Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, July 28, 1916, Image 3

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    Royal D-Lite
Of General Interest
About Oregon
All Sizes
Royal Shoe Co.
Arguments in Favor of Three
New Legislative Acts Are Filed
To C goì a Bum
and Take
the Fire Ou
Bookkeeping Shorthand Typewriting Penmanship
Letter Writing Arithmetic Commercial Law
London- Premier Asquith Monday
Portland— Wheat— Bluestem, $1.02$
asked the house of commons for a vote per buahel; fortyfold, 93c; club, 93c;
o f credit o f $2,260,000,000 and the red Fife, 92c; red Russian, 90c.
total since the beginning o f the war
M illfeed— Spot prices; Bran, $26@
to approximately $14,160,040,000.
26.60 per ton; shorts, $29@29.(0; rol­
The premier said the recent expend­ led barley, ’ $31.50(0.32.50.
iture was approximately $26,000,000
Corn— Whole, $38 per ton; cracked
A H outthold Rtm ody daily.
A ll
the expenditure from $39.
April 1 to last Saturday was $2,795,-
Vegetables— Artichokes, 75c@$l per
000,000. Mr. Asquith said that the dozen; tomatoes, 90c@$1.25 per crate;
navy, army and munitions cost $1,- cabbage, $2 per hundred; garlic, 10c
895,000,000; the loans to Great Bri­ per pound, peppers, 12$c; eggplant,
tain’s allies, $786,000,000, and food, 16c; lettuce, $1 per crate; cucumbers,
supplies, railways, etc., $115,000,000. $l(j$ 1.26 per boa; peas, 3(<C4c per
The average daily expenditure on the pound; beans, 4(q,6c; celery, $1 per
war. he said, was $24,750.000.
For Cuts, Burns,
dozen; corn, (0@60c.
The July total, continued the pre­
Bruises, Sprains,
Potatoes— New, 1 $@2c per pound.
mier, probably would be higher than
Onions — California red and yellow,
Strains, Stiff Neck,
that o f November and it was expected $2.75 per sack; Walla Walla, $2.76
Chilblains, Lame Back,
that the present level would be main­ per sack.
Old Sores, Open Wounds,
tained for the near future. The muni­
Green Fruits— Apples, new, $1.65(d)
tion expenditure had increased steadily 1.90 per box; cherries, 4@8c per
and all External Injuries.
and continuously up to May and in the pound; cantaloupes, $1.10@3.50 per
Made Since 1846. * * * * * *
month and during June and July it was crate; peaches, 60c@$l per box; wa­
fairly constant.
Price 25«, 50c a n d $1.00
termelons, I t a l i c per pound; figs, $1
A fte r a speech by Winston Spencer @1.50 per box; plums, $1.25@1.60;
Churchill, criticising Premier Asquith prunes, $1.2(@1.6t>; pears, 2@2.26;
m i i/ w u iw it i
for not review ing the war situation, apricots, $ 1.25@1.60; grapes, $2.35
David Lloyd George, secretary for per box; loganberries, 75c@ $l; rasp­
1« no more necp»i*ry
war, replied, Baying that it would be berries, $1(0)1.26; blackcaps, $1.50@
th an Sm allpox. Army
premature to survey a m ilitary situa­ 1.76.
e*p«f lence bs* drwoastxated
the almost miraculous effi­
tion and the prospects in the middle of
Eggs — Oregon ranch,
cacy, ant. h.*.rmles«ne*s, of Antityphoid Vaccination.
the battle.
Be vaccinated N O W by your physician, you and
price, current receipts, 23$c per dozen.
your family. It Is more vital than house insurance.
Jobbing p rice: Oregon ranch, candled,
Ask your physician, thuggist. Of lend for “ Have
secretary said.
