Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, December 01, 1916, Image 4

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    N e w Hockey Caps and T oques for men, women.
boys and girls. A big line to choose from now. Let us
supply your needs.
The Social Key
A two reel picture showing the latest models and proper
fitting o f the (ioesard Front Lace Corsets, for women only,
at the tiem Theatre Friday afternoon, December 8. Get
your tickets from The Paris Fair.
N e w T h is W eek The last shipment o f our big Fall
buy o f mackinaws coats for men, women, boys and girls.
All made for us by the Oregon City Woolen Mills. They
know how to make them. In these you get the best. Select
yours now while the stock is complete. We certainly have
a dandy lot.
Mackinaw Coats for Ladies We have a fine line of
short and three-quarter length Indian blanket coats for the
ladies. Beautiful patterns: ask to see them.
2nd Hoor
E V E R Y T IM E *
W oo len Hose for Men—W’e have never been so well
supplied with woolen socks for men. We bought them
early and have the old price on them. Many o f the num­
bers cannot sell at wholesale for the price we are selling
them at
Better not delay i.: supplying vour needs, for the
next we buy will be a lot higher in price.
Do not put off buying that new Thanksgiving suit un­
til the last few days. Select it now and be prepared: you
get a bigger line to choose from and we can give you bet­
ter attention now than if you wait until the last minute.
Hart Sriu ftne r A Marx and Clothcraft Suits and Overcoats are (he
Best you can buy. They are fully guaranteed in every way
S to p
th a t
to give you entire satisfaction and we fulfill this guarantee
to the letter. Let us get your new suit ready for you now.
$ 4.98
T o C arl l* Dark, the aU»\ e rutmed defendant:
In the name uf the S tate o f O regon
You are
hereby required t*> appear and answ er the com­
plaint hied against you in the above entitled suit,
i or before n x w eek* frum the date of the ftret
publication t this summons hereinafter stated.
1 and if ynu fail t<* s«> appear and answ er said com*
: plaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the
■ decree prayed for in her complaint, to-wit:
For a decree o f the above entitled court to the
effect that the bond* of matrimony heretofore
• (iatin* between plaintiff and defendant be fo r­
ever annulled, sxt aside and held fur naught and
that the plaintiff be granted an abeolute divorce
from the defendant.
A lso fur a decree adjudgin g the plaintiff to be
the ow ner in fee simple of Lot T w elve (12) of
Block Seven (7) of L au gh lin 's Addition to Dallee
City, W aaco County. Oregon, free from any "laim
| o f curtesy on the part of «aid defendant.
That plaintiff * maiden name o f Fannie Smith
be restored.
You are hereby notified that this summons is
erved upon you by publication fo r six t-onsecu*
j live weeks in The Mnsier Bulletin, a weekly news*
I paper o f general circulation, published at Mosier,
W asco County. Oregon, by order o f this court
made October, (.»th, 1916, directing that said sum ­
mons l>e so published. The date o f the first pub­
lication o f this summons is the 3rd day of Novem -
l-er, 1916. and the date of the last publication
• tdiei,
A D. 191«.
P A U L W C H IL D E R S .
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of th « S tate o f Oregon for
W aaco County.
M r* H. Clough, plaintiff, vs. H. H. Faith and
M r*. H. H. Faith, husband and wife, and Buffalo
Pitts Company, a corporation, defendants.
To H. H. Faith and Mrs. H. H. Faith, husband
and wife, and Buffalo Pitts Company, a cor­
poration. defendants above named:
In the name o f the State o f Oregon:
You are hereby notified that Mrs. H. Clough,
the plaintiff above named, is the ow ner and holder
o f Certificate of Delinquency numberad 33B. i*-
Bued on the 2nd day o f January, 1914, by the Tax
Collector o f W aaco County. State of Oregon, for
the amount o f $30.49. the same being the amount
then due and delinquent
fo r the year o f 1912. p»gether w ith the pen-
' alty, interest and costs thereon, upon the real
j property assessed to you. o f which you are the
owners as appears o f record, situated in said
| W asco County, State of Oregon, and particularly
Ixjunded and described as follows: The N o rth ­
west q uarter (NW L*J o f the Southeast quarter
I S E M and the Northeast qu arter ( N E ‘ * ) o f the
! Southwest quarter ( S W V . and the St>uth one-
! h alf (S’ a) o f the Southwest quarter <S W ‘ « ) of
Section tw en tjrfive (251. Tow nship three (3*.
