TURKEYS, GEESE, DUCKS AND SUCKLING PIGS W ANTED War Pensions ANARCHY RULES Indian Provided by New Bill ALLEGED TRUST YIELDS TO LAWS RUBBER COLONY RAISES the DOUGH A Valuable Suggestion. “We must do something," said the president of the great railroad system, “to Increase our revenues. Can you suggest anything?” “I don’t know ot any way,” replied the treasurer, “unless you and the ----------------- chairman of the board are willing to go into vaudeville or report the Telephone & Telegraph Com- world’s championship games and turn your salaries In as gross earnings.”— Chicago Record-Herald. pany Will Dissolve. Washington, D. C.— Following is the text of the new Indian war pen­ sion bill introduced by Representative Hawley, which, if passed, will grant a Refugee Reports 137 Murders pension of $20 a month to all Indian war veterans in Western and Pacific SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, WANTED: GASES OR INDIGESTION in Venezuelan Settlement. Coast states: Veal, Pork, Poultry, hides Each “Pape’s Dlapepsin” Digests 3000 That the secretary of the interior Mothers will flnfl Mrs. Winslows Soothing the best rem edy to use fo* th e ir children NO COMMISSION CHARGED. grains food, ending all stomach Armed Band o f Drunken Rebels be, and he is hereby authorized and American Disposes o f A ll Western Byrup d u rin g th e teeth in g period. misery In five minutes. Writ* today for tuffs and our net cash price liai. directed to place on the pension roll Union Stock—Long Distance We ruarantee lair treatm ent, highest prices, and Plunder Freely and K ill A ll Can’t Escape Him. "Check by Return Mail." Give us a trial with the names of the officers and soldiers Time it! In five minutes all stom­ Service Given to Rivals. Who Oppose Them. your n est lot of produce, f. 11. Vchmals 4 Co., • On a recent examination paper In of the Indian wars of the United ............. 1 »10.000. 141 143 Fraa St_ PwtUsi Ota. ach distress will go. No indigestion, civics was this question: “If the pres­ Wai a “Ringer” at Last Election. States which occurred prior to the heartburn, sourness or belching of vice-president and all the mem­ It is not clear whether Mr. Sulzer la gas, acid, or eructations of undigested Manaos, Brazil—A motor launch has year 1880 at the rate of $20 per Washington, D. C.—Attorney Gen- ident, ot the cabinet should die, who a full member of the Bull Moose party food, no dizziness, bloating, foul arrived here with refugees from the month, upon making proof of the fact era[ McReynolds made public Saturday bers would officiate?“ or only on the waiting llsL—Washing­ Bought, sold and exchanged; engines, boilers. I breath or headache. Robert, a boy of 12, thought for etc. Send for Stock List and Prices. Pape’s Diapepsin is noted for its rubber colony of the Territori de Ara- of such service, according to such details of an agreement for reorgan­ some time, trying in vain to recall ton Post. THE J . E. MARTIN CO.. 83 1st St.. Portland. Or. ! speed in regulating upset stomachs. azona, Venezuela, telling of 173 mur­ rules and regulations as the secretary ization of the American Telephone & 1 who came next in succession. At last It is the surest, quickest stomach rem­ ders there in the last few months and of Inspiration came to him and edy in the whole world and besides it confirming stories of atrocities brought the interior may provide. Telegraph company, the ‘‘telephone) a he happy answered; “The undertaker.“— 5714^ Hours. 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. is harmless. Put an end to stomach here by Michael J. Gilleran, an Amer­ Section 2. That where there is no trust,” which will prevent litigation) Chicago Daily News. DEAFNESS or by appointment IK 5 T A N H Y R ELIEVED BY THE DID trouble forever by getting a large ican refugee who had been ordered to record of enlistment or muster into to dissolve that corporation under the DR. JOSEPH ROANE fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin be Bhot and who escaped in a canoe, the service of the United States in anti-trust act and under which compe­ In New Zealand every man out of DR M ARSHALL’S from any drug store. You realize in making the trip here through several any of the wars covered by the provis­ work has the right to demand em- j CATARRH SNUFF titive conditions would be restored in five minutes how needless it is to suf­ on work of public Improve- j miles of the Rio Negro. SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS ions of this act the record