li/ flP I ly e ff U flL U J n n iN fA U U I I 1 U J RAILROADS TRYING TO AVERT fRflGHT BLOCKADE IN CHICAGO OF CURRENT WEEK ______________ Brief Resume of General News From All Around The Earth. partmenta o f railroads entering Cni- | cago were Tuesday working tooth and nail to avert a freigh t blockade which is threatening because of an actual car shortage. On the E rie railroad traffic became so heavy that freigh t solicitors were transferred from their departments and sent out as scouts through each yard to find every available empty car for use in m oving shipments now on I hand. The freigh t movement east o f Chi- NEWS ITEMS Of General Interest About Oregon Crime Decreasing in Oregon Declares Warden of State Pen Salem— “ Statistics o f this institu­ tion during the current calander year warrant the belief that crime in Ore­ gon is steadily decreasing, and that Brown before he arrived at the Lion luoua. But bv had uot long to ponder Urenig addressed himself to Larry SYNOPSIS. the number of commitments to the d'Or. On the contrary, he looked fit upon that: for M ajor von Brenlg Redmond, who all this time had been CV*1 * penitentiary may be materially re­ T h « ch ief characters are Fthel W il­ is a prizefighter, trained to the min­ straightway resumed hi» catecblam. a silent onlooker to the proceedings. duced during the next few years, ’ ’ ■ loughby. Henry Streatman and Cape. “ Ab! You must be Captain Karl.” Bays Warden John W. Minto in his bi­ I^arry Rodruond The m inor character« ute. And behind him rude another ns "You have six room»,” he continued. ennial report to the state board o f con­ * r « 81r C i ge WagataJY o f the British like him ns a second pen out of the "T w o o f these will be occupied by my­ he said. uJmiralty i n i Charles Brown, a N ew Live News Items of All Nations and c * k ° was more critical than the west­ trol. self and officers for the night. You ‘Yea, Herr M ajor!” Larry answered. York nea «paper cor respondent Ethel, same pod. ern, but traffic managers of the West- will have them prepared at once, two i resident f Sir G eorge's household, Charlie Brown gazed at them breath " I was told that you bad only Just Speaking o f the reformation o f pris­ ern roads also announced they were be­ Pacific Northwest Condensed secretly married to Stree’ man, a German Inals each. Tbe other four room» will reported—your papers said on some ing pushed for cars, due to a steadily oners, the report says that 76 per cent spy, thougn si e did n -t know him us lessly. He was oonselous of a mighty o f them can be reformed and the re­ sue h. Captain Redmond, i er old lover, admiration for tlin.e two Infinitesimal be shared by the Infantry who w ill be special mission. Can I be o f asalat- for Our Busy Readers increasing volume of business. returns to England a fter long absence. For them you will auce?” On the N ew York Central lines an maining 26 per cent “ are criminals by From him she learns t i e truth about cogs III the great German military ma­ stationed here. Streetm an; furtherm ore that he has chine. nature, .raining and inclination,” and Aud lie said to (Tirlstophu In need make no preparation».” " I thank you, major: hut at the mo­ official announced that a large force of simply to learn naval se- that "th e ir entire lives w ill be spent betrayed T h e her European an awed whisper: Henri Christophe bowed otiedlently. ment there is nothing,” Larry told war breaks out Rainier, Oregon, sawmill sustains a men was taken on to act as car agents. either in some penal institution or Etuel prepur**« to accompany Streetman "You have ground here— euougb to him. "Gosli! They're not afraid, are they? They were to find all empty cars, as $60,000 loss by fire. to Brussels as a German sp> in order to The 76 per cent sus­ get graze two hundred burses,” tbe mat­ well as all loaded oneB, standing on the dodging one.” "Perhaps you will dine with me?" revenge and serve England Captain Anyone n ight pot thorn from a win ceptible to reformation are "unfortun- Ttedinond. Ethel and C harlie Brown turn dow.” The thing might happen any ter-of-fact major proceeded. Zayas, presidential candidate in tracks. "You Major ron Brenlg said. He was a bos up at a Belgian inn a« the German arm y have three cows, tw o horses, a hay­ pitulile man. And be understood that Cuba, is leading