_ T U R K E Y S H IP P E R S Advise quick what you have for Holiday Trade. Will sell your Poultry and give you prompt and reliable service for five per cent o f gross sales. Ship your Poultry where it will be properly handled. Good salesmanship. Cold storage in building and quick returns. PEARS0N.PAGE C 0 ., Portland, Ore. The Idle Rich. SPOT CASH FOR YO U R LAKE BLIZZARD CASTS UP DEAD Shores of Superior, Huron and Erie Lined With Wrecks. I’ve not met many Idle rich— Most folks I know with money Keep on the job to take the stitch In time. But, it is funny. Just loafing 'round the village store Shipping Suffers Enormously From Assets, $30 000. 107 Front Street I've seen a lot of idle poor. Icy Grle—Property Loss Will R U B Y & CO., PO R T LA N D , O R E. Reach Into Millions. I’ve seen them sit and whittle things For hour after hour WANTED: And curse their luck with mutterings Against the Money Power. Veal, Pork, Poultry, Hides And swear the thing which kept them Chicago.—The shores of Lakes Su­ perior, Huron and Erie were strewn poor NO COMMISSION CHARGED. Wednesday with the wreckage of a Was that some other folks had more. W rite today for tacts and our net cash price list. W e guarantee fair treatment, highest prices, and three-day gale and snow storm, which “ Check by Return Mail.” Give us a trial with Their wives are taking washing in cost the lives of probably three-score your next lot o f produce, f. M. Schmelz & Co., To keep the wolf from biting. Kd-Up Capital. $10,000. 141-143 Fra* St. Partial*. Ora. While they would gather there to spin persons, turned bottom up in midlake a 300-foot steel vessel with its crew, Sad yarns about the slighting HOWARD K. PrRTON - At»aver ana Cfcomlat, ■■ Lesdville. Colorado-. Specimen prices: Gold. Which they still got from cruel fate, wrecked or grounded numerous other Silver, Lead. SI. Gold, Silver. 75e; Gold. 50c: Zino craft and caused a property loss as or Copper. SI. Mailing envelopes s id full price list Though bravely they would sit and yet unestimated, but which will run sent oa application. Control nnd Umpire work so wait. United. Reference: Qirbonate National Bank. into the millions. The full details of the storm, which And I can’t help but often think swept from the westernmost end of That all long-winded shirkers Would have less grouch and far more Lake Superior to the eastern shores of Lake Erie, became known only chink Bought, wild and exchanged: engines, boilers, when survivors began arriving in va­ sawmills, etc. Send for Stock List and Prices. If they were only workers, THE J. E. MARTIN CO., S 3 1st St_ Portland. Or. For Better Times wont strike their rious ports with tales of hardships and heroic rescues seldom equalled gait For those who’re sitting while they on the lakes. On land the storm hit hardest nt wait.—Kansas City Star. Cleveland, where five persons were killed and 10 others lost and where F r e e to O n r R e a d e r s $2,000,000 damage was caused to prop­ W rite Murine Eye Rem edy Co., C hicago, for erty. The death toll, with many ports 48-page illu strated E ye Book F ree. W rite »11 unreported, is told thus: abou t Y ou r E ye T rou ble and they w ill advise Twenty-five or 40 men probably a s to the P roper A p plica tion o f the Murine Eye Rem edies in Y o u r S p ecial Case. Y o u r drowned in the overturning of a | D ruggist w ill tell you that Murine R elieves freighter found floating in Lake Hur­ I Sore Eyes, Strengthens W eak Eyes. D oesn 't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells fo r 60c. on. Five bodies washed ashore at St. Try It In Your Eyes and In B ab y’s E yes lor Scaly E yelids and G ranulation. Joseph, on the Canadian side of Lake Huron (four had belts marked “ Wex­ Little Aids to Comfort. ford” and one wore a belt marked For excessive perspiration of the “ London” ). hands, dust with orris powder. Three bodies washed ashore on the The bath should not be taken within west shore of Lake Huron. two hours after eating. Two bodies washed ashore opposite Cutting the eyebrows and eyelashes the position of the overturned boat. results in stiff, stubby hairs. Six members of a lightship drowned When polishing the finger nails rub in Lake Erie, near Buffalo, N. Y. across, not up and down. Seven bodies washed ashore at Ket­ G IVE "SYRUP OF FIGS” Falling hair indicates some ailment tle Point, Lake Huron, and seven TO CO NSTIPATED C H ILD or depletion of the nervous system. other bodies rolling on the decks of a Grated potato applied with a piece Deliolous "Fruit Laxative" can’t harm of linen will prove a quick cure for ship wrecked there. The escapes from death were num­ tender little Stomach, liver sunburn. erous. After the storm had blown and bowels. During the extreme hot weather, away the forward part of the ship. meats, starchy foods and condiments Captain J. W. Buddleston, of the Look at the tongue, mother! If should be eaten sparingly. steamer L. C. Waldo, navigating by The bran or oatmeal bag thrown a small, inaccurate compass, ran his coated, your little one’s stomach, liver into the bath water will soften the vessel on a reef. The crew suffered and bowels need cleansing at once. water and aid the cleansing process. intense cold and hunger until their When peevish, cross, listless, doesn’t In removing wrinkles from the fore­ rescue. sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever­ head, the movement should be rotary The crew of the Turret Chief, when ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has and backward toward the temples. the ship struck the rocks in Lake Su­ sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, Constantly blinking the eyes en­ give a teaspoonful of “ California courages the little network of wrink­ perior, were forced to go ashore scant­ Syrup of Figs,” and in a few hours all les around them that are so disfigur­ ily clad. the foul, constipated waste, undigest­ ing to the face.—Woman’s National ed food and sour bile gently moves Weekly. Robbers Loot Canadian out of its little bowels without grip­ ing, and you have a well, playful child Bank of $10,000 Cash Mothers w ill And Mrs. W in slo w s Soothing again. Ask your druggist for a 60- Byrup the b est rem edy to use lo r their children cent bottle of “ California Syrup of durin g the teeth in g period. Seattle.—A special to the Post-In­ Figs,” which contains full directions telligencer from Hazelton, B. C., says for babies, children of all ages and Poor Judgment. five masked men robbed the safe of for grown-ups. William J. Burns, the detec tiva, the Union bank of New Hazelton, four proposes to train up a number of miles east of Hazelton, Wednesday, young college graduates in the detect­ obtaining $10,000, shot the cashier, Mile of Burned Railroad. and escaped after a running rifle bat­ More than a mile of burned railroad ing trade. bridge was rebuilt in 12 days this Talking about crime to a group of tle with citizens. Police and special constables are summer. It was the two-track bridge college graduate applicants for posts scouring the timber. A special Grand across Newark bay, N. J„ 6663 feet on his staff Mr. Burns said: long, including a draw 264 feet long. “It don’t take me long to decide on Trunk train was sent west in hope The fire was yet in progress when the a lad's suitability for this career. On­ of intercepting the bandits, as it was reconstruction was decided on and the ly the other day, for example, I dis­ believed they escaped down the Skee- plans got ready. Orders were given charged a Yale first honor man after na river. Cashier McQueen, returning from for 14 pile drivers, 13 marine derricks, twenty-four hours’ trial. His first dinner, surprised the robbers at work. 21 scows, two tugs, six catamarans, case proved him valueless.” five air compressors, three water “ What was his first case?” asked a One opened fire, the bullet striking boats, two derrick cars, two locomo­ Harvard oarsman. McQueen between the eyes, glancing tive trains, three switch engines, two “ Theft of a box of soap,” said Mr. downward and lodging below the eye. teams of horses, 3,000,000 feet of lum­ Burns. “Theft of a box of soap, from The wound is painful but not serious. ber and for the assembling of 1600 a freight car—and the idiot arrested The robber escaped while the cashier men.—Baltimore American. was unconscious. Citizens attracted a tramp!”