Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, October 06, 1916, Image 3

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    H ID E
•» »V* K m Ml* wnn Mr pnczi Ml lH.spinj tigl
T m h . F. N orton C o . m u « , on. s«n* *■
to sell your farm, home or butinead
forcaah' Writ» to CAR T „R R EALTY CO..
604 Buchanan Building, Portland. Oregon
raiding airship
W eak
Do you want
O rcoon V ulcanizing C ompany
moved to S&J io 8 3 7 Rurnsid ? St .. Port­
land. Oro. Largest Tin- Kepair Plant
in tha N orthw est. Country service a
specialty Use Parcel Post
C I V I L W A R — --------
New law riv e s title when mnrried prior to
June 27, 1906. Remarried willow» again a
widow also benefited W rite fo r blanks
about Confederate service
Bvirw ton & W il­
son. Washington. D. C. Established le66.
Glare From Burning Zeppelin lights Up
Suburbs of tendon.
Fourth German Aerial Destroyer Is
Burned Within Month— British
Defense Much Improved.
A Uod '.« in Is M«l< So:
It Does Not Grow So.
There is only on.* w ay to get a
e c o J Violin W ithout Great Kx-
pe.ise. which la: Send in your
Ola liad On« and have it made
into an Old' Good One.
E sti­
mates given free. A il work
guaranteed. Send to
W om en!
A n O reg on W o m a n T estifies.
Lent*. Oregon.—"When I was going
through the critical time of middle life,
I took several bottle« of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription and it Wiped me
wonderfully. 1 cannot say enough 4a
favor of this medicine. Have also used
the ‘ Golden Medical Discovery ’ in mv
hot,.« for iiianv years for many different
ailments.” — MW. E lla H arold .
Lenta, Oregon.
At '.he first symptoms of any de­
rangement of the feminine organism
at any period of life, the one safe,
really helpful remedy is Dr. Pierce’s
Favorite Prescription.
Ten; of thousands of women have
taken it witii unfailing success for
diceases of a womanly nature.
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is
a true friend to women in times of
trial and at times of pain when the
organs are not performing their func-
ti u9. For headache, backache, hot
flashes, catarrhal condition, bearing-
down sensation, mental depression,
dizziness, fainting spells, lassitude and
exhaustion, women should never fail
to take this tried and true medicine.
Prepared from nature’s roots and
herbs, it contains no alcohol or nar­
cotic, nor any harmful ingredient.
Sold in either tablet or liquid form.
If your dealer does not keep the sugar-
coated tablets, send fifty cents ( in
stamps) for small box, or $1.00 in
currency for a large box.
Write Doctor Pierce, Invalids' Hotel,
Buffalo, N. V ., to-day.
130 page book
on woman’ s diseases" sent free.
& Cutting Co.,
Japanese Ship $1.900.(M0
San Francises.—A million dollars in
gold were driven through San Francis­
Portable Eletlric and Oxy-Acetyl-ne Plan! co Sunday night In two express wag
Rrsdr at .11 Tinwa.
ons. and pedestrians hurrying through
The gold
O l r - A c r t r l . , . W iW in f .n S C u M ir ,
W .M in , the rain knew nothing of It
represents part of the savings of the
hr TW rm il. L O a r - A c t r i « .« .
W.ldtnc of Sheet Steel. Ce,t 1 r -e Aluminum Japanese of California, and Is en
route to Japan from the Yokohama
Breee. Lie. Boiler end M .r ne Work
• Specinkr
- » Bank of this city. The treasure
Is contained in 20 boxes and was put
The H eiuter- r W H.
m n d Cut-.m# Co -It
l.l.r .
aboard a train for Seattle, to be trana
Brnee Work«. Slat St A hr * lie Ave . Cht< n«■•
ferred to a Japanese liner.
891 Everett St . Near N inth. Portland. Ore.
our Own Plumbing )
By b w h f
ftnm -i. si — V>—* » - y — —.
