Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, April 06, 1917, Image 2

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    “There * nothing the matter with
I had a headache, and did not sleep,
hut I am all right now. Are the girl»
i up yet?”
a c
r i i n n c i i T i l j c c i / Nat,onal Guardsmen Lead Crowd Into
Fairy eyed her suspiciously. “Jerry
Hall— Many Fist Fights Result.
Is out uuusually early, too, Isn't he?
P A I b i O N A G
His door Is open."
Baltimore, Mil. —Counter demonstra­
“Jerry has gone. Fairy." Prudence's
hack was presented to view once more,
tions organized against a mass meet-
and Prudence w as stirring the oatn
entenngt>J*hc" war, °tli«^I'r^idenV^id, B rie f ReSUITie MOSt Im p o rta n t >"* Sunday night under the auspices of
with vicious energy. “He left »
are to vindicate the principles of peace
re ji
NfiUlC Itpm c
^ nl* r'c* n I'eB(fue Against Militar-
ltd* morning—I suppose be Is ball- u
News o llc
,. m, which was being addressed by Dr.
and justice against “ selfish and auto-
Udlly llcW
lllo .
to De* Moines by now."
cratic |Kiwer. ” Without selfish ends, j
I David Starr Jordan, provoked dis-
“O h!’’ Fuiry's voice was noncom
Congress Urged to Call 500,- for conquest, or dominion, seeking no
ndttal. “When Is he coming back?”
| order and fist fights, which resulted in
W . C .T A N N E
indemnities or material compensations
"He Isn’t coming hack.
000 Men to Defense of
for the sacrifices it shall make, the
hurry. Fairy, and call the others, "be
United States must enter the war, he
oatmeal Is ready.”
Old Glory.
ted from the hall and the meeting
B o b b s-ilsrrU i Company.)
said, to make the world safe for demo­
Fairy went soberly up the stairs,,
{ broke up just as Dr. Jordan reached an
cracy, as only one of the champions of
CHAPTER XI—Continued.
ostensibly to call her sisters.
> impassioned climax in his address.
the rights of mankind, and would be Events of Noted People,
not let you go at a ll!”
“Girls,” she began, carefully closing
The mass meeting assembled in the
satisfied when those rights were as se­
Do you mean you want me to get the door of tbelr room behind her.
It did look horrible, from above as
1 Academy of Music, while on the pave­
and Pacific Northwest and Other
cure as the faith and freedom of na­
“Jerry has gone, and Isn’t coming back
ments outside gathered a crowd of well as below. But Jerry, when he felt my things nnd go right now?’’
tions could make them.
Things Worth Knowing.
similar proportions which voiced senti­ the first light twinge as Connie lifted | “Yes.” She hurled her face in his any more. And for goodness' sake,
The President’s address was sent in
ments contrary to the purposes for the rope, foresaw what was coming shoulder. “If—If you stay in your don't keep asking questions about It.
full to Germany by a German official
which the meeting inside had been and was ready for it. As he went down, room until breakfast time I will loek Just eat your breakfast as usual, and
news agency for publication in that
| called. Sentiment grew turbulent un- be grabbed a firm hold on the branch you In, so you cannot leave me again. have a little tact.'*
country. The text also went to Eng
The govemment borrows SoO.O *®,-, til flnsslly it was proposed to invade on which he had stood, then he drop­ I know It. I am crazy today.”
