Just A Few Days Remain for You to do Your Xmas Shopping Take Advantage of Our Large Stock Conveniently Arranged to Assist You in Making Your Selections ‘Goodbye to the Morning A fte r ” Dr. H. L. Dumble Physician Small pins for hack of cellar Long pins for front of collar M aterial for drew* Embroidered collars, cuffs H air Ornaments, (¿loves Brassiere, Stationery H a ir Pins and I'outbe, Furs Stocking»« le a th e r a ristlets to hold watch Unbreakable Dolls Silk Sweater, Underwear Bath Tomela (¿owns, Boudoir Cap Knitted worsted legging drawer Silk Petticoats, H air Pins Kancv Apron, Jeael <*ase For the Small Daughter Traveling Bag«, Purse Scissors with dull point»* (¿loves, fled Covers Box of Colored Pencil* Perfume and Toilet Water Box of Faint»» Slippers. Ribbon Carter* Dolls Japanese Kimono, Parasol Set of Doll Dishes Doll rrn s k For the Boys Scrap Books lee Skates, Drum , Nled Materials for Dress Wheel Barrow, Wagon Hand Sewing Machines Horn, Train of Cars .Music Holl Football, Marbles, Hooks Small Blacklioard W riting Paper, Small f>esk ( olored Tissue Paj>er Express ( arts, Gloves Child's Carpet Hweepern Overcoat, Raincoat Bain <'a|K* h ith H o o d Penknife, T*«ol Chest Um brella Kubiier floots Ice Skat«*» Mechanical Tram Pencil Box Building Blocks .School Bags Ninepins. Tovs Autos Hosiery Velocipede, Erector Sets H air Ribbon* • ¿antes of All Kinds Sash Ribbons Handkerchiefs For the Grown Son Sweater Coat Bath Robe, Silk Socks String of Bead- Mackinaw, Sweater («loves Umbrella, Sug|»enders, Belt Handkerchiefs, Books to r the Grown Daughter Suit Case, Whisk Broom Evening W rap, Vanity Case Clot lies Brush, H air Brush Chiffon Scarf Pajamas, W hite Vests For the Baby Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats for father, son or brother are Rifts that will long he remembered. A nice coat, suit, dress, waist for mother, daughter or sister are gifts worth while. Dresses for the girls, suits for the boys and shoes and slippers for the entire family, are sensible gifts that will bring joy and sat­ isfaction. We have an excellent assortment to choose from. -H " l I I I. I I I I I I I I I H I I I II I l -E - BRIEF LOCAL MENTION ■M i l 1 11 I H - M - f-H I I I ! I -O -t-O Our sincere wish is that one nn(l *11 may have a M erry. M erry Christina*. Lota of Useful G ifts at Chown’» Come and look them over M r*. J. E. Froctor and children were viaitors Saturday In Hood River. Mrs. C. G. Stultz came up Thursday from a visit in Hood River. I wish you one and all a Merry Christmas E. M. Strauss. AI Behrens spent Tuesday in Hood River on buainess. Miss Grace Hailey visited Saturday in Hood River. tiu to Law is R ig h t; von are right w lien you go to l.aw, I lie Cleaner, flood River O r* Hodge was a Hood River visitor the first of the week. Miss Em ily Husbands was a Hood R iver visitor Saturday. Mrs. C. Kuscber spent Saturday in Hood River Lee Evans, Jr., spent Tuesday visit ing in Hood River. Leslie Root spent Sunday in Hood River with his wife. L. J. M errill was a Sunday visitor in Hood River and The Dalles. Carroll Cole and Faul Mailey were in Hood River on Sunday. Erectors and sleds for the boys, tin to Chown’s, Miss Mary Higlcy was in Hood R iver this week. Mias Alice Shugren was a visitor in Hood River this week. Lee Evans, J r., waa in The Dalles yesterday. Ernest Evans spent Thursday in The Dalle*. Mrs. J. W. Huskey waa in Hood River the first of the week. For father or brother, Searchlights. Raaors, Knives, and many other thing* can he found at Chown’a. M r*. S. E. Evans and her daughter. Mrs Ir * J. R. K. Wilcox were In in Hood River Ri 1 uesday I f you forgot to buy that present for Christmas, buy It for^New Y e a r’s and buy it of Strauss E. W. Davidhizar was attending to hnsiiie** matters in Hood River Tues­ day. Let us titiish your films. Snuie may he left at the Bulletin oltlee. Slocoiu A CantieliL Hood River. tf Mr. and Mrs G. P Morden and two children returned Tuesday a fte r sev­ eral daya visit in Portland. e? I AI IT Y if i A l l l'\ . n l V I.IT Y Stationery, Kodak* ami Ivory Toilet A rticle*. The Arthur Pharmacy. D r, II. L. Dumble was called up from Hood River this week on account of the aickneas of Arthur Carroll, son