T h o u g h t C h o a to a F o o tm a n . When Joseph H. Choate « a s ambas­ sador to the court of 8t. James he was SIXTH AND EVERETT STS. standing near the door as some of the Proper Preparation o f Soil Essential guests at the reception were leaving. Investigator Suggests Government In­ T H E S H O E T H A T H O L D S IT S S H A P E ' Poor Block« from Union Station. Under new All room« newly decorated. to Good Early Crops Owing to An Englishman, mistaking him for quiry Would Cause Break - No a w SPECIAL KAI Ks i n WEEK OR MONTH one of the footmen, said: Evidence o f Trust Found. Lateness o f Season. S a v e M o n e y b y W e a rin g W . L D o u g las Kate« SOc. 75c. SL 51.50 Per Day "Call me carriage." LARGEST u i FIN! •hoes. For sa le b y o v er 9 0 0 0 sh o e d ealers. Mr. Choate turned to him and said: — HOYEL ■ ik NORTHWEST^ T h e Best K n o w n Sh oe# in th e W o r ld . ' How do you do. Carriage?" Eric V . Hauser, P r t iid w t In view o f the extreme lateness of Chicago — According to Herbert A. | . L Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot­ “ Why do you call me that?” de­ Emerson, who has been to the Pacific | 550 j-. A 75 Following Legal Advice. tom o f all shoes at the factory. T h e value is guaranteed and : the season everything should be done manded the astonished Englishman. the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. T h e i The farmer walked Into the little "W ell,” responded Mr. Choate, dry­ Coast investigating food conditions for by the gardener to get his early vege- retail prices are the same everywhere. T h ey cost no more in San I grocery with a firm s*ep. ly, “ I couldn i vary well call you Han John J. Dillon, commissioner of the , tables growing as rapidly as possible. Francisco than they d o in New Y ork. T hey are alwavt worth the f state of New York, there are between ” 1 want a tub of butter," he said, som."—Ladles’ Home Journal. D i ^ p l P H i $2 Upj price paid for them. It is very evident that the first thing "and a lot of sugar, and all that 30,000,000 and 36,000,000 eggs on the ft A u r a i LiceptMul Hsttli'JÏ Some Men Are Lucky. * I *he quality o f W . L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more | tracks in Chicago, held by speculators affecting this phase of the work is the other stuff.” "Good gracious!" said the widow A than 4 0 years experience m n along fine shoes. T h e smart Wife (at breakfast)—Oh. John. I’ll to keep up high prices. condition o f the soil in which the seeds who kept the shop. "Whatever do styles are the leaden in the Fashion Centres o f America. bet I know who you gave your seat to Mr. Emerson said that the Pacific are being dropped. All the time that you want with all them goods?” T hey are made in a well-eauipped factory at Brockton. Mass., coming home in the car last night. Coast states thiB year, instead of im- “ 1 duutio,” said the farmer, scratch­ is spent properly in putting the land in by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and Hub (who had been out having a j porting eggs as they have generally supervision o f ejrperienced men, all working with an honest good tilth for the smaller seeds in par­ ing his head, “ but you see I'm the quiet little game)— Nousense. my done, will have a surplus of 75,000 to executor of your husband's will and determination to make the best shoe« foe the price that money ^ For Real Musical Instruments in truest harmony. ticular is time and money well spent, the lawyer told me I was to carry dear! How could you ever guess? How 1 100,000 cases to sell. can buy. do you know I gave up my seat to Made to see how [food they can be; not how much j A great deal of time and money also is out the provisions."—Topeka State anyone? Mr. Emerson said he had no evidence they will bring. Violin. Mandolin. Guitar. Banjo, A sk y o u r « h o e deal« - f o r W . L D o u g la s s h o e «. I f h e ca n ­ Ukelele. Slogan: " I f you don't find ’em better saved by working the soil in the first Journal. not supply you with the kind you want, take no other , Wife— Yes, you did. You dear, kind 1 o f an “ egg trust,’ ’ but said he is sure than any. send 'em back at our expense." 