Say y w jf-.~ C .
W. s
tn4 N*l
- -— - -
you ,
S S Wa a r ta d k m
yea from io u. 34 par
asat. A " r —l i r ■
-, '
flymans aa4 Fallar a JvhnaoiCLnsiim
St 2 Third k r i l l
P. N. U.
Partlaad. O r ,y M
No. 41. IBIS
Motor Ship Line Planned.
San Franclaco — A motor ship line
between San Franclaco and Norway
is to be inaugurated next month by
the Norwegian Pacific line, a Scan­
dinavian concern. It' was announced
here. The Bayard, a motor ship now
en route from Christiania to Boston,
which Is due here late In October, will
be the first of the new line to call.
Freight Backs Into Streetcar; 10 Die”.
Detroit.— Ten persons were killed
and more than 25 Injured, several
probably fatally, late Sunday night.;
when a switch engtne pushing two
freight cars crashed into a crowded
street car on the East Side. There
were more than to persons in th e '
street car. many of them returning
from the theaters.
When You Speak of For Sprains,
Strains or
Always Keep
a Botti« In
Y our Subie
H A N F O R D ’S
S to m ach Bitters Balsa in cf Myrrh
__________ A
stands out
fectively as a bulwark
against liver or diges­
tive troubles, general
weakness and malaria
L I N I H i N T
F o r G a l ’ s, W i r e
Cuts, Lameni't*,
Strain«, B u n c h e i
Thrush, Old Sore«,
Nail Wound*, Foot R<
Fistula, Bleeding, Etc., Etc.
Made Since 1846.
Pries 25c. 50c >sd $ 1 0 0
oa w am c
Oofl't Experiment. Git Hostittir*s All Dealers \ k i r s i f t s *
when you can easily find quick relief
| from this cruel disease in any sta?e
Portland — Wheat— Red fife. $127;
Anti-Uric, made from Boots and ber­
ries, gradually soothes away the poi­ bluedtem, $1.33Si; red Hussian, $1.24.
Millfeed—Spot prices: Bran, $23 per
son from the system, no matter how
I severe or long standing the case may ton: shorts, $25; rolled barley, $35.50
be. Send *1.50 today for a treatment I @36.50.
Corn— Whole, $42 per ton; cracked,
prepaid to your address.
guaranteed or money refunded, or sent I $43.
C. O. D. by Parcel Post. Write fo-
Hay—Producers' prices:
circulars and letters from those bene- eastern Oregon. $16 50@18 per ton;
fitted. Don't put it off.
Simply sen i timothy, valley. $15@16; alfalfa. $14 50
today. Address ANTI-URIC Ct).. 102 @15.50; wheat hay. $13.50014.50; oat
Sherwood Building, San Francisco.
and vetch, $ !3@13.50; cheat, $12;
clover. $10.
Butter—Cubes, extras, no bid. Job­
Forest Notes.
bing prices: Prints, extras. 33@34c;
butterfat. No. 1, 3-lc; No. 2, 29c, Port­
One ton of coniferous wood waste land.
will produce from 15 to 25 gallons of
Kggs—Oregon ranch, current re­
95 per cent pure alcohol.
ceipts. 33 0 34 Vkc per dozen; Oregon
ranch, candled. 35c; selects, 36@38c.
The farm woodlots of the United
Poultry— Hens. 14@ 15c; spriugs. 16
States contain about 10 per cent of @17c per pound; turkeys, live, 23@
the total standing timber In the couti 24c; ducks, 12@16c; geese, 1 0 @ llc.
Veal—Fancy, 13@13’ t * c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 12 4 @ 13c per pound.
Grazing experts of the Forest Serv­
Vegetables— Artichokes. 75c@$i per
ice estimate that the cost of produc­ dozen; tomatoes, 60@65c per crate;
ing lambs in the uorthwesteru states cabbage, $1.35 per hundred; peppers,
Is $1.82 per head.