South o f Range 13 (13), East o f the W illam ette
You are fu rth er notified that said Mrs. hi.
( ’ lough has paid the taxes on said premises for
prior and
ubeeqoewt vears. with the rate o f in-
termt on said amounts as follow «:
No. o f
Re­ A m ’nt
January 21. 1915
January 2. 1914
January 2. 1914
A pril 30. 1915
A pril 5. 1916
October 5, 1926 1
$3U 46
n e« 1
Notice is hereby given tu the legal
voters of School District No. 3, of
Wasco County, State of Oregon, that a
School Meeting uf said District will be
held at the School Building on the'Jnd
day of December, 1916, at 3:30 o'clock
in the afternoon to vote on the prop­
osition o f levying a special district
tax, to elect one director, ami to take
action on the purchase of a school
house site.
The amount of rnorey needed during
the fiscal year beginning June 19th,
1916, and ending June 18th, 1917, is
estimated in the folluwii.g budget:
Teachers' salaries
Apparatus, such as maps,
chalk, eraaers, stoves, cur-
tains . . . . . .
Library book* . . . . .
J a n i t o r .............................
Janitor's supplies . . . .
F u e l ......................................
Clerk's salary - - - - -
Postage ami stationery - -
Interest on bonds . . . .
500 00
Sinking F'und . . . . .
In the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon, fo r
Waaco County.
Fannie Dark, plaintiff, » » . C arl G. D ark, defend­
i s
With its request tor cooperation in
making the 1916 Red Cross seal sale
the most successful in state history and
its announcement of "Tuberculosis
Sunday," which will be observed either
Overcoats for Men Certainly some big bargains, but
December 3 or 10, the Oiegon Associ­
for the Prevention of Tubercu­
we are overstocked on these and need the room. Don’ t
losis brings a record of accomplishment
miss this opportunity o f securing a dandy good overcoat
which jusistfies the original declaration
for less than it cost to make it. Values up to
that "e v e ry seal sold iu a bullet in the
Hood River’s Largest and
$10; your choice while they last
war against the Great White Plague.”
FTtficient organization, low adminis­
Best Store
trative coat and personal service free­
N e w Flannel Shirts fo r Men Good heavy ones shirts
ly given by public spirited citizens
you will enjoy this kind o f weather, and the price is right.
H o o d R iv e r,
have combined to make every dollar
contributed toward the work of the
Association practically do the work of
"Tuberculosis Sunday" furnishes a
reason for definitely carrying the now
statewide debate for
Joe Eivers was a visitor to Portland
For the purpose of organizing a de­
«-H I I I I-¡-I ■M -H -H - 1 I I I I I H "M*
effort against the disesse snd sdequste
on Thanksgiving day, remaining over bating society among the members of
rare of the stricken into every pulpit
o for a viait with hia father and mother this community a meeting haa been
and before every church audience of
callcii fur Wednesday evening in the
1 H -l-H -t-H F I - H -t-H I I I I and
I >*ri
Oregon. It will be made a time, too,
Samuel Kagg Husbands
Immanuel church, at which time a pre­
for gratitude and thankfulness because
The best cough drops, he at Strauss'.
liminary organization will he formed.
of the great economic and humanitar­
your orders (or meat and mall them to
Conaiderable interest has been mani­
Samuel Kagg Husbands passed away ian value of the results obtained.
Guy Harrier was a Portland visitor you by parcel |s>st. Customers will be
fested recently and in the hopes of in­ at hia home in Seabright, Santa Cruz,
The Oregon Association for the Pre­
allowed .'10 days on tlieir bills.
this week.
teresting a greater number and stimu­ California, Nov. 18, 1910, at the age vention of Tuberculosis has commenced
W. N. Akers and aon. Stark, went lating the interest in solving problems
J. K. McGregor returned Tuesday
a survey of the state, county
Portland Wednesday
spend both of a local nature and thoae of of hO year» and 3 months. He was .county. The surveys in l ane, Clatsop,
from a stay in Portland.
always energetic, active in business,
ith Mrs. Akers and | broader scope, the idea of forming a a devout Christian, taking a keen in­ 'Jackson, Josephine and Washington
Mias Mary Diller was a Hood Kiver relatives.
i society which shall meet regularly ia terest in public welfare until the last; counties have been completed. Ke-
visitor Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. V C. Young and son, j presented for consideration on Wednes- in earlier life often devoting mure | suits will be announced in detail when
The heat sewing needles and all Tendy, were guests on Thanksgiving day night at the Immanuel church,
time to the public than to his own the work is done.
machine needles at Chown'e.
day with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis in ! j h e date of the supper to be giver. affaire. Such men have quietly but
I he survey has alresdy proven that
j by the Ladies Aid Society has been Drmly striven for the best that Amer­ by its means information never before
Mrs. J. W. Huskey was in Hood Hood Kiver.
will be tabulated. The facil­
Kiver this week.
ica stands for today.
