF course, the cAmpnign slush so
carefully prepared by th s Jack ioavillo
rng and disseminated throughout the
oouaty is simply a program cut ami
dried to bid for tho straggling vot a of
those who are on thi fonc?. It cannot
touch or harm a reao.ner and will
only rebound to th- detriment of th
rinff. .
A good deal of unnecessary fuss is
made over Jerry Simpson's purchase
of a bicycle. Wheeling is excellent
exercise and very popular in Washing
ton, and Jcrry'b desire to conform to
Roman customs while in Rome is com
mendable enough. A man who has
ridden a cultivator ought 1o have no
trouble in mastering a bicvele.
Only think of it! Over sixty dollars
for each and every voter in Jackson
county, and increasing at the rate of
five dollars on - each one annually.
Farmers, mechanics, merchants and
and all taxpayers, is it t ot time to
wake up to this matter and see where
your ship of state is - drifting? What
do the ringleaders of the old parties
in Jacksonville care for the debt so
long as they can draw, leech like, on
the life blood of the taxpayers of the
county. Voters of Jackson county,
have you ever realized the fact that
one-tenth of your number only, live in
-the Jacksonville precinct, and that
nearlv one-half of the officers, and in
value more than one-half, are resi
dents of Jacksonville? As concentra
tion of capital :is dangerous to the
well-being of a people, so fs the con
centration of powar or ring rule to tha
finances of a countv. - Look before you
leap. -
There naver was two classas of peo
ple nearer identified in interests in the
west than tho farmers and merchant,
not as to details of business nor trans
actions one with another, for in these
there is conflict; but in the general
subjects of government and the sys
tems fostered by the government, their
interests nro identical. In' all the con
tentions of the Alliance as to change
of policy in the government what are
denominated the demands of the Order
their interests are the same.
Take the demand for the r?peal of
the national bank system, for illustra
tion, and this will hold good. Ouo of
the best reasons for the repeal of the
national bank charters is that it gives
control and management of the finances
of the country into the hands of corpo
rations. These corporations make a
monopoly of money and form combina
tions to control it and its use. This is
as much asralnst the merchant as the
farmer: for two-thirdsof the merchant
are borrowers of banks and suffer as
much as farmers from tho extortions
and injustice of the bank.
Take the demand for an expansion
of the currency so that $V.) per capita
woul.1 bo in circulation. The merchant
would bo as much benefitted by that
policy. It would enhauce the price of
products and make everything higher.
relatively. It would enable the farmers
to get out of debt and make them solv
ent. It woald afford the merchant
PiQSte's Party State Ticket.
Kathan Blecee. llUton. Umatilla county.
V. jj. GajTiai. BUstoa, Washington county.
S. K HjIu Phcealx. J sclera co ant)
. IF. G. Burleigh. Enterprise. ftaUotVa oouaty.
iupreme j nuxe,
Dunham Ki
right. Medical Springs. Union
fhingreroaan, 1st Cony. District,
THERE reached in tho New York
port on the 22nd inst th? largest num
ber of immigrants landed there iu any
one day this year. Immigrantofffcials
say the number exceeds anything
known at tho highest tide of American
immigration at that port. In all 5.435
immigrants were brought over on six
iteamjers. More "protection" to labor
indeed. -Is
this issue, under the caption of
'Merchant and Farmers" we have de
voted some spaci to the relationship
existing betwoen this class of ' business
men and the tillers of the soli. An
enemy would have you b.'lieve the'
Farmers' Alliance and Peoples' Party
were deadly enemies to the merchants.
i This is erroneous as a reasonable per-
u.sal ot tho articla given elsewhere
will prove.
Why Not the Sub-treasury and
Legal I enaer raper.
Editor Southern Oregon Mail:
Fir6t: The sub-treasury is "Un
constituional." Our government
can legally loan money and secur
ity to railroads and Nicaragua enn
uis, it can loan to Centennial, Cot
ton and Columbian Expositions,
but you old hayseeds cannot ex
pect it, for it then becomes "uncon
stitutional." Of course, if you had
I he political "influence" of tho ex
positions, railroads and canals, then
it would be different.
. But I think that it could be
mndo constitutional if you would
givo Uncle Sam a second mortgage
on your properly instead of first
mortgage. "Alio Sam-me" Union
Pacific. You offer to give too
much. Then, again ; don't you
know that it is "class legislation?"
