ADMITTED DEBTS TO WIVES WANTED: Veal, Pork, Poultry, Hides Statesmen Acknowledge Benefits of NO COMMISSION CHARGED. W rit« today fo r ta g s an d o u r n e t caah p ric a Hat. W e g u a ra n te e fa ir tre a tm e n t, h ig h e st prices, and “C heck by R e tu rn M ail.’* G ive u s a trial w ith y o u r n e x t lpt of produce, f . IK Schm alz & C o., W o , C w k $10,000. 141-143 h m St. On. Better Halves. MEXICO ELECTS NO PRESIDENT HIDDEN WEALTH RECORDED ^ New Regulations of Income Tax Law Being Studied. ENTOMBED IN COLORADO MINE Chicago— Names of thousands of Compliments have frequently been paid by famous statesmen to their bondholders who have always succeed­ wives. It will be remembered how ed in hiding their wealth will become Disraeli dedicated “ Sybil” “ to the a matter of public record after the severe of critics, but a perfect S P O T C A S H F O R Y O U R most National government begins collecting wife,” and when a certain wit, who Eggs. P o u ltry , H ogs, V «al never allowed good taste to wait on the new income tax. N e t p ric e s f. o. b. P o rtla n d , w eek e n d in g N ov. 1. hit humor, was rallying Disraeli on Bankers and their legal representa­ F re s h valley etrgs. 35c doz; d a iry b u tte r. 20: h en s 12tt@13c; s p rin g s, 18614c; ducks, 9f plication. C o n tro l'a n d U m pire works«» In Mexico there are 10,000,000 mine No. 2 of the Stag Canyon Fuel and others have borne tribute to “ the uneducated The bankers say that the regula­ company at Dawson, N. M., at 3 lioited. R eference: CurOonute N ational Bank. Indians, whose males of tender viligance which sustained and voting age never have cast a ballot, tions satisfactorily explain most of o’clock Thursday afternoon The en­ E x c ep tio n al o p p o rtu n ity fo r a g e n ts selling la te s t sp ecialty , ¿ i g profits. G et busy, w rite 'to d a y fo r prolonged his years.” not the slightest idea of suf­ the immediate problems—those relat­ tombed men include General Superin­ p a r tic u la rs. Bulcom S pecia lty Co., E p p in g , N . D . Lady Salisbury, with no aptitude or have frage and would not vote if they ing to collecting of interest coupons— tendent McDermott, of the mine, and RAZORS SH A R P E N E D S a tisfa c tio n g u a ra n te e d . .inclination for public life, was the in the new law. A meeting of the several other American could. miners. In s e rt 25c coin in box. N ew razo rs $1.50, 20 d ay s' stay, confidante and social helpmeet bankers’ sub-committee, of which fre e trial, if not s a tisfa c to ry , re tu rn . There are no restrictions on man­ James C. Hutchins, genera! counsel of Meager advices are that only five _______________ J . L. M acM aater, MaTgan, M tdn. of her husband. That means not the Illinois Trust & Savings bank, is miners have been taken from the up­ At a dinner to Mrs. Lloyd George in hood suffrage. London, at which she was presented fewer than 4,000,000 legally quali­ chairman, will be held to consider the per levels alive. These reports said that most of the day shift were em­ with a replica of a portrait of her fied voters in Mexico. regulations. _____ B ought, sold and ex ch an g ed ; engines, boilers, ployed below the second level, where It is doubtful if 100,000 votes husba'nd, a letter was read from Mr. saw m ills, e tc . Send fo r Stock L is t and P rices. T H E J . E . M A R T IN CO.. 83 1st £ t.. P o rtla n d . O r. Lloyd George expressing deep appre­ were cast in the only national elec­ Collections will date from Novem­ the shaft was blocked with debris re­ sulting from the explosion. ciation of the “ great kindness which tion ever held, the one which seated ber 1. It is hoped most of the entombed prompts my friends to present to the Madero. Every citizen of the United States, M ost pop­ It is doubtful :f one-half of the whether residing at home or abroad, men will be rescued. brave little woman who is my wife a u la r gam e Immediate relief work was under­ portrait of the troublesome person qualified voters o. Mexico know or and every person residing in the o f th e cen- tu ry , th e ia u g h in g success, n ev e r g e ts old. ever will know that Madero was United States, though not a citizen taken by men from the night shift and whom she has stood by through good iwia Appeals for aid By m ail 60c. Affinity C ard Co.. 305 Le"“ ’~ elected or foully assassinated. ar.d evil report.” thereof, with an income of more than neighoring mines. B uilding. Portland-, O regon started scores of experienced miners There are millions of Indians, $3000, must pay the tax. It All Depends. none of whom speak a word of Even foreigners and foreign corpor­ from Trinidad and the surrounding Spanish, and none of whom are ations doing business here, though res­ coal camps shortly after 6 o’clock. “ How are we fixed for w art” Fire haa not broken out, though “ Well, in the newspapers we look Mexicans save in name. They are idents abroad, will be made to pay on smoke is seen issuing from the second pretty good, but in the magazines we absolutely unconcerned with the their earnings. The corporation, or its paying level of the shaft. It is believed by T h e “T o p g r a d e ” S h o e look rather bad.” — Washington, D. fate of Madero. There are about 1,000,000 male agent, if a foreign concera, in the rescuers that this smoke is from the C., Herald. • TOR MEN Mexicans of voting and fighting United States, is classed as the debtor explosion and not from fire. Immediately after the explosions all age, fitted by education and posi­ and is responsible for the payment of Needless App "'tension. A R e a lly C la s s y S h o e shafts were called to the work of tion to participate in self-govern­ the government levy. She—Will you love me when I’m 11 , « r tW tr 4 m * Ml ku41*. writt U ment. This is the responsible Mex­ If any person, for the purpose of rescue and those miners who were em­ old? ployed in other shafts were put to P R IN C E S H O E CO., He—Why worry about that? We’ll ican million and it constitutes the obtaining any allowance or reduction work drilling through the tons of de­ P o rtla n d . Ore. probably be divorced long before.— clasB which must be induced or by virtue of a claim of exemption, bris, which are said to have blocked forced to exercise its responsibili­ either for himself or for any other, BostopTranscript. ties or surrender them. knowingly makes a false statement or the mine below the second level. Selecting Next Year’s Breeders. Not 10 per cent of the “ responsi­ false or fraudulent representation, he Calls for assistance were issued at Two-year-old hens make the best ble million” take any part in the is liable under the act to severe pen­ once to miners in Trinidad and other mine camps. breeders. In disposing ot the old constant outbreaks. alties. _______________ stock, retain the very beat, most vig­ Dawson, N. M.—Fourteen bodies SEVEN FIREMEN ARE KILLED have orous old birds for next year’s , breed­ been removed and seven men Mexico City—At the close of the ing pens. were found alive by rescuers working The birds intended for breede: Mexican election Sunday indications Goodyear Rubber Company’s Plant in shaft No. 2 of the Stag Canyon coal should not be forced for heavy egg were that not sufficient votes had been mine, where an explosion entombed Suffers $500,000 Loss. production, since heavy laying weak, _ cast to constitute a legal choice for the Milwaukee, Wis.—Seven dead fire­ the day shift. •ns the hens and , results in Infertile! eggs and weak chickB. Feed a main­ Three’cheers for S keen appetite, per­ presidency to succeed General Victor­ men and 24 injured were taken from COLONEL HAS BIG GALA DAY tenance ration until February, when it fect digestion, liver activity and bowel iano Huerta. the ruins of the Goodyear Rubber com­ may be well to change to a laying ra­ H i t 4 No official announcement was made, pany plant here Monday night, where tion and get them laying as soon as regularity. If you do not possess thess but it was estimated, judging from Official Brazil Unite* in Honors to fire caused a damage of $600,000. It possible.