his opponent by 900 ‘ W e are sending our men out even 1 victims o f passion, financial diffi ‘om e« She !s Madame De Lord-*. She moment. m ajority. to visit the shippers personally and to culties, careless raising, unfavorable begins to work with a French spy "Perhaps they are not afraid because stack. plenty of chickens aud pigs. Is Captain Karl was held in high esteem environment and weakness in the face they know if they are killed they will that not right?” by bis superiors. The will o f Mrs. Marie Zinsser, of ask them to make every effort to un­ o f temptation, ” says the report. The "Yes. m'sleu. quite right!” the Inn­ lie well avenged," Christophe an­ " I thank you, Herr Major. A u f wle- N ew York, bequeaths $10,000 to each load their cars immediately upon re­ ln this installment you get an segregation o f prisoners is recom­ He was staggered, derselien!” I.arry replied. swered. And then he said. "Really, keeper replied. And h# o f her granddaughters, when they ceiving them ,” he said. unusually vivid picture c f how mended. m'sleu. do not speak English. I ask stupefied, by that amazing aud accu­ walked to the door. He was not keen “ The shippers are working with us learn the art of cooking. J the German troops took posses­ you to go. It may lie easier for me. rate Inventory. as much as possible, but in some cases to dine with the German officer, and sion of Belgium—of her home* L ittle Katherine Doyle, 10 years old, they haven't facilities to unload the . . . Please, m'sleu. quickly!” “ All these we shall take; but we face Ills frankly scrutinizing eyes, and Car License Cards Issued. and farms and Industries. It is o f Portland, who ran away from home cars as quickly as we would wish. The American reluctantly left the shall o f I'ourse pay for them,” the offi­ perhaps have embarrassing question» a picture to make you hate war to avoid a scolding, was found asleep Salem—To the 40,000 motor vehicle “ The railroads charge a demurrage window. lie did not want to miss a cer told him. fired at him. But he »aw no decent and its perpetrators— one to win under a doorstep, after three days on standing cars, but this does not owners and chauffeurs o f Oregon, Sec­ single detail of that amazing spectacle. And then Bergenut Schmidt returned, way of declining. And fliers wa* al­ your finest sympathy. And And the j retary of State Olcott has mailed ap­ search. amount to nearly as much as they with little Jeanne cowering beside bis ways the chance that such mingling ac i But he had no wish to Involve the plot ac- plication blanks for registration for f picture is moving— the plot thy Inykeeper In any needless trouble. bulky figure. At the sight of her fa­ with enemy officers might yield valu­ A new offensive was opened Friday could get by keeping the cars rollin g .” ► tion goes forward with epeed •peed. j the year 1917. A transmittal card •So he started for the stairway. against the Austrians by the Italian i f he should ba ther she rushed a. ross the room and able Information. with the horsepower of each machine, I i A A A A A A A A A A 4 A A A A A A Ì forces, the war office announces. Ad “ Well, you know where to Uml me.” clung to him. u piteous spectacle. caught— well! that was cl! lu the game. figured according to the Oregon law, vances have been scored at some he said. A baud was playtug outside Lieutenant Baum, returning from "Ah. iiiiiu pere, 1 am afraid— I am C H APTE R XIII.— Continued. was inclosed with each application, points, and so far 4731 prisoners have Every moment the strains were grow afraid," she stammered, the wine cellar, announced that he had and also a notice requesting owners been taken. discovered no opeulug other than the lie patted her gently. A peasant, half-mad, has stopped at ing more distinct. And Mr. Brown hail not to ask for the assignment o f any the inn to warn its people that the hardly disappeared to regions «hove ‘ There, there. Jeanne— they will not one furnished by the trapdoor In ths F ire swept the business section of certain number. when a German corporal led « squad hurt you.” lleurl Christophe said. floor. Berlin— “ Polish provinces occupied Donnelly, Minn., early Friday, causing “ The attempt to accommodate those enemy is approaching. of eight men bodily into the Lion d'Or "G ood!"’ the older officer said. “ Now damage estimated at $300,000 before by troops of the central powers,” says who have wished for the same number -Major von Brenlg looked with some “ Hurt?