WORLD’S DOINGS Of CURRtNT WEEK Brief Resume of General News from All Around the Earth. Daily Record of Congress Saturday, Jan. 20. Senate— Senator Sherman, Republi­ can, introduced a resolution o f protest against reported renewed demands by Japan on China. Senator Tillman praised Secretary Daniels in a speech on the navy and attacked former Secretary Meyer. M ilitary committee continued work on the army bill. House— M ilitary and naval commit­ tees continued hearings. Social workers and labor leaders asked for revision o f the workmen’s compensation law. ASKS QUICK ACTION ON DEFENSE PLANS President Wilson Urges People to Preparedness. NEWS ITEMS Of General Interest About Oregon P lM f I waa Impossible, and anybody who took the other side would have to reckon henceforth with Sweep Cazalet. Mr. Toye already bad reckoned with him. In a little debate begun outzlde i the old summer schoolroom at Little I ford, and adjourned rather than fin­ ished at the Iron gate Into tha road In I her heart o f hearts Blanche could not say that Caaalet had the beat of the argument. Toye hdd advanced a gen­ eral principle with calm ability, but Cazalet could not be shifted from tbe particular position be was so eager to defend, and would only enter Into ab- « «tract question* to beg them out of TR W LN A tV E R S hand. » 0 0 0 3 - ."IZ B S rLC C C e A S A d Y ~ Blanche rather thought that neither about Scruton. I guess, bar draatug quite understood what the other the bead." meant; but she could not blink the “ When did you bear o f It?" said fact that the old friend had neither tbe Cazalet. dialectical mind nor the unfailing "It was on the tape at the Savoy courtesy of tb* new. That being to. when I got there. So I made an In­ with her perception she might have quiry, and 1 figured to look In at the changed the subject; but sb* could Klngeton Court on my way to call see that Cazalet was thinking ot noth­ upon Mies Blanche You see, I was ing else; and no wonder, since they kind of Interested In all you’d told uie were approaching the acene of the about the case." tragedy,and his own old home, with "W ell? " each long dip of her paddle. "W ell, that was my end of the sltua- It had been his own wlBh to start tlon. As luck and management would upstream; but she could see the wist­ have It between tbem, I was in time to ful pain In his eyea as they fell once bear your man— " more upon the red turrets and tbs "N ot my man, please' You thought smooth green lawn of Uplands; and of him youreelf," tald Cazalet sharply. sbe neither spoke nor looked at him “ W ell, anyway. I wae In tima to hear again until he spoke to her. the proceedings opened agalDet him. "1 see they've got the blinds down They were all over In about a minute' still,” he said detacbedly. “ What'a He was remanded till next week." happened to Mrs. Craven?" How did he look?" and, "H ad he a “ I hear sbe went Into a nursing beard?" demanded Cazalet and home before the funeral." Blanche simultaneously, "1 expect we should find Savage "H e looked like a sick man." said somewhere. Would you very much Toye, with something more than hla usual deliberation In answering or asking questions. "Yes. Miss Blanche, he had a beard worthy of a free cltl- WOMAN All Oregon Historical Pageant Commencement Week Feature A u lh o r o f T3he AMATEUR CRACKSMAN. RAFFLES. E tc . University of Oregon, Eugene— An all-Oregon historical pageant, in which each o f the 36 counties w ill be repre­ sented by a “ Dauhgter o f Oregon,” IL L U S T R A T C O IO N S b y i> O O r* . w ill be presented at the State univer­ P V H IC M T sity during commencement week, SYNOPSIS. early in June. The pageant has just been approved Cazalet. on ths steamer Kalssr Frits. by the board o f regents and w ill be homeward bound from Auai rails, ertso Cleveland Speech Unusually Grave presented Live News Items of All Nations and before final examinations so out In hla aleap that Henry Cravan. who tan years before had ruined hla father that the participation o f a great por­ and Warning of Nation's Im­ and himself, la dead and finds that H il­ Pacific Northwest Condensed tion o f the student body may be possi­ ton Toye. who shares the stateroom wtth Friday, dan. 28. him, knows Craven and also Blanche ble. pending Danger is Given. Senate— Petitions bearing a million for Our Busy Readers. Macnalr. a former neighbor and play­ The pageant w ill depict the pro­ mate. When the dally papers coma names protesting against war muni­ gress o f Oregon. The first represen­ ahoard at Southampton Toys reads that tions shipments presented, resulting In raven haa been murdered and calls tation w ill show the state as it was in vigorous debate. dream second sight. Ha thinks Cleveland, O.