—New York Herald. by the shot armed themselves and The average depth of the ocean bed Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, small, sugar- hurried to the bank Just as the rob­ is about 12,000 feet, as against the bers were leaving. The citizens open­ average land height above sea level coated, easy to take as candy, regulate ed fire on the fleeing men, who engag­ and invigorate stomach, liver and bow­ of 2300 feet. ed In a running battle until they found els and cure constipation. shelter in the timber on the edge of town. Six suspects were arrested on Too Long. Brown—I wonder if Smith would the road between Hazelton and New Hazelton. indorse my note? Jones—How long has he known you? Alleged Moving Picture Brown— A month. Jones—I’m afraid that’s too long.— A Most Important Func­ Chicago Trust Makes Fight News. tion and One to be Care­ New York.—The right of a company leasing moving picture films to supply SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, fully Guarded. GASES OR INDIG ESTIO N films without competition within a specified territory was defended by a T h e p u rp ose uf t h e kldr.eys b e in g t o i Each “ Pape’s Diapepsin” Digests 3000 member of the so-called motion pic­ filter th e blood th e q u e s tio n o f tre a tin g ture trust in the government’s suit grains food, ending all stomach su p p osed k id n ey w e a k n e ss sh ou ld b e co n ­ against the Motion Picture Patents misery in five minutes. sid ered ca refu lly . In s te a d o f d ru g s an d company, the General Film company alleged k id n ey stim u la n ts th e b e tte r p lan Is to p u rify th e b lo o d w ith a n a n tid o ta l Time it! In five minutes all stom­ and others for alleged violation of the Sherman law. Frank L. Dyer, presi­ e ffe ct such a s y o u g e t fro m B. S. S. It sh ou ld b e re m em b ered th a t th e k id ­ ach distress will go. No Indigestion, dent of the General Film company, as­ heartburn, sourness or belching of n eys a re m a d e u p o f a fine n e t w o r k o f serted that there was an element of blood vessels, an d It Is t o stim u la te th e gas, acid, or eructations of undigested speculation in moving picture making. no dizziness, bloating, foul He said: fu n ctio n a l a c t iv ity of k id n e y tissu e food, th rou g h this c a p illa r y n e t w o r k th a t breath or headache. “ It is right that one city or territory B. S. S. sh ow s on e o f Its m o s t re m a rk a b le Pape’s Diapepsin is noted for its should be supplied exclusively by one e ffe cts. speed in regulating upset stomachs. film exchange in order to prevent the T h e m ed icin a l v a lu e o f t h e co m p o n e n ts It is the surest, quickest stomach rem­ I same pictures from running at two o f S. S. S. a re re la tiv e ly Just a s v ita l to edy in the whole world and beside* It j theaters at the same time. There are h ea lth y k id n ey a c tio n as th e n u trim en t is harmless. Put an end to stomach what we call ‘moving picture fans’ o b ta in e d from gra in , m ea t, fa ts, su ga rs, o r a n y o th e r p a rt o f o u r d a lly fo o d is to trouble forever by getting a large who attend two or three shows a th e n a tu ra l r e c o n s tr u c tiv e req u irem en ts fifty-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin I night.’ o f th e tissues. A n d th e re Is o n e co m ­ from any drug store. You realize in — p on en t o f S. S. 8. w h ich se rv e s th e a c t iv e five minutes how needless It is to *uf- p u rp ose o f s tim u la tin g th e ce llu la r tissu es fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any May Remove Embargo On Arm*. o f th e k id n ey s to a h e a lth y an d ju d ic io u s stomach disorder. It’s the quickest, s e le c tio n o f its ow n essen tia l n u trim en t. Washington, D. C.—Developments surest and most harmless stomach T h u s, In ca ses o f rh eu m a tism , c y s titis , In the Mexican situation here empha­ c h r o n ic sore th ro a t, h u sk in e s s o f v o ic e , doctor In the world. sized the determination of the Wash­ b ro n c h itis , a sth m a , an d th e m y ria d o f o t h e r reflex in d ica tio n s o f w e a k k id n ey One of the largest forest nurseries ington government to refuse to recog­ a ctio n , first p u r ify y o u r b lood w ith S. 8. 