Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, July 28, 1916, Image 2

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    ton’s hands tightened on the rails in
"A r e you listening, Mr Low e?"
“ Yea. ye*. I am listening
I heard front o f him.
"P oor devils!”
everything you said. Sower was cash­
A few yards behind the last Hue a
iered. I am not surprised. His profes­
sion was bis tragedy. He would have spahl rode aloue. A short rope was at­
made an admirable company promoter, tached to his saddle— aud to a man
hut the task of being an honest gen­ who stumbled at his horse's heels. Tbe
tleman was too much for him. You say rope was round his neck; bis band*
be has committed suicide. H ave you were bound behind him, and the broken
come all this way to tell me of poor link o f a chain clanked In the sudden
Sower's utore or less providential es­ stricken stillness. His kepi had been
knocked off. aud every line lu that
cape, Mr. Preston?"
The young mau crimsoned, but an­ gaunt quiet face was visible. A*
though blinded by the auddeu light, he
swered steadily.
reeled and was Jerked brutally to his
"You were bis friend.”
A faint Ironical smile crept over kuees. A woman laughed hysterically.
Instantly he bad recovered. And In
Tsiwe's suffering features.
“ I was Sower's partner.” be said that recovery, that quiet acceptance of
quietly. "You were Farquhar’s friend a crowning humiliation there was a
You chose to act with us agalust him dignity, a courage that held the crowd a
— o f your owu free will. There was a moment longer In awestruck silence.
“ God In heaven— Farquhar!"
compact, an understanding. The whole
Low e nodded.
sceue that ulgbt was a farce, a little
"You know now,” be said. “ You
play-acting with you as an unconscious
actor. Farquhar Intervened. He blun­ know that your atonement has come
dered recklessly, but be spoiled our too late.”
The tragic figure passed oh; an offi­
cer on horseback rode Into the light,
“ You scoundrel!”
San Franciaco— A t leant Bix person»
“ Yes, I am a scoundrel,” Low e said and the crowd stirred In restless relief.
A rrow Shows the Deutschland.
were killed and 42 or more injured by
simply; “ but do not trouble to murder But above that sudden w ave o f move­
the explosion here Saturday o f a timed
me. That would get you Into difficul­ ment, above the clown’s half-ashamed
In deadly fear chat some one w ill Hanked on the opposite side by a the bottom so that the only possible
bomb in the midst o f a throng view ing blow up or try to injure the merchant barge. A t one end is the high wall of approach to the vessel is from directly
ties, and It Is not necessary."
He hurst o f reconquered merriment there
a preparedness parade. The police ar­ submarine Deutschland the Germans in a warehouse, and at the other is a tug. above. Even a view o f more than the
touched himself lightly on the chest. sounded a cry— a muffled wall o f
" I have something here which will fin­ Incredulous agony. The officer turned
rested Frank Josephs, a lodger in a charge o f her have hidden her away ir. Strung along the warehouse and the periscope and an occasional outline o f
pier is barbed wire.
Extending out the deck is impossible. The boat in
ish me off In a mouth or two— less lu his saddle. Sylvia Arnaud, in
sailors’ boarding-house, but said he Baltimore harbor so it is almost impos­
the distance is the German interned
row- o f the masques,
pleasantly than you would do. That tbe front
had not been charged with the crime. sible for the public to get a glimpse from the barge is a boom, and from
merchantman Neckar.
is why I care uot at all how much or waved to him. He did uot look at her.
Chalres M. Fickert, district attor­ o f her. She is alongside a pier and is this boom w ire netting is dropped to
bow little you know. The partnership and she glanced impatiently at the
ney, issued a statement attributing the
Is ended—and 1 am going out of busi­ boy-Mephlstopheles beside her.
deed to a mind unbalanced by argu­
templated no change in the caucus pro­
“ What was that? Didn’t you hear?”
He laughed sardonically and
ments for and against preparedenss,
gram and no call had been issued for
He laughed.
turned back to the window. The crowd
which have occupied attention here.
another caucus to consider Mr. Wil-|
I Sylvia Oniney, her lover, Richard Far- beneath bad broken up and fallen back
“ Someoue fainted. That queer olil
The parade was not interrupted.
son's request.