— N ew circumstances its original primeval condition, prior of aralet's doing a little amateur detective work Constantinople ia aald to be on the Debate on Philippine independence have arisen, President Wilson declared on the caae himself. In the train to tow-n to the coming even o f the Indian. they discuss the murder, which was com­ Varna of starvation because o f the bill resumed. Saturday, w.iich make it absolutely at Cazalet’s old home Toys heara M ilitary committee continued hear­ necessary that this country should pre­ Then the epoch o f Indian domination mitted pressure o f war. from t'azalet that Scruton. who had bean w ill be depicted, then the coming of Cazalet's friend and the scapegoat for ing on army bills. pare for adequate national defense A big fund for the suffering Jewa o f the white man, then the days o f the Craven's dishonesty, has been released House — Admiral Griffin, chief of Cazalet goes down the “ We are in the midat o f a world immigration, then the gold days, and from prison Europe ia being raised in thia country. navy engineering bureau, testified be­ that we did not make and cannot al­ finally the realization o f the present river and meets Blanche. New York has pledged $260,000. fore naval committee. te r,” the President said. “ Its whole The C H A P T E R V— Continued. F ive Portland policemen lowered Gen. Wood told m ilitary committee atmospheric and physical conditions with a glimpse into the future. pageant w ill be in five scenes, presided tw o firemen down into a 60-foot well army should be recruited to full are the conditions of our own life, al­ over by “ Mother Oregon.” In the last H « had floundered to hi* feet as to rescue a dog that had fallen in. strength before a reserve is enrolled. so; and therefore as your responsbile Postal committee favorably reported servant I must tell you that the dan­ scene the 35 “ Daughters of Oregon” well. He was standing over her. feel­ A heavy storm is general over Cali­ w ill bring gifts symbolic o f the indus­ ing his way like a great fatuous cow fornia. with snows in the mountains postoffice appropriation bill providing gers are infinite and constant. tries o f each county. ard, so some might have thought. But that railroads lie paid for mail trans­ and rain and sleet in the lowlands. “ I should feel that 1 were guilty of The pageant is to be not merely a It really looked as though Blanche was portation by space. an unpardonable omission i f 1 did not U n iversity affair. The United States is to soon tell Contribution of not attending to what he did »ay; yet go out and tell my fellow countrymen lyrics for the various choruses is invit­ neither was she watching her little England that the seizure of U. S. Mail Thursday, dan. 27. is “ unwarranted and inquisitorial.” Senate— Public lands committee re­ that new circumstances have arisen ed from the state at large, and any angler» stamped In Jet upon the sil­ which make it absolutely necessary suggestion for the five scenes w ill be very stream, nor even seeing any more A Davenport, Wash., man Is left ported water power bill recognizing that this country prepare herself for $120,000 by a bcahelor brother and jurisdiction o f both state and federal war, not for anything that smacks in appreciated. A large state attendance of Nelly Potts In the Australian ver- ia looked for. Persons desiring to j anda. She had come home from Aua I Alaska miner, who was killed by an governments over water power sites. the least o f aggression but for ade­ make suggestions for the pageant j tralia, and come In from the river, and j l e n Postoffice committee recommended explosion. quate national defense.” I should communicate with Dr. E. S. j she was watching the open door at the deposits of postal savings funds in "They let them grow one, If they “ Whenever the ordinary rules of Bates, professor o f English and author other end of the old schoolroom, listen- Four boys and one man hold up and federal reserve banks. like, before they come out," said Caza commerce at sea and o f international rob a Chicago bank in broad daylight. 