Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, April 22, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat, No. 1, per bushel
Oats, - -. S 'V
' Barley '. "
corn, . . ; . ; ;'
Potatoes, . :
t .to
" .35
- .SO
- 4.60
Mill Feed, Bran and Shorts,
Hay, baled, J11.00;
- perton
Wood J-
Floor, wholesale.
Floor, retail,
per barrel "
per sack .
..per roll
per dozen -per
- per box
- per lb.
Bacon an
Fino job work at this office.
Ladies' visiting cards printed at
this offica. :
J no. ansicket left tor Macon
City, Mo., Sunday last. 1
The best place in town to trade is
at J. S. Howard's.
v Judge Walker, of Cottage Grove,
was in the city thi8 week. -
Buy your school tablets at Slover's
and get a nice lead pencil free ' with
"eachone. . ...
Sam'l Robbins, of Phoenix, was
va visitor in the city Wednesday.
Mrs. S. E. Penwell has opined a
bakery in the Faris hotel, where fresh
bread can be procured daily .
Fred Cogswell, the Klamath-
lawyer, was a pleasant caller Mon
day. "
Placer and quartz claim notices
for sale at this office.
otudy tne Danoi law as given on
the first page of this paper this
If you want your best girl to think
you are handsome, get your photo
graph taken at McBride & Case's.
Born in this city, on tne 17th
inst, to Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Crewe,
a son... . . r .....
The highest price paid for chick
ens at J. S. Howard's. .
Born in this city, on the ISth
inst, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Vandyke,"
a son.
Postmaster Drum of Table Rock,
was doing business in Medford this
week. " :,
Work guaranteed at the srcBride &
Caaa nhotopranh craJIprr. -
Beautiful line of solid back hair
brushes just received at J. A. Slo ver "s
F. T. Downing was at "Ashland
this week to attend the funeral of his
' - Cash paid for chickens at Henry
.- The ' write up" of the nominees
on the first page of .this, paper is
worth reading. " ..
Go to Elder's tor the best tea in
x osimaster iioivara Jen yester
day morning for an extended busi
ness trip in the' east. ' "
Any amount 01 un ana glassware
'at the Second Hand Store CHEAP.
Several prominent Alliance and
People party people were in the
city this week. -
The New York Cheap Cash store
has just received a fine line of Henri
etta's and other dress goods, latest styles
and fashionable colors at prices tosttit
Mrs. J. McKay of' Woodstock,
nCanada,' is visiting her sister, Mrs.
lobri Weeks, at Phoenix.
I The celebrated Manhattan Food for
Worses, cattle and poultry. Guaran
teed to cure chicken cholera. For sale
at the Strang drug store, Medford, Or.
A. H. Boothby, of Prospect, has'
been appointed postmaster of Pros
pect in place of S. S. Akin.
We claim to turn out the best and
. neatest job work in tha valley at rea
sonable prices.
. ' - -
The charity concert at the opera
house on Monday evening last was
largely attended and very enjoyable.
The finest line of men's shoes ever
brought to Medford, just received at
Henry Smith's. . " .
H. L. Wright Las opened a tailor
ing establishment - in this city
and is prepared to do all kinds of
custom and repariug work on short
" Hay by the ton or bale, sped oats
and barley at J. H. Thorndike'8
S. M. Nealon, of Table Rock,
nominee for repreecf jtive on the
People's Party ticket,-was a pleas
ant caller Tuesday.
See our bargains in straw hats
Backet Store. b-2x,
, Table Rock and Antioch Alliar
ces will give a picnic at Table
Rock on the 80th inst.. at which
public speaking and general merry
making will he participated in.
New and elegant baby caps at the
Backet. i.2t
There will be a Union Gospel
Temperance eeries held at the
Presbyterian church next Sunday
at 7 p. m. participated in by all
the churches. Address by E.
Thompson. Everybody come and
help in the good work. -
It is a well known fact that tho
New York Cheap Cash store is the
place to do your tradiny. . You can
save money. Undersell, underbuy is
pur motto every time..
There must be something woe
fully wrong with the system that
can do no better for the world than
to permit one half of its people to
ruin themselves by producing too
ranch and the other half to star ve
and suffer because they cannot get
Dry popcorn at Elder's.