4@5c per pound; eggplant, 5@ 6c; let­
tuce, 20@25c per dozen; cucumbers,
Los Angeles was the first city on 25@50c per box; celery, 60@76c per
the west coast to establish a vacation dozen; corn, 10@20c per dozen.
camp on the national forests.
Potatoes—Oregon buying price, 90c
@$1 per sack; sweets, 2-1<u>3c per
The stand of timber on the two pound.
great national forests In Alaska Is es
Onions—Oregon buying price, $1 50,
timated by the forest service as over country points.
70 billion board feet, while the annual
Green Fruits—-Apples, new, 75c@
growth will, It is said, produce pulp $1 40 per box; cantaloupes, 60c@$1.25
wood aloue enough for the manufac | per crate; peaches. 50@75c per box;
ture of 3,000 tond of wood pulp a day. watermelons. Is per pound; plums.
75c@ $l; pears. 75e0$1.5O; grapes.
The state of Washington consumes 75c@$l.75; casabaa. 14»c; Turkish
225 cubic feet of wood per capita an melons, 8c per pouud.
nually, which is more than twice the
Hope— 1916 crop. U @ llV sO per
average consumption for the United pound.
States and six and a quarter times
Wool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 230
the average for Germany.
26c; coarse. 30032c; valley, 30032c.
Uascaru Hark—Old and new. Sc
Over 98 per cent of the trees planted
Cattle— Steers, prime.
$6 50@$7;
by the forest service this spring al good, $ 6 0 6 5 0 ; common to fair. $5@
Hebo, Tillamook County. Oregon, oi 5.50; cows, choice. $5@5.60; medium
the Sluslaw national forest, are stiP
living This has been the most sue to good, $4.50@5; ordinary to fair. $4
@4 50; heifers. $405.75; bulls, $3@
cessful planting operation lu the for 4.25; calves. $3@6
ests of the northwest.
Hogs— Prime. $9 50010.05; good to
prime mixed, $9.50 0 9 65; rough heavy,
The Unknowable City.
$8.7509.25; pigs and skips, $3.260
Brooklyn is the Asia of the cities: 8.75.
huge, mysterious, engulfing.
Sheep— I.amhs. $5.5008.50; yearling
Greenport to Brighton, from the Nur
rows to Fast New York, it encom wethers, $5.7507.25: old wethers, $5.50
passes a land and a people too largi @7.25; ewes, $3.5005.50.
for one mind to comprehend
may know a few parts of it. like Ful
ton street, where all the clocks tell Twelve Cents is Offered for
different time and the roar of traffic
Hops in Oregon and Washington
deafens the traveler from Manhattan
Portland. — The hop market Is
A few may know many parts of 0 ;
these mortals ijro chronic movers or steadily gaining in strength, with en
else veteran trolley conductors. Hut largemeut of the Eastern demand.
a man may know a thousand places Buying is still confined chiefly to Cal­
In Brooklyn and yet not boast that he ifornia for some reason that the deal­
knows It all or even a fat fraction of ers here do uht understand, but they
believe that the inquiry v ll sooa he
it.— New York Sun.
turned this way.
It was reported that two Eugene
Good Advice.
A minister was questioning his Hun lota, those of Auderson, 65 hales, and
day school concerning the story ol Hardy, 80 hales, had been bought by
Eutychus, the young man who, listen T. A. Livesley £ Co. at 11V4 and 11
ing to the preaching of the Apostle cents. There were also reports of 12
Haul, fell asleep, and, falling out of a cents being offered In this state.
Twelve cents was freely bid iuWest-
window, was taken up dead.
"W hat," he asked, “ do we learn ern Washiagton. but growers would
not sell. In the Yakima section better
from this solemn event?"
than 13 cents was offered during the
The reply from a little girl came:
"I'lease, sir. ministers should learn day. The Shadbolt lot of 150 hales of
not to preach too long sermons."— Yakimas was sold.
The California market held strong at
15 cents for the best hops and buying
was heavy. Proctor purchased 1200
LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED hales and Wolf 300 bales at this price.
