Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, March 10, 1916, Image 3

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Brings quick results
Succen guaran­
teed. Costs less than half of oral instruc­
Ptaao. Organ. Violin. Banjo.
Mandolin. Guitar and Cornet
Write today for Catalog and 4 free lessons.
Mediterranean Disaster Takes-
Lead in fatalities at Sea.
American School of Mask.
M i.
V ________ .________________ */
Hav« it on hand
C L A R K E B R O S ., Florists.
Exceeded on Account of Short
Monamobile Oils and Greases
Voyage— Mostly Soldiers.
Free Tire Service.
Paris — I t was announced at the
French ministry o f marine Saturday
that there were nearly 4000 men on
board the French auxiliary cruiser
Provence when she was sunk in the
Mediterranean on February 26.
I t was said that on hoard the Pro­
vence were the staff o f the Third Colo­
nial Infantry regiment, the Third bat­
talion, the Second company o f the
First battalion, the Second Machine
Gun company, and one extra company.
As the ministry o f marine, on Feb­
ruary 29, announced that the number
o f survivors o f the Provence disaster
was estimated at 870, it is indicated
that upwards o f 3130 lives were lost.
This great number o f casualties
makes the disaster the greatest on the
sea in modern times.
Up to the pres­
ent tim e the largest number o f lives
ever lost in one wreck was when the
W hite Star liner Titanic struck an ice­
berg off the Newfoundland banks on
April 14, 1912, and sank with a death
loss o f 1595. The rescued numbered
The vessel, however, when in the
trans-Atlantic service,
could carry
1960 persons, including the crew, and
it has been presumed that as she was
transporting troops between ports not
far apart, she was carrying a number
o f men larger than her normal capa­
M O TO R C A R S U P P L Y CO., Inc
13 B ro a d w a y No.
Portland, Or«.
-|“ x A $60,000 Corpora-
I —I H
I—^ tion desires to secure
1 1 1 J 1 J i.
within next ten days
■ —
t he services o f H igh
Grade Representative in each town. N o
canvassing, soliciting or selling; re fe r­
ences; experience unnecessary. G uaran ­
teed income to right party. Dept. 8, 628
Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon.
The only Automobile School on the Pa­
cific Coast maintaining a Gas Tractor
Dept.. l Tsing Holt t'atterpillar. C. L. Best
Tracklayer and Wheel Tractors, both in the
school and operating field.
445 Hawthorne Are.,
Portland, Ore.
I A niC6
Ordinary Capacity of Vessel Largely For Cut«, Burn«,
Portland. Oregon.
we want and appeal to you for youra.
us your next can of Cream.
Balsam of Myrrh
4 0 0 0 ON BOARD; ONLY 8 7 0 SAVED
and other beautiful
illustrated catalogue offering
I l U U X f S . the finest and target stock lo
the Pacific Northwest free upon request.
crea m
3130 LIVES LOST lío Cleanse
Start a Business of T ou r
O w n . E m ploy Others.
leu. than S', uu.
Itirnifted. t'leasant and
v.-rv profitable. Send .tamp t.-lay for infurmation
Cencenirce Ukorjlofr, 214 Stock Ei bldg . 1‘ortlaad. Or.
W A N T E D Aiffr.’. . 1.v . ones. in every locality In
the state. Only Daylight Egg Tester in the coun­
try. No competition.
Money-back proposition. 1
Send tl 50 for tester and explanatory matter and
get busy in your neighborhood.
Address X-Kay
Egg tester. 606 Hallway Exchange. Portland. Ur. |
Bruise«, Spr&ins,
Strains, Stiff Neck,
Chilblains, Lame Back,
Old Sores, Open Wounds,
and all External In ju r ie s .
Made Since 1846.
Price 25c, 50c and $1.00
Ail Dealers
No Such Aspersion Allowed.
"Isn't there a gr«at deal of esprit du
corps in that organization?”
"N ot a bit of 1L Every man Jack In
It 1» on the water wagon."— Baltimore
C. Gee Wo
• ’ petnediM cur* all
■ inde of oilmonta of
tren and women w ith -
Chip mm her S a root a .
are unkaawn is
The C Gw Wo Chínese Medici«? C*.
l e - s r r v t 3t.. Portland. O ra
Mention Paper.