! ijuhar, finds, has fallen In love with Cap-
Lists o f dead compiled by the police
I tain Arnaud o f the Foreign Legion. Far­ on either side beneath the trees of the fury with the white wig, I believe.
The President’s arrival at the Capi-1
Lincoln, N eb.— Follow ing a clash at quhar forces Hower to have Preston's I O avenue, and from the distance there You’re uot frightened?”
Wahington, D. C.— Fressident W il­
, U’s returned to him. Sower forces Far­
"Oh, no— no!”
Mrs. Howard E. Knapp, Alameda, son made a personal visit t,o the Capi- panied only by tw o secret service men, the county ja il late Tuesday night be quhar to resign his commission. Gabrlelle sounded a dull rhythmic lieat and the
"O f course not. One gets accus­
Farquhar from suicide. To shield ominous rattle of drums. "The legio n
tween County Sheriff H ires and mem­ j saves
, tol Tuesday to emphasize his desire
lias returned," Low e said quietly. "D o tomed to that sort of thing here, does
Dr. George Painter, Iierkeley, Cal. that a child labor law be put on the room and sent for Senator Kern, the
bers o f the Industrial Workers o f the i fesses to have stolen war plans. As
O. H. I.amborn, printer, Alameda. ntatute liooks at the present session of m ajority leader. Later he discussed
I Richard Nameless he joins the Foreign you want to see the saddest sight on one not? A runaway legionary! Who
World who came to Lincoln to effect I-egion. Farquhar meets Sylvia and Ga-
cares!” He offered her his arm with
George Lawler, M ill Valley, Cal.
} congress. To senate leaders whom he the subject with Vice President Mar­ the release o f members o f the order brlelle. Arnaud becomes a drunkard and earth. Mr. Preston?"
The explosion took place at Steuart summoned to a series o f conferences shall, Senators
The young mao drew nearer, re­ an elaborate bow-. “ May we uot go on
Williams, who had been detained, peace was ) opium smoker. Sylvia becomes friendly
with Colonel Destinn. Arnaud becomes luctant yet fascinated. Ills hands were dancing, Carmen?”
and Market streets, tw o blocks from in the President's room adjoining the JameB and Owen, o f the Democratic
effected through the release o f two of jealous o f Farquhar and t* shot down by
the Ferry building, on San Francisco’s senate chamber, he insisted that the Bteering committee, ».id Senators Sim­
him. Arnaud goes to a dancing girl who no longer clenched. He was looking at
the men held by the authorities and I loves
him for comfort. Gabrlelle meets the gaunt figure leaning negligently
main thoroughfare.
The bomb, con­
child labor bill passed by the house mons and Hughes.
j there was an exodus o f a hu.idred or I I / i w p , for whom she had sacrificed posl-
cealed in a suitcase packed with cart­ i should be made a part o f the legisla­
j more "w o rk e rs,’ ’ who have been here
j free from him. Sylvia meets Destinn be­ thing monstrous, Incredible.
ridges, bullets, marbles, bits o f glass, tive program to be put through the
The Last Offer.
several days.
hind the mosque. Arnaud becomes 11! but
iron pipe and scrap iron, blew a gap
The long low-built room was full o f
"H a v e you no conscience— no re­
senate before adjournment.
The collision between Sheriff H ires Sylvia will not help him, nor Interfere for
through the crowd, hurling men, wom­
j Farquhar.
Gabrlelle. aiding Farquhar.
It poured In through the
"D eterm ined opposition by South­
and the Industrial W orker» came when who Is under punishment, is mistaken by morse?” be said.
en and children to the ground.
“ Oh. yes, Mr. Preston, a great deal.” half-opened shutters and danced on the
ern senators forced the house bill,
a delegation of two or thr t o score ap- i him min his delirium for Sylvia. Farquhar
The holiday throng, cheering a con­
a message to Destinn at
"Then pity my remorse. For God’s whitewashed walls and on the long
which would prevent shipment in in­
j preached the ja il and insisted on the j delivering
night finds Sylvia with him. He learns
tingent o f veterans o f the First Cali- j
terstate commerce o f goods manufac­
Spartanburg, N. C.-—According to | release o f the prisoners.