Among the Sonoma and Mendocino
L o w -p r ic e d ,
lots sold at 15 cents were: McCutch
b w
k e t h . r e lia b le ;
.« ■ f c æ eon, 140 bales; Dick Hall. 280 bales;
fm H w e s te rn *'
, if4 ^ m . H m e n ,
h r m se ttity
Peterson, 80 bales; Williamson, 100
¿S2i M l
p r o t e c t w h o r» o t h e r
bales; Siemer Bros., 250 hales; Sto-
yeecln ee ta ll.
“ ss
r r
Write lo r N>ol '*t -,n !■--•
, u__
vey, 15u bales. Wolf purchased 300
1 0 d o $ e p k t.B la c k le x P ills , i t . 0 0
bales of Yolos at 11 % cents ami 100
5 0 d o s s p k g . B J a c k l e z P t : i s , J e CO
hales of Buttes. Buyers offered 12-
U e e a n y In je c to r, b u t C u tte r 'a s im p le st a n d s tro n g e s t.
T h e s u p e rio rity o l C u tte r pro*! . t a if d u e to o v e r 1$
options on Sacrar entos.
y c a re o l e p e c ia lirln g In V A 'i - i M A N D SERU M S
Attacks on London.
M iM
227b, Wut^iss
1 aniaiki On *
Killed. W'nd'd. 4
* June 1 __
* September 8
.. 20
* October 13
.. d@
* Reptember 2-3
* September 23 .. 28
4 Attacks Elsewhtre in Britain 4
Killed. W'nd'd. 4
Dr. Pierce’ s Pleasant Fellets are tiie
4 January 19
4 original little Liver Pills. These tiny,
+ June 15
. 16
+ sugar-coated, anti-bilious granules—the
4 August 9
. 14
4 smallest and the easiest to take. One
+ little Pellet for ft laxative—threo for
4 August 13
+ August 17
+ a cathartic.
4 Janaary 31
Furnished on short notice.
Write for
Incognito Beer.
4 March 5
. 12
Scale of Prices.
Portland Electrotype &
The change of attitude on the part
Stereotype Co.. Front & Stark. Portland. Or.
4 of the public toward the liquor trade
4 August 24 .......
4 September 23 . 2
+ is seen even in the brewers' advertise
4 ments. At present in some New York
4 street cars appears an advertisement
Veal, Pork, Beef,
+ of a certain brand of beer which will
’S f - i I W* Poultry, Butter, Eggs
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 4 + + 4 4 4 4 + + be sent "incognito to your home In s
an£j parm Produce
to the Old Reliable Everding house with a
Loudon. — Another Zeppelin
raid new plain case." Beer drinking Is
record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and
against Londoa and the east coast of losing its respectability, even the
be a*sur«d of TO P MARKET PRICES.
England was in progress Sunday. An brewers themselves being judges.—
airship Is reported to have been The Christian Guardian.
45-47 Front Street
Portland, Oregon
brought down in flames north of Lon­
don, according to the official state­
ment Issued shortly after midnight.
The statement reads:
"A number of hostile airships cross­
ed the east coast between 5 o'clock
and midnight. A few bombs were
J o h n sto n & U m b a rg e r
dropped near the coast, but no dam­
age is yet reported.
411-412 Ali+ky Building, Portland, Oregon
"An airship is reported brought W o m a n M a d e W e l l b y L y d i a
iliwn in flames north of London.”
Results Guaranteed.
E . P in k h a m ’s V e g e t a b le
Great crowds cheered the spectacle
of the burning Zeppelin as it fell in
C om pound.
the London district. The great flare
from the burning aircraft was visible
Columbus.Ohio.— “ I had almost given
A draper is bemoaning the loss of a for a long distance.
cp. I had been sick fer six years with
customer. A lady was In the shop on
female troubles and
Baturday and bought some goods.
