Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, December 10, 1915, Image 3

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    ANNOUNCEM ENT to our p ttro m
tfcroughoul the Pacific Northwest:
haa been placed under the management of
N. K. Clarke, who waa for many years
connected with the Portland. Cornelius
and Seward Hotels, and who will always
extend to all a cordial welcome
Commencing November 1st we shall in­
augural* the American plan in coonectioo
with the European plan.
W s solicit your patronage.
American Han, $3 to $5 per day.
European Plan. $1 per day up.
N. K. C LAR K E . M fr.
I f you are ailing in anyway, and want help,
write me DR. L. U D A V IS . 129 Vs Russel street.
Portland. Oregon.
Double Tread Puncture Proof Très
Made from your old ones. Last long
as Brand New TIKES W rite us
560 Washington St..
Portland. Ore.
Pleasant, profitable work not overdone; few
months' learning; positions guaranteed: w rite for
references and particulars. Portland Watchmak­
ing. Engraving and Optical School. 218 Common­
wealth Building. Portland. Oregon.
Dalles-Columbia Line
Winter Schedule, Nov. 25 to Mar. 16.
Steam er. J. N. Tea! and T — iu Cltte. for Kenne­
wick. P a r c . Wallula. U m atilla Arlington. The
Dalle., Lyle. Hood River. W hite Salmon, ( anon,
Stevenson. C u e ad. Lock*. L e . v . Portland Tues­
day. and Friday, at 11 p m. Freight and pasaen.
■ere. Landing Taylor St. Dock. Portland.
Fault of the Clerk.
The court clerk was examining an
applicant for citizenship papers. Un­
fortunately the clerk didn't ask his
questions in the order in which the
man from across the seas had beeu
taught the answers.
“ Do you speak English?” asked the
"Sure, Mike,” was the answer.
“ How long have you been in this
"M ichigan.”
“ How tall are you?*
“ Forty years.”
The clerk sighed. " I think you'd
better get an interpreter,” he said.—
N ew York World.
D / a I\ lA I
F a rm e rs
B u ild e r s
Pinna. detail®, ffpoclflr.ilona and bill o f quantities
for a modorn Barn. S2.0Q. Build your Barn right.
Plan, contain com and valuable information
fo r youraelf or contractor on a barn that ia o f the
moat modem and economical construction. State
whether you want plan, for a 14. 22 or 90-.tall
bam and remit money order.
T. H. B E NTLEY. HU McKay Bldg.. Portland. Or.
Simple Method.
"D on’t you come ac-oss a good
many things in the Bible that yon
don't understand, like tbe problem ol
Cain's wife, for instance?" queried the
“ Oh. yes, of course." acknowledged
the clergyman.
“ W eil, what do you do about it? ”
“ My dear friend.” replied the minis­
ter. laying down his fork, " I simply do
Just as I would while eating a nice
fresh herring. When I come to the
bone 1 quietly lay it on one side, and
go on enjoying the meal, letting any
idiot that Insists on choking himself
with the bone do so."
Stick to Your Intentlona
Don't put o ff getting Hanford’s Bal­
sam of Myrrh until something hap­
pens Get it now and be prepared for
accidents. You wiil find frequent use
fo r it in your home and in your stable
for cuts, burns, bruises and any sore,
any lameness. Adv.
Relaxation Due.
"Don't you find it rather lonely since
your boy Josh went back to school?"
"Y es.” replied Farmer Corntossel;
"but it's kind o' restful. Josh has
been educatin' me an’ mother so much
that we need our turn at takln' a va­
cation, same as he did.” — Washington
M O W A R ii K nrR TU B - « « » r »on Cbcmlrt.
■ ■ Lcndvills. Colorado. Specimen prieta: Gold.
Silver I# v l, Si (¿old. Silver, 7óo; Gold. 50o; Ziao
« r Coprir f i Mali i naanvt.
o ( onvalopaaa
____ id full priosJM
aaat on ai-plicatlon. Control and ‘ ” Umpire work a
Ueitsd. Iiafcrenea: : Gar (tonate National Bank.
Doesn't Evaporate.
"W e must get some ammonia In the
house. Every household ought to have
on hand a quick stimulant.”
"W hisky answers the purpose,” he
"But ammonia keeps better.” said
she, significantly.— Kansas City Jour­
“ That fellow Miggs is a pretty
smooth proposition.”
“ Yes?”
“ Why. he got his w ife Jollied Into
believing that she is the only one in
the family who knows how to run a
TTave H .u lt h f. Strong, B ea u tifu l Byes
V b j . i c i . a a a a «4 k u r io a S ja
Rem edy m any y e a rs b efore It w a s o ffered a s a
Dom estic K je M edicine. M u rine ia S till Com­
pounded by O ur P h ysic ia n s and gu aran teed
by them ne a R elia b le K n lltf fo r Eyes th a t Need
Care. T ry It In you r Eyen and I d Baby 's E y e . —
N e S m a rtin g — Just Eye Com fort. Buy M arine
o f ynur D ru g gla t — a ccep t no Su b stitu te, and If
In terested w r its fo r Book o f the E ye Free
S S C IU H B i l l K Z E I U f CO .. C U IC A W O
O c u iiiU
A t.d
Sad Self-Consciousness.
"W h at are you going to wear to the
fancy dress party?”
" I dunno,” replied Mr. Cumrox. ” 1
guess I'll go as a clown, and then if I
do something that makes the guests
snicker maybe mother an' the girls’ll
think I'm doing it apurpose.”— Wash­
ington Star.
The Swell Cuest— Your cook Is a
very handsome girl.
The Shrewd Host— She Is.
mashes the potatoes by simply look­
ing at them.— Cincinnati Commercial
th e F A C T S
Plate« and bridgwe mad« la
my own lahrfratiMTr
Off«** akaaltttety cW n .
In*trumenta thoroughly «ter-
la d
P r i« « « rwaannaW#.
Work g-jaranteod.
Constant srvisavor ta do work
Dr. Elof T. Hedlund
V * r g » a BaiMiac
Floor. W a«k iagtea
Naar Braadwav. Port la ad
. u.
I L ’ H P f w ritiag le
M e« U te —
N a SO. I t i «
President W ilson Reads Message to 64th Congress
WASHINGTON. D. C.— Following la
President Wilson s address to the Joint
session of Congress, which met Mon­
day at noon in the Cwth convention:
Gentlem en o f tha Congress: Slnca I last
had tha p riv ile g e o f addressing you on tha
I sta te o f the Union the w a r o f nations on
the o th er side o f the sea. which had then
on ly begun to disclose its portentous p ro ­
portions. haa extended Its th reatsn ln g and
sin ister scope u ntil it has sw ept w ithin its
I fla m e som e portion o f eve ry qu arter o f the
globe, not exceptin g our own hem isphere,
has a ltered the w hole fa ce o f International
a ffa irs and now presents a prospect o f r e ­
o rga n isa tion and
reconstruction such as
statesm en and peoples
h ave never been
called upon to a tte m p t before
W e have stood apart, studiously neutral.
I t w as our m an ifest duty to do so.