ot M r. and Mta. G. L. Carroll. The llis d River Market » ill take your order* lor luent and mall them to yon by parcel post. Customer* w ill lie allowed :!0 days on their bills. For mother or sister. Fancy Plate*, Clocks. Manicure Sets, Wa nut or Mahogany Nut Howls and other nice gifts at Chown *. H M Srearce arrived in the city last week and a fter a few days re­ turned to Eugene to spend E'hristmaa with his fam ily. Taken Cp— large hay flora,-. Gwner mav have same by proving property *m f paving charges. J. Hen rick son. on the la- Pierre pla-e. JlR M r. and Mrn. V. C. Young and aon, Teddy, spent Sunday in Hind River visiting with Mr. and Mrs W . fl. Davis. M anted—To let contiact for "JO acres to la- giuhlied ami o’r a m i ready for spring pi -» mg. W ork to la- done on M elrvine ram i Por partirli!»!« James Cherry. M r and Mrs E. Evans have moved to town for the winter, a,») have tented the Johnson house, fo r­ merly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. P. L. A - II M C. F. G allig ar was here from Dufur on hosinae* Friday. He left for Hood River to attend to busmens n atter« and also to viatt with the fam ily of hi* brother Choicest <*utsoi meats a IS I prompt ser­ vice in mail ng your order to you Ac­ count* dim in thirty -lav» You» pat- r or age eaineM lr solicited The flood River M arket, ilnutl River, Ore. Safety Razor, shaving m irro r Couch Cushion Skating Cap, Neckties Slipf»ers, Fountain Pen Soap Case M.mhatten Shirt, Collar* Hose Supporters Arm Bands, Flannel Shirts Dress (¿loves, Kur (¿loves M ilitary Brushes, Stationery Residence IM I O ffic e For Father For Mother PHARMACY l.’ ug for Liviug nm A pron Couch Cushions Cut Glass Piece* For Sale - Jersey cow. Fresh about j I.ee Hunter and J. E. Higley are December 10. E. W. Davidhizar. d’JO working on repair* to the building of Mrs. J. (). Reldin wa* in Hood River the Church of Christ. Sufficient money was received from the play. “ Polly in on Saturday. Mrs. Ernest Evans visited Saturday Politics" to w arrant the addition of a roof over the main entrance to Un­ in Hood River. church building. (By A. R. Chase) Call for your calendar. I have one Rev. Frank Maples, o f The Dalles, waiting for you. Straus*. Farmers and their wives who are preached Sunday evening at the Im ­ E. L. Root was in The Dalles this manuel church in the place o f Rev. ; thinking about going to O. A. C. Far week on business. _____ H. U. Perry who telegraphed from ‘ mer's week should get in touch with Miss Vera Olsen was a Hood River Kennewick, Wn., that it would he im ­ our office at once. I f we can get at visitor (his week. possible for him to attend. His ser least th irty people we w ill take a special sleeper and aide-track near the Mr*, .las. Camp went to Hood River inon was enjoyed by the congregation, college. About sixteen o f our best several of whom expre*aed 11 wish that Saturday afternoon. farmers have already agreed to go and Festooning, bells, candles and tree he would again honor Moeier with his lake the w eek’s course. The college presence. ornaments at Chown’s. ■ is planning on a series of conventions Mr and Mrs. C. A. McCargar last of grain growera, fru it growers and Mr*. Claire Hailey was in Hood week le ft for Portland where they w ill other specialties, during the week and River on Saturday. reaide fur the winter. Mr. McCargar Mr. and Mrs. P. L. A rth ur spent ia interested in the insurance, bonds many farmers will want to take advan­ tage of the extremely low rates that Sunday afternoon in Hood River. and real estate firm of McCargar, Hie available. Hundreds of practical M r* P. I. Arthur w»« a visitor In Bate.« & Lively with offices in the farmers and specialists from every The Dalle* Thursday. Yeon building. rhmmunity in the Northwest w ill take Leo Niehol went to Portland yesler The (l.