Destruction 6t a Zeppelin Sunday
nervousness. I had
’’ How much is It?”
night by the British made a total of
a pain in my right
"Tw o shillings."
i four within a month. On# was brought
side and could not
“ Dear me! One and ninepence Is all down tha night of September 3 in the
eat anything with­
I have with me. Cannot you let me outskirts of London and two more on
have It for that?"
out h u r t i n g m y
the night of September 23. One of
"Really, I could not," said the dra the Zeppelins on the latter data set­
1 could
per, “ but you can pay the next time tled to earth so gently that her crew
not drink cold water
you are In.”
were able to eecaps. The command­
at all nor_eat any
“ Oh, but suppose I should die?" ing officer and her crew of 22 men
kind o f raw fruit,
laughingly inquired the lady.
surrendered to police constables and
nor fresh meat nor
"It would be a small loss." rejoined are still In custody.
chicken. From 178
the draper, but he saw from behind
The ether crews were killed and.1
pounds I ¡vent to
the Injured look the customer wore as with few exceptions, the bodies were
118 and would get so weak at times that
she crept out of the door that he had unrecognizably burned.
made a mistake somewhere, though It
Sueeess in bringing down the raid­ I fell over. I began to take Lydia E.
did not dawn upon- him uutil too late. ers in each instance was attained vir­ Pinkhnm’ s Vegetable Compound, and
—London Tit-Bits.
tually in the outskirts of London and ten days later I could eat and it did not
indicates systematic and favorable hurt my stomach. I have taken tha
strengthening of the defenses of the medicine ever since and I feel like a
Strength is Calm.
A life whose resources are inexhaus city against air raids. It has beei as­ new woman. I now weigh 127 pounds
ONLY. 1NS1S1 Of* CUTTBM'S. II unobtainable,
tlble, whose power is resistless, ough serted by the British war office that so you can see what it has done for me
o r d e r d ire c t.
to be a peaceful life. The strong soul no Zeppelin has been able to Inflict
^ Tli» Cutt.r IsbarztTv. 9ut»l«v. :»ntorrl,
Is always a quiet soul. There 1 b no damage of military consequence with­
surer proof of power than calm. The in the limits of London in recent your medicine has saved my life.” —
Mrs. J. S. B arlow , 1621 South 4th St.,
feeble physique fidgets and llutters months.
Columbus, Ohio.
and Is never at rest: It takes a strong
Amsterdam, via London.— The mili­
man to hold still. A weak wrist can
Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vegetable Com­
pound the piano: It Is only the Iron tary critic of the Frankfurter Zeltung pound contain, just the virtues of roots
muscles c f a Paderewski or a Hof says conditions for Zeppelin attacks and hert>9 needed to restore health and
mann that ear. touch the keys so softly on England are much more difficult strength to the weakened organs of tlio
that they only murmur as in the music than even a year ago. The British, he body.
That is why Mrs. Barlow, a
of a dream. "The mountains," says says, have had time to carry their de­
the psalmist, "bring peace to the pec fense measures to the highest perfec­ chronic invalid, recovered so completely.
It pays for women suffering from any
pie"; that is because 'the strength of tion.
We are paying a handsome pre­
female ailments to insist upon having
the hills is Ills also.” To be filled with
mium for all white, atrictly
the strength of God is to know "the Mexican Bullet Wounds Guardsman. Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Com­
fresh infertile e^gs. Write for
peace of God. which passelh under
fud particular*.
How about
Boise, Idaho.— A special dispatch to
standing.”— Washington Gladden.
that next can o f cream?
the Idaho Statesman from Nogales,
Tit for Tat.
Ariz., says that Captain H. W. Wilson,
A Prospect.
At a dance recently a young man!
