PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING RATES BY Professional Carda ...... ............par Math $ 1 On« square......................... “ « tj* MOSIER BULLETIN H C. KIBREE, Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION KATES « M Y « * r ....................................... * 1-s" Six Month*........................................................ 11 Three Months................................... 50 One-quarter Column................. * * Ooe-half Column.......................... “ • One Column.................................. “ • • ji Uusioees locala will be charred at I asoli | for each Insertion« Legal advertisements will in ali cassa ba i Entered as second-class matter March 12, 1909 at the post oiF.ce at Mosier, Oregon, under the A ct of March 3, 1879. ^ MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANU ARY 23, 1914 VOL. V COMMERCIAL CLUG REMO s ----------* --------- i Something New in Mosier A N X IO U S M O M E N T S . M EETING OF REPRE- t SENTATIVE CITIZENS I I I f you carry an unreliable timepiece, you have a good many such moments. I f your watch needs attention bring it 1 to us. We can truthfully say you will be Whether the idea occurred to j more than pleased with our work, him from reading the article in » Dependable work and satisfied custom- last week’s Bulletin, or whether * ,» rs are our best advertisements. Bran IS La*2BÄ a KL.V -1 i t emanated from his own fertile 1 1 XV. F. L A R A W A Y brain matters not, but to J. Iv. • j Compare them with those you have been getting and McGregor is due the credit of j J — See the Difference — HOOD RIVER, ORE. -arousing great enthusiasm in re- * Cost a trifle more, but worth it. vivin g the Commercial Club, which we stated last week was - - - either dead or indulging in a Rip financial efforts of the secretary,1 H. M. W EST Van Winkle sleep. Thru this j Dr. Robinson, unknown to prac- j gentleman’ s (Mac’ s, not Rip’ s) j tically all the members; so that j individual efforts a general in vi-1 the club has a recognized stand- tation was sent out and a major- ing in the league. A vote ot Agent for DUPONT Powder .ity of the representative citizens thanks was tendered the doctor o f the town gathered at Hotel for his unselfish interest in the Mosier last Monday night to en- welfare of Mosier. A vote of C H O W N 'S H A L L .joy a sociaUehat and smoker thanks was also given the busi- J A N U A R Y 31 . 19 1 4 and to discuss the importance of ness' men of Mosier for their By Mosier 4 Piece Orchestra *•- doing something to advance the generosity in providing the re A m agnificient prize for most P overty Stricken C haracter interests o f Mosier District, past, and to Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd, Covers were laid for 26 guests J o f the hotel, for their kindness j Tickets - - and nearly every place was oc- in tendering the use o f the din- cupied. A few o f those present ing room and for their personal THAT NEW SPAPER LAW AGAIN were self-styled “ outsiders,” efforts in helping to make the but they were men who have, affair a pleasant one and long to temporarily at least, cast their he remembered as the occasion We are again 'reproducing this lot with us and they appeared as of the new birth, or resurrection article for the benefit o f some of much interested as the others. o f the Commercial Club. our subscribers who are some The lunch, which was excel-; It was decided to hold another what negligent about paying lent and was contributed by the meeting two weeks from last j their back subscriptions, and we j business men of the town and Monday night and open the earnestly request that you send * served in excellent taste by the books for membership, complete j or bring in your arrears without j I host and hostess o f the hotel, j the organization and map out delay. I f you have kept your if E. A R a c e . m g r . •was presided over by the m oving! a plan o f work for the future. I t ! receipt for the last payment, you 5 spirit, Mr. McGregor, as toast- was also decided that Mr. Me- know how much you owe. I f I ORE. M O S IE R master, Mr. McGregor stated Gregor hold the office o f presi- you haven’ t, you can easily find ,< *- *- .« *- -« »* that the object of the meeting | dent pro .« V .»»• tern, pending the out by inquiry at this office. 