“ Our generals are < 25c; selects, 26c per dozen.
you had Typhoid?” telling of T y p h o id Vaccine,
vesulu from us , and danger from Typhoid Carrier*.
more than satisfied with and proud of ‘
Poultry— Hens, 14@14$c; broilers,
the valor o f our men they are leading. | 16@18c per pound; turkeys, live, 20@
raooaciaa vaccist* a atauaa uaata u. a. *ov. uciaaa
Great as the British infantry was in 22c; ducks, 12@14c; geese, 9 @ llr .
W ellington’s and Napoleon's day, they,
Butter — Cubes, extras, no bid;
Granulated Eyelids, never have been greater than now.
prime firsts, 24$c.
Jobbing prices:
Eyes inflamed by expo­
Prints, extras, 27@29c; butterfat. No.
sure to Sul, Dust and Wild
1, 26c; No. 2, 24c, Portland.
quickly relieved by Mertae
Veal— Fancy, 12c; prime firsts, 24@
EyeBemdy. NoSmarting,
24$o per pound.
just Eye Comfort. A t
Your Druggist*s 50c per Bottle. Murlss Eya
Pork— Fancy, 1 0 $ @ llc per pound.
Sslv«inTubes25c. Fo-BtckellSefyefrecask
Cattle — Steers, choice, $7.60@8;
N ew York — Agents and collectors
Druggists or Murile Eye Bemedy Ce., Chicago
employed by the Prudential Insurance good, $6.75@7.25; cows, choice, $6.25
company were called out on strike @ 7 ; good, $5.50@6.25; heifers, $4@
Monday by a union recently organized 6.50; bulls, $3(0)5; stags, $4.50@6.
Hogs — Prim e light, $8.60@9.06;
among them and known as the Inter­
a i l f l i e s . N est, c les a .
orn am en tal, con v en ­
national Insurance Agents’ Protective good to prime, $7.76@8.10; rough
ient, cheap. L asts a ll
season . M ade o f
association, with a membership of heavy, $7.50@7.75; pigs and Bkips,
m etal, c a n 't s p ill or tip
o v e r ; w ill a o t s o il o r
6000. Although assertions o f the com­ $6.60@7.10.
In ju r e an y th in g .
Sheep — Yearlings,
$6.75 (o 6.25;
pany and the union were conflicting, it
Guaranteed e fiectiea .
S old br d ealers, or
ewes, $2.60 @
appeared Monday night that at least wethers, $4.76 @ 6;
6 sent b y e x p t c u p re ­
paid for
600 men in the district, have responded 5.60; lambs, $6(o8.26.
Salem— Arguments in behalf o f the
proposed tax limitation amendment,
148 Fourth St.
rural credits
amendment and the
N e a r M orrison
amendment to repeal Oregon’ s Sunday
closing law were filed with Secretary
o f State Olcott this week for inclusion
SAFETY RAZOR BLADES in the official election pamphlet.
Sharpem ij. 25c and 30c a dozen. Knives and Scis­
The tax limitation argument was
sor« »round
Autom atic Keen E d g e Co.,
submitted by Robert E. Smith, secre­
Fourth St., Portland. Oregon.
tary o f the Oregon Taxpayers' League,
I f l A B DECKER'S P R IV A T E BUSINESS COL- the rural credits argument by the com­
leire. Shorthand. T ypew riting, Bookkeeping.
m ittee in charge of the Oregon R efer­
English Branche«. Public Stenographers. Multi-
grap h in g and M im eographing.
Personal atten­ endum League,
and the argument for
tion. Positions when Competent.
N ew Alisky
the repeal of the Sunday closing law
Bldg., Cor. 3rd and Morrison. Portland, Oregon.
by Dan Kellaher and Ben A. Bellamy,
o f the Independent Retailers’ associa­
Doubt« Tread Punctun Proof Tires tion o f Portland.
Made from your old ones, I>aat long
The arguments for the three pro­
as Brand New T IR E S W rite us
posed amendments in part are as fol­
660 W ashington St..
Portland. Ore.
“ Are taxes in Oregon high enough?