N ot
only did we h ave no part o r Interest In the
eg which seem to have brought
co n flict on; It w as necessary. If a u niversal
catastrophe was to be avoided, that a KUatt
should be set to the sw eep o f destru ctive
w a r that some pa rt o f the grea t fa m ily o f
nations should keep th e processes o f peace
alive, i f only to preven t co llective econom ic
ruin and tha breakdow n
w orld o f the industries by which Its popu­
lation s are fed and sustained. It was m an­
ife s tly th e duty o f tha s e lf governed nations
o f this hem isphere to redress, i f posssible.
the balance o f econom ic loss and confusion
In the other, i f th ey could do n oth ing more.
In th e day o f readjustm en t and recuperation
we earn estly hope and believe that they can
be o f In fin ite service.
In this n eu trality, to which th ey were
| bidden not only by th eir separate life and
th eir habitual detach m em from the policies
o f Europe, but also by a clear perception o f
ln tarnation al duty, the states o f A m erica
h ave becom e conscious o f a new and more
v ita l com m unity o f in terest and m oral p a rt­
nership in affairs, m ore clea rly conscious
o f the m any comm on sym pathies and in te r­
ests and duties which bid them stand to ­
geth er.
A ttitu d e T ow ard N eigh bors U nselfish.
T h ere was a tim e In the ea rly days o f our
own grea t Nation and o f the republics fig h t ­
in g th e ir w ay to Independence In Central
and South A m erica when the G overn m ent o f
tha U nited States looked upon its e lf as in
som e sort the gu ardian o f the republics
to tha aouth o f her as against any en croach ­
m ents o r efforts a t p o litica l control from
the oth er side o f tha w a te r, fe lt it Its duty
to play the part even w ith ou t In vita tion from
th em ; and I think that we can claim that
the task was undertaken w ith a true and
disin terested enthusiasm
fo r
the freedom
o f the A m ericas and the unm olested self-
govern m en t o f her independent peoples. But
it was alw’ ays d ifficu lt to m aintain such a
ro le w ithou t offense to tha pride o f the p eo ­
p le* whose freed o m o f action we sought to
protact, and w ithou t p rovo k in g serious m is­
conceptions o f our m otives,
eve ry
th ou gh tfu l man o f a ffa irs must w elcom e the
altered circumstances o f the new day In
whoso lig h t we now stand, when there Is no
claim o f guardianship or thought o f wards,
but. Instead, a fu ll and honorabl# association
as o f partners betw een ourselves and our
neighbors. In the in terest o f a ll A m erica,
north and south. Our concern fo r the in ­
dependence and p rosp erity o f the states of
Central and South A m erica is not altered.
W e h ave been put to the test in the case
o f M exico, and we h ave stood the test.
W h eth er w e h a re ben efited Mexico by the
course we have pursued rem ains to be seen
H er fortunes are In her own hands. But we
have at least proved that w e w ill not take
a d va n ta g e o f her in h er distress and u n d er­
take to im pose upon her an order and g o v ­
ernm ent o f our own choosing. L ib e rty it
often a fierce and In tra cta b le thing, to whlck
no bounds can be set. and to w hich no
bounds o f a few m en’s choosing ought ever
to be set.
E very A m erican who has drunk
at th e true fountains o f principle and t r a ­
dition must subscribe w ithou t reservation
to the h igh doctrin e o f the V irg in ia B ill o f
Bights, which In the grea t days in which
our G overnm ent was set up was e v e r y ­
where am ongst us accepted as the creed o f
free men. Th a t doctrin e is. ‘"That g o v e rn ­
ment is. o r ought to be, instituted fo r the
comm on benefit, protection and security o f
the people, nation, o r co m m u n ity''; that
" o f a ll the various modes and fo rm s o f
governm en t that is the best which Is c a p a ­
ble o f producing the grea test degree o f h ap ­
piness and safety, and Is most effectu ally
secured against the dan ger o f m aladm lnts
tra tlon : and that, when any governm en t
•hall be found Inadequate or contrary to
these purposes, a m a jo rity o f the
co m ­
m unity hath an Indubitable, Inalienable, and
in defeasib le
rig h t
reform .
a lter
abolish It, in such m anner as shall be Judged
most conducive to the public w ea l."
bave u nh esitatingly applied
principle to the case o f Mexico, and now
h op efu lly a w a it the rebirth o f the troubled
republic, which had so much o f w hich to
purge Itse lf and so llttlo sym p a th y from any
outside q u arter In the radical but necessary
P a n -A m erican ism Is D efined.
T h e m oral Is. that the states o f A m erica
riv a ls
but co-op erating
friends, and that their g ro w in g sense of
com m un ity o f interest, a lik e In m atters p o ­
litical and In m atters econom ic, Is lik ely t«
giv e them a new sign ifican ce as factors In
in tern ational a ffa irs
In the
history o f the world. It presents them an
in a very deep and true sense a unit In
world affairs, spiritual partners, standing
tog eth er because thin kin g together, quick
comm on
sym pathies
and “ com m on
/deals. Separated they a re subject to all the
cross currents o f the confused policies o f a
w orld o f hostile riv a lries, united In spirit and
purpose th ey cannot be disappointed o f their
peaceful destiny.
T h le is p an -A m erlcan lsm .
It has none o f
the sp irit o f em pire In it.
I t Is the e m ­
bodiment. the effectu al em bodim ent, o f the
spirit o f law and Independence and liberty
and mutual service.
A very notable body o f men recen tly met
In th e C ity o f W ashington, at the in vitation
and as the guests o f this G overnm ent, whose
delib eration s are lik ely to be looked back to
as m a rkin g a m em orable tu rn ing poin» In
the h istory o f A m erica. T h ey w ere re p re­
sen ta tive spokesmen o f the several Inde
pendent states o f this hem isphere and wers
assem bled to discuss the fin ancial and co m ­
m ercial relations o f th e republics o f tbe
tw o contlnsnts w hich nature and political
fortu ne have so In tim a tely linked togeth er
I earn estly r-com m m end to your perusal the
reports o f their proceedings and o f the a c ­
tions o f th eir com m ittees
You w ill get
from them I think, a fresh conception ol
the east and
In telligen ce and advan tage
w ith w hich A m ericana o f both continents
may d raw tog eth er In practical co-operation
and o f w hat the m a terial foundations of
this hopeful partnership o f Interest must
consist— o f how we should build them and
of how necessary it is that
hasten th e ir building.
(.r e s t Ikemocrweles N ot B e lligeren t.
N o one who re a lly com prehends the spirit
o f th e grea t people fo r whom we are a p ­
pointed to apeak can fa ll to perceive that
'their passion la fo r peace, th eir genius best
displayed In the practice o f the arts of
peace G reat dem ocracies a re not belllger-
T h ey do not seek or desire w ar
T h eir thou ght Is o f in dividu al lib erty and
o f the fre e labor that supports life and the
uncensored thou ght that quickens It
quest and dom inion are not in our reckon ­
ing. o r a greeable to our principles
Just because w e dem and unmolested d e ­
velopm ent and the undisturbed governm en t
o f our own lives upon our own princip le*
o f rig h t and liberty, we resent, from w h a t­
e v e r q u arter It m a y come, the aggression
we ourselves w ill not practice.