Just for the benefit of Hayseeds;
they want it so that they may bo
able to make a cornor on vour
wheat and starve the toiling mil
lions. Of course it is understood
that without it Shvlock has been
forming jiist such a corner for years
on the toiling millions, find not
Mopping at that he forced down
prices, on Hayseed, to starvation
rates, but that is all right, Shylcv.k
has brains, therefore he must have
a share of your work to keep the
brains in the family.
Of course there is no class legis
lation unless the "man with the
hayseeds in bis hair" is in
it. Of course it is acknowledg
ing, that just af'er harvest is
the time that prices ore "beared"
down and payment demanded so
that Shvlock mav le ablo. to make
j about 20 per cent on the wheat of
Then again the currency is fiat -worthless
nothing to back it but
the resources of the eovcYnmenl,
and that is f.o good; yet there are
now in circulation over three hun
dred millions of paper currency
with nothing to back it except gov
ernment bonds. Too bad. Gov
ernment bonds, good security, gov
ernment worthless. See? Wc
must have a bond for a basis. (?) Of
course it is not supposed for a
moment that currency with the
j Republic- of Venice for "security.
1 shouiu ever he at a discount, nor
that it should ever t as
exposed on' every . hand. T'c
wheels of tho workshop and factory
are as faithful as ever. The me
chanic and laborer are not only
able and willing, but anxious to
work. The whole trouble lies con
cealed in the simple word, money.
Demo-Repub. Win-, sir; your
ideas are right, but we can't do
better than to go home and work
harder and live on less.
Hayseed Working harder and
live on less. Why we have been
trying that for years still we are
more slaves than ever. I don't see
what we want of so many little p03t
offices all over the country, why
not just have one post office at
Demo-Repub. A man is a fool
that thinks one post office will do
the whole nation.
Hayseed And so is a man a
fool that thinks one treasury is
enough for the whole nation. While
one Niagara is cuough for a whole
world, yet what blesses the whole
nation is the little streams running
down by every farm and gitrden.
And the same with the post
offices and tn-asuries. W e want!
at Glendale. Mr. Scott is working on
the rail road there.
Ed Farras returned bom 3 this week,
alter helping drive his herd of cattle
across the mountains.
Lincoln Savaee returned to Grants
Pa-s Sunday evening, iift3r tpondiug j
saiuraay ana aunaay at nome.
Pearl Doty, who has fjcen visiting
his sist jr, Mrs. Gilbertson, returned to
his homs at Ejgjne last weak.
Mr. Jonos' littli boy is sick, but it is
aothing but a sore mouth, in ploeo ,of
the scarlet fdvor, as was reported.
The little girl of J. Whit:s. who ha3
biiun siclc with the whooping couch.
is now able to run about, but th jir baby
is now very low.
Mrs. Ed Seheff lin started for Oak
land, Cal., Tuesday, but we hear that
she Intends to return soon, accompanied
by some of ber friends.
Prof. L. L. Freeman, and Miss Stew
art, teachers of the Woodville and
Mathews schools, spent Saturday and
Sunday in tho uppar valley.
Jay Scbefflin arrived here from Port
land, one day last week. He spent a
few days at the Pollard bouse, then
started on a prospecting tour with Ed
Lo-nt Thursday evening, tho young
people were invited to Mr. Schmidt-
lein's to cilebrate th3 birthday of their
daughter. Miss Lizzie Scbmidtleins.
Quite a crowd assembled, and a verv
hem in every neighborhood where ) "1-
wc can get i tie money jun as wc on
the stamps without either interest
Has just received a large stock of
also a finestpek of .
Which he will sell as low as can
be sold. Small profits and quick
sales will be his motto.
see for yourself.
Call and
or extra charges. The fact is our
traitorous legislators let the cat out
of the bag when thev run the post
office in the hands of Uncle Sam.