One o f the 1 that It was Gabrlelle who aided him. Ga­ sake— If you know— tell me why Far- ileal table with Its litter of maps and
form a Infantry o f the Spanish-Ameri-
tured wholly or in part by children, information brought here Tuesday men, whose attitude was regarded brlelle leaves Sylvia and goes to Farqu- qtibar did that tiling—help me to un documents. The doors at the far end
! imr’a mother, who has come to Algiers
can war, and members of the Grand out o f the im perative program drawn night by H. A. Marlette, who went to
were thrown open, and two soldiers
threatening, was knocked down by the j In an effort to save her son. While on a derstand.”
Arm y o f the Kepublic who were form ­
up by the Democratic caucus last Sat­ Thermal City, N. C., in an automobile sheriff, who then drew his revolver j march Farquhar saves Destinn s life. A r­
pleading with fixed bayonets took up their
ing in Steuart street, stood in a path I
urday. It was le ft in a secondary po­ Monday, the village o f Chimney Rock, and warned the delegation to keep its by Arabs.
caused Low e to turn a moment. He posts on either hand. A few minutes
which became a shambles. The blare
sition, to be considered only i f time N. C., near the famous rock of that j distance.
smiled, and that faint glimmer o f half- later a group of officers followed. They
o f drums drowned the cries o f the in­ remained after other measures regard­
V U U H H U H U H W H H W W V i
name, was completely washed away by
compassionate understanding waa a were six la number— tw o lleuteuants.
The peaceably inclined Industrial
jured. The sidewalk was strewn with
ed as more urgent had been disposed the high waters o f Broad river. The ] Workers told the officer no violence
light falling deep luto a turgid stream three captains and a major. They be­
“ We can’t help our relative*,
torn bodies, spatterd with blood.
Mr. Wilson had been told that an population o f the town was about 160. was intended, and after a long parley
— revealing many sunken, forgotten longed to the sume regiment. They ex­
but thank heaven we can choose
A ll the newspaper offices in San
effort to force its passage would mean
According to Harlette a party went | it was agreed that tw o o f the men
changed ileaultory remarks, and from
Francisco received a communication
to Chimney Rock to try to rescue those against whom charges were pending
a serious party revolti
"Farquhar sacrificed himself.” be time to time one or another o f them
voiced by many persons. Rich­
written in Roman script, with an in­
W hether the President’s visit ac­ caught by the flood, but water sur­ | should be released, provided the others
said. "H e resigned because Sower laughed. Only Desire Arnaud was
ard Farquhar, in great trouble,
delible pencil, many o f the words be- |
complished anything more than to rounding the v illage prevented them le ft with them.
The exodus began
wished It. That seems lucredlble. But silent.
has cause to appreciate and
ing heavily underscored.
The com- i
bring his own position emphatically to I from getting close to the houses. i immediately. Seven members against
A moment later the sentries present­
Sower held the reins. There was an
cherish the love of his friends
munication was signed "T h e Deter-J
the front, was not apparent Tuesday They saw no signs o f human life, it |
\ whom charges are pending are held.
old tragedy which lie used for bis own ed arms and Colonel Destinn entered.
for him and to loathe his kin.
mined E xiles from M ilitaristic Gov- j
night. So far as could be learned the was said.
The postolfice and hotel
ends— the tragedy of Ills father's death All six men sprang to their feet. There
ernment, Italy, Germany, U. S., Italy,
Democratic steering committee con- were washed to a point Beveral miles
and of Captain Farquhar’s disappear­ was more than formal military cour­
R ussia."
In several instances the
below the village.
tesy In that simultaneous movement
w riter repeated himself.
The com
C H A PTE R X V II— Continued.
munication read:
T o Succeed Judge Hughes.
The roll o f drums was close at hand, Their eyes were fixed on his face as on
Asheville, N. C.— Receding waters
"E d ito r : Our protests have been in
"I stoic these,” lie said. I thought and a woman's note of laughter flut­ some feared und Incalculable oracle.
of the disastrous floods which swept
"P ray be seated, gentlemen.”
vain in regards to this preparedness j
they would lie my last. I was mis­ tered up blrdllke from the somber-flow­
through the French board valley Sun­
He took his place in the midst of
propaganda, so we are going to use a
taken apparently. Am I to thank you?” ing tide of sound.
day gave up seven additional bodies
them beneath the two tricolors draped
little direct action on the 22d, which
Lowe turned back to the window.
“ Give me a cigarette Instead.”