. Subscribe for the Mail. .
Domorest Brothers, dentists.
McBride & Case for photographs. 0
Lamp chimneys at Wolter's gro
cery. .
Bring your pennies to tho Racket.
D. S. sells goods of all kinds cheap
for cash. " . - 15-2t
The Weeks Bros., of Phoenix,
have just finished putting in two
elegant mantles in the residence
of Dr. Robinson of Jacksonville.
Boots and shoes anatomically built
by A. C. Taylor. Reparing promptly
attended to. Carries in stock ladies,
men's, and infants correct shape shoes.
Personal attention given to fitting the
foot. Opposite Post Office.
If the republicans will only go
before the county on what they did
and the democrats on what they
didn't, the People's party will carry
every state in the union.
" Mrs. D. G. Ross has opened a first
class restaurant in this citv in the
building lately occupied by the cigar
factory. Meals at all hours and ut all
prices cun ba had at this house and tho
table is always sproad with thebost the
markets affords. 4t
In the political war that is ap
proaching we hope and trust that
our alliance brethren will be, un
swerving and unflinching in their
devotion to the measure and prin
ceples formulated by the People's
Do your trading where your dollar
goes the furthest and that is at the
New York Chaap Cash store. New
goods arriving daily. For ladies and
gents footware, clothing, furnishing
goods apply at New York Cheap Cash
The democratic convention elect
ed delegates as follows to the state
convention: D. T. Sears, G. T.
Reanies, Robt. XcilR. W. Miller,
J. D. Whitman, Chas. Nickell. E.
J. Farlow, G. R. llammersly, H.
Klippel, and H. S. Evart. x
For bargains ia boots'aad shoes call
on M. S. Damon.
Mrs. Marv Leach, a gifted lady
from the' east, who at present is
speaking on the reform movement
will be present in Medford on May
17th. Mrs. Leach is a lady highly
honored and respected where she
is known and Jts a speaker has been
superior among her sex. and we
bespeak for her a large and appre
ciative audience.
Maple bricks and silver drip syrup
at Wolters.
Dr. Pryce, of Medford, has
arrived. The Doe tor is a patient
suffering from lung-disease, and
has chosen the climate of Klamath
in preference to that of Colorado.
Hs is staying at the Hotel Link
ville, where the fare is first class,
the attendance courteous and tire
less, and the rest and refreshment
delightful. Dr. Pryce made a good
choice. Klamath Star.
Cinnamon hark and whole cloves al
Wolters. I
The . ew York circus showed
here Tuesday, day and evening,
and everything passed off quietly
and pleasantly. A large "number
of the rural population wore in to
see the fun. The show is a good
one. Among the features worth
mentioning was a little farec of a
local nature and was worked to a
cha-ni here as follows: One of the
circus performers entered the ring
during the performance, dressed in
rags and yelling and hooting at the
top of his voice in drunken hilarity.
Ed. Robinson, special policeman
for the city, at this stage of the
game, saw a chance to distinguish
himself, so rushing upon the sup
posed drunk he nabbed and started
to drag him out of the tent All at
oace the supposed drunk jerked
away from Kobinron, tore his rags
off and stood erect dressed' in full
circus tights and lefore the officer
could think, mi3ter circus man had
mounted a horse .and was gone.
The laugh that followed was thun
derous' as the offiYer disappeared.
This trick is played in every town.
For Sale.
My ranch, 6 miles southwest of Mad
ford. 120 acros. Id acres oj'chard, email
fruit, 5 permanent springs. Pric 3
with crop SlilOO; S1C00 down, balance
on time. For particulars inquire at
ranch 15-lt A. Axdkews.
Public Speaking1 end Picnic.
Gen. Jas. B. Weaver, of Iowa, will
deliver an address at tha Central Point
fair grounds on May 10 at 10 o'clock
a. m. on the political issued of the day.
The General is an eloquent speaker
and a thorough scholar on political
reform. . All are invited to come and
enjoy the day. By order of
To Intending Builders.
It will pay you to write or send to the
Southern Oregon Lumbering and Man
ufacturing company of Grants Pass for
all kiads of building material: lumber,
sash, doors, and mill work of all kinds,
as they will guarantee you satisfaction
in material, workmanship and prices.