“A lovers’ quarrel,” suggested Lark,
To Enter Conflict ‘ ’Without Selfish land, and a summary of its contents
^ wr
“Don’t you thiuk you owe me some­ her eyes glittered greedily.
r,’nt interest from the
National guardsmen took ped to the next, and held again. On
was sent around the world to other
the lowest limb he really clung for thing, us well us your father and sis­
Ends, for Conquest, or Domin­
“Nothing of the sort. And don't keep
j wavj„K an American flag, while behind fifteen seconds, and took In his bear­ ters? Didn’t God bring us together, staring at I’rue, either. And do not
*> * »♦»♦♦♦♦♦«*♦♦■ > »• * »• »* * * * * * * »* «• »
ion;” Resolution Before
Republicans will fight for control of them trailed a crowd which filled every ings. Connie hud dropped the rope and make us love each other? Don’t keep talking about Jerry all the time.
when the twins screamed, so he had you think he intended us for each oth­ You mind me, or 1 will tell papa.”
the house of representatives regardless aisle ami caused cries of alarm,
Houses of Congress.
of the move to have a non-partisan or- j Several fist fights started.
Dr. Jor- nothing more to f >ar from her. He saw er? Do you wish you hud never met
“That’s funny,” said Carol thought­
The following war resolution is ganization during the crisis.
! dan found it almost impossible to make Prudence, white, with wild eyes, both me?”
fully. "We saw them kissing euch other
“Jerry I"
introduced before the house and sen­
himself heard, but continued his ad- urms stretched out toward him.
Secretary of war calls out four ad­ dress. A riot call was turned in and
“Then, sweetheart, be reasonable. like mad In the buck yurd lust night—
“O. K.t Prue,” he called, nnd then he
Washington, D. C.— President Wil­ ate;
ditional regiments " fo r police pur- soon police reserves from every section dropped. He landed on his feet, a lit­ Your father loved your mother, und and tills morning lie has gone to return
“ Joint resolution declaring that a
son Monday night urged congress, as­
|s>ses of protection.” This brings the of the city began to arrive. The tle Jolted, but none the worse for his married her. That is God’s plan for all no more. They are crazy.”
sembled in joint session, to declare a state of war exists between the im­ number called out up to 50,000.
"Kissing! Ip the back yard! What
of us. You huve been a wonderfully
lights were dimmed and the officers be­ fall.
perial German government and the
state of war existing between the
are you talking about?’
The theft of jewels valued by Wil­ gan to remove the disturbers, where
He ran at once to Prudence. “I’m brave and sweet daughter and sister.
government and people of the Unit­
United States and Germany.
Carol explained, mid Fairy looked
all right,” he cried, really alarmed by I know. But surely Fairy is old enough
In a dispassionate but unmeasured ed States, and making provision to liam Wrigley, J r ., Chicago manufac­ upon the meeting broke up.
still more thoughtful und perturbed.
denunciation of the course of the im­
She opened the door, und called out
forefront of the throng which broke dence! Prudence!" Then her arms
“Fulry’s going to be u professor, nnd
"W hereas, the recent acts of the j him to the police at Pasadena, Cal.
perial German government, which he
to them In a loud and breezy voice:
imperial German government are
characterized as a challenge to all
Mayor Albee of Portland, sends the into the theater. College professors dropped, and with a brave but feeble —the girls do not mind her very well. ] "Hurry, girls, for breakfast is ready,
mankind and a warfare against all na­ acts of war against the government j Chinese of that city, who are engaging students, bankers and lawyers were smile, she swayed a little. Jerry took And she Isn't ns much comfort to fa-
Carter G. Osburn, jr ., a her In his arrns. “Sweetheart !” he tiler i. I urn. It s just because J urn and there's no time to wuste in a par­
tions, the President declared that neu­ and people of the United States;
j in a tong war, an ultimatum which there.
A policeman whispered. “Little sweetheart 1 Do— most like mother, you see. But nny- so n ag e on Sunday morning.” Then she
“ Resolved, by the senate and warns tha* wholesale arrests will be banker, carried a flag.
trality no longer was feasible or de­
how, 1 promised. I can't leave them." added in a whisper, “And don’t you
sirable where the peace of the world house of representatives of the j made unless the war is stopped at once. clubbed him into unconsciousness and do you love me so much, dearest?”