Shall we lim it their further increase
H ID ES , P E L T S , C ASCARA B AR K, to 6 per cent a year? These are the
questions in considering the State-
W l want all roil h u e . Write tor pneot m o si oping tags
Wide Tax Lim itation Amendemnt.
T h i h . F. N o r t o n C o . form««. o™., stattn, wo
“ Oregon’s per capita tax is higher
than that o f any other state in the
Union. During the past ten years
taxes have increased 37 per cent a
year. Taxes have increased five times
faster than population.
“ As a result, Oregon has been going
T ak e o rder, for Roeenthal's Shoes.
A ct as ex*
elusive axenl. W rite today fur instructiona. Make
backward in population and wealth for
115.UU to 540.00 weekly; others do.
the past three years. Last year seven
161-163 P ost St., San Francisco, Cal. fam ilies le ft the state to each new
fam ily coming into it. In the face of
these discouraging conditions there are
those who have plans which w ill result
in still greater increases in our taxes.
Unless a lim it is provided the legisla­
ture and our public officials w ill con­
tinue to increase our taxes as rapidly
as they have in the past.
“ The amendment limits the increase
in taxation to an annual increase not
to exceed six per cent unless a greater
increase is authorized by the people.
“ The farm debt of Oregon, secured
by real and chattel mortgages, is con­
servatively estimated at $30,000,000. ■▲BOLD S0MZAS. 160 DaKnlh A » « .. Brooklyn. M . T. to the strike call thus far.
On this debt the farmers are paying
The men demanded more pay, recog­
an average rate o f about eight and
nition of the union and “ more reason­
He Didn't Suffer From That.
one-fourth per cent interest. Added
A good story is being told concern­ able” working hours. Telegrams from
to this the costs o f renewal and com­
ing the head of Cox's, the famous army branches o f the union in different
missions, the rate paid is probably
states in the territory east of Chicago,
bankers and a young officer client.
little under nine and one-fourth per
The subaltern called one day and leaders here declared, indicate that un­
asked the cashier to let him have an less the demands o f the men are met
“ The rural credits amendment pro­ overdraft of 50 pounds.
all the 6000 w ill follow the lead o f j
" I am very sorry. Lieutenant Blank.’ ! those already out.
poses to take the burden out o f the
farm mortgage at interest o f five per
agents and collectors are employed by
cent. The cost o f title searching and
the company.
appraisal will be from $10 to $50, ac­ you. see, we have no security, except i Lack o f sufficient collectors to see
your life.”
cording to the amount o f the loan. The
But Lieutenant Blank was not to be that premiums are turned in at the
farmer must pay off one per cent of put o ff like this and demanded to see proper time, the strikers assert, will
the original sum borrowed each year. tiie bead of the firm. To him he re result in the cancellation o f thousands
That is, the payment o f six per cent pea'ed his request. The hanker was of policies. The company announced
on the mortgage will pay interest, cost courteous, but firm.
that none of the men who walked out
" I am afraid, as the cashier says would be reinstated.
o f operation and wipe out the debt en­
we have no security for any further
tirely in a period of 36 years.
“ This system would mean to Oregon advance,” he explained. “ You might
an annual saving in interest and mort­ get killed, you see, and in that ease
we shall lose what we have already
gage costs of $760,000. It would mean let you have.”
an end to the perpetual worry and ex­
Cleveland— Imprisoned in a new wa­
The subaltern regarded the banket
pense o f mortgage renewing; practi with a Bcornful stare.
ter works tunnel under Lake Erie as a
rally an end to foreclosures, lost homes
"Oh. all right if you won’t," he said result of a terrific explosion o f gas in
and blighted hopes; better equipped haughtily. "But"— scathingly— "le t me the tube, 16 men are believed to be
tell you this—you’re bally well losing dead.
farms and greater rural prosperity.
“ The continuation o f the old blue your nerve."— Pearson's Weekly.