Plans and estimates furnished on all
kinds of work.
- Backleii's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruisDS, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores.t jtter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin emotions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to giye perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25c
per box. For sale by G. H. Haskins.
The time for payment of the city tax
has been extended until May 1st, IKK!,
before becoming delinquent.
Geo. H. Haskixs,
City Treasurer.
. Notice.
Medfohd. Adi-U 0. 1892.
All persons indebted to the estate of
Henry Smith, at Medford, are requested
to call and scttlo without delay.
F. L. ChanfilIj, Manager.
. By order of Mrs. E. A. Smith.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
General Weaver.
The- date of ".General Weaver's ap
pearance at the Central Point Fair
Grounds has been postponod until May
10th. Don't forgot this. .
Mrs. Mary E. Lease.
Mrs. Mary E. Lease has been spoken
for already as follows: Ashland, May
16th, at 7:80 -p. m.; MedfordMay 17th,
at lp.m.; Jacksonville May 17th, at
7:30 p. m.; Gold Hill, May 18th, at 7:30
p. m. N
Card of Thanks.
To all who so kindly and gener
ously helped at our late entertain
ment, and particularly to Mr. T.
Harris for the,hall rent and Mr. J.
J I. Faris for use of organ, we cor
dially extend our thanks.
Ladies of Benevolent Assn.
Card of Thanks.
I desire hereby to express my thanks
for and entire satisfaction with tho
work done by Mr. L. M. Lyons in the
building of my house. All the work
done, by all who have aided in the
erection and completion of the build
ing, evidences .both taste and skill. I
have closely watched the progrets nnd
process of the work, and know whereof
I affirm. F. J. EDML'XDS.
A Sad Death.
Mrs. Xellie Faber. wife of -Prof.
Fabert late of Ashland and onl v
child ef J. L Downjng of. Ashland,
died suddenly at IwjL- home in
Tulare. Calif., on vuelTth inst.
The body was sent up to Ashland
and the funeral took place there
yesterday at 11 a. m., a large num
ber of friends and relative being
present. The deceased had a large
circle of friends in thi3 valley. She
was an accomplished musician and
an estimable lady i every respect.
- Married, at Jacksonville, on Friday.
April 13th inst., by Justice Plvmale:
John F. Miller and Miss Lena Thum,
both of California.
Mr. Miller has long been in lh3 em
ploy of th'S railro:ul at Dunsmir nnd is
a streight forward, industrious young
man. Tho bride is a pretty and sen
sible appearing girl and will without
doubt make a happy house wife. The
young couple are domiciled at B;-ows-boro
and may thy bj happy and long
Charity Entertainment.
The concert given by the ladies
of the Benevolent society at the
opera house last Monday evening
was much more than worth' the
price of admission as the large
audience can testify. Every num
ber in the program was most ex
cellently rendered. The art dis
play was a novel feature arid the
"hot" supper was hugely enjoyed.
The ingenuity displayed by the
ladies in arranging the affair speaks
well for their understanding of
what will please, and the public
proved by their attendance thati
chanty is sweet.
Precincts, Attention. "
. At our county convention it was
thought best to let each precinct
nominate their own precinct oflicers
to act as justice of the peace, and a
constable. If you-bave not done
so, you should do so at once, in
order that the names of tho nom
inees may appear on your cor.vrv
ticket. A certificate of nomina
tion signed by ten persons in ths
precinct and certified to, and your
acceptance of said nomination
must all be filed with the county
clerk, at least 15 iays before the
time set for the election.
If anj' precinct lias not 'Complied
with the above, please do' so at
once and applj' to the writer for
printed blanks, etc., which will be
sent by return mail.
Ia Wakefield,
Pncsxix, Ore.
Ancient Order of Hercnles.
