Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, December 01, 1916, Image 3

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T E /
South America Now Buying
Wheat in Pacific Northwest
Portland — Australian grain dealers
are establishing themselves in the
West Coast trade, a zone reached from
the Northwest in times when tonnage
was plentiful, and tw o charters were
made last week for the businees from
Antipodes to South America, the
Bandit Leader Headed North; the
American ship Star o f Poland being
C T t
fixed at 70 shillings and the barkentine
Juarez Thought G ^ i .
• j~ ir i
Hawaii at 75 shillings to load wheat
at Adelaide for Callao.
L _____
Exporters here do not look fo r a ma­
terial movement o f Australian cereal
i to the West Coast, and reason that
----------------------------------------- —
with the difference in the market
> Northwest firms easily could compete
with the Australians.
But the ton­
nage feature is a drawback, besides
Four Blocks from Union Station. Under new
the big movement from this district at
management. AU rooms newly decorated.
1« Not Y et Over — Anxiety Felt
present is by railroad to the Atlantic
and thence by water to Europe.
Rate* 50c. 75c. $1. $1.50 Per Day
for Many Small Garrison«.
N e w H o u s to n H o te l
____ _____________________________________________
Naval Base Work is Speeded.
Portland— T o insure the least possi­
El Paso, Tex. — V illa is moving
ble delay in getting at facts relative
northward from Chihuahua City, ac­
to advantages in the Columbia river
cording to a dispatch from General for a naval base, the Chamber o f Com­
to the Old Reliable Uverdinir house with a
record o f 45 years o f Square Dealings, and
Trevino, received Tuesday by General merce is engaged in assembling all
be aaaurvd o f T O P M A R K E T PRICES.
Gonzales, at Juarez, who was ordered data under a system that w ill facilitate
consideration by Rear Admiral Helm
45-47 Front Street
Portland, O regon
to concentrate his forces at Juarez.
and his brother officers on the commis­
A private message coming over the sion, while a complete chart o f the
same route adds that not only is V illa W illam ette and Columbia rivers, from
proceeding north, but he is in control Portland to the sea, is being prepared
o f Chihuahua City, which General T re­ by G. B. Hegardt, chief engineer of
the Commission o f Public Docks. The
The school where you should get your training
vino is said to have abandoned, pro- .
must be practical and give you a good shop ex
officers are due about December 15.
perience. The Portland
ceeding southward. General Trevino,
In addition the chamber o f com­
according to the private report, said merce has decided to request the Com­
Address The Registrar. Portland Y. M. C. A.,
and get an Illustrated Bulletin giving the com­
that, a fter effecting a junction with mission of Public Docks to relieve Mr.
plete details o f COST. TIM E anJ C O N D ITIO NS
Hegardt from duty during the period
General Murguia, he would return and
the navy officers are in this district,
recapture Chihuahua.
even for a week if necessary, so that
The message from General Trevino he may accompany them on their tripe
was sent in code from Sauz by way of o f inspection.
Ojinaga, opposite the Texas town o f j
It j
For Real Musical Instruments in truest harmony. Presidio, where it was relayed.
Mad e to see how good they can be; not how much said, according to Carranza officials,
Mills Ship and Run Again.
they wiU bring. Violin, Mandolin. Guitar. Banjo,
Ukelele. Slogan: " I f you don’t find ’em better that V illa was m oving north, and or-
Baker, O r.— A slight liftin g in the
than any. send ’em back at our expense.”
311 to
derad the detached garrison along this shortage o f cars on the O.-W. R. & N.
t!6 Labbe Bldg., 227W Wash. St.. Portland. Ore.
section o f the frontier and on the M ex­ permitted Baker lumber companies to
ican-Northwestern line to concentrate clear out their shipping sheds, and all
0RE8ON V ulcanizing C o m p a r t in Juarez.
mills were running this week. A l­
moved to 333 to 337 Burnside St., fo r t .
The message, they added, spoke of though the supply was not normal, it
Und. Ore. L argest Tire Repair Plant
in the Northwest. Country nervice a this as the fifth day o f V illa ’s attacks.
was such an improvement that mill
specialty. Use Parcel Poet.
