WORLD’S DOINGS Of CURRtNT WEEK Nine Die as Steamer Santa Clara Goes Aground on Coos Bay Shoal Marshfield, Or. — Nine lives are known to have been lost late Tuesday when the passenger steamer Santa Clara, from Portland to San Francisco, went aground on the south spit near the entrance to Coos Bay. The dead may number more. There were 48 passengers aboard and the crew numbered 42. The greater number o f lives were lost when two small boats, trying to leave the foundered steamer, were capsized by the heavy sea. Several thrilling rescues were made, while others died within view o f per­ sons engaged in rescue. The Santa Clara, according to the mate, who was saved, struck a shoal that evidently had been thrown up in the channel by recent heavy winds. The vessel was swerved from her course and thrown onto the south spit, half a mile inside the bar. Captain Lofstedt and six men, who were in one o f the overturned boats and who were thought drowned, got back to the Santa Clara and were res­ cued by the coast guard with breeches buoy. Eight bodies have been recovered but it is feared there will be more. Miss Gale Graham, o f Portland, and Mrs. E. K. Rooney and Mrs. Hale, of South Bend, Ind., are missing. Among the Nurvivors there are many who are suffering from injuries and exposure. Crowded into a little Summer cottage at Bastendorff beach, 12 miles from aid and medical attention, four women and three little boys were being worked over during the night to bring back a spark o f life , while the only light was two lanterns. Sailors who had come safely through the surf for half a mile from the Santa Clare, wreck were groping about in the dark for other victims i ' the disaster. LO V EM BRITISH BLOCKADE OREGON STATE NEWS HELD INDEFENSIBLE Oregon State Now Has 161 Standard High Schools nUPDY don’t care how long they stay! t don't dare to. till I tee what happeae. I’ll go into my room now, and you call me when they're gone, will you?” He waited on the threshold of the etudlo. Flodie nodded sasent. "A ll righ t!” "And," he continued. "If anything breaks, you give me the tip and I'll get out the back w a y !” He left, grinning sardonically. As soon as he had gona Flodie ruse and tiptoed to the half-open door. She watched and listened, now, with far more Internet than she had displayed before Hall. Inside, the voices rose and fell la animated conversation Mrs. Royal ton's always sentimental and reproachful, Carolyn's high and merry, Rosamund's a surly contralto note. Flodie’s face changed from hope to fear, from hatred ta mirth. She wss so absorbed In the scene that •he did not notice when the hall door opened, and Mr Smalltah entered, bearing a newspaper. He stared at her, then coughed Flodie whirled round and faced him. “ O h !" she stammered. “ How you frightened me. A lfred !” "1 beg your pardon. Miss Fisher. But say, did you know what they got In the paper about Mr. Bonlstelle?” He displayed an afternoon edition. Impatiently, Flodie snatched the sheet from his hands. "Oh, dear! What was It about?" At this minute the three ladles en­ tered the room, all talking at once. At sight of Flodie and Alfred they grew client. "W hy, It said how Mr. Bonlstelle had Inherited— ” "Oh. never m ind!" Flodie exclaimed excitedly. “ That's a lie. anyway.” She tried to carry the paper to her desk, glancing terrified at the ladles. "W hat Is It?” Carolyn demanded. "Is there something about Mr. Boul- stelle in the paper?" Alfred bowed. "Yes. miss, he's come Into a lot of money, It seems— " "A lfr e d !" cried FTodle, "you go downstairs and see if those Ice-cream freezers have come yet." “ Y es'in !" Then he turned again to Carolyn. “ It was on condition he— ” Flodie In her excitement bad dropped the paper. Quick as a hawk, Carolyn picked It up. She scanned It Salem— Oregon now has 161 stand­ ard high schools, it was announced by J. A. Churchill, superintendent of pub­ lic instruction. The work o f stand­ ardization baa been proaecuted by the state department o f education for the last year, and but 50 four-year high schools now remain which have not ca o y/T/crrr o y c n r r r a tjn c sss met the standardization requirements. There are many one, two or three-year ■ already? I was so busy I didn’t hear high schools, offering courses beyond SYNOPSIS. the eighth grade, but these are known you.” — 11 - as one, two or three-year