The above much talked-of and
inimitable burlesque on secret or
ders, was richly rendered in tho
flpera house Wednesday evening by
the members of Talisman Lodge
No. 31. K. of P. The play through
out spoke of the stuuv and atten
tion given it , by the actors and the
conglomeration of laughable situa
tions were duly appreciated by the
packed : house llanker Vawter in
an appropriate little speech
opened the ceremonies, after which
the orchestra played, the curtain
rolled "up and the fun began for
the audience but tho candidate
had a tussle to keep himself gath
ered together. The High, Low,
Jack and Guimi, and the P.. P. C,
P. D. Q., Rats and Guards of Hon
or, al! were there and thereon time
at ever' point. Manager Narregan
is to be congratulated on the train
ing he instilled into the actors, and
it is safe to say this farce is tho
richest thing ever pu on the stage
in this particular line.
Marriage Licenes.
License Issued April 18th to Samuel PhllUnn
and Mrs. Minerva Doll.
Apuil 15th, to John E. Mlllor and Helena
Thnn. -
A New Corporation.
Articles of incorporation have been
filed with tho secretary of tho state for
the Edward A. Weld's patent Wire
Brae 5 Fence, under tho name of the
"Medford Wrlo Braoe Fence Com
pany." Tho incorporators are: E. A.
Welds, president: C. I. Hutchinson,
vice president and manager and J. E
Enyart, assistant cashier of the Jack
son County Bank, as secretary and
treasuror. Mr. Hutchinson having
resigned bis position in tho general
mercantile business of tho late Honry
Stnith and together with Mr. Welds,
the patentee will enter the field in the
interest of the company, and with
their agents will make a ' thorough
canvass of Iho state of Oregon, and soil
direct to the farmer tho exclusive
right to use this fence on his premises.
All farmers throughout tha state
can readily see the advantage of this
improvement over tha old styles of
rail fences. This stylo of fence is in
general use throught the .United
States. Mr. Welds lias disposed of
nearly all the eastern states, cither
by state, county or farm rights.
Jackson county can boast of ener
getic, wideawake farmers. This fact
being demonstrated by tho many miles
of this feneo already , built ia this
This invention U recomeded fcv our
most substantial farmers, to bj the
bst and cheapest fonce that cj.n be
constructed. Tho fact, that the
Weld's Wire Brace fenc is a saving of
money, material, time nnd labor will
be vouched for by all who" have person
ally examined this invention.
The Mail wishes this new enter
prise the success it des?rves. Its
members are well known man of Jack
son couutv.
Circuit Court.
A L. Renter vs I. F. W Kljmsclal coallr
mnlton f shoniTs alt?.
Jacob 1. Msxon vk. Alice V. Maun Divorce.
k-Tronia llurRrlt r W. II. Ilarpcu divorce
decree fronted w:d pUiintln trtvca rare and cus
tL'tly of lion of Thi. ltnrgrll &ad judg
met.! lor pt lniilf. luo at u-rn-.y fees.
llaitie M. l.Mro "has. W. Logiu) Divorce.
IVer, e (rranted and jilaii:lt3 civea raMody ol
mluor cbiiurea uf lllasva Lr.. Vcraa . acd
Ch-,ric;. Lvan.
Jauie.-t Me.eni et al rs Wm. M. Urrr el al
rcotutn ot J. s. Kcet-Ri. asi(rcce. to cl asitls
decree wr rolled.
Mitchell Lewis & Co. va IVitrln-r & Eimor,
m--ii-,u to altle jtuiinurnt orer rolled.
Or-iorcd that cna.. rlj.iiilti be aiio-rcd fca as
scurries a boltfi for circuit court.
S:avcr& Walker ra John l Chappel el a
Ia Prebato.
F.nte of W. G. Mill: oMetvd thr.t S. J. Day
tc avi-ivled administrator. Ivlter ef ad
min:uaiioa tv? '--."lied him upon hW HHug a bond
In the um cf 2!-a. liaRivt Chupmaa. Avery
Joh-iM-n end J dm J. Murphy appuiutc-ii ap
praiser.'. Kslateef Alexander jd Wjirreo. Rainey. mi
mN: dd fctDt-aonenl exhiulu
Kstaic ot J.K. kaiTKlalc: orJered that the
adi--iir.lnln-.ior. C. O. Ktivxi&Je and his win-tic-
be di-;-.avtM fn-m Ir.rujer liauilitu-s
Ksiate ef Jubn iZ. M-j-r-orrW-rcd that the ad-rainUtr-atrix.