—rT. Z. Richey, in; Farm and yon shrrotg take . .... ex-President. the results in the capital, where it was is believed that there are several more Home. ______________._ Rio Janeiro—Colonel Roosevelt de­ expected the vote would be up to the bodies in the ruins. M o th e rs w i n flnfl M rs. W in s lo w s S o o th in g voted the morning hours Thursday to a S y ru p t h e b e s t r e m e d r to u s a fo r t h s l r c h ild r e n average, that fewer than 10,000 of The flames broke out on the second visit to the Supreme court and a A u rin g t h e t e e th i n g p e rio d . the 80,000 eligible voters in the feder­ floor, and while the firemen were breakfast at the Cattete palace given al district went to the polls. There fighting the blazing front and rear, an in his honor by President Marshal When Admiration Weakens. are about 3,000,000 eligible voters in | explosion sent the walls crashing down Hermea Fonseca. “ We naturally strive to imitate Colonel Roosevelt sat at the right of the entire republic. It would be no those whom we admire.’’ surprise if congress, the members of on 60 firemen. Windows for blocks the president and the American am­ “ Not always. Every small boy ad­ which also were voted for, declared around were smashed and the flames bassador, Edwin V. Morgan, at his mires Santa Claus, but none of them left. The breakfast was attended by the election void when the body is or­ spread to adjoining buildings. wants to grow up to have the kind qf, whiskers he represented as wear- before meals. It helps Nature over­ ganized and revises the returns. Rescue gangs were sent into the the cabinet ministers, the presidents of the senate and the chamber of dep­ The leaders of the Catholic party Ing. ” ' ' *' ‘ ' ' come all Stomach, Liver and Bowel ilia. claimed a long lead, although they blazing ruins and many bodies of the uties, the judges of the Supreme During the first four months of '1913 court, the mayor of Rio Janeiro and were unable to estimate the number of dead and injured were taken out. there were slaughtered in La Frigori- Several nearby business houses suf­ members of the municipal council and votes polled for their candidates, fleo, Uruguay a, and the Frigorifico other public officials. Frederico Gamboa and General Ras­ fered heavy loss. Montevideo 48,121 cattle and 212,655' Mrs. Roosevelt and Mias Margaret The crushed head of a man was tak­ cón. If this claim is correct, it is sheep, a monthly average of 12,0.00 generally thought that General Felix en from the ruins, but the body could Roosevelt, accompanied by several cattle and 63,000 sheep. Diaz and Señor Requena ran second. not be found and the head was not members of their party, paid a visit to All-Night Theaters. Pao Delasucar, the ascent of the The Liberal candidates, Manuel Calero identified up to a late hour. Many Indian theaters keep their and Flores Magon, had no printed The other two known dead were so mountain being made by the aerial performances going until four or five ticket at the polling places, their con­ badly mangled that their identity will railroad. in the morning. These dramatic or­ stituents being obliged to write their not be known until all the firemen are gies are not, says the Times, of India, names in blank spaces. checked up at the respective fire­ FARM TEACHING IS PLANNED however, due to the length of the President Huerta spent the day at houses. Four firemen have not been plays,;«* in Chinese theaters, but to his Popotla suburban home. A decree accounted for and are thought to be in Experiment Stations May Be Put the fact that the tramcars do not be­ will be issued by General Huerta in­ the ruins. Relatives of missing fire­ on Irrigated Land. gin running till five o’clock. As the creasing the army from 85,000 men, men rushed by the police on the fire - ----------- — • - - - spectators gather from distant vil­ its reported present number, to 160,- lines and three women whose sons Washington, D. C.