of pay by the telephone service of the entire, ployment fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any hundred meat at the prevailing rate of wages, i Refugees arriving here tell of a Scientific Treatm ent of all Acute and Chronic stomach disorder. It’s the quickest, the United States or the record o f! country and the combine will dispose P seases. Licensed Practitioner. Suite 424-6-7 surest and most harmless stomach reign of terror and anarchy in the such service, enlistment, or muster in of its holdings in the Western Union doctor in the world. rubber colony. A rebel force has been War department of the United Telegraph company. Same Rates for One or Two Persona in a Room organized under General Gonzales and the States or on file in the office of any The reorganization plan originated all who are suspected of being opposed Birthplace of Individuality. Washington Street, Corner of Twelfth. adjutant general of any of the states with the company, although it fol- THICK, GLOSSY HAIR Portland, Oregon. ( HAS. H. ROWLEY, Manager. great human qualities come to him are shot. or territories shall be accepted as full lowed many reports that a suit against FREE FROM DANDRUFF to Many 91.00, $1.50 92.00 Per Day With Bath Privileg«. »1.60. »2.00 and »2.50 Per I>.j With P r in k Bath. their best in a life of comparative The latest crimes include the mur­ satisfactory proof of such enlistment it might be filed. It was regarded by Spatial Kates by week or month. Bua to and from trains and buata. or take a Depot ear to isolation. A big tree, an oak or elm, der of eight women and four young and service; and further, where there department of justice officials as the Girlsl Try itl Hair gets soft, fluffy standing out in an open field has a girls in the rubber territory between is no record of enlistment or muster ) most striking indication offered in a Washington St. and transfer, set off at Twelfth Street. European plan. 150 outside rooms. Fireproof ltuildinfr. modem and clean in every respect. Hot and cold running w ater and both and beautiful—Get a 25 cent toughness of fiber, a spread of bougha San Fernando de Atabapo, on the into the service of the United States decade that “big business” has come telephones in every room. Single or double bedrooms. Large Parlor off Main Inbby. bottle of Danderine. and roundness of shape that la never Orinoco, and San Carlos de Rio Negro. or in the office of the adjutant general to the conclusion that it is better to in a tree that stands in the It is believed here that these women of any state or territory where the follow the Sherman law than light it. If you care for heavy hair that glis­ seen woods. So people get individuality by and were put to death because it service was performed, then other The plan met not only the approval The Imperator on a recent trip A famous optical works In Austria tens with beauty and Is radiant with being much alone. They become self- was girls they would escape and adequate proof may be made of the of thq attorney general and his chief brought safely across the Atlantic is using ultra-violet rays produced by by relying on themselves. They spread feared life; has an incomparable softness and reliant 4981 persons—the greatest human arc lights, the carbons of which are to the world news of the hor­ performance of such service; Provid-1 “ trust buster,” G. C. Todd, and offi­ cargo gain clear opinions by thinking things is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. over, and thinking them out to their rors being committed carried by any seagoing Impregnated with the salts of Iron, in the colony. ed, That each such officer or soldier cials of the subsidiaries of the com­ vessel. ever Just one application doubles the necessary conclusions. They acquire It is believed they were Of these 3649 were passeng­ for examining the purity of materials members of shall have served st least 30 days in bine, but was heartily approved by ers and 1332 beauty of your hair_ besides it imme­ inflexibility of purpose by facing ob­ the families of men who already with which it deals. were crew. had such Indian wars; Provided, further, President Wilson. In a letter to Mr. diately dissolves every particle of and conquering them. The been murdered. dandruff. You can not have nice j stacles That nothing in this act shall be so McReynolds the President expressed of our country and the fath­ condition of anarchy and mur­ heavy, healthy hair if you have i pioneers as to effect a reduction