LOCAL Wantéit M rs. H. E. Bailey, Mr .. J • io kpl u r. .M i . .. i 1 t'l erry. W. < G! m J Small A'éiV visitors in Hi»«nl U IP ver Moutlay afternoon. I 8 1 am : c t ‘ afr. id to do thi . gs ^ once— Ail back S'.ibs'.'ri,.- différé Utty if 1 do them !,el 1 er. : U HniH lu tho pldd HP i" SI rauss. The knife will c ¡it (lie a luv ‘ ieetpW. (ko money. Wi> ru fil prices ileep al the big sal e, but be reduce« i i toil stoc k s will This means YOU. if ><>«> have friends will be made f<>r ! his store, btraumrr niit paid up. Jurors drawn from Mosier dis­ Practical Horticulture. ti ltd' to ser <■ during ili 4 are W. T w elve yems’ e x p e r ie w in A. Iliisimnds, 'i1. ,1. ¡U cOlure, li4i>cieuh.HrHl work. I*or prun* Arthur Kuhn, C. .1. Lit tiepage, ».-rt I lard- ;ig . i U> grafting, l imisi- ' .I o i I hm , ( . G. Slollz, 1 I CK. I). < work, etc , address P. A. Kmrfi \ . l • in' ¡ i m i W rig Mosier, or leave orders at Huh C. A. McC irimr. itti in 11flice. . I •rte.*.y-c’^eaLV'm ir u tg«i«agR-i,*gar Mosier Valley Bank SU RPLUS ÎI1 .7 C O .O O DEPOSIT Yoiat SAVINGS IN A CAREFULLY M A N A G E D Sj ■ BANK. J. N. M o sier , Pres. & S' MOSIER, OREGON C A P IT A L A N D Rev. J. G. Tale preached a D r . C . H. J e n k i n s D erby S t e a r n s very interesting and practical sermon at the Immanuel DENTIST church, last Sunday evening, to L aw yers a large audience. His text was: HOOD RIVER : OREGON “ Make straight the path.” He said it was the duty of every one 1081 Office Phone. Kos. Phone 333. to so live that his life would be a H O O D R IV E R . O R E G O N ’ help, not a hindrance, to his fel­ low man. He denounced a re- I V N. A u s t i n , Cashier. How Wo Got the Gas Jet. morning as a cloak, and cast Possibly very few people know tbut 9 aside Sunday night. “ Religion,” we owe tile oiiH*wry gas Jet to tile «c said he, “ should he practiced in cklenfal use o f a woumu'a ttiimble Aftor the dinner of tbe British Com the market place and on the rnerclnl Oils association Professor Vlr Immanuel Church Notes SCHOOL NOTES street in every-day life, as tan Lewes told how ('Ice:; of Itedruth much as in ttie church.” There used to born tile Itlniuiuant straight from Hie upeu pipe and turn it off by Sunday school at it) a. m. Loll of Honor for Jan., lot id. is no'- doubt that many people plugging the pipe with some clay, Preaching service at 11:15 have been prejudiced against the t'pon one occasion tils lump of clay Primary Department. a in. Kev. Tate will preach. church by the ‘ 'loud psalm sing­ was missing, and. [licking up his wife's Joseph Minify Mainurd Artist's thimble, he put this on top of the pipe. Leslie ( anip Frances Cole The services last Su irti ay were ing and unctious prayers” o f the Mncli to bis surprise, the gas escaped Mai Camp Myron Dt-Bussey well attended, both at school and ;church lypuerile— the man who through small holes which had been Lost Carl Kor.len Itarriel Strauss' Ig»St at church; 6d being présentât serves God on the Sabbath and worn by ihe constant use o f the needfe, Vernon Moss small burning jets of gas resulting. school. Come next Sunday and the devil the ''est o f the week. From this Professor Lewes traced the On Wednesday morning, Jan. Intermediate Department. Wednesday evening, between make it 75. Such people get into the churches evolution of the gas Jet. — London 21. in Mosier-, a white male set­ Klor’-ce Overhunler Rosa Carroll Tnm-A-Lum Lumber Co. and m a» + é» -------------• just as they get into the lodges ri,ol,Ie reward for return to H. i Laura Kibbee Arta Cole The Dalles power project com there is no cue who would not store. il. Jones Mosier, or to Dtillelin I Mabel Yoiilsh To the Republican Voters of Charles Blackburn S t a n l e y K a s t m a n . m it tee will use three engineers ¡¡|te t0 be thought'better than hei office. Wasco County: Grammar Department. in investigating Five-Mile rap­ knows he is. This fact often Having served ns Deputy Sher­ ; Helen Austin Carroll Cole ids on the Columbia river to de­ acts as an incentive to try to de­ iff for the past seven years, I My first Anniversary sale starts j Grace Blackburn Blanche Ro-s stock. W. E. Boh Sleds in termine the power possibilities,1 serve tire goqd opinion of others fee! that I am thoroughly