1 of the scenario, University o f Oregon, i Ing to those confounded steps coming M ilitary and naval committees con­ let, with the nod of knowledge relationship are apt to be thrust aside Eugene. They secured $16,000 In currency and tinued hearings. 1 nearer and nearer— and Cazalet was 'Then 1 guest he was a wise man or ignored, ” he continued, “ there is drove away. gazing at her aa though he really had House- M ilitary and naval commit­ not to take It off." rejoined Hilton danger o f the more critical kind of said something that deserved an an A mile of highly-charged electric tees continued hearings. State Joins Fight on Federal controversy. Toye. "That would only prejudice his I ewer. Rivers and harbors committee heard w ire is alleged to have been stolen “ Am erica Is not afraid o f anybody. case, If It'a going to be one of Identity, Control of Vacant Public Lands from the Oregon Iron A Steel company Représentai ve Sumners on T rin ity "W hy. Miss Blanche!" cried a voice. 1 know 1 reflect your feelin g when I with that head gardener playing lead R iver project. o f Portland. “ And your old lady In waiting figured 1 Salem— W ith other Western states, say that the only thing I am afraid of In the witness stand." Republican lea d er Mann made should find you flow n!" General Wood opposes plan for con­ ia not being ready to perform my Oregon w ill join with Utah *n the bat­ "Old S avage!” snorted Cazalet. I speech advocating preparedness. Hilton Toye was already a lands­ “ Why. he was a dotard In our time; tinental army and proposes that the duty. I am afraid o f the danger of tle to determine whether the Federal Representative Bennett, o f New regular army be brought to full shame. 1 am afraid o f the danger of government has exclusive control over man and a Londoner from top to toe they couldn't hang a dog on hla evi­ York, defended German-Americans in strength first. inadequacy; 1 am afraid of the danger vacant public lands in the Western He was perfectly dressed— for Bond dence!" a speech. Street— and his native simplicity of of not being able to express the cor­ states. "S till," aald Blanche, ‘‘I'd rather The Swiss government w ill apolo­ Passed the Shackleford $26,000,000 B elieving that the rase now on ap­ bearing and address placed him aa rect character o f this country with have It than circumstantial evidence, g ize to Germany for the trampling un­ good roads bill. sursly and firmly In the present pic­ peal from Utah to the United States tremendous m ight and effectiveness wouldn't you, Mr. T oye?" der foot of the empire's emblem by an whenever we are called upon to act in Supreme court, in which the Beaver ture He did not look the least bit out Wednesday, dan. 20. infuriated mob. "No. Miss Blanche. 1 would not," re­ R iver Power company is enjoined from of It. But Cazalet did. In an Instant, the field o f the world's affairs. Senate— Foreign relations committee plied Toye, with unhesitating candor N o snow has fallen in Southwestern discussed Colombian, Nicaraguan and He was applauded frequently and operating a hydro-electric plant on his old bush clothes changed at once He Clutched Her Hand, but Only aa "T h e worst evidence In the world, in Alaska up to the middle of January, Haitian treaties. when he spoke o f defending the na­ lands in the Federal forest reserve, is into a merely shabby suit o f despica­ Ha Might Have Clutched a Man’s. my opinion, and I've given the matter o f vital interest to Oregon, Governor ble cut; the romance dropped out of and it is said children are going to Senator Hitchcock proposed amend­ tion's honor the cheering was tremen­ some thought. Is the evidence of Iden mind. Blanche? I should rather like— Withycombe has requested Attorney them and their wearer, aa he stood school barefoot. ment to Philippine bill granting inde­ dous. a trussed turkey-cock, and tlty.” He turned to Cazalet, who had If It » a s Just setting foot— with you— " " I do not wish to leave you with the General Brown to appear in Washing­ like Senator I-ane, o f Oregon, proposes pendence in from two to four years. But even that effective final pronoun ton, D. C., as a friend o f the court, watched a bunch of hothouse flowers betrayed a quickened Interest In his Debated child labor bill without final impression that I am thinking o f some big army to build roads throughout the particlar danger. I merely wish to and g iv e Oregon’s attitude in the ques­ presented to the lady with a little gem views "Shall I tell you why? Think failed to bring any buoyancy back Into country and at the same tim e g