311 to place when it is in the right condition make. W rite for Interesting booklet explaining how to L ™ old boy; you let a poor old Irishman there is a “ mighty close understand- j get «hoe«of the highest standard of quality for tl*a price, \ ]J 116 Labbe Bldg.. ©7V* Wash. St.. Portland. Ore. i to be worked. I see so many lots these Boy.’ Shoes w I have it, for I distinctly heard you say ing” between the big dealers and was I ny return mail, 1 postage free. days that are turning up with a shiny Best in ths World In your sleep, "Oh. that's all right. confident an investigation would cause LOOK FOR W. L FORD C A R S ' sole, with the ensuing result that it is I’ll stand pat."—Boston Transcript. na nr and the retail a break in prices. l . . 1 President & W . Douglas Shoe Co., P r e .lt l.n t U W . !.. D oeg lil ( M Every Ford Car should carry one ex- I going to be difficult for that gardener •tamped on the bottom. ISA s p a r k >t.. B rock ton , M m . “ The butter situation is a parallel,’ ’ ■k tra tire it save changing on the road. I to get a seed-bed later on that will be he said. “ The Pacific Coast this year TH E T W I N R IM [ free from clods. Land will normally will be able to ship East a surplus of fits both front and rear wheel. Applied in 5 min­ break up if it is handled at the right Things We Do Instinctively. utes. Saves time, clothes, temper and religion. 160 cars of butter, 24,000 pounds to Price $6.60. Sent parcel poet prepaid, upon re­ time. This will save a great deal of Straighten our cravat when we hear the car. Four years ago the Coast ceipt of price. I time later with the disc, the harrow a strange female voice at the other end ••(HI VUlCARlIINQ CO.. "The Tire Shop." imported 200 cars.” 183-935 Burnside st.. Portland. Oregon I and the rake. of the telephone wire. It is necessary to give the smaller Feel that we are included when the You reckless men and women who Wheat Has Good Stand. term “ prominent cltlxens" is used. j vegetable seeds the best conditions are pestered with corns and who have “ C. B ." m i n e r s & co . Walla Walla— Walla Walla county's Button the flap over the packet that at least once a week Invited an awful jwssible in Which to germinate quickly UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP and take a quick hold of the soil. The death from lockjaw or blood poison S a g e T e a a n d S u lp h u r T u r n s wheat is in the condition it should contains our purse when approaching AITSMSIll ICHIIIM AM ICMIIIIM. have been in the first week in April. New York or Chicago. rake is the final instrument to use in are now told by a Cincinnati authority G r a y , F a d ed H a ir D ark Abscntmindedly shiver when pre­ to use a drug called freexone, which I. I. Ml. FIFTH AND SHU* STI PMTLAII, OlfQM Warm weather from now on will en­ \ smoothing and lining the seed-bed. the moment a few drops are applied an d G lo s s v . able it to make up this lateness to a sented to ladies from Now England. The use of radish seeds in the rows to any corn or callous the soreness Is Sigh deeply when the president's FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney. 1 o f carrots, beets, lettuce, onions and certain extent. The stand is good all Mexican policy is mentioned. relieved and soon the entire corn or Organizer and Developer. Patents secured or Fee over the county, however, though the Not callous, root and all, lift« off with the Carry on a conversation in hoarse Physicians have prescribed R esin ol Ointment Almost everyone knows that Sage Refunded. FREE. Toy X-Ray Plate; shows every parsnips is to be encouraged. tn d Kc.sinol S oap fur twenty year', in the treat* bone in your body right through your clothing. many radish seeds should be used, but | fingers. whispers when In an art gallery.