—Plans are under and have strong objections to 000. General Huerta, proposed such were firemen reached the ruins before way for the establishment of practical But Lydia E. Pirlkham’s Veg- lages paying gharry hire, they expect to be an increase some time ago, but the they could be dragged away. Charles demonstration farms on each govern­ • etable Compound Restored entertained until the trams start. One congress which he dissolved later lim­ C. Newton, of the fire insurance pa­ ment reclamation project. can scarcely wonder that theaters in ited him to 80,000. Secretary Lane had a confetence trol, who was at first listed among tbs Mr*. LeClear’s Health— -. which the actors and actresses are on dead, was taken from the ruins three with Secretary Houston and Assistant .the stage from eight in the evening Secretary Halloway, of the Agricul­ hours after the explosion. Her Own Statement. . , till, fivq in the morning do not display He was buried beneath the wreck­ tural department, and counseled them much histrionic excellence. Of course, age and when found was sitting to enlist the services of experienced the system would be impossible if the crouched beneath a heavy timber, irrigation farmers and place them on Detroit, Mich. — “ l am glqd to dis­ theaters were open every night of the which had prevented the bricks from the several government projects with cover a remedy that relieves me from week, but the strain on the players London — An experiment conducted falling on him. He was removed to a a view to having them instruct set­ m y suffering a n d must be cruel, though it is confined to hospital and doctors say he will re­ tlers as to the use of irrigation water, pains. For two years Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday secretly into the possibility of explod­ cover. the kinds of crops to put out and how _______________ I suffered bearing nights. One has often been struck in ing mines by means of electric waves to cultivate the soil. down pains and got _______ _______ ______ without direct contact is said to have an Indian theater by the leisurely Clark to Be On Bridge. Secretary Lane’s idea ia to obtain all run down. I was ' manner in which everything is done. been highly successful. The method Washington, D. C. — Rear Admiral the highest possible efficiency from the u n d e r* n e r v o u s Now we have the explanation. employed is variously reported to have Charles E. Clark, retired, commander irrigated lands. strain and could pot j been Ulivi’s invention and other in­ sleep at night. I Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure of the battleship Oregon when she Civil Service Cut Down. went to doctor* hero constipation. Constipation is the cause ventions of a similar nature. made her famous trip around Cape The old cruiser Tepsichore, with the of many diseases. Cure the cause and Washington, D. C.—President Wil­ in the eityibut they Horn at the opening of the Spanish watertight compartments closed, was did’Pot do m e’tiny you cure the disease. Easy to take. placed over a mine and when the ex­ war, has accepted the invitation of son Thursday signed the bill excluding good.- : plosion was effected it tore the bottom Secretary Daniels to be on the bridge deputy United States marshals and - - Health of Married Men. Seeing Lydja EL out of the ship and she had to be of his old ship to lead the internation­ deputy collectors of internal revenue Pifikham’s Vegetable Compound adrer- A bulletin issued by the New York towed hurriedly to Portsmouth to pre­ al fleet through the Panama canal from the operation of the civil service tised, I tried it. 'M y'health improved board of health shows that the death early in 1915. The admiral, at Sec­ law. In doing so he denied that the wonderful]/ arid I aft? now-qbite- wall rate among married men is much low- vent her from sinking. It is said that retary Daniels’ request, called at the spirit of the law was in danger of be­ again.. wqmiyv suffel^ng from fk- eC than-that among single men. From the work was accomplished from a Navy department. When the Oregon ing violated. He concluded: male ill* wjll-regret it if. she takes tMk *-*0 to 30 the death rate among the i battleship eight miles distant. made her voyage around the Horn in "My warm support both of the prin­ — medicine.’’