-W . R. & N. Co. this week the third annual pilgrim age to the day for a ahort viait. inalallwd a new semaphore to teplace I college. From a small box of corn sent to Mrs. Geo. Chamberlain was a Tues­ the one which ha* *een long service. The new semaphore ia constructed Walla W alla corn show through this day visitor in The Dalles. H. D. Jones was in the Dalles this stronger and ine levers which operate office, Wasco county boys and farmers the aignal hoards may be operated received 242 in prize money. The week on business. humorous part of the atory cornea frum For Sale—Aire,Isle pups. Wm. R. with greater facility. Cuunty Judge F. S. Gunning waa in the fact that we abatiacted a little Warner. Hood River, Oregon, Houle 2. l*at week attending the corn from M r. Hendiix and Mr. Ir e ­ G. C. Evans wan in Hoed River Portland judges and commissionerà convention land while they were out in the field Thursday. amount to 210 Mural and the state blacksmith»' convention. and their cash prizes amoi Mr. and M r*. W A. of the 1 T ' Mr. Gunning was reflected president and Fr> respectively^ Alan, one , tday in Tha Dalles. of the blacksmiths’ organization for boys receiving a $.7 prize did not know Mrs. J. M. Carroll and her daughter. the fifth time. of our sending in hia corn and was sur­ Miss Clara Carroll, were Hood River There is an Ideal in Storekveping. prised to receive the cheek. visitors Thursday. the following 1* ours : 1 he rendering Give the ll th e r, j for he wrist hack into place and it w ill hWd the K, me the bujldinK give description* of *aine. d2|t now for Leo to wear a formerly occupied by the Mosier Val- Mis* Eatella H. Parker le ft Iasi be necessary bandage for some t.me to keap the ,ey Bank. The dance waa at ranged week for I'nrllam l where »he will joint hone from slipping out of place, hurriedly and for music a phonograph reside during the winter month*. ( lyde Boot meanwhile ha* teen «waist- waa ugt>(j kodak finishing-,-\|><-rt w ork-twenty- ing in the store of Niehol A Co. Lhe |j„«-up of lh„ t f# m i fo „ ot, . fout hour service. Slooom A Canfield Hans Kullandraud went to Hood j Mosier The Dallea Co b M River F’rtday afternoon where he waa | O. Hailey rg Phillipo M i s . H. A Berry is «pending the joined by Dr. J. M. Waugh and to- I B. Carroll c Elwood holidays in Vancouver. W n., with her gather they left for Spokane, Wn. I Cole I f Coryea mother. Dr. Akrnburry. a bone specialist and | H. Depee r t Fdrit When the stormy day* come, try our surgeon, has been consulted a fte r 1 « I g McLeod new lines of rubbers. al»,i slicker coal* many recumendationa and an operation t*- Kailey Jim C atroll, who accompanied the at Strauss.' » ill he performed on the leg of Mr aggregation from The Dallea. a lte r­ r.ade at borne and save lim a and Kollandsrud. which was broaen laat nated with Hailey as referee and rnonsv Did you buy out of town and summer By the use of circular saws umpire. Randy Cook waa timekeeper, find out afterwards that you could a part of the bone nigher in hia leg and Harry Wilson, storekeeper. have found a good assortment and done w ill be sawed off and grafted on to the The local team la practicing regular­ just »» well here” Next lime try u* place where the bone refused to knit. ly and have several game* scheduled to first. Other operations which have proven he played during the next two montha. Mr and M r* R. H. Cummings left successful show that the bone w ill last Tuesday afternoon for l.oa Angeles form again where it has been taken where they w ill visit. They expect to out M r Kollandsrud e x p e ls to re­ Bights of R a y Desired remain in California fur two month». main in Spokane for at least six In order to facilitate immediate con­ J. Henrickaon » ill remain on the place week*. struction work should the Stale Highay during Iheir absence. Comiriatson decide early next year to ’’ "* Report* have been circulated that Bring Christmas Cheer open the alrelch of the Columbia River Ibe steamer Tahoma has raised the Highway between the M itchell* Point Don’t foiget to bring a Christmas passenger rates, but I wish to state that the farea are .’