in his admiration for the attitude of the of the republic were such men. der This has been brought to the attention construed dandruff. This destructive scurf robs ers the amount of pension now received by telephone company and his conviction I n G irlhood The projectors of great undertakings the hair of its lustre, its strength and j carried through triumphantly have ac­ of President Gomez, of Venezuela, but any such officer or soldier. that such conduct on the part of busi­ its very life, and if not overcome it | quired their power in this way. The no troops have been sent to oppose the ness men meant a building up of busi­ W omanhood produces a feverishness and itching of country is the natural nursery of such rebels. ness on sound and permanent lines. The women who have used the scalp; the hair roots famish, loos­ qualities. People are wanted on the The most atrocious murder was that Women Help Enforce OR Coming on the heels of the an­ en and die; then the hair falls out farms to raise corn and grow stock on May 8 last, of General Roberto Dr. Pierce’s F avorite nouncement that Postmaster General fast. Surely get a 25-cent bottle of the markets; but they are wanted Pulido and 26 men and boys at San Cold Storage Rules Burleson is interested in government M otherhood Prescription will tell you Knowlton’s Danderine from any drug for there far more for the training of Fernando. Mr. Gilleran tells a thrill­ New York—Members of the House­ ownership of telephone lines, the ac­ store and just try It. that it freed them from p ain - manhood and womanhood in moral ing story of this butchery. wives’ League will help the state tion of the department of justice took helped them over painful periods in worth, in religious sensibility, in all “ General Pulido was appointed gov­ an added significance and some offi­ Bad Bachelor Hippos. the traits of a strong, upright person­ ernor by President Gomez a few weeks health department enforce the new cials their life—and saved them many a day Assist Nature went so far as to express the Sir John Kirk and Livingstone were ality. In the future as never hereto­ before, ” he said. “ The traders wait­ cold storage regulations by .acting as opinion of anguish and misery. This tonic, in now and then, that it indicated legislation to attacked by a hippopotamus that was, fore, our cities with their multiplying ed liquid form, was devised over 40 years vrith a gentle him and tried to make terms, volunteer inspectors. The department acquire the country’s telephone busi­ no doubt, a “bachelor.” Speaking of wealth and lavish luxury are likely to but on ago for the womanly system, by R.V. he told them he would accept no has accepted their services because, it ness cathartic Dr. would not be pressed by the ad­ the hippopotami of the Chobe, Living­ need the country for that steady re­ bribery, the export taxes would was said, the law failed to provide ministration at the present session. Pierce, M. D., and has been sold ever Pierce’e Pleas- stone says that “as certain elderly newal of their better life which shall have to be that paid and that lawlessness enough inspectors for its enforcement. males are expelled from the herd they keep them from relaxing Into sensu­ and Pellets tone aince by dealers in medicine to the become soured in their temper and so ality and sinking into decay.—Atlan­ must cease. From that minute he benefit of many thousand women. up and invigor­ Currency Reform Bill misanthropic as to attack every canoe tic. was a marked man, as was General The volunteers will serve without com­ ate liver and No»—if you prefer—you can obtain Dr. that comes near them. The herd is pensation. Antonio Varella, whom President Is Passed By Senate Bierce's Favorite Prescription tablets at bowels. Be sure never dangerous except when a canoe F re e to O a r R e a d e r« Gomez had sent to the colony in charge Four women, led by Mrs. Julian Washington, D. C.