Hernard Niciml spen1 Thanksgiving Drat of the week to visit with friends Chown's hall on the evening of ¡.Coming to America from England 47 ities or lack of facilities for the care,
A t this yeara ago with hit wife, nee Miss treatment, and prevention of tuber­
for a few days as well as attend to Wedneadiy. December 13.
day in Hood Kiver.
{ time the ladies will also hold an apron Mary F-lizabeth Gregory, and who sur­ culosis in each county will tie shown.
business matters.
What—no advance on Kiceand ColTee
L. J. Merrill, Jerry Wilson and Roger sale for tbe benefit of the society. vives him, they built a home Drst in The number of cases will he listed and
at Strauss’ ?
W. Moe hiked to Howl Kiver Thursday 1 Extensive plana are being made to West Point, Nebraska. In 1877 they segregated as to whether they are
E. J. Thrift and little eon were Hood morning, returning on the train in the have plenty of good things provided moved to Clark county, Washington incipient, moderately advanced or far
Kiver viaitora Friday.
for all to eat, and long tables will be where they resided for a year, going advanced, and also a« to the number of
caaes reported before the survey and
Go to Law is Kiglitjyou are right when
placed in the hall to accommodate all
Mrs. Ernest Evans, accompanied by who desire to avail themselvea of the in the spring of 1878 to the Hood Kiver the number reported as a direct result
you go to Law, the ('leaner, llood Kiver
j Valley. Two years later a return was
her daughters, V'Ona, Nedra and little I
\ made to Fingland, and after a year and of it. The survey will provide for
Miss Emily Wiley spent Thanksgiv­ tiahy daughter, Audrey ( leone, spent opportunity.
Geo. H. Korden received a lettei a half they came back to America and each county a history of the disease in
ing in Hood Kiver with her parents.
Saturday afternoon in Hood Kiver.
last week from hia wife in which she located in Hood Kiver town where Mr. that cou.ity, indicating its increase or
A new Washing Machine for either
Choicest cuts ol meats and prompt ser­
states that after being weighed, it was Husbands was one of the Drat to pur- decrease, how many of the afflicted
hand or power, at Chown'a.
vice In mail ng your order to you. Ac­
within the
learned that during her stay in the j chase a lot in the new town. F’or four contracted the trouble
Hill Carroll was a Hood Kiver viait- counts due in thirty dava. Your pat­ sanitarium at Salem, she had neither ’ years they resided there, moving then county and the number that had the
ronage earneitly solicited
The llood
or on Thanksgiving day.
gained nor lost in weight but hei to Mosier where they spent eleven disease when they moved into the
J. N. Moaier was in The Dalles last Kiver .Market. II ish I Kiver, Ore.
present weight Is the same exactly as years, returning again to Hood Kiver. county. Then it will he shown how
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Davenport and when she went there this summer. Afte r living among kind friends for tuberculosis is distributed as to cities,
week on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Husbands towns and rural communities. Cities
Cheap Heaters and better ones, all their little daughter, F lorence, spent Mr. Korden hiked to Hood Kiver on two years,
Thanksgiving in The Dalles at the Wednesday night, where he planned to \ decided to go to Seabright,
Santa and towns having city hospitals, clinics
sizes, at Chown'a.
home uf her father and mother, Mr hoard the early train Thursday morn­ Cruz, California, where the weather and dispensaries, school Inspection,
Mrs. E. W. Davidhizar and son, Kns- and Mis. Geo. Krauss.
ing for Salem to eat Thanksgiving din­ is more congenial, and where he spent and open air rooms will be designated.
coe, spent Saturday in Hood Kiver.
The county's care o f tuberculosis
Mrs. T. W. Nordhy and son, Thomas, ner with Ins wife whn had not been ! the rest of his declining years.