8. in the United States is conducted by nize any of the acts of the new Mexi­ s o it w ill e n a b le t h e tissu es t o rs b u lld the forest service near Haugen, Mont. can congress. It also was shown that th e ir cellu la r s tr e n g th a n d re g a in th eir It is known as the Savenac nursery President Wilson was considering the n o r m a l health. question of permitting exportation of Y o u ca n g et S. 8. S. a t a n y d r u g store, and has a capacity of 4,000,000 young arms to all factions. Secretary Bryan b u t ta k e no o th e r so -ca lle d blood purifier. tree* a year. had a long conference with Senor Al- 8. S. 8 . is p u re ly a b o ta n ic a l p ro d u c t, gara, of the Mexican embassy. It Is a n d you w ill m a k e a g r e a t m is ta k e t o "What was your costume?” understood Mr. Bryan said the United h a v e so m e e n th u sia st palm o ff a m er­ "It is impossible to answer your States considered the election of con­ cu ry . a rs e n ic o r Iod ide o f p otash p rep a ra , question precisely," replied the classic gressmen as Invalid as the voting for tlo n th a t m a y d o y o u Irrep a ra b le harm . S. 3. S. Is p rep a red b y T h e S w ift S p e­ dancer. “ It simply wasn’t.” president and vice-president. E ggs, P ou ltry, H o g s, V e a l Dressed Turkeys wanted—Grade No. 1. 20 to 22c per pound; arade No. 2, 12 to 18c per pound. Dressed ducks and creese. 12 to 18c. Ship to reach us November 22 to 24. Cash by return mail. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Cleans Blood Through Kidneys c ific C o , ISO S w ift B ld g ., A tla n ta , G a., an d It you h a v e a n y d eep -sea ted o r o b ­ s tin a te b lood t r o u b le w r ite to th e ir M ed ­ i c s ! D ep a rtm en t f o r fr e e a d v ice . I t will be w o r th y o u r w h ile t o d o so. A process of using peat powder as locomotive fuel hag been perfected by a Swedish engineer. The Right W ay In All case* of DISTEMPER. PINK EYE, INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC, Of All Horses. Brood Mare*. Colt*. Stallion*, is to “ SPOH N T H E M ” On ‘.heir to n jn i« or in tho f*«d pat Spohn's Lion Id C-xnpoand. G iv eth .r-m a dy t o r .l o f t h m . Itncta on ttao b ond * rd r'.and*. It root» tho dioonoo bv expallin* tb «d ioomo« germs. It want* off tho trou­ ble. no matter how they oro "vxponod.” Afcootota- ly frea from anything injurious. A child ran oofs- IT toko it. 60 e rn u o m l 11.00; » 0 0 snd (10.00 tho soson. Sold by drnrr>**x. harrp.* doolere, or oent axproni paid by tho mon o fact o rs « . Special Agents Wanted SPOHN MEDICAL CO. Chemists and Bacteriologist* GOSHEN. IND„ U. S. A. _________ __ . ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Diaz Advise* Huerta to Quit. Paris.—General Porfirio Diaz has advised General Victoriano Huerta to retire from the presidency of Mexico. In outlining his attitude General Diaz said that In the present situation In ! relation to the United States it was not a question of whether Huerta was the best man for the presidency nor j was it a question whether the revolu-; tlonists were light or wrong; It was a question of patriotism. He counselled Huerta to renounce any feelings of personal prestige or power and thus save Mexico from a calamity. Good Record Get* Pardon. Washington, D. C.—On recommen­ dation of Senators Chamberlain and I Lane, the president pardoned William Dunbar, convicted at Portland 20 j years ago on a charge of smuggling Chinese and opium Into the United States. Dunbar jumped ball and fled to China, where be haa been living: ever since. ^RAISES the DOUGH Cabinet Backs Wilson ' Better than other powder*— In Mexican Policy producing light, dainty, whole* Washington, D. C.—President Wil­ ' tome cake* and pastries*— son’s cabinet stands firmly behind him in his efforts to force the retire­ 1 CRESCENT ment of Provisional President Huerta as a necessary step to the pacification BAKING Winchester cartridges adapted to of Mexico. For more than two hours Winchester rifles are made to get POWDER the cabinet discussed Thursday every the best possible results out of phase of the Mexicau situation. The high grade and concensus of opiuion was that the them. As the same equipment, I moderate in price — United States should not take a single f 25c lb* tin at grocers, organization « n d system are backward step in its programme to f Cr#*cant M f*. Co., Seattle employed in making all W in­ restore constitutional government in chester cartridges, it naturally Mexico. follows