the crowd which saw the flag disappear
"Your futher expects you to marry, mention Jerry, and don't ask Prudence
was involved; that armed neutrality; United States of America in con­
Prudence raised her hands to his
That the next six months will find from his hand leaped forward and face, and looked Intensely Into his and to murry me. 1 told him about It what makes lo r so pale, or you'll catch
gress assembled, that the state of
had become ineffectual enough at best
war between the United States and j 1,500,000 men under arms in this coun­ swept the police aside.
and was likely to produce what it was
eyes, all the sweet loving soul of her myself, long ago. And he was perfect­ It!"
try, is the opinion of United States
Twenty men were clubbed and four shining In her own. And Jerry kissed ly willing. He didn't say u word
Then she went to her father's door.
meant to prevent, and urged that con­ the imperial German government,
"Breakfast is ready, p pa," she called
against it.”
gress accept the gage of battle with which has thus been thrust upon the Senator Kirby, of Arkansas. He is of them were taken to a hospital. A her.
United States, is hereby formally one of the senators who opposed armed dozen others were arrested.
all the resources of the nation.
"Of course lie wouldn't. That’s Just clearly. ¡She turned tlie knob softly,
The twins scrambled down from the
neutrality in the last senate session.
“ I advise that the congress declare declared; and
maple, speechless und cold with terror, tike father. But still. I p rota lee d. And and peeped in. “May I come In u min­
“ That the President be and is
the recent course of the imperial Ger
and saw Prudence and Jerry 1 Then what would the girls say If I should ute':" Standing close beside him, she
Regarding th e recen t report o f an ^ ar Preparations GO Ahead Rapid-
man government to be in fact nothing hereby authorized and directed to effort by Switzerland at mediation be­
they saw Connie, staring at them with go hack on them? They have trusted told him all she knew of what hud hap­
less than war against the government take immediate steps, not only to tween the United States and Germany,
ly in All Branches of Defense Interest nnd umusement.
me, always. If I fall them will they pened.
"Prudence is ghastly, father, Just
and people of the United States,” said put the country in a thorough state
the Journal de Geneve, according to a
"I think we'd better go to bed. all lever trust nt.ybody e.»e? If you love
the President, “ that it formally accept
of defense, but also to exert all of dispatch from Geneve, has advises
three of us,” declared Lark sturdily. me, Jerry, please go, nnd stay away.” ghastly. And she can't tiilk about it
its power and employ all of its re­ from Berne that the Swiss foreign
the status of belligerent which has
And they set oft heroically around the But her arm Tightened about Ids neck, yet. so be careful what you say, will
sources to carry on war against the office denies absolutely any mediation portant steps Monday in all three house.
thus been thrust upon it, and it take
But at the corner Carol ‘i 'll wait here until you get your you?’’
steps not only to put the country in n imperial German government and offer by Switzerland.
And It was due to Fuiry’s kindly nd-
things, und we can—suy goodhy. And
more thorough state of defense, but to bring the conflict to a successful
motdtiutis that the parsonage family
Four million dollars in gold, import­
also to exert all its power and employ termination.”
"Oh. very well. Prudence,” he an­ look the departure of Jerry so calmly.
ed from Canada for account of J . P. 7000 additional National guardsmen, woodshed,” she called, "for nil the Av-
all its resources to bring the govern-
That w as the beginning of Prudence's
Morgan & Co., was deposited at the and it was announced that detailed erys are looking out of their windows.” swered, half Irritably, “If you insist
Prudence did not henr, but he drew on ordering me away from the house bitter winter, when the brightest sun­
assay office in New York Saturday, plans had been worked out by the gen­
shine was cheerless and dreury, und
and another $6,000,000 from the same eral staff for raising any larger army her swiftly to the darkest corner of the like this, I can only go. But—”
“Let's not talk any more about It, when even the luughter of her sisters
side porch—und history repeated it­
I source was forwarded to the Philiadel- which congress might authorize.