P. N. U.
w •sa U k w w
■ E N * n u s e ta . A n
No. II. 191«
» « «,
Will Adopt Six Boys,
Chicago— Six homeless boys o f less
than 6 years o f age and o f varyin g na­
tionalities. are to be adopted by Mrs.
Bessie Fuller, o f South Porcupine, On­
tario, Canada, as a sociological experi­
ment, she announced here. Mrs. Ful­
ler, who is v is itin g in Chicago, assert­
ed that, having no children o f her own,
she plans to rear the six, regardless of
color, race or creed, in the Canadian
back woods, her theory being that
they w ill fuse in the “ m elting pot.”
Mrs. Fuller is the w ife o f a mining
• 5000 Worth o f Liquor Taken.
Seattle— Deputy sheriffs raided the
home o f P. E. Sullivan, who conducted
a large cafe at Fourth avenue and Pike
street before the prohibition law went
into effect January 1, and seized 160
cases o f intoxicating liquors other than
beer, and said to be worth $5000. The
liquor, it was said, had been removed
to Mr. Sullivan’ s home from the rafa
when the prohibition law went into
Under the law it is illegal to
possess over two quarts o f liquor.
Fred Thompson, night clerk at the
Laclede hotel, St. Louis, is asking hia
friends to believe this one:
"About 8 o'clock the other night,”
Thompson says, “ a tall, rangy rurallte
entered the lobby of the hotel and ap­
proached the desk. A fter 1 had fixed
him up with a room he asked me if I
would take care of some money for
him. I told him I would be glad to
put it in the safe. He fished down in
his trousers pocket and produced a
$2 bill.
" ‘Just pot that away,’ he said, ’ I
am going out for a iittle while and 1
don't want to take any chances with
these city slickers.’
"I kept my face straight and as­
sured him it would be safe on his
return. He started to leave and then
turned around and asked how late we
kept open
“ 'Oh, I ’ll be here when you get
back.’ I told him.
“ ‘ W ell, I don’t know,’ he replied, ’ I
calculate I'll be pretty late.
Most 1U
o'clock, likely.'
" I assured him I would be on deck,
but he did not seem satisfied
A fter
pondering a few moments he asked:
‘"C ou ld I see Mr. Laclede?'
"T h at had me going for a few min­
utes, but when I recovered I told him
Mr. Laclede had gone to bed.”
William Thaw, an American aviator
Pierre Laclede, the founder of St.
Louis, for w hom the hotel was named, in the service of France, who liae been
died in 1878.
promoted for -ood work.
T h e g irl w ith a
c le a r skin w in s
I I you, too, are embarrassed by
a pimply, blotchy, unsightly com­
plexion, just try
Rgsinol Soap
regularly for a week and see if it
does not make a blessed difference
In your skin. In severe cases a
little Resinol Ointment should also
be used. Resinol Soap helps to
make red, rough hands and arms
soft and white, and to keep the
hair healthy and free from dan­
Contains no free alkali.
Resinol Snap and Ointment heal ectema and simi­
lar skin-eryplums and usually stop itching instantly.
U p and Down
Dang er .
An old lady who lived alone outside
a small village in England was ner­
vous about Zeppelins, so she made
careful inquiries as to her best course.
“ I don't think there's much to worry
about," said the vicar In answer to her
questions. "But. if you like, you ran
do as some folks are doing—sleep
In the cellar.”
With profuse thanks the old lady
went o ff to alter her domestic arrange­
ments. But in half an hour she was
back again, anxiety once more wrink
ling her brow
"T h e cellar's all right for Zeppelins,
sir," she said, "but suppose one of
them submarines comes instead?"—
Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
the committee on rules, is absent in
Texas, I take the liberty o f calling
your attention, as ranking member of
the committee, to a matter o f grave
■ concern to the country, which can, 1
believe, be handled, under the rules of
the United States congress, only by
that committee.
“ The report that there are divided
I counsels in congress in regard to the
foreign policy o f the government is
being made industrious use o f in for­
eign capitals. 1 believe that report to
] be false, but so long as it is anywhere
credited it cannot fa il to do the great­
est harm and expose the country to
the most serious risks.
