ENGLISH CITY BOMBARDED BY THE GERMANS Airmen Drop NEWS NOTES OF German Bombs on Yarmouth, Eng. CURRENT WEEK NORTHWEST M ARKET REPORTS. NEWS NOTES FROM STATE SOLONS Y arm outh— A hostile a irc ra ft passed over Y arm outh a t 8 :30 o’clock W ednes­ Portland — T here is some im prove­ day n ig h t and dropped sevcal bombs. m ent in the potato m arket this week. Considerable dam age to property re ­ S tate C apital, Salem —P ortland wo­ '• ' V " Í- • sulted and there was some loss of life. The shipping m ovem ent southw ard has men w an tjth e rig h t to serve on juries, fr? / ' # * • -A - One man is reported to have had his started, but no g reat hopes are held j yet they don’t w ant to be compelled to out, as only a sm all p a rt of the stock head blown off. 1 serve on ju ries. If the legislature can v-4r One bomb fell in N orfolk Square, is of shipping quality. A few carB of find a happy ^medium som ewhere be­ close to th e seafront, and another on B urbanks are going to C alifornia and tw een these extrem es th e women of G erm ans plan another dash for Paris. the Bouth quay. A th ird struck the for these buyers are paying 80©90c a t the sta te will be duly g ratefu l, said a Seism ic disturbances have been felt York Road drill hall, fragm ents of the E ast Side points, w hile ordinary stock delegate of th e ir num ber to the house is bringing 75©85c in Portland. The j in the European w ar zone. casing of the shell crashing through San Francisco m arket is in b e tte r judiciary com m ittee. B’earing raids from a irc ra ft, P aris the glass roof of th e billiard room of shape, as the Salinas are practically A pparently a m ajority of the com­ has again ordered stre e t illum ination the headquarters of the N ational Re­ all gone, and th is will leave an open­ m ittee is not inclined to rep o rt favor­ discontinued. serve. A fourth m issile fell near the ing for a lim ited quantity of Oregons. ably upon the pending bill, introduced The American W onder seed m ovem ent Y arm outh, Eng., is v isited by Ger- j T rin ity depot. last week by R epresentative H uston, G reat excitem ent prevailed in the seems to be about over. man airm en, who demolish whole giving women the privilage of ju ry town and Bpecial constables, th e police The local jobbing trad e is not brisk buildings, killing two persons. and m iltiary w ere called out to calm and the m arket íb sufficiently supplied. duty. This p articu lar m easure is op­ posed by some of the up-state mem­ L ieutenant G eneral F reih err von th e people, who stream ed out o f th eir F ront stre e t prices are unchanged. Ompteda, of the G erm an arm y, has homes when the explosions occurred. T here is no shipping outlet for eggs bers. T heir objection is based on the been killed in th e w estern arena a t the The electric supply was im m ediately and w ith receipts enlarging the m ar­ provision th a t it will give women the h e a d o f his brigade. cut off and th e tow n was plunged in ket is Blowly reaching a lower level. I rig h t to claim exem ption by reason of Sales w ere made a t 28© 29c, case I th e ir sex. R eports convey news th a t General darkness. I t is pointed out th a t in the ru ral V illa w ith his troops, will evacuate j The w hirring of the propellers of count. Poultry receipts were liberal and the d istricts, w here the sheriffs frequently Mexico City, and will go to N orthern th e air c ra ft first a ttra c te d attention. Then came the explosions and the m arket was w eak, hens selling a t 13© [ are required to trav el many m iles to states to stren g th en his forces. sound of breaking glass. The first 14c. Dressed pork was very w eak, summon prospective jurors, the officers England hauls down S tars and bomb dropped n ear the recru itin g w ith 9c as the top. Veal was barely may encounter a notice of exem ption S tripes from an A m erican ship which ground and the others near the drill steady. for th e ir pains. is detained by th a t country, and in its hall. In all five bombs w ere thrown B ut the delegation of women led by No changes w ere reported in the View of Scarborough, on the e a s t coast of England, which, together with W hitby and H artlepool, was stead raised the B ritish emblem. Mrs. G. L. Buland, representing a by the aviators. b u tte r or cheese m arkets. bombarded by the German raiding squadron of cruisers. A fter the a ttack the a ir c ra ft sailed W hite beans are steadily advancing num