—The adminis­ your druggist at $1 per box, also tn 50c passes into the midst of it when all W rite M urine you get what Eye R em edy Co., C hicago, tor of customs. Heath, head of the league, have prom­ site or send 50 one cent stampe to Dr. tration currency reform bill proposing Illu strate d E ye Book F ree. W rite all are asleep, and some of them may 48-page you ask for. ised their services. “The traders gathered about 60 men R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. for trial box. E ye T rouble an d they w ill advise strike the canoe in terror. As a rule, ab a s o to u t th Y our a revision of the financial system of In accordance with the new law the P rop er A pplication of th e M urine into a house in San Fernando and filled these animals flee the approach of Eye R em e edies the United States and the creation of In Y our S pecial C ase. Y our state health department has notified them with rum and at 7 o’clock in the man. The ‘solitaires,’ however, fre­ D ru g gist w ill tell you th a t M urine R elieves evening armed them with rifles, re­ all persons and firms retailing cold regional reserve banks to act as quent certain localities well known to Sore Eyes, S tren gth ens W eak Eyes. D oesn’t Eye P ain , and sells fo r 60c. volvers and knives and turned them storage products that they must dis­ strengthening elements in the banking GIVE “SYRUP OF FIGS” Comforts in Guest-Rooms. the Inhabitants on the banks and, like T S m ry art, I t in Soothes Your Eyes an d In B ab y 's E yes tor loose. The house in which General play prominently a card inscribed: and financial world passed the senate TO CONSTIPATED CHILD the rogue elephants, are extremely Scaly E yelids DIckefts, who traveled much and an d G ran ulation . by a vote of 64 to 34. dangerous.” Livingstone learned that Pulido had taken quarters was attack­ “Note to consumers. Cold storage Forces that had fought together for Buffered many bedrooms, gave special when attacked by one you should dive ed and the governor and 26 others food is sold here. It is a misdemean­ improvement and amendment of the regard to the equipment of the guests’ Delicious “Fruit Laxative” can't harm Gaa Found in Trees. to the bottom and keep there a few Professor apartments In his famous J. A. Ferguson of the tender little 8tomach, liver murdered in the butchery that or to sell ’cold storage food without measure to the last divided when the sleeping seconds, since the hippi soon moves Pennsylvania state college, reports • were home, Gad’s Hill. In “Charles Dickens representing it as such. Consumers and bowels. followed. off If he finds nobody on the surface. curious phenomena connected with the “ The house was plundered of all are advised to inquire of the salesman final vote came. as 1 Knew Him,” Charles Dolby re­ —London Sphere. “Each of these rooms con­ Look at the tongue, mother! If cutting of hardwood trees in the Ozark valuables and late that night a trench in each case in reference to the char­ , Following are the main features of cords: tained the most comfortable of beds, coated, mountains. Cavities near the base of was dug and the 27 bodies thrown into acter of the goods and to report in the proposed law: your little one's stomach, liver the trees are often found to contain it and covered. Among the murdered cases of misrepresentation to the state Issue of currency, guaranteed by a sofa, an easy chair, cane-bottomed and bowels Peril In ‘‘White’’ Australia. need cleansing at once. chairs—In which Mr. Dickens had gas. When these cavities are cut Into the government, based on notes and Colonization offers serious problems by the oak tie cutters of the region was the governor’s brother.” commissioner of heath.” great belief, always preferring to use When peevish, cross, listless, doesn’t bills representing commercial trans­ for the advocates of a “white Austra­ the himself—a largosized writing- sleep, eat or act naturally, or 1 b fever­ escapes with a whistling lia.” North Queensland Is within that sound, gas showing actions and backed by a gold reserve. one it to be under pres­ 380 MEN APPLY FOR table profusely supplied with paper ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has boundary of 20 degrees north and sure, and if lighted Suit Filed Against The new currency is expected to con­ envelopes of every description, sore throat, diarrhoea, full ot cold, it will burn with south of the equator in which white tract and expand to meet the varied and yellow flame. The sides of and an almost dally change of new give a teaspoonful of "California Alleged Lemon Trust men may live, but they cannot take a the faint $150 A MONTH POSITION demands of trade. containing gas are in all quill pens. There was a miniature li­ Syrup of Figs,” and In a few hours all their wives there and found families. cases cavities New York—Charges that a lemon Concentration of the bank reserves brary of books In each room, a com­ the foul, constipated waste, undigest­ and look as though So the doctor says. And the doctor seared darkened a hot iron. The popular San Francisco—Three