Let it go into the hands of monopoly
and in less than two weeks you
and I would have to pay tweutv
five cents for every letter.. Then
tell me, will you, that Uncle Sam
can't run tin post office, treasuries,
railroads, telegraphs and manu
factories. E. P. Hammond.
more trade, better profits and afford I
him better security for the debts he pa? with gold, nor that
Reform in the Ballot Box
Ecitok Soi'THE'tx Okkon Mail:
A motion was carrird to publish
in the Mail a composition com
posed and read by Mrs. S. E. Mar
tin at Lake Creek Alliance No. 229
as follows:
"As the battle-cry of Reform
rings out over the Union, and stir
ring the hearts and souls of the
sons and daughters of our Nation,
it is positively necessary for us to
take a thoughtful view of the silua-
! lion and consider well our resnon- n-5sibiiitv as we enter the battle he'd
might make. In every way the farmer
would be benefitted; it would also ben
efit all oilier classes depeudent upon
him. As this increase of currency
would have a basis on land security,
paying 2 per cent, interest, it would
enable the farmer to get out of debt or
use S per cent, of the interest he now
pays to syndicates to make prrchases.
which would iucreasj his business that
The sub-treasury would also benefit
the merchant as well as the farmer;
for it would enable his customers to
secure better price's for their products,
which would increase his trade. It
would also prevent the syndicates from
robbing the producers of the fruit of
their toil, which would leave it in the
hands of the farmers to purchase of the
merchants the necessities and comforts of the trcasurr, ordered the custom
Boric. Slem, Marion county.'
.a. sou woo. ui3.fh:l.
John C. Lace. John Day. Grant county.
District Judge. 1st Judicial Dlst., -
- Jrs WkeSeM. Phamtx. Jackson county.
Dtatriot Attorney. 1st Judicial Diat
W. C- Kdvarls, Cnwt's Pass, Jotephine
biatrict Jtttce. tod Judioial Dint,.
G. B. Kdwardt. CoquiUe City. Coos oouaty.
ptsutct Attorney. 2nd Judictor Dlst..
S. M. Btallnaker, Bandon. Coos county, r
- PIstriet Judge, 3d Judicial Dist .
J. y. Hcndrix. Horrixbur. Linn county. ;
ttiatrtot Attorney. 3d Judicial Dist
E- H. Denton. Jedensoa, alarioa oountj. .
District Judges. 4th Judicial Olsu,
J n. Priest!7, Milwaukee, Clackamas county.
M. F. Kerns. Woodstock. Multnomah county.
District Attorney. 4th Judicial DUt., --
D. Butler. Mt. Tabor, Multnomah
eonnty. -r v .
pistm-t Judge. 5th Judicial Dist..
H. B. Lace, Hilliboro. Washineto county.
DUttlot Attorne)-. 5th Judcial Dist, .
W. H. Walker. Oretron City. . .
District Judge. Sth Judicial Dlst.. v- -
W. Greeu. Eotcrprise, Wallowa oounty.
District Attorney, 6th Judicial Dist., ,
' utA rLvHrJ UnpnwA IfumfV nmzntv
Jadm . 7th Judicial dim.,
An)is, Lexington. Morrow county.
Attorney, 7th Judicial Dist.,
: Btine. LeziaKton. Morrow county.
BbBatera, Josephine, Curry . and Coot
It has been evident for some time
that something should be done in re
gard to tha management of the Col
umbian exposition. Part of the some
thing was effected the other day when
the useless office of solicitor general,
with its salary of $12,000 a y:ar, was
abolished, and the $12,000 salary of the
president was put in two. There
should be a reduction ail around of the
prices the Exposition management has
been paying for wind. ".
of life.
Government control of the mrar.sand
facilities of transportation and intelli
gences the railroads ai4 telegraph
would ring all the wafcr out of the
stock and bondB uporr--which the mer
chant, as well as the farmer, is paying
abottt-three hundred and sixty millions
a year a useless, tin necessary and fool
ish act on the part of ooth; for why
Taaderbunr. Harshfleld, Coos oounty.
(.Took auuau anu laue couu-
oos. Bost. Orook county.
jiJotoiSitoTjpiloigbLa, Wasbln(ton and Til
tdhJIkfk. Hatton, Clatskanie. Columbia county.
st District,
S B. Holt. Phoenix, Jackson county,
fad District.
" F. Mj tnghswander. Hadlcyvllle, Lane
SrtDfstrf, '
' Chis. '"Miller. JeSesaoa; aiarien county.
fth District, . :
W. II. Bjaebrook. Sycamore, Multo. oounty.
Mh District.