The countenances o f the civil and owners were jubiiant.
m ilitary men in Juarez showed c.learly
The Baker White Pine plant, which
Tale s Worth Retelling.
the seriousness o f the news.
shut down one day because of the
“ No, I think not,” was the answer shortage, was able to resume with the
In her draped and darkened tent
the amateur palmist was reading given by a Carranza representative of full crew o f men, and the three other
hands for a charity. Her present eli high rank, when asked whether the mills, which had planned to stop unless
there was relief, were able to continue.
eut was a fair maid, who waited im V illa crisis was yet over.
It is understood that there are about The railroad was unable to promise a
patiently to hear her fate.
"A h .” said the palmist, with slow 500 men, mostly infantry, in or near i normal supply or a continuation o f the
Impressiveness, " I see by your hand Juarez.
present service.
Telegraphic communication was still
that you are going to be married."
"H ow w onderful!” said the girl, open with Sauz, about 26 miles above
Fresh Eggs 60 to 66 Cents.
with a blush.
Chihuahua the m ilitary men said. !
Spokane— Eggs generally soar more
“ And," went on the wise one, a note They professed consdierable anxiety
o f acerbity in her voice, " I see that about the Carranza garrison there.
or less in price after a long spell of
you are engaged to Mr. Binks.”
Murguia with his large cold weather, but, the dealers say. the
" I t ’s perfectly am azing!” gasped the ;
forces had been expected daily to come present high prices are almost, i f not
girl. "H ow can you tell?"
quite, unprecedented so early in the
"B y the long study of the art." came to the rescue of the besieged city.
season. Eggs, guaranteed to be new
the evasive reply.
laid, at CO and 65 cents a dozen, Thurs­
“ But surely the lines on my hand Safe Conduct for Austrian Ambas­
cannot tell you the name of— •"
day’s price, are somewhat o f a luxury,
“ Who said anything about lines?" j
sador to U. S. Refused by British and cold Btorage ones, at 50 cents a
retorted the sibyl with cunning scorn
Washintgon, D. C.— Another contro­ dozen, though useful for some pur­
“ You are wearing the engagement
poses, are far from cheap.
So far
ring which I returned to Mr. Binks versy between the American govern­
Chinese eggs are not on sale. Butter
three weeks ago.”— Philadelphia Led ment and the entente allies is in pros­
pect as a result o f the refusal o f the has put on its winter price o f 50 cents
a pound retail for the best brands.
British government to grant safe con­
Him for Her.
duct to Count Tarnowski, the newly
Embargo on Cars to U. S.
A lady stopping at a hotel on the appointed Austro-Hungarian ambassa­
Vancouver, B. C.— The controversy
Pacific coast rang the bell the first dor to the United States.
morning of her arrival, and was very j
In the absence o f officials advices on between the Canadian Pacific railroad
much surprised when a Japanese boy the subject officials o f the State de­ and the American lines relative to re­
opened the door and came in.
partment were not in a position Tues­ tention o f freigh t cars reached open
“ I pushed the button three times for day to discuss it form ally or to fore­ hostilities when D. C. Coleman, o f the
a maid," she said sternly, as sho dived
cast the course the government is like­ Canadian Pacific, issued instructions
under the bed covers.
all along the line that under no cir­
“ Yes,” the little fellow replied, “ me ly to pursue. I t was made evident,
however, that unfavorable action of cumstances should Canadian Pacific
she."— Facts and Fancies.
the British foreign office on the notice freigh t cars be permitted to cross the
"W hom is pretty Mrs. Gaddy in o f the intention o f the new ambassador border into the United States. British
to cross the Atlantic to his post came Columbia shingle manufacturers are
mourning for?”
adversely affected by the order. Cana­
“ Nobody that I know of, but she is j as an unpleasant surprise.
In black for her husband."— Baltimore
It had not been doubted here that dian Pacific officials declare that Am er­
Great Britain would be the last power ; ican railroads have 20,000 of their cars.
to deny the privileged character o f a
His First Performance.
diplomatic officer on such a voyage.