— Tea and Sulphur, properly compound­ crop will not be normal. m int * i n hint;, burning skin-eruptions. Sold Suites 701, 701A. 701B. 701C. Central bldg.. Seattle Winter wheat is about at the stage Life. Freexone dries the moment It Is ap­ ed, brings back the natural color and ! enough so that the rows can be quickly Ly a ll d ru g gist*; lor trial f-ce , w rite to D ept. plied, and simply shrivels the corn or lustre to the hair when faded, streak­ that spring sown usually ¡ b at this time detected and the ground stirred be- i-T , R esin ol, Baltim ore, M d. STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, The radishes can callouB without inflaming or even lr- ed or gray. Years ago the only way o f the year, while the spring sown on C U T I C U R A K I L L S D A N D R U F F salesmanship. English branches, at an accredited j tween the rows. school; „rite. or phone Main 690 for catalogue. : later be pulled out before interfering | ritating the surrounding tissue or to get this mixture was to make It at the majority o f ranches is just coming uates guaranteed positions. Behnke-Walker skin. A small bottle of freexone will home, which Is mussy and trouble­ out of the ground. The Cause of Dry, Thin and Falling Is r.o m ore necr«.«ttry ^ ness College. 167 4th Street, near Morrison. with the other plants. I have seen cost very little at any of the drug some. than S m a l l p o x . Army The cool rainy weather is giving the Hair and Does It Quickly—Trial Free Portland. Oregon. j the finest germination o f some of the stores, but will positively rid one’s experience has demonstrated Nowadays we simply ask at any grain a chance to stool well. Hot the almost miraculous e ffl- 1 smaller seeds effected this way when feet of every hard or soft corn or drug store for "W yeth's Sage and Sul­ Anoint spots of dandruff, Itching C*cv, and harmlessness, o f Antityphoid Vaccination. L E A R N A T R A D E . Gas Tractor and Auto­ weather would cause it to grow rapidly If your druggist phur Compound.” You will get a large Be vaccinated N O W by your physician, you and and Irritation with Cutlcura Ointment. mobile men are in demand. We are giving a com­ j otherwise they possibly might have hardened callous. jo u r fam ily. It Is more vital than house Insurance. plete course in both for the price of one tuition, j never come through the ground be- hasn't any freexone he can get It at bottle of this old time recipe Improved without stooling, farmers say. Follow at once by a hot shampoo with Ask your physician, druggist, o r send for "H a v e for a short time only. Large class now graduat­ The farmers are anxious for the Cutlcura Soap. If a man, and next any wholesale drug house for you. by the addition of other ingredients for j o u had Typhoid?” telling o f T y p h o i d Vaccine, ing and have room for few more men. Catalog j cause o f the hard crust. results from us , and danger from T yphoid Carriers.. about 60 cents. Everybody uses this warmer days, however, to increase morning If a woman. When Dandruff and details free. HaapfaUt Trait Sdissls, 206 ft “ The larger vegetable seeds can be Portland. Oregon. Nothing Held Back. THt CtfTTti LAB0fAT0»Y. MtnCtCY. CAL I goes the hair comes. Use Cutlcura preparation now, because no one can pasturage. soaked to advantage, for they will raoouciN« vAcciNts a ssauss uaoca u. a. eov. uesaas Lawyer—Now you must keep noth- possibly tell that you darkened your Hay is high and almost unobtainable Soap daily for the toilet. ; germinate quickly and will be more Free sample each by mail with hair, as it does it so naturally and and the animals have been subsisting liable to give a better stand. Peas, I lng from me. Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Client— I haven’t. I paid you every evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft ) beans, cucumbers, melons, squash, cent I had in the world for your re­ brush with It and draw' this through on the slim pasturage, except work Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Bought. Sold, Ranted and Ropoirod I ton g u e m ay mean l At iiUPPS. Try — animals. beets, pumpkins, are'suitable to handle tainer.—Boston Transcript. W ALKER ELECTRIC WORKS —Adv. your hair, taking one small strand at H um .id. cor. loth. Portland. Orm. in this way. a time; by morning the gray hair dis­ Another Bloke. Acclimated strains of seed are valu­ Her Attraction. appears, and after another application Apple Growers Protest Higher Freight r r t f e i B u t ak u p a - c o l d ...... b t f t d T a b u t s __ __________ A Knowing Boy. able assets for the garden. Wenatchee, Wash. — Believing that "W ho w»8 this 'ere Nero, Bill?” •'They say that Miss Platnleigh is in or two, your hair becomes beautifully They will o fte n p reven t a se>ri- w. Eyelids, oua aiui p rolon ged Granulated a ttack . at all d ru « • dark, thick and glossy and you look asked a countryman as ho gazed Into •*My father and I know everything Many folk think that the variety of | love with herself.” the apple industry in the Columbia E yes inflam ed b y exp o­ Wyeth's Sage and valley is seriously threatened by the the window of a picture shop. "W as in the world,” said a small boy to the vegetable is the most important "Heavens! She must have a pl!a of years younger. sure to Sun, Dual and Mind Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toil­ increase of 16 per cent in freight rates n’t ’e a chap that was always cold?” kis companion. factor, but after all it is the strain of | money."