Supplement to Mosier Bulletin FRIDAY MARCH 13, 1914 J. E. Cole and little son were seventy-five thousand miles and ¡visitors at the county seat last still on the road. The Ford is J Tuesday. the universal car. Call Mr. Fisher at his expense at the New neck fixings for ladies, Try our 23c hams. —Strauss. j new rufflings, new Flaxon dress Mosier Hotel. Full demonstra­ Buy a Ford and enjoy J. M. Mosier transacted busi­ | goods this week. Trade at the tions. ness in the Dalles Wednesday. ¡store where new goods come life. Perhaps you have not regis­ 'every day. Strauss. tered. Better do it now, lest The Misses Bess and Grace Mrs. Ila Millinery. of Hood you forget. ¡Taylor arrived from Cape Horn, River, will be F. in Smith, Mosier March Wash., yesterday and will visit Messrs. J. P. and J. M. Car- lover Sunday with their brother, 24th with a stock of new Spring roll were visitors in Portland the R. J. Taylor and family. Millinery, at reasonable prices. first of the week. Lloyd Powers went to Hood Mrs Jas. Cherry, Mrs. Amelia Will also trim or ^e-make hats. River yesterday afternoon to Middleswart, Miss Irene Fisher; Correction. consult an eye specialist. and Frank Middleswart were To the A Editor; It now seems Ed F. Reeves came up from i visitors in Hood River Wednes­ that there was a misunderstand­ Portland on Monday and spent day afternoon. ing in regard to my statement several days on the ranch. in last weeks issue of the Bulle­ going to Hood River tin. I did not mean to imply Mrs. W. C. Vensel, Mrs. Maud last Mosierites Saturday afternoon were: that it was the orchestra’s fault Wilcox and Miss Ruth Clement Mrs. R. J. Taylor, Mrs. J. K. that was no dancing at the visited in Hood River Monday McGregor, Mrs. Moss, Nellie recent there Commercial banquet afternoon. and Gertie Proctor, Hans Kol- They were perfectly Club willing to landsrud, Frank Ginger, C. T. Men’s slip-over night shirts; Bennett, A Grosser. donate their services for enter­ new shirts, new collars, with I tainment of those present. W. long points in front, just re-1 Dr. J. E. Anderson’s an­ E. Chown. ceived. Strauss. nouncement as a candidate to himself as representa­ E. B. Wood, of Portland, spent J. N. Mosier returned home succeed tive from 29th district, ap­ several hours here last Sunday last. Friday from Portland,where pears in this the issue. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. he served for forty days on the | son’s record has been I)r. clean Ander­ Geo. Wood. and federal grand jury. satisfactory to his constituents Dr. C. A. Macrurn came up and he is entitled to re-election. H. G . K IB B E E from Portland Wednesday and invitation is extend­ will remain on his ranch the rest ed A to general the ladies of Mosier and of the year. Mrs. Macrurn will vicinity to meet at the public N O T A R Y P U B L IC join him here later. library on Saturday afternoon, A number of O-W. R. & N. March 14, for the purpose of m o s ie r - - - O r e g o n a ladies’ auxiliary officials, including President Far­ organizing to the Mosier Commercial Club, rell, Gen. Manager J. P. O’Bri­ meeting to be called at 3 o'clock en, Gen. Supt. B. E. Palmer, prompt. ADVERTISE Supt. F. L. Kuykendall, Division E. .T. Fisher, representing Engineer T. W. Saul, and sever­ IN YOUR agency for the al others, spent a short time here Walther-Williams Ford automobile is in town. Wednesday afternoon on a gen­ Speaking of the Ford car Mr. eral tour of inspection. Fisher says he driven a Ford LOCAL Home Paper