Alex Carlson was in The Dalles Fri­ came up from Portland
Of 43 descendants, six sons, William patients in such -institutions as jails
to spend apprised of his coming.
and poor farms will he discussed and
Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and
David E. Thompson, o f
Lincoln, H. Husbands, of Molina. Or., C. FT
Miss Grace Hailey s|*nt Thursday Mrs. C. A
McCargar. Mrs. Nordby Nebraska, millionaire capitalist, ar­ Husbands, of Gresham, Nebr., T. G. whether the county has a relief boar*,
and what assistance is granted in
m Hood River,
and Mrs. McCargar are sisters.
rived in the city F'riday from Los Husbands, of Mollala, Or., R. H. Hus- tuberculosis cases.
Clyde Hailey waa in Hood Kiver on
Mrs. W. A. Husbands and daughtera. Angeles, Calif., where he has been I hands, of Hood Kiver. Or., Wallace A.
The survey ia definite and thorough
Misses Flmiiy snd Arvilla Husbands, spending the winter. He owns the Husbands, of Mosier, Or., Edgar Hus­ and its value to all health and public
Oranges are cheaper, also Drat ship­ were visitors Saturday afternoon in orchard tract formerly managed by bands, of Carpenters, C a lif.; one officials will be so great that the work
ment of Florida Grape Fruit and Jap­ Hood Kiver, accompanied by little H. K. Richards, of Lincoln, Nebr., and daughter, Mrs Emily E. Howard, of has the hearty approval and full co­
Santa Cruz, C a l i f . ; 23
owns tbe big hotel in Lincoln until Seabright.
Miss Fllsie Korden.
anese Oranges on sale. Strauss'.
grandchildren and seven great grand­ operation of the Oregon State Board
Wanted— To let contract for 20 acres recently managed by Mr. Richards. children are living
W. H. Dean, who haa been in Port­
of Health.
land for a visit, returned to Morier to Isi grubbed and e'eared ready (or Mr. Thompson, who expects to spend a
The proceeds of this years’s sale of
Those at his bedside at the last were
spring plow ing
Work to tie done on
this week.
hia wife, son, C. F. Husbands, and Red Cross Seals will be used to carry
l o r particulars see
on the survey and to maintain the
Why not a new Steel Range with Mclrvine runeh
years ambassador to Hrazil. He was daughter, Mrs. Emily E. Howard. His preventive work organized by the
aotne of that Apple Money?
See James Cherry.
accompanied to Hood Kiver hy C. L. son, Wm. H. Husbands, arrived from Association.
Mrs. Koy Duvall, who has been very
Molina. Or., three hours too late to see
Joy and son, Alvin.
his father alive.
Hoyd Sturgesa spent the week end in ill for some time with ulcers in her
Saturday evening FT A. Allington
Portland, going down Thursday morn­
To Discuss Moving Pictures
H. L. humble of Hood Kiver, is now suggested to his wife that they go out
New ( hurt h Organized in Roster
for a walk. On returning Mrs. Alling­
reported to be much improved.
The next meeting uf the Parent-
Let us finish your Dims. Same may Is
Mosier, Oregon, Nov. 26, 1916. Teacher Association has teen post­
Now is a gissl time to make your ton was completely surprised to Dnd
loll at the Hulletin ntHoe. Hloeoin .V
that she had a house full of ( M i l l .
Report of the business meeting held poned until (he Drst week in January
Canfield. Hood Kiver.
U selections for Xmas presents, and have They were the members of the Ladies
in the Christian church Sunday Nov. on account of the holiday season. The
tiis*n> set aside until wanted. A nice
Miss Alice I.. Hennett went to Port
line of new gift goods in stock. Sub Aid Society, thirty being present, who 26th, for the purpose of organizing a program committee, Mrs. F\ A. Sho­
land Thursday to remain over the week seriptinns taken for any inaga/.ine or had come in to surprise Mrs. Allington church having for its basis the agree­ gren, Miss Bishop and Miss Bennett,
end with friends.
paper at tbe lowest prices given by tbe in honor of her birthday and the ments of all churches. This movement have decided upon a discussion under
kitchen was HI led with many good was started three months ago at the the followirg caption:
Warm lux, gloves and mittens, publishers. Mosier Itook Store.
things to eat. It was also the birth­
woolen underwear.
No store like
Miss h. Strauss left F’ riday after­ day of Mrs W. A, Husbands and she close of the revival meeting» held last Parent-Teacher Association of Mosier
purchase a moving picture machine
Strauss’ for these lines.
noon for Portland where she will visit too, although present with the crowd, summer.