Jerry. Please. I'll wait until you come smote harshly upon her ears. She tried
The Navy department established on self once more 1
I phia mint. This brings the total im-
. to he as always, but In her eyes the
At twelve, Jerry went upstairs to down.”
i ports to date this year to $240,700,000. an official basis the Coast patrol of
When he came down a little later, wounded look lingered, nml her face
submarine chasers, and ordered Cap­ tied, his lips tingling with the fervent
Mobilization of labor for govern­
tain Henry Wilson detached from his tenderness of her parting kiss. He with his suitcuse. Ids face was white grew so pale nnd thin that her father
ment service in event of war is planned
and Fairy, anxiously watching, were
poet as commander of the superdread- stood at his window, looking soberly and strained.
at a conference of officials and labor
She put her arms around his ueck. tilled with grave concern. She re­
naught Pennsylvania to take charge of out Into the moonlit parsonage yard.
leaders in the office of Secretary Wil­
the coast "mosquito fleet.” Bids for "She Is an ungel, n pure, sweet, unself­ "Jerry," she whispered. “I want to tell mained almost constantly in the par­
Means were agreed upon for
sonage, rending v >ry little, sitting most
more chasers were opened at the de­ ish little nngel,” lie whispered, nnd his
making readily available enough work-
of her leisure time sturing out the win­
partment during the day and Secretary voice was broken, nnd his eyes were
| men to insure operation of government
said he expected soon to have wet, “and she Is going to be my wlfel
Credits { shipyards and arsenals and of plants a Daniels
Universal Service, 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 Men at
large number of the boats in commis­ Oh, God, teach me how to be good to
Fairy had tried to win her confi­
working on government contracts.
dence, und hud fulled.
her, and help tne make her as happy as
and Co-operation With Allies, Mobilization.
Helena, Mont., is witnessing a gold
“You are n nrling. Fairy, but 1 real­
she deserves.”
Austrian Leaders Accord.
stampede. Broadway, from its inter­
ly do not want to tnlk about lb Oh,
At two o’clock, thinking again the
Budapest, via Amsterdam and Lon­ soft shy words she hud whispered to
no. Indeed, It is all my owu fault. I
To carry on an effective warfare against the German government, section with Main street up the hill,
is lined with men and boys hunting
told him i > go, and uot come again.
which he characterized as a natural foe to liberty, the President rec­ nuggets in the gutter sand. A pioneer don— Discussion regarding Hungary’s him, he dropped lightly asleep and
No, you are wrong. Fairy, I do not re­
attitude toward events in Russia was dreamed of her. With the first pnle
prospector set up a 50-year-old gold made a special order of the day by the streaks of daylight stealing Into his
gret It. I do not wunt him to come any
Utmost practical co-operation with the governments already at washer and was rewarded with pay Hungarian chamber of deputies Mon­ room he awoke. It waa after four
dirt at once.
Youngsters found a
Mr. Starr, too, had tried. “Prudence,”
The government spokesman o'clock. A little Inter—Just u few min­
war with Germany.
number of nuggets, a day’s yield being
he said gently, “you know very often
made a speech, to which the leaders of utes later—he heard a light tap on his
Extension of liberal financial credits to those governments so estimated at between $100 and $200.
men do things that to women seem
all parties agreed, declaring for a door. It came again, and he bounded
that our resources may be added so far as possible with theirs. r
wrong and wicked. And maybe they
After an interesting debate the policy of non-interference in the in­ out of bed.
are! But men and women ure differ­
“Prudence! Is anything wrong?”
house of commons, by a majority of ternal affairs of Russia. He added
Organization and mobilization of all material resources.
ent by nature, my dear, uml we must
“Hush, Jerry, not so loud!" And
Full equipment of the navy, particularly for means of dealing 279, expressed approval of legislation that the central powers were ready to
remember that. 1 have satisfied myself
on the lines of the speaker’s confer­ take up peace negotiations whenever what a strange and weary voice. “Come
with submarine warfare.
that Jerry Is good, and cleuu, und man­
ence recommendations for franchise the entente countries “ abandoned their downstairs, will you? I wunt to tell
ly. 1 do not think you should let any
you something. I'll wult at the foot
An army »if at least 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 , based on the principle of universal reforms. The small minority against lust of conquest. ”
foolishness of his lu the past come be­
of the stairs. Be quiet—do not wake
liability to service, and the authorization of additional increments of such a measure represented not the 1
tween you now.”
actual opponents of reform, but rather
father and the girls. Will you be down
Spy Suspect is Arrested.