Mrs. Kllbcta Kam, tw da
cfcr,rrd. K.i:atc ef Jo.ej.h Willis SalSertSi-U seal
annaal account, approved.
K-tate acd ir.iattll.-in-'hip of Warren Lycrh, a
minor order lor sale of real properly.
County Commission era' Court.
In the matter of M-ttlenicnt with the sheriff
a lax collector: Ktalemtsut rccx-iveO and that
(laid iherin. J. . HinliMj. lc charged iih the
stmiol Ai 13 drliuyuvnl taxes Ic r the year
of ISUl; further ordered that the cl rk c-.r,i;e
out t!-.c deltct;t:ent list (rem the aiv-vis5ineai roll
of 1H1. con.i-Dundin-? the td-cr-n to collect the
deliuqut r.t laics, as rw-ulred by law.
Ordered that C W Taylor, county cotnuits he allowed the 5am cf v for mileage,
and that lien Haymund. cotir.ty c-in-mU-Uoner.
be allowed ie.H' tor mitcae as commiKdvcer at
April term of coanly court.
Ordered thai the boundaries r-f north oad
south Jacksonville election precincts be cbaag-
ea. wving loan error in -Munuarici.
Beat Estate Transfers.
Z'.Ipha E. Mcf-ubhin to V. f. Canklisg: low
II. Pi ia. Iiik n. Park add. .Medfonl fi-A).
W. S. Conkliu? to Uewtse Hall, lot 1.1, blk,
Josephine l'oc to L. II. Fancclt, load In tp
r 3 w.
C. C. Heektnan to Martbn B. Howard, all of
loin 7. K. In 1 1. IS. bik :iK fsw.
Uaire M. pierce to John Arnold, lots acd 8.
blk Si. Meilford. tt.f.
Mrs. K. M. Den'.son to Helen F. Hawkins, !oV
1 and S. blkfi. Mcxitord. 1.
John MrOaniel to Charles Nlckell ct al, lirt-STi
arret, tp .H. r I w. .Wu.!.V
UeorKe Mvers to Louila Chlsfcilm. lot IS. M.
15 ti. i. clock C. linilrmwl add to A-ddand. tl.
Thomas liritt.son to J. M. Catebaer. 1 ucrc IP
3 . r 1 w. ttMU.
J. M. Cnsebeer to Thomas W . Urittson. aJ
aens. tp 3. frvo.
Noah AUen to Thou Brlttson. a t1n of land
20 feet in Wanner creek section, J1.
Or. ft Tnins Co. to J. A. Knmt-ti'll. Its SI and
2 blk i It 11 whin to AMilnnd. rjti.
E. Meramla Deniiwn to Thos F. West, lot S
blk It. MnlforJ.
J. V. Luaisolen to Mary E. Merriman. lot 12.
blk S. Luai.len addn to .Medfonl.
O. & C. R4ilroad Co. toll. F. Hilling, Q.C. D.,
to laud in township ;W s. r 1 e; $1.
E. I. IlriirR. to A. S. Hammond, fractional
lots .1. 4. 7, nnd 1. so ' of sw se 3cl. tp 0" s, r 1
e. i:i,-ht of wny deed,
Euireoia Jackon lo O. it C U'd Co., right of
wnv dred. rM. 50.
Harriet A.Leo to TVclter Acdcrson, land in
tp m s, r S w, r neres, KU.
Specimen Cases.
S. II. ClitTord, Now Cnssel, Vis.,
was troubled with neuralgia ami rheu
matism, his stomach wad disordered,
his liver was alTected to an alarming
dcjrre:?, apjietite fell away and ho was
terribly reduced in flesh and strength.
Three bottles 'of Electric Bitters
curad him. '
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111.,
bad a running sore on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used throe bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven boxes of
of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, nnd his Lg
is sound and well John Speaker, Cat
awba, O., bad fivo large fover sores on
his lesr, doctrtin said he was incurable.
One bottle Eloctric BitUirs and one
box of Bucklen'8 Arnica Salvi) curod
him entirely. Sold at G. II. Haskin's
drug store.
Notice. .