that Winchester cart­ It became known that all the sec­ retaries favored steps which would ridges produce the best results convince Huerta that the United in all firearms. Winchester cart­ States was in earnest in its demands. ridges are made for all calibers Some of the cabinet members recog­ and makes o f rifles, revolvers nized in the lifting of the embargo on arms a practical and perhaps early and pistols. Sold everywhere solution of the difficulty, but there W was no final decision on the point. There is a hope on the part of the Km president and Secretary Bryan that a measure so radical as permitting ex­ Ahead of His Time. A Poor Crop. portations of arms may not be re­ “ You are going to fiddle while Rome “ How's your garden coming along quired to solve the problem. in­ this year?” fluences are at work which, in the burns?” “ Yes,” replied Nero. ” My cutworms and caterpillars are opiuion of many officials, may force Write gbout your wants in this line te the early collapse of the Huerta re­ “But you can’t play the fiddle.” doing fairly well, but my potato bugs "That's all right. That fact won’t j are not flourishing.”—Kansas City gime. There is a closer understand­ F IN K E BROS. ing and more frequent communication be noticed in the moving pictures." | Journal. 183 Madison SL Portland, Oregon between the state department here and foreign governments generally than has been in evidence at any time 10 CEN T “CASCARETS” since the Mexican problem came so IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE widely international. Through ambassadors abroad and For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, through the diplomatic corps in Wash­ ington, Secretary Bryan is giving such Sluggish Liver and Bowels— They detailed information of the American work while you sleep. It is th e rig h t o f e v e ry o n e to liv e and e n jo y th e ch e e rfu l life. W e o w e policy as to leave no doubt of what f t t o ourselves and those w h o liv e w ith us to liv e the ch e e rfu l life . We» the United States wishes accomplish­ ca n n o t do so i f ill health takes h old o f us. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges­ ed. So far as 1 b known there hav* T h e w ife , m oth er and daugh ter s u ffe r in g fro m h ot flashes, nervousness» tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head­ been no direct requests for foreign j headache, backache, dragging-down feeling, or any other weakness due to disorders aches come from a torpid liver and support, but the strong intimations (o r irregularities o f the delicate female erg a ^ s -is not only a burden to herself, to her loved onee. clogged bowels, which cause your that the United States would like for­ Therm is a rem ed y. Forty years experience has proven unmi»»ak»^iy that stomach to become filled with undi­ eign nations to refrain completely from interference in the affairs of the gested food, which sours and ferments Huerta government are expected to D R . P IE R C E ’S like garbage in a swill barrel. That’B produce tangible results. the first step to untold misery—indi­ What the United States is seeking gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow is an acquiescence in its policy by skin, mental fears, everything that is the powers, such an approval to carry ^ will restore health to weukenec woi**»nkiid. For 4 0 y en re It has survived <■ prejudice, envy and malice. Solti by deaiern in medicine in liquid or tablet form. horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret with it discouragement of financial J Dr. l'ierce’s Favorite Prescription Tablets can be had o f druggist or mailed on tonight will give your constipated aid to the Huerta regime through for­ * receipt o f one-cent stamp#—fo r $1.00 or 50c size. Address R . V. Pierce, M. D „ bowels a thorough cleansing and eign channels. A few weeks of finan­ Buffalo, N. Y . straighten you out by morning. They cial isolation, it is believed by high P r . P ie rce ’* P leasan t P ellet* reg u la te a n d In v ig ora te work while you sleep—a 10-cent box officials here, will force the retire­ ato m ach , Uver a n d b o w els, S n fa r -c o a U d , tin y g ra n u les. from your druggist will keep you feel­ ment of Huerta. ing good for months. f ristol and Riñe Cartridges