Maud— The young clergyman who
Aside from the belief that England
seemed would not desire to arouse adverse ,
feelin g in the United States by inter­
dreadfully flustered.
Ethel— Mercy, yes! Why, he kissed ference with the ancient and generally
the bridegroom and shook hands with unquestioned right o f a neutral gov­
Portland— Wheat— Blueatem, $1.69;
ernment to receive an ambassador or forty-fold, $1.50; club, $1.48; red fife,
the bride.— Boston Transcript.
minister, officials had counted on Great $1.48; red Russian, $1.48.
Not After the Farm.
B ritain's record in the Mason and Sli­
Oats— No. 1 white feed, $35.76.
dell rase to prevent such an action as
“ I like to hire farm boys.”
Harley— No. 1 feed, $38.50.
Flour— Patents, $8.40; straights, $7
"H ave they ingrained qualities not reported in Tuesday's cable dispatches.
(«¡7.60; exports, $7.20; valley, $7.90;
possessed by city youths?"
Big Gold Strike is Reported.
whole wheat, $8.60; graham, $8.40.
“ I don’t say that. But the work
never seems heavy, nor the hours long
M ilifeed — Spot
Baker, Ore.— What may develop in­
to them.” — Louisville Courier Journal
to a million-dollar gold strike is re­ $25.00 per ton; shorts, $29.00; rolled
barley, $41.00 m 42.00.
ported from the Ben Harrison mine.
Lysander’s Breakfast.
Corn— Whole, $49 per ton; cracked
News of the rich strike was partial­
Lysander, a New York state farm­
ly confirmed by W . C. Fellows, mana­
Hay— Producers’ prices: Timothy,
hand, was telling his troubles to a
ger o f the mine, who, while highly
neighbo and among other things said optim istic over the outlook, was un­ Eastern Oregon, $17(0.20 per ton; tim ­
that the Mfe of the farmer who em w illing to make a definite statement, othy, valley, $16(ftl7; alfalfa, $16(ft
ployed him was "too darned close for pending a determination o f the size of 17.00; valley grain hay,
clover, $12.60.
any use.”
the ore body.
Butter — Cubes, extras,
"T h is very morning," said he. "she
A d rift is being started to determine
said to me: ‘Lysander, do you know
Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 40c.
how many panrakes you have et this
hutterfat, No. 1, 40c; No. 2, 38c,
The ore is said to be exceedingly
mornln'?’ I said 'No, m a im , I ain't
bad no occasion to count 'em.’ ‘ W ell,’
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­
says she, 'that last one was the twen­
ty-sixth.’ And It made me so dodgast-
Spokane Jitneys to Go.
ranch, candled, 60c; selects, 62c.
ed mad I jest got up fruin the table
Spokane, Wash.— A jitneyless Spo­
Poultry— Hens, 130il5c; springs, 15
and went to work w ithout my t r. uk
kane looms.
(ft 17c per pound; turkeys, live, 20(«
fast.” — Everybody's.
The c ity ’ s 71 nickel-busses may be 23c; dressed, 23(ft27c; ducks, 1361,18c;
forced to suspend through inability to geese, ll(ii,12c.
get the necessary bonds.
The Casual­
Veal — Fancy— l h f t l l j c per pound.
ty company o f America, by which
Pork— Fancy, 12fttl2Ic per pound.
every jitn ey in the city is bonded, has
Vegetables — Artichokes, 76c(ftl.l0
been ordered to suspend business by per dozen; tomatoes, 76cfft$1.25 per
State Insurance Commissioner Fish- crate; cabbage, 75o(ft$2.00 per hun­
back. Its stock is said to be impaired dred; peppers, 5<?t7c per pound; egg ­
The Phillips System o f stopping symn*-
thetie nerv*»-wa*tp. the cause o f Chronic
to the extent o f more than $500,000 plant, 6(ft3c; lettuce, $2.50; cucumbers,
Disease, is without an equal. It stops that
ami until this is rectified the company llfci 1.60 per box; celery, 65(«x76e per
waste o f vital energy, harmonizes your
vital forces and transforms you into a new
will be debarred from doing busines in dozen; pumpkins, le
being. It is the scientific application o f
nature's law-aaslsting nature in nature's
squash, l(ftl$ c per pound.
own way. The many chronic invalids re­
Potatoes — Oregon, buying price,
stored to health by it attest its superior­
ity. For full particulars call on or w rite
Doomed N egro Reprieved.