>0 rents, the same offering for the poor Saturday night at tunnel on the F)dgar Locke place and the top of Kuthton h ill, loesl citizens a» Ihrv have always been W F the Community Christmas Tree festiv­ ities. Bring money if possible. Bring are circulating petition* to the ctunty Baker Agent. clothing and edible articles neatly court to have the rights of way be­ W a n te d -T o contract for clearing tween these two points secured. While »i \ part of B> to :«) arras of land. packed away and they w ill be distrih the reports are not official. Hood River which is reasonably easy, on our south uted to the needy wherever the com­ men believe this section of road w ill farm , adjoining the town of Mosier. mittees feel that it would do the moat receive Immediate attention next year. Inquire of W. P. Vining East Hood good or wherever the donor may sug geat that his offering go. The survey for the Highw ay west of River Fru it Co. town wss made in 1914 by Fmgireer J. t apt. II II Moore, who la stationed, , A. F’. llio tt, but no rights of way have at Manila, in the Philippine Islands, Kail Lain Rtll I hangs Schedule ever been secured J. W. Morton, a rm e d the first of the week to spend Beginning January 1, the rail auto owner of land over which a part of the the holidays with hia w ife and children new route extend», is opposed to the and with hit brother in-law and slater operated by th* Ml Hood Railroad Co. survey, and condemnation proceedings w ill make but a tingle round trip a day may he necessary. in-law. Mr. and Mr» W C Venael. Wanted -To t i y standing timber, between Hood River and Parkdair not over five miiea from town, sulfi Tha rail auto w ill leave Parkdale dally T h e F a u l t a f R d>cule. cient to cut 200 or more curds of wood ' at 7 20 a m. On the return trip from There la no character, bowsoerer Give description and pries in Islter. i Hood River the machine w ill leave at S Irs Bennett, box X2. routs 2. Hood p.m. gissl aud fine. I>nt It can l«e destroyed Hivsr. Ore. d29 by rklV tile how • -ever poor and wlt- The houae helongng to H arry H («te r Inaa. Obeeme the as*, for Instance .Stout waa burred to the ground Mon­ Single gallon J V Cheaper from 3 H ia charactrr b* about perfect, he I* day Only meagre reporta were oh lamed, hut it wa* staled that all con­ gal'ons u p . The larger the quantity the the Cbutoeet S p irit among all the hum C. A. 11 age bier animal», yet see w hat rM trule ha* tent* were loet The larntly were liv ­ cheaper tne cider. brought hint to. Inatead o f feeling ing on the place at the time Tins Commerci»! vrinting of all kin-1* a complimented » b e n ,» e are called att piacs is located on upper Moeier creak, The Bulletin JC near tha Poa ranch. •»» w» are left In d o u b t - M ark Twain N EW S NOTES FROM COUNTY AGENT I It is an agreeable prepara­ tion for the relief of head­ ache, neuralgia, sea o r train sickness and depression fo l­ low ing alcoholic and other excesses. Prlcw 2 5 c a n t * pwr B o ttle hel of Kur* in ,d the P a n a m a - Pacific Exposition' w as granted fo B r o s iu s B id s . W EB STER ’S MEW INTERNATIONAL R iv e r JO B R A IL Superiority of Educational Merit. AU TO C f f s r v s s c s n t H e ad a c h e Salt» Tru ly has done away with that disagreeable condition known as “ the morning after” . Fitted Traveling Case Overcoat, Um brella, Cuff Link Pad of Shaving Paper Poker Sets, Hooks Fountain Pen, Safety Razor Shaving Strop, (¿loves Box ot Suspendeders H a ir Brushes, Pij** Guest Towel* Turkish Rath To»,-Is Turkish Wash Towel* Luncheon Set of Doilies Moreau Seta Table Cloth anil Napkins IVvfume Shopping Mags Flat IVncil lor Furs« D ic tio n a rie s O ffic e 1241 H ood SIZZ liven to Telephones: C h r is tm a s G ift S u g g e s t io n s ('elluloid Brush h im ) Comb Set Kid Shoe* Set of (¿old Rina Wool or Silk Jacket Booties (Highest Award) and Surgeon Leaves Hood River daily at 1:30 p. m. and 5:00 p. m. On Sunday at 1:30 p. m., 5:00 p. m. Leaves Parkdale daily at 7:20 a. m. and 3:00. On Saturday evening leaves Parkdale 6:30 p.m. | I I I Steam Train leaves Hood River daily at eight returning at 2. This new creation answer* with fin a l authority all kinds of puzzling question* *och as “ lio w ia JVtcmytl pronounced?” “ Where is Flan- tb it f ’ ’ “ What is a continuous toy- a je f " " W h a t \»%ho"-H:crt‘‘ “ W hat is whilti coal?" “ How is «Lot pro­ noun,ssl9” and thousands of other*. More than 400.000 Vocabulary Term*. 30.000 Geographical Subjects. 12,000 Biographical Entries. Over 6000 llkia- Rations. 