PUBLISHED ADVERTISING RATES EVERY FR ID AY BY MOSIER BULLETIN H. G. KIBBEE, Proprietor St'B S C R IITlO N HATES $1.50 One Year. Six Manti»» Th ree M outh». Professional Cards.................... ..p er m o n th ! One square............................... .ft ** ** 1.00 One-quarter Column........................ ** ** !.0 i One-half Column......................... ** M 5. I t “ ** 9.00 One Column............................ Business locals w ill be charired at 5lcenta per line fo r each insertion. Legal advertisement» will in 'a l) cases'be charged generad as second-e'aas ina1:lc r March 19UÖ at the post office at Mosier, Oretroo. under the A c t o f March y Q to the party oruerin* them, at legal rates, and MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FR ID A Y, NOVEMBER 21, 1913 \ T NO. 38 paid for before attiduvit.- a ref furnished. 187Ö. Pfi V j : MV ICQ ,il J o l ull We are in iveeipi o f a letter from Judd S. I’i-H, Secretary of The Dalles Business Men’ s Asso­ ciation, which we lake pleasure h i giving publicity, as it «rives prominence to Mosier fruit, ami shows a friendly disposition on the part of our county seal neighbors to properly recognize Mosier. Mr. Fish says: “ We have received from J. M. Carroll and Titos. Henningsen, o f Mosier, two boxes o f apples that outclass anything I have seen fig; many a day. We have them in our exhibition windows, showing the location, name of grower, etc., and if more of your growers would send us any o f their products, we will gladly give them a prominent place and full credit. “ I am sure the hundreds of people who see our exhibit will well remember seeing something from Mosier,” Yours truly, J u d d S. F ish , Secy. COLOMBIA GORGE EQUALS THE RHINE. Shoot N OW Many people are not contented with their work because they are not sufficiently interested in it. Their minds wander to other things instead o f being concen­ trated on I heir rightful employ­ ment. I f they gave it more of their attention they would prob­ ably learn to love it. This fail­ ure to concentrate is one chief reason why so many young men drift from one thing to another and make a failure o f each. succeeded in laying 3U3 eggs in exactly one year. This new hen, like the former record-breaker, is a cross between the Barred Rocks and White Leghorns. Professor Dryden, in charge o f the poultry department at the college, says that no special at­ tempt, out side of the breeding, was made to secure high records. Tiie methods followed in feeding and general care were such as might he profitably followed by any farmer or owner o f poultry. The 303 eggs produced by the record-breaking hen weighed 42 pounds, or about eight times the weight o f the hen herself, and were remarkably uniform in size, shape and color. Many requests have been received at the college to place the hen on exhibition, hut on account of hergreat value as a breeder it has t>een decided that the risks are greater than the value o f the advertising. Tree x “ Farming with Dynamite” H ay - Mosier, - HERE’S TO THE OREGON HEN. A short time ago the Oregon Agricultural College announced ihe fact that a cross-bred hen bad turned out 291 eggs in her 1 rst twelve months o f usefulness. ;md stated that no other egg ma­ chine had ever liefore readied that rate o f speed. Now, the vollege announces, the original i est hen-in-the-world will have « > take a back seat, as another lid d y at the same institution has We grow some big, fine apples in this country which we think bring big prices: but we take off our hats to an English apple which was sold recently for £16 16s—something over $81 of Uncle Sam’ s money. The varie- o f the apide is not given, tail it was grown at the K in g ’s Acres Nurseries. Hereford. This may have be een bd ddr and defends! L This summon, is sei publication h, nrdi r < t i. c 1.. Bra »haw, Ju1< < title* c o u r t h o r:.» II Hi ' ! ** o t r. on Oct. 255, Ib i” am Mosier B d l . t. t • , first pu lieation will ! e* ( »ct. 3 1 , 19 13, and U last publication will 1 i r Die. 12 1913. J OWN G a v i n , it* SUMMONS In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon for Waxeo County. P kau l B. C r h w r , Plaintiff, vs. I da V* ** o —iw. «?;» To I da C riger , the above named de­ fendant; in the Name o f the State o f Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the aliove entitled suit, on or before the 5th day o f January, 1914, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the decree prayed for in her complaint, to- wit: For a decree o f the Court forever dissolving and holding for naught the Iannis o f matrimony heretofore exist­ ing between the plaintiff and the de­ fendant ami for such other relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This Summons is published in the M o s ie r B U L L E T I N , a weekly newspa­ per oCa 4 ?eneral circulation published in Wasco County, Oregon, for six ( fi) consecutive week», being seven issues thereof, in compliance with an order o f the Hon. W. L. Bradshaw. Judge o f the Cirpuif C.TJrt o f the State o f Ore- gun for Wasco County, which order is dated the I7th day o f November. 