Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, December 29, 1916, Image 4

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ankle length.
o f the suit
Ju*t the time o f the year when 'O U
can enjoy one, and we have a big line
made by the Oregon Woolen Mills, for
you to choose from, at prices within
your reach.
Mackinaws for ladies,
gentlemen, boys and girls. Come in
and look them over.
Have you seen the Big Bargains we
are offering in Men’s and Boy’s Over­
coats. If you need anything in this
line, it will certainly pay you to in­
vestigate. Think o f buying a good
Overcoat for yourself or the boys,
coats that are worth up to $10 regu­
larly mostly small sizes,
for only
< p £ ,4 0
Heavy Fleeced Underwear for Men.
j Just the kind for winter wear. Gar­
ments that will give you the best of satisfaction
in every way. The garment________ _______
Ladies’ Heavy Fleeced Union Suits
I»n g sleeves and
Woolen Goods Special
Residence IUI
O ffice U4I
Woolen Dress Goods, another lot, mostly dark
that are worth regularly up to 60c a yard. Your
choice the yard
.................... ..... .....
O ffic e in
R iv e r
Indies’ Fleece Lined Hose with ribbed tops a dandy
for everyday wear warm and comfortable. The
G ive
them the sa m e
chances to win pro­
motion and hik ’ lx - h
a* t be lad having the
advantage «»I
B r o i i u i B ld g .
H ood
I Dictionary in hia h >roe. Thia new
4 creation answevs with final author­
ity all kinds of puzzling questions
in history, geography, biography,
Kp» lliuET, pronunciation, sports, arts,
and sciences.
Woolen Hose for Men- good, fair weight in
light and dark colors, the pair
Leaves Hood River daily at
1:30 p. m. and 5:00 p. m.
Sunday at 1:30 p. m., 5:00 p. m.
4»0.000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages.
Over6000Illustrations. UoloredPlauii.
TLfiorJy di :‘on»ry vtith th* Dlvi4*4 fl«t.
We have the best and lowest priced line of wool hose
for men in the city. Anything you can want and at last
years’ prices. Wool Hose for Men for 15c. 20c. 25c. 35c
45c and 50c per pair.
Leaves Parkdale daily ai 7:20
a. m. and 3:00. On Saturday
evening leaves Parkdale 6:30 p.m.
3 More Scholarly .Accurate. Convenient,
and Authoritative than any other Lag-
ifU fc i
^/?e Paris F air
H o o d R iv e r , O r e g o n
Hot give yoar
boy and
m ike their
tlu d u cozy and
Physician and Surgeon
Here is a bargain in Woolen Dress Goods that it wi!1
pay you to investigate. Values in this lot up to the
yard. 85c. Your choice the yard__ ______________
Mre. Margaret Walker and children,
Millicent and Willaton, are in The
Dallea spending the holidays with her
relatives and husband.
4- l- H - H - l - H H I H ■l" M " l - l "l"l - H "
Turn over a new leaf on New Year'a
Happy New Year.
day snd trade at home. Also buy your
Sled«, skiis and skate* at Uhown'a. groceries at my Pure Food Grocery.
Mosier'a community Christmas tree
held Saturday night in the Church of
tin to is lliglit ;you arc right when Thank You. Strauss.
vnu go to Law, tiie Clean«!', Hood River.
K. L. Cooper went to The Dalles Christ was attended by a big crowd of
Mr«. Thomas Lelliott visited last Wednesday night on the steamer Ta- adults as well aa children. The tree
homa with three of hie horse« which he was prettily decorated with vari-col-
week in llood River.
will pasture during the winter on the ored lihgts and Yuletide ornaments
Miee Kliie Wright wh « a holiday via- ranch of hia brother, James Cooper.
and at the base of the tree presents
itor in Hood River.
were placed which were distributed by
Wanted—To let contract lor 20 acres Santa Claua. Candy and oranges were
Ed. F. Reeve« ia in Portland for a to lie grubbed and e'eared ready for
given away, one sack of candy and an
few day« on buaineea.
spring plowing Work to lie done on orange to each person present. The
Alex Carlson was in The'Dalles thia Mclrvine ranch
For particulars see
Guod Samaritan committee also made
James Cherry.
a good showing and had collected fuuu
fo r thia cold »nap 1 have heater«,
Mrs. Henry Nelsen, daughter of Mr. and clothing to be distributed among
large or email. Chown.
and Mrs. C. J Littlepage, returned to the poor and needy. The church was
Mrs Alex Stewart waa a visitor in her home in Portland yesterday after­ decorated with fir boughs and Oregon
noon after enjoying the Christmas grape.