-' -e: a Hamilton, Clackamas,. Clack, county,
tth Dlstriiit. '
: ' p. p. Hoffman. La QtutOa, Union cftnty. -fth
District. "-
' B. H. Allen, (Bend In P. O. address.) '
Alliance Directory.
I L Polk, president Farmers' Alllanco and
Industrial lTnfeo, it S44 R OKeh Washington,
It. II: Hatr H. (TioreV. vlce-Dresident. Cambridge.
i S. H.Turner, sec'jr. J. F. WUlltta. tec'
tt, Qskalodsa, Kan,
President.. r?.... .Nathan Pierce Milton
1st Vloe-pres .'.'..'..Januis Bruce Corvallie
. toA Vice-urea sTS. Holt..;:.,,. PhojDlx
Xpec'y- Treasurer.. . W. W. Myers.- .Oregon City
Chaplain Ira Orerturf Mist
Steward........ ,Wm.Brown BakerClty
' Doorkeeper.. ....P. L. Bart Mt. Tabor
isst-D-keeper.. Mrs. Geo. Carmlchael,. Weston
" ExetjTe Cnmrottte-iTf athsn Pierce, W. W.
-aHTew. Q; ". Weeks, W. A, Sample. W.H.
fipaogh. -..
State Lecturer. M V. Bork. Salem.
OUR offer to gire this paper and the
Northwest Reform Journal for one
rear for .the SMALL sum of 82.00 for
both papers only holds good when
three names are sent in at one time.
The Journal club3 with us only on this
proviso, and we must conform to it.
Remember, the two papers one year
for two dollars when throe names are
sent in at the same time. Think of it !
These two papers for less than the
subscription price of any other county
paper, Are we pot deeorvlng ol " your
That third person in tho trinity of
national polities, known as tho Peo
ple's Party Is not dead, nor even sleep
ing.' ' Jri tact the presence of this new
irriyal in the . political erena, : has
Shrouded the coming campaign in a
vague imcortanity. By placing- a
strong man in nomination for tne pres
idency, which it will do at the St.
Louis convention on July 2, the party
will draw several million votes from
the opposition, thereby making it
peopable that the election will be
thrown into the -"house. From and
after the campaign of 1492, the people's
party will be counted a permanent and
growing fixture in the political realm.
-Springfield, Oregon Messenger.
" 'People's Party.'
, 111.
- . " -I '. -"; ' KacshaU
4 .'- ' MiiwaaJMa,'!.
M, p. Uankio, Treasurer. Terre Haute, Iud, .
J, S, Paals, BulPhur SpHngs, Texas. '5
gnatlns taaaelly, Hastings, Minnesota. 1
U, r, Oftithex, Dirmlnfbam, Alabama, '
" Jf. TTWashbtim, Bcston. Mass. ' - . -- -
filllsm H. OftlTant, Obatratan.
r.HendrU. 8aesetir - -
Plrrar, Treasqiyr,
,--, '
THE democratic and republican or
gans of the county are mournfully si
lent on the debt question. The Tidi
ings - went for it with a will nntil we
showed it up in its true light, bring
ing the ' republicans as deep in
the mud as tho democrats were in the
inira, and now, oh, where is the Tid
ings on the county dpbi? No, the Tid
ings and the Times both have enough
pf the dtaflblo t them ques
tion, and would like to bury if as deep
down as. hades itself, but like tjunquQ'a
ghost, ft will not down, but vises higher
and higher ana becomes more .stupen
dous1 and horrifying than ever the bet-
. , . , , 1 , Itl. I
tnd at
it should 'of action. It is to be seen bv every
intellectual mind that prompt, ue-
and deternuned movement
of the colonv ! mu?t be made amL sustained by
a premium tor bit years.