'was primarily to get together return of the regularly, elected We do not anticipate and have an old time love president, J. N. Mosier. NO 33. feast— a communion o f kindred The meeting broke up at a believe there are no “ dead beats’ R E P O R T H. G. KIBBEE souls with common interests. late hour and every one present on our list, and that our delin Of the condition o f the A fte r a few forceful and well felt that he had given and re quent subscribers have merelj MOSIER V A L L E Y B A N K ..timed remarks, he called on the ceived much good by attending. forgotten when their subscrip tions expire, or have been neg A t Mosier. in the State of Oregon, assembled guests in turn for an at the close o f business, Jan. 13th | N O T A R Y P U B L IC ligent about attending to it. expression o f their views. As i 1914: NOT ICE T O VOTERS have trusted our subscribers, the talk went round the table just as we have been trusted, the men began to warm up to D O LLA R S CTS All voters are required to reg but if they don’t "come thru” ! RESOURCES the subject and some were so en -!. Loans and discounts.......................... ..144.023 itf M o s i e r O r ego n ister. This means YOU. All foi- how in thunder can we “ make Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.... 1 02 thused that they spoke several ! Bonds and warrants.......................... . 2.1C2 00 mer registrations are invalid. good?” I t ’ s simply a ma times. Enthusiasm grew until Stocks and other securities................. 20 00 I ■ 1912 registration was ineffective yFurniture and fixtures....................... 1,625 00 j the motion was made to revive after January 1st, 1913, and the other fellow .” So Come thru— Other real estate owned.................... . 1,000 00 the Commercial Club and pre Due from banks (not reserve Laplv s) .. .. 1913 registration law was de we need the money. Due from approved reserve banks...... .. 8,621 89 pare for a campaign o f publicity, •• clared unconstitutional by the whieh every one admitted was The supreme court o f the Cash on hand...................................... .. 2.148 91 Supreme Court o f the State of 87 92 much needed. Various methods United States recently made a | Other resources (Premium oil Bondi.). 32 B0 Oregon, so if you wish to vote for accomplishing- this publicity ance makes T d t a i . .................... .$59,662 60 ! The Tombstone were discussed, but all action at any election held in the future j ^ ’e" suhscUber who takes his i you will have to register, i he | was left to the near future, or paper out of the post office and L IA B IL IT IE S DO LI ARS CTS 1 j registration books will l>e j M an -until the club was thoroughly refuses to pay the subscription, | Capital stock paid in .......................... $10,000 00 1 ! open until the 1st day of May 1,700 00 j a reorganized. It was decided, | guilty of felony and as liable to ' Surplus fund...................................... V can supply you with any Undivided profits, less expenses and next. All electors living in however, that immediate steps arrest as any other who defrauds i taxes paid...................................... 2? G * ! Dalles City or in precincts that 245 00 ! ! thing in this line at most should be taken to keep in close ! says the Olympia Independent. ! Dividends unpaid................................ Due to banks and bankers.................. ». I are partly in Dalles City must •touch with the movement for reasonable prices. Postal saving's bank deposits.............. . 1.128 ::7 [ register at the County Clerk’ s Individual deposits subject to check... 44,ri! L-1 the Columbia Highway and to office. All electors living out t.he U. S. supreme court decision Demand certificates o f deposit.......... have some one represent Mosier’s ; TRY H IM A N D checks outstanding'.............. 175 00 ! side o f Dalles City may register regarding delinquent subscrip Cashier's Time certificates o f deposit................. . 1,670 64 ! Interests at the road meetings. at the County Court House or tions and is published as a mat B E CONVINCED T h e re are many matters o f im-, ... „ . , . . T o t a i ..................... $59,662 50 ' ter of information for all those portance to Mosier which w ifi! Wlth register in their respec- who are subscribers to news The Dulles S T A T E OF OK EGON, Oregon b e t a k e n u p i n d u e t i m e . T h e ! tlVepreC,nc,S- papers: C O U N TY OF WASCO, SS. first and main thing is to get the ! I f you are not registered on N. Austin, Cashier j 1. Subscribers who do not o f the above-named bank, I. do solemnly -wear that; club in good working order, and ° tr before the registration books give express notice to the con the above statement is true to the bent o f my j I f the enthusiasm evinced at close you may swear in your trary are considered as wishing knowledge and belief. F. N . A u s t in , CuoLier. -Monday night’ s meeting is any vote or. election day, but it will to renew their subscription. SUM M ONS. C O RREC T- Atteftl. 