$1.40 6(11.60 per hundred, country
Topeka, Kan. — W illiam White, a points; sweets, $2.75 per hundred.
D R . R . A . P h illip s,
negro, form er United States soldier,
Onione— Oregon buying prices, $2.60
sentenced to be hanged for murder on per sack, country points.
the Federal reservation at Fort Leav­
Green Fruits -A pples, new, 60c(ft$2
enworth. Kan., December 14, has been per box; pears, $1(0.1.50; grapes, $1(0
reprieved by President Wilson, a tele­ 2; casabas, l ) c ; cranberries, $10.60
gram from Secretary Joseph P. Tumul­ tit 12.50 per barrel.
ty to Arthur Capper, governor o f Kan­
Hopa— 1916 crop, 98x12c per pound.
sas, announced Tuesday.
Wool — Eastern Oregon, fine, 26tit
Capital punishment is prohibited by 27c; coarse, 33(ft34c; valley, 83c.
law in Kansas, though legal on the
Mohair— S5(445c per pound.
Federal reservation.
Caacara bark— Old and new, 5$c per
four Own Plum bing |
Hughes to Practice Law.
By buying direct from ua at wholesale price«
C attle— Steers, prime, $6.76(47.30;
and saw the plumber s profit* W rit» us to­
Lakewood, N. J .— Charles E. Hughes good, $6.406x6.75; common to fair, $.V«x
day your need»
W e will give you our roek-
announced here Tuesday that on Jan­ 6.04; cows, choice, $6.256x6; medium
battnfn dirort-to-you
pn eea l a b rail ur
uary 1 he w ill resume the practice of to good, $4.506x5; ordinary to fair,
boat. W# actually save you from 10 la 14 pur
c * t t A * good» guaranteed
law as a member o f the N ew York $3.906x4; heifers, $46x6; bulla, $3(4
Northw est headquarter* for l e o l c r W ater |
C ity firm o f Bounds, Schruman A 4.25; calvea, $46x7.60.
| 8y* tenas and F nllor A Johnson F.r
Dwight, 96
His son,
Hogs Prime. $9.25649.75; good to
Charlse E. Hughes. Jr., also w ill enter prime mixed, $8.2&6i9; rough heavy,
212 Th ird S tre««.
the firm it was stated
In 1906, when $»<>t8.26; pigs and skipa, $86x8.25.
Mr. Hughes was nominated for gover- j Sheep— I .am be, $86x8.75; yearlings,
nor o f N ew York, he waa a member of wethers, $76x7.50; old wethera, $6.25
P. N. U.
No. 49. 1916
the same firm.
i 646.60; ewes, $56x5.50.
O f u n
Veal. Pork. Beef.
I W * Poultry, Butter, Egg*
and Farm Produce
’T h EL Co
B U Y D I R E C T *(,
O f General Interest
About Oregon
For Goodness Sake
Oregon State Census Fixes
Population at 834,515 Persons
KC B aking P owder
Salem—Oregon’s estimated popula­
tion for 1916, based upon the school
population, is 834,515, as compared
with a population o f 672,765 shown by
the Federal census of 1910.
In the
six-year period this is an average gain
in population o f 19.4 per cent.
These figures were compiled by O.
P. Hoff, State labor commissioner, and
indicate that Klamath county, with a
gain o f 29.6 per cent, leads all other
counties in the state.
Multnomah county's increase in pop­
ulation is 23.1 per cent, or 294,284
population, compared to 226,261 in
1910. For the two-year period, 1914
and 1916, Multnomah county gained
4.7 per cent in population.