“ I don't like the self reliant, self- Second Idaho Medical Corps, was shot somewhat Inferior In sorial position
suppoitlng type of woman. I prefer In the left thigh Sunday In the railroad to most o f those present approached
the clinging vine type.”
station at Nogales. Aril., by a Mexican an alderman s daughter—"mighty su
"You won't, sonny, when you find soldier, who fired from a position In perlor" sort —and rather diffidently
how persistently that type can cling front of the Bank of Sonora, on The aski'd for the favor of a dance.
to all of your weekly salary and what Mexican side of the international
The girl looked him stonily In the1
you can raise on your credit."— Haiti boundary. Captain Wilson had Just face a moment, then turned away j
checked his trunk for Twin Falls. Ida­ with the remark:
more American.
ho, his home, where he was going on
"I m sorry, but I'm -w ell, rather par
a 30-day furlough, the dispatch added. ticular as to whom I dance with.”
Excitement is at fever heat among
"Ah. indeed.” was the quiet retort
the guardsmen, the correspondent said. "Then we differ In that respect. I'm
not a bit particular. That was why 1
R ed uced R ates
Three Dead Without Apparent Cause. asked you."
Court Room, Single, 75c; Double, $1.
Lancaster. O.— Neighbors of Agnes
Couldn’t Beat Uncle HI.
Outside Room, Single, $1; Double, $1.50 and Alice Smetters, maiden sisters,
aged 48 and 60 years, seeing no aettvi-1 Uncle Hiram from Podunk was ta ;
(Bath privilege included)
ty about the house of the two women, I ken by his nephew into a downtown Write about your wants in this line to
Rooms with Private Bath, Single,
entered the house and found the two* hashery for lunch.
$1.50; Double, $2.00.
F I N K E B R O S .,
women and Miss Mary Stretton, 30, a
"I guess I'll have some coffee and
visitor, sitting erect in rocking chairs, sinkers,” said the nephew.
183 Madison St.,
Portland, Ore.
and all three dead. There was no sign
"Dtd you say sinkers?” asked the
Antn-llus M~cU Train«.
of violence or poisoning, and examin­ old tnan.
All Car* from Union Depot Pas* Our Doom.
Big Gathering.
ation of the gas pipes revealed no
"I sure did. uncle.”
"Many conventions are held at th<
leaks. Medical examination revealed
" W s a i d Uncle Hiram, as his
no cause for the deaths, and the bodies eye fell on a spaghetti eater, “ I reckon summer resorts."
Cor. WMhington * Fifth S f . PORTLAND. OUT
"That's right. The mosquitoes hel<
have been taken charge of by the cor­ I'll have a mess of flshln' lines like
oner, who la attempting to solve the that there feller Is eatln’ out of a a convention where I was."— Louis
ville Courier Journal.
bowl."— Boston Transcript
The Mathev.s Welding mystery of the deaths.
Market Conditions at Tacoma.
Tacoma.— For the fourth time In
10 days eggs are to advance and the
price for fresh ranch eggs, will be 41
cents. General conditions are said to
be responsible for the rapid rise In
egg prices. Dealers report light egg
receipts with steady demand.
Eastern flour advanc d 20 cents a
barrel and the advance I d expected to
reach here In a day or so. With the
continued advance of flour, bread
prices may be expected to go up In
Tacoma thla Is likely to take the form
of smaller loaves.
Peaches and cantaloupes hold well.
A car of Elberta peaches showed up,
hut Is expected to he the last whole
ear. Late Urawfords and other late
varieties will gradually finish off the
peach season.
Cantaloupes are meeting with a
lighter demand and the price Is steady
at $1 a crate. Only a few dealers have
any watermelons on hand and there
seems to be no demand for them. Ca
sabas are practically o ff the market.
Plenty of grapes continue to be the
feature of the market. Tomatoes are
growing scarcer and the price ad
vanceil to 60 cents. Sweet potatoes
declined to 2V4 cent* a pound.
Dealers say it is hard to estimate
the potato erop this year but the
general opinion is that potatoes will
be high. The local crop Is good, ami
no Yakima potatoes are being Import-
i d
Give Statistics on Dyestuffs
Washington.—A detailed analysis
of dyestuffs Imported during the
year prior to the outbreak of the war
was made public by the bureau of for­
eign and domestic commerce to aid
American manufacturers in tbelr ef
forts to supply the dye which formerly
came from Germany.