Wednesday and reports o f eight more
perfunctorily over a miniature and em­
w ill echo aronud the earth and show j
"You see. Sower miscalculated,” 1-e
Their faces were close together. The
deaths by drowning in the Bat cave
blematic bust o f the republic. “ Bring
that Frisco really knows how and that j
section brought the total death list in
In the prisoner," he said sharply.
m ilitarism cannot be forced on us and '
this district to 28.
Indications were
The sentries repeated the order, and
our children without a violent protest. j
He did not understand
other In the eyes. Then a hand was patriotism.
that the pro|>erty loss in Western
In the b rief Interval that followed the
"T h in gs are going to happen to
stretched out and touched Farquhar's tills red-hot love o f one’s birthplace.
six men relapsed Into their former atti­
show that we w ill go to any extreme,
He did not understand the reckless
with ail almost feminine gentleness.
000. Fears are fe lt that the loss of
tude o f languid Indifference. The two
the same as the controlling class, to
"Is there anything I can do for you— temperament o f the man with whom
younger officers exchanged whispered
preserve what little democracy we still
lie was dealing. Are you tieglnnlng to
comments, anil one o f them laughed.
have. Don’t take this as a joke, or
"Y es— I should be grateful. W ill you understand. Mr. Preston?”
you w ill be rudely awakened. Awak-1
The door opened and a sergeant en­
"Yes, 1 am beginning to under­ tered, followed by tw o corporals and a
en (s ic ).
W e have sworn to do our I
companion— a Miss Smith—a little stand,” Preston said dully. “ And then?" man whose hands and feet were
duty to the masses and only send warn­
countrywoman o f mine. W ill you tell
"Then history repeated Itself— not chained. There was a short silence.
ings to those who are wise, but who
her— bow It happened?”
In Incident, but In character. Bobert The sergeant made an authoritative
are forced to march to hold their jobs,
"I promise you. Nameless.”
Sower tried to be the honorable gen­ gesture, and the man was thrust for­
as we want to g iv e only the hypo- [
critical (s ic ) patriots who shout fo ri
Farquhar bowed bis bead for a mo­ tleman; be tried even, strange ns it ward and the door closed ngaln, shut­
Washington. I). C. — Indications that
may seem, to gain Farcpihar's friend­ ting out the brief glimpse o f sunlit
war, but never go, a real taste o f i
officials are considering the advisabil­
He failed, and then-—you re­ courtyard.
w ar.”
“ Tell Iter the mirage was not so ship.
ity o f taking economic retaliatory
member that scene at tlie card tables?
"K in d ly ask the Chamber o f Com­
splendid ns the truth.”
"The prisoner's number?”
measures against Great Britain for
merce to march in a solid body, IF
r :
The sergeant drew out a bulky docu­
I lie night deepened with the silence. That decided him. Blood ami Instinct
blacklisting nearly 100 American firms
r a in
T O PROVE M il >
and individuals under the trading with
They had forgotten that their bands were too strong. He turned and used ment from between the buttons o f his
A copy has
the enemy act were apparent here
were still clasped together. Like chil­ his power.”
been sent to all the papers. Our duty
Low e stepped out on to the balcony,
“ No. 4005. called Itlchard Nameless
dren they dreamed old dreams and
has been done so fa r ,”
Conclusions and plans were said not
trod old paths. The dawn broke, and anil lient forward with his elbows on of the First regiment, the Eleventh
to have developed, hut it was intimat­
Instinctively tlielr eyes sought the the roll, watching the dense <x>'iipany company.”
S 6 OOO Reward O ffered.
ed that action o f that kind might be
“ The accusation?”
west. Amid the golden clouds drifting o f chtiusseurs force their way through
San Francisco Mayor Rolph offered
"Conspiracy and mutiny on the
determined on after the State depart­
up from the horizon the night had built tlie restless crowd. The clash o f the
a reward of $5000 Sunday for the ar- :
ment learned more o f the plans o f the
The chns
t city o f temples and palaces, domed band was already fainter.
rest o f 'h e |>erson who placed a bomb
British government.