ber of w om en’s clubs, and Mrs. J. The house of rep resen tativ es has in a southw esterly direction. in price. There was a good crop on | M. Kemp, representing th e W. C. T. adopted all the Oregon and W ashington From numerous places in th e affect­ Starving Chinese Sell One man w h s found outside his home the Coast th is season and the quality j U., pointed out th a t the sam e kind of I item s in the riv ers and harbors bill j ed regions calls for doctors and medi­ Wives to Buy food w ithout discussion and w ithout amend-1 on St. P e te r’s Plain. H is head had was fine, but the m ark et is being a law is w orking successfully in the cine are reaching Home. Pope Kene- been crushed. He was identified as strengthened by the upw ard movem ent sta te of W ashington, w here conditions dict was recitin g the thanksgiving Pekin — The ordinary suffering in ment. Samuel Sm ith, a shoem aker. A wom­ of prices in the E ast, w here large ex­ are no km ore^unfavorable th an in this a fte r the m orning masB when the China has been so intensified by loss Republican leaders in the senate an, who has not y et been identified, ports to Europe have caused advances. state. shock occurred. have attacked P resident W ilson’s ship also was found dead, while a soldier W heat — B id: B luestem , $1.42; A t the capitol tw o magnificent can­ of trad e w ith Europe th a t in some purchase m easure, but the President was discovered in N orfolk Square w ith forty-fold, $1.42; club, $1.41; red Gov. Wilhycombe Names provinces th e sale of wives and chil­ dlesticks fell and w ere broken. A t feels confident it will pass before a wound in his chest. Russian, $1.34; red F ife, $1.37. th e Palazzo del Drago, w here Thomas dren iB be.ng carried on extensively. March 4. New Regents tor O. A. C. The towns of Y arm outh, S andring­ M illfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $28.50 Nelson Page, the American am bassa­ The Manchus of Shansi province ham, K in g ’s Lynn and Cromer are all © 29 ton; shorts, $30.50© 31; rolled Lum berm en of Oregon have secured S tate C apitol, Salem — Governor dor lives, several cracks in the build­ have resorted to th is practice so gen­ orders for 10,000,000 feet of lum ber in the province of Norfolk, which barley, $33.60@34.50. W ithycom be has appointed Mrs. C lara ing, which had already eixsted, opened abuts the N orth Sea about 150 m iles Corn— W hite, $36 ton; cracked, $37. wider, and plaster fell in Beveral of erally th a t President Yun Shi Kai has and stru ctu ral m aterial to be shipped H ay— E astern Oregon tim othy, $15 H. Waldo, of P ortland; M. S. Wood- issued a m andate in which he speaks to the U nited Kingdom betw een March northeast of London. the rooms. 0 1 5 .5 0 ; valley tim othy, $ 1 8 0 1 5 .6 0 ; stock, of C orvallis, and N. R. Moore, 1 and June 30. Statuary at Home Cracked, Street­ of th e conditions as "h e a rtre n d in g .” grain hay, $10.50© 11; alfalfa, $13© of C orvallis, m em bers of th e board of car Line (juit - King Coes to L ighting a fire w ith a can of gaso- i England Replaces Old Steamer Cranley, Scarred “ In form er day s,” according to the 13.50. regents of the Oregon A gricultural | line resulted in an explosion which Scene ot Catastrophe. by Ernden, Now at Astoria m andate, “ the banner men (followers probably will prove fa ta l to Mr. and Glory With Own fla g V egetables — Cucumbers, hothouse, college. Mrs. Waldo now is a m em ber A storia, O re.— B earing several vis­ o f the Manchu banners) of Shansi Mrs. Clarence Backus, of Yaquina, W ashington, D. C. — A m bassador $1.76 @ 2 dozen; eggplant, 8 @ 10c and th e others w ill succeed B. F. ible m arks of her encounter w ith the were supported by the Ta-ying g ra n ­ Or. The can exploded in Mrs. B ackus’ G erard cabled th e S ta te departm ent pound; peppers, 12J© 15c; artichokes, Irvine, of Portland, and E. E. Wilson, London — R eports early T hursday German cruiser Ernden th e B ritish ary. B ut since th e revolution they hands, throw ing the flames over both. [ the substance of a statem en t made to 86c©90 dozen; tom atoes, $1.75 c rate; of C orvallis, whose term s w ill expire m orning are th a t 15,000 persons are steam er Cranley arrived Tuesday have been d ealt w ith in accordance Mrs. O. R. Meye, 35 years old, of him by C aptain F arley, of th e A m eri­ cabbage, li @ 14c pound; beans, 124c; February 15. Mrs. W aldo has been a buried in the ruins of Avezzano