l TS. ì I , % » In the Name o f the State o f Oregon, ; Notice of Sheriff s Sale o f Real You are hereby requirni to appear Property, and answer the complaint filed against Don’ t forget this week Friday you in the above entitled suit, on or Notice is hereby given that an exe- J and Saturday sale of those fine before six weeks from the date o f the j cutiou and order o f sale was regularly FOR SALE ladies’ suits and coats. Newest first publication o f this summons, here­ I issued out o f the Circuit Court c f the A "C u ttir” flat top office desk styles and lowest prices and inafter stated, and if you fail to so ap­ .State o f Oregon for Wasco County on 5000 extra votes with each gar­ pear and answer said complaint, plain­ abd revolving chair, at a bar- i a judgment and decree given, made tiff will apply to the Court for the gum. Apply at Bulletin office. ment sold. Strauss. and rendered therein on the 10th day relief prayed for in his complaint, to- i o f February, 1914, in a cause therein n*5 3t wit: j pending wherein Edward Ball was SUMMONS For a judgment against the defend­ plaintiff and George Powell and Minnie ; FOR SALE In th<- Justice Court for »Mosier Pre­ , Powell, husband and wife, were de- cinct, state o f Oregon, Wasco county. ants Edwin J. Arrington and Fidelia B. Rutherford, for the sum o f Twelve 1 fendants, which said execution and ; W. L>. Mathews, Eight head of good young Hundred Dollars, together with inter­ I order o f sal" is to m e directed and was j Plaintiff, est thereon from October 14, 1912, at delivered to me, ami commands me to vs w*ork mules, weighing from 1100 tbe rate o f ten per cent per annum, sell the property hereinafter described t6 1300 lbs. For particulars, in-; W. M. Thurston, Defendant for One Hundred and Fifty Dollars at­ for the purpose o f satisfying the ju dg­ quire of F. C. C l a u s e n . The To W. M. Thurston, Defendant: torney’ s fees, and for plaintiff's costs ment and decree in said cause, namely, In the name o f the State o f Oregon, and disbursements o f suit made and for the sum o f $750.00 with, interest Dalles, Ore; mB-m you are hereby requited to appear and thereon from the 21th day o f January, answer tbe complaint o f the plaintiff expended herein. ; 1914, at the rate o f 8 per cent per an­ in the above entitled cause, and if you ‘•'¿v 'bait And for a decree o f this Court num; for the sum o f $215.40 uccrued fait to so appear and answer in the One span geldings, weight 2800 ’ bit t above entitled action, judgment f o r 1 against the defendants, and each o f ] interest; fo r the further sum o f $100 she span marea, weight 2500 lbs. Good want thereof will be taken against them, foreclosing the said mortgage i attorney's fee; for the further sum o f you for the sum o f $107.75 and inter­ and ordering that the property therein $119.97 with Interest thereon from the workers. Inquire o f J. S train , est thereon at the rate o f 6 percent per described be sold in the manner pre­ Uwbr, Ora, annum from July 13. 1013, until paid, scribed by law for the sale o f real es­ 1 24th day o f January, 1914, at the rate for $20 attorney’ s fees and for the tate upon mortgage foreclosure, and ; o f 10 per cent; for the further sum o f costs and disbursements o f this action . : $20.50 accrued ii]terest; for the fur­ This summons is served upon you by I that the Court decree that the pro­ ther sum o f $40’ attorney’s fee; fck « and oth er bocurltieJ .... which *nid or h r rtqitroa that thuntoro­ rtimllrfW atftl frfhtrffv !.♦! t once each week for six ; d n e fi m' ain rt>vtxl rw ervr I auks ......... 7.8 w eeks. Checks «1 d b lf.w ca»)i item s .......... The dat# off the firrt publication o f dlfsh on hand l.Yi O pn-H ....................... 1 Hu» summon!) in February 27. 11*14. an♦* fV iixlunts AVID R.i»I n i. : To I'M « in J. Armiái ¡ I.’ uthi lav of Min h, 1*14 1 Al mtiMM) THOR FREE This s'artljng, unprecedented offer is from your home merchant to you. It means what it says. Don’t hesitate. Here is your easy solution o f that down - on - your - knees, • \ back-breaking, loathsome task \ that you have always dreaded. 