ae- Saturday, Jan. . ‘ list, finds Sat- High School. Obown. according to an announcement and has been known* Ur lead t o a quainted with the duties o f the f Emily Husbands Philip Goss Dwn’l forget the Hard Times unlay. Feb. 2 8 --fo m w eeks., made by Slate Engineer Lewis, genuine reformation. office o f Sheriff, and that la m ! bargain giving to show I appre- who is a member of the commit btdl.1 transacted capable o f conducting said office, E. B. Dunsmore ciate the fine trade this store is tee. says a Salem dispatch to the Nolice ! J. E, Cole w a s a -bttriness vis- enjoying. As I grow, so I share business in Hood River yesterday land I therefore announce inyself Portland Telegram. This com -! »¿or in Portland last Monday* afternoon. I as a candidate for Sheriff, sub­ myq mfit?* with you. Strauss. We wish to state emphatically mittee was appointed by the lastj ject to the will and wishes of Dig up your rags and tatters once more that it is absolutely, legislature and wrH report its Mark A. Mayer was a passen­ the Republican voters o f said fdr -tomorrow night. necessary for correspondents to findings to the next, ger on yesterday afternoon s L Bask . Ball Cuttle County to be expressed at the cal to Portland. sign their own names to any E. G.-Hopson, supervising en- /apR*A.' Mayer returned from The Mosier High school team 1 primary election in May, 1914, communicalion sent to this office gineer for the reclamation ser- a-'week’s sojourn-in Portland. and if elected I promise a faith- will meet the-Odell High sclioffl t'or publication, no matter what vice in Oregon, will be the sujjer- Classified the Family. Chown’s hall Saturday , ful compliance wilh Ihe duties of Lattd -¿tearing tool# o f all kinds, team at “ Every Ixxl.v In our f.-imllj-’s some the nature of the communication vising engineer, representing night. the office. kind o f ¡in nnlnml." said Bobby to tbe \tf. E. C b o w n ’- is. This is a recognized law of both the secretary o f the interior amk/.i d lady visitor TI mi hoys were beaten by this ) G l e n n 0. A l l e n . newspaperdom. It is not neces- and the committee. He has Mrs. W. T. McClure visited in “ Wbat nonsense!" sbe exclaimed. team a wdek ago and will try to, . ...... , , . , . . T n n “ Weil." replied Bobby, "mother’s a i A kk I R iver Tuesday afternoon. avenge the defeat. The Oilt-ll i s.iiry unbiiKh the H'^rmture ot recommended that L. F. Harza dear, my baby sister is mother’s little the writer- and it is often with- o f Portland be appointed to per W. A. HUSBANDS lamb. I’m the kid and dad's the goat»*' A Vootf time tomorrow night Warn is a Strong aggregation, —Dundee Advertiser held on request. But it posi- form the investigation proper B lac ksm ith YY^heYeT; AC the Hard Times”ball. and plays a clean, fast game. tively must he signed by him .; and the stale- engineer says that Horse Shoeing and General The game will he called at Shooting Through Class. Something is going to happen. A ls o .it is necessary for corre- he believes that lie will be ap- A rifle bullet may be fired through a Repair Work. 7:30 p. in. E. M. Ulmer and Trouble starts January 31-st. spondence to be in our office not pointed at the committee’s next pane of glass, making n hole the size Satisfaction guaranteed Smith will be the officials. Strauss. later than Wednesday after-1 meeting. William E. Morris of of the ball without t-rncking the glass. MOSIER - - OREGON If the glass be suspended by a thread M’rfny dainty pieces o f fancy noon. All “ ads” for change Portland has already been ap­ It will make no difl'erenee, anil the A Real Sport must be in by Tuesday noon. C^iina at Chown’s. pointed to specially represent thread will not even vibrate.