PUBLISHED ADVERTISING RATES EVERY FRID AY BY MOSIER BULLETIN H . G. KiiSBKE. Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION RATES ^Oii# Year. -Six M o n th «... T h re e Menthe Professional C arda... ... One Mjuare................ ...... - ...... - ....... - ...... ** One-quarter Column. One-half Cotanta One Column ......... . 4 Mr month $ .5f - U - ».<* * ».6 * W.0 Business locals writ be rk m rff«4 «t S- m o U per tin* fo r each insertion I «irai advertisements win in all casea be ekarged Entered as second-class m atter March 12, 1909 at th e post office a t Mo*¡er, Oregon, under the A c t o f March 3, 1879. VOL VI ANXIOUS MOMENTS. I f you carry an unreliable 'tim epiece, you have a good many such momenta. I f your watch needs attention bring it to us. W e can truthfully say you will be more than pleased with our work. Dependable work and satisfied custom­ ers are our beat advertisements. MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 20, 1914 I | HIGHLY PRAISED LOCAL ANO PERSONAL M. A. Mayer spent a few days 'in Portland this week. Former Resident Has Faith in Future of District A good stock o f Records for your Victrola a( Cbown’ s. H. M. West was attending to ¡business in The Dalles Tnesday. i IS NO. 3 to the party ordering «item, at legal rates, an » paid fo r before affidavits are furnished. i Nichòl & Company, And This Observer B èm g'O b- Serving, Asks Questions. W. F. LARA WA Y, The Ladies Aid Society w ill1 The following letter was re­ An •observer ‘asks. Why is 'it meet eext Wednesday with Mrs. ceived recently in respose to one that the. pupils o f tire Mosier ; written by L. A. Mathews, who | 0. G. NichoL school are not required to salute HOOD RIVER, ORE. Miss Alice Mosier came down had evidently commented favor­ the American flag, morningsaml ably on the present condition and from The Dalles to spend Sun- j evenings, as it floats > over the future prospects o f the Mosier day with her father. school grounds. WhAt is the M o s ie r - ^O r e g o n W IW W IM S IW H i district. The writer, R. M. W. S. Moss and family and flag there for, if not to teach' Ross, a former resident o f Mo- Jack Graham spent a few days patriotism to the child —to incul­ sier, still has property interests ! in Portland this week. cate in the pupil a love and rev­ here and has a lively interest in F. W. Wilson, o f The Dalles, erence for his country and his I JEWELER OPTICIAN the prosperity and advancement was down yesterday looking- a f­ country’ s flag? Also, the same of 'this section, as is evident observer asks, why is the fire ter his-ranch interests. from bis letter, part o f which drill not practiced’ regularly, as Eyes Tested, Glasses Fitted, Watches, docks, Mrs. T. W. DeBussey and Miss we here quote’. required by law? So far as can > Jewelry, Sterling Silverware, Cut Glass Irene Fisher were Monday after­ " I am very glad to hear such he learned, there have been hut. £ Twenty years Experience. noon visitors in Hood River. good news -of Mosier. I have two or three fire drills since the X I grind my own Lenses. A PO PU LAR CONFECTION­ Mr. and Mrs. H. ‘M. Scearce beginning o f the -school term, i never had any doubt about the ERY STORE, and daughter Caroline, were intrinsic values'of Mosier prop­ last September. There may be ^ The Dalles, Oregon. Phone Blank 711 where the most deliciona candies cAn erty nor that they would ulti­ visitors in The Dalles on Wed­ good' reason for this, but it is not be procured, is always a source of mately be shown. 'I feel that nesday. in accordance with the school attraction to the g irl with a-swefct the district will make a mistake, Miss Effie Wright returned law, which states that each tootli, which is-the reniou* fo r ' the however, if the growers do not home Monday from a three school having an average daily demand upon us at all tiVnea. -Ev­ arrange to maintain an exhibit months’ visit with relatives in I attendance o f 50 or more pupils, eryone that likes rich and luscious chocolates, dainty marshmallow«, at Frisco next year, at least un­ the valley. shall devote not less that thirty line bon-bons and cream caramels, til the middle o f the summer, minutes in each month “ to in- ■made from high grade and pure in­ C. H. Davenport w en tto P o rt-1 , . .. showing apples raised in 1914 struct, and train the pupils, by gredients, always llnd their way to The "Market of Quality and not kept in cold storage. It land Wednesday morning to visit means o f drills, so that they may, “ T ab O aks .” would be seen by hundreds o f his w ife whose condition is slow­ in sudden emergency, be able to S. K. FRANCISCO. thousands of people and I doubt ly improving, leave the building in the shortest P roprietor “ T FlE O A K S .” Men’s Easter Bonnets, new possible time and without confu­ ■very seriously whether there would be another exhibit-of sim- tones just arrived. You should sion or panic.” 