W e Insist
upon security in prosecuting our self-chosen
lines o f N ational develop m en t W e do m ore
than that
W e dem and It also fo r others
W e do not confine our enthusiasm for In ­
divid u al lib erty and fr e e N ational d e v e lo p ­
ment to the Incident* and m ovem en ts o f a f ­
fa irs which affect only ourselves
Out o f such thoughts g r o w all our poli-
r le « W e regard w ar m e rely as a means o f
asserting the righ ts o f a people against
• gfresssion And we a re as fie rc e ly Jealous
S u g a r Issue Is S e r i o u s .
San Joan— W ith the largest sugar
crop in the island’s history to be har­
vested, and with the grinding season
barely a month away, sugar men are
facing a serious labor trouble. A gen­
eral demand is being made by Santiago
Igeaiaa, head of the local labor organ­
ization and representative in Porto
Rico o f the American federation o f la­
bor, fo r an eight-hour day and a dollar
wage for all agricultural laborers. So
far only one sugar mill, Guanica Cen­
tral, at Ensenada, haa commenced
o f co ercive or d icta to ria l p ow er w ithin our j w heth er w « w ill o r not. T h ere U. fo r ex-1 nues o f the second h a lf o f the fiscal year,
own R a tion as o f agaiesaton from w ithout am ple, a vary pressing question o f trad* would yield the Treasu ry at the end o f the
Vve w ill not m aintain a standing arm y ex- end shipping In volved m this grea t problem year an a\ailable balance o f $70,044.605 78.
c«p t fo r uses
which are as necessary In o f N ation al adequacy.
It ia necessary for
Th e additional reven ue« required to carry
tim es o f peace as in tim es o f w a r. and w e m any w eig h ty reasons o f N a tio n a l sfflclancy
shall a l t t j n see to it
that our m ilita ry ! and developm en t that we »hou ld have a out thi- program m e o f m ilita ry nnd naval
peace establishm ent is no la rg er than is 1 grea t m erchant m arine. T h e grea t m erchant preparation o f which 1 have spoken, would,
actu ally and continuously needed fo r the , fle e t we cues used to m ake
us rich, that as at present estim ated, be fo r the fisc a l year
■ uses o f
days la w hich no enem ies m ove t g iv a t body o f stu rdy sailors who used to 1917. $93 800,000. These figures, taken w ith
, against us
B u t we do b elieve in a bod> ¡c a r r y our fla g into ev e ry sea. and w ho wers the ftgurvs fo r the present fiscal year which
; of fre e cltixens ready and eufflcieut to tak*- the prid e and o ften the bulw ark o f the I have a lrea d y given, disclose our fin ancial
are o f th e m selw a and o f the governm en ts Nation, we h ave alm ost driven out o f ex- problem fo r the year 1917. Assuming that
whlch they h ave aet up to serve them.
In lstence by inexcusable neglect and ln d lffer- the taxes imposed by the em ergency revenue
j our constitutions them selves w e h ave com- »n ee and by a h opelessly blind and pro- act and the present duty on sugar a re to be
discontinued, and that th e balance at the
inanded that "th e rig h t o f the people t o j> in c ia l policy o f so-called econom ic protec- close o f the present fiscal year w ill be only
; keep and bear arm s sh all not be in frin ged , j tion. It 10 h igh tim e w e repaired our inis-
$'-*0,044.COo 78. that the disbursem ents fo r
and our confidence haa been that our sa fety ta ke and resumed our com m ercial lnde- the Panam a Canal w ill again be about $25.-
t in tim es o f dan ger would lie in the rising pendence on the seas,
. 000 , and that the additional expenditures
o f the Nation to take care o f Itself, as the j
F o r It is a question o f Independence.
I f f.r th f 4 n t y and N a vy are authorised by the
! fa rm ers rose at L exington .
oth er nations g o to w a r o r seek to ham per Cougrws*. the d eficit in the general fund of
Bu t w ar haa n ever been a m ere m a tter o f 1 »¿ach o th er's com m erce, our m erchants, It the Treasury on the 80th o f June. 1917. w ill
¡m en and guns. It is a thin g o f disciplined *eems, are a t th eir m ercy, to do w ith as they be nearly 235.000.U00. T o this »uin at least
j m ight
I f our cltixens a re ever to fig h t please. W e must uae th eir ships, and use 150.000.000 should be adtled to represent
ffa ctive ly upon a sudden summons, they • them as they determ ine. W e h ave not ships sufe w orkin g balance fo r the Treasury, and
must know how modern fig h tin g la done, enough o f our own W e cannot handle our $ 12 . 000.000 to include the usual deficien cy
and w hat to do when the summons comes j own com m erce on the seas
Our in d ep en d -' estim ates In 1917; and these additions would
to render th em selves Im m ed iately a va ila b le «n e e !s provin cial, and la on ly on land and m ake a total i i t t i It Of some $297.000,000. I f
and Im m ed iately effective.
And the G o v -j w ithin our own border«. W e a re not likely the present taxes
j»rn m e n t must be th e ir servant In this m a t -j to be perm itted to use even the ships o f throughout this year and the next, h ow ever
must supply them w ith the tra in ln i ; oth er n ation» In riv a lr y o f th eir own trade, there would be a balance in the Treasury
¡th ey
need to take care o f th em selves and and a re w ithou t m eans to extend our cora- o f some $16,500.000 at the end o f the present
I o f it.
T h e m ilita ry arm o f their G overn- . m ere* <even w here the doors a re w id e open
ment, w hich they w ill not a llow to direct j and our goods a re desired. Such a position fiscal year and a d e fic it at the end o f the
j them, they m ay p roperly use to serve them t* not |0
endured. It la o f ca pita l lmpor- next year o f only so m « $.’»«*.000.000, or. re ck ­
1 and
m ake their Independence secure —and j tance not on ly th a t
States oning in $02,900,000 fo r d eficien cy a p p rop ria ­
I not their own Independence m erely but the ' «hou ld be Ita own ca rrier on the seat and tions and a safe Treasu ry balance at the end
rig h t« also o f those w ith whom they have en jo y th * econom io Independence w hich only o f the year, a tota l d e fic it o f some $112.-
Th e obvious m oral o f the fig u res is
made com m on cause, should they also bs au adequate m erchant m arine w ou 'd g iv e It 000.1**0
put In jeo p a rd y.
T h ey must be fitted to but alr< that the A m erican hem lsphera as a that it is a plain counsel o f prudence to con ­
f the present taxes or their e q u iv ­
play the grea t rola In the w orld, and par
w hole ehould en jo y a lik e independence and
tlc-jlarly In thle hem isphere, fo r which they ' self-su ffien cy. if It is not to
drawn alents. and confine ourselves to the problem
o f providing $112.000,000 o f new revenue
are qu alified by p rin cip le and by chastened j in to the tangle o f European a ffa ir « W ith
rath er than $297,000,000.
am bition to play,
out such Independence the w h ole question
o f our po litica l u n ity and self-d eterm in a - [
In tern al T a x atio n P referred to Bonds.