** hi cried, being subdued by firemen from other the Overseas New s agency, “ were the each year, as well as those asking for “ Hurt? You slight perturbation upon the sight of I shall go to my room and change my C H APTE R XIV. cities. Only five business establish­ scene Tuesday o f a great and momen­ specified numbers, has proven unsatis­ don’ t know ’em. . They came the frightened girl shrinking against boots. I have not had them off for tous historic event. Germany and factory and impracticable, ” said Sec­ Into wy bouse and, nasty us you » ments escaped the flames. her natural protector, as If he still had over a week.” Ethel Makes an Impression. Austria-Hungary, by join t action, pro­ pleas«*, wanted food, My old woman Power to shield her from all evil. “ You nave not questioned the French The British government, it is an claimed Warsaw and Lublin the king­ retary Olcott, “ and therefore requests Those German Infantrymen were started to arj;ue with era. She wasn’t "No. my pretty little one. we are not lady or the American,” the lieutenant nounced, w ill turn over to Chile five dom o f Poland, and re-established the o f this nature w ill receive no atten­ scared then, and one of 'em took hold formidable-looking company to descend devils." he said. ” \Ve will not harm reminded lilm. tion thiB year. ” American-built submarines as compen­ upon a peace-loving Innkeeper such as right of the Polish nation to control its o f her by the arm. Maybe he didn't you. I am a father myself." " I shall leave that to you aDd Ser­ sation on account o f the delay in the own destinies, to live an independent mean anything: but she dldu't tinder lleurl Christophe. It was. Indeed, no " There— what did I tell you!” ex­ geant Schmidt,” the major replied. delivery o f dreadnoughts which were wonder that he viewed them with up Apples Wait for Cars. national life and to govern its e lf by stand, and she threw a dipper of cold It was only a few minutes before contracted for in England by Chile. prehension. as they stood there at pa claimed the relieved Ilenrl. chosen representatives of the nation. Hood R iver— W ith immediate orders water In his face like any decent wom­ Lieutenant Baum had summoned Ethel "You ure quite safe, my child," the rude rest aud atured stolidly into Ids “ A few days ago a Polish delegation for 400 carloads o f apples and without an would— und they shot her. They The farew ell g ift o f the women of before lilm. He nsked her name. Canada to the Duchess o f Connaught, had called upon the Imperial Chancel­ a single refrigerator car available shot her for that! Civilian assaulting startled face. It seemed to him that major added— "so long as you obey,” “ I am Madame de Lorde,” she told Already the summer air vibrated Its Wednesday, amounting to $62,976, was cabled to lor, Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg. I was wherever he looked he met the deter officials of the Apple an officer, they culled It. . . . him. London Friday. The g ift w ill be ap­ members were representative Poles of grow ers’ association declare that the out In the fields. The neighbors cauie mined, luipersouul. almost Inhuman with the far-off boom o f heavy gun». “ A Frenchwoman?” he Inquired. plied to the Duchess o f Connaught's all classes, all parties, all ranks o f so­ apple market situation is being seri­ and told uie. And I hurried borne to blue eyes o f one o f those businesslike And now a tingle In the street outside "Yes, m’sieu.” prisoners o f war fund in compliance ciety and all creeds. They transmit­ ously affected by the car shortage. find her dead—her that hadn't done Germans. And there was something blared an order to the troops that were He regarded her narrowly. sinister In the very way they crowded filing past the Lion d'Or. ted to the German government the with her request. nothing— dead! . . . And I leaned The local storage terminals are fast "You are perhaps a woman spy— "Oh. papa.” the little creature cried. wishes of the Polish nation, which now filling up with apples, and unless cars out of the window— and 1 shot two of Ills hostelry. lleurl Christophe could The car shortage on the Portland di­ not help feeling