2700 Pages. The only diction- ary with the divided pa** » stroke of genius. R«,«Uru4la4U- Paper W rit« for speci- M l. H ood Railroad Co. men page», il- luMratioic*. etc. F r « « . a »e t o f P o c k e t M u p * if \V. A. HUSBANDS ARTHUR you name tiu» paper. Blacksmith Horse Shoeing and General Repair Work. M o s ie r , INSPIRING TA LK S AT TEACHERS INSTITUTE - - I | f IB K P ^ I G. AC. MERNIAM CO S * n M f . U . H i m . MswasaiiaaniMi O regon C. J. E. CARLSON SHOE A N D H ARNESS R E P A IR IN G H ARNESS SUPPLIES At the local teachers’ institute held Notice tor Publication {»epartmeiit o f interior, U. H. U m l Offlet at Th e I)* ll«s , Oregou, N o v e m b e r 23, 1116. Notice is hereby given that Miriam Hheidou Hip lev, form erly Miriam Hheldon o f The Hal­ le», Otegon. who, on March 3. ltllO, made Homestead K ntrr. N o WKNL fo r B W '.H K 'g , Hec r.\ N W *4 NE'-4, N K a N W ii.fte c. I3*T owu - »hip 1 North, Range 11 Last, W illam ette Mer ullan, ban filed notice o f intention to make Final Five Year Proof, to cHiabliab claim lo the land above described, before Kegt»ter and Receiver, L\ H Land Office, at The Dalles, Or­ egon, on the .»th day of January, ¡HIT Claimant nam e» a » wilneMte«: B ulb K. Shel­ don, of The Dalles, Oregon; Joncph I. Hheidou, o f The Dalle», Oregon: Edna H ild re th ,o f Port­ land, Oregon Lila Clark, o f Portland, Oregon. it F R A N K WOODCOCK, here Saturday many entertaining as OREGON well as profitable talks were made M O S IE R along educational lines. J. F. M ueller, who is a teacher in The Dallea high erby tearns achool gave the opening -q>eech, choos­ ing for his subject, "In te re st, and How to Arouse I t . " He cited the L aw yers many opportunities tu arouse the chil­ dren's interest in the great out-of- H O O D R IV E R O R E G O N d l jft Register. doors, among mountains, forests, rivers and in general the study of nature. Singing, he recommended to Dr. William Morton Post > «U r« or Administrator’s S*le make school life more attractive, and In the County Court o f the State o f Oregon for everything should tie done by the Dentist Wasco County. teachers to harmonize and vitalize the In the matter o f the estate o f i course of study. S. E. Francisco, deceased Phone 2401 Notice is hereby given that in an order made Mis* Ruth Van ZantJt followed with Rooms 1 anil li H all Bldg. and enter«*d in the above entitled Court and cause, a picture study using the ’ ’ Angelus’ ’ on the 11th day o f December. 1916. the under- HOOD R IV E R , O R K G O X as the basis of Fer remarks. She signed, as administrator o f the estate o f S. E. Francisco, deceased, was authorized, licensed and assumed that all of ner auditors were 1 directed to sell at private sale, all o f the real children and then skillfu lly questioned D R . C. H. J E N K I N S ' property belonging to said estate which said real them, showing how she would teach property is described as follow*, h>-wit: Lots One (1), T w o (2), and Three (3) in RlocU D E N T IS T the appreciation of pictuies. Miss One (1) in the Town o f Mosier, in Wasco County, Van Zandl, who ia the teacher in the Oregon. H O O D R IV E R , O R EG O N Greenwood school, was highly praised In conformity with said order I will from and Office Phone 1081. Res. Rhone 33.J a fter the 16th day o f January, 1916, sell at private by Clyde T. Bunney, county school sale for cash in hand, all o f said real property, sutierintendent, for her work. subject to approval and confirmation thereof by “ School Room Decoration" waa the said County Court- Date o f first publication. December 16, 1916. topic used by Mrs. Anna T. Lindsey, K duak A. R a c e , teacher of the Kowena school, which, •116jl2 Administrator. M r. Honney says, is the neatest schocl room in the county. Luncheon was served in the school AT T H E building by the domestic science de­ partment of the high school in charge of Miss Dorothy F). Passmore, and con­ T H E D A L LE S O REG O N sisted of beef and vegetable aoup, meat loaf, marmalade, bread and but ter, coffee and apple pie. Miss Alice L. Bennett, at toe fore noon session spoke on ‘ Teaching the Forty-Five Combinations," and showed various devises by charts on the black­ board which she used to arouse the interest of the primary pupils. The play element is introduced in each Will se!! direct to planters, less agents commission, choice