alone. m orning 1!) days from Moji, Japan. can steam er G reenbrier, which arrived celery, $2.50 c rate; cauliflower, $2.25; m em ber of th e board since 1906 and K ing V ictor Emmanuel has gone to She will load the supplies donated by w ith the common rule, namely, all sup­ Colfax, W ash., was killed accidentally a t Bremen a few days ago w ith a cot­ sprouts, 8c pound; head lettuce, $1.85 has been prom inent as a pioneer the afflicted d istric t, and troops are the people of Oregon for th e re lie f of port has been w ithdrav/n. The fac­ by her 9-year-old son a t th e ir ranch \ pound; w orker in educational, ru ral and civic home near Hay, in W estern W hitman ton cargo from New O rleans, a fte r © 2 c rate; pum pkins, l i e being rushed to do re lie f work. the starv in g Belgians. tories of th e banner men have also county. The boy had been sent to the having been subjected to a series of squash, l i e ; carrots, $1.25 sack; im provem ents. Waldo Hall, a t the C aptain Alex Henderson, her m as­ been suspended on account of lack of notw ithstanding assu r­ beets, $1.25; parsnips, $1.25. house for the shotgun by his father, detentions, college, is named for her. Rome—Italy again has been visited 1 ter, brings a th rillin g story of his one­ G reen F ru its — A pples, 75c@$1.50 and upon leaving the house the gun ances which had been given by G reat Mr. W oodstock is p resident of the funds. Therefore m eans of livelihood by an earthquake of wide ex ten t, sided b attle w ith the Ernden and th a t B ritain th a t shipm ents of cotton in box; casabaB, $1.65 c ra te ; pears, $1© F irst N ationl bank of C orvallis, and was accidentally discharged. which, according to the late advices, the Cranley escaped destruction is have been g reatly reduced. The w in­ A m erican vessels would not be de­ 1.50 box; cranberries, $9@11 barrel. was one of the first to suggest th a t the Portugal is reported in a singular tained. has resulted in the death of 12,0001 little less than a miracle. te r will set in very soon, and it is ex ­ E ggs — Fresh Oregon ranch, case college be located a t C orvallis. Mr. situation in reference to the g re a t w ar. The event occurred a t th e port o f pected th a t th e prices of foodstuffs persons and injury to possibly 20,000 Officials did not disclose the details count, 29@30c dozen; candled, 30© Moore is ed ito r of the C orvallis G a­ more in towns ami villages destroyed. Penang, S tra its o f Malay, w here the will rise. The aged and th e young German forces have invaded P o rtu ­ of C aptain F a rle y ’s statem en t, but it 31c; storage, 26©29c. zette-T im es. He has alw ays been The shock was the stro n g est Rome steam er was lying a t anchor, w ith will be starved to death, while the guese Angola and fighting has been is said he charged th a t a fte r exam in­ Potatoes — Oregon, $1 Back; Idaho, keenly interested in educational work, has fe lt in more than a hundred years. Borne French and Russian cruisers and stronger ones will w ander from th eir going on there betw een Germ an and ing the G reen b rier’s papers, a B ritish Portuguese forces for several months. prize crew ordered the A m erican flag $1@ 1.10; Y akim a, 80c@ $1.10; sw eet especially in industrial education. One m orning, ju s t at homes. The town of Avezzano, in th e Ahruzzi [ torpedo boats. M embers of the board who continue potatoes, 2 ic pound. departm ent, 62 miles ea st of Rome, dawn, the Ernden, which had been d is­ “ T herefore we are very anxious Y et G ermany has not declared w ar on hauled down and convoyed the ship Onions— Oregon, buying price, $1.25 in office are J . K. W eatherford, of Al­ has been leveled to the ground. Here guised by th e addition of a " f a k e ” about them , and it is hereby ordered P ortugal, the German m in ister rem ains into K irkw all, a B ritish port. C aptain bany; J . T. Apperson, of Oregon C ity; f. o. b. shipping points. 8000 persons are reported to have been | funnel so as to resem ble a B ritish th a t 2000 Bhih (a shih is 100 litres) of in Lisbon and the P ortuguese in Berlin. F arley refused to navigate the ship C. L. Hawley, of McCoy; H. Von der Poultry — Hens, large, 13 @ 14c; vessel, steam ed into port and circling rice from the Ta-ying granary of the killed. German a irc ra ft made lo n g -th reat­ w hile the B ritish flag was at her m ast, mixed, 13c; broilers, 18@20c; tu r ­ H ellen, of W ellen; W alter L. Pierce, In many sm all towns surrounding w ithin a hundred yards of th e Cranley, Shansi province be delivered over to ened raids on England Tuesday night and asserted th a t through incom petent keys, dressed, 21c; live, 18c; ducks, of Pendleton, and George M. Cornwall, Rome buildings w ere p artially | which was flying naval tran sp o rt flag th e m ajor of th e garrison, to be d is­ and attem pted w ith bombs to blow navigation by th e B ritish th ree booms of Portland. 