— Boston Transcript. quickly relieved b y Murine “ No, that was Zero,” was the an­ et requisite. It is not intended for the proposed by the railroad companies, "A ll right,” said the latter. "Where the variety that cuts the figure in the yeUemedy. N o Smarting; swer. "Another bloke altogether.”— cure, mitigation or prevention of dis­ is Asia?” Truthful. the Wenatchee Valley Traffic associa­ Exchange. just E y e C om fort, a A t It was a stiff question, but the lit­ garden. A. and B. may plant the ease. He— I could die danclug with you, Y o u r D ru g g ist's 50c per lio tlle . Murine Eye tion and the Wenatchee Commercial tle fellow answered, coolly, "That is same variety in their respective gar­ dear. S a lv e in T u b e j2 5 c. F o r B s o k o llh e f y e fr e e x .k club at a largely attended joint meet­ one of the things my father knows.” dens, but obtain their seeds from difi Rather Plainly Put. The Creative Intellect. She— I am.—Exchange. D ruggist, o r Murloe Eye lletucd) C e ., Chicago ferent sources. One strain may be — Exchange. “ What Is your definition. Miss Ma­ ing here decided to file a protest "How did you happen to evolve wholly inferior to the other but the against the advance in rates with the such an extraordinary political plot?” bel, of a manly man?” he asked. Just Like Boston. variety is the same. This is the gen­ A Misnomer. Miss Mabel looked at him coldly. carriers and the Interstate Commerce A Marveloue Escape. "1 got my manuscripts mixed," ad­ "W ell, did you enjoy your trip to She hid a commission. mitted the eminent statesman. “ I in­ "How much money has my husband eral law o f animal and plant life. 1 London? What did you find new The clock struck 11. “ I'oor John, he was a kind and for­ yawn behind her hand and said: advertently brought a plot for a nov­ Many people are this year planting there?” Figures quoted show that the pro­ In this bank?” ” My definition of a manly man, Mr. posed advance will add $316,000 to the el when I was reaching for a paper bearing husband." sobbed the widow ” 1 cannot tell you that, madam.” free seed given to them by the govern­ “ Why, something worth seeing. The oo her return from the funeral. Skinner, is a chap who doesn't stay "The Idea! Aren’t you the teller?” ment. If the results are good, well i hull place is full of cabs with cash cost of getting the present year’ s ap­ on statesmanship."—Washington Star. "Y es,” said a sympathizing neigh­ on and on and on just because he — Exchange. registers on them and red flags to bor, “ but It is all for the best. You and good. In some cases in previous knows the girl isn’t strong enough ple crop o f the valley, estimated at not A Remodeled Vehicle. show folks it's dangerous to dispute must try and comfort yourself, my years government seed has given ir­ less that 7000 cars, to market. All Practice at Home. the fare. They call them taxidermy to throw him o u t”— Exchange. "There is u remarkable enthusiasm dear, with the thought that your hus­ this will come from the growers and regular and inferior results. j cabs, because if you don't mind the over prohibition.” Minister’s Daughter (archly)— Now, band Is at peace at last." There was Perhaps the average gardener does drivers will just take the skin of you." To Ureal *n New Shaes- will be a heavy load in connection with "Y es,” replied Mr Chuggins, “ It silence for about five minutes. Then Cousin George, you must come to Aiwa}-, shaki- In Alk-a'r Funi-Kane, a powder. the increased cost of boxes, paper and not think long enough that the seed -Exchange. looks to me as if the old water the poor widow looked for the neigh­ church this evening. Father Is preach­ t rurts hot, »westing, a. hing, swollen feet, _________________ ures t one . Ingrowing nail, and bunion.. At labor, wagon had been speeded up for a bor, but sho had disappeared.