secondary "Y es I forgot my watch. You H a ll Bonlstelle. artist-photographer, pre- United States "Unhesitatingly As­ erae for the d a y 'i work In hie studio. Live News Items of Ail Nations anc schools. know I've got to have It repaired. I'll 'ladle Fisher, his assistant, reminds Mm Under the new high school law, dis­ uf n party he le to f i v e In the studio that get It now." He turned to the ladles sumes” Task of Championing Pacific Northwest Condensed tricts maintaining standard high night. Mr D orem ui. attorney, calls and with a new enthusiasm. “ I'm awfully Inform s H al! that his Uncls John's will schools are entitled to received tuition has le ft him |4.000.o0u on condition that sorry 1 rn In such a hurry, but I've got Cause of Neutral Rights. for Our Busy Readers. for pupils attending schools there, but ho m arry before his twenty-eighth birth- a lot to do this afternoon." which begins at midnight that night. residing in districts not having high I day, Flodie appeared nervous. "Miss Mrs R ena R oyslton calls at the studio schools. This law excepts counties Hall asks her to m arry him. She agrees Gale is waiting for me to do her Washington, D. C. — The United maintaining the county high school to g ive him an answer at tha party that A British steamer, believed to be H all proofs, you know,” she said. " I ’ve fin­ States in its latest note to Great B rit­ fund, but for such counties the state night. Miss Carolyn D allya calls prop osal to her. She agrees to give Mm ished the others. Mr Bonlstelle. 1 the Rio l^iKes, is afire off H alifax ain made public here Monday, cover­ board of education is required to es­ an answer at the party. Rosamund Hale think the ladles will excuse you; I can N. S. ing exhaustively British interference tablish the standard for high Bchools art modal, calls. H&ll tries to rush her Into an Immediate marriage. ghs with American trade since the begin­ entitled to a share of the county high defers her answer until the evening Fio- attend to them, all righ t!" She walked A piece o f apple which lodged in the slowly back to the stockroom, giving ning of the European war, declares school fund, therefore the list given die tries to show H all a certain w ay out throat o f a 8- year-old lad o f Richland o f tha mlxup. but he Is obtuse. Jonas that the so-called blockade instituted includes all the standard schools of the Ffasslngbury. hair to the m illions In him a meaning glance as she left. Ore., caused his death. "Oh, yes, don't wait, Mr. Bonlstelle," H sll falls to m arry on time, plots with by the allies against enemy countries state. Both Democrats and Republicans are Flodie to block H a ll’s m arriage to any o f said Mrs. Royalton. on March 11 is "in effective, illegal In order to be standard a high school the three women before midnight F'Jodie claiming victory in Kentucky. Fraud “ Well, I ’ll have to go then. I sup­ to have the three meet at the and indefensible." must have four years o f w ork ; have arranges is charged and a recount is likely. as If by chance Carolyn. Rosa­ pose. Make yourselves quite at home, N otice is served that the American not less than 250 reference books for studio mund and Mrs. R oyalton come In and ladies; I'll be back In a minute.” He New York anti-suffragists have de government ‘ ‘cannot submit to the the library, chosen from the state much feminine fen cin g ensues In which left impatiently. elded to keep a lobby in Washington curtailment of its neutral rights and it library list for high schools; one stand­ F'todle ulea her uwn foil adroitly. Carolyn thought a moment. "Say. D. C., during the next Bession of con­ cannot with complacence suffer further ard encyclopedia, and sufficient num­ C H A PTE R V III— Continued. we've got so much to talk over, we gress. subordination of its rights and in­ ber of dictionaries and the proper la­ can t discuss It here. Hall may be terests.” boratory for each science offered. The German aircraft make an attack on Mrs. Royalton looked up through back any moment. I'll tell you. Walt Ambassador Page, to whom the note teachers must hold certifficates en­ a Hr it it n merchantman, using bombs big teary eyes. “ Why." she said faint­ a m om ent!" She walked up to the was sent by special messenger for de­ titlin g them to teach in high schools and a machine gun. No damage is re­ livery to