MILLINERY Special - Men's 4-in-hand ties, full length, and nice assortment of desireable patterns; your cnoice For old, middle aged and young. Now is the time to make your selections. We have on display the largest and most complete line of Spring and Summer millinery in the city, including trimmed hats, untrimmed hats, flowers, feathers, fancy ribbons and all the little extras that you might need to complete your Easter Bonnet. You will save good money by buying here. Our prices are the lowest. New Silk Sweaters for ladies. New Shirt Waists, New Skirts, New Coats and Suits. Come in and look them over. We have been fortunate in securing these at the former low prices and are giving you the advantage o f this good buy. Investigate compare the quality, the work­ manship and finish with garments that are being offered at prices a great deal higher, and you will realize that what we say is true. 6. Special Ladies Sleeveless Vests, sizes 4. 5 and Special this week only r DC Special Misses and children’s lace hose, colors white and black. Hose that formerly sold for 10c to 20c a £ pair. Your choice, the pair, only .......... DC Special Misses knit pants, summer weight, lace knee, big values at 10c and 16c pr. The pair n C. K. Marshall returned to Hood River Sunday after spending several W. If. Weber returned Monday from days on his ranch in the Greenwood district. a short business trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Simmons came SPRING TOOTH and PEG TOOTH the first of the week from Yamhill for HARROWS. Chown. a stay on their place in the Grandview John Elder was in The Dalles on district which they have recently huaineaa Monday. acquired. Mr. and Mra. J. Swinney, of Port­ Mrs. H. I). Jones returned the first land, were Ortley visitors Tuesday. of the week after an extended stay in Mrs. V. C. Young went to Hood Portland. She was accompanied by River yesterday on a visit. her sister. Mrs. J. P. Dorrian, of Ray­ Syracuse Plows and all sizes shares, mond, Wash. and so forth at Chown’s. E. C. Fitzgerald, of West Dalles Mrs. P. L. Arthur was a visitor precinct, has announced hit candidacy yesterdsy in The Dalles. in another column for county commis­ Mrs. Ed. F. Reeves spent last week sioner from the west end of the county. in Portland on business. H. E. Dean, who has been ill for some time, left last week for Poitland. Special Preferred Stock tomatoes, No. .1 can. 2 for 25c caah this week. Strauss. Mr. and Mra. J. K. McGregor left Wednesday for Portland where they will viait for a month. MEN’S SUITS Why send away for made to measure suits when we o f­ fer you such high grade clothes as Hart Schaffner & Marx and C lothcraft makes at a savings of from $5 to $10 a suit Here you have the assortment, the different patterns and models ready to put on and wear. You can see exactly how you are going to look in the particular model you se­ lect before you buy, and if you do not look right you have dozens o f others to try on and choose from, besides mak­ ing a big saving in price. These suits are made by the highest class o f workmen, they are guaranteed to be of ail wool material, and to give you perfect satisfaction. You are taking no chances. We know that these suits are and are willing to back up any claim we make for them. H. S. & M. guaranteed suits for $18 to $25. Clothcraft suits for $10 to $15. Come in and look them over. We have other suits as low in price as $5.50. U />e P A R I S OC Mrs. L. D. Firebaugh and two chil- jp H I I I I I I - H -H -l !■ H I I I I I I t j I B R IE F L O C A L M E N T IO N T dren, after a short viait with Mr. and ........... ^ tJ. ..................