1 therefore
feel justified in asking that your com­
mittee w ill permit me to urge an early
vote upon the resolutions with regard
to travel on armed
which have recently been so much
; talked about, in order that there may
he afforded an immediate opportunity
| for full public discussion and action
upon them, and that all doubts and
conjectures may lie swept away and
[ our foreign
once more
cleared o f damaging misunderstand­
“ The m atter is o f so grave impor­
tance and lies so clearly within the
field o f executive initiative that I ven­
ture to hope that your committee will
not think that I am taking unwarrant­
ed liberty in making this suggestion as
to the business o f the house, and I
very earnestly commend it to their im­
mediate consideration. Cordially and
sincerely yours,
“ W O O D RO W W IL S O N .”
Total Tax from Incomes
Show Marked Increase
New Y o rk — An estimate that ap­
proximately 30,000 corporations w ill
pay income taxes this year in the Sec­
ond internal revenue district o f this
city, was made by Collector Lowe.
Collector L ow e’s district takes in
Natural Fatality.
the lower part o f Manhattan, in which
"Danae died, didn't she. when Jupi­ are situated the main officers o f many
ter showered her with gold?”
o f the country’s greatest corporations,
"W e ll do you know many wives who bankers and financiers. The total col­
wouldn't drop dead of the shock if lections this year in this district from
their husbands started throwing real
all forms o f Federal taxes, Mr. I-owe
at them " — Baltimore Am er­
predicted, w ill exceed
Collections last year amounted to $26,-
0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .
"Does your wife let you carry the
Chicago— The Federal income tax
w ill lie paid by 4000 more Chicagoans
"She compels me to carry It,” re
piled Mr Mekton. " I have to be sit­ this year than last, according to the
ting on the front steps waiting to open prediction o f Collector
the door for her when she gets home." Forty--')' x thousand citizens o f Chicago
paid the tax last year.
They contrib­
— Washington Star.
uted $2,407,591 and corporations $2,-
"W h at conclusions did you draw
from your study of the ancient Egypt
French Cruiser Sunk,
lan inscription?" asked the professor
Paria— The French auxiliary cruiser
of archa. oloev
"W h y " replied the superficial »tu La Provence was sunk in the M editer­
deizL ” 1 archied that the old Egypt- ranean last.Saturday, it was announced
‘ ans had their comic artists the same officially.
A t Malta 296 survivors
as we have.” — Washington Star.
have been landed.
The ministry of
marine estimates the number o f survi­
vors at 870.
Four hundred survivors
were landed at Milo.
I.a Provence
was one of the largest o f the French
line vessels. , ll » r gross tonnage was
She was requisitioned by the French
government for naval service at the
outbreak o f the war.
Strength Past
Fifty Yean
can be n s attained by
adapting tbe rifb t noorisb-
(heat, and Nafore’ aowa ail-
food in S c o ff’s Emulsion
itren«lL'ned thousand* of ken
and wome« In roatiooe their work
«ad aaefalaeti for Many years.
Seott '• £ m ln M is a food, a medi­
cine and a tonic to keep the
blood rich, avoid rheumatism
and thwart nervous conditions
It la free from alcohol or harm­
ful drugs The best physicians
p rearn h e it.
Plants, Bulbs,
Garden, Orchard
Portland — Wheat — Bluestem, 98c
and Poultry
per bushel; fortyfold, 93c; club, 90c;
red F ife, 88c; red Russian, 88c.
Fertilizers, Etc.
Hay — Eastern Oregon
$18.50«i 19.50 per ton; valley timothy,
The tablet form o f this old
$16; alfalfa, $20.
reliable remedy makes it possi­
Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $23.50
ble for you to check any ilhiess
N e w C a ta lo g N o . 64 F re e .
(<t 24 per ton; shorts, $26 (q 26.50;
at the very onset. It is a safe­
rolled barley, $31.50tit 32.50.
guard against coughs, colds and
169 i 71 2nd St.