Afte r voting to declare all existing and give a show twice a month or
Orren He pee ate Thanksgiving din for a few days before going to Los
was surprised when both herself and offices vacant and after the Christian oftener, charging a nominal admittance
ner with his aunt and uncle in Hood Angeles and points in California. F'or
Mrs. Allington were presented with
several weeks she has been hare visit fountain pens as gifts from the Ladies church agreed to turn all its property fee to adults to pay for the machine,
over to the proposed organization the and making the show free to every
A new lot of 5-gal. Oil Cans from ing at the home of her brother. E M Aid Society members.
officers for the church were elected as body when the machine is paid for?”
$1.00 to $2.50 and oil and Gasoline to Strauss.
Prof. B. A. Berry will lead the discus­
Dll them, at Chown'a.
Miss Dorothy FT Passmore was s
Elders, John P. Itoss, Geo. Carroll, sion, and every body is urged to come
Spokane Congress Favors Uniformity
F'. A. Shogren went to Portland to week end visitor in Corvallis where
and have a say.
K. A. Shogren, M. E. Kutterfield.
spend Thanksgiving day with his sis­ she had gone to be preaent at the
At the concluding session of the
Deacons, J. M. Carroll, Wm. Vining,
annual home coming day for alumni of Pacific Northwest Fruit Growers’ con­ V. K. Brooks. D. W Hudson. Jas
ters, the Misses M and A. Shogren.
Church Program for Sunday
Going, Going, going fast, those the Oregon Agricultural College. She ference Saturday, the joint cummi sion Piercey.
sweaters at last year's prices. Get also visited in Tuslalin, Or., with het unpointed hy the governors of Oregon,
School Session, 10 a. m.
Mrs. J. E. Higley.
Washington, Idaho and Montana was Mrs. FT A. Shogren and Mrs. Geo.
Communion, 11 a. m.
yours now. Strauss.
J. P. Tryon and P. 1. Arthur mu- instructed by the growers to work for Carroll.
Sermon, II :15 a. m.
Kodak finishing-expert work-twenty
C. E.. 6 :30 p. in.
Trustees, J. M Carroll, D. W Hud­
lout hour service.
Sloeom A CanDeld tored to the vicinity of Blalock last uniform laws in the four states con­
F^vening Sermon. 7 .30 p. m.
son, Jas. Piercey.
m23tl week in the hope* of getting some wild
geese. They returned empty-handed, packing, and to endeavor to obtain a
Morning subject will be:
"T b e
Treasurer, J. M. Carroll.
Miss blanche Koaa and her brother,
their prey after being ahut, dropped system uf state aid fur marketing en­
Church of the Twentieth Century.”
Secretary. Mrs. D. W. Hudson.
Hubert Kosa were Hood Kiver visitors over the high cltlTs along the Coium- terprises under state control.
F'vening subject will be in honor of
on Thursday.
The iostructions were adopted by a
The name adopted by the organiza­ Tuberculosis day. The following ques­
Sheets and pillow cases at much leas
Over $2.1 waa raised at a basket three fifths vote after a sharp contest tion is the neme suggested by the tions will be answered: What is Tu­
than present prices. See Strauss and social held last Friday night at the between advocates of federal and state netlonal official title of the Federation berculosis'’ W'hat are its causes'1 What
buy your pillows and comforts too.
Max Vogt schoolhouse. The money control. The government control forc­ movement: viz., " I he Federal Coun­ are its earliest symptoms? How may
C. A. McCargar returned the hr.-l of will be used towards making additions es. which were defeated, were headed cil of the Churchee of Christ of Am er­ it he cured? How mBy it be prevented?
the week from a business trip to Port that will enable the achool to become hy E. W. Rosa, of North Yakima, Wn., ic a." The organization thus places An offering will be taken for the
standardized. A short program was former Washington Slste (.and Com itself in line with an advanced move­ national association for the study and
Come end
ment looking toward unity of all the prevention of Tuberculosis
Uahy Dolls from Toe up. They al­ also given.
Opposition to uniform grading rules
ways plea*«* any little girl, says your
On the ballot for the city officer* to applying to all parts of the state was churches of Christ In America and at bring your thanksgiving offering for
this purpose
friend Strauss
he voted upon at the election Tuesday voiced hy George Hiehn. of North Yak 1 the seme time adopts a plan which is
Leon L. Myers, Minister.