A sk For The Red Brand. h e C h e e r fu l L ife •Favorite P rescription Double Trespassing. Henry James, the American novel­ ist, lives at Rye, one of the Cinque ports, but recently he left Rye and took a house in the country near the estate of a millionaire Jam manufac­ turer, retired. This man, having mar­ ried an earl’s daughter, was ashamed of the trade whereby he had plied up his fortune. The jam manufacturer one day wrote Mr. James an impudent letter, vowing that it was outrageous the way the James servants were trespas­ sing on hiB grounds. Mr. James wrote back: “ Dear Sir—I am very sorry to hear that my servants have been poaching on your preserves. “ P. S.—You’ll excuse my mentioning your preserve*, won’t you?”—New York Globe. One on Glnter. Hill Lines To Build Big Docks at Astoria To accommodate the two mighty steamers that will ply between Astoria and San Francisco after January 1, 1915, the Hill railway interests plan some extensive improvements at As­ toria that will put that city distinctly on the map, and at the same time make Portland a greater seaport than ever. According to the plans for the steamship line, as announced yester­ day by James J. Hill in his speech before the Portland Transportation club, these ships will be the finest that modern marine engineers can de­ sign. To take care of the 625 feet of their length, great docks will have to be constructed. To reach the dock to transfer thereto the loads of pas­ sengers and freight, new tracks must be laid. To load tho vessels with the down coast cargoes, great derricks and craneB must be erected. It was stated at tho office of Presi­ dent Joseph H. Young of the North Bank this morning that these improve­ ments will not be undertaken for sev­ eral months, Jessie Carmichael was walking downtown In New York with his friend. Bob Glnter. Bob was puffing industriously on a fat, dark cigar and had succeeded in consuming about half of it, causing the covering to curl up with the heat. “ What in thunder are you smok­ “ Spugs” Make Plans for ing?” asked Carmichael. “A fine cigar,” replied Glnter. Nation-Wide Campaign “ Oh,” said Carmichael sadly, “ I New York.—A country-wide appeal thought it was an umbrella.”—Popu­ for the abolition of the useless Christ­ lar Magazine. mas gift and a plea for intelligent and thoughtful giving Instead were Too Inquisitive. When a local train pulled up at the voiced by Mrs. August Belmont, pres­ Scottish junction where passengers ident of the Spugs, at the opening change for Kurriemuir the porter put meeting of the 1913 campaign to be his head in the window of one of the waged by that organization against In­ sincerity, compulsion, and waste in compartments and asked: Christmas giving. “ Any on here for Kurriemuir?” There was no response and present­ At this meeting the membership rolls of the Spugs—the Society for ly the train moved on. Then an old Scotswoman remarked the Prevention of Useless Giving— were thrown open to all residents of triumphantly: “ Am for Kurriemuir, but I wouldn’t the United States who might want to tell that inquisitive idiot so when he enroll against the foolish Christmas gift. peered in !”—Washington Star. Mrs. J. Borden Harriman presided Of the 343 women patients admitted at the meeting. Mrs. Belmont was to Middlesex County (England) asy­ the orator. The original purpose of lums in the last year, 293 were house­ the society, she said, was to prevent compulsory giving by girls in stores wives or domestic servants. and factories to their employers, the Recent statistics showed 266,356 custom of collective giving, which the motorboats, valued at more than $260,- girls felt they could not afford, but which they could not avoid without 000,000, in the United States. ■ ■ "a embarrassment and positive loss of their positions. Wedding Cake I* Huge. L am en ess Sloan's Liniment Is ft speedy, reliable remedy for lameness lo horses and farm stock* Here's proof. L am tM M C o m **f had a horae sprain hi* shoulder by pulling, and he was bo lame he coaid not < arry foot at all. I got a bottle o f > r [..niment and put it on four time«, and in three days be showed no lame- neaeatall, and made a thirty mile trip beaiden." —W aifr is. Alorm/ord. Lm Sail», For Splint and Thrash * 'l have used Sloan's Liniment on a flue mare for splint and cured her. This makes the third horse I've cured. Have recommended it to my neighbors for thrurh and they ssy it isflne. I find It the beat Liniment f ever used. I keep on band fo u r Sure Colic Cure fo r my­ self and neighbor*, and I can certainly recommend it for Colic.