Corn— Whole, $37 per ton; cracked,
other catarrhal conditions, no
m atter what symptoms are
pianifest. Catarrh is an infiaauna-
V egeta b les— Artichokes, $1 (u 1.15
tion of thd mucous membrane that
per dozen; tomatoes, $3(>i5per crate;
lines the breathing apparatus and
cabbage, $1.50 (it 1.65 per hundred;
the digestive apparatus PERUNA
Dr Isaac Thompson’s
garlic; 10«? per pound; pepper», 20(u
relieves catarrh. In tablet form it is
25c; eggplant, 25c; sprouts, 8tn9r;
E V E R -R E A D Y -T O -T A K E
horseradish, 8Jo; cauliflower, $2<«i2.25
p erorate; celery, $4.75; lettuce, $2.50
Its prompt action makes it in­
is both • remedy for weak, inflamed
valuable for men and women ex­
«( 3.25; cucumbers, $1.25 (a 1.50 per
eye« and an ideal eye wash. Keep
posed to sudden changes in the
dozen; hothouse lettuce, 75c(u$l per
JDW eyes well «ad the* «ill help keep you.
weather or compelled to be out in
O C - .i $1! DrottUh « mt hr
box; spinach, 90c(u|l; asparagus, 25c
Mail up«« revetpT o! price.
slush and rain.
per pound; rhubarb, 14c.
It will also be found most satis­
Green Fruits — Grapes, $4 per bar­
factory' as a tonic following an at­
14.1 Hiver SI.. Troy, N. Y.
rel; cranberries, $11.
tack of illness.
Potatoes — Oregon, $1.25(u 1.50 per
sack; Yakitnas, $1.60(u 1.60; sweets,
wherever you Co. Traveler« and otheraoom-
$3.25<>(3.50 per hundred.
1» no more necessary
pellni to take long drives in the ould and
than S n ia llp o m . Aims
Onions — Oregon, buying prices, $2
anyone whose occupation subiecti him to
erp.rlrnc. hi« Jrmoastjst.6
(be dancer of suddru colds may use It a* a
f. o. b. shipping point.
H (hr almost miraculous effi-
preventive with the assurance that tha
AnUtyyhnid Vacclnatloa.
tablet- made are from the same foraiulary
mated NOW by y. ur phy»lcUa, you sod
aethe liquid aiedtcine with Its tl years of
$2.25 per box; fancy, $2; choice,
four Uintiy. It is mure vital th.a house lor .rases.
success before (he American Public.
$1.25(ii l.50; Y ellow Newtowns, extra
Aik your phyrlclan, druggist, or send for “ Hava
you hsd I ypt. 1?" oilin g of T y p h o id Vscclos,
The Psraaa Cswpaaf. CslamVas. Oka
fancy, $2; fancy, $1.75; choice, $1.35
results from use, sod danger from Typhoid Carriers.
(d.1.50; Rome Beauty, fancy, $1.50(u
JMC CUTTfft LABOftAtOftY, S rfth tttY , CAL
Moswciss ysccisis a r u r a l sa ils s. a » 0». LKIssl
1.60; Winesaps, choice, $1.15(u 1.35;
Stayman, choice, $1.25(u 1.35.
He Sure Knew Him.
Eggs — Jobbing prices:
“ Where are you going, all dressed ranch, candled, 19c per dozen; un­
candled, 18(o 18|c;.
Poultry— Hens, 16«i 16Je per pound;
"O ver to Danville to a wedding.”
springs, 16c; stags, 12c; turkeys,
“ Who's getting married?"
live, 18(o 20c; turkeys, dressed, choice,
"Old Bill Onions Know him?”
"Bure 1 know him. Bill Onions that 24(o 25c; ducks, 12(ol4c; geese, 10c.
lives on the Hensliaw place."
Butter — Prices from wholesaler to
“ No, he rents the Jones farm."
retailer: Portland
"B ig stout fellow ?"
prints, 60-pound case lots, standard
Sufficient Proof.
“ I'd call him rather slim."
grade», 29c; lower grades, 27Jo; Ore­
" I don't think so. Hail lots of hair
A citizen was standing on a street
gon country creamery prints, 60-pound
the last time I saw him.”
case lots, standard makes, 28c; lower corner looking it bit depressed when a
“ Cross-eyed like?”
grade», 27 (o 27Jc; butter packed in I friend sauntered along.