* Mrs. P. L. A Arthur, left Wednesday for & I I H -l I 1 I H - H - L H H - H - M-M -I Portland. FISHING TACKLE AT CHOWN’S. The Regulator Line have a boat out Elmer L. Root spent Sunday after­ of^Portiand and out of The Dalles every noon in Hood River. morning at 7 a. m., except Sunday. Fred Ulmer was In Hood River on J. O. Beldin, Agent. Sunday. Preferred Stock honey ; one and one Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Akers were in quarter pound* of all strained honey in The Dalles Wednesday on buainess. glass for 25c. Can you beat it? SEE the NEW AUTO TIRES at Strauss. Chown Y Mra. S. E. Evans and son, Forrest, Mis* Alice Bennett was in The accompanied by her daughter, Mrs J R. Wilcox, spent Saturday in Hood Dalles on Saturday. Mrs. Dudley Piercey waa a visitor River. Mra. J. A. Lovell and three children yesterday in Hood River. Mra. E. Simmons waa in Hood River Irma, Charlea and Howard, came up from Ruthton Saturday for a viait at Saturday afternoon. the home of Mrs. J. W. Huskey. Hluehill cheese; three kinds at Prof. E. E. Amsden, Lee Evans and Strauaa.’ E. P. Middieswart motored to Hood Mra. K. E. AmBden and daughter, River Saturday where they spent the Mary, spent Saturday in Hood River. day fishing in Hood river. W. A. Husbands and daughter, Ar- The attractiveness o f the library has villa, were in Hood River yesterday. been enhanced by curtains which have Miss Lillian Marvel was in Hood been hung from the top of the lower River Saturday. sash. E. Everett Sturgess ie now employed Mrs. R. H. lfodenburg, of Pocatello. at the livery barn of J. P. Tryon. Idaho, is visiting at the home of Mr. Mrs. Jaa. Piercey and daughter and Mrs. Roy D. Chatfield. Mrs. were Hood River visitors Saturday. Kudenburg is a sister of Mr. Chatfield. GASOLINE by the barrel at lowest Mrs. J. P. Hunter and her brother, price, Chown. Dr. R. M. Ross, left Wednesday for W. A. Husbands was in Hood River Portland after a visit at the home of their brother, John P. Rosa. Monday morning. Miss Irene Fisher, who until recent­ ly has been chief operator at the tele­ phone exchange, is spending several days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Cooper. At the meeting of the board of direc­ Fast passenger and freight service tors last Saturday, R. D. Chatfield was between Portland and The Dalles via again elected manager o f the Mosier Fruit Growers Association for the en­ Regulator Line. suing year. Zeno Sellinger and his mother, Mrs. Oregon grown vegetables now on A. Sellinger, went to Hood River yes­ sale: Good cauliflower, rhubarb and terday. celery; California heed lettuce, large last us finish your films. Same may lie oranges, local parsnips, carrots and left at the Bulletin office. Slocum A green onions. For all good things to Canfield. Hood River. f- eat see Strauss. Dr. H. L. Humble motored up from Mrs. 8. D. Fisher and family expect Hood River Saturday to attend to pro­ to move aoon to Hood River, where fessional business. Miss Irene Fisher has been tendered a While pumps with leather, also rub­ position as telephone operator for the ber soles; all the go for Easter at Oregon-Washington telephone com- Strauas.' pany. Mr. and Mra. John Fillon and son, At the home of Mr. and Mrs J. K. of Trout Lake, Wash., were here last McGregor, the bridge club last week week on buainess. spent an enjoyable evening. E. E. For Sale— Turkay Eggs. 25 cents each, guaranteed. Mra. C. C. Clement. Telephone. Leo Nichol, Ben W. Veatch, Clyde Root and Ed. Sturgeaa motored to Odell and Pine Grove Saturday night. Sheriff Levi Chrisman was called to Moaicr laet Friday afternoon to look after business of hit office. In the northwest part of the Mosier Hotel. John Elder, proprietor, has had a portion o f the north wall cut out and a window built in. This will give more light in the office and lobby. A writ* 1 ing table and shelves for books and I magazines is being built. I For Sale— Prize winning mammoth bronze turkey eggs, heavy laying strain, every egg guaranteed fertile, |3 jier set­ ting; Plymouth Rock eggs, Corvallis, 75c (or setting of 15 ; Belgian hares, $2 each. J. F. Nelson, East Hood River Fruit Co. Phone. * *21 Circulation o f the county branches of Wasco county library for the month of March 19)5 and March 1916, respec­ tively, has been compiled by Miss Corinne A. Metz, county librarian, as follows: Antelope, 95, 157; Dufur, 374, 394; Mosier, 321, 324; closed, 262; total for March, 1916, 1137. Mrs. J, T. Davenport, who returned the first of the week from The Dalles where she has been visiting at the home o f her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krauss, brought a branch from a lemon tree grown on the place o f her father and on which was a large sized lemon. It is on ex­ hibition at the Arthur Pharmacy. prunes. The banner is now exhibited in the MoSter Valley Bank. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS ent and bring as many visitors as pos­ sible. Mark A. Mayer ha* received a beau­ tiful nbbon and banner announcing the fact that hit Italian prune* exhibited at the Tanama-Pacific exposition re­ ceived the award of honor. This is the 1 highest award given foreaih product or commodity and ia a source o f satis­ faction not only to Mr. Msyer but to the Moeier district, at the Willsmelte valley haa always claimed the distinc­ tion of raising the finest Italian PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. Needles. Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty. New Mom« Ustrs trt Quality Choosm W . E. C h o w n T h e N ew Hom e Sewing Mach. C o. -*W P a cific B id s .. Sun F r a n cis c o . C s l. J. W . ALLEN Attorney-at-Law ♦ ------- THE DAI-LES To tire registered voters of Wasco county, Oregon, I desire through this medium announce my eaudidacy for the nom­ ination of county assessor, subject to a j majority vote expressed at tiie Republi­ can primaries, on May 19, 1916. If nominated and later elected, I will on tin ue, to the best of my ability, to do everything tending toward raising the standard of the office, and to tiie best interests of the taxpayers at large. JAMES A. DAVIS. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination oi sheriff, subject to a majority vote as expressed at the Democratic primaries, on May 19, 1H16. If I am nominated and later elected, I will during i i i v term of office perform the duties of sheriff to the best of my ability, and as economically as possible administer the attaint of tiie oftiee. C h arles I.. Darn ielle. Dissolution of Partnership The firm of Tryon & Clay doing a general livery and hauling business, on Monday, March 27, 1916 dissolved part­ nership. AH accounts against the firm and all indebtedness to the firm will be settled by J. P. Tryon. No bills con­ tracted by Walter Clay after March 27 under the firm name of Tryon & Cluj will be allowed by J. P. Tryon, who will continue the business under his name. HACM'HC,1 MOOfll If MIHCTIO». To the registered voters of Wasco county, Oregon : 1 1 hereby desire to announce myself as I a candidate for the nomination at the | j hands of the Repub'icau party, to the I office of county commissioner at the coming primaries; and should I he | nominated, and later elected to gaid position, will discharge the duties thereof to the best of my ability. F. C. CLAUSEN. I he Industrial club of the Max Vogt school district held their regular monthly meeting, on April 7. Supt. Clyde T. Bonney was present and de­ livered a very interesting address. There were about thirty present and all express*'! themselvea as hignly pleaaed witb the affair. lt has been Buggested that the next meeting will -----------------------« . ---------------------- bc a little later in the month in Order to have A. R. Chase, county agent, To the voters of Wasco county : with tbem. Mrs. John O. Beldin, of I hereby announce myself as a Re­ Mosier, was an all day visitor at the publican candidate for tiie nomination schooi. of sheriff of Wasco county, Oregon. If nominated and later elected, I will use Use the River economy and my best judment in per­ The Regulator Line now has two forming the duties of the office. I will boats each way stopping at Mosier advoctae the passing of a law at the daily. If you appreciate good service next term of the legislature, giving the route your freight Regulator Line. county court authority to let tiie hoard­ ing of the county prisoners to the low­ J. O. Beldin, Agent. est bidder. F. C. SEXTON. A quantity of vegetable seeds has been received at the Bulletin office in response to an inquiry sent to