that even so they But lleurl Christophe knew that the they say the French have many spies. have lieen granted to them. ’em—and then 1 ran. How I ran! are available soon growers w ill prob­ vision o f the Southern Pacific company I must search you,” he announced, to “ Thus the ancient kingdom of Po­ ably be filling the basements of local And they didn't get ine— anti they would crowd every house In Belgium situation must be faced. this week was reported as 2777, ex­ "N ow , Jeanne, will you prepare tbe her consternation. land, from which in the past came business houses with boxed apples. won’t get me!” The half crazed peas­ To hint they seemed like locusts sent ceeding all previous records since the “ Oh, monsieur, may I speak private­ by a displeased God td swarm over rooms lu four and six— two beds In famous rulers like the Jagellones (a " I t has been reported that re frig e r­ ant rushed off then, shouting to right situation in Oregon became acute. The dynasty founded by Jagello, which ator cars have been used to transport und left, wherever he saw a head stuck the land until It should he filled to each? In the others these gentlemen ly with you/' she begged him. orders on file were 3029, while the “ Well, what is it?” reigned in Poland from 1386 to 1672), wheat. We are investigating to find out of a window, or a figure in a door­ overflowing. . . . And always, he will sleep.” He bent over her in order empty cars available were 262. “ Only 1 wish to show you some­ and glorious soldiers like the greHt whether or not this is tru e ," said W il- way, "T h e Germans are coming! The told bltnsplf, there would be count to emphasize his words. Steven Zagar, 23 years old, member Sobieski (John III, king o f Poland in “ But we have guests already," she thing.” And after less throngs to fill the slightest gap In mer Sieg, salesmanager o f the apple- Germans are coming!” of the private banking firm o f John 1674-1696) is now resurrected. "W hat trick Is this?” he asked with reminded him. The growers. him poured the scurrying mob. all cry­ tlielr grim ranks. Zagar & Co., was shot and probably While Christophe viewed them with Her father turned a rueful face upon asperity. dies are free from Russian oppres­ ing the same dread warning. »n ra u W f at all v bv Frank Cviich, a sion; no more to be trodden under the But Ethel only smiled at his gruff- Charlie Brown was getting all the mingled alarm and amazement, a tele­ the major. Entire Fruit Pack is Sold. clerk. Cviich, who was arrested, told neeis o f the Co(Mwckn. The liberty phone sergeant Joined those gray “ Ah. m'sieu, l had forgotten. We ness. Lieutenant Baum was a good- Brownsville — The canenry o f the color the most ambitious reporter ghosts from beyond the Rhine. the police that he shot Zagar because that had been destroyed a century ago He have two lodgers,” he explained. looking chap. and Benton Fruit Growers’ asso- could have coveted. He turned a so­ the latter accused him o f stealing. on Russian instigation now is restored. Linn . carried a gun slung over his back and “ Who are they?” “ Surely you are not afraid o f me— ber face to old Christophe. located here, has sold the en- “ One Is an American gentleman, one little woman!" she said archly. The political pot is boiling furiously The rule o f the knout has been ab ol-! c,a lon’ “ This Is going to be had, old man!” a field telephone In his hands. Placing the Instrument on one of Chrlstophe's m'sleu: and the other a French woman." in many parts o f Australia as a result ished. Poland has been given back to tire pack o f th i. season and all the old he said. “ And n very pretty woman!” His .” gtoi * excePt 8 fe w black cherries. "W ell, put them out of their rooms. hand sought his mustache again. o f the defeat o f the conscription meas­ Western civilization “ It'* like some hideous nightmare.” tallies, he proceeded to run a wire ___________________ l 1 he goods are commanding the best through the doorway to the street We must occupy them." ure in the recent popular referendum. “ Well, what la it, mndarne?" price since the establishment o f the Ethel'exclaimed. "The major Is coming!" he an Prem ier Hughes declined to diBcuss "You hear, Jeanne?” Christophe said. Ethel drew hint slightly to oue aids. "Yes, madam»— and this Is but the plant in 1906. They are loading