POULTRY and Dairy Produce o f all kinds w an tad. W r it« fa r aur CASH OFFER Pearson-Page Co. pgg££5D •OUR, AO 10 S T O M A C H S , OASES OR I N D IG E S T IO N Each "Pape's Diapepsln” Digests 3000 grains food, ending all stomach misery In five minutes. Time it! In five minutes all stom­ ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas. acid, or eructations of undigested H O W I R D E. BURTON - Assay? ___ __________ •yer and Cbemirt, ■ I Leadville. Colorado. Specimen price«: Gold! food, no dizziness, bloating, foul BUver, Lead. II Gold. Silver. 75e; " Gold. - ,J 6Ue: Z.nc breath or headache. price liai a r C o p p e r .il. M ailing envelope« « »d fu ll pri Pape's Diapepsln is noted for its pent on application. Control and Umpire work wc «o United, n i f «ronce j Carbonate National Bank. speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach rem­ WC HAVE SALCS COR THE FOLLOWING: edy in the whole world and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach Farras, Stock R anche« and S tocks o f M erchandise In any part o f O regon and the N orth w est. Send trouble forever by getting a large us description, p rice and detailed inform ation. fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsln Sm ith Investment Co.. 90 F ifth St.. Portland. Ore. from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suf­ fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, Bought, sold and exch an g ed; engines, boilers, surest and most harmless stomach sawmills, etc. Send fo r Stock L ist and Prices. doctor in the world. BIG EXPRESS “ Feeling Fine” COMPANY QUITS MEXICANS RAID W.L.bÔÜûLÂS CUSTOM HOUSE Mens S H O E S ____________ Women's il.so'* U Kill American Postmaster and Burn American Flag. M is s e s « B o y s ,C h ild r e n , S I .6 0 S I . 7 5 S 2 S 2 . 5 0 f * Postottice Looted and General Store Robbed—Mexicans Jeer As Ruins Are Searched. San Diego, Cal.—The United States customs office and postoffice at Tecate, 45 miles from this city, on the Ameri­ can side o f the international boundary, T H E J . E . M A R T IN CO.. 83 1st St.. Portland. Or. were destroyed by fire Sunday night, The imperial observatory at Tsing­ following a raid. Eyewitnesses said tau, capital of the German colony of FARM MORTGAGE LOANS the raiders were Mexicans. Kiaochau. China, is rapidly becoming Any Amount at Current Kates. Frank V. Johnston, of San Diego, ope of the leading scientific institu­ JOHN E. CRONAN postmaster at Tecate, was shot to tions of the far east. M2 Spaldina B id .. Portland. O recon death when he resisted the bandits and his companion, Warren Didien- back, was wounded. The charred remnants o f an American flag wag found at daybreak when a posse start­ ed on the trail o f the desperadoes. The customs office and postoffice oc­ cupied parts of the general store oper­ ated by Mountain Brothers. The N o w om an w an ts to look old. M any In th eir e ffo r t to look bandits, it was proved later, were y ou th fu l resort to the“ beauty d o c to r 's ” pre9cription8.Their m is­ tak e is that th ey v is it th e w ro n g depa rtm en t in the d ru g store. bent on robbing both o f the govern­ B eauty depen ds u p o n health. ment offices. Johnston was shot when W orry, sleepless n ights, headaches, pains, disorders. Irregu­ larities and w eaknesses o f a d istin ctly fem in in e ch a ra cte r in a he refused to give the combination of sh o rt tim e b rin g th e dull eya, th e “ c r o w ’ s f e e t ,’ ’ th e hagg ard the safe. look, dro o p in g shoulders, and th e fa lte r in g step. T o retain th e ap p earan ce o f you th you m ust retain health. Johnston's torso was found