1913. and the date o f the first puIJication of thisa imraona is the 21st day o f No­ vember, 1913, and the date o f the last publication o f aummona is the 2nd day -I .m u a r y . 1911. I k e d W. W ilso n . Attorney for Plaintiff. as- / Windows, Doors M o s ie r ■ : are O regon A fine, large, beautiful DOLL will be given by the MOSIEB the and Deceoilter 23rd. This is B oo k S t o r e to the little girl under 12 years w 1 m > receives most vote» between October 1st Roofing ! I Mosier Book Store Shingles, the way that you get: For each and every purchase of five cents, one vote will he given. \ f Tum-A-Lum Come in and see for yourself. Lumber Co. / i E. A. R a c e , m g r . hi Business - . i ORE. W. F. LARA WA Y 50 ) cuts \ Hood Hiver Oregon Is a Jeweler ami Optician o f many year« experience. I f you have a “ sick time-piece, he can cure it. I f you have eye trouble, he can correct it by fitting vou with proper lenses. ‘ I f .you have jewelry o f any kind to repair, he can do it. I f you want new jewelry o f any kind, he has it. I f you want AA1 IHINO in his line, be js tin'man to consult. His prices are right and so M his work, “It Pays in the End” “ This is better than going away to the country and leaving poor hubby to sit lonely and disconsolate in a hot city hom e.” P A T R O N I Z E HliM A N D B E C O N V I N C E D OUR STRONG POINT W e handle all style* and sizes of G-E Electric Fans— The Leaders of the Market. Moat every bank has itH?strongV>int.1 Ours is Absolute Safe- ty F o r Depositors. The’strength of.a bank is measured by its resources, the quality o f its loans,»its cash reserve, and the _rnenj)ehind it. We can take oath that every loan we have is absolutely good and collectible. Every 30 days our directors examine our loans. We carry a Cash Reserve twice the amount require d hy law. We knrw we kai/c a strong Bank. We want You to know it. tLcl/Tiii^ ftlhlri Hood River. Finit Nation«! Pm I- Hut Ê3 Mosier Valley Bank F3Ô m H. G . K IB B E E * ST. M A R Y ’S ACADEM Y j T H E D A LLE S , OREGON. § BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL g For GIRLS. 9 C r ig e r , Defendant. Store where Service and Satisfaction Classmates. W IN T E R SHORT C O U R S E ’ j SOME APPLE Nichol & Co., Feed Agent for D U PO N T Powder / MOSIER ‘ ‘Sunny, romantic California has been affectionately praised by her loyal children. Why don’ t we get busy? The singular l>eau- ties and grandeur o f the lordly river and its chasms should in­ spire the artist, the poet; and what priceless material for the romancer—the coming Walter Scott of the Columbia Basin.” - N o price on second hand goods, tor there are none in our slock. Get one. Grain direct from the whole­ We believe in and practice; —A reasonable price on new goods. H. M . W E S T This will !><* a notable event in the educational history o f Oregon. Farmers’ , Co-operation will be the; leading topic o f a stimulating series o f lec tures. The week will be crowded ; witii discussions, and demonstrations in everything that makes for the welfare of the farmer and home-maker. course in its history. A >-ery wide range o f courses will he offered in General Agriculture, Horti-alture, An­ imal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry Keeping, Mechanic Artu, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce, Forestry, and Music. Numerous lectures and discussions on F ar me rs ’ C o - ope ra ­ t i o n , at home and abroad, will lie a leading feature. Make this a pleasant j and profitable winter outing. No tui­ tion. Accommodations reasonable. Re­ duced rates on all railroads. For fui- ther information address Burglars entered the store r f E. M Strauss early Wednesday morning and proceeded to make themselves at home. The} cre­ ated more or less noise in their operations and awoke the clerk, Mr. Danielsen, who lives in the rooms over the store. Mr. Dan­ ielsen turned on the light at the front o f the store, frightening the thieves away before they had time to secure anything of value. A I ter getting in through a rear window, they opened two doors, in order to make a safe get-away. It is supposed that they went to Hood River, and Marshal Carson o f that town scoured the country for them Wednesday, hut found no trace o f them. of Underv ear and Sweater Coats information on May be had for the asking. December 8 to 13, 1913 January 5 to 30, 1914 The Hood River Orchard Land Co. finished