Mr. H off’s figures on the estimated
present population in the different
counties follow : Baker, 21,591; Ben­
ton, 13,594; Clackamas, 39,317; Clat­
sop, 19,469; Columbia, 13,101; Coos,
20,015; Crook,
6334; Curry, 2543; Douglas, 23,325;
Gilliam, 4123; Grant, 7335; Harney,
4602; Hood R iver, 7036; Jackson, 26,-
384; Josephine, 9398; Klamath, 12,-
160; Lake, 5740; Lane, 39.410; Lin­
coln, 6845; Linn, 26,231; Malheur,
Marion, 49,213;
4892; Multnomah, 294,284; Polk, 17,-
542; Sherman, 4739; Tillamook, 8540;
Umatilla, 22,466; Union. 8387; W al­
lowa, 10,963; Wasco, 21,043; Wash­
intgon, 23,126; Wheeler, 3043; Yam ­
hill, 19,492.
Every Niqhf
Older Boys’ Annual Conference
To Be Held December 1-3
Headache,Indige s t ion
Nearly three hundred older boys w ill
be assembled at Corvallis, Ore., De­
cember 1-3, 1916, for the Eleventh An­
nual State Older Boys’ Conference.
The fifteen and twenty addresses made
by boys from as many western Oregon
cities w ill be reinforced by the ad­
dresses by leaders. Among the lead­
ers o f this conference w ill be President
W. J. Kerr, o f O. A. C.. Gale Sea­
man, International Pacific Coast Stu­
dent secretary, Prof. Norman Coleman
of Reed College and Rev. G. L. Clark
o f La Grande, Ore.
Three important exhibits w ill he
displayed; one prepared by the Oregon
Social Hygiene society for Older Boys;
one on T h rift prepared by the Interna­
tional Y. M. C. A., and backed by the
State Bankers' association, and one by
a committee o f boys in Corvallis.
Similar gatherings will be held at
Baker, Ore., December 8-10, and Po­
catello, Idaho, December 16-17.
These three conferences which are
open to older boys from Sunday
schools, High schools, and Y . M. C.
A.s, are directed by the Oregon-Idaho
State Young Men's Christian associa­
tion executive committee.
tion may be secured through John H.
Rudd, Interstate boys’ secretary, 305
Y . M. C. A ., Portland, Ore.
Road Protection Wanted.
Corvallis— An agitation was started
this week by Corvallis people to have
it made a provision of the automobile
laws of the state of Oregon that no
person who drinks liquor to excess or
who is known to be a reckless driver
shall be permitted tp drive an automo­
bile on the highways of the state. It
is also argued by some that an exam­
ination of the heart should precede
the granting o f such privilege.
,T h e demand for such a law followed
an automobile accident in which two
drunken men and a woman came near
losing their lives, and the public high­
way was made dangcrouB for others
because o f their reckless driving.
Wool Men M eet Dec. 16.
Pendleton— The annual convention of
the Oregon W oolgrowers’ association.
Bet for December 8 and 9 at Heppner,
has been postponed until Decemlier 15
and 16, according to J. N. Burgess,
one o f the directors.
The |<ost|>one-
ment was made because of a conflict
with the Portland Livestock show.
The important measures to be dis­
cussed st the convention include the
proposed increase in grazing fees for
sheep on government reserves end the
matter o f keeping trails open through
the reserves.
S 2 6 .5 0 0 Paid tor Beets.
GrantB Pass The sugar factory has
made its first distribution o f checks in
payment for beets delivered at the fac­
tory between the dates o f October 23
and 31. In this f i r t distribution 117
growers participated, the payments
amounting to $25,540.61. The signing
o f contracts for next season is now un­
der way, and much success is reported.
Nearly every farmer who grew beets
this year w ill increase his acreage,
while there w ill be many new growers.
The Commercial club appointed a com­
mittee to aid in securnig new acreage.
Logging Line to Build.
Eugene - S. A. Buck and A. H. Buck,
o f the Monroe Tim ber company, of
Monroe, Wash., and the Buck Box &
Crate company o f Eugene, has filed
with the Lane county clerk a record of
right o f way for a logging railway
across property bordering on the Siua-
law river between Mapleton and Flor­
A large number o f contracts to pur­
chase cedar lumber also were filed by
the same parties.