“ Any previous record?”
with silver, whose pale ethereal niltta seura rode now In silence, and once
Saturday among the crowds watching
In the event economic reprisals are
“ No, my colonel, but marked as a
rets and glowing cil|x>lus reached tip more the dull monotonous tread pre­
the preparedness parade, the explosion
Judge John H. Clarke o f the United decided on, the department o f Justice
persistently dangerous character.”
into the translucent light o f morning dominate*).
o f which killed six and wounded 40, States D istrict Court at Cleveland haa and the department o f Commerce, it
“ Very well, sergeant. You can stand
For a moment or two It brightened, the ominous. "You know where Farquhar
and the police department established lieen nominated by President Wilson was said,
probably would develop
slender outlines strengthening almost is?” Preston said Imperatively. "You hack.”
a separate bureau for the single pur- for associate justice o f the United means of executing them.
The man saluted and retired a few
to reality then fade*) and as the sun know what has become of him?"
|xise o f running down the culprit.
A t / S J X 7 / V / V f M U R T I iS t
States Supremo court to succeed Asso­
Sweden retaliated when Great B rit­
paces, leaving his prisoner alone, fac­
"Perhaps— I am not sure.”
rose passed wholly Into the vacant day.
As the result of police investigation, ciate Justice Charles E. Hughes.
ain blacklisted Swedish business houses
Miss Anne Martin o f Nevada, is
" I f you know remorse you must wish ing the table. Colonel Destinn looked
"M irage!”
several possible clews to the perpetrator
In Cleveland Judge Clarke for a long and individuals by refusing to permit chairman of the campaign committee
up. As tlielr eyes met the prisoner
to atone," Preston said hoarsely.
of the outrage were obtained. W illiam time was associated in politicos with shipments for Russia to pass through of the National W oman’s Party, and
"A scoundrel, at the end o f Ills day’s 1 lowed, gravely, without bravado, with
Taylor, an aged cripple, who frequents the late Mayor Tom Johnson and Sec­ her territory, according to information she w ill manage her campaign in
work, lias much to atone for," waa the an Instinctive courtesy which became
the waterfront, told the police that he retary o f War Baker.
He has been received by the State department. tw elve suffrage states. There the men pointed then to something moving
abstracted answer.
” 1 have chosen hi in strangely well. Colonel Destinn s
saw a man leave a suitcase on the s|mt classed as a Progressive Democrat and The action is said to have resulted in a managers o f the other tw o parties will
All atone­ outstretched hnnds were clenched, and
where the explosion occurred a few has taken part in several reform move- I modification by the British govern­ have to take the lady into considera­
shall be the knuckles stood out white and pol­
the hour," he said. "There nre the
minutes later.
ment o f the blacklisting measure.
tion and be very nice to her.
made— for my greatest wrong, at what­ ished as marble. There was no trace
ever cost— " He broke off "T h e l e ­ of emotion on the Implacable features,
Japan Gets Russian Line.
Notaries Reap Riches
Casement Appeal Denied.
Pontiff’ s Body is Moved.
and his voice sounded formal and In­
gion." be said quietly.
San Francisco For $7,000,000 Ja­
Spokane, Wash.- One hundred dol­
Iamdon— Without hearing the attor­
Rome — A rumor was current in
Preston did not speak, silenced different.
"In the ordinary course o f events
pan has acquired from Russia 75 miles lars for six days' work is the wage neys for the Crown, the Court of Crim­ Rome Sunday that the body of Pope
against bla will by the scene beneath
The Return.
this case would go to the court at
of the main-line railroad through scale o f the notaries who are handling inal Appeal dismissed Sir R oger Case­ Leo X II I as to be transported at sun­
Ill the softly-lighted courtyard o f the hint. The dancers from the hotel bad
Southern Manchuria, according to re­ the registration for the opening o f the ment’s ap|ieal from the verdict o f the set from its present resting place in Hotel do France a newly Imported swarmed up to tbe long lines o f bang Oran,” he said. "B ut I have received
ports received Monday by Japanese Colville reservation in Spokane, fig- lower court, which found him guilty of St. Peters to a tomb erected in the Zlgouner Kapelle was playing the Ing lanterns at the edge of the garden. Instructions from General Meunler to
residents of this city. The concession UT«d on the basis that there w ill be treason for his part in the Irish rebel­ church o f St. John Ilateran. A large wait* from Hoffman’s "Krtaehlnn- A clown climbed upon the stone gate­ deal with all such offenses summarily.
was paid for, the report» said. In war 50.000 registrations in Spokane.
lion, for which the l,ord Chief Justice number o f persona gathered along the gcn.” Sylvia Arnaud. a red and gold post anil was beating wildly, hilarious­ There have been signs o f unrest In the
munitions, including aeroplane motors
This rate o f compensation, however, sentenced him to death. A further ap­ route which the procession would have Carmen, danced Joyously to the slow ly on the heads o f the crowd with Ills Legion. General Metinier demands
that an example should be made.”
valued at $1,000,000, manufactured in is far below that at Wenacthee, where peal to the House of Lords is possible to take, and the riots which occurred in graceful strains, and her partner smiled
bladder, shouting a witticism at each
Berkeley, t'al.