5 0 0 ,0 0 0 each as they are needed or can be handled in training.
(TO B E C O N T IN U ED .)
members who were desirous of post-
Pecos, Texas—A man giving the soon?”
Raising necessary money for the United States government so |K>ning legislation of such a conten­ ] name of A. W. Tinenburg is in ja il
"In two minutes 1”
And In two minutes he was down,
here pending instructions from mili­
far as possible without borrowing and on the basis of equitable taxes. tious chqracter until after the war.
A carload of hot tied goods manufac­ tary authorities at Fort Sam Houston. agonizingly anxious, knowing that
All preparations, the President urged, should be made in such a
Edward L ar, Known to Most as Gen­
described by the He was arrested in Toyah and officers something wns wrong. Prudence was
way as not to check the flow of war supplies to the nations already tured in St. Paul as and
tle Humorist, Was Also Famed
“ a mait and hop •«V P«!*™ were found in h i. possession waiting for him, and ns he reached
1 manufacturers
in the field against Germany.
as a Painter.
I tonic,” was seized at a Seattle rail- K'vmg the names of towns and the lo­ the bottom step she clutched his hands
Measures to accomplish all these ends, the President told con­ road terminal by Sergeant Victor Put cation of all railroad bridges on the desperately.
Southern Pacific and Texas & Pacific
“Jerry," she whispered. “I—forgive
Most of us when we think of Edward
gress. would be presented with the best thought of the executive de­ I nam, of the police dry squad.
railroads in West Texas, as well as a me—I Iciicstly— oh, I didn't think
Lear think vaguely of someone who
The bodies of the two missing Can­ list of the number of American sol­ what I was saying lust night. You were
partments, which will be charged with the conduct of the war.
wrote delectable rhymes of nonsense
yon Creek, Douglas county, miners, D. diers stationed at border points.
so dear, and I wns so happy, and for
and fun. u man who made queer pic­
a while I really believed we could
tures of Impossible creatures to go
206 for Representative Mann, the Re­ F. Stearns and E. E. Lautzenhiser,
Champ Clark is Again
San Diego Fair Closes.
belong to ench other. But I can't, you you thnt I love you so much that—I with Ids rhymes, who compiled a weird
publican choice for a|>eakor. who not were found by the searching party
Elected Speaker of House only failed to receive an Independent from Kerby Tuesday in the wreck of
San Diego, Cal.—The three month’s know. I’ve promised papa and the could go away with you. and never see natural history und botany nil Ida
Washington, D. C. The Democrats, vote, but lost his support of five of his their cabin buried under an eight-foot post season of the Panama-California girls a dozen times that I would never any of them any more, or papa, or the own. and spent bis life making odd
bank of snow. The men were the vic­ International exposition ended at mid­ marry. Don’t you see how It Is? 1 parsonage, and still feel rich. If I Just Jokes.
with the aid of four of the five Inde­ |>arty colleagues.
pendents, organized the house when
had you! You—everything In me seems
\Ve have sung, or heard someone
All the Democrats present voted for tims of a snowalide at least two weeks night Saturday night with a music must take It hack.”