The blast occurrred shortly before
law, which w ill be enforced if not re­
midnight Monday snd lifesavers and
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription 5 the crews of the fireboats rushed to
pealed, simply means putting the peo­
makes weak women strong, sick women '
Automobile ple o f Oregon in a straight-jacket on well, no alcohol. Sold in tablets or liquid. . the outer crib five miles from shore
Sundays. I f not repealed this anti­
with lung motors, prepared to enter
the tunnel arid rescue the victim s alive.
Using automobiles as gopher killing ! quated law will be enforced strictly,
His Only Chance.
That any survived the gas explosion
machines is the novel service to which as it is now being done in Washington,
A short time ago on the shooting
cars have been put by Oregon farmers Lane, Linn, and other counties in Ore­
is considered hopeless.
range a recruit was taking a lesson in
who have set about to kill gophers, gon, where now you cannot purchase a
A t 2:30 a. m., G. O. Van Duzen,
firing, but not with very promising re
and other burrowing animals that newspaper, a cigar, refreshments, gas­
suits. After repeatedly falling to hit with eight members of a rescue party,
damage their crops A car, preferably oline or anything else on Sunday.
the target at 300 yards, the instructoi were overcome by gas in the tunnel
one that is light, is driven into the
“ I f enforced it means that all mov­ tried him at 200. with the same result trying to rescue the 14 men trapped in
field where the gophers live. The en
He then decided to try him at 10C the water works tunnel.
T w o others
glne is allowed to continue running , ing picture theaters must close on Sun­
yards, but the results were even worse in the party were saved. I t is report­
and one end of a hose is attached to days; it means that no baseball games
than before. Losing all patience, the ed that the rescuers were near death
the exhaust while the other end is in | can be played on Sundays; it means
instructor exclaimed in disgust;
from the gas.
serted in a gopher hole and packed that all pool and billiard parlors, and
“ Fix your bayonet and go and stat
about with a cloth and a little dirt. In bowling alleys or other innocent exer- , the wretched thing; it's your only
a short time the fumes penetrate the j cising sports and recreations operated
ch an ce!"— Toronto Mail.
various passages and issue from other for pay or^profit must not operate on
holes. These are then plugged up; Sundays; it means that Sunday news­
Easily Read.
after this has been done the gases papers cannot be printed, sold or deliv­
Washington, D. C.— Contributions to
They were at an afternoon recep
penetrate to the remotest chamber, j
tlon and were absorbed in watching the treasury’s "conscience fund, ” for
and the inhabitants are suffocated.— ;
the finely gowned women.
the fiscal year ending June 80 amount­
From the August Popular Mechanics pleasure resorts and recreation delights
"I think Mrs. Cameron is so sweet ed to $4,923.15, making a total of
of all kinds, including picnics, must
don’t you, Helen?" asked Inez. “ You $498,763.54 returned by persons whose
cease on Sundays, i f entrance fees or
can read her character In her face."
consciences were uneasy over frauds
charges are made.
"Y e s,” replied Helen, sarcastically,
“ Ice cream, confections, foods o f all "you can if you read between the against the government.
(at party) — Does your j
Returns were much larger during
mother allow you to have two pieces j kinds, and regular business of any lines.”— National Monthly.
the past year than ever before, chiefly
of pie when you are at home. W illie? kind except medicines, and medicines
W illie (who has asked for a second j only, at drug stores cannot be sold or
because o f two unusual contributions,
His View.
piece)— No. ma'am.
Cubist Teacher— Can any one glvr one for $30,000 and one for $10,000.
delivered on Sundays. It means that
"W ell, do you think that she'd like 1
It was in 1811 when the first $6 was
you cannot get a shoe-shine, that you an impressionistic definition of New
you to have two pieces here?”
York ?
sent in. It is an unwritten law of the
"O h." confidently, "she wouldn't cannot buy a cigar, or candies, or flow­
Bright Pupil— A small body of lim
carp. This isn't her pie."— Philadel- j ers, on Sundays, unless you can prove ousint-s almost entirely surrounded by department that no effort shall be
mule to learn the identity o f the con­
them necessities or charities.”
phla Public Dodger.