the London Foreign office, and all high schools must follow the ly. "you see. well I didn't give him a stockroom door and opened It. "Miss ported. definite answer, really. That Is, not F ish er!” she called. was instructed by Secretary Lansing state course o f study or a course ap­ Troop trains are said to be carrying Flodie appeared, wondering what ‘ ‘ to impress most earnestly” upon the proved by the state board o f education. exactly—I said— ” "She said she’d tell him la te r!" the she could be wanted for. 1000 men a day from Vladivostok to British government that the United two girls cried In unleon. as If they the Russian front. "I say, Miss Fisher, couldn’t we go States ‘ ‘ must insist that the relations had rehearsed It. "T o n ig h t!” Rosa Into the reception room for a while? between it and His M ajesty’s govern­ Polk County Town Rapidly Ships sailing from San Francisco mund added, and Carolyn, “ Didn’t you. W e’ve got some things to talk over ment be governed, not by a policy of Launch W recked; T w o Die. have thus far been able to get full Extending Business Scope now. Rena?" About the party tonig it, you know." Port Townsend, Wash.— The 60-foot expediency, but by those established crews, despite the new seamen’s law Mrs. Royalton nodded tremulously. Falls C ity —The extension in busi­ "W hy certainly," was Flodie's reply. rules o f international conduct to which Reports from N ew York show that powerboat Seeam was wrecked on the Great Britain in the past has held the ness operations in this city, an influx "H ow did you know?” "The studio's being decorated, but the diamonds are becoming plentiful in north end of Whidby Island in a strong United States to account when the lat­ of settlers to the timbered regions of “ O h !” Carolyn shouted, "how did I reception room is all ready, and no­ this country, owing to the fact that gale Tuesday, and George Bridges ter nation was a belligerent engaged the Siletz valley, increased acreage in know! Oh, I know, all rig h t!" She body will disturb you. Go right In." master and owner o f the vessel, and I many Europeans are selling their pre­ “ You in a struggle for national existence.” prunes and smaller fruits, and the in­ blew a kiss to Rosamund. "Come o n !" said Carolyn, turning man named Wickersham were drowned. cious stones. Declaring the United States "u n ­ troduction of the dairying industry couldn't quite believe him and so you to the other ladles "W e'll have it Their bodies and the wrecked launch hesitatingly assumes” the task of into the Western section ort, Conn.— The Republicans seized the printing plant o f the Ix>n- was wiped out of existence a few ing to Hoyle," said Carolyn, taking The Swiss press believes peace ne­ "W ell, you can't marry them all, can from Rosamund. years ago by fire. the lead with all her humor. “ First ion Globe, together with late issues. swept Bridgeport in the four-cornered gotiations are well under way, " '565 Fifth avenue, will have to do The Dri-Fresh company dries all thing Is, are we one and all agreed to you?" Flodie looked up now, biting This is the first action o f the kind hig wooing In a hurry If he wishes to the end of her penholder viciously. Mexican bullets continue to cross the mayoralty election Tuesday, Mayor taken by the authorities since the out­ kinds of fruits and vegetables. It re­ reject him tonight?" Clifford R Wilson, who also is Lieu­ break o f the war against a daily paper cently received an order from a Chi­ "No, that's the deuce uf It. I almost capture the legacy left him by a rich “ Y e s !” Mrs. Royalton and Rosamund border and menace American troops. and eccentric uncle, the late John cago concern for 36 carloads of dried came In chorus. wish I could." O. A. C. football team defeats Mich­ tenant Governor o f Connecticut, being in the United Kingdom. Some week­ apples. It w ill operate its new plant, Reaaley Bonlstelle of Central Park "Mr. B onlstelle!” "W ell, then," said Carolyn. " I prom­ ly papers, both in England and Ire­ returned to office for the third time. igan aggies at Lansing, by a score of which w ill be 150 x75 feet, all year, ise, as well. Hope to d ie !” She crossed "W ell, then. I've got to Jilt two of Y>'est. As the residuary legatee, tbq land, including the Labor Leader, The unofficial figures: Clifford B. 14 toO. employing from 100 to 300 