Im m ed ia te D efense Flan s Outlined.
tlon Is very eerloualy clouded and com pllcat-
I t la w ith these Ideals In m ind that the ed Indeed.
H ow shall w e obtain the new revenue?
plans o f th e D epartm en t o f W a r fo r more
aro freq u en tly rem inded that th ere are
Moreover, we can develop no tru e or e f ­
adequate N ational d efen se w ere cencelved fe c tiv e A m rlcan policy w ithout ships o f our many m illion s o f bonds which the Treasu ry
which w ill be laid b efore you. and which 1 ow n — not ships o f war, but ship* o f peace, is authorised under ex istin g law to sell to
urge you to sanction and put Into effect as ca rryin g goods and ca rryin g much m ore; reim burse the sums paid out o f current re ve­
soon as they can be properly ecrutlnlxed and crea tin g friend ship s and renderin g indis­ nues fo r the construction o f the Panam a
discussed. T h ey seem to me the essential pensable services to a ll Interests on this side C an al: and it Is true that bonds to the
first steps and th ey seem to ms fo r ths the water.
T h ey must m ove constantly amount o f approxim ately $222,000,000 are
present su fficient.
back ar.d forth betw een the A m ericas T h ey now a va ila b le fo r that purpose. P rior to 1018
T h ey contem plate an increase o f tha ' are the only shuttles that can w ea ve thw $184.631,980 o f these bond* hail a ctu ally been
standing fo rce
o f the R eg u lar A rm y from delicate fabric
o f sym pathy, comprehension, sold to recoup the expenditures at the Is th ­
its present
strength o f 5028 officers and • confidence and m utual dependent e in which mus, aud now constitu te a considerable item
102.905 enlisted men o f a ll services to a we wish to c lo th « our policy o f A m erica fo r o f the public debt. Bu t I, fo r one, do not
b elieve that the ¡»eople o f this country a p ­
strength o f 718k officers and 134,707 en- A m ericans
listed men, o r
141.843 a ll told, a ll services. | T h e task o f bu ild in g up an adequ ate mer- prove o f postponing the paym ent o f their
B o rrow in g
money is short-sighted
rank and file,
by the addition o f 62 com - chant m arine
fo r A m erica p riva te capital bills.
It can be Justified only when per­
panles o f coast a rtillery , 15 com panies o f must u ltim a tely undertake and ach ieve as finance.
englnesra. ten regim ents o f In fan try, four lt haa undertaken and achieved every other,' manent things are to be accom plished which
re gim e n t« o f field a rtillery, and four aero )
t « » * amoags*. us In the past w ith ad- many generation s w ill c ertln ly benefit by and
w hich It seems hardly fa ir that a single
squadrons. beside# 750 officers required for m lra b l* en terprise
in telligen ce and vig or
a grea t va rie ty o f e x tra service, «sp ecia lly and it seems to me a m an ifest d icta te o f ! generation should pay for. T h e o bjects we
the ill-im p o rta n t duty o f ¡.raining tha cltl
w M o n that w « Should prom ptly rem ove are nos proposing to spend money fo r can ­
xen fo rce o f which 1 sh all presently speak eve ry legal obstacle that may stand In the ' not be so classified, except In the sense that
792 non-com m issioned officers fo r service in : w ay o f thle m uoh-to-be-deslred re v iv a l o f eve ryth in g w isely done m ay be said to be
drill, recru iting and the like and the necea- j our old Independence and should fa cilita te done in the Interest o f posterity as w ell as
It seems t .» me a clear d icta te
eary quot
qu ota o f enlisted men fo r the Q uarter- >n every possible w av ths building, purchase, In our own.
m aster
. ita l Corps, th « Oru- and A m erican registration o f ships. But cap­ o f prudent statesm anship and frank finance
er C
Corps, c the . H o sp
nance D epartm ent and oth er sim ilar auxll- j it « i rannot accom plish this great task o f « that in what * e are now, I hope, about to
lary services. Th ese a re tha additions ne» es- sudden
lt must em bark upon it by degrees, undertake we should pay as we go. Th e
sary to render the A rm y adequ ate fo r its a* tbe opportu nities o f trade develop. Some- people o f the country s is en titled to know
present duties, duties which it has to P«*r- | thin g must he done at once; done to open Just s h a t burdens o f taxation they a re to
form not only upon our own continental routes and develop opportu nities w here they carry, an,I to know from the outset, now.
coasts and borders and a t our In terior A rm y «{■« as' yet undeveloped, done to open the ar- Th e new bills should be paid by in tern al ta x ­
poeta. but also in th e Ph ilippin es, in the i«*rl<-s o f trade w here the currents hav# not ation.
H a w aiian Islands, a t the Ithm us.
and in yet learned to run— esp ecia lly betw een the two
T o w hat sources, then, shall we turn?
F orto Rico.
A m erica n continents, w here they are. sin ­ T h is Is »•> peculiarly & question which ths
B y w ay o f m akin g the cou ntry ready to gu la rly enough, yet to be created and q u ick ­ gentlem en o f the House o f R epresentatives
assert som e part o f It « real pow er prom ptly ened; and It Is evid en t that only the G o v­ are expected under the Constitution to pro­
and upon a la rg er seals, should occasion ernm ent can undertake such b egin n in g» and pose an answer to that you w ill h ardly e x ­
arise, the plan also con tem plates supple­ assume the In itial financial risks W hen the pect me to do D ior« than discuss It In very
m entin g the Arm y by a fo rce o f 400.000 risk has passed and p riva te ca pita l begins general term s
W o should be fo llo w in g an
disciplined cltixens. raised In Increm ents of to fin d Its w ay In sufficient abundance Into alm ost universal exam ple o f modern g o v e rn ­
133,000 a year throughout a period o f three these new channels, the Governm ent may ments If we w ere to draw the grea ter part
>ears Th is lt Is proposed to do by a process w ithdraw .
or even the w hole o f the revenues we need
o f en listm en t under which t h « usrvi sable
from the Income taxes. B y som ew hat lo w e r­
Khlp Pu n liane plan D eclared U rgent.
men o f the country w ou ld be asked to bind
in g the present lim its o f exem ption and ths
the nselves to serve w ith the colors fo r pur­
W ith a view to m eetin g these pressing n e­ figure at s h lc h the surtax shall begin to be
poses o f train ing fo r short periods th rou gh ­
Im posed, and by Increasing, step by step
out th ree years, and to coins to the colors
throughout the present graduation, the sur-
at call at any tlm s throughout an additional selves nt the earliest possible m om ent of tax Itself, the Income taxes as at present
• fu rlo u gh " period o f three years T h is fo rce the present unparalleled opportu nity o f link
apportioned would yield sums sufficient to
o f 400,600 men would be provided with p e r­
balance the book« o f the Treasu ry at the end
sonal accoutrem ents as fa st as enlisted and mutual Interest and service, an opportu nity o f the fiscal year 1917 w ithou t anyw here
their equipm ent fo r the fie ld made ready which m ay n ever return again If we miss m aking the burden unreasonably or o p ­
to he supplied at any tim e. T h ey would be
pressively heavy.