*’—A a Smtth, McDoeumfiK Cm. SLOANS LINIMENT i* • quick, ufe remedy for pool* try roup, canker end bumble-foot Try It P ot R m . end C<»w "Sloan1, lin im e n t la the spaadtMt ■n<) ,ar«*t remedy for poultry roup nnd canker la *11 it* form*. een eri.lir for rsD k.r in the w indpipa/1—A F. Sfm.14 h f, Apr y, ti. tt. A t *B D u l m . 2S*.. *0«. * ( l OO Rand Sloan’* Booh a a H an u . Cattla, W ag, *a d P o o h r r l M a i f r a * ML EAH 1 SlOW, he, M m , I k . .. « _ New York.—Miss Jessie Wilson’s wedding cake was baked here Thurs­ day. The first layer of the cake is four Inches thick and 22 Inches across. When ready for tho knife the cake will weigh 135 pounds, and will be two and one-half feet tall, Including the vase of white orchids to be placed on top. It will cost about $500, and will contain 19 Ingredients. In 2000 dainty white boxes, tied with satin ribbon, the cake will be distributed, each box the proper size to go under one pillow to dream on. Orange Crop Promising. Too Many David Jonete*. Woman Epitome of Patience. It was at Jesus College, Oxford, that oue of the most laughable stories connected with that university origin­ ated. Jesus Colloge is chiefly patron ized by Welshmen. A Cardiff resi­ dent, visiting “ the city of spires" for the first time, bethought himself that at Jesus College was a young man he knew in the Welsh capital, bo he re­ solved to call on him. Accordingly he tackled the porter of the college. “ Is Mr. Jones in?" "Which Mr. Jones,” was the reply. "There are twenty-seven Jones In this college.” “ Mr. Jones, of Cardiff, sir.” "There are eighteen Joneses from Cardiff,” exclaimed the porter, im­ patiently. “ What’s his Christian name?” “ David, sir.” “ There are ten David Jonses from Cardiff here,” answered the official. “ You must bo more explicit. What kind of hair has he?" “ Red, sir.” “ There are six David Jonses from Cardiff with red hair in JeBus," said the porter. "What kind of eyes hus he?" “ Well, Just a wee bit of a cast In them,” was the reply. “ There are three David Joneses from Cardiff with red hair, and with a slight cast In their eye.” burst from the angry man at the lodge. “ HaB your Mr. Jones any other peculiarity?" “ He’s a bit lame on one foot, sir.” "Now, why didn’t you say so at first? Up the stairs, first to the right, second to tho left, third to the right again. At No. 58 is the only David Jones from Cardiff with red hair, a slight cast and a lame foot. Why didn’t you say so before?”—London Tit-Bits. “ Whenever I feel rebellious at the daily grind of life," said a young mar­ ried woman today, “ I go downtown and walk through Twenty-third street to Broadway and stand and look at that epitome of patience in human flesh who stands in a window making endless repeated transformations in a certain nrticle of furniture. For two years that woman has made a couch into a bed and a bed into a couch, shaking up pillows or cushions, ar­ ranging them over and over hundreds of times a day—always quiet, pleas­ ant, self-controlled, apparently con­ tent. Yet, oh, how tired she must be of it all, physically and mentally!"— New York Correspondent. A Real Need. “ Hubby, the baby said something clever today, and now I’ve forgotten It.” “ We must get a nurse who 1* a stenographer, my dear.”—Kansas City Journal. A gate valve for a water pipe line large enough to drive an automobile through recently was made In Ger­ many. The largest settlement in Greenland is Sydprovcn, which has a population of 766, and the smallest Is Skansen, in North Greenland, with 48 inhabitants. “All Ready” T H IC K , GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Comes the call to din­ ner. Are you interest­ ed? Is your appetite keen and waiting? Is your digestion normal and bowels regular? If not, we urge a trial o f Girls! T ry Itl Hair get* soft, fluffy and beautiful— Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderlne. HOSTETTER’S A Solemn Task. "Wh!.t's the conclave at your house about?” “ We are discussing the advisability of Impeaching the cook.”