N. J. Sinnott, representative in Congress from this district. These seeds are from the United States Department of Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured Agriculture and are for tree distribu­ b y lo c a l a p p l i c a t i o n « , aa t h e y c a n n o t r e a c h tion. There is also some garden seeds t h e date dressmak­ re pi Sunday, and leaving The Dalle* ing done at your house Late fl .Ml per every day at 2 p. m . except Monday. •lay. Or will take sewing at home. Route your freight Regulator 1 ine Mrs. John Saul. Phone rnlTtf J. O. Heldin, Agent. Buy »hues now and gel the late style*. the good wearing kind, the big . , . . . . " . ’ stork to pick from at the right price of Strauss F A I R T he Store of* M a n y Bargains J. E. Carpenter came un from Port­ Amsden won the gentlemen's prise, land Monday for a few days' stay on and Mrs. David Hobi.iaon, the ladies' his ranch. prize. All groceries are advancing. Better Frank Bennett left the first o f the make a spring bill this year and let me week for Almoie, Colorado, where he save you tome of it, says Strauaa. will visit with his sister, Mrs. C. Hir- Mra. R. II. Kemp, of Odell, came sendine. He expects to he gone for Saturday for a visit at the home of several months and may go farther east. her aiater, Mrs. Jaa. Cherry. Jack Coffman went to Hood River Sunday afternoon where he visited with fnenda. 10c ! To the voters ol Hood River ami Wascii 1 counties: I hereby announce uiyself a Kepubli- | can candidate for representetive from I the taentv-ninth district subject to the ' will of the people expressed at the pri- j inary election, to be held May 19, 101 ti. If nominated anil elected I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the I office to file best of tuy ability. J. K. ANDERSON. For State Senator To tiie voters of Hood River and Wasco coil lilies I respectfully annonnee myself «-■ a candidate on ti.e Republican ticket for state senator for the sixteenth senator­ ial district of I tregon, subject to your will to tie expressed at the primaries to be held on the 19th day of May, 1916. If nominated and elected, I will pledge my best efforts Insecure state control and maintenance of the Columbia River Highway: to unyielding tax reductions from top downward ; to economy in ap­ propriations, anil the elimination of all unnecessary and freak laws from our siatute book*. Pd. adv. J. It. NICKKL8F.N • - OHEGON DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon M o s ie r - - O regon D erby & S t e a r n s To tiie electors of the several precincts comprising the eounty of Wasco: I hereby annonnee myself as a Re­ publican candidate for county clerk of Wasco county, Oregon, subject to the will of the people expressed at tiie pri­ mary election to be field in Wasco county, May 19, 1916. I f nominated and elected, I pledge myself to conduct the office to tiie best | oTmyVdlity,"working at d f i i m e i n f o tiie past, for more efficient and econcm- ical methods of conducting the same with due courtesy to all and for the j liest interest of al) parties concerned. L. B. FOX. To the Republican voters of Wasco county: I wish to announce myself a candi­ date for the nomination of county treasurer, subject to the will of the Republican voteis at the primary elec­ tion, May 19. 1916. OLIVER R. KRIER. ♦ To the voter« of Wa«oo eounty: I hereby announce myself as a Re­ publican candidate for county treasurer, subject to the will of the people, ex-, pressed at the primary election to he held May 19, 1910. If nominated and elected I will con duct the office in the same careful and economical manner as in the past. HALI.IE S. RICK. L aw yers HOOD DR. R IV E R . OREGON C. H . J E N K I N S DENTIST HOOD RIVER, OREGON Office Phone 1081. Res. Phone 333 G o to Law : for : French Dry Cleaning Altering and Repairing Phone 1 1 2 4 J. H . L A W Proprietor H ood R iver Dr. H. L. Dumble Physician and Surgeon —— To the Republican voters of Waaco county: Telephones: 1 hereby announce myself as a can­ Residence 10.41 O ffice 1241 didate for the office of district