cars imimced to bis friend the corporal, who "Oul, mon pere.” the political situation, but intimated A ll but three of the Infantrymen bil­ to the lim it o f their capacity, some­ beginning,” Christophe Informed her at once commanded his men to present "Then hurry, my child!” he urged leted upon llenri Christophe h id with­ that parliament would meet shortly. times putting in 100,000 pounds, be­ gravaly. arms. So they stood, posed like stat her. drawn. But the remaining guard was cause o f the scarcity o f cars. Charlie Brown remembered then The postmaster general o f Denmark, lies, when Major von Rrenlg entered, Major von Brenlg gave her one last all eyes and ears for this cross-exami­ The cannery has packed about 12,000 that Madame de Lorde, aa she wished HHys an Overseas News Agency item saluted the flag, and then cast a quick order. Mexico C ity The Mexican govern­ nation of a possible spy. Friday, announces that the steamer ment has been notified by the British cases this season, and contemplates to he kuown, still lingered there. And glance of satisfaction about the room. “ And tell those two—Those guests— putting up 3000 or 4000 more. he dlil not like the thought of her fac- Frederick V I II , bound from N ew York ambassador at Washington o f the pres­ V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V ' Just before him another figure had they shall report here to me at once.” Ing thst oncoming German horde. for Co|ienhagun, was compelled by the ence o f German submarines in the Gulf slipped Inside the door, and returned “ Oul. m'sleu.” Jeanne Christophe Does it seem possible that Clean Bill Given Camp. " I f you'll go to your room. I'll come British authorities to leave her entire o f Mexico and has been warned that Hie salute o f the corporal; and uow lie hurried away then. Madame de Lorde can “ put it North Bend— Dr. Ira B. Bartle, who to you If you want me— If there's any letter mail and parrel |K>st at K irkwall. the allies w ill take “ drastic measures” stood Impassively looking on. much as “ And now, m'sieu, I go to preunre over” on the German officers was requested by the state health au­ need,” he said. if the proceeding were merely an ev your dinner.” her father told the officer. and get an opportunity to give T w o robbers, one a white man and i f the undersea craft receive aid from "Yes yes! And oh! these poor, poor eryday occurrence with him. But "Just a moment! You have here no the precious Information she the other a negro, attempted to hold Mexican ports or sources. This infor­ thorities to examine the Buehner Lum­ people!" she cried. however unconcerned he appeared, he firearms o f any description?” seeks to the French? up the cashier o f the Spokane, Wash., mation was made public Tuesday night ber Company's logging camp at A lle­ "H adn’ t you better close the doors?" was far from disinterested. However "None, m’sieu." Union Bark Bank Friday. Frank by Foreign M inister Aguilar, who is­ ghany and determine whether it was Charlie asked the Innkeeper. much lie appeared at ease In his uni "You have no telephone?” Magart, a groceryman, who entered s u «! the text o f a note received from in an insanitary condition as reported (T O B E C O N T IN U E D .) "W hy, m'sleu, I shall only have to form of a German cnptglu. he felt any "None, m'sleu." the bank, was shot by the robbers, the British ambassador through United to the health authorities by a logger, open them,” Christophe replied. "1 am thing but at home In it. There was. in States Secretary o f State Lansing and he said in part; “ The men employed M ajor von Brenlg wheeled about who then fled. They were raptured not afraid, m'sleu." truth, no uniform that suited Larry then, and waved his hand at some H A D NO U S E F O R M A H O G A N Y later near the bank. Magart is be­ Charge d ’ A ffaires Charles B. Barker. at the camp had no complaint to make " I wish I had your nerve,” Cltarll The British note demands a strict on the charges contained in the letter Itodmond so well as that of his own large placards which his men bad al­ lieved to be Beriously wounded. censorship o f the Mexican wireless and of criticism ' the hunkhouses are large told him. “ All this has certainly got Irish Guards. ready fastened to the walls of the When First Introduced Into England Just as soon as cars esn be