The figures
show that the total consumption of (lie
synthetic dyes in the fiscal year 1913-
14 exceeded 29,000 ton*. With report*
of federal investigators American dye
makers will be able to regulate their
L a
8 3 .0 0
$ 3 .5 0
$ 4 .0 0
$ 4 .5 0
$ 5 .0 0
anf S"" o
S a v e M o n e y b y W ea rin g W . L. D ou gla»
sh oes. For sale by over 9 0 0 0 a ho-* dealers.
T h e B e s t K n o w n S h oe s in t h e W o rld .
V W L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot-
** tom of all shoes at the factory. Tike value j guaranteed and
thi wearer protected agamst high price« for uuenor shoes. The
retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San
Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the
price paid for them.
"The quality of W. L Douglas product » guaranteed by more
1 than 40 years experience in mi Icing fine shoes, like smart
style« are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America.
They are made in a well equipped factory at Brockton, Mass.,
by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and
supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest
dete»k nutation to make the best shoe» for the price that money
can buy.
A »k your
tlenler fo r W . L. D o u g lm sti 4 »e«. I f he can- * *
not Kupnly you w ith the Lin.I you n u n t. ta k e no other
m ak e . W rite for littt'resttni >K * booklet exp la in in g how to '
1 »litte« or th e high est * 1 tinlortl o f qu ality for the in Ice,
y return w a ll, |>o«tttge free.
LOOK FOR W. L. Dougina
name and the retail price
stamped on the bottom.
Boys' Shoes
Best in ths World
SS.00 $2.50 & $2.00
President U
.. Itroukt.m,
Different Line.
Just the Thing.
“ And do you make hay while the
"You like a Norfolk Jacket?"
sun shines?"
“ Yes.” said the commuti r. “ the belt
"No; 1 manufacture freckle lotion." Is so handy to ham; small packages
—Louisville Courier Journal
on."— Louisville Courtvr-Journal
. n
Model 1912
E x t r a L ig h t W e ig h t
M ade
1C a n d
G auges
There’s no need o f carrying a heavy
gun. Winchester Model 1912 shot­
guns aro made entirely o f nickel steel,
and hence are t h e lightest and strongest
guns on t h e market. Be sure to see
one before buying. Sold by all dealers. (
It will be money saved to protect the lumber against winter
weather. Get Color Cards from your I7>cal dealer.
Difficult to Find.
"Take a hear," he satil. “ Look at Ills
The boys had no bear to take, but
they had a picture of one, and they
looked at that.
"Ills fur," the teachor went on, "Is
the bear's overcoat, the same as your
big coals are your overcoats."
"He can't lake It off. though, same
as wo ran ours," said one contentious
"That Is true,” said the teacher
“ The bear can not take off Ills over
coat. But why can't he take It off?"
Every boy thought hard.
“ I guess," said the contention»
youth, finally, "that It 1» because no­
body hut God knows where the hut
tonH are."—Chicago Herald.
The Reason.
"Jam es!" she said severely.
The butler looked up with a guilty
"James," she asked. ' how Is it that
whenever I come Into the pantry I
find your v.-ork at sixes and seven*
and you sprawled otil reading the war
"Well, ma'am," the butler answered,
"I should say It was on account of
them old rubber sole shoes you're al­
ways wearing around the house."—
Toronto Mall.
Working Overtime.
"M ary!” cried 1’ rof Forgetalot, tri­
umphantly waving Ills gamp. "I have
remembered to bring home n.y um­
brella today."
"Ho I see," replied Ills wife "The
only trouble I* that you didn't lake It
Close Quarters.
with you this m orning" — Loudon
During tho thunderstorm our milk Ideas.
turned, did yours?"