The Dalle« on Friday.
The major part of the program was
E. J. Bradford spent Chrietniaa in holidays at the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. F'. I). Stuart spent furninhed by the school children of
Portland with his family.
Lillian Marvel who is the teacher
Mr. and Mr«, las. Camp and family
«rents, Mr. and Mrs Jas. Piereey. in District No. 8. Her pupils repeated
were visitors this week in Hood River.
Ir. Stuart is chasier of the bank at the program which was given Friday
J. I'. Carroll spent Christmas in Maupin.
night in the school house and per­
llood River with friends.
Taken Up— Earge bay horse. Owner formed in a very creditable manner.
1 wish everyone a Happy and Proa- may have same by proving property Considerable comment wa« voiced that
porous New Year. W. E. Chown.
ami paving charges .1. Ilenrickson, nn evening regarding the ability and ex
cellent work of Miss Marvel. Thomas
Tom Henningnen went to The Dallea the Le Pierre place.
last Friday on business.
Mr and Mrs. C. R. Axtell and little Lelliot also favored the audience with
I wish you ail a Happy Now Year. «on, Alton, returned Thursday to a a i .i rendered solo and little Misa
Mildred Nichol played a piano
their home in Moru, after spending the
As master of ceremonies, Thomas
F'nund-Airedale dog. William Send- Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Lelliott, by his tact and excellent
E. A. Race and family. Mrs. Race judgment aided materially in making
linger Box 1H2, Mosier, Oregon.
Mi»« l.illiati Marvel was a visitor in and Mrs. Axtell are sisters.
the evening's entertainment pleasant
Mrs. Mary E. Hopkins, of The fur all.
The Dallea last week.
Each and every committee fulfilled
Mr and Mrs. I*. L. Arthur visited Dalles, and Mrs. i.ultie Cahler, of
Portland, have returned to their homes its obligations in a very creditable
Monday in Hood River.
after spending Christmas here at the manner and had worked faithfully and
For Sale Jersey cow. Fresh about home of their aon and daughter. Mr.
harmoniously to achieve the results
December 10. E. W. Davidhi/.ar, «120 and Mrs. J. P Tryon, and family.
obtained. Rev. I.con L. Myers de­
Ja«. E. Cole was in Hood River on
Wanted—To buy standing timbtr, serves considerable credit for hia
business the first of the week.
not over five 'miles from town, auffi- efforts to mobilize the citizens into
Mrs. H. II. Monre was a visitor last ieent to cut 200 or more cords of wood. ' committees and fnr hia personal inter­
week in The Dalle» and Hood River.
Hive description and price in letter. est and time spent in promoting the
Joe McNeil was a visitor in Hood Ira Bennett, box H2, route 2. Hood venture.
River. Ore.
F'rom every standpoint the commun­
River and The Dallea the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. K Waite returned ity Christmas tree was pronounced a
Mrs. F. L. Arthur was a visitor in
and the good fellowship and
to Madras Thursday on the noon train
Hnod River Tuesday afternoon.
Christmas cheer which was everywhere
Orville Briggs of Hood River »pent following the short funeral services of manifest speaks well for the people
James McGregor. father of
Christmas at the Engelke home £
of M osier.
l)r and Mrs. C. A. Maerum are via-
Mias Helen Hauer, of Portland, is
iting during the holidays in Cortland
visiting during the holidays at the
and Kugone with relative«.
homes of her sister. Mrs. T. tl. Gor­
Miss Dorothy K. Passmore is spend­ don and brother, Henry Bauer
ing the hulidaya in Tualatin at the Eiorence Bauer, who ia a nurse in The
home of her parents.