brought says that any failure to maintain the anj well Wntilated, bug proof, of my goat. It’s the limit.” "This Is good!” Major von Rrenlg room. Workmen Complained of th» to Vancouver Barracks, from San Mexican neutrality w ill be attended by steel, and the kitchen was clean, while Christophe, by a quick, sibilant told his corporal. And It was evident "Now, my friend, you see those proc­ Hardness of the Wood. Francisco, a special trainload of 28 disastrous results. that Lieutenant Baum and Sergeant lamations?" he Inquired. sound, enjoined rautlou. the food w«^ wholesome.” cars o f pontoons, wagons and bridge- "M'sleu, they are here!" he warned Schmidt, who hail arrived slmultane “ Yes, m'sleu.” Like the use of a great many of the Washington, D. C .- The American making material will be ship|ied to the ously with him. shared his sentiments Fall Fishing Not Good. him. " It Is well that you heed them.” the factors connected with the art* and Mexican border. A large number o f government has informed the de facto “ Can we uot spend the Marshfield — The fall fishing season He vind scarcely spoken when the heartily. officer said sternly. " I f there is any the sciences, the discovery o f the beau­ pontoons are used in making pontoon government o f Mexico that precautions has been admittedly short in all the first o f the gray-clad Invaders was mo­ night here?" the major naked. attempt nt communication with the ty of the grain o f mahogany for furni­ bridges for emergency. Some o f the should in* taken to prevent any vio la ­ Coast section about here, and several mentarily framed In the open window. Then he proceeded to avail him­ enemy. If there Is any attack on our ture was accidental, says a London pontoons w ill go to Calexico, Cal., tion of M exico’s neutrality by opera­ canneries have released their Chinese self of the aids that the foresight of men by civilians from this house or contemporary. The story guoa thut a others to Brownsville, Tex., and some tion of belligerent submarines within crews, owing to a lack o f business. tbe general staff had long ago devised m.v other house, the Inmates o f that certain West Indian captuin who hnd to Columbus, N. M. ] its territorial waters or the establish­ The silverside run is not half what it for just such an emergency. house, together with the mayor o f your brought back to England some planks ment of a submarine base on the Mcx- commonly is, since there were no rains "Baum ." he said, turning to the lieu­ town, whom we hold as hostage, will of mahogany as ImlJnst, decided to The British steamer Bornu has foun­ l ¡can coast. The information was con- tenant. “ have you the papers and the all be shot. It is a wanting to others give the wood to his brother, a Doc­ dered 26 miles west o f Ushant in a j veyed, a State department official said, to (lush the streams and invite the fish map from the Wltbelmstrasae?" The Tenmiie Lake We do not wish to do these tor Gibbous, then building n house on heavy gale. A ll the passengers and | in a wholly friendly spirit and not at from the ocean. Lieutenant Bunin saluted, and at things, but this ts war, and we must King street. Covent Garden. Bui the crew were saved by the Norwegian I the suggestion o f any o f the entente and Creek run has not occurred as yet, one* lie handed tome documents to his and silversides are expected to fill Ten- protect ourselves. . . . You under- planks were so hard that the carpen­ steamer Rein. powers. superior officer, who scanned them stsnd?” mile Creek when the rains commence. ters objected, and the plan for using quickly. The catch there is sometimes as high The importation of goods for private "Perfectly, sir,” said Henri Chris- them fell through. Prison R eform er to Tour. “ •Lion d'O r!' ” he read aloud. . . . ns 3000 daily. use in Petrograd has been prohibited tophe. Some time later Mrs. Gibbons want­ New Y ork — Thomas Mott Osborne, '• ‘ Proprietor. Henri Christophe!' . . . on account o f traffic congestion. Spe­ "W e shall take what supplies we ed a small box made, aud the doctor Bring Henri Christophe," he ordered form er warden o f Sing Sing prison, cial permission o f the ministry is re- ' Polk Road Body Forms. sent the mahogany to a cabinetmaker. At thst the innkeeper himself need.” the major continued, "but any quired for shipments for