"N o; our refrigerator Is so small the
By a Bachelor.
milk didn't have room to turn.”— Bos
Even left hunded women want their
ton Transcript.
The girl a man mnrrlea Is n dream
To Brul In New Shoe«,
Alw's. i ik»kn in Allen' r.,.,» /,.-«,* powder. —hilt later he wakes up.
Acrordlns to stntlsllc» three fourth*
I Clio--, h >i. sw eating, a*-ii I , 4 . * v ol leu I-- i
ur .1. i . In irun 11 , nail# aril iMinloim At of the men who commit suicide aro
.11 <1 i i g u iiia autl a uw ai area, z.v. D nat ai-rvpt
Further comment Is unnec­
mv nuluiililte. ha u ,.le in a! u-1 MIL I.. AiHresa married
essary.— Indianapolis Star.
til l S ' Iimalcl, Ir guy N. V.
The Uncommercial Minstrel
Wh<n Homer smote the lyre.
He nobly sang and well;
111* *ong* bail lota of fire,
But really wouldn't sell.
No syncopated lay
Did llom er ever peg;
Ills music didn't l ay,
And so he had to beg.
— Louisville Courier Journal.
His First Performance.
Maid The young clergyman who
the ceremony
dreadfully flustered.
Ethel Mercy, yes! Why, he klased
the bridegroom and shook hands with I
the bride Boston Transcript.
Dr. fierce'» Pleasant fellets are the
original liitle liver pills put up 40 years
ago. They regulate liver and bowels. 1
Nothing Doing!
Alsrla was a tender, sentimental lit­
tle thing, but, to put it mildly, hardly
a beauty J4he was very, very fond of
hubby, but exacted from hltn rather
an undue amount of attention and
"Oh, Oeorge," she complained ore
night, 'I don't believe you really love
me I l oll tne. would you feel It. dear,
If we were parted?"
"Eh what's that?" said O eorge.,
brightening up.
"I mean If someone were to come!
and offer to take me away, give tne a
Final Jute Forecast 8.300.000 Bales. beautiful home and every loving care.]
The Indian Jute crop for the and all the best that money could buy.
how would you feel?"
1916-1917 season will be 8.300,000
“ It doesn't arise!" he answe-ed, rs-1
balea, according to the figures announ lapsing into moody silence
"N o i
red by the British Indian authorities tody's likely to offer! "—Tit Bits
This I* about 12 per cent larger than
Quick Advancement.
the 1915 1916 crop. The first forecast,
which was made last July, plared the j Fond Mother of Absent Guardsman
probable yield at about 8,160,000 bale* —i knew Jack would distinguish him
While the outturn will in all likelihood | ■elf with the regiment, and ha haa!
The Neighbor Who Haa Dropped In
be In excess of the estimates made ai
couple of month* ago. the size of the! —Ah! On guard on the border. Isn’t
crop la a disappointment because last! he.
Fond Mother Better than that!
season's yield was the smallest In
years and the carryover Is considered J Why, his letter «ays he's rlrbt In the
guard bouse itself!—Judge.
Polk County Prune Crop Record.
Granatale« Eyelid«,
Rlckreall, Or.— Rickreall la harvest |
treu inflamed b f expo­
Ing the largest crop of Italian prunes'
sure to S«0( Dtt( and *l«4
In Its history
The yield this sea­
reli«re<i bf Morite
son Is fair, while the large acreage ofi
No Smartinfa
old trees and th* new ones just enter­
nfort. At
ju«t F re Comfort.
ing the bearing age swells the total | Your Pruf
gfet*« 5'V
50c per Bottle.
Bottle, ►
’ arto F ji
yield to a high figure. The crop Is be­ 6«!r«;nTobet2Sc. F' -l»o->fcof ikef yef rotxk
ing sent to the driers at Dallas and] Drufg.n« or Harlac I j t Hcmtéj U .U M fO
S o re
Eyes? > —
..... j
if he asks you
to try a can of
He wants todo
you a favor—
he knows what
brands to rec­
ommend from