—.Mr*: J a I i ES'G. L e C lea S, married is 4.2, while among the bach- 1898 she covered 13,800 miles. ciples and of the bona fide practice of Horae* Have “ Apple Day.” 836 H u n t'S t, ’Detroit, Mich. eiorii it fs 6.6. From 80 to 40 the civil service reform is known to the rate is, the married, about 6; the Chicago—Working horses of Chica­ Engincmen Demand Rise. whole country, and there is no danger -<• A nother Cane..v s ia fl* nearly 13. From 40 to 60 the go will have an “ apple day” next Fri­ Chicago—Forty thousand locomotive that the spoils principle will creep in Philadelphia, Pa. —“ Lydia E-.Ptafc- rate among the married is 9.6; among day under the auspices of the Anti- engineen and firemen employed by the with my approval or connivance.” ham’s Vegetable Compound is all you the single, 19.6.—Kansas City Star, Cruelty society. Ten barrels of juicy 90 railroads running west of Chicago claim It to -be. About two or three ' ~~ ’ apples will be distributed to tbe have notified officials of the lines that Crowd* Out for Sulzer. days before rhy-periods I weald get’ bad ’ * " Avoid E m barrassm ent. horses when they approach the var­ will terminate their present labor New York—William Sulzer entered backaches, then pains In right and left Would you arrest a woman in a ious drinking fountains. Accompany­ they agreements November 10 and demand Thursday night on the campaign which sides, arid my head would ache. I called •lashed skirt?’’ ing each apple will be a copy of “ The the doctor and he sAid I had organic in­ ' ‘Certainly not,’’ replied the police­ Horae’s Prayer,” which will be hand­ a wage increase aggregating $60,000,- ; he hopes will result in his return to flammation. I went to him for a while but man. “ I am a gentleman. I should ed to the driver by aociety women who 000 a year, according to statements in public office as an assemblyman in the In a series of did not get well so I took Lydia ELPink- turn my face away and never see her.” have volunteered their services. "A p­ railroad offices here. The railroads in state legislature. turn notified Warren S. Stone, chief speeches in the Sixth assembly dis ham’s Vegetable Compound. After tak- t , ple day” for horse* will be an annual of the Brotherhood of Locomotive En­ trict, where he is the candidate on the fng two bottles I was relieved and finally -w- ss . event, according to the officer* of the gineers and W. S. Carter, chief of the Progressive ticket, he attacked my troubles left me. I married and ( | O D 3 C C O l l c l D l t society. Firemen, that they would welcome a Charles F. Murphy and the court of have two little girls. I have had no re­ readjustment of wage schedules. impeachment which removed him from turn o f the old troubles.’’—Mrs. C h a s . Valve Breaks, City Dark. the office of governor. B oeu , 2660 S. Chadwick St., Pbila-.Pa. Fugitive Honor Man Roba. A w H I-know n N ew Y orker o f * H . ex p erien ce Ogden, U tah—Breaking of a huge The meeting hall did not hold all h s s w ritte n a book te llin s how th e tobacco or valve controlling the water flow of the San Jose, Cal.—Gaetano Girrotti, who wished to hear him, and he made Good Guess. s c u ff h .b ii m a r be e a a ilr and com pletely b a n ­ Utah Light & Railway company power who fled from Oregon while an “ honor open air addresses in the street. Tbs clam was discussing.animals— ished In th re e d a r e w ith d e lig h tfu l benefit. how they walked, got up, etc. After T he h e a lth im p ro v es w o n d erfu lly a f te r th e plant, on the outskirts of this city, man” in the Oregon state peniten­ Never-Wed Contract Signed. she explained the cow’s method of ris­ n le o tin e poiron is o a t o f th e sy stem . Calm ness, wrecked the equipment and nearly de­ tiary, confessed here, the police say, tra n q u il sleep, cle a r eyes, n orm al a p p e tite , rood molished the building of that corpora­ that he and Antonio Parte held up Dr. Los Angeles—Signing an agreement ing to