12i@ 15c; geese, ll@ 12c. wrecked, w hile at Naples a panic oc- j No. 5, fired tw o broadsides a t her. trib u ted to th e genuine su fferers.” w ere sw ept away. He was ordered to up the k in g ’s royal residence in Sand­ B u tter — C ream ery, prints, extras, curred and houses fell a t C aserta, a I One shot w ent through th e steam er’s tak e the ship to L eith from K irkw all, ringham , county N orfolk. King 29ic pound in case lo ts; ic more in galley, while another pierced her hull Salt Contract May Not Be short distance to the east. George and Queen Mary, who had been which he did a fte r raisin g the A m eri­ less than case lots; cubes, 25c. From below Naples in th e south to about four feet above th e w aterline. Czar Sends 1,000,000 New staying a t Sandringham w ith th eir can flag and la te r was able to proceed Approved By Legislature V eal—Fancy, 12ic pound. F errera in the north, a distance of It passed through 15 feet of coal, rico- Men Against Prussians fam ily, retu rn ed to London only Mon­ to Germ any, a fte r a delay of three P ork— Block, 9c pound. S tate Capitol, Salem — I t is apparent more than 300 miles, and across alm ost chetted through the deck and pilot days. Honey—Choice, $3.25 case. London — T h at R ussia has started a day to resum e th e ir residence in Buck-1 The S tate departm ent, it is under­ the width of the country, the undula- house and then, tu rn in g downward th a t th ere w ill be considerable opposi­ ingham palace. N u ts—W alnuts, 16©24c pound. tory movement contained for a consid­ again, pierced the deck and w ent out new arm y of from 800,000 to 1,000,000 stood, is in v estig atin g the case through Beans — Small w hite, $5.75; large tion in the senate to approving the The $100,000,000 gold pool organized th e other side of th e vessel. L ater it men tow ard W est P russia to co-operate erable period. the A m erican em bassy in London. w hite, $5.60; Lim a, $6.25; pink, lease m ade by the s ta te land board In Rome it was thought a t first th a t was necessary to put seven new plates w ith th e arm y invading E ast Prussia to m eet A m erican obligations abroad $4.60; Mexican, $6.25; bayou, $6.35. w ith Jason C. Moore, of N ew Y ork, shortly a fte r the outbreak o f the Euro­ two shocks had occurred, but the in the steam er's hull to re p a ir the Hops — 1914 crop, 10 @ 124c; 1913 fo r the developm ent of th e salts de­ The and th e forces on th e V istula, is indi­ pean w ar will be abandoned because Consul-Elect From U. S. seim ographic instrum ents in th e ob­ dam age done by th a t one shot. crop, nominal. of Sum m er and A lbert lakes in servatories showed there was only one, c ra ft was also hit in several places by cated, thin k m ilitary authorities, by bankers believe the necessity for it Rejected by English City H ides — Salted hides, 14c; salted posits Lake county. The lakes are said to which beginning at 7 :65 o ’clock in the pieces of shrapnel, hut none of them dispatches from P etro g rad which say has passed. B ankers back of the pool London — John L. O utright, newly bulls, 10c; salted calf, 18c; salted contain deposits w orth m illions of dol­ The Cran- th e Russians have reached a point 40 have comm unicated th is decision to m orning, lasted from 22 to 30 seconds. ) did any serious dam age. kip, 14c; green hides, 124c; green In th e capital itself, so fa r as ley's second engineer was struck on m iles ►ast of the German fortress of the Federal R eserve board, whose accredited U nited S tates vice consul at bulls, 84c; green calf, 18c; green kip, lars, and the syndicate Mr. Moore rep­ undertaking was N ottingham , has returned to London resents plans erectin g a plant a t the known, th ere was no loss of life, but a the arm , shoulder and in the side by Thorn, a fte r defeatin g a cavalry de­ sanction for th e junction of the D eschutes and Colum­ asked and granted before the plans w ithout ta k in g up his duties because 14c; dry hides, 25c; dry calf, 27c. g