T h e precise reckoning*
assem bled fo r tra in in g at stated Intervals ent Congress fo r the purchase or construction are fu lly and accu rately ««■ t out In the report
at convenient places In association
w ith o f ships to tie owned and directed by the o f the S ecretary >f the Treasu ry which w ill
su itable units o f the R eg u lar A rray
T h e ir
be Im m ed iately laid b efore you.
period o f annual tra in in g would not n eces­ Congress, but m odified In some essential p a r­
I rsrom m m end th e »« proposals to
And there are many a ddition a l sou rce« o f
sarily exceed tw o m onths In the year
can Justly be resorted to
A t least so much m y w ay o f preparation you fo r your prom pt acceptance w ith the revenue which
h am pering the
industries o f the
fo r defense seems to me to be absolutely m ore confiden ce because every month that w ithout
country or putting any too grea t ch a rge upon
Im perative now. W o cannot do lees.
m ade has m ade the necessity fo r such action in dividu al expenditure. A tax o f 1 cent p «r
N a v y P ro g ra m m e S im ila rly Conceived.
m ore and m ore m a n ifestly im p era tive Th at gallon on gasoline and naptha would yield,
Th® p r o g r .m ir i. w h ich w ill b . Iwld b® for. n » M » » • th «n fo r ® .e o n - I t ( . n o w .c u t .ly ut the present estim ated production, $10,-
vou h r tlvu S ecretary o f th® N « v y 1® ® lm ll«r r* 't *"■ ' e ve ryw h ere r .»M ie .l b y th »® « fur 000,000; a tax o f 50 cents per horse pow er
fy c o n e .lv.d 7 It Involve® only ® ahortenlng »•>■’ "> lr«,l® 1® w a ltln , but who can find no on autom obiles and Internal explosion en ­
o f the t lm . w ith in w hich p la n , long m e- " o n v e y .n o . fo r t h . lr go o d .
I ®m not ®o gines
$ 13 . 000 , 000 ; a stam p tax on bank
ture.1 .h a ll
be carried o a t. but It d o e. '" U 'h In te r..,e d In the p a rticu la r* o f the cheques, probably $18.000,000; a tax o f 25
m ake d efin ite end e ip llc lt a program m e Program m e a . I am In taking Im m ediate cents per ton on pig Iron, $10,000,000. a tax
which h a . h ereto fo re bean only Im plicit, h .ld
" f th *
t opp,or,un‘7 wMch o f J 5 cents per ton on fabricated iron and
in the m in d , o f t h . co m m ittee on naval a f
» " ■ » ■ “ ■ « * . » • * » 1 but act a thl# -m at- steel, probably $10.000,000
In a country of
falra and dlacloaed In the debabee o f the
,M th l* m atter, ae In all others, a grea t In du strie« like this it ought to he easy
tw o houae. but now h ere form u la ted or fo r- 'P ‘ r>< » * comm on cminaal ahould prevail, to distribu te the burdens o f taxation w ithou t
m ully adopted.
l t a erm . to m . vary c l.a r > » " d « • » o f It ahould c o m . an ea rly solution m akin g »hem anyw here bear too h ea vily or
’ hat it w ill be to tha a d va n ta ge o f tha
^ pree.ln g problem^
too exclu sively upon any one set o f persons
country fo r the Congnees to a dopt a com - ! T h ere is another m a tter which seems to or undertakings
W h a t Is clea r Is that th*
Industry o f this generation should pay ths
bills o f this generation.
N o Im m ed iate D a n ger In Mind.
I h a re spoken to you today, gentlm en.
u j^n a single theme, th e thorough prep ­
aration o f th# N ation to care fo r Its own
security and co m ake sure o f e n tire fre«»-
every unnecessary burden or em barrassm ent; dorn to p la y the Im partial role In th l« tvetn-
tsphere and In the w orld which we all b e ­
* ' T . V u M and t h . r . 1. no b etter . a y ta b . clea r o f e
now d e fin ite ly deetrm ln e how we shall com ­ barrassm ent than to fu lfill our prom ise» and j lieve to have been p ro vid en tia lly assigned
I have had In m y mind no thought
prom ote the interests o f those dependent on , to It.
plete w hat w e h ave begun, and how soon
B ills fo r th# alteration • o f any Im m ediate or p a rticu la r dan ger a ris­
T h s program m e to be laid bv»for« you con- us to the utmost.
ing out o f our relatione w ith oth er nations.
and reform o f th « govern m en t o f th * I'h ll
tem p lates the construction w ithin fiv e V « » r « |
, nd
r e n d e r la . fu lle r Ttn llilr.l W o are at peace w ith a ll the n ation« o f the
Of ,o butt lath l pa. 4 *>•«>;• <
h »
! jS Su cV ,o * " h . p lo p l. o f
« 1 . ^ w ^ i u b * ' w orld, and there is reason to hope that no
cruleer«. 40 d.atrojara^ I I fle e t submarine®.
th , « a
T h „ y w l|.
queHtlon in controversy
b etw een this
eul'tnltt. d . 1.0 to you
1 n .ed no, p .rtlcu - oth er governm en ts w ill lead to any serious
breach o f am icable relations, gra ve as some
and 1 rep a ir «h ip.
It is proposed that ot a lready fa m ilia r w ith them.
B u t I do rec- j d ifferen ces o f attitu de and policy h ave been
this num ber w e shall th e . firs
t year . pro-
_ I om
ritti them
ili to
» your
t r
r . y n
'l'-li'lill w ith ! and may yet turn out to be
m ii end
I am sorry to
vide fo r t h . construction o f 2 b .t t l ..h l p 4 , , (]„ „ „ „ „
conviction that t h . r . are
a r. few 1 say th a t the gra vest th rea ts against our
2 b a ttle cruiser., S .r o u t c r u lle r., 14 d .a tro y - m„ , ur, ,
„o u Id adopt which would x i o r e National peace and s a fe ty have been ut-
» flee t subm arina. 25 coaat subm arina. , . rv|„. . b, o lia r th . w ay fo r tha great poll- I tered w ithin our own borders.
T h ere are
_ .
, . .