her feet, the teacher said: d igestio n , m an ly vigor, s tro n g 'm e m o ry and a “ Do you know any other animal g en e ra l g ain in eifirieney a re am ong th e m any tion, threw two-third* of Ogdfm into N. H. Bullock in St. James Park in not to marry. Miss Rose Magolis, for that gets up like a cow.” Silence benefits rep o rted . N o m o re o f th a t n erv o u s feel­ darknee* for nearly six hour*, stopped this city and took from him $46 in the past five years cashier of the Ho­ tel Hayward, haa accepted a contract reigned for a moment, then one little in g ; no m o rs need o f pipe. Cigar, c ig a re tte or all streetcar traffic, prevented meet­ money and a valuable watch. ch e w in g tob acco to p ac ify - th e m orbid desire. ings, generally demoralized businesi calling for her services as cashier of girl timidly raised her hand. T h e a u th o r. E dw . J . Woods, M4 S is th A re ., l i t B. and caused the flooding of many blocks Spanish Cabinet Reaigns. the hotel the rest of her life. During “ What is it?” a*ked the teacher. N ew Y ork C ity , w ill send h is book fre e on ap p li­ surrounding tbe plant. The total Madrid — At the opening of the her five years as cashier. Miss Magolis “ A calf,” was the reply. ca tio n . to an y o n e w ho w rite s to him . damage is variously estimated at from Spanish parliament a vote of confi­ haa made herself so valuable that the $60,000 to $100,000. dence in the government was rejected, management derided to make the 106 to 100. A number of deputies unique offer, and it was quickly ac­ Sailor* at “ Dry” Meeting. abstained from voting. Aa a result of cepted. Bookkeeping - - Shorthand - - Telegraphy New York—Enthusiasm was aroused the vote,'the premier tendered to King Filipino* Attack Scout*. • t a mass meeting held at the Brook­ Alfonso the resignation of himself and To your Ability add BEHNKE-WALKER training. Manila—Serious fighting haa occur­ lyn Academy of Music Sunday when members of his cabinet. Resak » food p ra ti* * — a f**d salary We staid back ai our (ra d iiie s. red and continues at Tallpao, in Min­ eight sailors from the U. S. 3. Wash­ ington made their appearance at the Hoerta Win* in Lower California. danao, between the tribesmen and the convention of tbe World’s Women’* Calexieo, C*l.—In the Lower Cali­ Philippine scouts. So far as reported, Christian Temperance Union. Many fornia elections Sunday General Vic­ five scouts have been killed and eight in tbe audience rose and cheered. Rep- toriano Huerta received a majority of wounded. Captain Harry MeElderley, resentatiye Hobson, who was to have the few rotes cast. Huerta and Blan- of the 13th company of scouts, i* addressed tbe meeting, was unable to quet were the only candidate!, al­ among the wounded. The com pen ice Portland. BUSINESS COLLEGE Oregon. be present, as he is making a prohi- though one arbitrary vote was caat for engaged in the fighting are tbe lltb , 16th, 21*t, 24th and 30th. 1 bition fight in his state of Alabama. Felix Dias and one for Gamboa. Day Is Orderly, But Few Citi­ zens Vote. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY R EP EA T IN G S H O T G U N S . W inchester Repeating Shotguns are not only safe to shoot, but sure to shoot. T hey are easy to load or un­ load,easy to take down or put together, and strong and reliable in e v e r y way. T h a t’s w hy the U .S . Ordnance Board endorsed them as being safe, sure, strong and simple. Over 450,000 satisñed sportsm en are using them. Explosion Blocks Shaft Below Second Level. Stick to I Winchester and You Won’t Get Stuck Winchester Guns and Winchester Ammunition— the Red Ilf Brand—are Made tor Each Other and Sold Everywhere W • Stomach bitters DOCTORS DID NOT HELP HER WIRELESS EXPLODES MINE AT DISTANCE OF 8 MILES Easily C on q u ered • • • • • That Wonderful Event THERE is a time above all times when a should be in perfect physical condition I F woman I t Is Agents Wanted HOSTETTER’S • Has Assurance of Success. No Small Attentions Now. To know one line of business and to “ Marriage teems to have made a know