re a t deal of dam age w as done, pieces of shrapnel and was seriously tachm ent. Wool—V alley, 17@18c pound; E a st­ the m ayor and other city officials had bia riv ers to which point the deposits | w ere comlpeted. churcheB and statu es suffering most. hu rt, but has recovered. It is believed th a t the plan is to advised him th a t he would not be ac­ ern Oregon, 15©20c, nom inal; mo­ would be piped. For a tim e th e people were stricken I t is reported th a t th ere is consider­ crush th e German forces in the region hair, choice, 1914 clip, 274c. ceptable in an official capacity. The U nder the lease approved by the w ith fear and th ere was a veritable 7 wo Battleships, 6 Destroy­ of Mlawa, betw een th e Russian army able dissention in the G erm an cabinet. objection to Mr. C u trig h t w as based C ascara bark—Old and new, 4@44c board and th e contract made w ith Mr. panic in the hospitals, m onasteries and in Blast P russia and th e one advancing ers, 17 Submarines Asked on W est P russia, and also to operate A French senator advises parliam ent on articles which he w rote and which pound. Moore he is to pay th e sta te , begin­ convents. The buildings on both H ides C attle — Prim e steers, $7.60@ 7.75; of the P orta del Popolo, the north en ­ W ashintgon, I). C. — Provision for ag ain st the lines of comm unication of | to be quiet while France is invaded by j w ere published in a Lincoln, N eb., choice, $7.25© 7.60; medium, $6.75© ning n ex t year, royalties of not less new spaper. I t w as charged th a t the than $25,000 annually, and m ore on a trance to Rome, threatened to fall, ami the construction of tw o g re a t dreHd- the G erm ans op eratin g before W arsaw. I an enemy. 7; choice cows, $6@ 6.75; medium, the eagle decorating the g ate crashed naughts, six torpedo-boat destroyers, Tw enty thousand persons, including le tte rs expressed pro-German se n ti­ $5.76© 6; heifers, $5 © 6.50; bulls, royalty basis according to the product. The lease is for 40 years. Mr. Moore to the ground. 16 coast-defense subm arines, a seago­ many notables, w ere killed in the j m ents. B efore coming to N ottingham , Mr. | $3.50© 5; stags, $4.50©6. a t one tim e bid alm ost $2,000,000 for The obelisk in St. P e te r's sq u a re ; ing subm arine, a hospital ship, a tra n s­ Allies Report Heavy Loss earthquake in Italy. Hogs — L ight, $6.75© 6.90; heavy, the property and other persons bid was shaken and badly damaged, while port and a fuel ship, a t an ag g reg ate In Aisne Valley fighting The A m erican branch of the Red C u trig h t served as A m erican vice con­ $5.80©6.30. more than th a t, but the bid of the sul a t Coburg, Germ any W hile there the sta tu e of St. John L ateran and the cost of *53,168,828, is made in the S h e e p — W ethers, $6@ 6.50; ewes, la tte r w as not accompanied by a c e rti­ London The German official report , Cross is asking help to aid th e Italian he w rote the letters to which the N ot­ statu es of th e apostles surm ounting naval appropriation bill as agreed on fied check, as stipulated by th e board, tingham officials took exception. Mr. $5@ 5.50; lambs, $6.25@ 7.50. All issued a t Berlin Saturday, says th at earthquake sufferers. the Rasilica are in danger of collapse. by the house naval com m ittee. and all bids w ere rejected. The famous colonade decorating the told the lull e a rrle s 1141,100,090^ of th e e n tire north bank of the Aisne has Five governm ents are in the Chi­ C u trig h t is a son of John C u tright, ed­ It w as then decided to lease the Tacom a— Local commission men re ­ dome of the church of St. Charles Cat- which $22,903,998 is directly appro­ been cleared of B'rench troops and th a t cago w heat pit buying heavily, to­ ito r of the Lincoln, N ebraska, S tar and form erly was p riv ate secretary to port a splendid m ovem ent of apples property on the royalty basis and bids inari was cracked. A large piece of priated for new construction. th e re tre a t of the allies was accom­ g eth er w ith many foreign individuáis. W illiam Jennings Bryan. The son, a and a firmness in prices. Prospects for w ere asked. Mr. Moore’s bid was the cornice of the Je s u it church of St. W hile the construction program E ighteen Russian generals have graduate of the U niversity of N eb ras­ a healthy business fo r th e rem ainder the only one accompanied by a check A gnatius broke and fell with a crash falls fa r below the plans urged