Purity First
It w ill n e v e r d is a p p o in t y o u — try
it i f y o u l i k e
Lake View Votea Bonds
I-ake V ie w — The bond election held
last week to determine whether $20,-
000 should be raised to purchase lights
o f way for the Strahorn railroad car­
ried by a vote o f 249 to 9.
This was
the heavieat vote ever polled at a mu­
nicipal election in Lake Vew.
th in g s to
More (han • pound and
2 5 &
U U tor • quartet*
Seed Corn is Important.
Washington, D. C.— The need of
sources from which suitable seed corn
can be obtained in the semi arid and
Rocky Mountain regions is great and
is Increasing.
Being a sparsely-set­
D riv e aw ay
tled country, subject to extreme sea
seed of adapted va
e c z e m a w ith
rieties is much scarcer each yeai than
in sections where the corn crop Is
more certain.
Nothing else would so cheaply turn
many corn failures into successes as
the establishment of good sources of
seed corn.
W hile a knowledge of
Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap easily heal
corn breeding would be helpful, any
ectenia and most other eruptions not due to ae­
ri ous intenui disorder*. Sold by all druggists.
farmer can do much toward supplying
himself and his neighborhood with
better seed corn by starting with a
well tested variety and selecting the
best ears from the best stalks each
year. By so doing, natural selection
Q o b Q O
assists in weeding out the unfit.
Where corn is grown for grain there
is no better locality from which to
obtain seed than that in which it is
to ho planted. Where grown for the
silo or for large stalk growth, seed
may be obtained to advantage from a
.e tc
more southern locality or a lower al
Farmers' bulletin 415 of the United
States Department of Agriculture,
which may be obtained free upon ap
plication, treats of the selection and
( are of seed corn.
A point o f greatest importance is
that of holding over from good crops
I sufficient seed corn for two or three
years' plantings. This is essential In
by CUTTER’S BLACKLEQ PIUS the origination and perpetuation of
I.ow-p rlced.
fresh, reliable ;
high yielding varieties adapted to lo­
p referred by
cal conditions.
Seed corn that ma
tures well aud dries out promptly
without Injury will keep its good ger
mtnatlng and yielding power for four
or five years. Seed corn of the best
quality can be always available by
protecting a sufficient quantity from
moisture and Insects and other ani
For Constipation
g R A N D R E T H
H Safe and Sure
L riin rm rrrrm
25 *
Mother’s Troubles
M o th e r’s u n e n d in g w o rk nn d
d evotion d ra in s a n d strains h e r
physical strength a n d le a v e s
its m a rk in d im m e d e y e s a n d
c a re w o rn e x p r e s s i o n s — sh e
a g e s b e fo re h e r tim e.
A n y m o th e r w h o is w e a r y
a n d la n g u id sh o u ld start tak in g
as a strengthening food and bracing
Ionic to add richness to her blood
and build up her nerves before it
s too late. Start S C O T T ’S
oday— its fame is world-wide.
No Alcohol.
Scott ft Buwtte, It!
tulield, N . J.
Granulated Eyelids,
Eye* inHamed by expo­
sure to Sun. Uusl and * In*
quickly relieved by Murlns
tyeliemedjr Nn Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. A t
Your Druggiii** 50c per Bottle. Murine Eja
SalveinTubei ,'1c. ForBankulihef yefreeaxk
Druggist» or Murlae Eye Kemciiy t a , Chicago
E y e s ? ;
He T ook the Hint.
Scribb and bis wife were going to
the theater.
“ W ill you please go upstairs and
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
get my goats o ff the dressing table,"
BREAK -UP - • -
C O L O T A B L E T A well, no aleohol. Sold in tablets or liquid. said Mrs. Scribb.
"Y ou r goats," queried tho puzzled
‘ if.
Scribb. “ What new (angled idea have
Grazing Rates on National
tlie ir nuino at M
Aü V *
f t 'any drug store
Forests to Advance in 1917 you women got now?"
“ I'll show y ou !” snapped the wife.