other than w ill make a tour o f the United States Dallas — The Folk County Road ifficer or ninn who refuses to pay you In Ids turn the cabinetmaker objected stepped forward. government purposea. In a country-wide campaign for “ pris­ Builders’ association was organized in to the hardness o f the wood, but the “ I it:u Henri Christophe," he an­ t Just price, you will report to me. on reform and the furtherance o f a Dallas recently. doctor persisted so much lu his re- The association is ind he will tie punished. I f you de- Frank Moore, injured 16 months ago nounced in a quavering voice, eveu ns Hcif-governmeut principle in prison composed o f three delegates from each mund an uujust price, you will be pun- Tu,'s't ,h®t the order \va* finally exe- when a motor car he was driving was Sergeant Schmidt was starting to management,” it was announced Tues­ o f the road districts o f the county. cuted. i Ished run down by a Southern Pacific train search for him. day. The campaign w ill lie under the Every road district was represented, The finished box polished so ulcelj "Y es m’sleu." near Thurston, Ore., leaves the Eugene i "Oh. you siwak English!” the major auspices o f the national com mittee o f there being 67 accredited delegates in hospital almost fully recovered from The subdued Innkeeper had already that the doctor ordered a bureau tuad» said. prisons. Mr. Osborne, it is said, has attendance. A permanent organiza­ o f the -ame w >d. The cabinetmaker his injuries, which included a broken ' Yes. m'sieu!" Christophe did not started to leave the room when tbe given assurance that he w ill go into tion was perfected with the object of back. officer'* keen eye caught sight of some­ displayed that In bis shop window be­ know why he bad committed that every state o f the Union to explain recommending to the county court fore delivering It. The duchesa of breach o f policy. But he was too thing that Immediately interested him. Spokane grocers and butchers are the systems that have been introduced each year necessary road improvement tt his feet hs noticed a hasp and pad­ Buckingham saw it and begged enough frightened even to reproach himself for discussing the question o f advancing i in Sing Sing and Auburn prisons. and repairs in order that the court lock And with character.»tic German «■■•od from the doctor to hnv« It dgpti the Inadvertence. prtcea on their goods. may be aided in making up its budget. 1 thoroughness he at once desired to cated, and mahogany furniture soon "You nre the proprietor of this Inn?" Winter Hats Army-Like. after enme iuto favor.— Building Ags. solve the mystery. Andrew Carnegie has lought from the officer demnuded. New York — T o please American Phone Line is Proposed “ W alt! What’* tbl»?” he demanded S. P. Shotter, o f Savannah. (la., the "Yes. m'sleu!” Rend A proposal that an effort be Electricity Vs. Courtship. "Ouiy the eutrance to the wine cel­ Shadow Brook estate in lutnox. Mass., | women, who demand hats in harmony Major von Rrenlg harked out an or­ with the patriotic spirit o f the times, made to connect the towns o f Bend lar!" Christophe told him. A prominent resident at East Mala and w ill occupy it as a summer home. der to hla men. AnJ straightway they leading m illiners o f this city are fo l­ and Burns by telephone was made at “ Open It!" The deal is said to involve more than street iu Muncle was much vexed by closed both tbe abutters and the great lowing the m ilitary mode in creating a the meeting o f the Commercial club $400,000. "Ye*, m'sleu." Henri Christophe U m n j i i M thefts nf »lactrlg light door that gave u|>on the street, »lean design suitable for winter wear. The here recently by J. E. Weston, man­ while the major examined his patters stooped ami unlocked the heavy pad bulbs f t • >m his porch. One night be Miss Jessie Ashley, sister o f Clar­ chic steel helmet effect, turbans and ager o f the Inter-Mountain Telephone lock "Volla, rn'sieu!" he exclaimed kept watch and c a u g ^ « well-known further. ence D. Ashley, form er dean o f the pompoms, reminiscent o f the trenches & Telegraph company, o f Burns. Mr. young man unacrewm“ the bulb from "You bare a daughter.” he an­ a» he lifted the trapdoor New York University Law School, is ami worn by many fashionable women, Weston estimated that the coet o f the “ Good!” said