by plished only under th e fire of German been discharged from im portant posi- ■ ka, has been in the consular service of the season are b right. D uring the j for $10,000, as stipulated in the ad­ which added to th e frig h t o f persons R epresentative Hobson and other ad- | heavy guns. A fu rth e r announcem ent tions, according to the H am burg Frem- only a few months. early p a rt of the w ar, shipm ents of vertisem ent, and he was aw arded the in the neighborhood. vorntes of a larg er navy, it includes from th e m ain headquarters of th e dem blatt. The B ritish foreign office has no in-1 th is fr u it could not be m ade to foreign contract, subject to approval by the Ceilings in many of the houses fell, th e two battleships asked for by Sec- i German arm y says th a t as a net result several persons being injured in that re ta ry Daniels and provides for more | of the th re e days’ fighting northeast of A resolution w as offered in congress form ation concerning objections on the countries and to move the commodity \ legislature. “ The proposal of Mr. Moore may be manner. au xiliaries than the secretary had con­ Soissons about 5200 prisoners, 14 guns, asking the secretary of w ar for in­ on p art of N ottingham officials to the it was necessary to set prices down Several stre e tc a r lines suspended tem plated. Chairm an P ad g ett pro- \ six m achine guns and some revolver form ation as to the stren g th of coast assum ption by John L. C utright of his nearly tw ice as low as they w ere last the best th a t the sta te can o b ta in ,” duties at the A m erican consulate. The year. said President Thompson, of th e sen­ operations because of the dam age tested th a t the com m ittee was "ru n - j guns w ere captured. defense guns. A m erican em bassy would say nothing The fu rth e r statem en t is made th a t caused by the earthquake. nlng w ild” w ith appropriations. The trade grasped the fru it instantly ate, " b u t it is a m a tte r th a t should be Gov. Blease, of South Carolina, who concerning the case, fu rth e r th an to at these prices and the unusual demand given careful consideration by the leg­ th e French suffered heavy losses, from A t Torre C ajetani, about 37 miles 4000 to 6000 dead B'rench soldiers be­ resigned near the end of his term , has say th a t if C utright was not accept­ from other sections of the U nited is la tu re .” east of Rome, alm ost the e n tire village Kaiser Foregoes Fete. pardoned and paroled 1460 convicts, able to the N ottingham authorities, he S tates and Canada soon exhausted the was destroyer), while a t A rnara the B erlin The R eichanzeiger has pub­ ing found on th e battlefield. probably would be sent elesw here. besides disbanding the sta te m ilitia. municipal building collapsed. Anti-Lobby Bill in Favor. surplus. D ealers report th a t th ere is lished a decree signed by Emperor British Gain One Mile. S tate Capitol, Salem — The house still five months of apple business. An aged pipe sm oker in San F ran ­ W illiam, according to which His M aj­ Harbors Bill Passed. Tide Sirelled by Gale. New varieties taken from cold storage com m ittee on ju d iciary is preparing P aris The H avas Agency has re ­ cisco was killed when he fell on h i s . esty, in view of the seriousness of the W ashington, D. C.— The riv ers and are offered now a t from 75c to $1.25 a Boston—B'eatures of the storm which to report favorably on one of the bills present situation, asks th a t all fe stiv ­ ceived a dispatch from Stonier, dated face. The long stem punctured the lashed Southeastern New Knglaml ities formally held on th e occasion of Jan u ary 10, which relates a B ritish roof of his mouth and entered the harbors appropriation bill, carrying box. now before it providing for the elim ­ Onions also are said to be firm and more than $34,000,000, passed the ination of lobbyists from th e C apitol Thursday were the unusually high tide his birthday be om itted th is year. An victory and an advance near La Basse brain. rises are looked for. Brown Oregon house by a vote of 164 to 81. The bill halls. R epresentative Schuebel, of th at swept into M assachusetts Bay in | exception is made, however, of the of one mile. The m essage follows: The b attleship K ansas sustained now goes to the senate, w here a pro­ onions are moving out at from $1.76 to Clackam as, and R ep resen tativ e H us­ “ The B ritish, by an im petuous a t­ the forenoon and the dam