— Ex­ ing from the text, "Love ye one an­ cost item in a small garden is a won­ .11 drnggl.U ami .hoe .teres, '¿- m -. Dont aecept derfully cheap item compared to the regular Joy ride.”— Washington Star. change. Defined. other.” in v so hstttine. Sample niai let! KKLL. .Vhires. Dried Fruits Now Rising. Caller—Is my wife home? Cousin George— Really, Mabel. But amount o f the goods produced by that Alien S.-.»lmsted, Le liny N. V. Maid—Who may I say called?— Knlcker—This family Is living be­ can’t we stop at home and practice package o f seed if it is good. I prefer Tacoma, Wash. — The latest food Caret of Legislation. yond Its means. Unreliable. while he preaches?—Exchange. to know my seedsman as a partner in Puck. "What is your reason for wanting staple to be affected by the general Mrs. Knlcker—Why not Issue me to introduce this bill?” asked the "If war comes will you contribute my garden and pay a reasonable price upward movement in prices is the bonds.—Life. "W hy Is Miss Fitleigh wearing only for the best strains of seed.—A. G. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. your automobile?" statesman. “ It can't possibly pass.” half mourning for her brother?" Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu­ ” 1 will if my country wants It," re­ dried fruit, the bulk of prices o f which "That's what I want you to prove. Bouquet, Head of Vegetable Gardening She— How can you tell whether or "Because he was her half brother.” late liver, bowels and stomach. plied Mr. Chuggins. "But If they want advanced an average o f 1 cent a pound I made a bet with a friend on that at 0 . A. C. not a compliment is sincere? me to help cover any ground with ac­ in the Tacoma market. Drieikupplas, very proposition."—Exchange. He— I watt and see If It’s a prelude Teacher—What can you tell me curacy and reliability, they’d better apricots, pears, peaches, prunes and An Eye to Business. to a touch.— Boston Transcript. about the rabbit? let me go myself and leave the auto­ other varieties were all affected. Teacher— What did Esau do about A party bent on "seeing London” Pupil— Its left hind-foot is lucky.— Rotation of Early Garden his pottage? Dealers say that the rising price of rolled out of Hyde park In a big auto­ mobile in the repair shop.”— Washing­ Passing it On. ton Star. Seed Profitable Investment mobile and listened with undisguised Pupil— He made a mess of It.— Bal­ the more important staples has caused All Swedes. "Ah, m e!” sighed the successful man timore American. interest to the guide’s explanation of a great increase in the demand for It is very evident that for a gar­ the various places of interest. Pres­ The mayor of Boston, while travel­ who was revisiting the old village A Marked Diatinction. dried fruits, whi- h, though higher school; "how time does fly! Thirty ing in Minnesota, found himself one dener to get the greatest amount of ently they passed an ancient edifice "Man is the lord of creation.” "Time is money,” said the bore. than last year, have not advanced un- years ago I sat in this very front seat day in a northern town inhabited en­ vegetable produce from the land he surrounded by a high brick wall. "Possibly... But a man pays $8 a "Y es.” sighed the troubled man, tirely, it seemed, by Swedes. To sat­ must make his land work to the limit. "That is the town house of the Duke barrel for potatoes and a potato bug I duly o f late. and It seems to me os If It were but "and I wish you’d go somewhere else isfy his curiosity, he addressed him­ There must be no idle land during the of Dea. one of our largest landed pro­ gets his nourishment free."— Washing­ y-Ht-relay. If I am not very much to spend yours.”