persona, herself. "Now, this Is s serious thing, them. I wonder which one will be nephew Is promised something over Wilson, Rep., 6687; Henry Lee, C iti­ were similarly treated some time ago, depending on the kind of fru it or vege­ The American soldier who was shot ladles No one of us can go back on the lucky g irl! O f course It all de­ four million dollars, on condition of but the Labor Leader, after a secret zens, 4363; Daniel P. Walker, Dem., table which is being evaporated. recently by a Mexican, died o f his our word. It must be one— two— three pends upon what they say to me to­ hlg being married on or before his trial o f the case, was allowed to re­ 3164; Jasper M cLevy, Soc., 1400. twenty eighth birthday. As this oc­ wounds. — and out for H. Bonlstelle Well, night.” The voters favored the commission sume publication. Roseburg W ork to Begin. that’s agreed Now for the details—’’ He stopped suddenly and turned to curs tomorrow, Mr. Bonlstelle has a The Globe, while one o f the oldest Germany again assures the world form o f government by an estimated “ Oh. 1 simply can’t wait to tell him” ' j FTodle. "Say. what are they talking scant forty-eight hours In which to papers published in the country ami Roseburg— That the government in­ that her food supply is ample for any m ajority of 200o. make good, and unless he has already long cons, iv.n l a staid ami conserva­ tends to begin actual work on Rose- exclaimed Mrs. Royalton. "1 hate the about in there, anyway?” emergency. m an!" “ Oh. 1 don't know Clothes, 1 guess." picked his bride— ” tive organ, has latterly lost that char­ Democrats Gain in Maryland. burg's new Federal building was inti­ "L e t me see I t !” Rosamund whipped Many seamen fail to |>aaa the test ter and has been chiefly noted for its "So de I ! ” growled Rosamund. “ I FTodle held her breath. Baltimore Incomplete returns indi­ mated in a letter received here. In­ the paper out of Carolyn's hand, and required by the LaFollette act, and cated a I>emocratie victory. E. C. violent attacks on public men during structions were contained in the letter think he ought to be horsewhipped!" ; “ By J ove!" Hla face changed swift- devoured the notice with her own shipping along the Pacific Coast is ser­ "W ell.” said Carolyn. " I must say I ly. “ Oh, pshaw, though, nice girls Harrington was leading the Republi­ the administration o f the liberal g ov ­ to vacate the Federal site within 60 eyes iously hampered. can nominee, E. O. Weller, by a mar­ ernment. It has been one o f the g ov ­ days. The site is at present occupied agree with you both. I consider Hall don't go about telltug their love af­ What did It say, by hit twenty- ernment’s bitterest opponents and has. Bonlstelle Is a perfectly conceived and fairs. do they ? What the deuce are It is understood ' Over 85.000,000 feet o f lumber is gin which indicated a final m ajority since the war, attacked virtually all of by two dwellings. eighth birthday?’ “ Mm. Royalton you laughing at?” The county that the plans are now about com­ admirably rendered cad !” rarried from Columbia river mills dur o f from 6000 to 7000. At this moment the door swung "Oh, n o !” said Flodie. "N ice girls asked In great anxiety. ote was very late. Albert C. Ritchie, the members of the government. pleted. The building will be 95x90 ing October. (TO BE C O N T I N U E D ) Democrat, for attorney general, was feet and probably w ill be three stories open and. humming a jolly tune. In never get as Intimate as that. On Hindu Invasion Is Feared. The national assembly of Panama, far ahead o f the ticket in Baltimore. high. It w ill house the United States walked Hall Bonlstelle. There was a all subjects that concern the heart, Table Takes Root in Yard. after a disorderly session, passed a bill San Francisco— That a recent decis- land office, postoffice, forestry office, trio of “ Oh's! "In soprano, mezzo-so- Mr. Bonlstelle, women are Invariably 8 8 Wisser of Reading. Pa., had prano and contralto as the ladles as silent as the g ra v e l- authorizing President Porras to bor­ Republicans Win in Jersey. n o f the United Statea Supreme weather bureau and Indian offices. a unique experience with a willow caught sight of him row $1.260,000 in the United States He looked hard at her. "That's wood table which he placed la hla Trenton, N. J,— The election In court, in which it