it thoroughly holds far greater different man of Tom." assurance of success than to know a “ Hia wife says it has made an in­ number of lines and to know those different man of him.” — Pittsbu g only indifferently well. Dispatch. AFFINITY - Rah ! Rah ! Rah! • .JIB DR. PIERCE’S th e tim e previous to th e com ing of h e r babe. D u rin g th is r*‘n i'd m any w om en suffer from headache, sleeplessness, p ains o f various description, poor appetite, a n d a h o st of o th e r ailm e n ts w hich should be elim inated in Justice to th e new life a b o u t to be ushered in to th is world. FAVORITE P RESCRIPTION is a scientific m edicine carefully com pounded by a n experienced a n d skillful physician, an d a d a p ted to th e needs an d req u irem en ts of w om an s delicate system . It has been recom m ended for o v er forty years as a rem edy for those p ecu liar ailm ents w hich m a k e th e ir ap p e aran ce d u rin g ‘th e ex p e ctan t" rio d . M o therhood is m a d e easier by its use. T ho u san d s of w om en have en benefited by th is g re a t m edicine. C - Y o u r dru g g ist can su p p ly you In liquid o r ta b le t form , o r you can send 50 one-cent stam p s fo r a tria l box of D r . P ie rc e * « F a v o r i t e P r e s c r i p t i o n T a b le t s * to D r. Pierce, a t Invalids* H o tel a n d Surgical Institute, Buffalo. It Is your privlledge to write to D,\ Piero» for advice, and It will be gladly given free of charge. Of course all communications are confidential. Housing School Teachers. RAISES the DOUGH Tbe cities of Ulm and Frankfort, in f Better than other powder»—• Germany, are trying a novel plan for f producing light, dainty, whole* housing their teachers. They are sell­ ’ some cakes end pastries— ing to their teachers good municipal land at a low price and accepting a mortgage on it at low interest. In Frankfort this mortgage may amount to 90 per cent of the value, so that the applicant has to provide but 10 per cent from his own funds. The tax and mortgage payments together, it is said, do not amount to any more than reasonable rent, and with his regular “ house money,” which is always al­ lowed him besides his salary, the teacher is soon the owner of his own home.—London Standard. Grandchild Her Bridesmaid. A romance begun in childhood and apparently shattered when each mar­ ried another, finally reached • happy climax at Christ M. P. Church, when Enoch Ireland, 75 years old, wedded Mrs. Addie Tilton, 70. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. D. Sinkin- son, and after a brief honeymoon spent on Mr. Ireland’s yacht the happy couple will reside at Longport. Mrs. John Risley, granddaughter of the bride, was bridesmaid at the un­ usual ceremony. Ireland is a retired bayman.—Atlantic City Correspondent Philadelphia Record. The Life of Business. Development of new trade in busi­ ness is to the life and growth of that business of even greater import than the mere accumulation of dollar profits from channels already eatablished. [OLNES i BUSINESS COLLEGE . I WASHINGTON b TENTH STSi , PO RTLAND. ORE~ ~ When Your Eyes Need Care f r y M a r in e E y e R e m e d y . N o S m a r t in g — F m I i P lo « — A c ts Q u ic k ly . T r y i t f o r R e a , W e a k , W a te r y E y e s a n d G r a n u la t e d E y e lid s . I ll u s ­ t r a t e d B o o k lu e a c h P a c k a g e . M u r in e is 00 m poundod by o u r Oculist« - n o t a “ P a te n t Med- le in eH— b u t u sed in su c c e s s fu l P h y sic ia n s’ P rao- Uoe f o r m any y ears. Now d ed icated to tb e P ub- lio a n d so ld by D ru g g ists a t 25c an d 60o p e r B ottle. M a rin s B ye S alv e I n A septic T u b es, 26o a n d 60c. A u to m o b ile S c h o o l $ 1 0 .00 0 EQUIPMENT 1. S hop R epair P ractice. 2. Theory In s tru c ­ tion. 3. R oad I reasons. M urine By* Remedy Co., Chicago Lower Class. A COMING PROFESSION Bobby—There was a new boy in our school today. Bingo—In your class? Bobby—I guess not I I licked him with one hand.