— Detroit Free Press. self to one of the citizens: mistaken, you’ll find my Initials carv­ Butter Down; Flour Up. prietors,” said the guide. ton Star. growing season. "Have you no English in this town?” ed on the desk.” The eyes of the beautiful young A New Reading. Spokane—The decline in the whole­ It is a good business proposition to "N o sir. there ban no English.” "They’re there, right enough,” said American girl on the rear seat were Sure Proof. sale prices o f butter, which will enable I plan the work and work the plan. ''They say when Smith lost his build­ "And no French? Germans? Rus­ the present occupant of the seat. "1 suddenly illuminated. Landlady—That new hoarder does­ the grocers to retail it at 50 cents a got whipped for doing It Just because ing lot It affected his brain.” | Then the planting does not go along sians?” “ Who landed him?” she cried.— n’t talk about himself, does he? "The old story; out of site, out of pound, was offset Thursday by the ad­ my initials happened to be the same | without some guide as to the place Everybody's. "No, nothing but Swedes.” mind."— Baltimore American. Housemaid—No. dition of 60 rents to the already high as yours.”— Exchange. "N o Irish, I suppose?” and time o f where to put this or that Landlady—Wonder If he's marrlpd? price of the barrel of flour, making it "Oh, yes; there ban two Irishers. vegetable. It is not difficult to figure Also to Be Truthful. Housemaid—Sure he is. Links vs. Garden. One, he's the mayor, and the other, out which are the short season crops, $11.50 wholesale. Miss Antique (taking seat politely Landlady—How do you know? This summer will see the determin­ he’s the chief of police."— Irish World. such as radish, lettuce, green onions, Most o f the grocers retail the 49- proffered In crowded ca r)—Thank Housemaid— He only uses one hook ation of the struggle as to which la early peas, spinach, early beets and you, my little man. You have been in the wardrobe in ills room.— Buffalo pound sack o f flour at $3, though one the mightier, the putter or the spade. taught to be polite, I am glad to see. or two still offer it at $2.90. Mon­ — Rochester Post Express. OFT ON DEVELOPING early carrots, and this figuring will Did your mother tell you to always Express. tana hard wheat flour retails here Ht soon show that some provision must be AND PRINTING give up your seat to ladies? Not if He's On Time. "That fellow certainly is a dub." $3.25 a sack, Dakota at $3.65 a sack, Send us your next film or negatives for a trial made for putting to use that land Polite Boy—No, not all ladies— “ Don't you miss the noise and bus­ “ For why?” and receive 40 per cent discount on the order. Ve- which has first grown these early and Minnesota flours, such as Pills- only old ladies.— Exchange. lox prints. 2c up. Developing, 10 and 15c. En­ tle of the city now that you live In "I told him I bossed ray wife, and bury’s and Crosby’a, at $3.40 a sack. largements. up to 8x10. black and white. 25c. All crops. the country?” he went and told my wife." — The work guaranteed. Owing to the discount, kindly Thus green onions, early beets, early "Not if I catch my train to town."— Lamb. send remittance to cover order. Difference will be W H E N IN refund«! in case some are not good. Only one or­ carrots and kohlrabi, for example, Says glass of hot water with Browning's Magazine. der to a family at this price. "THE PRINTS THAT PLEASE" which willjhave a tendency to be ready Always Ready. phosphate before breakfast PHOTO CRAFT SHOP. Pittock Block. Problem Settled. P. O. Box 725. Portland. Oregon I for use at the same time, may be fol­ washes out poisons. “ Say, Jims, have you hot and cold lowed by the setting of plants of fall “ Has Jones any trouble with the water In your house?" "Sure I have. servant question In his suburban or broccoli, or late cab­ Cold water for any suggestions I may TRY HIDE8, PELTS. CASCARA BARK, cauliflower, Portland — Cattle — Steers, prime, home?” bage, or Scotch kale, the latter one of If you wake up with a bad taste, bad happen to make and hot water the $9.60 4 sours and forms gas and acid In stom­ T m H. f. N orton C o . w im t ort sunn, *• The land now occupied by the early S E A T T L E ’ S L A R G E S T H O TE L chooses to give her.” thme block« from Depots and Docks. Op­ |8.25; ordinary to fair, $7.000/ 7.50; ach, or you are bilious, constipat'd |ieas will be ready for another . crop by Only posite “ How did he manage to get bold of | heifers, $6.50 ftt 9.00; bulls, $5.60 Ui nervous, sallow and can't get feeling City H«l! Park and Court House. WIIAT OUR NEIGHBORS the latter part o f June or the’ first of W E SE L L THE FINEST DOLLAR ROOM IN AMERICA such a marvel?” just right, begin Inside bathing. Drink ¡8.00; calves, $8. 