"N ot so you could notice."
“ What seems to be the trouble, old
"Got a son by his first wife, about cubes, 2c leBB. Prices paid by jobbers man?” solicitously queried the latter,
13 years old— tall, skinny boy with to producers: Cubes, extras, 2.rxu25J r;
extending tho sympathetic hand. "You
firsts, 24 Jc; dairy butter, 14(0,17c; are a sight like sad scenery."
funny teeth?”
"No, Bill's never been married be­ butterfat. No. 1, 27c; No. 2, 25c.
" I have just had something of a
Veal Fancy, 10c per pound.
Jolt," answered the sad one. " I was
"1 guess I know him, though 1
Pork— Fancy, 9J(o 10c per pound.
bequeathed a silver service as tbe
wouldn't be sure. Who's he tnarrylugl*’
Hops - 1915 crop, l(Vo 13c per pound; solid thing a few weeks ago, and now
"T om Garden's widow. Know her,
I I know it is only plated ware.”
1916 contracts, l l(o 12c per pound.
"Sorry to lo ur old follow,” re­
Wool — Eastern Oregon, 20 (o 30c;
"L ittle bit of a woman with red
But you may be
valley, 27(o28c; mohair, Oregon, 28(o turned the friend.
“ Gosh, no; she weighs 200 and her 29c.
"Oh, no, I'm not,” was the mourn­
hair's black as coal.”
Cascara bark Old and new, 4c per ful rejoinder of the sad one. "T h e
"D rives a car, doesn't she?”
service was on the sideboard the other
"1 reckon not I reckon she never
Cattle — Prim e steers, $7 (o 7.70; ; night when burglars broke in, but
rode in an automobile In her life.”
choice, $6.50(o 6.75; good, $6.75(0 7; they never touched it."— Philadelphia
"W ell, give 'em my regards. They’ll
medium, $6.50 (o 6.75; choice cows, I Telegraph.
me.”— Newark
$6.50(o 6.75; medium, $5.25(o6; h eif­
Jolt For The Motorist.
ers, $4io 6.40; hulls, $2.50(0 5; stags,
$3(o 5.26.
Before motoring became as popular
"A Lot of Influence.”
Hogs - Light, $7.50(q8.15; heavy, as it Is today a man was driving a big
Sir W ilfrid l.aurler, the former
car through a country section several
$6.50(o 7.
prime minister of Canada, was im­
Sheep— YearlingH, $7(0 8; ewes, $6 miles from a town when he saw a man
standing in the middle of the road.
mensely popular with all classes of to,7; lambs, $8(o9.05.
"H old on there, m ister!" cried the
Canadians, and many went so far as
man, wildly waving his arms as the
to credit him with authority far be­
approached " I want to talk to
yond the limits of the dominion.
Washington Butter Markets
It is related that some years ago an
ye! ”
"W hat's the matter with you coun­
illiterate old Canadian visited Quebec
Cut to Meet Competition
try constables?" angrily shouted the
front his home in the country, and got
mitomobtllst. bringing ills machine to
into conversation with a friend whom
he met there. In the course o f their for some time, the Washington butter a standstill "I wasn't going at a rate
talk the name of Queen Victoria was market Wednesday weakened and the of over 20 miles an hour!”
" I ain't no country constable, mis­
mentioned, and tho old countryman
was astounded to hear that her ma­ price toppled to 30 cents. laical job- ter,” was the rejoinder of the man.
jesty was dead.
tiers attribute the drop to the breaking M y wife's been Invited to a weddln.'
i an’ I wanted to know if you wouldn’t
"D e a d !" lie exclaimed. "Then who
o f the California and Oregon markets. let me have a little gasoline to clean
has taken her place?"
“ The Prince o f Wales has now be­ They say i f the Washington market her whlto gloves."— Philadelphia Tel-
come King Edward V II,” he was told. did not follow in line with its neigh- j egraph.
“ By G eorge!" cried the countryman,
with a sharp whistle.