1 greatly facilitate matters if you indication, much good may he J. N. M< ’ eh , J . P. C a r r o l l , D axij K o p i . v on 2. Subscribers -Dir e c t . « , ordering the ■expected to accrue to the people register and save you lots of «•• Court o f the* State of Subscrib 'd an-J «worn to before me this 17th I discontinuance of their periodi- day o f January 1914. of Mosier District. I f th e re a r e '’ trouble o f getting some one to ! Wasco County. publisher may continue 11 G. Krnni K Ou any drones, they will he bene sign up for you on election day. ,0 F ake , [Heal] Notary Public j 1 1 <> send it until ail arrearage has Plaintiff, fited in spite of themselves. For SO REGISTER. DO I I NOW been paid. vs. the past five years we have been Y’ OU FOI’ GFT I i » a R. L ari ., Notice to the Public. 3. I f subscribers neglect or harping on the necessity for Defendant. The two h'liding magazine« o f L. B. Fox, ¡refuse to take their periodical unanimity o f feeling and action In the*name of the St ate of Oregon, Pacific Coat<t, the Pac I île .Moi ithly and County Clerk.; from the postoffice, the., are re- I f we extiect to accomplish any the SmiBet, have he■en conISIllillRll d You are hereh r cqilirec:1 to app< ar and ________ sponsible until they settle their under the fiitle o f **Sunset ti; 1 » Facilii* a:;« wer th.L* cor y thing for ourselves. There has; np! ait it fi)'ed-agaiinst you bill and order their paper dis Monthly. ” in I hn al «. tit li el iS.jit 0*1 or be- lieen a sad lack o f it in this little PHONE SERYÎGL INTERRUPTED continued. I t is the intention o f the publisher for*• the :Lìrici ! t\ny’ cif 1'e hr Un r y, 1914. town. We all have o n i - likes and > 4. I f subscribers move 4o to sj»are no money noi• effort to make aril if you fail lo HO ai>p<car and answer ■dislikes, our personal differences td *.erw'Irti* t ♦ to, th. f * plain* The exceedingly wet snow other places without informing Sunset-the Pacific M<>uth!y a credit to "which too often we let interfere ant neh mi)r.wer or storm which struck town Tues- ¡the publisher and papers are the West mi id a niaua zine of national ti I, i othc-r pfea or fili fieni Ance, \ vili aft- •with our own and, naturally, value and ini/ortance. day .right caused considerable sent to farmer address, ply to tiie cou • t for Ih»8 r. lief prayed iscrih- our neighbor’s, interests. But 1 o intr« mi» it to new re; we damage to the phone wires i era are responsible. f«»r in iiis t dai nt, U ì - will make ti filllnwil 6p< ci al riferì after all they are trivial; thej throughout the district, break F<i»r a cl» • a;mi jj.r foment herein. Send i>0e in we «tamps, a¡tal will put 5. Courts have decided that amount to so little in the sum of ing wires and upsetting poles. your name imi our sut.;serif tiot 1 list for : adjrMitin* ond dee•ri» fina that th;c bonds refusing periodicals from the life and should not influence our Service was interrupted all over e «xisl tiiiK *»•- ri t the next four mont)is, and will semi o f 1 muti inM>ny actions or efforts for the com town and into the country. The office ormovlngand leu ring t.hei you a free **r»py o f th* isunerhly' Piostra tv;e en piaini iff arid defe■ndant he for- uncalled for is prima facia evi ted Mid-Wli ti r numtii r, and il Iso eveir (listfol V'«*d mon good. With the reawaken ;d ih at the i[duintiff lain on Wednesday was so in Gusto !y o f the n.ino deuce o f intention to defraud. ing o f a spirit of progress among cessant that little repair work 4 i it* and d f fondant,. tu <1 il our citizens and the revival of could t>e done and business was .6. I f subscribers pay in ad- pnd Ocorifp F r!, ni fui ; vance they are bound to give the commercial club, and the ni furili# r relis*f a . i t demoralized. notice at the end o f time if they e irnest desire evidenced to do r* m < er to I Jo not want to continue taking some good for ourselves and for - ib ¿e&li'tokftl i.i H« To keep in touch with th it, otherwise t hr I'M Olliers, we cannot help hut re- ■Xtiai noi unt> politimi nows, onr r«•ed auith> «r^é'l to send it joice in the individuai an n V) ! * ! ^ J*r c*. r)ç11 ' nnmity prosperity u liieh is eer- ers will do vv.dl to V’Rtch ti ieñp m »V ittico Ria with icolumns ^ach weeb». Iflc-rr nr r ti 1 <. : 1 Ç -*• f[iresfi tain to come. -• i. iiieiii ..4 s•?:ik i » tho pufdi.iher. scrap it tranufiired durili g the meet- : Itrcspects of a Hvi night ha and it re- ¡ ing Monday night thal tits corn- the office o f Sheriff during t. A CompJiíJt t i Case. mereiai club, consult» rod defunct ported that at least tliree ca 1 Mil* j “Oroiv.dh•r strays look* norri*<: date Ihr» The j Why lìm i it he tJbtzik of rombiti>t,R A t the by nr st o f our citiztuns, had Ix-en dates will enter th p rpc»o 1 . f ’ kept in the list o f the con mereiai announcement of (jleon A! 