00(0 10 . 00 . July. A late sowing of string beans With detached bath. 1 person. 11.00 $160 “ He married her.”— Exchange. before breakfast, a glass of real hot IN CALIFORNIA SAY. person«, $1.60 $2 00 Hogs — Light and heavy packing, for use in September will work nicely, With private bath. 1 2 person. water with a teaspoonful of limestone i $2.00 $2.60 $3.00 $15.00C(i 15.80; rough heavies, $14.00 2 persons. $3 (JO $3 60 $4.00 ' or the land can be given over to a late phosphate in It. This will flush the Cash Paid for i . uicria, Cal.—"I want to extend to r from the use ol 7 4 f r o n t S t., Portland, Or. at this time, more than emphasizing mediately upon arising In the morning 13.50. the value o f the careful and thoughtful your medicines, Wheat- Bluestem, $2.35; fortyfold, to wash out of the system all the pre­ Headache, rheumatism, asthma, appen- | also for the kind distribution o f the seeds o f the various vious day's poisonous waste, gases and $2.29; club, $2.30; red Russian, dicitis, constipation, backache, paralysis, W . A r - Buyer, of and good advice vegetables in their respective places. sour bile before putting more food Into eye trouble, deafness, etc., cured without obtained. I am a No one plan will suffice for all. Some W om an Tells How $5 Worth $2.27. the stomach. drugs or surgery. Do not be discouraged proud mother. Oats— No. 1 white feed, $50.60. To feel like young folks feet; tike gardens are going to contain a great because you have tried other methods Etc. Your shipments to a« will bring to you of Pinkham’s Compound ■ . " I had been a Barley— No. 1 white feed, $54.60. you felt before your blood, nerves and number o f different vegetables and without success. All of my patients have f , g r e a t sufferer; Flour— Patents, $11.20; straights, muscles became loaded with body Im­ Made Her Well. WRITE FOR SHIPPING TAGS. some will only have a specialized few. had the same experience and 90 per cent I three times I was $10.000il0.40; valley, $10.20; whole purities, get from your pharmacist a VALLEY PRODUCE COMPANY. of them have been relieved. If you are ' given up to die—* quarter pound of limestone phosphate wheat, $11.40; graham, $11.20. sick, worn out or racked with disease, the last time being four months ago. lift Front St.. Portland. Oregon Put Thousands in Wheat Land. Lima, Ohio. — “ I w »’ all broken down M illfeed— Spot prices: Rran, $37 which Is Inexpensive and almost taste- I doctored with several doctors but come in and let me tell you frankly what in health from adisphe emonLOneof my Walla Walla — Formal transfer of lea«, except for a sourish twinge which ;>er ton; shorts, $41 per ton; rolled I can do for you. otHained no relief. Was told that an laxly friends came to Is not unpleasant. the Fred Theil ranch to George Drum see me and she ad­ barley, $53.00. Just as soap and hot water act on operation would effect a cure, so I f * Veal, Pork. Boof, Corn— Whole, $68 per ton; cracked, heller brings Drumheller’s investment DR. H. L. CHANDLER vised me to com­ the skin, rleanslng, sweetening and submitted to one, hut this proved like N IH I Poultry, Butter. Eggs | in Walla Walla farm lands this year to freshening, so hot water and limestone all the medicines I had taken — not mence taking Lydia $69. 502-4 Broadway Bid',. Portland, Or. and Farm Produca Hay- Producers' prices: Timothy, phosphate act on the stomach, liver, beneficial. I obtained, and started St about $175,000. He paid for the Theil E. Pinkham's Veg­ once taking • Favorite Prescription.’ Co the Old Reliable Everding houa* with a ranch about $72,000 cash. He also etable Com pound Eastern Oregon, $24*426 per ton; al­ kidneys and bowels. Men and women raeord of 46 year« of Square DeaHnga. and •Four months ago the doctors and who are usually constipated, bilious, ba aa«ur«d of TO P MARKET PRICES. recently bought William Jones’ farm, am! to use Lydia E. falfa, $18oi.20; grain hay, $ 160418 . nurse said it would he a year or more B utter— Cuhea, extras, 38c; prime headachy or have any stomach dis­ before I would be able to do my house­ located on Eureka Flat, paying well F. M. CRONKHITE Pinkham’s Sanative Jobbing prices: Prints, order should begin this Inside bathing work, and, of course, I thought so over $100,000. With the Theil place 45-47 Froart Stroot P< Wash. I began tak­ firsts, 37|c. Chronic diseases must b« cured by before breakfast. They are assured he acquired 650 acres o f fall wheat. ing your remedies extras, 41)e; cartons, lr extra; butter- they will become real cranks on the myself as I was not sble to walk removing cause. After careful diag­ nosis, give scientific physiological ■cross the floor for several weeks, I If he should get 30 bushels to the acre fat, No. 1, 42c; No. 2. 