The major nodded.
it is estimated that each notary w ill only i f the attorney general gives a July, 1881, when the body o f Pope Pius down into her face, upturned and bril­ laughing victim. But beyond a tldn
The firm o f Mitsui & Co., w as cred­ receive about $275 for his work in certificate that the decision o f the IX was similarly transported, were re­
"It's essential to discipline," he mur­
liantly lovely lu its sheer ecstasy of dark stream flowed from the darkness
ited with having engineered the deal, handling the registration.
The differ Court o f Criminal Appeal involves a called. The body of Pope Leo. how­ living.
mured vaguely.
Into the light and from light back Into
knowledge of which was denied by the ence comes in the larger proportion of point o f law so important that a still ever. was merely removed from one
“ Look at that queer oM lady with darkness
They were grotesque fig
Japanese consulate here.
notaries in Spokane than Wenatchee.
higher court should deal with it.
place to another inside o f SL P e te r’ s. •he while w ig! Is she a masque’ And urea— hideous, pitiable
These also
Does Colonel Destinn know
that funny, gray little thing beside were figures of carnival— hut different.
that he Is about to pass sen­
Women W orkers Parade.
Castaways Are Saved.
Entombed Miners Alive,
Hughes Discusses Trip.
her! I call them the Proprieties. What They marched four deep— a hundred of
tence on his own son? In case
Isindon British women gave an im­
Ix>s Angeles — "W ith
the steam
Joplin, Mo. Efforts o f rescue forces
Bridgehampton, N. Y .
W illiam R. are they doing hero?”
I them. Their beads were bowed. Be-
he learns, do you believe the
pressive demonstration Sunday o f their whistle from our disabled boat and two to reach the four men entombed in the Willcox, Republican National chair­
“ How should I know?” Sylvia re ncath the flare of lights each mau
knowledge will alter the se­
work in the war, thousands participat whiskey barrels I found on the island, Babcock zinc mine have been unsuc­ man. motored from Great Neck to turned with sudden impatience.
I seemed to shrink, to cower closer to
verity of hla judgment?
ing In a parade through the central I made a condenser that gave us about cessful so far and Wednesday night it Bridgehampton late Monday to confer
As they passed on Mrs Farquhar his neighbor, like a herded terrified
districts o f London. The parade was four gallons o f sea water, distilled, was said that it probably would be with Charles E. Hughes on the trans­ turned and touched Gabrlelle on the animal. And many stumbled. Pres
divided into numerous sections, with daily, and saved us from dying of Thursday before the men are reached. continental trip on which Mr. Hughes arm.
tableaux on lorries representing women th trst," said Captain Theodore L, Cur­ Thirteen feet o f dirt, boulders and will start August 6. H eavy rain fe ll
"Sylvia has Just seen us." she said
in working costumes — showing how tis Wednesday. He is an old-time timbers must be remove*! before the here all day and Mr. Hughes remained
able his observer to spy out the ene­
I have spoiled the evening for her It
they have replaced men in various ac­ mariner, who was rescued barely in chsmber in which they are imprisoned indoors, missing his usual church serv­ was worth while coming. Rhe tried to !
my, or any other Information he has
tivities. There were women in overalls tim e to save him from death by starv­ can be penetrate*). That the men are ice. It was announced that Mr. Hughes
>ugh at me with that young fool, but | Probably No Occupation on Earth Can been commanded to procure. Photos,
from munition factories, nurses, chauf­ ation on a barren island rock in the still alive was the belief o f the res­ had received a letter pledging support she couldn’t
sketihea, and notes have to be made
She Is beginning to be
Comparo With the ExclUment of
feurs, streetcar conductors, railroad Pacific ocean, where he had been cuers. The workmen have been un­ from Chauncey F. Overfield, o f Salt afraid
hv the ohserver. and at a low altitude
I f Itlchard dies I shall hsunt I
H it Work.
workers and agricultural laborers. In stranded more than two weeks, with able to receive replies when they Lake City, ex-treasurer o f the Demo­ her till she goes mad."
within range of an enemy's guns the
the procession also were floats.
only shellfish to eat.
shouted to the imprisoned miners.
cratic state committee o f Utah.