“ The prince boring competitors there would be an Electric Door Bell Made For House
must have had a lot of Influence with influx o f butter from the other two
Sir W ilfrid Laurier to get a big Job states. To avoid that situation, prices
When a cat owned by the keeper of
like th a t!”— Pearson's Weekly.
were set down and the home trade will the Platte Fottgere lighthouse on the
Island of Guernsey wishes to enter
be accommodated by the local product. Its muster's dwelling it rings an elec-
Abner Was Landed.
Further changes in local prices are trie bell to summon a member of the
Charles F. Murphy, the Tammany
leader, remarked a few days ago that not predicted, although the production household to the door. This has been
when the fair girl casts her net the is said to be larger and the cream made possible by the construction,
near the bottom of a door, of a shelf
poor fish might as well yield, and told
which actuates a switch when a light
production more active.
this story as an illustration;
"R ecently a man returned to his
Fresh ranch eggs continue to get weight is placed upon it. Thus, when
home town after an absence of many weaker. Prices are now down to 21(d) the eat Jumps onto this small ledge,
which is supported by a bracket, the
years and rambled down to the corner
22 cents a dozen, the cheapest they cm in! is ( I om .1 Front tin* March
grocery to get wise.
" T suppose,' rem arked the oldest have been for some time. Dealers re­ Popular Mechanics Magazine.
inhabitant in handing him Information,
port receipts rapidly increasing daily,
l i a i s l l « n l t b r , S tron g, lle a n t lf a l K yM
'that you rem em ber Sim Sim pkinsf ’
Oculists uml ptijraicksua use-1 Murlue hys
" ‘Oh. yes; I knew Sim very well,' with the demand about the same. They B m e d y many year# before It n a a offered as S
answered the former resident. 'I also are hopeful o f a strengthening o f the Domestic Kje Mo, H e in e Murine Is Hilll Com­
pounded by Our Physicians and guaranteed
knew his daughter Mary.
Went to
by tbem as a Ittllable lie lief for Kyra (bat Need
school with her. They say that after demand.
I are Try It In your B y »* and In baby a Eyea —
waiting fifteen years she married a
Nu sm arting Just Kye Comfort
Huy Murina
Association Sells M ore Hops.
struggling young man.’
of your Druglflst — a<'< - |>t no Substitute, and If
Sale» o f hopa controlled interested s r l t i for Hook of the E ra Free.
” ‘ Ain't no doubt about that strug­
glin' part of it,’ was the grinning ro by the Oregon H opgrowcrs’ association U l K IN G EL r. Itt-L lK IlV C U .. C I1 IC A U O
joinder of the oldest inhabitant. 'Seth
it W ill Be All Right Then.
done his derndest to git away, hut at prices up to 12 cent* for the best
Mary landed him, all right.’ ’’— Phila­ grades were reported Uiis week. The
Edith— I shouldn't think you'd want
delphia Telegraph.
to marry such a forgetful uian as
for export account, although there are
Advising A Beginner.
also domestic orders on the market.
Ethel—But he says the reason he
“ So you’re going In for public speak­ Hugo Ixiewi bought 275 halea of Y aki­ forgets tilings is heeatise he's thinking
ma hopa from Satterws ite & Frye at so constantly of me that he cannot re­
11 centa. Other Yakim a sales were the member anything else
"Y es.”
Edith—Oh, I see. You don't expect
"W ell, make up your mind that you Courshave lot o f 90 hales and the M.
ran say more in half an hour than you W. Phillips crop of I S f hales. Two to have any trouble after you're mar­
can in two hours."— Detroit Free carload Iota o f Sonoma hops were ried.— Boston Transcript.
bought by Donovan & W o lf at UJc.
Charitable Hope.
Fine Scruples.
Crawford— The Janitor of our fiat Is
Umatilla W oolgrow eas Will Hold.
Father— I want to tell you this, my
Pendleton, Or.
Nurtwithfftsiyiing going to give some kind of an enter­
son: the secret of success is hard
there appears to
Crabshaw For your sake. I hope It
will be a housewarming.—Judge.
Bon— If It's a secret, dad, you
shouldn't have told it
Fortunately. represent the tendency i if the sheep­
A Bad Risk.