digging their 500 The .College has spared no effort to make this the most compivte short acres of potatoes Wednesday. ing? We have just received all the good things to make the meal a happy one. New crop al­ monds, walnuts, pecans, filberts, Brazils, Calimyrna figs, Fard dates, layer raisins, cranberries, cabbage and salad dressing, mince meat, citron, currants, olives, pickles, imported beaes, peas. Macedoine mushrooms, Anchovies. Remember, for all good things to eat, this is your store. Strauss. No contention for satisfaction if you buy o f our new line sale bouse. ! The lumber is on the ground fo r a new sidewalk at the school It’s all foolishness for Ameri­ house. cans to hike over to Switzerland B. E. Youmans, of Portland, to see grand scenery when we and Mr. Kibbee and family, of have the Columbia River gorge, Mosier, spent the week-end at according to Frank B. Riley, vice Ortley. president for Oregon o f the Pa­ cific Highway Association, who Rev. Jas. Elvin, o f The Dalles, defined the public value o f the will give an illustrated lecture at j Columbia River gorge in an ad­ the hall Friday, Nov. 21. dress at Portland recently. Hej The Indians who have been H. M. T E N N A N T , Registrar, said in part: digging potatoes at Qrtley, gave Corvallis, Oregon. I j “ Let's capitalize the glories of a war dance at the hall Sunday Farmers’ Business Courses by Corre-1 the Columbia gorge. There is evening. [ spondence without tuition. nothing so productive as the in­ vestment in a tourist. L e t’s all SUMMONS. The big shaft for the rock' help to divert from the pockets o f the guides and dairymen, the crusher, replacing the one brok-| In the Circuit Court o f ttie State o f truck farmers and motor drivers en a week ago, arrived Wednes-i Oregon, for Watco County. o f Switzerland some o f the four day from Milwaukee, Wis,, and O scar C, B lo w ers , hundred million o f American the crusher crew is working Plaintiff, dollars which we are leaving in night anil day to place it in posi-j V ». Europe this one summer, and tion so that, they may resume E l m a B l o w e r s , De fern! ant. which equal sum Phil Bates will work at the earliest possible mo-! tell you we are likely to leave ment. The shaft weighs tei>| In the name o f the State o f Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and until we rouse ourselves form tofis. The shaft o f the smaller1 answer the complaint filed against you crusher was also broken and it our lethargy, in the above entitled suit within six “ L et’ s save some o f that mon­ is likewise Eyeing replaced by a weeks, after personal service o f this summons upon you outside o f the State ey intended for French innkeep­ new one. o ers. See America first? Yes! Are you ready for Thanksgiv­ f Oregon, or within six weeks from i And the Columbia will do as much asany thing I know to stim­ ulate a new American apprecia­ tion o f American scenery. “ I ’ ve seen the Rhine, have floated on its tide. I ’ ve seen those steeply rising terraced vine­ yards, the quaint villages that fringe its shores. I ’ ve wound about under those ghosts of stor­ ied castles, once the abode of fncient chivalry and romance. Enchanting? Yes! But the blue portal hills above Vancouver in­ vite you to enter a region by which all otlmr river chasms of the earth must be measured. Unlike the Rhine, there is no Lorelei sitting just in her skin, with flowing hair upon a frown­ ing cliff of the Columbia, to lure the mariner to destruction. But 1 have seen modern maidens ns lovely, in costumes almost as tight as their skin, reposing on the bluffs at Chanticleer. They were not there to lure or to de­ stroy; but they were nonetheless alluring. Contentment Planting and Rejuvenating the old Orchard FARM ERS’ W EEK Oriley Items IS When the ground is dry. for An interesting book; full of valuable OREGON ftORICÜLiüBSL GOLLEGE Satisfaction FOR PA R TIC U LA R S APPLY NOTARY PUBLIC M o s ie r W. TO - - - O regon A. H U S B A N D S B l a c k , s m it h S IS T E R S U P E R IO R . Horse Shoeing and General Repair Work. IF Y O U W ISH Satisfaction guaranteed MOSIER - - OREGON To meet your friends, stop at HOTEL MOSIER. ♦ S. F. GOSS A l l M odem and under New P L U M B IN G . Management. AUGMENTED BAT H FACILITIES W . G. LLO YD , Prop. STEAM and HOT WATER !! FATING. Jobbing promptly attended lo. MOSIER - - OREGON Wanted At once— All back subscrip­ tions to the B u l l e t in paid up in exchange for receipts. We need the money. This means YOU. if you have not paid up. DR. H. E. DU MULE Electrical Appliances irake the Best Christmas Gifts PHYSICIAN amd SURGEON HOOD RIVER : OREGON Will: practice in Mosier and May lv reached by long dis Ut.itre pliuiiv, iioioe phone til. Pacific Power & L igh t Co. “Always A t Your Service.”