ive the action. tion o f government control o f water of a natural, courteous, and yet char­ how often you're not so sure If you his voice; for it was not In the least M ilitary committee continued hear­ tell you that we are daily treading men m ilitary training. have seen a man before or if you uever effective as he said It, and he no long­ lands. acteristically racy speech. amidst intricate dangers. The dan­ jiower resources on Federal ings on army reorganization. The report that Great Britain had Utah was the first to intervene, and To the lady, mark you; for she was have! You kind of shrink from nod- er looked her In the face. But this all H ouse- M ilitary and naval commit­ gers that we are treading amoung are lifted the embargo on interned German since then Idaho, Colorado and a num­ one, on the spot; and Cazalet was a | din*; or el»e v° u nod wrong; If you seemed natural to Blanche, In the tees heard witnesses on the state of not o f our own making and not under ships has caused a furore o f activity ber o f other Western states have de­ man again, and making a mighty effort \ d*d“ * ever have that feeling, then manifold and overlapping circum­ our control. I think no man in the national defense. among shippers o f the Pacific Coast. cided to be represented. to behave hlmaelf because the hour you r® not ®D>' ot*>er m»h I know." stances of the case. She made for the Secretary Garrison urged the bouse United States knows what a single The question involved in the case, of boy and girl was over. ”1 have!” cried Cazalet. "I've had Inlet at the upper end of the lawn. A Portland bride-to-be, accused by interstate commerce committee to re­ week, a single day, a single hour may according to officials here, is whether “ Mr. Cazalet," said Toye, " I guess j ** *** mT Ufa, even In the wilds; but And her prompt unquestioning ac­ her parents of insanity, apparently to vise the general dam act in the inter­ bring fo r th " quiescence shamed Cazalet Into further The President spoke o f the navy and the laws o f a state regulating the ap­ you want to know what In thunder j ^ never thought of It before." deter her wedding, was found to be est o f water power development. propriation and use o f water within its I’m doing on your tracks so soon It’» j the coast defenses, saying: Think of It now," said Toye, "and and franker explanation, before he sane by the Multnomah county court. “ Take for example the matter of boundaries are controlling and exclu­ hog-luck, sir, because I wanted to see i >ou'll see there may be flaws In the could let her land to please him. President Wilson delivers his first "You don't know how I feel th is!” our coast defenses. It ia obvious to sive o f any other control. you quite a lot, but I never thought | best evidence of Identity that money address on preparedness in New York. every man that they are o f the most I'd strike you right here. Did you | c* n buy. But circumstantial evldeuce he exclaimed quite miserably. "I mean He will visit the Middle West for ten can't He, Mias Blanche, If you get about poor old Scruton; he's gone vital importance to the country. Such hear the new*?" Will Drain 60,000 Acres in days, delivering apeeehee on this sub­ enough of It. I f the links fit In. to through so much as It Is, whatever he coast defenses as we have are strong "No! W hat?" ject. Fertile Long Tom District Washington, D. C.— Germany has and admirable, but we have not got There was no need to Inquire as to prove that a certain person was In a may have done to deserve It long ago. coast defenses in enough places. Their certain place at a certain time. I guess Is it conceivable that he should go Spokane washerwomen are now said submitted to the United States, Eugene— A meeting o f business men the class of news; the Immediate past quality ia admirable but their qunatity that's worth all the oaths of all the and do a thing like this the very mo­ to patronize the laundries, and have had come back with Toye Into Caza and landowners has launched plans for eye-witnesses that ever aaw dayligh t!" ment be gets out? I ask you, la It other luxuries, not furnished by their through Ambassador Von Hernstorff, is insufficient. the drainage o f bewteen 60,000 and let's life; and even In Blanche's pres­ "A n d the navy o f the United States! inebriate husbands before Washington another written proposal designed to Cazalet laughed harshly, as for no even conceivable?" 