I'm too much of a gentleman to take men o f Um atilla county. T h e growers,
advantage of information gained In as a class, are inclined to w ait until
"Broken your New Year's resolu­
that way.— Boston Transcript.
shearing tim e to dispose u f their clip. tions yet?”
"E very one of them.
I wish I'd
Dan P. Smythe, one o f the largest
Oregon growers, expresses the belief had the dog goned things Insured.
that Um atilla county grotftrrs w ill neff
contract before shearing tim e, even |
though he admits that the .‘price quoted
is high. Mr. Smythe states it is not]
the tendency o f grow ers to contract.
The Old and Reliable
He Was Cautious.
I l f S || T C n
Fvcrvnne to know about DAD’S
real, g n a t big light, safe, handy and cheaper than
oil. wind and storm-prix>f
Fully illustrated cir­
cular. Roitledge Sen! k Flora! («.. 169 24 Si.. Partlud
Washington, D. C.— By a vote o f 68
to 14 the senate Friday carried out
President W ilson’ s wish and killed
Senator Gore’s resolution to
armed belligenrent
Oil-Fuel Boiler of Great Efficiency. I Americans off
Attention of marine engineers has ships.
been drawn to a new type of boiler
In a turbulent scene, such as is sel­
lately put forth by an English inven­ dom witnessed in the senate, voting
tor. The curious device makes use proceeded, with senators shouting ob­
not of flues nor of colls of pipe to se­ jections, fu tilely demanding recogni­
cure quick steaming, but of hollow con- tion to explain their positions and
centric cones.
Accord‘ ng to tests
making hot retorts to each other, all
made, a boiler of this type, the size of ‘
a hogshead, will generate as much o f which were out o f order.
A t one tim e so many senators were
steam and has as high a horsepower
rating as the ordinary boiler many shouting for the vice president’s recog­
times larger. This compactness and nition that the sergeant-at-arms was
high rating make the boiler particu­ called to restore quiet.
larly adapted to marine service, vhere
A fte r having maneuvered fo r two
space Is valuable, besides which, lis days to get the resolution in such par­
ease and comparative cleanliness of liamentary position that it was dis­
operation result In quite a substantial
posed o f without debate, the senate
saving of labor. Several views of the
boiler appear in the March Popular then proceeded to a general discussion
o f the subject, which continued all a f­
Mechanics Magazine.
ternoon, to the dismay o f administra­
tion supporters. There were free ex­
To Brea): in New Shoes.
Always .h a k e in A l l e n ’. Foot Ease, a powdar. pressions o f opinion that the senate’ s
It cures hot, » w e s t in g , aching, sw ollen ieeb I
Cures corria, in gr o w in g n a il , and bunions. A f , action, because the vote actually was
all druggists and shoe mere«. x'.c, Dont accept taken on a motion to table the Gore
any substitute. Sam pie mai led FREE. Address
resolution, with a correction by the
Allen S. Olmsted, Le Koy- N. Y.
author and a substittue by Senator Mo-
The Wrong Impression,
Cumber, was in e ffect a “ Scotch ver­
A Quaker fell asleep in meeting and d ic t,” and had not actually accomplish­
soon began to snore. For awhile the ed the purpose o f the President.
nasal notes were soft and smooth and
Such statements aroused the Presi­
did not disturb the worshippers, but dent’s friends, who feared they would
finally the sleeper let out a few extra
produce an effect exactly opposite to
kinks and the effect was a trifle dis- :
that intended. I t was intended to
"Friend Hezeklah." whispered an g iv e notice to the world that the sen­
acquaintance, digging the other in the ate stands behind the President in his
ribs, " I think thee had better arouse demands on Germany fo r the rights of
Americans travelin g the seas.
“ What did thee say? What did thee
In the house, however, the foreign
say?" cried Hezekiah, somewhat con­ affairs committee, by a vote o f 17 to
fused "W h at is the m atter?"