In the courtyard o f the hotel two
The work of the pilot o f an aero-1 p,,ot h* 8 * " hl" work r u t °*»t to
The ,b* bursting shells. There Is another
more or less Intoxicated pierrot»! plane Is a ticklish profession
Millions to Be Burned.
Elkus la Sant to Turkay.
Guards Drawn From Spoksne.
New York s Trade Hugs.
danced a cancan to the delirious plaud­ engine needs constant watching, the ] Jan* ,>r ,n flying low; as It Is the pres-
M exico C ity F ifty million dollars
Washington, D. C. Abram Elkua,
- * • of air upon the forward edge of
* H J r o n t r o l s by wMeB I
Spokane, Wash.- Spokane has sent
New York — Combined exports and it» of an s
in Mexican paper money will be burned of New York, was nominated by Presi­ between 25 and 30 ex-policemen, dep­ import* o f the port o f New York for come by the heat and passion th a t! need skillful handling, and the ailerons
Planes that keeps the machine
within the next fe w days In the court­ dent Wilson as ambassador to Turkey uty sheriffs, guards, special officers the year ended June 30 amounted to hung heavy In the night air. Sylvia ! hare to be manipulated
In a lot of a,° n - there is always the danger of
yard o f the National Palace, according to succeed Henry Morgt-nthau. who re­ and ex-United State* deputy marshals $2.169,000,000, according to the an­ Arnaud dapped her bands like a chlkl. machines the pilot haa to use hla back
In*0 *n alr-po.het. or o f BU­
to an announcement by the governm ent! ti n il to become chairman of the finance to the Seattle and Tacoma waterfronts nual report o f the Chamber of Com­
TT) e noise of the dancing and music ] his hands, and hts feet to keep his <'° “ n*erlng a cross-current; and either
Saturday. This m
of the old committee o f the Democratic National to assist in keeping order during the merce Monday. During the last 50 reached tbe lighted room that faced 'rail looking craft on an even keel of
aerial dangers will send the
Vera Crut issue and ha sa bei i supplant- committtee.
Mr. Elkut is a lawyer longshoremen’s and dock
workers' years, the report shows, more than 60 oot on the avenue At his place by the From below sn aeroplane seem* to be m* chlne hurtling to earth, where ettfc-
ad by a new issue mad«
he United a id was recommended by Mr. Morgen- strike. A week ago Jack Wem ick. per cent of the country's imports have wlndow Stephen I.owe seemed plunge*! forging ahead as steady as a rock, but * r death or rapture lurks
thau. Mr. Elkua is 50 year* old and chief special agent for the Chicago. come to N ew York.
In hi* own thoughts, and the man In | In the pilot s seat the rocking la ter j
------------------- - —
It is said that $225. n
!) in paper was born arsi educated in New York Milwaukee A St. Paul railroad, with
Exporta fo r the first tim e reached evening -1 ess who stood with Ms rlble even on calmest days
King George of England recently
money will ha disposed
this wav City.
He has been one o f the Jewish headquarters in Spokane, came for the $500,000,000 mark In 1900. Last clenched T i ml on tbe table stamped
Guns or no gun*, the pilot Is com- I gave a party in hla palace to 1,00$
during the next few w<
leaders o f the United States.
deputies to guard Milwaukee property. year they were $1.193.581.000.
palled at time* to fly low. so sa to so wounded soldiers and aallora.
Germans, in Deadly Fear, Hide the Merchant Submarine.
limed Blast Deals Death on Crowded
San francisco Sidewalk.
Innocent Bystanders Slain by Work
of "Exiles From Militaristic
Government.” — Reward.
I. W. W. Are Driven Out of
Lincoln, Nebraska, by Sheriff
flood Waters Destroy Entire
Southern Village of 150 People
Washington Considers Retaliation
for England’s Blacklist
I '