Nor is it claimed that the irre-ictsive
The farnicrs of our little vall-;v are
taking quite an interest in the culture
of alfalfa. Bybee Bros, have already
deemable currency of the colony must be made amL sustained by f - fM. K
of Pennsylvania ever did fall the voters of our land betore our . . eces.itr of-
below cin in value; but that was work as reformers will have accom- j ei0Ui service, and have organized a
not the United Stales; their scenr-' pHshed any real permanent good, j Sunday-school with an atteudanca of
itv was good, but Urc'le Sam is not ! If the voters will hold out faith- thirty-six "-.-
a 'good debtor. j fully when they get to the ballot L'p J '"f
t a 11. r w . 1 - svaii kii. uua in , 1 a r. iiwi
Of course, potior to 1S6L there Ws, we neea nave no iear out mat - wt mod?rn iae6Sof .hj n-and
were twentv issues of currency lhat much good will soon be accom- hasmadeamarkedimprckmontucld
- .. - . . !- 1-1.1 I"? . I .. 4 1. .. 1 . . ,1 . .v. - r . v. : . 1
was never at a discount and in 1 pnaircu. vmu n mi i-i.c m.n , eu im- juuog .u iunan.
stejis wherever he may go.
m-nVj were passed around, ait'T which
a f-jw games wore played, and the com-
pauy staru-d lor home. AIis Lizzie
was presented with quite a numbsr of
liancisomo articles and all joined in
wishing her manv pannv returns of the
day. Those present were: "Mises
ltona Pi-burn. F.!m Witt Anna Hill.
C.'larab.d Stivens. Mattie Magerle.
(tora Bedford, Willie McEiory, Sarah
Magerle tind Anna McHujrh; Messrs.
Jas. Whi.iole. B. R. Stevens. Everett
Sherrill, G.o. Matrert. Earn-Jfrt Wbil
man. Chas. Hill. Hugh Stevens, Will
Ilaymond, Dan Magrle, Mcrton Stev
eni Vernon Hogan and Oscar Simp
kins. We wish to congratulate the
boys for their straight driving as most
of them succeeded in taking a generous
piece off the gate post as they drove in
to the yard. Elisor
Contractor anil Builtor
Jobbing of all kinds. Plans and
estimates furnished on application.
Jackscrews to let.
Table Bock Squibs.
Rain! Rain! Rain!
The prospect never was better for a
bountiful harvest.
Mr.. Wm. Pickens lost a valuable
horse a fo days since.
Mr W. Dickinson nd son. C.A.,were
in Gold mil one day last week.
Mr. E. P. Pickens, one of our enter
prising farmers, made a flying trip up
lJegs river on business last week.
The Table Rock Farmers Alliance
will give a Mayday picnic on the 30th
of April. Several speakeis are to b;
present and an enjoyable time is prom-
; 1
W. L. Towssexd, Proprietor.
Main Streei Opposite PostofSce.
Hot and cold baths, pompadour
hair cutting and clean towels' a
Fair treatment for everybody.
Giveus a trial.
Having bought out Frank Galloway
is now prepared to 11 all orders
1S-JG was actuallv nt a 9 per cent has started and could be mlluenced
premium even in Mexico; but thai ; to turniack to tho old party ties
is different now. Since ISO I at that trying hour! Many will be
iho National Bank has been en- prayer ascending to Heaven for
throned: see? Of course even the . the voters to be faithful to the Re-
tlepradod and depreciated irreen- form cause at that hour by the
'ss stuff, was good i nooie wo:
back, Ibe worthless
mien wh.tse hearts and j
enough to save the National ;ank ! hands are enlisted in this grand
vnd when in 1ST9 the U. S. Sec'v
The great SL
Lovis Convention
which would also be to his ben-! officers to receive it at the Custom ! has said to women. "Stand back;
House as payment for duties nnd
the United States no longer repud
iated it, gold V83 no longer at a
Shvloek's Arguments are shnl-ly
low. Draw the mist veil of par
tisan prejudice aside and they are
transparent. Ve have had thirty
years ef Republican rule and poor
old Democracy is flocking to her
should a railroad that cost sixty thous-i lustful arms. It has driven us to
and dollar a mile to build and equip,
as soon as it shall earn twelve per cent,
on Its cost, have its indebti'dneirs in
creased to thirty-two thousand dollars
a mile just so the last issue of bonds
could bi divided among iu stockhold
ers, make them richer and enable thorn
to show that their property the rail
road Is not earning more than a reas
onable rate of Jjnterest on its debts
debt which never had a consideration
and never was debt, but pretense and
fraud. The government now pretends
to control them; but it is pretense and
sham to a considerable extent, at least
sufficiently unobjectionable to render
the railroads satisfied with tlu effort,
for thoy continue to issue watered
stock and bonds at the rate of a billion
dollars a year, which menus tho impo
sition of sixty millions a year as taxes
levied on every article of commerce
which these merchants bandl6, which
-either they or their customers would
Sivo if it was not required to bj paid
in this way to corporations.