Jerry smiled a little. It must be ad­ to be all yours. I—love you."
the new congress assembled Monday, Mr. Clark and were joined by Schall, ago. The bodies were found lying in program and outdoor festivities. The
else sing. Ids “Owl und the Pussy
re-electing Speaker Champ Clark, of Progressive, of Minnesota; Martin, the bed. indicating the slide occurred fair closed officially January 1, but mitted. This was so like his consci­
Her tremulous Ups were pressed Cat"—and—and—well, that’s nbout
Missouri, and sweeping into office with Progressive-Protectionist, of Isiuisi- during the night, the men being | was extended until March 31. thus entious little Prudence!
against his.
“Dearest,” he said gently. “Y'ou love
him all the other Democratic caucus anas; London, Socialist, of New York, j crushed down and suffocated under the j making the life of the exposition 27
“Oh, sweetheart, this Is folly, all
But Edward Lear's nonsense hooka
and Randall, Prohibitionist, of Califor­ weight of the snow. The upper part months without interruption, the long- me. Your father would never allow folly. But I can't make you see It. It were the very smallest part of the
I of the cabin w as carried away.
j est record ever made by a similar un you to sacrifice yourself like that. The is wrong, it Is wickedly wrong, but—" work of a long and busy life, nnd Ills
Mr. Clark received 217 votes against nia.
girls would not hear of It. They want
"Hut I nm nil they hare, Jerry, and— real labor Whs that of a painter rather
President Wilson will issue within j l*ert**4' nE-________________
you to be happy. And you can’t be l promised.”
Ilian a writer.
Russians Throw Off Yoke.
Women Pacifists Grilled.
Filipiaos Want to Enlist.
huppy without me, can you?"
“Whenever you want me. Prudence,
More than what he did. even, was
The Republican Union of
New York In a statement issued ' examinations for candidates for nomi­
Suddenly she crushed close to hlin. Just send. I'll never change, i'll al­ w! t be wm— a lovable and charming
Manila—The Filipino seamen's union
the Peasant Members of the Russian here Monday night the preparedness
postmasters to go into effect April 1. has called a meeting of all Filipino “Oh. Jerry,” she sobbed. “I will never ways be Just the same. God intended mun. adored by children, with the gen-
Duma haa issued a manifesto to the committee of the New York and New
sailors to consider means of offering he happy again. I know. But—it is you for me, 1 know, and—I'll be wait­ ticst heart ia the world, a great lover
peasantry, according to a Reuter dis­ Jersey chapters of the women’s depart-1 Reuter's Stockholm correspondent their services to the United States right for me to stay here nnd be the ing."
f beauty ami devoted lo Ids friends.
patch from Petrograd, saying that ment of the National Civic Federation cables that the Swedish minister of navy in case of war. Admiral A. G. mother in the parsonage. It is wicked
•"Jerry ! Jerry ! Jerry !" she whispered Lt.-i - real character and work have
their lifelong need of land is to be sat declared that “ the hysterical cry of foreign affairs has let it he known that I Winterhalter has cabled to Secretary of me to want you more than all of passionately, sobbing, quivering In Ids
. :i dcscrheil in St NU Indus, by Ihl-
isfied under a form of government suit­ the female pacifists to arouse timidity no attempt at peace mediation has I 0f Navy Daniels asking for authority them. Lhin't you see it Is? They arms. It was he who drew uwav.
dc: rile I la w ihurtie. Though Lear's
able for toilers. The manifesto says; in American women is an insult to our
to enlist Filipinos in the United States haven't any mother. They haven't
•‘Goo•dhv. s w t. therirt.” he S lid C|t liet 1 wor
was ia general so serious, to
“ Hitherto we have been taught in sex and ia deserving of the sternest re­ was called forth by a New York dis­ as full seamen in all waters.
anyone hut me. Of course, they would ly. inviut pity in 1 Ids heart fi >r the ulrl the ■nil of Ids life ia Iv.'tS, Miss llaw-
the churches and schools that our buke by the patriotic womanhood of patch. published in a Ismdon news­
not allow It. hut they will not know Who in her desire to do right wn« d.idiij; ihm
-ays. be continued lo write his
rulers were the anointed of God. our country and must he repudiated. paper, in regard to alleged attempts
Training Station Ablaze.
anything about it. I must do it my­ "»neh I k om ble u ro ug. "(;•«*!
s v.r* < m l make Ids fumiy
»•et* ridi'
For hundreds of years we have been The road from pacifism to disloyalty in this direction by Sweden and Spain.