was decided that a with which to rehabilitate the fortunes New Jersey involved mainly the con­ evidently sarcasm Say. I ’m w orried!” yard several weeks ago Tax Lien Opinion Given. From this band o f Russians could not be kept out C H A PTE R IX. o f the country. The opposition en­ trol o f the next legislature. He walked anxiously back to the door ■ experience he Is convinced that the State o f the country because there wss no Salem — It is no longer the official deavored to force the government to senators were elected in six counties. and looked In again. "B y Jove," he ! year 1915 will bring bumper crops work for them in the place for which duty o f district attorneys to prosecute I state the purpose for borrowing the The Republicans elected three in He rams In with a smile, but. at exclaimed, "this Is getting on ray Wisser discovered a few days ago they were bound, would o|>en the doors forecloeures brought by hoidere of j money, which the government declined Burlington, Cape May and Passaic first glimpse of bis visitors. It faded nerves Lord. If they should find out! that the table had sprouted and had to a Hindu invasion o f California and delinquency tax liens, except when the to do. swiftly Into a look of terror But Hall See here, what were they talking begun to bud and shoot. When he ami this will make the next state the United States, is the opinion e x ­ county holds the liens, according to an was game; he pulled himself together senate stand 13 Republicans to sight pressed by John L. McNab, ex-United shout while they were la here wait­ tried to remove the piece of furniture New York, Pennsylvania and Massa­ opinion rendered by Attorney General and smiled again. It wss with s fairly ing? D'yon know?” Democrats a gain o f two. States district attorney here. Accord­ Brown. he found that the four legs had taken chusetts voted against Woman suffrage The opinion was given in She looked up Ingenuously, and re­ root In the soil and the table Is bow ing to Mr McNab. Federal judges of response to s request o f Frederick creditable ezpresslon of affability that by large majorities. Ohio Defeats Prohibition. be exclaimed "W ell, this Is an unex­ plied, "Oh, I was In the stockroom, his district will have to accept in their Steiwer. district attorney for Um atilla a part o f the vegetation ef the yard. pected pleasure'” He went from one printing proofs. They were nil alone Should he now wish to remove th« Jess W illard, heavyweight rham Columbus. O. - For the second time future rulings the new principle. county. Under section 3697 o f Ixird's to another offering his hand, then he here In the office." pion pugilist, will defend his title at in two years, Ohio voters rejected a table be will have to dig Oregon laws, it was the duty of the drew off his gloves and looked bis N ew Orleans next March. He will state-wide prohibition amendment to "Well. I wish to goodness you had Woman Defies Officials. district attorney to prosecute all ac­ guests over anxiously. The atmos­ listened. Ld hate to lose four mil­ the constitution. Estimates based fight Tommy Burns. Zero In Securities. Chicago — Mrs. Scott Durand, tions brought by holders of certificates. phere was like that before a thunder lions o f dollars on account of them on partial returns received up to mid­ Tha corporation of foreign bond­ Seizure o f the American steamship The last legislature amended this. wealthy owner of a prise dairy herd, storm. night show that the proposal was de­ See here, Flo. 1 can't stand thin. I holders at London, recently reciting Hocking by a British cruiser off the feated by a majority which may reach Monday threatened to shoot any state Then he drew a breath of sudden re­ feel as If 1 were smoking a pipe on defaulted public debts got yet settled, Atlantic roast has brought to issue h Simple Spelling in Schools Asked. official who came to her farm to harm 40,000. Last year’s m ajority against lief. Flodie was entering Flodie was top of a barrel of gunpowder There question on which the positions of the Salem— U rgin g the adoption of sim- | smiling. Seeing that a,nils, he see ed may he an explosion any minute. You gravely Includes the bonds of the Con­ any o f her cattle. She recently saved prohibition was 84,000. federate States of America, of which United States and the entente allies \ plified spelling in