the major as be Its socket. nounced at length. "Jeanne Marie adjudged guilty o f distributing birth are to he superseded by the more utili­ work would be $12.000. The young man begged f or lenity, Christophe. and a servant Louts?" < peered Into the dark cavern. "Later control literature in court in New tarian Texan sombrero in a smaller The present lines o f communication Henri Christophe told him tbet the on yon w ill bring up some wine. It and said tile light interfered with hia York ami fined 160, desigp, closely resembling the cam are by way o f Baker and Portland. will be excellent for tonight." courtship o f a young woman across facta were so. paign hat o f the United States ma­ The m atter has been taken up by the A Klamath Falls, Oregon, sheriff rines. Chrlatophe nad started to close the the street. The promineot resident "W here are they?" the officer asked "Yeu Are Quits taf*. My C hild* club's transportation committee. pours 200 gallons o f seized liquor into trap when the major halted him again thereafter did not turn on the veranda him then. the Main street sewer. He reds t bicycle -thst forerunner of “ la there any outlet to the cellar light, and he was rrwnrded soon by “T h e »errant fled with the others." Three in Runaway Car Hurt. Potato Yield It Heavy. destruction And s fine, clean looking Christophe replied tbe announcement of an engagameut, “ My daughter ts save this?" be asked thoughtfully. Because o f the car shortage. Port San Francisco A municipal street­ Aurora — Potatoes and hops have youngster be was. one of the pick of In her room, m'sleq ” "None, m'sieu.” followed by a June wedding.— Indian­ He turned land fuel men are employing auto car, chased by its motorman and the come in so plentiful for storage that the kaiser s first line troops Pool, toward the door through which little "Baum." said the major, “ make sure apolis News. trucks to transport wood to the city j superintendent o f the line*, dashed practically every storeroom in town Is a art. businesslike, he pedaled de Iber Jeanne had sought asylum But Major be la telling the truth— that no one from nearby forest*. j down a hill for five blocks here Tuea- full, while the difficulty in obtaining sts'y on as If nnconsclaus o f the black ron Brenlg »topped him could escape that w ay." In a Sur» Place. A $1,000,000 timber deal was cop- j day, injuring three persons slightly cars renders it almost impossible for looks that met hla coming And i t he “ No. I »hall do that.” be Informed Lieutenant Banm saluted, and. de First l ’ ndergraduate— B ave you tele- summated at Tillamook. Or., when ' am! threading panic among the other buyers to make further purchases ex­ paased tbe Inn ha turned hla sunburned him. And at hla bidding Serge»at tachlng a flashlight from hla belt h. Wallace Mcl'amant, o f Portland, as passengers. The conductor finally cept for future delivery. The yield faca so tb it be might te ils a quick Schmidt »prang forward to find the descended the step# that ltd Into the graphed to thè old man for money? Secood l'ndergraduate— Ira . master in chancery, received from stopped It by struggling through the and quality o f the potatoes in this sec­ but comprehensive glance at Ita Inte girt. Her father »Imply pointed toward cellar. “Got an answer?” John P. Oleson, o f Chicago, a $26,0(81 1 car and operating the hand brakes. tion it better than for year« and i f the rior Cumbered with full fighting kit. the proper door And bis heart sank a» "N ow yoo may go cook dinner.” th. "Te*. I tetegraphed thè governor: check to bind the sale o f tim ber lands The injured, leaped from the careening car shortage does not interfere with aa he was. be showel none o f tte fa he resitted the fright that would seite major told the Innkeeper 'V*T*er* la that money 1 wrote fo rT and in Tillamook, Washington and l a n e 1 t car while men passenger* tussled with the sale o f them, there ia every proe- ttgue that bad all bat overcome c h irl e tbe timid little th ug at inch a sum Once rid of preliminaries. Major von hi* ncaw er rendi, 'In tu/ pocket.' " counties. 1 women to prevent them jumping. 1 pert o f a rich harvest. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHEU E Austria-Hungary and Germany Re-establish Kingdom of Poland British Warn Mexico Against Ger­ many Getting Aid for Submarines