Dallea Hospital, came down Wednes­
Miss Alice L. Bennett is visiting day afternnon to visit fnr a few days.
Congressman N. J.¿Sinnott, has re­
during the holidays in The Dalles with
Ouinlon Armstrong returned home ceived notice from the Department of
Sunday after spending several weeks Agriculture that lie has been allowed a
Let us timsh your films. Same may be in the hospital at llcod River where limited number nf packgc9 of alfalfa,
left at the Bulletin office. Slocom A n* underwent an operation
Hia con­ field pea, millet, sudan grassland white
Canfield, llood River.
tf dition waa critical because at the same clover aeed.
He is
L. I. Merrill spent Christmas in
Because of the supply
Seattle with hia brother and wife, Mr now rapidly improving.
on hand this year the rule has (been
and Mrs. Ed Merrill.
School opens again on Tuesday, Jan­ made that only one package o( seeds
Mrs. C. Huseher left Tuesday for a uary 2. Prices nn all kinds of supplies can be sent to a person. Those wishing
increased materially, some hav­ a package of the seeds should write to
visit with her son, Hilbert Ruseher,
and family who reside near The Dalles. ing «louhled. Our priees will remain Congressman Smnott for the same at
Hive I he llood River Market a trial the same throughout the school vear. | once before the supply ia exhausted.
order for meat which will U- mailed to Tablets fie and 10c, Nute Books, fie; The seed will he mailed directly from
Pencils, le, 2 for fie, fie and 10c; Draw­ the Department's warehouse, and will
you by imrcel post. Prompt service.
ing Pads. Sc. 2 siaes.
Moslei Book he accompanied by a circular giving
Mr. ami Mrs. W. FL Chown «nd son, Store.
full instructiora lor the culture of the
Roger, spent Christmas with relatives
Mrs. F'. K. Vickers has returned to crop. The deparment has also decided
in Portland and New berg
hrr home in The Dallea after spending that no aeed will be sent out later than
Taken I n— Four head of cattle. Own­ Christinas at the home of her sister, March 1
er may call or write to Bulletin office to Mrs. S. K Evans. On Christmas day
There has been great difficulty in se­
give «leacriptlons of same.
Mr and Mrs. S. K Evans and Mrs curing some nf thi seeds thia year and
Capt. II. II. Moore and W C. Venae! K. K. Vickers took dinner at the home for that reason only the following
were visiters Wednesday in The of the former's daughter and husband, number of packages could be allotted
Mr and Mr*. .1 I! Wilcox
A few to the second district o f Oregon: 70
I four pound packages of Kansas grown
Kodak finishing-expert work-twenty- ftiends were also invited.
alfalfa seed ; 200 four pound paesages
four hour service.
Slocum A Canfield
Our New Year's resolution: I am of improved variety field pea , fiO four
ni2Stf guing to try to sell more goods in 1917
pound packages of Kursk initllet seed;
Mrs. J. W. Clark, of Portland, is than In 1916, and I am going to give lOO one pound packages of Sudan grass
«landing the holidays with Mr. and you better service than ever, and have seed; 40 two pound packages of white
Iasi mistakes happsr, and apply the clover seed.
Mr*. F'. J. Engelke
The Mix'd River Market will take (•olden Rule: Treat you as I want to
Ke<]uests will be transmuted to the
your orders for meat and mall them to be treated. Ihis ia to apply to rua- department by Congressman Sinnott in
you by parcel (wist Customers w ill be
the order in which they are received.
allowed 111 days on tbeir bills.