'en. pT»f*R>hiv Veil, h* • ¡4is »Hriisf-rf kl* ' *** r» fi : ru nwet Ti u» c'ubs of Oregon a <1 on th»- Ore- v/ho is well know n 1 irre. li*» i-'rèi» m ve i Hiofk-V AU gon Development IÆr'.JfUC StR- in this issue and t to doubt the Jiarery by the |^*r•sonai and others will appear.« K>IK , vt r , A R TIMES BALL $1.00 Hay, Contentment Middlings Shorts line o f Underwear and Sweater C oats-direct from the whole sale house. We believe in and p ra c tic e:-A reasonable price on new goods. No price on second hand goods, for N o contention for satisfaction i f you buy o f our new there are none in our stock. Grain, Mill Feed Mosier, paid for before affidavits are furnished. Satisfaction O ld Fashion Mill Feed w n lo E.e party ordering them, at legal ml NO. 47 Nichol & Co,, O re g o n Stute where' Service and Satisfaction are the Rock Springs ! Classmates. M o s ie r O regon COAL M AKING A N OFFER o f a box o f our high grade chocolates, bon bons, etc., in volves no risk o f refusal. The box is so dainty, the candy it contains so tempting that ,no girl under 90 would think of declining such an offer. And once the candy is tasted you couldn’ t take back your offer under any circumstances. Try Tum-A-Lum Lum ber Co. I l Ì it. S. E. F R A N C IS C O , Proprietor “ TH E O AK S.” / p i t i » L . CO M INI ------- ------- No Bugaboos Down Cellar Children can save you many tedious steps; but the tired- cst mother hates to send a child into a dark cellar, and children dislike to go there. No cellar need be dark now-a-days, to terrify children and worry older people. A ray of sunshine from an Edt non M azda Lamp conveniently located in the cellar-way will brighten the durkest cellar at the mere touch of a switch. The* new low'wattage Edison M azda Lamp* « r e the most eco nomical lamp* for cellar-ways, halls, rloscta and other parts of the house which need light only intermittently fer brie# periods at a time. T ry a few and realise their opnVenience. Pacific Power & L ight Co. •’A L W A Y S A T Y O U R S E R V IC E .” DRUGS? $11.080 ¡OBERI SURE oUt, u package tuidrenHed lo a locai 1 Although il* tiiil* bave noi lieen giyen t ul li eoiitmnivK £71,000 in IJ. S. Treaa- N o w th a t it is p ossib le to. pond u fj unte« w»s tal.»- ami a package o f merchant! ist ì by Parcels Post, we ••»;■• m * atc aiil» te i. The auhstitu- t i \ ai a t. timi «f (.ut tilt Ih* package suggest tinut should yon i e«’ 1 ■■ la il th" .. !». vheu lite enahier anything in the ’.v::;, :,f lYe ( ! ip- » hun- te of “ Lati’ ' magasi iuta i «tarlei! t . ri .vi «I me e f thè atuff tions fili-'i1, i m ! e» carne Miii't r -1 — tt-*t»s.t e agraed ¡cines, l id e».i seed to ¡th thè batik in ( tuia to It.ake up the ai if Ih» \ k » ii M |! i .vb:iii ■>* theaul» XT X>T i ÍY • k r» • rii■ l i *i ii-t o f I idi” lYir life. In or- r to ) ■ t „> i>u '•» il t ixal I unior ^pd The Drut »• si c f Hood Ris <;. » I u n f i., t esi li yoerhig truulile*, i •!'»■ »»r inali ial, «s »• v. ili agre* to il ‘ I r II fon eoe year nt th* for t!ien\ •le c; n send tht in l o , . i h » li u^ly i*\v prire o f 60 cent». Chas. you die p*. i* than you cnn yj t , 'i ii t.i.tfc ni Magamie o f Futi ia them at rw o tu a. tu reat r atikle* than any other a f M 1 OMC» TCASS* »', • txptrttCNc u V ♦ * , ' ** ÍV ^“-*v *•• * * • V i * !.. 4 V» f 1-..T * Í i r ‘ ? r 4 j r » y M «t V * :j*> 4 HÉ» ‘ffg J. «ÌM. r».,W£ i/lAMT»; *»r ■ »i tk.nn •cut f f-T * t It'cm.n tie*. S\: o* e » C . ,v - .', • V '-i f- •ffj to *< ■ *ir •*' Btífifs, ... Jt ¡ ‘i'tîtt » * fc rlTf n » h.'f»jre the Anieriean public Il i. n magaZMi* that svili keep i ti mi; ity in a good h'imor. Th* staff »" I ali! cont ir » artista, carica t i' ami s» riter» who rank among i! , t io tli» country. It ia highly i .. i ami priutei! In colora. It will ' tf •• wh«)c femite ch-crful th* uni. Yon can allori! to ap*n<t .c n .. >..rts> i.'o lina. Semi Uiia eli (>■ - F !F t Y CLNTS l day to t!»« ! ’ '»Ilrtirr^ o f I.aff! J'.irton. Ohio, for noe j -jr'» isilbacriplnw». The regolar la iv fl.O«’ , hut we are »naking thia S ■' l " t OFFRII ♦<* gei -irquatute»* :(m - 1$ T a A > JîÜtfl > j .. i S»-î W— c*» Ve f >-rtagl jf ■ ’*, i A hn * • r - » •■•J. ul! U. VlK M l i .. , * , Washbi . ■*.i I». c . •rs. b-itiijew HARD TIMES A L L JAN. Gl. 19u UIUWK S HALL,