Fords.— Houston Chronicle.
tributors, and even in cases where the
writer has confessed to theft no effort
High Cost of Life.
School Terms increased.
is made to prosecute.
W ayne— Brown does a lot of enter j
taming at his country place.
The school directors o f Clatsop coun­
Payne— Does he succeed in growing i ty have increased the length o f their
Loss in O fficers Huge.
London- Casualty Mats issued by the
terms of school until the short term of
Wayne— His mortgage has grown
six or seven months during the year
war office show that during June the
from $2,000 to $5,000 since April, and
will probably jump another thousand j has been almost entirely eliminated.
British army lost 423 officers killed,
before August— Pittsburgh Dispatch, j The annual report o f County Superin­
1032 wounded and 46 missing— a total
tendent Byland, which has just been Lydia EL Pinkham’« Vegeta­
o f 1519. These figures bring the ag­
filed with Superintendent o f Public In­
ble Compound Helped Her. gregate losses to date to 29,424, of
Judge— You let the burglar go, to struction J. A. Churchill, shows that
which number 8997 have been killed or
last year there were but two districts
arrest a motorist?
died, 18,456 wounded and 1971 miss­
Policeman— Yes. The motorist pays in the county having six months of
Heavy fighting around Ypres
W est Danby, N. Y . — " I have had ing.
a fine, and adds to the resources of school, while more than three-fourths
(he state; the burglar goes to prison, of the remaining districts hsd terms of nervous trouble all mv life until I took caused losses among officers in the
Lydia E. Pinkham ’e Canadian contingent o f
109 killed,
and the state has to pay for his keep
! nine months.
V e g e t a b l e Com­ 804 wounded and 61 missing.
— London Answers.
pound f o r nerves the Australians 14 were killed and 32
Prison Employes Quit.
Stark Realism.
and for female trou­ wounded.
Mother (entering the nursery) —
Salem— T. E. Cornelius, head o f the
bles and it straight­
Children, why do you sit about look
ened me out in good
Oregon Penitentiary brick yard, has
Seattle Policeman Shot.
ing so solemn and unhappy?
shape. I work nearly
S eattle--Police Sergeant John Weed-
resigned, and his wife, who is matron
not play a game of some sort?
all the time, as we
One of 'Em— W e are playing W e're in charge o f the women’ s ward, w ill
in and I. Hiro, a Japanese porter em­
live on a farm and I
grown up ladies making a call.— New resign at the end of the present month.
ployed in a drug store owned by I^tgan
York Times.
Mr. Cornelius has been connected with
Billingsley, who has been arrested sev­
the penitentiary for six and a half
eral times for violating the prohibition
years under four administrations and
1 their h e lp , so i t law, were killed and Police Chauffeur
has served as deputy warden, chapel
Robert W iley was dangerously wound­
Veal, Pork,
guard, farmer and superintendent of shows thst I stand it real well. I took ed late Monday night in a pistol battle
Beef, Poultry, the brick yard. Superintendent Minto the Cimpound when my ten year old between the policemen and Hiro. The
daughter came and it helped me a 1st
Butter, Eggs & said that it was the intention to cloee I have also had my oldest girl take it shooting occurred in front o f Billings­
the brick yard this month, as the men
ley's warehouse, which had been the
Farm Produce would be needed in the flax fields.
and it did her lots o f good. I keep it In
scene of a liquor raid late in the day.
the house all the time and recommend
when the police confiscated 15 oil
T o th # OM K riiaU *’ Frer?iing house with a
i t ” — Mrs. D e w it t S incebaucm , West
Tim ber Road Proposed.
reeord o f 45 year* of Square L*-«* an<J be
cans filled with whiskey.
Danby. N. Y.
aseured of
Marshfield — A. E. Bradford, presi­
Sleeplessness, nervousness irritabil­
Boni Has N ew Evidence.