7 _ / > ! ft. Hand!3 sa vs* buckf Wrings like a ClklnuS Wringer. ÿ[i,^ Téléphona a m a­ chine today fo r ELECTRIC WIRING S SUPPLY CO. ' IV 1 Here’s the litilo machine ifiat Si dill. has taken the d udgeryoutof A scrubhery. It does more—it Renown. Lio fastosa keeps the whole house clean. r v: Ren*,*.?rüie-' Hood River, ¡THE W ELCOM E I f SPfSIAL ©FfE8 ir S S i Scrubber under this victorious ten-day- trial plan, as here illustrated, will be given free to every purchaser. Here is a little wash- day convenience that every housekeeper will appreciate, invented and patented by a woman. Get one free with the Standup Scrubber on ten days’ trial. Get it today. Come, send or phone to £ « a Clara Kllng Clothespin Bag, The Dalles y ; 404 E 2nd St. S M .7 0 0 . 0 0 Post Cards Photo Supplies Books and Magazines Indian Goods, Curios, Mail orders solicited Expert developing and finishing 'Plie Dalles 407 E 2nd Street K f^(K 3M £fW W tW !9ft4M m i#49l IF YOU W IS H To meet yotir friends, stop at HOTEL MOSIER. GUS. WALTHER The Dalles A ll Modem and under New' Management. AUGMENTED BATH FACILITIES We are Recognized F. N. AUSTIN, Cashier. W . G. GLOYD, Prop; I Middleswart & Marsh DR. H. L. DUMBLE PHYSICIAN ANl> SURGEON ! HOOD RIVER Contractors and Builders 0 ^ 7 $ ' r1 V OREGON May I k « reached by long dis­ - , ~ v _____ r V- tance phone. Home phone 6L Before you make your spring purchases call and inspect our stock. We will prepay freight ou purchases shipped to Mosier. Mosier, Oregon m n : Will practice in M.wier and * New work a Specialty. Repair work done. Estimates furnished All work guaranteed. Phone 119 Oregon First National Bank Building An Absolute Gift! Headquarters for high grade merchandise and our prices are very tempting I ? p R in eh art Fletcher Furniture Co. Inc. ta Ufi Fast Second St. t he Dalles, Ore i h , c’A B f, : -i i-a . a S c h m id t , LAWYERS The Dalle«. Oregon Will be at. Mosier on Saturday | of each week. Any legal business entrusted to us v ill receive our careful attention. r.iiii I Our New Suits for Men Mosier j New Silks New Spring Shoes FOR SALE ap. L g h t ■agon for sale I See John Carroll. Mosier. Ore I you with the newest and !«est footwear at the lowest price than we are. Our f stock is complete in every particular, j We carry the very best brands for la- j i dies, children, m e and boys, (¿jieen Quality and American Lady Shoes for ; * Ladies; Am >riean Gentleman. Se!z Roy- i :»l Blue and white Mouse shoes for Men; *• Buster Brown and Security Shoes f«*r Girls and Bovs. Will please you. They are made rigid, of all wool tna •rial, the vefy higher! grade of workmanship, . and we s-dl them on a positive guarantee of sntis- faction. W e’ ll live up to this guaran­ tee. too. ami the manufacturer will stand right with ns. We know that they are the he.st suits made for the money ami will be very much pleased to have you rJ drop in and 1. m >k at them. You will find ail the newest weaves and styles. This is no Our silk deportine’ store is the Home o f HART, SCHAFF- ■vith all the tiewe t . w NF.R A MARX and CLO T!!CRAFT 1 in silks of ah d>- -crii io n s . Clothes. We have men’ s sails from of anything in t! • line do i 3 5 . 7 5 "P t > 5 2 5 . 0 0 this showing. ()■ r price* !•* Store 3 Fi« 1 dUht ( - l>«T*ki unti b«iik«r« A THOR Electric W a s h e r r e m o v e s all th e Mosk i Valley Bank C A P IT A L A N D Stop To It Now Don’t wait until this back­ breaking strain show s in her face and figure. PR IC E $ 1 .5 0 P O S TP A ID Storpiti» fund tfnd(\ »d«d lax«j puRi Put A • < f \ :Ì St. Louis Shoe Shop. 310 Union St. Did you ever come home to such a scene as this ? Is your wife wearing herself out at such drudgery? LfitJ Roxie R Geo. Kraus, of The Dalles, Carpenter, he foreclosed, and the real 1 visited here last Snrtday With his property therein described, to-wit: Beginning at a point eighty--80—rods 1 daughter, Mrs. .I T; Davenport. » 1’ AtJI. W. CH tf.DKRi , Attorney for Plaintiff. A Rood stock of Records for your ViciTola at Cliown’s. OREGON Poor M am m a! 4 1 5 East 2nd St. The Dalles ment and decree and the costa o f this «•• mi iity. Or.Aoni, sell at public auction to the highest bidder fur cash in hand, I ail o f the East half ( E 1*) o f the North­ east quarter (N K 'r ) and the ¡south-! west quarter |SW ', i o f the Northeast i quarter (NE.V) o f Section Thirty-five | (35) in Township Two (2) North o f Range