, -
" 1 1 lea by whl^h we wish n m ake good,
w citlsens o f the U nited States. I blush to a d ­
year, t b attlesh ip», 1 .em it cruleer. 10 da- '
,,ur r „ ht
;M 4
; „ t e rp r„ c , m it. born under oth<*r fla g * but w elcom ed
»tro y e r», 4 flee t • u b m a r ln «. 1« coaat aub- o f
, „„„
A w l„ a rd
, „ d po- under our generous n atu ralisation law s to
marines. 1 gunbeat and 1 fuel oil ahlp; the »jtjr-* l freed >m
the full freedom and opportu n ity o f A m erra,
third year, J battteahlpa, 1 b a ttle cru ller.
rh „
f„ r
, rm , 4 for<.M o f
who h ave poured the poison o f disloya lty
2 .ro u t tra tM ra , 4 d e .tro y .ra . t fleet M b - N a tl„ n
h , ,
an4 f „ r lh , | Into the very arteries o f our National life ;
m a r in e and 15 court su bm arin e«; tha feu rtk g . n . r . i policy o f a d .o t i.t . preparation for who h ave sought to brin g the au th ority and
year. I ba ttlesh ip., 2 b a ttle c n ila e r. 1 .rou t mm,lll»at1t,n and defense. In vo lve o
o f f count.. !
cruteers. 10 destroyers, 2 flwet submarines, very large addition a l expenditures o f money good nam e o f our G overnm ent Into con­
15 coaat submarines, 1 am m unition ahlp and — expenditures which w ill considerably e x ­ tem pt. to destroy our Industries w h erever
they thought It e ffe c tiv e fo r th eir vin d ictive
1 fu el oil ship; and t h « fifth year. 2 b a ttle­ ceed the estim ated revenues o f the O overn-
purposes to strik e at them, and to debase our
ship«. 1 b a ttle cruiser 2 scout cruisers. 10 rriv-nt.
It Is m ade m y du ty hy law. w hen ­ politics to the uses o f fo reig n Intrigue. T h eir
d,e stroy «rs. 2 fleet subm arine«. 15 coast sub eve r the estim ates o f expenditure exceed the
Is not grea t as com pared w ith ths
martZM«, 1 gunboat, 1 am m unition ship and estim ates o f revenue, to call the a ttention o f number
w hole number o f those stu rdy
1 rep a ir ship.
the Congress to the fact and suggest any which our N ation ha* been enriched In re ­
T h . S ecretary o f th e N a v y la ..k in g alan
o f m e etin g t h . d . d c l . n . y " that It cent ge n era tio n « out o f v lr ll« fo reign stocks;
fo r t h . Im m ed iate addition to th e p.r.onn .1 | , „ a>,
e fo r m e to suggest. ! but It is grea t enough to h avs brought deep
o f t h . N a v y o f 75M aatlora, 2500 apprentice , am ra. d
, „ M. V. that It would be my disgrace upon u* and to h ave m ade It nece#
..a m en and 1500 m a rin e»
T h l. In crea ». 1utv , do
r„ ,
, nd ,
p, r„ r . ;
sary that a e should prom p tly m ake use o f
would be su fficien t to care fo r t h . sh ip . , u„ r,y , „ „ ind
, p„ k
, h„ m . „ . r w h , n „ processes o f law by which w e
m ay
which a re to be com pleted w ithin the fiscal appears that the deficien cy w ill arise directly i purged o f their corrupt distem per«. Am erica
>ear 181. and also fo r the number o f men ,,ut nf
adoption by the Congress o f meas- ne\«-r witnessed an yth in g lik e this before
whlch must be put In tra in in g to man ths ;jr. , wM ch I m >se:f urge it to adopt A llow
W h ile w e speak o f the preparation o f tha
■hip# which w ill be com pleted e a rly In I t l i I rn^_ therefore to speak briefly o f the pr**»ent
It is also necessary that the num ber o f m id -j
nf th „ T rea su ry and o f the flecal Nation to m ake sure o f her security and her
shlpmen at the N'aval A ca d em y at A nnapolis j problem s which the next year w ill probably i effective* pow er w e must not fa ll Into the
patent erro r o f supposing that h er real
■ hould be Increased by at least 100 In order u*, ios«
strength comes from a rm a m en t« and m e r«
that the fo rce o f o ffic e r « should be m ors
. .
. .
safegu ards o f w ritten law
It < trues, o f
ra pid ly added to ; and a u th ority la a.ked |
A d d itio n a l K e trn u e R equ ired.
to appoint, fo r en gin eerin g duties only, ap-
On the .70th o f June last th ere was an course, from her people, th e ir en ergy, their
proved gradu ates o f en gin eerin g colleges, i a va ila b le balance In the general fund o f th « success In their undertakings, their free
and for eervlce In the a via tion corps a cer- Treasu ry o f $ T h e total estl- opportu nity to u*e the natural resource« o f
t*ur grea t hom e land and o f the la n d « o u t­
taln num ber o f men taken from c ivil life
¡m a ted receipts fir the year 1916. on the as
side our continental borders which look to
I f this fu ll program m e should be carried ' sumption that the em ergency revenue meas
out we ahould h ave built or building In | ure passed by the last Congress w ill not be us fo r protection, fo r encouragem ent, and
1921, accordin g to the « s t lm a t e « »if su rvival “ xtr-nded beyond Its present lim it, the 31«t fo r assistance In th eir develop m en t; from
and standards o f classification fo llow ed by if December, 1915, and that the present duty th e organisation and freedom and v ita lity o f
our econom ic life.
T h o dom estic questions
if 1 cent per pound on sugar w ill be disci
the G eneral B oard o f th e D epartm ent,
which engaged the atten tion o f the last
e ffe c tiv e N s v y consisting o f 27 battleships. tinned a fte r the 1st o f May. 1916. w ill
>f the first line; 6 b a ttle cruisers. 25 battle- $670.865..500
Th e balance o f June last and Congress are more vita l to the N a tio n In
ships o f th*» second line; 10 arm ored crula- , these estim ated revenue* come, th erefore, to this Its tim e o f test than at any oth er time.
ere, 13 scout cruisers, 5 first-cla ss cruisers, a grand total o f $774,865.606 78
Th# total v\ • egrinot adequ ately m ake ready fo r any
7 second-class cruisers. 10 third-class cruisers, estim ated dlsbursementa fo r the present fiscal tria l o f our strength unleee we w isely and
101 destroyers, 18 fle e t submarines. 117 coast year including $25,006,000 fo r the Panam a prom ptly direct the force o f our law s Into
submarines, € monitors, 20 gunboats, four ''a n a l fo r probable d efb ap- these all-im p o rta n t field s o f dom estic action.
supply ships. 15 fuel ship«, 4 transports, f proprlatlons. and $V* "<'0 fo r miscellaneous
F o r w hat w e are seekin g now, w hat in
tenders to torpedo vessel«, 8 vessels o f spa- debt redemptions, w ill t>e $768.691.000; and m y mind Is the sin gle thou ght o f this
ria l types, and tw o am m unition ships
T h is the balan <■ In the general fund o f the message, 1« National e ffic ie n c y and security.
would be a N a vy fitte d to our needs and Treasu ry w ill b# reduced to $20 644 605 78 W e eerve a g*ea t N ation.
W e should serva
w orth y o f our traditions.
Th e em ergency revenue ae*. If continued be- it In the spirit o f Its peculiar geniu s
It Is
M fr fh - . , M a rin «
vond |,B present tim e llm tatlon . would pro- the genius o f comm on men fo r s e lf g o v e rn ­
M erch an t M arine Indl-penoable.