The Pacific Pnwer & Light company It will be a case of "first come first
For skating and sledding: Warm have taken a five year lease on the served" aa long aa the supply lasts.
gloves, mittens, cap«, leggins and rub­ store room in The Dalles which was
Anticipating the usual river freete
ber*. A few good sleds left Strauss. formerly the ('regin store in the Ma­
A crew of workmen ia up and taking advantage of the oppor­
Men W. V'rateh went to Portland sonic building
building tunity to get their boat« in repair. The
Wednesday afternoon on a business busy making alteratinna.
trip. Roy Abernathy is in charge of offiu* rooms and rutting a number of Dalles, I’ nrtland and Astoria Naviga­
windows on the alley side of the build­ tion Co., "The Regulator Line," will
the store during his absence.
ing. The office nf the Pacific Power suspend operations during the months
A chance for the Kiddies for One A Light company, now located in the of January and February, 1917.
week: l-S IT on any doll or tov that Michelbaugh building, will be moved
retails for 2ne or over. Strauss.
shortly after the firtl of January
Balata. F;\«n*, Jr., «nd Clyde Ballsy
liulutn la a subalance belonging to
Since Tuesday morning the ground
left last wees for points in California.
They look the ateamei Rose City and has hcen covered with enow The mer­ the rubl>er-llkf i>r<slucts and which ta
cury has dropped es low as 20 degrees very similar to gutla pen hs It ta ob­
expert to spend the winter
above aero in the city while at some
Use an oil heater in that chilly sleep­ placet in the country it has been re­ tained from the milky juice of the
ing room or sitting room. Chown has ported at 10 degrees above. Snow "hully tree” (S*|>nta muellcrt helk),
the kind.
lepth also varies from three inches in found cMefiy tn the Golan«« and Vrne-
Mr. snd Mrs. C. I., Joy and family the city to 14 in.-hee in part* of the r n s lz
are epvndirg the holiday season 'in Salley. Coasting is the popular pas­
Cashmere, Wn . at the hi urna Of Mt time of all the youngsters who utilise
A n Easy A rran gem en t.
Joy's brother snd mother.
the hill from the fire engine house to
Wife Am I. then, never to have uty
the depot. Water pipes have froteo, way In anything? Husband—Certainly,
After the New Year'a dinner
although no real serious damage from dear When we are laith agree«I you
will want to eat just the same.
Hood Fiste every day in the year »** [ the cold weather has been reported.
can have your way
When w* differ
Roast Turkey will be the piece de I'll have mine."
( holer ft ent* of meat* and prompt •»•rT] reeistanca et the New Year's dinner
vice in mailing your order to you. Ac - 1 served Monday between the hours of
O bliging.
Connie doe In tliirtv dav* Vout pat­ 12 and 2 o'clock at the Hotel Mosiar.
"Only give me time your hou«»f,”
ronage earneftlv snlieited The tbiod Phone In your orders Saturday Adult*
River Mai set, liixid River, Ore.
SO cents and children 35 cents, hol­ begged (he .onvIcUHl prison« r,
“ All right." re|>l|«><I IU«' j'hlge "llow
Mr. and Mr* W I,. Rowland went lowing is the menu
will t«>n years «nit?"-Baltim ore Auter
Cream ot tomato Soup
The Dellee Wednesday
Mr*. Rowland
ha* been taking osteopathic treatments
Roast Turkey
from Dr. J. E, Ander*«>n
Cranberry Sauce
Nut Stuffing
L im it e d E x p e r ie n c e
I wish to thank you for the generuu*
Hrebrant Potatoes
Mlstrexe (In new glrli —W* eulertaln
trade you hove given me in the past '
Steamed Brown Bread
a (i«xl «leal. Hare yon had much e l
year which made it possible for me to
Tomato Salad
perlence at partis«' G irl-O nly aa a
exceed any previous year'* business in
Finglieh Plum Pudding
guest, mum —New Haven Register
Muster. Strauss.
(’«• »*
Mr. and Mre. John T. Davenport !
•pent Christmas in The Dallea with
Curiosity ta •»«•king >rer ottici i«e«x
Mr». Davenport's parents, Mr and
Cummer rial
tal pria
printing of all kinds a plea affaira ai id e v e r ' "king our owe
Mr«. Gao. Kraus*.
The Bullet in • due
— Warland
rM - l -l' I I I I -I11 ■l-l -f- l 11 I I I I I I I H -F
Dr. H. L Dumble
Dandy bargains at the special price
Also excellent for
Steam Train leaves Hood River
daily at eight returning at 2.