And father ei pectnlly must h eart. Keinem I h r. I will h
I^ike Bluff, 111. — Fire, possibly of self.
in*. skvl \es in Idlers lo bis friends.
pining under their heavy auto«'ratio and pro-Germanism is short; at one end
Berlin claims to have sunk 80,000 incendiary origin, for a time menaced never know. 1 want you to go away When. v e r you se ml. 1 wlil .•onie.’*
yoke. ’’
is cowardice and at the other treason." tons shipping capacity in the "la st the Great Lakes naval training station this morning before breakfast und
Ilk* ?stepped «*ut[side, and ,closed the
G r c e k N a m cs.
door. l'rtrtcn ce !stood moth
here early Sunday.
It was extin­ —never come ngnin."
T ie G roek te r m in in o ti In th è i
few days."
4474 Enlisted in Month.
Gomprrs for Compulsory Training.
Mho clung to him ns she said this, lutmta • ten. lied. until she could no MDlt M -v en -sylIable p a t r o n im ie * v.
guished by a battalion of seamen, or­
The London Daily Express says it dered out to assist sentries who dis­ hut her voice did not miter. “Andyou longer henr hi* footsteps. Then
Washington, D. C. A total of 4474
New York Samuel Compere, presi­
whi­ li w e b a v e lieen tonde famlltnr
men had been recruited for the navy dent of the American Federation of learns that Prince Friedrich Karl, of covered the blaze. As a result of the must not write to tue any more. For.
d on the Hour, and
left*. ttle I n q ui n i i b a n g i s In lite onbln
during March, and the net gain for the*>r, announced Sunday his support Prussia, shot down by artillery while ' incident double guards were posted oh. Jerry. If I see you again I cun fa ce <i<»wnwtird, iHi til she I k *«nl r si try N a dii tu In d ic a le d e s c e n t. T liu *.
month ia 362k against 2066 last month. of the Chamberlain military training flying in an airplane over the British ! about the reservation.
never let you go. I know It. Will you moving: in her r»*« m itpstalr*. Then *; it­ ( ‘lit« yt-ropnuUis uray co u n t n m ong I
The strength of the navy now ia 62,667 bill. His statement came as a retort lines near Peronne, has died from his
do this f«‘ - me?”
went iiito the kite hen and buill the ti re
a l i a s a " e a lo y e r ." o r ut lena! In
During the first three days’ to a long letter from Amos Pinehot, injuries.
“You are nervous nnd excited.” he
Germans Using Salvador.
>r breakfast.
lla te r .il lille. A “e a lo y e r " is salti
active recruiting after President Wil- urging Mr. Compere to take a stand
Guatemala City—It is reported that said tenderly. “Let's wait until ufter
a m onk o t Ilio o rd e r o f S i. B a s ii,
President Wilson denies an applica­
son's authorization to bring the navy against military training.
tion for pardon of Maury I. Diggs and German reservists are concentrating breakfast. Then we ll talk It nil over
le r tlissi e x a c ts fo u r p erio d a o f fu
up to the full war strengh of 87,000
Mr. Compere states! that he had F. Drew Caminetti, convicted at San on the Mexican-Saivadorean frontier, i with your father, und It shall he as he
; e n c h yon r. th è lo n g e st o f w h trh
meo, the daily number of accepted ap­ changed hi* mind on the subject and Francisco under the white slave law. j It is also reported that a wireless plant snys. Won't that he better?”
n w o ck *.