the public schools o f \ the rattle from slaughter when sus­ to come to himself, as If after a .ia- can t tell what may touch It off— why. the principal Is given la the report at are so far apart that some officials be pected o f foot-and-mouth disease, by \ Oregon, George H. Denton, professor turblng dream Dry Legislators Elected a single word, perhaps. I'm not going | lieve arbitration ultimately w ill have - 112.000.000 and accrued Interest." at i o f German in Reed College, Portland, j Richmond, Va. Results from the, an injunction. "O h !” said FTodle, "are yon back to leave until they're out of here. I * $41,901,710. to be resorted to for settlement. Mrs. Durand haa armed her em ­ i wrote to J. A. Churchill, superintend- ! election o f members o f the V irgin ia j I ent of public instruction. Professor |j«t | assembly show that there w ill be a | ployes. A Chicago paper has compiled “ I w ill shoot the first person who Denton's plan is to submit a few ape S P O K E O N L Y S I M P L E T R U T H next county, he lost no time la task I pleasant smile o f medicines in daily use, which shows I heavy m ajority in the senate and house "H e la a very affec­ cially rhoeen words to the schools each Ing the swap It wss a month later tionate animal." an increase in price of more than 100 pledged to the enactment of prohibi- attempts to harm any of my cattle, year until the entire simplified spelling of my th e . a*'*1 “ I have a revolver tion legislation effective when per cent since the war began. Dog's Owner Not to Slams If Man before the trader! met again system is adopted. Superintendent state goes dry by ronetitutional own and 1 intend to use it . ” With Whom He Traded Had “ lo o k here, you bloomtn possum'" A. J. Kingsley, president of the Chinese Salt Wells. { Churchill is considering the sugges amendment November 1, 1916. Misunderstood Him. cordially greeted the man from the Manufacturers’ and Land Products Salt wells la China have been oper­ i tion British Trade Growing. next county You dldn t do a thing Show, now being held in Portland ated for hundreds of yearn, and la the Both Sidos Claim Kentucky. London -T h e board o f trade figures Senator William H Thompson of but sting me on that pup'" Armory, died suddenly o f nervous Tietlnchlng district, especially have Old Gresham Building Burnt. Louiaville, Ky. With both Demó­ for October show an increase in im­ Kansas smiled when reference at a “ Sting you' returned Jim. with an built up g prosperous community breakdown. la crata and Republicana riaim ing victory ports of £16.41.3,000 ($82.066,000). Gronham — F ire early Wednesday recent banquet was made to sharp innocent look in what way?” some reset the wells are 200 feet Special treasury agents o f Seattle by from 10,000 to 15,000 volee, unoffi- Exports increased £3,867,000 ($16.- morning partially destroyed one of practice la trading Ho said ha was You know' ' wrathfully exclaimed deep The salt 1* obtained la the form have dug up in the backyard o f a house cial returns ahowed ex Representativo 886,000). The principal increases in Gresham's beet known buildings, reminded of Jim Jones dog the man from the next county "You of brine, which Is ralaed la bamboo in Blaine, on the Canadian border, 68 Stanley, nf llenderson, Detnoerat, and imports were: Food. £8,000,000, owned by Charlee McCarter and erect­ Jim Jones had a bound dog. and told me that he would lick anything tubes by means of crude derricks, tha packages of cocaine and 87 packages Kdwin F Morrow, o f IVwncrset. Repub- chemicals and drugs, £1,000,000; raw ed 25 years ago. A t different time# it having an opportunity to trade him la eight.“ motive power for which ta furnished o f morphine, valued at several thou­ liran, running a rloee race for gover- materials, £8.000,000, o f wbirh cotton haa been used aa a cannery, cheese for a shotgun wtth a party from the So he will," declared Jim, with a by water buffalos sand dollars. ñor. from America contributed £8.000,000. factory, laundry and morning bouse Brief Resume of General News from All Around the Earth. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHfll Washington Declares Expediency Must Not Govern. J y y GE1X TT DURGE ILLU STR A TE D CHANGE Of POLICY IS INSISTED UPON f TUESDAY’S ELECTION RETURNS lord Kitchener Goes to Eastern Field of War; Daily Globe Seized 6y RAY W A T