—Kansas City Journal. If you care for heavy hair that glis­ tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an Incomparable Boftncss and la fluffy and lustrous, try Danderlne. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it Imme­ diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair If you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and If not overcome It produces a feverishness and Itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, I oob - en and die; then the hair falls out fa#t. Surely get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton'a Danderine from any drug •tor* and just try It. An English Joke. Miss Hogabust (of Chicago)—And what profession is your son in. Lord Hlghtop? Lord Hightop—Oh, when Algy leaves college I expect he will take orders. Miss Hogabust (surprised)—You don’t say! Weil, poppa has got some real nice gentlemen traveling for him. —London Opinion. 1,08 Angeles.—California's orange crop this winter will be approximately 40,000 carloads, according to estimates received here from the various dis­ tricts by G. Harold Powell, general manager of the California fruit grow- * » ’ exchange. Of this 6000 earloads will be from the northern citrus sec­ tions. This means the crop will be a little larger than that of two years An Eye to Effect. ago. "Is It true you eat with your knife?” More than $1,000,000 has been ex­ “ Not always; only in public, where pended In frost protection. Price* are my constituents can see me.” expected to be at least normal. Only 73 in 1000 letters delivered In United Kingdom come from j Messenger Confer* With Carranza. the abroad. Nogales, Sonora.—Bayard Hale crossed the International line into Pennsylvania haa more than 1,000,- Mexico at 9 o'clock Wednesday night 000 public school pupil*. and Immediately went Into conference with General Carranza. It was Indl- ! rated that the meeting was merely preliminary to formal conference* to | lie begun between the man supposed depend* upon the integrity to be the personal representative ofj of the liver. i President Wilson and the leader of the constitutionalists. Perfect Digestion Stomach Bitters at once. For 60 years it has proven a great aid to sufferers from Stomach, Liver and Bowel disorders. fô u ik ie A o ! T h er e a r e b a r g a i n s HERE F O R YOU . Koonita A B guaran­ teed roofing, ) ply, ~»ra. $1.10 p*r roll K m i i r plie* SI equally low p r i â t * . We eleo aell t a r paper, building h Wall t w MVP v 70« t ts% * lu g p » p»r. d e a d e n in g (« It • a 4 p l u t e i b o a rd a t a m a x ln g ly lo w p ric e * to 80% on your late* bar bill. Our lumbor it til Ant grid* Mtd Aret quality. Wo toll you direct Bond your li*t ot one* and got our prepaid pricM. t Q U A R A N T I! W * f l r p B m o a a y b a e k g u a r n a t* * t i l t w» ■•il la axartlp aa wa r*perenni il r r a r y t h la g Our busta»»* haa g ro w a to U t p re re n t bu g » a tre b f aavtag monoj (o r b u ild a ra a a * yaara ot aq>*ara d r e l t i g a re M è t a * a r e r jr a ta te o re a t v a m ah». W r lt» t u r Bank* T b » N » i I o m I B a n k ot C o m a a rc a . 8 » a ttla . a to u t our r e lla b il Ity. Ita m a rn b a r v a a ra n o t In a a y t n ia t o r Barn b. Oaa4 (o r b ig IB IS c a ta lo g — It ’ a fra » . T a ta Rn« fra n i o r r a a r d e a r u fi* ale a * M IO f o r g u » v a n rare . ■ « never fa * « ablngle *5= •tain H eu re, h o i r , M asu tifu i W saltin g to n I f O u r •■*•- lo g sh o w * » b ig u M rtS M S l « t bnrg* ir ■ •i wholerel* p*4**a. rere a»a a r* twg a » a l a # M tgn. M .a r e sty ta * n g b e r e * in « in e u f tie mew re a« astil p rtaaa we»oft sr>4 Peru Paini« •ml all * 1 ma — • « >treb »? bui lési arrena vai« le t n ur M g n a ta le » *» e u* "« n'-ra »• »rag___ IP VOUR LIVER IS TORPID Gan* Offered Militants. London.—According to the Dally Mall's Berlin correspondent a German dealer in arms and munitions of war. understanding that the English suf- j fragettes are contemplating a "strong­ er organization.” baa offered to sell to the militants an unlimited quantity of repeating rifles at 4<6 marks ' ($1.13) apiece. I UM » . IC. u . I W H E N writ!** t* i tin o « k l « ------------ • ■ r r-q rde on ro^u e e l^ No. «4 i* ^ 3