Mt. H ood Railroad Co.
l f Do t 8 , « U M
The Arthur ¡Pharmacy
Horse Shoeing and General
Repair Work.
M o s ie r ,
The type matter is equivalent to that
of a 15-volume encyclopedia.
■•isk-38? ' 1
in d ia -
specimen pages,
il’ uMtrations, etc.
FRUU, a JM'tof Pocket
Maps il you name thi*
S P R IN G F IE L D , M A S S .
O regon
Th* Land of L a r g a Families.
In tils artk le on the winter life of
Notice tor Publication
the French Canadians in Harper’s
I>ep*»rtment of Interior, U. H. I^tnd Offlrt at
The Dalles, Oregon, November '£i. 1916.
Howard E. .Smith teila of the ex-
Agitation ia now under way in Hood
Notice Is hereby given that Miriam Bbeldon
tranrd inary large families of these River county that will probably even- SHOE A N D H ARNESS RE PAIRIN G Kijiiey.
formerly Miriam SheMoa of Tb« Dal-
tally lead to a request from the Legis­
Otegon, d ini, on March 8, 1M0, made
simple folk.
Homestead Kutrv. No
for HW ‘ 4 HK‘i ,
! “ Boon the twilight grew lo night,
1«. NW*4 NE»4. NK>4 N W la. Sec. 18/lown-
O R EG O N Hoc
wiiip l North, Range il KMt, Willamette Mer
| and (lie large lamp on the table cast change Ihe law* o f the state in such MOSIER
wise aa to make possible the amalga­
idian, hat* died notice of Intention to make
Its orange glow over tlie room and the mation of the governments of the city
Final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before KegiFiteri
long table filled with steaming dishes and county of Hood River. It has
Receiver, If. H. l.ana Office, at The Dalles
t e a r n s egoB
" ‘You have a large family, madam.’ been suggested during the past week
ob the ¡tb day of .laBtiarj, jyi?.
Claimant names aa witneRae*: Ruth R. Bne -
I remarked, as they gathered about that local legislative representative*
don, of The Dalles, Oregon; Joaeph l, Hhaldou,
a w y e r s
the table.
of i >..• Uni its, i iregon; M a t Hildreth, of Port­
land, Oregon; Lila Clark, of Portland, Oregon.
" 'Out, monsieur, we are sixteen. It toward creating the dual form of gov­
ernment. After a deliberation on the H O O D
R IV E R .
1» a good gift to lo bou Dleu, n «•st-oe matter, however, it has been decided
K»-g inter.
paaV she »aid. turning toward the that a too hasty action would render
impossible a law adequate in detail to Dr. William Morton Post
>otli's of (diuiDistrator's Sale
“ 'C'est vral. man enfant.
It I* all the demands of Ihe proposed new
In the County Court o f the State nf Oregon for
There 1» no better gift than that of form of government, and ui'imatc
Wasco County.
In the matter of the estate of
action will be left for some future
another child lo Ida kingdom '
S E. Francisco. < tec cawed.
Rooms 1 ami 2 Hall Bldg.
Phone 2401
“ I could not but remcmlier that the i Legislature.
Notice is hereby given that in an order made
entitled Court and reuse.
law lias also encouraged large faml
■ •n the 11th day of December, 1916. the under-
m e," says Geo. R. Wilbur, joint sen­
Ilea by passing a bill at Quebec giv­ ator elect from Hood River and Wasco
d. as administrator o f t b
s g
Francisco, deceased, was authorized. Iicenned and
ing ten aon>s o f luml to any family counties, "and 1 must say that, while
directed to sell at private sale, all of the real
D R . C . H. J E N K I N S
baring from that time forth twelve or the idea ia in a measure revolutionary, I
property belonging to said instate which »aid real
property is described a» follows, to-wit:
more children, and how In two yeura I believe the city and county would
loots One tl). Two (21, and Three (8) in Block
the law was repealed the de­ gain in economy and efficiency if the
■ One (II in the Town of Mosier, in W awo County.