'It. is very im­ Complete Tine o f Choice Meats Fish lar character. Any man seeing •get a “ new lid” now. Strauss, portant that pupils, particularly and Provisions, Salt and Cured such a display and having any i N ew Caps, too. the younger ones, should have a Meats. Highest market price paid leanings toward horticulture Emile Sundborg, a former thorough knowledge o f the fire for cilice veal and poultry. would certainly look up a district I resident of this district, came up drill, as it has been proven times that could produce that class of from Portland Wednesday to without number that many lives Headquarters for high grade merchandise and •fruit before investing very heav­ j spend a few days. our prices are very templing have lieen saved in school house ily anywhere else. When you fires by the promptness and e f­ I Ernest Evans and family re­ get a chance, talk it up.” ficiency with which the pupils This is a proposition winch it turned last Friday from Uma- put their knowledge of the fire The Dalles, Oregon 101 E. Third Street behooves every fruitgrower, ev­ i tilla where they spent the past drill to'the test. ery farmer, the fruit growers ! four or five mortths. i association, the local grange, the Hats made over and re-trimmed Sells Last o f 1913 Crop business ;men, the commercial i by Mrs. Ila F. Smith, tire Hood understand (hat the last 'cldb and every resident in the River Milliner. In Mosier March car fif the 1913 crop o f apples in district to agitate-and keep agi­ 24th for five days. the Mosier district was ¿'nipped ¿Before you make your spring purchases call tating ‘ until definite and satis­ and inspect our stock. We will prepay freight Chas. Abernathy and family, out t^is week. They were Ben factory arrangements are made o f Portland, hwve'beon visiting Davis and were: sold by ‘ Dr. • v>n. pm chases shipped tv Mosier. for a creditable display of fruits ! the past week on the ranch with Robinson a t«-v e ry satisfactory We^carry in stock the best pianos on tthe o f the Mosier District at the 1915 Gerald Wyss and family. price. on the market, such as Knobe, Fischer, Fair. Vose, Hobart M. Cable, Kohler & Chase, Ww, N. Akers arrived Sunday i „ , "* Kohler & Campbell. $50 less than Port­ night from Portland and will Sanitary Improvements Wedded in Mosier land prices. Also Pianolas erf the same spend the summer here looking L Larrih ha(s imd'installed this makes. Small payments and easy terms. A quiet but beautiful wedding after-the work on-the ranch. week a modern sanitary toilet •Old instruments taken in exchange. -Call and septic tank on his premises. was sólemnized last Saturday lib Hast Second St. The'Dalles, Öre and inspect our goods. Frank Howard, o f Hood River, J. E. Higley’ anti'F. S.’ Goss are evening at 8 o ’ clock at the resi­ ■ ■ ■ ■ M ir a Oiegon I dence o f the bride’ s brother, R. and E. R. Cole, 'rtf Portland, doing a first dass'joh and they Hood River supervising foreman, of the eo Higlev Mrs. Frank Page and her two 'issue, and<-at once itecumes oper­ and Hans Kollandsnnl were ¡children, who have spent the ative and would suggest that visitors at Hood River last Sat- winter in Portland, returned to everyone secure and preserve a urday'fcfternoon Mcrtier the first o f the week and copy o f the Bulletin containing E. M. Strauss was in Portland on Tuesday, in company with said ordinance lliat he may be­ Monday buying noveities for the Dr. Robinson, Mrs. Page minimum amount of silks, Tango pumps, Tango neck­ ------- feed. This can lie successful!'.’ done laces, et«.. will be ¡here Satur­ For Sale Candidate for Sheriff only by the use of feed of highest day. Strauss. •Thirty acres of unimproved To (he Voters of Wasco County: quality. Such'feed enn la* had from Wedtiesfiay, March 25th, TON) fruit land. Ivies IteautifuHj I hereby announce that I will extra votes with purcht*»- of and with practically no waste be a candidate for the Demo­ each 50c worth-rtf bacon or ham; land. I .ocaled a few rods west cratic nomination for the office •5U0 i*\tra extra votes with each nf ' ‘Buena Vista 'Orchards.” o f Sheriff o f Wasco county at purchase o f 25r or over -in sar­ Por particules adtfrevs II. A. the May primaries, subject to dines. salmon, scrimp, etc. Rretz, 401 N Blackstone Street, -the will o f the voters o f the Strauss. Jackson. Mich. th 20 8t ‘ county. I f nominated and elert- : Flour, Feed, '.Groceries .and Furnishing (Goods { Dr. George F. Newhouse Peoples Meat Market We are Recognized Phillips Piano House Fletcher Furniture C o . Inc. r I The Plymouth Clothing Store TUMA-LUM ì Stienbloch Clothing Chloss Bros. Clothing Florsheim Shoes i ! J i Our Suits are Guaranteed and our Prices are Right Your car fare paid if you buy a suit. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. ORE. ) MOSIER JOE COHEN The Stock Owner’s Aim Buy Your Next Suit at Rice & McCoy li. M. WEST The Dalles, Ore. You will be assured a satisfactory fit ami service ed d promise to discharge ’tne iluties'nf the office'to llie’hest of my ability ami in an economical a ’ as possible, anil will enforce the laws insofar as they apply to the*office o f Sheriff. J. M. P atis o n . Paid AdvvrtwnMoit. Well Digging M m finery. Don't haul water when vOG'Cfcn have a well dog on your place at a nominal r»mt. I willuruaranlee ’to get you water for <50.‘Inquire at Bulletin office. G ij -: n F . - S h a w Mrs. Ila F. Smith, o f Hood River, will Ite in Muster Mr.nth 24th with a stock n? new Spring Millinery, at ivaw irnMe prices. Will also trim or re-make hats. Rooms at Mrs. T W DuBusstv’ s Hay, Grain, Mil-' Peed 5] Agent for DU 1'UN I T’oi,s:tfr Mosier. - 'O r e g o n g