Eleven (II) East o f the Will­ amette Meridian in Wasco county, Oregon, containing one hundred twen­ ty [I2lb| acres more or less. Dated this 10th day o f February, 1914. L evi C hristian , Sherif o f Wat on, County Oregon R IV E R . lijJL u U : Great Northern Furniture Company Got anjrmoss on your hacks?: G e o r g e C. E v a n s purchaser o f said premists in immedi­ sale, 1 will on Saturday, March 11,* P la intiff, This is good scratching weather! ate possession thereof after said sale, I 1014, at the hour o f 1:30 o ’clock p. m. vs. —get it off. Koxie It. W ill.tt, formerly Itoxie R. j ami that ekecutlon in foreclosure issue at the court house door in Wasco \ Carpenter, It. P. Willett, her Ims-1 herein; that the plaintiff have a rigiit hand. Pacific Power & Eight Com- j to he a purchaser at said sale, and that pany, a corporation, W illett. M -I the defendants, Edwin J. Arrington, Thurston, Andrew F. Lockwood, | Fidelia B. Rutherford, Hudson Land Mosier Valley Bank, a corporation, Company, Wm. L. Waters, and G. W. and John II. Coyle, Patterson, be foreclosed o f any inter­ est which they may have acquired by Defendants. To Roxie R. Willett, form er,y Roxic j virtue o f said second mortgage lierein- R. Carpenter, B. P. Willett, her hus­ Iteforc mentioned; that the defendants, band, Willett M. Thurston, ami Andrew and all persons claiming hy, through, F. Lock wood, defendants above named. - or under them, he forever barred and foreclosed o f any and all interest in In the Name of the Stale of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and , said premises, or any part thereof, ex­ answer the complaint tiled against ’ you cept the right o f redemption, and that in the above entitled suit on or before’ the plaintiff have such further relief as the expiration o f six weeks from the , to the Court may seem equitable and date o f the first publication o f tlii., ’ just. summons, exclusive o f the day o f said | You are hereby notified that this first publication and if you fail S o tir summons is served upon you by publi­ appear and answer, l'er want th ereof,' cation in the Mosier Bulletin, a weekly the plaintiff will apply to the above en­ newspaper o f general circulation, pub­ titled court for judgment o f default lished in Mosier, Wasco County, Ore­ against you, und for the relief prayed gon, by order o f this Court, made Jan­ uary 30, 1914, directing that said sum- M r in the complaint to-w it: For judgment ugalnst the def- ndant, I imms be so published for a period o f Urixie. R. Willett, formerly Roxie R. six weeks frOin the date o f the first Carpenter, for the sum o f $150(1.00. j publication thereof. The date o f the first publication o f together with interest thereon at 7 per cent per annum from Decem ber 8th. this summons is February <>, 1914, and 1012, for $150.00 attorney fees, and for the date o f the last publication is the costs and disbursements o f this March 20. 1914. a w y e r s We are going to have something very interesting to talk to you about in this paper soon. Don’ t make Furniture and Rug purchases until you have inspected our large and complete Stock. We are going to make it worth your while to trade here. ¡Vffa. J, J; Smith, of Big Eddy, NOTICE OF SUMMONS NOW TH EREFO RE, in permianee costs ami disbursements o f this suit, sfient the week end with frieridat In the Circuit Court o f the S$ate o f that plaintiff have a deficiency judg­ . o f said execution ami order o f sale, ami ih town:' ment; that the Sheriff o f Wasco Coun­ for the purpose o f satisfy ing said ju dg­ Oregon for Wasco County. l L OXFORDS & SLIPPERS it there ta not a store in t is heller able to supply " i ■nu i u t a » n We have also one of the finest assort­ ments o f new Spring Dress Goods that has ever been displayed in the "city. Come in and let us show you. New Spring Millinery This deparlment contains aM the new­ est creations in the new Spring Fads and styles and our prices are the lowest possible. We cnrrj the largest stock in the oity for y».u to choose from. Street and dress hats for Ladies, Misses and Children. Work Shirts for Men There are good values at 5Ce each. Special, your c h o i c e .,....- ... THE P A R IS FA IR , HO O D RfVER S LA R G E S T A N D B E ST STO R E 35C