'd u re, du rin g 'h e h a lf year then rem aining
ment, Industry, justice, lib erty and peace
But arm lea and instrument.« o f w ar « r e about $41,000.000
T b e duty o f 1 rent per W e should see to 19 that It la ck « no Inatra-
only part o f w hat has to be considered if w e I pound o f sugar, If continued, would produce ment, no fa c ility or v ig o r o f law to m ake
are to consider the suprem e m a tter o f Na* during th*» tw o m on th « o f the fiscal >«ar It su fficient to play Its part with energy,
tlonal s e lf su ffic ien c y and security In all Ita rem ainin g a fte r the first o f May. about $18,- safety and assured success
In this w e are
T h e re are o th er g r e a t m a tter« 'too 006.
Thee# tw o sums, am ou ntin g to- no partisan « but h era ld « and prophets o f a
whlcb w ill be thrust upon our attention geth er to $56.000,000, If added to the reve­ new age.
Porto Ricane Aroused.
New Y ork — N ew » reached here from
| San Juan, Porto Rico, that the public
is much exercised over the coming
1 electrocution at Sing Sing priion of
Antonio Ponton, eaid to be the firet
Porto Rican ever convicted o f murder
outaide o f the iiland. Ponton waa con­
demned to die December 20 for the
murder o f Bessie Kromer, a echool
teacher. Petitions signed by thous­
ands o f Porto Ricans including many
school children, are on their way to
this eoontry in the custody o f Father
, Echevarria, a Porto Rican priest.
Federal Incomo Grows.
City Gives Horses Away.
Washington, D. C.*— Ordinary re­
Portland— Portland’s police horses,
• which have been discarded for patrol ceipts o f tha United States treasury in
were about 112,000.000
automobile«, are to be full-fledged cav­ November
alry steeds o f tbe Oregon National more than in the tame month last year,
A m ajority o f the council whils the increase in ordinary dis­
agreed to give the horses to the Guard bursements for the tame period wa#
approximately S3.000,000.
Most of
free o f charge.
1 The horses are all more than 10 tha increase in receipts waa in internal
year, old and therefore roold not be revenue, which totaled 134 460.700, or
porebeeed under mi liter;, rode. Rather more than 110,000,000 above Novem ­
Customs receipts
than taka tbe rhanre o f tha animal# ber. 1914.
(retting into wrong hand*, tbe cooneil 117,681,213, an increasa o f
m ajority— AI bee. Baker and Dieck— 1760,000. Tbe total o f ordinary re-
. -aipts waa about 166,000,000.
I voted to f i r e them to the Guard.
Bryan Cited in Libel Suit.
N ew Y ork — W illiam J. Bryan was
served at the Biltmore hotel with an
order signed by Justice Ciegerirh re­
quiring him to appear to be examined
about transactions connected with the
sale by the United States to Greece of
two battleahips. Mr. Bryan w ill be
asked whether any secrets o f fire con­
trol, aiming or other control o f gun or
war vessel told by the United States
to Greece were confided to Greece. The
order waa obtained in connection with
a libel suit brought by Petros Tatanis
against a Greek newspaper.
Federal Probe P roves Fatal.
N ew Y ork— The Federal prosecution
of the New York, N ew Haven A Hart­
ford and ita directors accomplished the
"practical ruin” of that railroad. In
the opinion o f Charles S. Mellen, at
the trial o f former director* o f th*
ro*d on the charge o f criminal viola­
tion of the Sherman law. It wa* from
fear, he said, that thi* would be the
result o f the inquiry into New Haven
affair* that he got I,ew i* C. Ledyard
to see President T a ft and the attorney
general, and induce them to lim it the
inquiry to the Grand Trunk deal.
0000 Civil Belgians Slain.
British Columbia to Vote on Liquor.
Paris —The Belgian government an­
Vancouver, B. C.-— Prem ier McBride
nounces that the total number o f c iv il­ notified the people’* prohibition move­
ians killed in Belgium since ita occu­ ment that a plebiscite regarding pro­
pation by the German# haa reached hibition would he submitted to the
more than 6000.
In the province o f electorate at the next provincial else-
Brabant 827 victims have been re­ tion, and that, as well as embracing
corded. and in L iege more than 1000. the direct question for and against to­
In Luxemburg about 1200 civilians tal prohibition. It would contain other
have been reported shot, in Namur questions relative to the iaeoe.
more than 1800, and in Hainault premier also said that be was in favor
about 300.
o f rsstricting the hours during which li­
Figure* for Antwerp, Limburg and quor migh* be sold for th* period o f
Flanders are believed to be relatively the war, but it wa# a matter for the
: legislature ta deal with.
W ireless Amateurs.
There are now between 350,000 and
400,000 purely amateur wireless sta­
tions In tho United States, according
to 11. Clernstiut k. c,liter ,,f tho Elec­
trical Experimenter. There are not
more than 15,000 such stations in all
the rest of the world. And he goes
on to explain the value of these hun­
dreds of thousands of amateurs, m ost1
can be maintained by
of whom are schoolboys, as follows;
adapting tbe right nourish-
"T h e average amateur must needs
have a higher intelligence than his
tnrnt, and Nature’ * own oil*
card playing, dance hall resorting
food in S c o f f ' s E m ultion
classmate. Indeed, when your aver­
has strengthened thousands ol mra
age radio amateur has mastered all
the intricacies of a wireless set, he
and worarn to continue their work
has obtained a pretty thorough knowl­
and usefulness for many year*.
edge of electricity in general
A* a
Scott’s Emultion is a food, a medi­
rule most of our electrical industries,
cine and a tonic to keep the
big and little, require thoroughly prac­
blood rich, avoid rheumatism
tical young men. the onea w ho know
and thwart nervous conditiona
how to do things. This is where the
It is free from alcohol or harm­
amateur shines, aud nine times out | ful drugs. The trot physicians
of 10 he lands the job over the head
prescribe it
of the untrained theoretical young
The Children's museum of th e 1
Brooklyn Institute has undoubtedly
Strictly Legitimate.
taught more boys the practical -.\;t> to
“ That feller Morgan Buttles is ter­
become wirelesa operators than auy
other one Institution, aud the best evi­ rible unpopular,” said one mountain­
dence of this is the thousands of eer.
"W e ’ll have to git rid o’ him some­
houses in Brooklyn that have wireless
apparatus on their roofs.
how," replied the old moonshiner.
"Y es.
But we don't want to do
Made since 1846— Hanford's Balsam. nothin’ in a way that ain't legitimate
an' customary.
You know he haa
p'litieal ambitions."
"I'v e heard so. But he ain't got no
Taking No Chance*.
A new regulation in a certain coal pull."
Yes, he has. An' you an' your re-
mine required that each man mark
with cnalk the number on every car latlouH want to stand back o' mo when
I put the case up to our congressman.
o f coal mined.
One man. named Rudolph, having W e'll git Buttles app'tnted a revenue
filled the eleventh car. marked It with Inspector, an' then let nature take its
a No. 1, and, after ponderiug % while, course.”
let it go at that.
Keep Hanford's Balsam in your sta­
Another miner, happening to notice
what he thought was a mistake, called ble. Adv.
Rudolph's attention to the fact he had
Simple Enough for Anybody.
marked the ear No. 1 instead of 11.