District Forester George H. Cecil,
Then she sailed away and soon re­
T h e Cause of the Uproar
Portland, Oregon, announces that af turned. putting on her gloves.
re those what you mean? Why, I
" I don't want to be Inquisitive, nor
nuth'n’ that a way," admitted a neigh­ tary of Agriculture has approved an call those kids."
" I used to," replied Mrs. Scribb,
bor who had come over to borrow a Increase in the fees to be charged for
neckyoke. "But what in torment Is grazing livestock on the National For "but they are getting so old I am
ashamed to call them by that naino
going on over there in the edge of the est ranges.
ThlB Increase will be made gradu any longer.”— Rhlladelphta Ledger.
timber? Sounds like a coineiitiun of
ally for the next three years, until
Lawyer's Share.
"M y least boy. Bearcat, started to the charges reach a point equivalent
heckle a nest of hornets a couple of to two thirds o f the c harges made by
“ Now children," said the teacher,
hours ago and got himself stung up prlvato owners for grazing stock on "a man dies and leaves $1,000,000;
considerable,” replied Mr. Gap John­ their land.
Stock associations are being ad one tenth goes to the wife, one twelfth
son o f Rumpus Ridge, Ark. "T h e last
1 noticed ho had dug himself Into a vised o f this decision in order that to a, one sixteenth to a brother,
hollow tree. I Judge by the racket statements regarding the views o f; one-twelfth to an uncle and tho rest
that the enemy is still assaulting him their members may be submitted to to a distant relative. What does each
in mass formation and that the rest the Forester by February 1, 1917, In get?"
And the smallest boy In tho class
of the children are standing o ff and case they desire to discuss the matter.
Investigation of rental values from raised Ills hand and shouted:
asking him If it hurts him much.
“ A la w y e r!” — Tho Christian Herald.
Looks sorter like— yaw-w w w n !— rain time to time, says Mr. Cecil, has re­
o ff to the south a r i, don’t it? "— Kan vealed that the Government charges
Among the Missing.
for grazing on the National Forests
sas City Star.
are only one third o f the market value
Urban— W hat do you miss most
Going T oo Far.
since moving to tho country?
resources of the National Forests are ;
“ I never heard of such a thing. She sold i t their market value, there Is [ Rural— Tralna.— Princeton Tiger.
an Increasing demand that forage re
borrowed my powder puff."
Highly Useful.
"T h a t Is a loan often requested sources Bliould be disposed o f in like
“ Seems to me theee spats the girls
among ladies.”
The National Forest were created wear look like affectation. "
“ But she used It to touch up her
white shoes.” — Louisville Courier for the primary purpose o f conserv- j "N o t at all. They have t utilitarian
Ing the timber ami water supply The side. Frequently a pair of spats trans­
grazing use of the ranges, which was forms a pair of dancing slippers into
found to exist when active control of street shoes.” — Louisville Courier-
In Wearisome Detail.
the forests was begun, was treated as Journal.
"So you accompanied your w ife to a secondary matter and only a por
that big movie show after all.”
Mean Intimation.
tion of the administrative cost of
"Y es. I happened to think that If I handling the forests was asked as u
N ell— When you don't Intend to ac­
didn't she would describe the entire grazing fee.
cept a man. It is awfii, hard work to
ten reels as soon as she came home."
Since the National Forest states
keep him from proposing.
— Boston Transcript.
share in all the receipts from National
Belle— Oh, don’t believe everything
Forest business to the extent of 25
A Neat T u r n .
i per rent, the revenue to these states the other girls tell you.— Baltimore
An eminent lawyer was once cross- will be m aterially Increased by this
W hat Did He Mean?
examining a very clever woman,
For the fiscal year ending June 30,
She— Is Princeton In New York?
mother of the plaintiff in a breach of 1916, the states of Oregon and Wash­
re fle c tiv e )—
promise suit, and was completely ington received $32,820 65 as their
Yes, a great part o f the time.— Prince­
worsted in the encounter of wits. Be­ share of the grazing receipts from ton Tiger.
the National Forests within thedr bor­
fore sitting down, however, he turned ders. Without considering Increased
to the Jury and said:
receipts from other fo rts t resources
"Y ou see. gentlemen, that even I this figure would be doubled by the
was but a child in this woman’s advance In grazing rates.