—London Telegraph. the committee, and bis chief L. Lamb went to Portland last Clark, o f Parkdale, owns With the amount o f rain work, according to the state en- Simday t O ' serve as a ■ federal a Uog that is a true spotf-. The which has fallen the past week, j gineer, will be to report to the juror. ' animal is a mixture o f hull dog, ! farmers o f Oregon should rejoice j committee on the progress of the Make a dollar d o' double and blood hound and fox hound. work. in abundant crops this year. triple duty, Saturday, Jan. 31st. This dog enjoys hunting by him­ self. Recently he went out alone Strauss. A 'g o o d stock of Records for to find some game. Late in the ¡day he came home, dragging a FARMERS’ WEEK your Victrolu at Chown’s. I coyote which he had killed him- December 8 to 13, 1913 S. E. Francisco transacted j ae|f_ He hud evidently- brought' business at the county-seat-on the This will be a notable event in the coyote some distance, Tuesday. educational history o f Oregon. -as he was seen about two miles Farmer*’ Co-operation will tie the - from home with the carcass. St'P^ Goss was a -bdatriess vis leading topic o f a stimulating series of itor in Portland the first of the I I lectures. The week will be crowded w^ek. COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETING with discussions,' and demonstrations in I everything that makes for the welfare Boyd Sturgess went to Port-j ........ ! o f the farmer and home-maker. land Monday morning to visit A general invitation is hereby I relatives. I extended to all the mate citizens Poor D id yo u e v e r com e home to such a scene as this ? Is your wife w earing herself out at such drudgery? -- Put A Stop To It Now D on ’t w a it until this back­ breaking strain show s in her face and figure. AUTHOR Electric W a s h e r r e m o v e s a ll th e drudgery of washday, saves the • clothes and the expense of wash- . day help* You can try t in y o u r home for 15-DAYS FREE Telephone fo r a m a - chine today ELECTRIC WIRING & SUPPLY CO. Hood Close Competition WINTER SHORT COURSE Wm. Marsh was a business ' o f Mo8ier; “ nd to all _ old mem-. visitor at the county seat the bers of the Mosier Commercial Club, to meet at Hotel Mosier first of the week. next Monday-night, -February 2, During the sale, as always, for the purpose of electing offi­ being buck any unsatisfactory cers and transacting any other article and gut your money back, ^ bifstiFesH that may come before cheerfully, of Strauss. i the meeting. Mrs. Dick Evans and her I Every cilizen interested in the niphew, Mr. Denton, were vis-1 town and district is expected to iturs in The Dalles on Monday, j be present. This notice should serve as a personal invitation, Mrs. Alice Cherry was a vis­ Refreshments will be served. itor in Hood River Wednesday By order o f the Committee. morning. Ed F: Reeves, of Portland, The county court has appointed sp^nt a few days on his ranch, |uie following to serve as judges, near town, this week. and clerks of election in Mosier: Thos. Lelliott, Jr., who has East Mosier, G. R. Wood, chair- bfcen quite ill for the past three man: J. T. Davenport, judge: weeks, is reported to be some­ Amos Root, judge; L. Lamb, YV. A. Husbands and 11. G. Kibbee, what improved, clerks. West Mosier: C. T. Ben­ See the big bills for some sale nett, chairman; S. D. Fisher, prices. It you don’ t get yours hi the mail, ask tor one at the ^'u " M. Elliott, judge; 11. M. West, Lee Hunterand Hattie store— your store. Strauss. D. McGregor, clerks. . . Mrs. C. Cooper, o f The Dalles, Don’ t forget, voters, that you speni Sunday here this week can register at any time now. with her mother, Mrs. Sarah and you must register before MoVey. May 1 next if you would vote at Miss Nada Clark, who is now the Primary Election on May living at Hood River, is spend­ 15. We would suggest; in fact, ing a tew duys here as the guest urge that every voter be pre­ of Miss Grace tiigley. pared to give his residence in Dr. S. W. Small and H. M. section, township und range, West were passengers on Tues- ¡thus avoiding delay. This is im- day morning s local to Portland, portant. Remember, J. E. Cole January 5 to 30, 19 L4 the man who Advertises his business Increases his business. I The College has spared no effort to i make this the most compete short i coarse in its history. A Miry wide range o f courses will bx offered in General Agriculture, Horti-jlture, An­ imal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry Keeping, Mechanic Arts, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce, Forestry, and Music. Numerous lectures and discussions on F armers ’ C o - opkra - S. Oregon F. GOSS. p l u m b in g STEAM a n i > ; HOT W A T E R H EATIN G . Jobb!rig'promptly attended to. MOSIER - - OREGON IF Y O U W IS