70,000 acres in the Long Tom district ence. even In her schoolroom, the old went dry. bring about a settlement of the con­ You have been told that it is the sec­ at an estimated expense of $280,000. days had flown Into their proper place apparent reason he led the way into Blanche understood him. And now ond in strength in the world. I am the garden. "Mr. Toye's made a study she showed herself golden to the core, About 20,000 acres o f this land is in and size In the perspective. It is reported in Vatican circles that troversy over the sinking of the steam­ sorry to say that experts do not agree Lane county, the rest being in Linn "They've made an arrest," tald of these things," he fired over bis almost as an earnest of her fitness for the condition of Emperor Francis ship Lusitania, with a loss of more with those who tell you that. Reck­ "H e should have been a the fires before her. and Benton counties. Toye; and Cazalet nodded as though shoulder. Joseph, o f Austria, who has been seri­ than 100 American lives. oning by its actual strength I believe Sherlock Holmes, and rather wishes "P oor fellow," she cried, "he has a The commercial club at a recent ously ill for several days, is rapidly There were indications here that it to be one o f the most efficient navies he was on e.” friend In you, at any rate! And 1'U meeting pledged its support to the grow ing worse. the document might bring a satisfac­ in the world; but its strenght ranks "G ive me time," said Toye. laugh help you to help him, It there's any project and w ill, it has been an­ A Seattle physician serving a ban­ tory termination o f negotiations. fourth, not second. You must reckon tng. "1 may come along that way way I can.” nounced, g iv e $1000 toward getting quet in his home, prescribed cocktails Although the greatest secrecy sur­ with the fact that it is necessary that yet." He clutched her hand, but only aa the work under way, provided the ma­ for his guests in regular medicine bot­ rounds the negotiations, it is said on that should be our first arm o f defense, Cazalet faced him In a frame of be might have clutched a man's." jority o f the landowners vote to create tles. Each person had an individual excellent authority that Germany Anal­ and you ought to insist that everything tangled greenery. "You told me you a drainage district as authorized by "You can’t do anything; but I won't prescription signed by the doctor. ly had argeed to eliminate from the should be done that it is possible for wouldn't!" the Oregon law, within which assess­ forget that." be almost choked. "I us to do to bring the navy up to an text o f the agreement any mention of A playful dog runs In front o f a ments mav be levied. The district will "I did, air, but that was before they meant to stand by him In a very differ­ the warning issued by the German adequate standard o f strength and effi­ roasting party at South Rend. Wash., be authorized to issue bonds. put salt on this poor old crook. If ent way He'd been down to the embassy the day the I.uaitania sailed ciency. causing the pilot to swerve the sled, This project has been proposed a I you're right, and he's not the man. depths, and I’d come up a bit; then on her last trip from New York. "W h e re we are lacking more per­ plunging it over an embankment. Thr number o f times by individuals, but shouldn't you say that rather altered be was good to me as a lad. and It was fire chief ami two women coasters Mention of this warning is underatod haps is on land and in the number of the action o f the club, co-operating the eituatlon?" my father's partner who was the ruin to have been contained in the last pro- men who are ready to fight. The were badly injured. with landowners, is the first organized of him I seemed to owe him some­ poaal, which was rejected after Pres­ characteristic desire of Am erica is not movement to accomplish the drainage C H A P TE R VI. thing. and now— now I'll stand by him The new fad in Indies' hosiery ia the ident Wilson had considered It. that she should have a great body of o f this land, which is almost worthless whatever happens and—whatever haa “ lampshade" stocking. It is understood also that Germany men whose chief business is to fight, because it is covered with water a Voluntary Service. happened!” but a great body o f men who know hail left out o f her proposal general Mexican bandit ia executed in the great part o f the time, but which "And why do you think be can t Then they landed In the old. old