hundred and trust exists in New York and has of the country in regional institutions fortable fire in winter, with shining ed food and sour bile gently moves has noted that whereas the first gen­ belief of with of Its little bowels without grip­ the district Is that these trees eighty by the banks and con­ copper kettle In each fireplace, and, out applicants for a single position maintained a lobby in Washington to capitalized eration of whites does well, the second are connected their roots with as wharfinger ing, and you have a well, playful child on a side table, cups, saucers, tea trolled by directors elected by the at $160 a month put in and the third lead down to the failure a subterranean through supply of natural gas, an appearance at the Lowell High reduce the tariff on lemons are made banks. again. Ask your druggist for a 60- caddy, teapot, sugar and milk.”—Lon­ cent of the fourth.—London Standard. and the land on which they grow la school bottle of “California Syrup of Creation of a market for negotiable don Tlt-Blts. took the examination held in a suit filed here by William S. commercial Ftgs,” which contains full directions valued accordingly. An examination by the and paper which forms the civil service board. It Armstrong, receiver for the Merca- bulk of the assets of the banks, where, Newfoundland Is now regarded as for babies, of the gas collected from a cotton­ was the state biggest examination yet held dante-Regan company, importers of in time of stress, those assets may be one of the most promising future for grown-ups. children of all ages and wood tree was made by Professor Bu- song of the university of Kansas, and by the state. of supply of petroleum within loss transformed into cash. sources it was found to be substantially the Fifteen applicants came more than fruits. the British empire. There are oil In­ Our -Earliest Mtmorlea. Armstrong seeks to recover dam­ without same as natural gas with the addition 200 miles to take the test. The aspir­ ages Establishment of from eight to for 200 miles along the west How far back in one’s life can one from the Sicula American Steam­ twelve regional banks, which will is­ dications of some free hydrogen. Professor ants included half a dozen policemen, remember? Herbert Spencer used to Ferguson believes, however, that this sea captains, marine engineers, poli­ ship company, which, he says, entered sue currency, rediscount paper and coast faint pictures of playing In the gas is the product of decomposition ticians and a sprinkling from all the into an agreement in 1911 with the centralize and mobilize the reserves of Constipation causes and seriously ag­ recall garden with a sister, a year his junior, of the heartwood of the trees.—Pitta- Fruit Importers’ union and other im­ the local banks. died at 2 years old. His most ordinary occupations. This is the season for burg Dispatch. gravates many diseases. It is thor­ who porters of lemons, to add two pence, Formation of a federal reserve board oughly vivid recollection, however, "worth cured by Dr. Pierce’a Pellets. good cheer and happi­ English money, to the freight rate on mentioning because of Its psychologi­ seven members appointed by the Tiny sugar-coated granules. Juvenile Judge Lindsay Work and the Weather. every box of lemons brought here by of cal Interest, Is that of certain results President, with final powers of control ness, but You know how doors The restless days are here. All out­ caused me by being left alone for the] line. The Mercadante-Regan Keep It Dark. Marries Working Girl company, which failed in 1912, was and supervision over the entire system. In tbe deserted kindergarten room the first In time.” us and our work be­ The nurse went out hard it is to “be merry” comes Invites a conscious effort and a bore. Chicago—Judge Ben B. Lindsey, not a member of the union or a party and locked him up alone in the house. at the settlement a little girl was It is the time when we are most in of the week when of the Juvenile Court at Den­ to the agreement, Armstrong relates, English Courts Decide when Your liver has de­ sympathy with Jerome K. Jerome In founder thumping the piano to her heart’s con­ It the was bells the of evenlug Derby were Colo., and one of the most noted but was compelled to use the steamers Woman Is Not “Person.” tent A resident looked in at the door rung, and they All were Saints' confession, as follows; “I like ver, veloped a “lazy spell.” his going all the time smiled. "Go right on, Catherine," leaders in juvenile work in the United of the Sicula American company and London—The appeal of Miss Gwy­ and work; It fascinates me. I can sit and the child suffered In loneliness. "All she said, "if you’re sure your hands through States, and Miss Henrietta Brevoort, pay the extra rate. To overcome this trouble look at it for hours. I love to keep It stepdaughter the early part ot my life, and neth Marjorie Bebb from the decision are quite clean.” of Dr. F. J. Clippert, of by me; the Idea of getting rid of it The plaintiff alleges that this extra In adult years, I never heard all right, Miss Emily,” even just try a short course of nearly breaks my heart.”