Top Market Prices.
dent o f the Bradford-Culver Lumber ity. backa-he, headaches, dragging sen­
Rome On behalf o f Count Boni de
company, passed two days on Cone Bay sations. all point to female derange­
follow ing an announcement from Rose
ments which may be overcome by Lydia Caatellane his attorney in the suit be­
fore the Holy See for the annulment
burg that lumber interests with hold­ E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compouad.
ings in the district between Coos Bay
This famous remedy, the medtciaal of bis marriage with Anna Gould has
45-47 Frasi S»„
and Roeeburg were looking over the ingredients o f which are derived from presented to the Pope new evidence
country with a view to constructing s native roots and herba, has for forty which, according to the attorney, will
railroad between the tw o localities. years proved to f « a most valuable towie prove that Misa Gould married Count
P. N. U.
Mr. Bradford said that the timber and in vigors tor o f the female organism. de Caatellane with the intention o f di­
No. 31. 191«
owrers along the middle fork of the IA omen everywhere bear willing teeti- vorcing him i f later she became dis­
Coqnille in the region o f Camas valley roony to the wonderful virtue o f Lydia satisfied with the marriage bond. This
\ V H iv «Htix* to
8— — I
is sufficient to annul a Catholic mar­
snd Eastward and Sooth from Camas E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compouad
s « a « ms "
riage. the attorney says.
valley fe lt the naeeasity of a railroad.,
and all commercial subjects taught by experienced teachers.
Civil Service training a specialty, d ir demand for our
Graduates exceeds the supply. W rite Today for Free illus­
trated Catalogue.
H A N F O R D 'S
Balsam of Myrrh
All Dealers G ä
A. T. LINK. Principal.
Phone Mein 5083
B aking P owder
c *
Passed by the Board of Censor*
Sixteen in Tube Thought Dead.
“ Conscience fund” Gets Record Sums.
1st—The manufacturer with the
rigid tests of the laboratory and
2nd—The wholesale grocer with
his high standing and desire to
handle only reliable goods.
Prudential Insurance Company
Agents Called Out on Strike
3rd—The retail grocer who desires
to handle only those brands he
knows will please his customers.
4th—The food officials with their
rigid laws for the purity and
wholcsomcness of food products.
5th— And most important, you,
the housewife with your desire
for purity, efficiency and per*
feet satisfaction.
Seattle— Wheat — Bluestem, $1.02;
Turkey red, $1.01; fortyfold, 93$c;
club, 93$c; fife, 94c; red Russian,
92$c. Barley, $28 per ton.
Tacoma — Wheat — Bluestem, 98c;
fortyfold, 94c; club and red fife, 92c. 1
Washington's 1916 Apple Crop
Estimated at 16,000 Carloads
Tilford Bid g, Teniii and MorrUon St«., Portland, Or.
Ounces fo r
(More than a pound and
a half for a quarter)
Spokane, W ash -----Sixteen thousand
cars is the estimated apple crop in the
state of Washington this year. This
is 3000 cars in excess of the yield o f j
1915. The peach yield is placed at |
1063 cars, pears 1239 cars, ami plums
and prunes 395 cars.
R. G. Page, president o f the Arcadia
Fart* over 50 makes and model«, at h alf the re g ­
Valley Fruit Growers' association, an- j ular price. Buy your u«ed auto part« from an
nounces that plans are being drawn for old-establish#*! arid reputable dealer, who ha« a
By buying direct from us at wholesale price«
a storage warehouse to be built near reputation to protect and conduct« the largcat
ami «ave the plum ber's profits. W rite us to­
Deer Park this season. The building part;* «tore and carries the larir«*«t complete a*-
your needs. W o w ill give you our rock*
sortmerit o f used auto part« o f any company this
bottom “direct-to-you” price«, f. o. b. rail or
w ill be 100x100 feet, o f reinforced aide v t Chicago. O ur prices are le««. and for this
W e actually save you from 1U to 36 per
concrete construction.
reason we outaell all other«. All parts are g u a r­
cent. A ll Moods guaranteed.
Announcement is made by J. M. Bal­ antied to be in first -class condition.