All those knowing themselves to
bo indebted to G. L. Davis will
please call and settle before May 1,
1892, as after that date tho firm
will be known as Davis & Potten nnd tho old books must be
closed. - n
$0.00 Beward.
Lost An old stylo pocket book
containing $21.00 in bills also re
ceipts, etc.
The abovo reward will be paid
on return of tho same to me or to
the Mail office
1G-H K. A. IIoag.
$3.50 Por M.
$3.00 Per M.
d - l - WOLTERS,
Your Patronage
" Solicited.
J. E. SHEARER. Prop.
Palm's Old Stand.
First class work done to" all.
Ladies' hair cutting executed with
Sotith I
I North
710 p. in I Lv. Tort Intnl. Ar.
fen p. m I.v. Mt-,1frU " Lv
fcl5w. in Ar. San Fntuclafo l.v.
T:SS n. m
u.tlj p. in
71W p. m
Above trains stop only nt the following sta
tions north of RoscbtUfr: Kast Fortlnmt, Oro
gon City. Woocltiutn, Salem, Alliany, Tmigriit,
ShrdiK Halsr.v, Harrisburg, JuticUon City, lrv
lug and liugono.
S:ft". m I'ofTiitiiH Ar T4HV p. in
S:10 p. in l.v Kost-lmrg l.v esa a. in
ALBANY LOCAL DAILY (Kxccpt Sundn)-.)
5O0 p m I Lv
VM p m I Ar
Port land
Albany .
Ar I S:.Vi p m
Lv loMOa in
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Tourist Slopping Cnrs fbr the nocomraodnt Ion
of second cIunm iMueH'ngors, nt tuclied to express
t nil ns.
Between Portland and Corvallis.
Mull trains, dully, except Sunday;
7:30 n. in
12:10 p. m
S0 p. m
12: Vi p. m
At Albany nnd Corvallls connect with trains
of orcgon Pucltie railroad.
Express Trains dally, except suudny:
4:40 p. m I Lv Poftlnitd ArTsSl a. m
7:25 p. m Ar Mi-Mlliuvlllo Lv 5:4." a. in
- i-Throit"h tickets to all points' cast and
south. For tickets nnd full Information r.
Rnnlinft rates, maps, etc., cull on tliecumpany's
liKuni ill Licuiortl.
Maunder... Asut, o. F. & P. Aj;t.
w. I. VAV.TEK,'
Vice Pres. -
Jackson County Bank.
CAPITAL, - $50,000
Loan money on approved .security, receive deoosits subject to check,
and transact a general hanking business on th; most fa'orable terras.
EOT Your Business Solicited. ,
Correspondents: .;
Corbin Banking Co., N. Y. . Pacific Bank, San Francisco.
Commercial National, Portland, Ladd & Bush, Salem.
fl J
riaili CareMv Attiflefl to.
FfllWEnS' STOrE. J. .
ANGLE & PLYSf ALE, Proprietors.
General Merchandise Groceries,
Fresh Bacon and Lard, Choice Strained Honey. Pure Cijer, Vinegar
Cigars and Tobacco, Canned Fruits, Vegetables and Meate,
Extracts, Spices, Flour. Matches, Etc., Ete.
A. B. Produce Taken in Exchange.
Dry Goods, Boots ii Shoes, Groceries,
and Crockery.
The best goods at the lowest prices for Cash. The highest prices paid
for country produce.
Harris & Pnrula Prcprieton Terms: $1 $1.50 eeJ $2 m te
First-class in Every Particular. ,
!ff-SpeciaI attention paid to Commercial Travelers.
successor to
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
LMiier, Latli, Siungles, Pickets; Rustic,
Flooring, Ceiling, Etc.
XDealexs in
Stoves, Tin and Willow Ware.
Cycone and Hoosier Pumps.
ffff-Ever' article
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware
and Fine
Warranted Cutlery. Carpenters and Uuildora
Rcdjackct Force Punnw, for deep
Asst. CanhWT
Medford, Oregon.
" ' 1 T- 1
ana jraper
Oregon. -
hears a guarantee.
Building Material.
Tools, Flshiug Tickle, AmmunlUon, Ete Eta
or shollow wells. 'Tin Shop Attached