—Boston Detroit, Mich., were married here tax was to be used to lobby for a re­ of the Incorporated Law society, deny­ was "Oh. the that’s "I’m being very care­ these bells without a feeling of sad­ ing her admission to the bar because ful; I'm answer, Sunday. TranscripL of the tariff on Italian lemons of coming over me."—London Pall just playing on the black ness her sex was rejected by the High Judge Lindsey met his bride several duction Mall Gazette. opposition to the efforts of the Cali­ Court. keys.”—New York Globe. Explained. months ago at a sanitarium at Battle in lemon growers, who wanted the The court adhered to the view that The more some people have the Mich. She is a Socialist and fornia An Unreliable Doctor. tariff retained. more they want, which may explain Creek, a woman is not a “ person within the 10 CENT “CA8CARET8” is referred to by her husband as “The Mr. Seabury came borne from the the secret of borrowing trouble.—Buf­ little rebel.” She has been a student IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE meaning of the solicitors’ act of office one night and told his wife he T o Pocket Villa Is Plan. falo Express. 1843,” gracefully adding the words: in a local firm of interior decorators Juarez, It will prove very helpful. It had been to see the doctor. Mex.—Advices were re­ "Doubtless the applicant is of super­ For Sick Headache, 8our Stomach, and Judge Lindsey spoke of her proud­ “He said I was all tired out,” said is fo r Poor Appetite, Nau­ Mr. Gomperm Sticks. 8luggleh Liver and Bowels—They ior education and intelligence to many Seabury, "and he thinks I ought to go ceived here that the federal army now as a "working girl.” Whatever may be said or thought ly The sea, Indigestion, Constipa­ work while you sleep. away on a fishing trip.” was performed at a at Ojinga, on the border, will soon males, but the court has nothing to do of the Hon. Samuel Gompers, he hotelby marriage tion, Biliousness and Grippe “But, of course, you don’t believe that.” a Methodist minister, and tbe march west to cut General Francisco with knows how to hold his job as well as him,” the wife. Miss Bebb is a graduate of Girton Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges­ "Why responded any man on record.—New York World. word “obey” was omitted from the Villa's rebel army off at Chihuahua. College, not?” queried Seabury, In sur­ Cambridge. tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head­ ceremony. At some point south of Juarez, it is prise. aches come from a torpid liver and said, the federal commanders plan to “Well,” said Mrs. Seabury, "you clogged bowels, which cause your didn’t Slang Finds High Friend. destroy the telegraph and railroad Car Afire; Train Speeds. have any confidence in him and thus leave Villa in a pocket. Los Angeles, Cal.—A warm indorse­ stomach to become filled with undi­ when be told me I ought to go to New London, Conn.—An express lines Villa has about 6000 men at Chihua­ ment of the use of slang, not only by gested food, which sours and ferments Europe.”—New York Times. car, heavily laden with packages, hua. He has had to maintain a guard pupils, but by teachers as well, was like garbage in a swill barrel. That'* caught fire while passing through East along 226 miles of railroad which con­ given by M. Vincent O'Shea, profes­ the first step to untold misery—Indi­ Tbe £12,000,000 worth of linen Lynne Monday. The express messen­ nect him with Is the average yearly output of 2000 soldier« whom he sor of education at the University of gestion, foul gates, bad breath, yellow which ger was driven to the outside of the left to garrison his the United would wrap the base at Juarez. skin, mental fears, everything that Is Wisconsin, in addressing the Califor­ horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret earth at the Kingdom car, where he clung, unable to notify equator seven times. nia Teachers’ association. “ Slang is tonight will give your constipated the engineer, and near collapse, until Rate Fight Is Abandoned. When a man Is sick he sends for a the train reached the New Haven rail­ Rock Island, III. — The executive the natursl development in the method bowels a thorough cleansing and doctor, when hs la 111 he summons a road station here. Virtually all the council of the Modern Woodmen of of expression of the human race and it straighten you out by morning. They physician.