age to tele celebrations usually held in churches dam age in the big storm off the V ir­ All efforts $2.25. ton, of M ultnomah, have introduced graph and telephone w ires in Bristol and schools. The em peror asks even tack, storm ed the strongly entrenched ginia coast, which it w ill require two tracted fight is expected. Eggs — Fresh ranch, 27© 28c; local anti-lobbying bills. The Schuebel bill county, in Rhode Island and in Blastern th a t the many le tte rs and telegram s G erm an position near La Basse a fte r a weeks to repair, it was reported on the to block or substantially amend the cold storage, 23 © 26c; E astern, 23© bill failed. Amendm ent a fte r am end­ would require lobbyists to re g iste r if Connecticut. The tidal rise in this generally sent to him on his birthday vigorous shelling. T his is an im port­ w arship’s arriv al in H am pton Roads. m ent was voted down. The bill 26c. they come to Salem, even if they don’t city came w ithin 1.22 feet of the by societies and p riv ate individuals, ant stra te g ic point and its occupation Potatoes are g e ttin g firm. Last e n te r th e S ta te House. The Huston represents an advance of one mile. record established in the famous gale be dispensed w ith. The G erm an and French accounts of authorizes no new projects, the $34,- The B ritish losses w ere slight, but the the fighting on th e W estern front 000,000 being apportioned to continue season the spuds opened at high prices m easure would require them to re g iste r of 1851, when M inot’s Ledge lig h t­ G ermans lost heavily. Many Germans agree in declaring th ere has been s im provem ents already under way, w ith and w ent down tow ard the la tte r part. if they e n te r the Capitol. house was destroyed, and was the fifth S00.000 Allies Captive. This year the tables are jus reversed, big tide in the last 15 years. Summer desperate b attle near Soissons. The provision for exam ination and surveys Amsterdam Official reports say were taken p riso n ers.’” in various places, including Colorado. the tubers opening at low prices and residences were badly battered. Stonecutters File Protest. issue is not wholly decided, but the prisoners o f war in Germ any and A us­ going up as the season aovances. lu rks to Invade Egypt. G erm ans are believe»! to have gained S ta te Capitol, Salem —The Jo u rn ey ­ tria now number 800,000. The Cologne M erchants say, however, th a t quota­ Socialists Want Voice. llible or Cell Is Choice. men S to n ecu tters' association, of P o rt­ London The Cairo correspondent of groun»! northeast of the town, while G azette compares this figure w ith 200,- tions will not rise much. land, in a le tte r received by the sen­ C openhagen—Three resolutions were Los Angeles— Karold Lane, facing a 000 prisoners, which, it asserts, are the Daily News says it is virtually the B'rench wholly failed to make Milling w heat in Tacoma made other The French are now de- passed unanim ously at the closing ses­ ate, pro tests against th e bill in tro ­ suspended 10 year prison term for a held by the allies. The G erm an offi­ certain th a t Turkey has decided to progress. advances, reaching th e highest point burglary comm itted three years ago. cial report gives the following figures m ake w hat he term s a rash attem p t to scribed as tak in g up new positions on sion in Copenhagen of the conference yet known locally. Bluestem is offered duced by Senator Dimick to abolish th e bureau of m ines and geology. It countries, was offered his choice betw een a 30 on p riso n ers: French, 3459 officers, invade E gypt. German engineers are the south bank of the Aisne. Em­ of Socialists of neutral at $1.42; forty-fold. $1.41; club, day Bible study course or services of 215,906 men; Russian, 3676 officers, doing e v ery th in g possible to overcome peror W illiam in person directed the which opened here Sunday. The first $1.40; red Fife, $1.36; red Russian, is declared th a t "th ro u g h th e official a c tiv ities of his bureau the postoffice his sentence. He is, therefore, now a 306,294 m en; Belgians, 612 officers. the difficulty in moving heavy artillery b attle on the plain of Vregny. In­ resolution declares it to be the duty of $1.34. at Medford and possibly at The Dalles, student in the county jail, preparing 36.852 m en; B ritish, 492 officers, 18,- over th e sandy w astes and rocky defiles spired by his presence, the German all Socialists to work for a speedy