What must ray client have
F . FVteh er Haltsmorv, the leading Dancing Ex-
By this adroit stroke o f sdTtMfccy
Portland, Oregon.—” My daughter's
per ( !■ ■ true tor |ri N ew York City, w rites: *1
he turned his discomfiture into a vic­ j have
health was very poor after her first
used A U . E N ’8 FO O T-EA SE. the sntieeptk
tory.— Boston Transcript.
Finally sho took three
j j-, xiter to lie shaken Into the shorn. tor ten years, baby came.
' and recommend It to ell my pupils." I t rurea and
bottles of Dr. Pierce’ s Favorite Pro*
prevents wira feet- Hold hy alt llru ff and Depart­ seription and her health waa greatly
Not a Literary Deal.
ment Htorea. Zhr. Sample F k F F . Address. Allen
She ha« three children.
"A lg y , I want you to buy me a book." S, Olmsted. L e Roy. N. Y .
Has always depended on this wonder­
" I am glad you are becoming liter­
to help her through.■ —
A Rising Concern.
ary, my dear."
M bs . I haiiki . B k b t b a n d , 86 Texas St.,
"Fudge! This article says one way
Portland, Oregon.
to acquire a good carriage la to prae a new airship company."
Lents, Oregon.—
tice balancing a book on your head."
• ' r
“ Yes
I f our airship goes up, the
Pierce’s Favorita
stock will go up ."
“ But suppose It doesn't?"
fore my b a b y
"Then the company will go up.”—
i Boston Transcript.
it saved my life,
as I was in very
He Did.
health.” —
“ I really don't believe," said Gladys,
StR*. C. II, Pow-
coyly, "that you particularly wanted
rbs , Lents, Ore-
i to hear me sing."
" I did. Indeed." he admirer protest­
fio T E : Dr. Pierre receives, daily.
O n e of N a tu re ’s moat
ed. “ I have never heard you."— L iv­ many letters like the above from all
ingston latrire
over the world.
9 EC
valuable aids in the
promotion and m ain­
Willamina Votes Bonds.
W iliam ina — A special election o f
Willamina was held recently to decide
i f the voters wished to bond the city
for $11,000 to meet outstanding in­
debtedness on improvements w *i«h had
been marie on the streets two and three
years ago. The bonds carried by 16
votes. The bonds are to run for 20
years and bear 6 per cent interest
ten a n c e o f p e rfe c t
The mighty restorative power o f Dr.
Pierce's favorite Prescrip«ion speedily
causes all womanly troubles to dis­
appear— compels the organs ■«> prop­
erly perforin their natural functions,
irregularities, removes pain and nuaerv
at certain times and brings back
health and strength to nervous, irrita­
ble and exhausted women.
A Summer Engagement.
What Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre­
"D o yon mean to aay that your scription has done for thousands it
(laughter hasn t told you she was en- will do for you. (Jet it this very day
I gaged to m e?"
from any medicine dealer, in either
"Yea. I told her not to bother me liquid or tablet form.
with those affaire uni« a* she Intended
- 1 ■
— —
to get married."— Boston Transcript.
Doctor Pierce's IVlIets are nncqnaled
as a Liver Pill. S m n llft «uric, e to
tukc One tlnu Kiewr-oai/erl /VIlet a
The Ueual Wsy.
Cure sick Headache, lillloua
"80 you're making your w ill," said /*-•<-
Headache. Dizziness, Constipation. Indt-
Mrs Twtekenbury. "and who la to be ge.-«!on, Bilious Attacks, and all de-
your executioner? —Christian Regis­ raugemeuto of the Liver, stomach sad
"Going to the political meeting to-
; night? Our candidate for congress Is
i going to speak "
" I should aay n o t Isn't It enough
that I help pay his salary, without be
Ing obliged to listen to his speeches?”
— New York World.
Stomach Bitters
i the digestive system.
Try it