2, took a longer step toward meeting
"Nothing, friend Hezekiah," was the
fu lly the President’ s wishes. It voted
quiet rejoinder of the other, "only thee
was snoring a little, and I was afraid to report the M eLem ore warning reso­
that outsiders might think the spirit lution, with the recomemndation that
had moved thee to a trombone solo 1 it be tabled. In the report the com­
instead o f an expression of thy con­ m ittee asserts that the constitution im­
posed the conduct o f diplomatic nego­
victions."— Philadelphia Telegraph.
tiations on the President, and “ with
T h e n H e L e ft .
this practice the com mittee does not
He was telling about all the things l feel it proper fo r the house o f repre-
he owned, his prize bulldog, his bunga
senattives to irte rfe re . ”
low, his touring car.
"But you don't seem interested." he i
German S cores Air Raids.
"Yes, I am," responded the other | Geneva, v ia Paris — The bombard­
chap, "but I'm rather occupied today. I ment o f open towns in France and Eng­
T ell you what. You just mail me a j
statement of your assets and I ’ll read land by aircraft was sharply criticised
It with all the admiration and awe in the parliament o f the Duchy of
you could possibly desire."— Washing j Baden by the progressive deputy, Herr
ton Star.
Hummel. A violent scene followed the
deputy’ s remarks. Herr Hummel de­
A Reminder.
clared that attacks on such towns on
"T h e old-fashioned boy used to the pretext o f reprisals was only the
mind every word his father gpld.”
useless butchery o f peaceful citizens.
"Y e s ," replied the rather cynical
youth; "hut you must remember that Deputy Kolb, Socialist, called atten­
the old fashioned boy had one of those tion to what he termed the “ brutal
thoughtful, old fashioned fath er»."— treatment o f the new recruits, who are
shortly to be sent to the trenches."
Washington Star.
Washintgon, D. C.— President W il­
son decided Wednesday that he cannot
proceed with the German submarine
negotiations while dissention in con­
gress weakens his position before the
world, so he called for a showdown on
the pending proposals to warn Am eri­
cans off merchant ships o f the Euro­
pean belligerents armed for defense.
Making clear that he considers the
President, and not congress, is charged
with the conduct o f the foreign rela­
tions o f the United States, he wrote a
letter to Representative Poll, acting
chairman o f the house rules commit­
tee, asking him to provide parliamen­
tary means fur bringing the agitation
out into the open on the floor o f the
house, for full discussion and vote.
The President’s letter to Mr. Pou,
the signal that the administration was
ready to g ive Germany a demonstra­
tion o f unity, fo llo w s :
“ My Dear Mr. Pou;— Inasmuch as I
learn that Mr. Henry, the chairman of
1916 Catalog
Treaty Thought Doomed
Washington, D. C.— Administration
senators admit they have practically
no hope o f ratification for the Colum­
bian treaty, proposing payment o f
$15,000,000 to Columbia for the parti
tion o f Panama and making mutual ex­
pression o f regret.
A thorough can­
vass o f the senate has convinced ad­
ministration leaders that nearly all
Republicans and several Itemocrats
would resist ratification to the last. A
vote on the measure. It is believed,
should be avoided, because o f its effect
i upon Columbia.
The appetite is an ex­
cellent oarometer of the
condition of the “ inner
Watch it, and
when it loses its accus­
tom ed keenness, try
Stomach Bitters
It is an excellent tonic and
appetizer. Get the genuine.
Wool L ow er at Lundon.
London — The seconad aeries o f the
Wool auction sales opened Wednesday
with offerings o f 7200 bale*. The at-
tendance was large.
T h e moderate
aelection was in fa ir demand, but both
merinos and crossbreds declined from
6 to 7J per cent.
Labor difficulties
and the question o f financing were
largely responsible fo r
Russia took s few lota of scoured
merinos and the home trade the rest.
No sales were made to Am erica.
H og Supply L arge.
February was another b ig hog month i
at the Portland Union Hriockyarda. The
month’s run totaled nearly 25,0001
head, an i m-rcase o f 48 62 head over
the receipts in the same month o f 1915
and equaling the gain recorded in the
opening month o f this year.
In other
P o r t l a n d »Seed C o .,
divisions there was a fa llin g o ff in re­
ceipts in FeLruary, which was most Portland.
O regon
pronounced in the sheep m« .vemenL