I the logical outcome uf that endeavor,
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs in this city appear the following ima. who declared that the growers of
for the churenes everywhere will even­
C. C. brooks died on November 21 and names. For mayor, FT A. Race; for the t akima valley objected to tne color
recorder. P I Arthur: for treasurer. requirement for Jonathan apples, be­ tually, we believe, unite upon their
was buried In the Mosicr cemetery.
agreementa as we have done and leave
Give the Hood Kiver Market a trial Jas FT Cole; tor councilmen, W FT cause sales in the early part of the matters wherein we do not agree as
nnlcr lor moat which will tie mailed to Chown: J. FT tligley, I J. Merrill, season, before the apples had taken on matters of opinion wherein we have
O. FT Wilton, G K. Wood.
you try parcel |*»et. Prompt service.
full color, were prevented
A. P. greatest liberty. We hive no written
Mias Gertrude Nolsn arrived from Hatchem. of Mosier, Ore., and A. C. creed, or code of rules because we do
Santa Claus will lie at this atore as
of Medford, Ore . protested not wish to hamper the thinking of
usual a week hefure Christmas to meet Corvallis Portland Wednesday to spend '
thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs. Kohl. against relaxing standards, Mr Allen any member of the church hy a code of
ijiven to
all his little friends. Mrauss
E. Shinn. Mis* Nolan was bride of declaring that a district which could rules which contain none elae but what
F’ound— An umhrells.
Owner may honor recently at the wedding of Mr
not grnw an apple meeting standard we think it right, because we might be
have the same tiy calling at the Hul­ and Mrs. Shinn and was a sorority
requirements should drop that variety
wrong in our thinking. Our only creed
al th e Panama-
letin office.
sister in Alpha Chi Omega of tht
Mr. Koss asserted that it was ridicu­ is Christ and He will never need revi-
A business meeting of the Ladies fatte r at the Oregon Agricultural Col­ lous to speak of uniform fruit laws for
■tM .
The Bible is our book of disci­
Aid Society will be held Wednesday lege.
four states.
pline because all churches accept that
w a s ¿ranfed fo
afternoon at the home of Mrs W. A.
On a standing vote the motion for as final upon queetiona of faith.
Lee Flvans returned Saturday from
Hlalock where he had been to hunt uniformity in state laws was declared
The church organized
is strictly
Hars Knllandarud went to Portland wild geese
However the weather was carried. 33 to 21.
local anu has no connection with any
Wednesday aftsrnonon to remain over so cold and rainy and foggy, he says,
outside organisation or ecclesiastical
Thanksgiving. He expects to return that few hud* were Dying low. After
machinery o f any kind whatever
r i
Monday evening.
an enjoyable visit with friends hr
There ia no officer or secretary outside £
Notice is hereby given that bids will of our local organization who may act
Superiority of Educations! Merit.
Ju«t three ladies' coats left. Who returned with three geese. Mr. Evans
wants a bargain? Ask Strauss to show left Sunday for Portland where he will be accepted for furnishing material for ue in any official capacity or advise h This nrir ervat i a n ," ■ rs "ith
final a;::’.iori y ait kitnbof t iizzlina
them to >uu next time you are down resume his duties as a juror in the and labor for laving a new Poor in Pis us with authority. A e are independ­
trlct No. 64 school house
Building ent o f all denominational machinery 1 questuiti* «ut h as “ ll«>w is JYznnuel
Federal court.
'l i o u l l e e I 1
is n ,
I. . M. Carey, of Newherg, arrived F. Pomeroy, who is the chauffeur at
long, tx4 inches, with piers
FTooring the agieeirents announced. Our out­ t d I r, ■ t f ” ‘‘What i* a
Wednesdey night for a visit at the Mayerdtle, was tn Portland for several
to be No. 1 strip flr to be oiled with look is splerdid and we prey for I a u r f " "W hit h a > i>.-er/" “ Whit
home of his daughter and husband. days this week. While starting a gas
olina engine at the Mayerdale ranch | two costs of raw lirseed oil. groove* nothing better than that we may be | i* irlu'tr fi ll/” "H o w is t in t pro-
Mr and Mrs. VV K Chown.
to be oiled ts laid. All work to be able to do the work o f Christ in a I noatkvi!?” itn<! i I mhi - hiio - of other—.
Miss Dorr thy E Passmore spent last week, the crank on the Dy wheel done In Drst class workmanship man­
grand way according to His blessed
Mere then 400.004 Vocabulary Terms.
Thanksgiving with her parents in
word. We invite ell Christians in the
30.000 GcetrapUica! Sr-ccts. 12.000 I
Tualatin, and plana to return to Mnsier cutting a deep ga*h It was bandaged
Ex tries. Over 6000 Illus­
up, and Mr run
y. who had planned
Sunday morning
Lowest basis. All are welcome to come snd
trations. 2700 Tagcs. The uety Jrctioe- ;
beforehand ___
to t WfimSsf_______
to Portland __
for _ a ly replacing school 'urmture
lootl Handkerchiefs from 2 for 5e to s h e r t"v is it, wihle in ¿hit” city had I or ,B ? hid n0*
accerted worship with us.
j| aqi with the OMOeS page a stroke el *
65c each at Strauss'. Huy your Christ «tilrhea taken in the wound
Rida to be opened Pecemhcr II. 1916
Leon L. Myers. Minister
mas Hdkfs now and get the best pick,
Addreaa Stanley KaMman,
- t- r S ^ »..J u io ios
K E f t l 'l A TOR I IN ► *U>lv Unite U
says Strauss.
Clerk Dial. 64 .
tween Portland an«l The Palle«
I p
Root Itsher
Moeitr. Oregon.
J. M. Cartull and daughter. Miss 1 km tu arrive at \|.»«ier aU»nt 4 Jrt i> in
Clara Carroll, went to Portlard on daily except >umU)
Leslie O. Root and Miss Olive N.
IN>wn nuat*
Thanksgiving day to visit with rsls arri.e at Mofirr about «
Fisher were united in marnagr at The
u in. dailv
Dalles Hotel Wednesday. November 29.
except Sundav. lint It taint* make ail
single gallon 2 V
Cheaper I mm
Kev. t.eon L. Myers, officiating. After
tty run C. th right, sshu haa been at landing fot paai'entfet * and freight,
the weddirg the happy couple left on
C .t C .
the East Hood River Frail company leftvitttf Portland amt The Palle* at
C A. liage.
their hone>moon trip. All their many
ranch in rhatge of the hogs, left ? ' t i l hi . Kail panarnffer rate* To cent* cheaper the cater.
h » J
Wednesday for Purtlsnd when he will l**t*««n Portland ami The Palle#
Hone and wieh them a happy future
Suberrtlie for Tbe Bulletin
remain tor the preeent.
.1. O ReMin. Agent
Phone ;*31.
Overcoat Specials Overcoats for boys and d * o
young men; values to ?6; your choice only
M 1*038
Hits the Spot
Rate o f
lf> per cent
16 per
15 per
15 per
15 per
15 per
The same being the amount then due and de­
linquent for the taxes fo r the years o f 1909, 1912.
J913. 1914 and 191'». together with the penalty, in­
terest and costs thereon upon the above described
property assessed to you, o f which you are the
owners as appears o f record.
Said H. H. Faith and Buffalo Pitts Company, a
corporation, are the l^gal ow ners o f the above
described property as the sam e appears of record,
and each o f the other persons above named are
hereby notified that Mrs H. Clough will apply to
the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon, for the
County o f Wasco, for a decree foreclosing the lien
against the property above described anti men­
tioned in said <*» rtitieate. anti you are hereby sum-
nioned to appear within sixty days from the date
o f the first publication o f this summons, exclusive
uf the date <>f the first pu blit ation thereof, and
defend this action, or pay the am ount due as
alwv.e shown, with the interest thereon, to-wit:
Total »5363.00 For tht -¡urn o f *30,46, with interest thereon at the
rate o f fifteen per cent per annum from the 21st
day o f January. 1915; and the fu rth er sum of
F’ roni county school fund dur­
$30.49, w ith interest thereon at the rate of fifteen
ing the coming scho J year - $1036.00 per cent per annum from the 2nd day o f January.
, 1914; and th.‘ further sum o f $.'10.46, with interest
From state school fund dur­
thereon at the rate o f fifteen per cent per annum
ing the curi i g £^l;-vl year
227."0 l , in tin nil i!a> o f January, 191-i. and the fu r-
>f $12.63, with interest thereon at the
rate n lift» «•> per cent per annum from the 80th
Total estimated receipts, not
day f A pril, 1915; ami the fu rther sum o f $7.13,
includili!, the moi • y to be
with interest thereon «at the rate o f fifteen per
cent pei annum from th«- 5th day o f A pril. 1916;
receive,! from the tux which
and i!>* further sum o f $7.12. with interest there-
it ia proposed to vote - - »1263.50 ■ on at i he rate o f fifteen per cent per annum from
[ the
li day o f October, 1916. together with
R E C A P I T U L A 1 1 <>N
plaintiff's cost anti disbursements incurred here­
in. «anti in caF*e o f your failure to do so, a decree
Total estimated expenses fur
will be rendered foreclosing the lien o f the said
the year.