—Puck. C all o r send for Catalogue. C entral Y. M. C. A. 6th and Taylor 8 ts. P o rtla n d , Ore. His Only Opportunity. “ Does your wife talk in her sleep, major?” “ No; I talk in her sleep. I t ’s the the comfort of a clear head, a only chance I g et."—London Life. Do You Wish lo Enjoy Impure Blood Goto Good Bath sweet stomach, keen appetite and a good digestion? USE W onderful How Quickly Your E ntire System Awakens W hen th e Blood is Cleansed. I t y o u a r# flo w n w i t h r h e u m a t i s m : If y o u s n e e z e , f e e l c h ille d , a r e c h o k e d w ith c a t a r r h , h a v e a c o u g h , o r y o u r s k in Is p im p le d a n d I r r i t a t e d w ith r a s h , e c z e m a , o r a n y o t h e r b io o d d is o r d e r . J u s t r e m e m ­ b er t h a t a l m o s t a l l t h s il ls o f I l f s c o r n s f r o m I m p u r e b lo o d . A n d y o u c a n e a s i ly g lv * y o u r b lo o d a g o o d , th o r o u g h c l e a n s ­ in g . a b a t h , b y u s i n g 8 . 8 . 8 . T h s r s Is n o n e e d f o r a n y o n e t o b e d e s p o n d e n t over th e I ll n e s s o f b lo o d I m p u r i t i e s . N o m a t- ' ta r h o w b a d l y t h e y a t t a c k t h s s y s t e m , o r j h o w u n s i g h t l y b e c o m e s t h e e k ln . J u s t r e ­ m e m b e r th e r e Is o n e In g re d ie n t In 8 . 8 . 8 . th a t s o s t i m u l a t e s t h e c e l l u l a r t i s s u e s th ro u g h o u t th e b o d y t h a t e a c h p a r t se- ; lects i t s o w n e s s e n t i a l n u t r i m e n t f r o m th e b lo o d . T h is m e a n s t h a t a ll d e c a y , a ll b re a k in g d o w n o f t h e t i s s u e s . Is c h e e k e d a n d re> p a ir w o rk b e g in s. 8. 8 . 8 . h a s su ^h a ■ p a c if ic I n f lu e n c e o n a l l lo c a l c e lls a s to ( p re s e rv e th e ir m u tu a l w e lfa re a n d a ffo rd a p ro p e r r e la tiv e a s s is ta n c e to e a c h o th e r. M o r e a t t e n t i o n I s b e i n g g i v e n to c o n ­ s t r u c t i v e m e d ic i n e t h a n e v e r b e f o r e a n d S . 8 . 8 . i s t h e h i g h e s t a c h i e v e m e n t In t h i s lln a F o r m a n y y e a r s p e o p le r e l i e d u p o n m e r c u r y , I o d id e o f p o t a s h , a r s e n i c , p h y s ­ ic s , c a t h a r t i c s a n d "dope** a s r e m e d ! # * fo r b lo o d s i c k n e s s , b u t n o w t h e pur* b o ta n ic a l 8 . 8 . 8 . Is th e ir s a fe g u a rd . T o u c a n g e t 8 . 8 . 8 . In a n y d r u g s t o r e , b u t I n s i s t u p o n h i v i n g I t. T h e g re a t S w i f t L a b o r a t o r y in A t l a n t a , G a , p r e ­ pare* t h i s f a m o u s b lo o d p u r if i e r , a n d y o u s h o u ld t a k * n o c h a n c e b y p e r m i t t i n g a n y on* to re c o m m e n d a s u b s titu te . A nd If y o u r b lo o d c o n d i t i o n is s u c h t h a t y o u w o u ld U k * t o c o n s u l t a sp ecialist tr e e ! y a n d c o n f i d e n ti a lly , a d d r e s s t h e M edical D e p a r t m e n t , T h e S w i f t S p e c if te Com pany, 1 6 0 S w i f t Bldg., A t l a n t a , G a . U ours^lO a m . to 6 p. m. a p p o in tm e n t ß u ik ie A A ! T here are bargains HERE FOR YOU. ROOFINO A B guaran- teed roofing, 1 Wa ll aava yoe 18% piy. to 80% on yoar lum­ ber bill. Our lumbar $ 1 1 0 per roll H aavicr plica a t «qually low p r i e t a . We alto salí t a r p a p a r, btillding ia all first grad« and first quality. 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W ag o n * n d S i r s P e in te a n d a ll p a lm in g m e la rle I • t w h o le * e i* p r ic e * . F r e e « o lo r c a r d * o n r e g u r a S . ■ saaw saa n T rtil* h i* p o p u l a r “« h * # - f d neta d lo i c a k t la 4 S a * g r e e t V | | T | bargain •g a in T h o e u u ra e a n r d * o f | $ a* V- U I n g b a r g a i n * . . . _____________ a t x k o ? b u ild e r * h e r d « * r e ( J e t o u r b ig c a t a l o g a b u se- ,ni r -r-Piiaa__ 21*5 M— S 7 I ? DR. JOSEPH ROANE Chiropractor P. N. O. 8PIN A L ADJUSTMENTS fletenftfir T re a tm e n t o f all A cu te and C hronic Dfeeeeaa. Llcenaed P ractitio n er. S u ite 414-6-7 11 \ U u kJ« —r i t i . , to ■ I ” «fa» Uti. tmtm. Na 44, IS