In­ Juarez cemetery for killing an A m eri­ reservation o f admission of wrong­ how to fight and are ready to fight would be among the most valuable have don* It?" let. Cazalet knew every knot In the doing on the part o f the submarine when anything that is dear to the na­ can. farm land in the state i f the water j Cazalet had trundled the old canoe post to which he tied Blanche's canoe. You might have commander, to which United States tion ia threatened. was eliminated. Mercury drops 70 degrees in two objected. over the rollers, and Blanche was It was a very different place, this what we have, milliona of men who hours and 20 minutes at Great Falls. hardly paddling In the glassy atrip Uplands, from poor old Llttleford on Mention of the warning Is believed have never handled arms o f war, who M ont. alongside the weir. Below the lock the lower reach. The grounds were Red Boy Mine Is Sold. to have been must objectionable to the are mere material for shot and powder Mrs. Mean Hear, an Indian aged 106 administration. In effect, it was re­ i f you put them in the field, and Am er­ Baker— H. A. Sonne, caahier o f the "Mr. Cazalet." Said Toy*. “ I Guess there bad been something to do. and five or tlx acrea instead of about one. You Want to Know What I'm Doing Blanche had done It deftly and silent and a house In quite another class years, dies at Ponca City, Ok la., leav­ garded as ronveynig the idea that no ica would be ashamed o f the ineffi­ Baker Loan A Trust company has an­ I ly, wtth almost equal capacity and stood farther bark from tbe river and on Your Track." ing 700 kinfolks in her immediate American lives would have been loet ciency o f calling such men to defend nounced upon his return from Canyon grace It had given her a charming very much farther from the road the N a tio n ." had the warning been heeded. fam ily. City that he bid in for $34,600 the The Inlet began the western bound­ ®nd' » “ at with the property o f the Red Boy Mines com­ he bed quit* expected It. which set flu,h “ d A. L. Mohler, president o f the German Fleet to Battle. Captives Charge Torture. pany at a sheriff's sale for the bank, Blanch, off trying to remember .o m e , * bar,e ba" d on b* T balr' ary. which continued past tbe boat­ Union Pacific railroad, who fe ll on the house In the shape of a high hedge, a New York — President MacMechen, I’etrograd. via london— The Russian holder o f a trust m ortgage securing a thin, he had said at the other house; ice at Omaha Sunday and suffered con­ The sale was but she bad not succeeded when she doors, yet not quite, quite euch a girl herbaceous border (not what It bad of the Aeronautical Society o f Am er­ army headquarters has issued a state­ $137,900 bond issue. cussion o f the brain, is improving. But then every bit of the boy bad gone been in the old days), and a gravel effected by canceling a large part of noticed the curious pallor of his chin out o f Cazalet So that hour stolen path. This path waa screened from President Wilson urges congress to ic a issued a statement Wednesday in ment concerning the attitude o f Aus­ the bond issue, at considerable below and forehead which he said that a German fleet with trians toward Russian prisoners. from the paat was up forever. the lawn by a bank of rhododendron*, clear its docket of appropriation bills par. "Scruton?” he Juat asked The statement tells the experience "W hy do the police think the other as of course were the bark yard and as soon as possible, so that the prepar­ 17-lnrn guns, far outranging British Judgment given by the Grant county "Yes. sir! This morning." said H il­ naval guns, and escorted by aeroplanes o f six soldiers who escaped from cap­ thing*" be retorted. "What have they kitchen premises, past which It led edness program w ill have full swing. Circuit court, on which the sale was ton Toye. and Zeppelins armed with a new pneu­ tiv ity in Austria. It declares that got to go on? That * what I want to Into the front garden, eventually de­ baaed, was $171,836.98, together with A t a m eeting in Chicago o f the Re­ matic gun, w ill soon ap|46,000 tion as to what constitutes an habtuial stock on the Pacific Coast yet unsold , tba gab turned oaL She probably w ill lir a did not justify high values. for potting the torpedo into use. drunkard. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHELL CHANGED CONDITIONS ARE MENACING 8 American Demand on Germany in Lusitania Case Granted bv Berlin j „“ ‘.‘ " J “