—Chicago News. merchandise in the car was damaged. America announced that it had aban­ should be used by teachers as well as 1 work while you sleep—a 10-cent box loss is estimated at $76,000. A doned its fight for increased rates and by pupils,” he said. Prof. O’Shes from your druggist will keep you feel­ Ask far S . S . S . and Deaf Stand h r Hm The coffin within the car, containing the that the question would not be pro­ also spoke in favor of football, and ing good for months. Everybody loves body of David Lonergan, of New posed at the National head camp meet­ declared that every boy should be “Inst as Good” Talk. taught how to box. Young Women Join Sodality. York, was badly charred. ing to be held in June at Toledo. This A class of young women were re­ ends a bitter fight that ha* been ceived tbe young ladles' sodality "When a -man ha» th s short change T here In not a m edicine for an y pu r­ Wilson Picks Place to Rest. English Dockyards Burn. waged within the society aince the in­ Gulfport, Miss. — That President of Our Into Lady fam e worked on him, he m akes a noiaa pose m ore carefully m ade than 8 8. 8. It of Lourdes Catholic Do you want to learn to play Plano, Portsmouth, England— A fierce fire creased th at brings the Fotlee. and y et th a t aam a represents the highest type of medicine. ordered at the head camp Wilson intends to spend a part of his church last night and the feast of the Organ, or Guitar. For a small m an m ay walk Into a store and have the Its medical properties are Just a s essen­ which, though restricted to a limited meeting ratea in Chicago two years ago. winter vecstion at Pass Christian, Immaculate conception will be ob­ som wo Violin will teach you “Ju st as good" gam e worked on him and tial to well balanced health. If the blood area in the dockyard here, taxed to Several month* In the church today. Masses ago the society was Miss., is indicated in a telegram re­ served be lick, a s a re the nourishing elem ents of the utmost ail the available resources enjoined by the courts A T HOME be celebrated at 6, 7 and S a m , from enforcing ceived here by Judge Hardy, from will m eats, grains, fata and sugars of our dally of the port to cope with it. The con­ the new rates. with solemn high mass at 9 a. m. The to play fourth grade music rugardleus food. 8. 8. 8. Is prepared direct from flagration started in a sail loft and Senator Vardaman, in Washington, Very Rev. A. Verhagen will be cele­ of number of lessons required. Any­ native botanical m aterial. Not a drop of requesting the judge to secure a fura- brant, tbe Rev. Robert Armstrong, one who can read can learn by ear drugs la added. Not a drop of m inerals then spread to a huge semaphore tow­ Suffragettes Burn House. ished cottage at Pass Christian suit­ deacon, and the Rev. J. Cronin, sub- method. la used. T his la one of th e m ost Import, er used for signalling warships and to an t th in g s to know and to remem bed adjacent buildings. For a time the Bath, England —An arson squad of able for occupancy by the President. ) deacon. EASIEST the militant euffragettes early Sunday The telegram further said that the) when your blood needs attention. It Is th a m oat e(Tectire, the purest, the new battleship cruiser Queen Mary, burned down a valuable house situated President intended to spend his vacs-) This year there are 3213 young wo- aad moot up-to-date system la exist­ quickest and m ost reliable medicine which was moored alongside the jetty, in extensive ground* in the vicinity tion at tbe Oerman univer­ on the Golf coast and urged that men enrolled We loan you u perfect “ T im e known for poisoned blood, rheum atism was in jeopardy from burning brands 2900 of them are Oerman young ence. b e a te r” fraa. Writ« for i catarrh al Infection, m alaria, akin disease, falling on her deck, but she was towed of this city. The place was unoceu- he not be asked to make any addressee, sities; women. old sor