H To meet your- friends, stop at H O TEL MOSIER. A ll Modem and under New ' Management. AUGMENTED BATH FACILITIES W . G. GLOYD, Prop. FRANZ’S CATALOGUE D AV ID ROBINSON, M. D. P h y s ic ia n OF ORCHARD SPECIALTIES and S urgeon MOSIER Represents the combined tests OREGON DR. H. L. DUMBLE and investigation of hundreds o f the foremost Orchards in the country. River; First National Bank Building GOLLEGE In these days of th e THOR OREGON AGRICULTURAL I M am m a! PHYSICIAN No freaks or untried and SURGEON TION, at home and abroad, will be a tools a r e fo u n d b e tw e e n its C0V- u f i O n 1 H V F R : OREGON leading feature. Make this a pleasant v , , , , , , and profitable winter outing. No tui- ers. You may depend absolutely Will practice in Mosier and Ì tion. l ir Airommodatitfns reasonable. Re- upon the practicability o f• every- May be reached by long dis­ duoed rates on all railroads. For fur- tool shown and the Franz money ' ther information address tance phone. Home phone 61. hack guarantee is back of the Start the New Year right and quality. H. M. TF.NNANT. Registrar, Farmers’ Business Course* by Corre­ spondence without tuition. Advertise R. McFarland, with his w ife ia reKintrar for West Mosier pre- j and mother, arrived last week °inct. and H. G. Kibbee is reg­ ie take charge o f the Coleman ¡Mr^r for East Mosier precinct, j place. Judge A. S. Bennett o f T h e 1 N. P. Sturgess arrived home>I)allt>s l,as announced his inten-l Tuesday last trom Portland, ’ ‘ ¡'»n o f becoming a Candidate for where he has been under a phy- j governor. Judge Bennett is a | sician’s care for the past two staunch democrat and is well and | favorably known over a greater! months. (portion o f the state. He has! Frank Howard, with a crew many republican friends who, i t . of linemen, came up from Hood I seems, have practically promised ; River Wednesday to repair the their support, and it is predicted wires and poles on the main Mm* u,at Wich>nfeBOf 0a,,I,.ring Ihe of the P. S. Telephone Co. 1 democratic nomination are good. Cheap.— Baby’ s crib in good condition. Cali at this office. » ADVERTISE IN YOUR Home Paper M onday Our regular 10c grade o f bleached mus­ lin Hope Brand. You ail know what this is. Teu yards to a cus­ tomer. Thursday only, the yard Friday Special 5c I f you have ever worn the Shawknit Sox you will rea'ize the extra bargain there is in them at this special price. Made right, o f the best material, they are exceptional values at 25c a pair. Several different weights to select from. Three pairs to a cus­ tomer. Friday only, the pair Saturday Special 15c The most o f these are regular $1.00 val­ ues; black and colors. These .are ex­ tra big values regularly, and when you can buy them ¡,t this ridiculously low price you should got your share. 2pr. ton customer, apr. 25c Feb. 2 SHAW KNIT T U R K IS H The Dalles. Oregon W ill be at Mosier on Saturday E. A. F R A N Z CO., H O O D R IV E R , O R E . attention. Special SOX FO R Feb. 3 a S chmidt , o f each week'. Any legal business entrusted to us will receive our careful i 1 ' e d n e s d a y Feb. 4 Special TOWELS. EACH 5C These are our regular 10c values: size 34x17 inches; good weight and extra good values at 10c. T w o to a C f customer. Each....................... t '* - Special 1 PILLOW CASES. 2 1 X 35 INCHES 9C WEN. I5 C This means that you can have your choice o f our line of 45c and 50c work shirts. The biggest values in the city regularly. T w o shifts to O CTp a customer. E a c h ................. Tuesday in e h a r t LAWYERS Mail or phone orders are giv­ en prompt attention. in the Bulletin, it Pays FOR SALE Thursday Special R Sena for it Today. Con ullis, Oregon. These pillow slips are the ones that have been selling special at 121c each and are the biggest kind o f values at that; but for W ednesday, only, four to a customer, you can have them at e ach ........... . ............................ ■ I 1 | Onr buyer, Mr. M. E. McCarty, left last Mon­ day on his regular Eastern trip to per­ sonally select tbe many articles w e must have for Spring. it <> 1 . l\ 0 tlC e . Come share with us these bargains rare. Such as are found only af the Paris Fair. THE P A R IS FAIR, HOOD RIVER S LA R G E S T AN D BEST STO R E [