Northwest headquarters for le a d e r W ater
four that the Balfour-Greely Grain
Systems and Fuller it Johnson Engine«.
company w ill establish a plant here to
Incur porated.
store, clean and grade Montana wheat.
212 T h ird Street.
Portland. O r e * «
323 325-327 BUHNSIDE S i . PORTLAND. 03 .
The first unit w ill cost $16,000. The
company's plan is to bring wheat to
the Spokane plant from all the rail­ Banquet is Held In Barn While Cows
Exposition Structures Are Dynamited.
roads reaching into and through Mon­
Are Milked.
An event which wua not without ita
tana, and to supply cleaned and graded
For the purpose of emphasizing the regrettable aspects was the recent
wheat to the mills o f the Inland Em­ sanitary condition of Hie dairy of the
wrecking of the beautiful buildings
pire and to the Coast for export and to state hospital at Naps, C a lif. the Napu
and monuments of the exposition at
the East. The Montana crop amount­ County Live Stock Association held San Francisco which were erected
ed to 40,000,000 bushels last year.
its annual banquet in the barn where only about two years ago.
the cattle are kept, according to the i any desire to preserve them that ad-
August Popular Mechanics Magazine. I mirers may have had. the temporary
Parable of the Sugar Bowl.
Long tables were placed In an area character of the building* made their
between rows of stalls, and covers demolition advisable.
Many of the
I f there is just so much available laid for 120 persons.
In the same
fe rtility in an acre o f soil and you use j room with the banqueters were 200 fine monumental structures, such as
Sun,” sur­
part of it in making a corn crop, part cows in their stalls. W hile the men
mounted by a group entitled "The Na­
in an oat crop, part in wheat, and an­ ate, the cows wero milked by the ein tions of the Fast," were thrown to
other part in grass, and then begin the ployes of the dairy.
the ground by exploding charges of
rotation over again and keep selling
dynamite under them.— From the Aug­
off the larger part o f it all the time,
ust Popular Mechanics Magazine.
Mayor Smith of Utica was urging a
you are like the housewife who has a
l u B re a f • « N e w Slopes.
bucket of sugar and dips out one day
A lw a y s «h a k e In A lle n ’r fo 'it E aM , a p o w d er.
"It will best be put through by gen
with a teacup to make a rake; another
sweating, aching, swollen feet,
tie methods, by hints ami sugges­ urea corns, ingrowing
nail« end bunion«. A|
tim e fills the sugar bowl and another
tions.” he said. “ Hints and sugges , ill druggist« ai:<I *ti(M‘ hieres, - >c. Pont accept
tim e dips out with a spoon to sweeten tions are often more efficient than uivsubMltute. S h rnplc mal N I F U LL . Addrea«
A lieu H 'jlmsted, L© Hoy N. Y.
lemonade or make rookies, without the heroic measures.
bucket being refilled. — Green’s Fruit j
"A man in a barber chair had a big
Watchful Waiting.
claw on his watch chain.
“ Doing anything now, Ham, to help
" Hears claw?’ said the barber.
¡ your w ife?"
“ Yep.’
6 4,478 File fo r Land.
"Oh, yes, sah ”
"'W a s it a big bear?'
Spokane— The last week o f the Col­
“ (lettin g washing for her?’’
‘•'About as big as a two-year old
"Oh, no, sah.”
ville land registration began here with steer ’
" I suppose you carry home the wash-
a rush, notaries in the two booths be- \ “ ’ My goodness, sir, how many halls
j Ing after she does It?”
ing kept busy registering many land- did It take to kill him?’
“ No, sah; I doan do that."
“ ’None.’
seekers from out o f the city.
“ W ell, what do you do. Bain?”
“ 'My goodness, did you kill him
A t the six registration cities in \ with a knife?'
“ Why. I stay home and watch de
house while she delivers d’ washln’,
Eastern Washington, up to noon Mon­
'* 'No.'
boss."— Yonkers Statesman.
day, 54,478 persons had paid the Fed­
“ Then— then, er— ’
“ 'I talked him to death,' said the
eral government 26 centa each for the
No Permit.
privilege of participating in a drawing man in the chair significantly."