Many farmers believe m?rcuants are
their natural enemies, and that there
is hostility between them and the mer
chants on every line. There are many
conflicts of Interest bjtweon ths mer
chant and farmer, but there are num
berless ties of mutual interest and mu
tual benefit to both. In all general
matters which affect national ques
tions, their Interests are the same on
the Issues that have been on thorn. It
is tho monopolists, the combines, tha
trusts and the syndicates upon which
the Alliance .wages war. The mor
ptmnts do not belong to nor are they
beneficiaries of the operation of any of
these, which prey upon all excopt
Good Looks,
Good looks are more than skin deep,
depending upon a healthy condition of
the vital organs. If the liver be in
active you have a bilious look, if your
stomach be disordered you 'have a dys
peptic look,- and if . vour- kidneys bo
affected you have a - pinphed look.
Secure good health and you will have
good looks. Electric Bitters is the
great alterative and Tonic acts dir
eofly on these vital organs. Cuvos
pimples, blotches, boils and gives a
good complexion. Sold at G. H. ILuir
kin's drug store, 60c. per bottle.
Give us a change.
Kubli, Oregon.
, More Honey.
Editor Southern Oregon Maii.:-
Haysecd How do you do, friend
Demo-Repub Not very well;
can't get hold of any money; hard
Hayseed I can tell you hov to
get more moneys vote for the old
party and the banks will get it all.
John Randolph said: "Charter a
bank with $35,(X.000 of capital;
let it establish and learn Us power,
and then And, if you can, means to
bell the at. It will be beyond
our power; it win overawe your
congress nnd laugh nt your laws."
Henry Clay said: "I conceive the
establishment of this National
Bank as dangerous to tho safety
and welfare of tho Republic."
Webstor said: "The banks are one
of the greatest of political evils and
a contrivance for cheating the labor
ing classes of mankind." Thos.
Benton said: "Banks of circulation
are banks of hazard and failure."
I tell you, sir, that this banking
business has caused ten money
panics in tbo last half century and
each time was accompanied by
commercial crashes and a general
stagnation of business, ruin nnd
Dankruptcy. These corrupt rings,
(hinges of' hell) linds tho peoplo
in tho midst of plenty, distressed,
exhausted and poor. How, does
this happen? Has nature frowned
upon her husbandman or worker
and refuse to respond to hi, toil?
Has the earth declined to yield up
her prcpious 6torcs? Has the hand
of the arjesati or mechanic lost its
cunning, or the arm of tho laborer its
strength? . Not at all. Tho gran
eriee of the west are bursting with
tho products of the soil, and yet
the farmers are mortgaged nnd
poor. The valuable staples pf the
south "are as ready as ever to
respond q the touch of labor. The
mineral wealth, of the earth Ijcs
no, not yet; your help is not needed
at the ballot box at prcstnt vou
must still tread on and help sus
tain the cause 1' We women quiet-
accepted the situation. '- Our
leaders are, like all women a per
aervering class, ready foranv emer
gency and will toil on teaching the
rising generation the influence that
has been brought to bear upon our
people and nation through the sim
ple prayers asking Almighty God
to bless the united hearts and
hands of the soldiers of the blue
and gray. The echo of that prayer
will be felt as long as we are a na
tion. M ay we be blessed through
that fraternal feeling of love and
fellowship lint united all hearts on
that memorial occasion the 22d
day of February, 1S02."
M. D. Bowles. Sec'v.
L ike Crenk, Ore., Apr. 16, 1S92.
Gold Hill Items.
Jss. Fcdgc left fcr CV.ifc'.ria Mon
Mrs. E. Williams returned from
Portland Tuesday.
Mi3 Kate Parker has buvjn visiting
on Butte Cre. k during the last weok.
Dr. S.cord and Mrs. Irvii end
daughter of Detroit Mich, arc regis
tered at the Gold Hill hul.-l.
Rev. Gilliam of Rtis--bur,j was in
town Saturday. H will preach as the
school house on Wednesday evening,
April 27th.
Chas. Ripp;y has opened a tin shop
and hardware store in the Union hotel
building. This makes three hardware
stores in Gold Hill.