in the Instead o f lotions, p ow ders and paints, ask you r d r u g g is t fo r smouldering ruins. An autopsy devel­ oped the fact that he had been shot through the heart. His pistol was found not far from the body. Elliott D. Johnston, the dead man's T h is fam ou s m edicin e strikes a t th o v e r y r o o t o f these brother, has sent telegrams to Secre­ enem ies o f y o u r y o u th fu l ap p earance. I t m akes y o u not o n ly look y o u n g , b u t fo o l you n g . tary of State Bryan, Governor John­ Y o u r d r u g g i s t c a n s u p p l y y o u I n l i o u l d o r t a b l e t f o r v n jo r «en d son and Representative William Kett- , 8 0 o n « - c « n t « t e m p s t o D r . R l o r o o * « I n v a li d « H o t e l a n d S u r ­ g i c a l I n s t i t u t e , B u f f a l o , N . Y . a n d t r i a l b o x w ill b o m a i l e d y o u . ner, at Washington, demanding a >ugh investigation. In his tele­ 1 gram to Mr. Bryan, Mr. Johnston placed the entire responsibility for the affair on Mexicans. Bitter feeling prevails along the border as a result of the outrage, and this feeling was intensified later when a crowd o f jeering Mexicans watching In All cases of the search of the ruins objected to DISTEMPER, PINK EYE. INFLUENZA. Fred Vollmer, a newspaper photo­ COLDS, ETC., grapher, taking their pictures. When O f All Horses, Brood Mares, Colts, the photographer, standing on the Stallions, is to American side o f the boundary, con­ tinued working his camera, one o f the Mexicans deliberately fired at him. In O n th e ir ton g u e s o r In th e fe e d p u t S poh n ’a L iqu id C om pound. G iv e th e rem edy to a ll o f them . I t a cts an instant tne posse that had made a on t h e blood a n d gla n d s. I t r o u ts th e disease by futile all-night search for the bandits, e x p ellin g th e diseas e germ s. 4I t w ards o ff th e trou ­ ble, n o m a tte r h o w th e y a r e “ e x p o s e d ." A b so lu te ­ leveled their guns at the Mexicans and ly fr e e fro m a n yth in g in ju rio u s. A child can s a fe ­ for several minutes an open battle ap­ ly ta k e it. 50 ce n ts an d $1.00; $5.00 and $10.00 the d ozen. Sold b y d ru g g ists, harness dealers, o r se n t peared inevitable. The photographer exp ress pa id b y th e m an u factu rers. was not wounded. Special Agents Wanted Major Davis, commander at Fort Rosecrans, San Diego, with several SPOHN M EDICAL C O . officers and a platoon o f men. left for Chemists and Bacteriologists Tecate in automobiles. Major Davis GOSHEN. IND., U. S. A. said he would conduct a rigid exam­ ination in behalf o f the War depart­ ment. The affair, he Baid, would be RETS” DAIRY RANCH AND GENERAL FARM 10 C E N T “ C IF A S B C IL A IO U S OR C O S T I V E repotted immediately to the depart- M U S T SELL ONE OF THEM ; ment commander at San Francisco. Woman Is As Old As She Looks United States Concern Finds Business Unprofitable. Uajan Busin#«» I»rg«st m»k#r of --.$3.50.$4, $ 4 .5 0 »ho» in th» wort«. NCREASC .a th# sx I m o f 1____ ____ Doaglas shorn In 1 »IS over 1915. T h is Is th « reason w e g ive you the sam e values for $3 0 0 . 13.5U, <4.00 and <4.50 uotw lth s'su d lu g the enorm ous Increase In the coet of leather. O ur standards have not been lowered and the price to y ou remains the same. Ask y our dealer to show you h « kind of W L D ouglas shoe« he ■ sailing for $3 00. $3 SO. $4 00 and 4.50. Y o u will then be convinced that W .L .D ou g la s shoes are abso­ lutely as g o cd a so th e r makes sold at higher prices. T h e only difference Is the price- T A K E NO S U B S T IT U T E . . n o l o , without W L I lo i ll U l u •i»mp«