"Yes. I know," said Rudolph, "but 1
Patrick McCann hauled water from
can't ttnk which side do odder watt the river to the village. One day a
go on."
passing stranger thought to have
some fun at Patrick's expense. He
“ How long have you hauled
Acting Strangely.
"W hat do you think of a man tryln' water for the village, tny good man?”
“Ah! How many
to break out of the penitentiary," ex­ "T in years sor."
loads do you take lit a day?" "From
claimed Plodding Pel#'.
“ Ah, yes. Now,
"One o’ deso reform penitentiaries
with amateur theatricals an’ baseball I have a problem for you. How much
water, at this rate, have you hauled
games?" Inquired Meauderlng Mike,
In a ll?" The driver o f the watering
“ Sure."
“ He ought to break out. He don't cart Jerked his thumb backward to­
belong In no penitentiary. He belongs ward the river and replied: "A ll the
in a lunatic asylum.”— Washington water yex don’t seo there now, sor.”
Strength Past
Fifty Years
P o w e r n* P o lite n e ss.
"H onesty Is the best policy
th*> ready-made philosopher.
"O f course lt Is," replied Mr. Dus-
tiu Stax. "But the public doesu't al­
ways realize It
Most people would
rather be cheated a little lit an a ffa ­
ble way than do business with a per­
son whose conscience keeps him In a
state of irritation."— Washington Star.
The Old and Reliable
Dr Isb&c Thompson's
is both a remndy for weak, inflamed
eyes «n<l an ideal eye wa*h. Keep
yoor cy«» well uui tier *»,,i litlp keep you.
9 C r 11 al! Dr.«<;>(* i tea by
£ • * '* ' Mull upon recapl ol puce
For wire cuts use Hanford’s Balsam
143 River Hi.. Troy. N. Y.
The Penalty.
"W h at!
Buying more golf clubs?
I thought you bud a pretty complete
outfit before."
“ I have; but that caddy of mine
had the nerve to snicker when I top­
ped my drive yesterday, and I'm going
to make him carry double weight.”
First In Road Construction.
According to tho report of the state
highway commissioner. New York
stands first in road construction, hav­
ing completed and accepted 863 miles
of road last year and contracted for
1,148 miles, a large per cent of which
Tho state
Constipation causes and aggravates is now open to traffic.
many serious diseases. It is thoroughly highway commissioner, In his annual
cured by I)r. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets.
using New York roads should be re­
The favorite family laxative.
quired to pay some burden ot the
I'j W ay of Apology.
Mrs. T o w e — It’s perfectly scandal­
The Deadly Glass.
ous for you to wear a shorter bathing
“ A man who drinks should never
Miss Unda Tow e— But, mamma, I run an automobile."
have longer stockings.— Judge.
“ O f course not." »»creed Mr. Chug-
gins. “ Anti yet when I was touring
Favorite of Fortune.
in a dry state, I couldn't help wishing
"She's a very Intellectual looking that every drinking man owned a mo­
girl.” "Y e s
Her father didn't m ake' tor car.
It would make him more
bis money until after she had received careful about smashing bottles in the
her education."
road."— Washington Star.
P in k R y e , E p ix o o tle
S h ip p in g F . v . r ,
nd C a ta rr h a l F e v e r
H ure c u re a n d p o s it iv e p r e v e n tiv e , no m a t t e r h o w h o r s e «
a t a n y uice u re In flic te d o r " e x p o « « d . ’ * L iq u id , r iv e n on th e
to n g u e ; a c t « on th e b lood and K b 'n d e ; e x p e ls th e pnlMonous
gcntiH fr o m th e body.
C u re# D is te m p e r In D o ge a n d S h ee p
a n il C h o le ra in P o u ltr y .
LnrgeM t a e llin g liv e s to c k re m e d y .
C u re s L a G rip p e a m o n g h u m an b e ln r e , a n d 1« a fin e K id n e y
re m e d y . 50c and $1 a b o ttle ; $5 a n d $10 a dosen . C u t th is
K e e p It.
Hhov to y o u r d r u g g is t, w h o w ill g e t I» fo r
you . F r e e B o o k let, " D la te m p e r , C a u s e s a n d C u r e s ." ttp e rta l
a g f iitn w a n ted .
Goshen, Ind., U. S. A.
M a k in g a B e g in n in g .
"Could you all lend me a grind-!
Stone?” asked Mr. Kraxtus I’ inkley.
"Y e s ; but whut do you want with a
grindstone? You haven't any ax.”
"N o ; ner I ain't got no wood to
chop ylt, ner no chicken an' corn-
bread to cook over dc fire. But you
got to do one thing at a time In dls
life an' I Jes natchelly had to staht
somewhere."— Washington Star.
Working Up to It.
"W hat's
Why, you look nervous and you can't
keep »till? "
"Y ou notice it. do you? Fine! Fine!
I'm smoking 100 cigarettes a day,
drinking about 20 cops of strong cof­
fee. not to mention all the other
"Ilu t what's the idea?”
"D on’t Interrupt me. old fpllow. I'm
Just on the verge of inventing a new
dance.” — Life.
E m b a rra s s in g .
First Stage Hand— What was the
Get it to the bottom of the affected
row out front during tbe first scene,
part». Adv.
Second Stage Hand— The under­
Familiar Appearance.
study nursemaid got excited and car
rled In the heroine's baby when It
A number o f tourists were recently
wasn't due to appear until three years looking down the crater o f Vesuvius.
later In the fourth act.— Philadelphia An American gentleman said to his
Public Ledger,
1 companion:
"T h a t looks a good deal like the In­
For thrush use Hanford's Balsam fernal regions. ’’
An English woman, hearing the re­
mark, said to another:
Her Point of View.
"Good gracious! How these Amert-
George— Y»tu will make me a good 1 can» do tra v e l!” — Chicago Herald.
wife, I know.
Jane- I know 1 will make you a
good husband.— Sydney Bulletin.
" I wish to tell you perseverance
; wins In the long run. Now, my bar­
ber has been trying to sell me a bottle
P olly—T believe Mlsa Yellow leaf of hat’* tonic for the last ten y ea rs!”
actually prays for a man.
"But he hasn't succeeded yet.”
D olly— W ell, most men need pray
"No, hut I think he eventually w ill."
Ing for.— Life.
— Louisville Courier-Journal.
T o the W o m a n W h o
Realizes She Needs Help
You arc nervous. You have "crying spells.’’
You ire
dejected. You don’t sleep well. You have backache. You
have lost ambition for your work.
You are beginning to
feel old and look old.
These symptom*, more than likely, »re produced hy «nme weakness,
derangement or Irregularity peculiar to the feminine organism.
D r.
P ie rc e ’s
F a v o rite
P re sc rip tio n
(In Tablet or Liquid Form)
will aid you In regaining youthful health and strength 'ust as It ha* been
doing lor over forty year* for »««men who have been in the same condition of
health you now find yourself. It soothe* and Invigorate*, lt upbuild* and uplIPs.
Your medicine dealer will supply you In tablet or liquid form, or send 50
one-rent stamps for trial boa.
Address Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Ik. Pierre’5 Pleasant Peflds regWalc Stoaack, Liter snj Bowels.
Easy 9 take.