j taxes and costs against the land and premises
Total estimated receipts, nut
above described.
including tax to be voted -
A ll process and papers in this proceeding may
be served upon the undersigned, Frank G. Dick,
attorney for plaintiff, at The Dalles, Oregon, and
Balance, amount tu be raised
within said State o f Oregon.
by district tax - - - •
This sumrri »ns is served upor\ you by public*«
' fion thereof in accordance with an order made by
We estimate that a levy of 7 mills L the Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, Judge o f the
will he required to produce the re­ above entitled Court, on the 18th day o f October.
quired amount of special tax money 1 • said order requires that the summons be
served upon you by publication thereof in the
shown shove.
n e p e r , for six
Dated this 15th day of November, con- 'u ’ .'.i we*•'••.•*. anti that a copy o f the sum*
moi. and a copy o f the complaint l>e forthw ith
deposited in the poetothce with postage thereon
G. !.. Carroll,
prepaid, directed to the said C. N . Greiner, presi­
Chairman Board of Directors. dent o f the Buffalo Pitts Company, a eoapora-
tion, at 6s"» W. Nt Ferry Street. City o f Buffalo.
Attest: linger W. Moe,
State o f N ew York.
District Clerk.
The date <»f the first publication o f this sum ­
mons is the 20th day of October, 1916.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
w ith L O O A 1. A P P L I C A T I O N S , as th e y
c a n n o t re a c h th* sea t o f th e disease.
C a ta r r h is a lo c a l d ise a s e, g r e a t ly in ­
flu en ced
c o n s titu tio n 'll
co n d itio n s,
and In o r d e r to cu re
it yo u
m ust
ta k e an
In tern a l
re m ed y .
H a ll's C a ­
ta rrh
C u re
Is ta k e n
In te rn a lly
a cts th ru th e b lo o d on th e m u cou s s u r­
fa c e s o f th e s y s te m
H a ll's C a ta rr h
C u re w a s p r e s c r ib e d b y one o f th e best
p h y s ic ia n s in th is c o u n try fo r y e a rs. It
Is c o m p o sed o f so m e o f the best to n ics
kn ow n ,
c o m b in e d
w ith
so m e o f th e
best b lo od p u rifiers. T h e p e r fe c t c o m ­
b in a tio n o f the
in g re d ie n t?
H a ll’ s
C a ta r r h C u r e Is w h a t p ro d u ce s such
w o n d e r fu l re s u lts In c a t a r r h a l c o n d i­
tio n s
Send f o r testim o n ia ls , free.
F J C H K N K Y & CO
P ro p s . T o le d o . O
A ll D ru g g is ts . 75c.
H a ll's F a m ily P ills fo r c o n s tip a tio n .
Attorney fo r Plaintiff.
Notice tor Publication
D epa rtm en t o f In te rio r, IV S. La n d OfHet a t
Th e D a lle«, O regon, November 23.1916,
N o tice i*- h ereb y giv en tliHi M ir ia m rfh eldon -
lllp le y , fo rm e rly M ir ia m S h e ld o n o f T h e D a l­
les, O ieg o n , w ho, o n M a r c h 3, 1910, m a d e
H o m estea d E n trv. N o 06108, f o r H W l 4 H K l 4,
Ss-c I-.*. N W , N E 4. N H L N W L H e o . 13/1 o w n -
s h ip I N O i'th, R a u g e 11 E a st, W illa m e t t e M er-
idhm , has filed notice o f lu te n tk m to m a k e
F in a l F iv e Y e a r P roof, to e s ta b lis h c la im to
t be land abo\ e d e s c rib e d , b. fore R e gister s n d
R ec eiver, l.\ H I>and o ffic e , at The D a lle s, O r ­
egon. *>n th e 5th d a y o f J a n u a r y . 1917.
t la im a n t nam es as w ttnem ea: R u th E. S h e l­
don, o f The D alles, Oregon; J ose p h L. H h e ld o n ,
o f T h e D a lle«, O regon : E d n a H i ld r e t h , o f P o r t ­
land. O regon; L ila Clark, o f P o r t la n d , O re g o n .
d l J5
R egister.
Office Phone 1081. Kez. Phone 333
T& Only Srand Prize*
(Highest Award)
W E B S T E R ’S
Pacific Power & Light Co.