40c. and took $5.00 worth subject shortly. treatment that removes poisons from am now able to do my housework and Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re- and $2 a bushel, he would receive $39,- system and stimulates growth of and In two months to can. for my children ami I do not healthy tissue If you have such ail­ 000 more than half o f the total pur­ ments Tha Cause. __________________ was a well woman cei pts, 32 (ft, 83c per dozen; Oregon as feel aa though I could ever thank you a fu r three doctors £aid I never would ranch, selects, 34c. Auto Supplies Direct to You chase price o f the farm. Asthma, Bronchitis. Constipation, A slight disturbance arose outside of enough for the lienefita I have re- Poultry— Hens, 210r23c per pound; a ch urc h In the far-back Ozarka. where c e ire d ." — MRS. M a u i . l LR KlPP, 1 8 4 Stomach or Intestinal Indigeotion, stand up straight again. I waa a mid­ WRITE TODAY Rheumatism. Diabetes. Anemia, Wear Overalls at School. wife for seven years and I recommended broilers, 300140c; turkeys, 220t23c; a funeral was being solemnized. South Pasadena Are. Kidney, Heart or Norvo Trouble 22(0.24c; geese, 120414c. "What’s going on out there?” whis­ Why should any woman continue to FLEMING PLUM BING SU PPLY HOUSE Orangeville, Idaho. — High school or other chronic afflictions, consult the Vegetable Compound to every wo­ ducks, pered an usher to a late comer. Veal- Fancy, 140(I5c per pound. worry, to lead a miserable existence, man to take before birth and after­ I jt Virgil MarMlckle. who uaes the boys Monday put in practice an effec­ 112 Fourth St, Portland. Ore. “ Aw, the hearse and the pallbearers’ Bernarr MacFadden method of natural »lien Dr. Pierce’ s Favorite ITescription Pork — Fancy, 19c per pound. wards. and they all got along so nicely tive plan to combat the high cost of healing to get lasting results Vegetables — Tomatoes, $3.75 per wagon ‘pear to be jockeying for posi­ Is sold by druggists, in cither tablet that it surely 1» • godsend to suffering Proper food In correct quantities and living, when practically every one tion,” replied the new arrival, who or Itouid form? combinations, aided by hydrotherapy, women. I f women wi»h to write to crate; cabbage, 5 (it 7c per pound; was the owner of a running horse.— came to school attired in overalls. Stiff ma:Aage, vibratory treatment, elec­ tik i people are in'rfted to consult eggplant, 25c; lettuce, $2.25oi2.75 per me I will tie delighted to answer them. ’ * trotherapy, correction of m aladjust­ collars have been tabooed also, and the Judge Dr. Pierce by letter, J rtf. All corree- ments. Is the only scientific means to 11.25 6t 1.75 per — Mn.JexNiS M ove » , 342 E-North S t , box; cucumbers, students wear toft shirts with the over­ pordonce la hrld ss strictly private restore permanent health dozen; celery, $10(1.28 per dozen, $6 A Test of Nerves. Lima, Ohio. ami sacredly confalcut lei. alls. Several students who did not r rs cau se an d cure MacMickle Sanitarium Women who suffer from displace­ '<(7 per crate; cauliflower, $2; peppers, t, tk . till, a# ■ i .it i lil W . w*i m»B ▼«■ m . possess overalls discarded their regu­ "How are that patient’s nerves?” : 450450c per pound; rhubarb, 2(a3c; P ortla n d . O regon S m t f f n . D ..I C, Rend three dimes I[ or stamps) for lar school clothes and purchased ment«, w e a k nr««, irregularities, ner­ asked one doctor. T r w t m n l at office or sanitarium vousness, baekseh*, or bearing-down peas, 9 04 10c; asparagus, 8 (if, 12c; new overalls in order to join in "Fine," replied the other. “ He can mailing chargee to l>r. 1 Scree's luvaikts’ A . L U N D B E R G CO .. P i-osar t quarters for out