“ H ere’s interesting news.”
here July 27. Most o f the outsider,
“ What's dat?"
Her Next Branch.
that have regiatcred at both places are
“ In Senegal youse have to get a gov­
Young Lady -How is it you, don't
from Montana and Oregon. Few came
permit to take a bath.”
come to Sunday school, Kate?
from great distances.
“ Hat's de place fer me I'm always
Kate— Oh, please, miss. I'm learn
Ing French and music now. and moth on de outs wit’ de administration.’’—
Ra in o f Benefit to Crops.
er doesn't wish me to take up religion Louisville Courier Journal.
Baker, O r.— One o f the most bene­ till later.— Boston Transcript
Might Help Some.
ficial rains o f the season fell nearly all
"Preparedness, you say?"
Ita Place.
day Tuesday and ranchers say it did
All we girls are go-
"T h e steamer reports that the crew
thousands of dollars' good to grain and found an ox swimming about, probably ! Ing In for it strong ."
“ Well, I hope that tendency will
hay in the vicinity. Nearly an inch escaped from a cattle ship, and took
moderate vour reluctance to wear rub­
fell, after two week* o f sunshine, so It aboard."
"Did they put it in the steerage?"— bers In wet weather." sighed m i. —
that ranchers have not only caught up
I Louisville Courier-Journal.
because o f the late spring season, but Baltimore American.
may get even more than last year’s
yield. Some hay was caught down,
but no damage was done. Ranchers
have cut the first crop o f alfalfa and
expect the second crop to be a bumper.
The first lot sold was 400 tons at $7.(0.
P A R T S F O R 1-2
A Famous Physician’s
Wonderful Discovery
Montana W ool High.
Billings. Mont. The largest clip of
wool in Eastern Montana has been sold
to a Boston firm at the highest price
on record, 34$ cents s pound being
reached in this transaction.
Herd, o f this city, has soVd his clip, es­
timated at between 240,000 and 2(0,-
000 pound*, to Claude Ketchum, repre­
senting a Boston house.
The Herd d ip is particularly at­
tractive because o f its long staple and
uniform character.
University Loses Four Million.
New York.— Colombia
loses s bequest of $4.000,000 undsr a
verdict by s Jury setting aside the will
o f the late Amos F. Eno This amount
represented Kno't residuary estate,
his relatives assert he willed to
the institution wblla of unsound mind
After a series of careful experiments
snd testa at the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y , eov
erlng many years Dr Pierce, the
medical director of that hospital made
announcement that he could prove
that a medicine which he called "AN
U R IC " was the heat uric acid solvent
now to be had As a remedy for those
easily recognized symptoms of lafiam
■nation—as scalding urine, backache
and frequent urination, as well ae sedl
ment in the urine, or If uric add In
the blood has caused rheumatism, lum
bago sciatica, gout. It is simply won
derful how qu)ckty "Anuric" acta,
| causfag the pains snd stiffness rapidly
to disappear
Swollen hands, ankles, feet, are due
to a dropsical condition, often caused
by disordered kidneys
When the kidneys are deranged the
blood is filled with poisonous waste
matter, which settles in the feet, an­
kles and wrists, or trader the eyes In
bag like formations.
It Is just as necessary to keep the
kidneys acting properly as to keep the
bowels active.
The very best possible way to take
care of yowrself Is to take a glass of
hot water before meals and an "An-
urie" tablet. In this way it 1* readily
dtaaolvad with the food, picked up by
the blood and finally reaches t h e kid­
neys, where it has a tonic effect in
rebuilding those organs.
Step Into the drug store SuJ ask fer
! a (0-cent package of 'Anuric' or send
Dr. Pierce 10c for trial pckg "Anuric"
-m any times more potent than lithia,
eliminates uric acid ax hot water melts
, sugar A short trial will conviaca yew.