Fresh m eats — Steers, 124c pound; for an exam ination on everything from 825 men. These totals do not include to cope w ith the guns guarding the troops cleared th is im portant elevated deelaratitm of peace, th e term s of cows, 12c; heifers, 12c © 124c; w eth­ and others, are to be b u ilt of native stone, w hile heretofore E astern states which shall provide a basis for in te r­ Genesis to R evelation, to be given by prisoners now en route to concentra­ Suez canal, he continues. One, at position of the enemy. national disarm am ent. It also calls on ers. 124c; dressed hogs, 12c; trim m ed states have furnished stone for build­ least, of these experim ents ended d is­ Judge W ilbur, of the Superior court, tion camps. sides, 164c; com binations, 154c; lambs, General C arranza has a»l»ied to his ings. and m eans th e accession for these the International Socialist bureau at astrously in th e tem porary abandon­ in 30 days. This poetic ju stice fol­ 13© 14c; Diamond T. C., 14c; y ear­ buildings of $35,000 to our p ay ro ll." m ent of large calibre guns in the soft program of reform the g ran tin g of ab­ Berne to call a m eeting of Scs-ialists lowed I.ane'a a rrest for violation of his Parisian Tots Get Toys. lings, 13c; ewes, 11c. probation recently when he took from solute divorce. Any judge in M exico- a t the beginning of peace negotiations P aris G ifts of toys, which were soil. P oultry—Ducks, live. 10© 12c; hens, a Presb y terian church five Bibles. Sark standard Is Sought. if he cares to tak e the chance of C ar­ to tak e an advisory p art therein. sent from the U nited S ta te s on the dressed, 16 © 18c; live. 1 0 © 14c; Silver Fox Found Dead. ranza's reseating him self at Chapulte- S ta te C.»» tol, Salem — S tandardiz­ collier Jason, were d istrib u ted to more springs, dressed, 22c; live, 14© 16c; .V oted " Friar Tuck” Dead. All on Schnrnhorst Lost. P ortlands' silver fox is no more. pec may now annul a m arriage con than 6000 children, who*e fath ers are squabs, live. $2.50 dozen; dressed, $6; ing of the w eight o t sacks of shorts and B urlington. Vt. — George Frothing- turkeys, live, 18c; dressed. 28© 30c; bran is the object of tw o bills intro­ A m sterdam — Inform ation received fighting for B’ranee. The ceremony Th* little anim al was found dead in tract. The law became effective on duced by S enator Dimick. of C lacka­ a t Berl in is to the effect th a t none of was of a semi-official character and his cage a t W ashington Park zoo, a New Y ear's »lay. Mexico has hereto­ ham. th e original " F r ia r T uck" of the geese. 20c. The w eight fixed fo r the officers or crew were saved from was conducted at th e Hotel de Villa. victim of old age. He had been in the fore never grante»! more than a legal old B»»stonians. died suddenly We»!nes- B u tte r—W ashington cream ery, 28© mas county. shorts is 80 pounds to the sack and the Germ an crusier Scharnhorst. sunk The toys w ere d istrib u ted by W illiam zoo for many years and was one of the separation. The new law not only pro­ dav of heart failure. He was 75 years 29c pound; Oregon. 26© 27c. bran 60 pounds to the sack. Senator off th e Falkland Islands by the British G. Sharp, U nited S tates am bassador principal a ttra c tio n s for children. For vides for divorce w ith the right to re old. B'rothingham appeared here Tues­ squadron. Seven officers and 171 men to B'ranee, assisted by Madame Poin­ some tim e he had showed signs of m arry, but m akes the dissolution of day night in a revival of th e comic S eattle— W heat - Bluestem. $1.43; Dimick said farm ers had complained He had played T urkey reii. $1.38; forty-fold. $1.42: to him th a t they w ere receiving short were saved from the Gneisenau. seven care, w ife of th e French president, failing. S tiver foxes are so rare th at the union so sim ple th a t the mere opera "R obin H ood." men from the N ürnberg and four offi­ and Paris city officials, including the a good spf>cimen is satd to be worth agreem ent of man and w ife to break the part of the jolly fria r more than club. $1.41; fife, S I.37; red Russian. w eight and several placed th e ir loes at th e ir m arital contract is sufficient. 6000 tim es in the last 27 years. | about $1000. th ree sacks to the ton. cers and 16 men from the Leipszig. $1.35; barley, $30 ton. Resume of World’s Important Events Told in Brief. THOUSANDS DEAD IN EARTHQUAKE Italian Villages Destroyed; Big Buildings Damaged.