: Oregon.
mand on those ten Here lots was lu two governments were combined. But
In conformity with said order 1 will from and
nothing could he gained by rushing the
Office Phone 1081. Kos. Phone
after the 16th day of January. 1916, sell %t private
excea« of the supply ”
question into the coming Legislature.
“ale for cash in hand, all of said real property,
subject to approval and confirmation thereof by
As yet we have not had time to know
. said County Court-
just what we want. It will take some
S t r a w b e r r y N o te .
Date of first publication. December 16, 1916.
FixiAK A. R ace ,
The uio»t illstresslng o f faiinl de time and earnest study to outline a
d 1 .r* j 12
formiiles. rhinnpliymu. which 1» char-
It is now suggested that a commis­
a* terized by a nun h swollen and red- sion, composed of repieaentstive men
.lcncd tip of the nose making Ibla look of both city and county be appointed
like a huge strawberry or a piece of to make a study of the governments of >
inulifiower that boa been dipped in cities and counties of San Francisco '
l»-et Juice, may lie cured by a simple and Los Angeles, California, and other ,
operation. Sir William Milligan o f the similar dual governments of eastern
Royal Infirmary, Manchester, England, states. This commission, if appointed,
will be authorized to draft a plan.
describes this In the Loudon Lancet.
1 lie proposed movement meets with
The operation consists In cutting off general approval by both the residents
all llie hypertrophied tissue, while the of City an<5 Valley. The consensus of
nasal passages are kept extended with opinion is that the malter should have
absorbent wool In order to preserve thorough investigation.
It is argued that Hood River City
their contour Care Is taken to avoid
injury lo (be lateral cartilages, and and County at large are communities
Will sell direct to planters, less agents commission, choice
similar interest. The entire county
only two luslgnificaiit blood vesaels re
lot of cherry, ]>ear, apple and prune trees in one year old 3-4
quire tying. The raw Burface la cov
appearance of a town, the population
i-red with two thin grafts of skiu cut is dense and the property ia cut up '
and 4-6 ft. grades budded and grafted on best whole roots
from the patient's thigh, over which a into small holdings. All conditions,
and guaranteed true-to-name. Please write or phone
sheet of gold leaf la placed and a dry geographic and economic are ideal, it
dressing fasien«sl with adhesive plas is said, for a common form of govern­
ter. It should tie possible to remove the ment.
It is further declared that the pro­
■lr«'ssing In five days.
posed ntw form of government will
'result in u gloat raving in that elec­
R a c e s W it h i n R a c e s In t h e B a lk a n s .
tions will be eliminated and one set of
Language and religion are not the officers, instead of two, will administer
ouly basis of the Intense sulsIlTlalon of the affairs of both. While the number
feeling In the Balkans. The whole re­ and designation of new officers of the
gion Is (M inded out among rare frac­ proposed dual government |have not
been named, it hus been suggested
tious, some o f which are no larger tlinn that the tenure of office should he four
a hamlet Roumanians. Bulgarians, years. Under existing laws, the city
Servians and Greeks have n sharp coo
hold* an annual primaiy and an annual
sclousness o f race |>erslsteiice, and at general election, each of which cost
$100. The county holds
the same time every state is Intent
U|Min breaking up the race units o f oth­ two elections biennially, each costing ,
er people* whbb exist within its Ivor- an approximate $2.000. County etti
cials have warned tha people that
«lers. If Greece were |ieoplod only by records are in constant menace from
Gre«‘ks and Bulgaria by Bulgarians fire because of the poorly constructed
and 8«>rvla by Servians, the task would vault in the old schoolhousc now used
be easier. It Is a curse to the peninsula as a courthouse. It is argued that
that the villagers have pushed this within a few years a creditable, coin
way and that wherever there waa va­ I bined city hall and courthouse could he
cant land or wherever they could make erected from the savings in election
a vacancy by driving out the previous \ coat under the new form o f govern­
holders. The result Is the creation of
race Islands In the midst of angry race
sea«. Alivert Bnshnell Hart In Outlook.