devise used for the pupils. Mrs. M argaret W alker showed the lot o f cherry, pear, apple and prune trees in one year old 3-4 methods she used to enable the pupils to obtain a firm grasp on the memory and 4-G ft. grades budded and grafted on best whole roots of the multiplication table. Miss Grace L. May, of The Dallea, and pruaranteed true-to-name. Please write or phone talked on the teaching of geugraphy and reading in the seventh grade. She explained the questioning used to bring out tht meaning of the text, and advo­ cated some dramatization. Luncheon was served in the evening a fte r adjournment. The evening ses­ sion was held at 7:30 in the Church of Christ. J. P. M ueller explained the German achool system and told how exacting ) the teachers were of their pupila, aim ­ ing always towards increased elfici- ency. The I'm ted States is gradually adopting the German methods, he stated. I ’rof. B. A. Berry in speaking of I 'T h e School and the Social L ite of the C jn iiu u n itv ,” maintained that the pub lie schools should articulate w ith every interest in the community, that the atmosphere of the school room and the community should tie one and that the teacher should be a leader especially in the rural districts. Prof. Berry con­ tended that the teacher should be in­ terested in the general welfare o ’ the community, should know farm ing, how to'spray for various fru it diseases ard in general be a leader among all the people of the community, lending his test efforts to the promotion of pro­ gressive ideas for its advancement. Clyde T. Honney introduced all the speakers, and in conclusion spoke highly of the work of the Mosier schools and complimented the commun­ fn n c iH p r t!l e New DORT, a popular priced,sturdy ity on its excellent corps of teachers. D & S Commercial JOB PR IN TIN G Bulletin Office J. W. ALLEN Attorney-at-Law Fruit Growers Attention TRUE-TO-NAME NURSERY, Hood River New R E O When In Market For An Automobile New Boat Schedule W hile the steamer “ Dalles C ity ’ ’ is undergoing repairs, the steamer “ State of Washington" » ¡I! handle all the business on 'lie following schedule: leave Portland 7:00 a. in., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (lay over Sun­ day at The Dalles.) arriving Moaier slsuit S:30 p. in. On down trips leave The Dalles 7 :00 a. is*.t Monday, IVednes- day and Friday, arriving Moaier about V0O a. in. Stop* at all landings for freight and passengers. F’are 7‘> cent*. R I C C I \ T " K LIN T G U llJ lU v l little car. with style and beauty ( A A C found in no other machiee of its class - - y U y « ) f \/l i r th p 1017 D p a U I C i y i I l\ C U “ Four”, famous for its won- derftil endurance derful endurance and and low maintenance cost at f l/l i r T I h llv P l\eu Ppn for ^ ‘x power, its ease of operation and elegance C||^Q I hurrh of Christ Bible School, 10 a. m. Church. I I a. m. Communion Service, I I to 11:15 a. m. Sermon Subject: "T w o Views of Christm as." C. E.. 6.30 p. m. Evening Sermon Subject: "Leaving the Old Homestead." You are welcome to each and all of these service* Leon L. Myers. M inister. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with I A X 'A t . A P P L IC A T IO N 'S , as thay cannot reach th. »eat o f the .1i»e-aa* *'*ta rrh is a local tltsen'*«. areatlv In­ fluence*»! by conatHuttonal conditions, «nd In order to o w e it you most tako an internal rsm edy H a ll's C a ­ tarrh Curs is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous sur­ fa c e « o f th « svstem H a lls Catarrh Cure w as prescribed by one o f the !»e*« physicians In tht« country fo r y ea r» ft ia composed o f some o f the he«t tonic« known, combined with »*>m« o f the h**«f blood purifiers Th e perfect com ­ bination o f the ingredients in H a ll's «"atarrh Cure i» « h a t produce« «m h w onderful results in catarrhal condi­ tion » Send fo r testim onials, free F J C H E N F T A CO l*n yw Toledo. O a i i Pruinrist». t v H a ll s f amily PtHs for conotipat lorn. Or The 1917 Cole and handsomely ap t f j r n r pointed eipht-cylinder model at - - - iplaJVD And The Marmon Lynite Aluminum that is the wonderof the age. Above prices f. o. b. factory. D. M c D o n a l d , Agt.