The c n lo y e r* bave
plicant* was virtually trebled. On the strongly advocated the intsaage of the This means that ths men must begin has been shipped into Salvador from
“till. no. For father will say what­
O r ìc n t tlie stim e re p u ta i Ioli (
first day following the call 282 men bill.
prison sentences.
Mexico by which it is possible to com- ever he thinks will make me happy. He
tic is a i n s tlie B e n e d h tm e s In t
were accepted, on the second day
must not know a thing about it. Prom­
] municate with Germany.
d e u t.
260, and on the third 301.
The possibility of American partici­
American Astronomer Honored.
ise, Jerry, that you will never tell him
Guard Station Haa Fire.
one word."
glowing, eye* «|strkll
Pari* The Astronomical society of pation in the war on the side of the
Arc Lamps Disappearing.
Britieh Gain Two Mile*.
“I promise, 6f course. Prudence. 1 her sister's solemn hack.
France has conferred on George Ellery allies was dismissed as a minor matter
Baltimore A bucket brigade extin-
With the advent of the gas-filled
B e rlin -(B y wireless to Sayville. N. Hale, the American astronomer,-the by General von Stein. Prussian minis­ guished a fire at the buildings of the will let you tell him.”
“You are the little main
Prue." candescent electric lamp the futi
Y. )- British tmops. after tenacious Janssen medal for important a*tron<>m- ter of war, in an interview with the coast guard station at Arundel Cove
But she shook her head. "He «ill she said, in her full rich
of the ordinary inclosed arc lamp
fighting, in which they suffered heavy fral discoveries in solar physics. He
Sunday, which for a time threatened never know. t»h. Jerry ! I cau't bear didn't hear you <‘ome to bed
t night, a commercial pnduct dwindled aw
looses. Monday pushed their lines into also won tho Janssen medal in 1894.
to think of never seeing you again, and 1 didn't hear you stcttii ng out this Ordinary tungsten lampa of the v
i to assume serious proportions.
the Gorman positions on the Suomi,
and never getting letters from yon. nnd ' morning. Why. what f* th ie matter?" nun
Torpedoing of the Norwegian steam­
type had been competi
for a depth of nearly two miles, aays
1206 on River Steamer Safe.
It seems to kill me inside, Just the ! For Prudence had turned h icr face to- with the inclosed arc lamp, but i
Turkish Trap is Failure.
er Wilfred,
with two Americans
the official statement.
The British
Evansville, Ind.
The excursion aboard, and the British schooner Ohor-1 London— Efforts by Turkish troops thought of It."
1 ward her sister, sud It va is so white with the degree of sucresa that t)
advance waa between the Pen si ne steamer SL Paul, with more than 1200 ley. with three Americans, wss report­
"Bit here tu my lap. I*ut your bead ! and so unnatural that Fairy was attended the gas-filled unit This n
to envelop a British force near Delta-
Gousearourt road and the lowlands of passengers on board, which went ed Tuesday to the State department. wah. 35 miles north of Bagdad, have ou my shoulder, like th at Let me rub shocked.
type of lamp has superseded the
the Omignon stream, in which the aground in the Ohio rivor Sunday T?w Wilfred was warned by tha Ger­ failed, says an official British state-1 your face a Uttle. You're feverish, ton
“Prudence I Y ou are sick I Go to dlnary Incluseli arc lamp for tx
towns of Jeancourt ami Vermand are night, was released Monday. The pas­ man submarine that sunk her. hut car­ ment. The Turks in that region now are sick. Go to bed. won't you. sweet­ bed and let me get breakfast. Here
street and factory Ughtiug — Siectrt
sengers and crew are all reported safe. ried no contraband or armament.
heart? We can settle this later ea.
( get out of this and ; «ill—”
are in full retreat.
ment of the German empire to term*
and end the war. ’ ’
When the President had finished
speaking resolution* to declare a state I
of war existing were introduced in
both houses of congress, referred to j
appropriate committees and will be de- j
bated immediately. There is no doubt j
of their passage.
I> K jjJ D E7M|<3