Mrs. Irvin of Detroit Mich, has pur
chised the Braden mine and milL and
will pros poet tha mine on an extensive
plan. They calculate on it taking
about one year to get the mine opened
up in proper shape.
Houck and Cos. cot two Stamp
Steam Quartz mill has arrived, and
the mechanics are getting it in runn
ing order as ratndlv as possible. They
expect to be rcaiv to commence crush- J
The Cheapest and Bes Picket Fence
made. Correspondence Soliciud. Ad
dress ai! orders to
Medford, - - Oregon.
The lea&ag Drag Store of lfuf--ra is
Saccesscr to Hsskins Laoc)
He has anything in ths line cf
Pure Drugs.
Patent Medicines,
Book?, Staiionory,
Paints and Oils, . .
Tobacco, Cigars, Perfumery,
Toilet Articles,
And everything that is carried In av
Prescriptions Carefully Com
pounded. Main Street, Mepford, Oregon.
Editor Southern Oregon Mail:
Brownsboro Alliance No. 120
passed a resolution favoring the
enactment of the following "Asses-
ors' Seal Bill," presented by J. II.
Lyman, and that said bill be pub
lished in the Mail and submitted to
the sub-alliances for their action or
approval. Wm. Terrill, Sec'y.
Brownsboro, Ore., April 23, '92.
This will bo known a the mscssors' seal bill
and siinll bo comnKMfd of the duttes of the
ossitswr Hiid his deputies, and county clrrk.
and the penalties. And the form of the seal
shall be rouud. not over two luches In diameter,
with tho width, the name of the county and
slate, month and date in It. It shall be the
duly of the ae!-sor. or the deputy, to carry
with blm this seal tor the purpose of stamping
all taxable, papers: such as notes, morupwos.
louU.s etc., oud tho assessor or his deputy
s'lall keep tho number, date nud amount of
all ucu pupers separate and iu case of failure
to comply with tho above law shall be 'Subject
to a fine of not less than eW nor more than Pu
And nil notes, mortKt?es and bond not
., ,mn,ui n nhjva H-jeeilled. shall be null, void
and unoollectoblo by law, and any person or
persons trying to collect such papers shall be
subject to a uuo of not less than i nor more
than .') uor less than one year nor more than
llvo years Iu state prison aud any person pay
ing any such papers shull be buWect to the
s-iine line herctoiore stuted. and shall be Itnblo
to either or both ; ut tho discretion of the court.
And II shall be the duly of the county clere to
keen seal also for Uio purpose of stumping
all such papers as heretofore staled, and shall
out them on the assessment roll so the tax col
reotoreanKet them. Incase ot failure to do so,
ho sbull be subjool to ths same Uuo as the
assessor, v '
Wojdvilla Waittltni.
The caroanters have finished
Marriage lacenea.
Mrrt.-.l at ltu TsTlor house. Aril IV
r-i- w. J. riymale, J ; John K. Miller and iliss :
Helena Thutn. ..... I
Marri-d. al the bride"? parents, near MedforJ, !
April SU l.Ki, Her. li. Klswonh Thompson ami ;
Miss Carrie VaaDyke, Kev. -M. A. waiams
Repairs Buggies and Wagons
Horses Bought and Sold, and
At very reasonable rates. Next door
to Merriniau's blachsmith shop,
was not
addition to Mr. Jones' store.
Wa believe our Hula town
ropi'dsantdd at the olrous. . .
Prof. B. R. Staveus, ooinmanced
tiaohlng in the Soutt diatrlot Monday.
M.'B. Whippal is spending; a few
days visiting his friends iu Woodville.
Mrs. Jas. Savaso's brother, Cant.
John MoKanzio, arrived hero from Ill
inois last week.
M, M. Scott and wife, are living
Tho tVorU EnrlcactL
The facilities ofthe present day for the
production of everything that will con
duce tp the material welfare and comfort
of mankind are almost unlimited and
when Syrup of Figs was first prodnced
the world was enriched with Jhe only
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
remedy which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
nlar it b Cornea,
Boots and Shoes.
As I give my attention to this line
of trade only I can do better by my
customers than dealers in all kinds
of goods. Call and examin stock.
Repairing Neatly Done.
Jobbing: of alT Kinds.
Medford, - - Oregon,
Dealer in j.
groceries, - .
dry goods; ,
boots, shoes