The annual stockholders meeting of
the Mosier Valley Telephone Co. will
be held at 10 a. m., Tuesday. January
M a k i n g th e In s e c t s 8 p e a k .
in Lamb’s hall. F'lectiion of officers
In the biographies of the world there
and other important business.
ia no passage more human and more
humorous than the account by M.
Shore is Mt. Hood Agent
Eabre o f his first Interview with Pas­
teur, who had never n vn a cocoon and
Stanley J. Shere, who has been oper­
was astonisbctl that there waa any­ ating the rail automobile of the com­
thing In It He «'onclmles the account pany, has succeeded L. J. Brazeau as
thus: "Euroiirage<l by the mngulficent agent of the Mount Hood R. R. Co. at
example o f the cocoons rattling In Pas­ the city office. Mr. Brazeau has gone
to Portland, where he will be in the
teur's astonished ears, I have made It employ of the O ,-W. R. A N. Co.
my rule to adopt the met Inal of Igno
ranee In my Investigations Into In
sects I read v«»ry little. Instead of
single gallon 2-V. Cheaper lrom .‘«
turning the png«-« of hooka, nn expen gal on* uu. The larg«*r the quantity the
slve procee«1lng quite beyond my cheaper toe rider.
C. A,g~
means. Insteml >«f consulting other peo
pie. I iierslst obstinately In Interview
School Children Increase
Ing my subject until I succeed In mak
Ing him si«««k " - London Spectator.
A census o f the school chiMren of
Hood River n unty show* an Increase
of 50 more than last )car, when the
L im it e d P e r p e t u a l M o t io n .
Ambrose Eleteber solved the great number reached 2,095. The greateat
increase is shown in the Barrett dia-
problem <*f («erpctunl motion the other triet, which as a result becomes a sec­
day. after tailoring upon It for many ond class district, the only one in the
years. It I* In the shape of a ball county except that of the rity. The
wblcb awing» bark and forth regularly Harrttl diet «let's school chil«1ren>er*
ami tirelessly, being p r o file d by a sort increased mainly from tlie acquisition
of clockwork mechanism
There Is of territory acquired from the Frank-,
only one drawback to this solution of ton district.
& S
C o m m e r c ia l
B u lle t i n O ffic e
Fruit Growers Attention
A Happy and Prosperous New
Year to One and All
Arthur Pharmacy
the «Id problem He has to wind the
machinery every eight «lay* There la
always something wrong. Isn't there?
As soon as Ambrose gets It so It will
sin without winding be will have the
problem definitely solved. — Brooklyn
E s a c t l y A l.k e .
“ You ought to be pleased with thi-a#
folia, George, dear.” said the young
wife. 'They are exactly like those
your mother u«ed to make when you
were a boy ”
"O f course the) are.'' replied George
In fact. I thought at first
they were the same ones.
And the stupid creature could not on
dem and why Urx George buret lute
teerel-RK bmoml Time* Dispatch.
K ibs.-ribe for Tlie Bulletin.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with I A V A L APP f.IC A T IO :<8 aa t tb«ir
cann< t r*at h th*- a it of 1the «119*1
Catarrh ta a local • ila*r
greatly in-
rtu*n<r*»d! by cor.*tltutfonat oomlitlc
and in ord*r to cur* it you m lust
n internal ram* dy
_____C <
b -
tarrh Cur« is tak^n int» rr illy and
arts thru th« hltvod on tho mucoun aur*
f«»<^*a of th* *v»t«*m
Hall's Catarrh
Cur* f a « prwKrilwd l>v on* of th* tKtt
physh iana tn this ofwtntry for v^ara It
is oompos*d of »«m * of th* b*«t tonics
known. i«*mbin*d with aom* of th*
host Mood purtfl*r*
Th* perfect com­
bination of th* tnirr*dt*nt9 in Hall's
Catarrh Cur* Is what pm*lui*s such
wonderful r**’t1t* In catarrhal oomtt-
•Ion* fi*m! for testimonial*, fr**
T J C H K N F T Ik CO FV 'p« . Tofodo. O
AH Druggist* TV
Hall • Family n i l « for vonatlpatio*