attorney on the Republican ticket at the primary election, May 19, 191*1. If nominated O f f i c e i n B r o s i u s Bl dgf . and elected, 1 will < \ecute and enforce the law ; will faithfully and diligently H o o d River To the voters of Hood and Wasco perform all the duties pertaining to the counties: office, and will at all time« conduct the I hereby announce myself as Repul office in a courteous and economical iAn candidate for representative from manner and for the best interests of the the twenty-ninth district, subject to th taxpayers and the public in generi.!. A. HUSBANDS will of the people expressed at the pri­ PAUL W. CHILDERS mary election. Blacksmith If nominated an 1 elected, I will at all times lie mindful o f the welfare of the To VVaeco ami Hood River voters: Horse Shoeing and General taxpayers I am a candidate for noiniuation for I will, if elected, introduce a hill de­ Repair Work. state «enator from the sixteenth sena­ claring all highways heretofore desig­ O regon nated as state highways to he state torial district, composed of Wasco and MOSIER, highways in fart, and imposing upon Hood River counties, by the D e m o cra t----- the state the exclusive duty of building party at the May primaries. Past Due memory refreshing stamps and maintaining tiie same, and reliev­ GEORGE R. WILBUR. have been added to our ready made ing 4he counties from any expense per­ taining to the const ruction or mainte­ stock. They are neat in appearance nance of such highway*, and will also To tiie electors of Hood River and and tiie wording is to the point. For aid in every possible way the securing Wasco counties: sale at this office. of federal aid for tiie construction of I hereby announce myself a Republi­ highways in tiie state of Oiegon < h eg< in can candidate for representative from Pd. adv. J. L. KELLY. the twenty ninth representative district, subject to tiie will of the people ex­ For State Senator To the voters of Hood River and Was­ pressed at the primary election to be SHOE A N D H ARNESS R E PA IR IN G field in said district, lay 19, 1916. co counties: H ARNESS SUPPLIES } ! nominated and elected I pledge my- I hereb >y announce myself as a Repub- licau cam didate for the state senate for fe ,to xl,8c*,a*’|ie the duties of the office to the best of my abilly and tor the MOSIER the slxteeuth senatorial district of Ore­ OREGON gon, subject to the will of the people as best interest of the people in general. J. T. ADKISSON. -------------------- expressed at the primary election to lie held on May 19, 1916 If nominated and Commercial Club Meeting elected I pledge myself to discharge the To the Republican voters of Wasco and duties of the office to liest of my ability. Hood River counties: 1-et the State own and maintain the Columbia River Highway. The regular business meeting At the coining primary election my Paid Adv. J. W. MORTON. name will appear as a candidate for o f the Mosier Commercial Club --------------^ e w --------------- the Republican nomination for circuit is held on the first.Monday o f For district attorney of Wasco county: judge of Hie seventh judicial district The same efficient and strict enforce­ comprising Wasco and Hood River each month. E. W. D a v i d h i z a r , Pres. ment of tiie laws, and attention to the counties, ami I take tUss means of legal business of the connty and state announcing my oandidacy therefor, D r . D avid R obinson , Sec. as jn the past, backed by 22 years of subject to the decision of the Republi­ actual court experience. Republican. can voters of the two counties men­ latdies, secure your calling cards at Primories, May 19, 1916, tioned, as expressed at the primaries. the B.illetin office. 50 cards for 75c; W. A. BELL. FRED W WILSON. 100 cards for $1. w. C. J. E. CARLSON -A-»» > v r * THE N EW REO HOOD RI Vr R Don’t buy an automobile until you have seen the New Reo-the Quality car. The best value for the money of any car on the market. Your thorough inspection is invited. D. McDONALD, Distributor, Hood River, Or. Ç x x x x x x x EE x EEH x EEE: