PUBLISHED ADVERTISING RATES EVERY FRIDAY M0SIER BULLETIN BV H. G. KIBBEE, Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION RATES 0~V-r......................................... Six Month« .......... ....................................................^ Three Month«.............................................. P rofessional Card* O ne square .................. per m onth $ .50 ...................................... “ *' 1.00 O n e -q u a rte r C o lu m n ......................... “ “ 4 00 O n e-h alf C olu m n ................................“ O ne C olu m n .................... * “ '* 5.50 *' 9.00 Business locals will be charged at 5"cents per lina fo r each Insertion. Logu. auvertiteinem .- will in all cases be ch a rged to the party o n ie m u ; them. ;;t lejral rates, and Pkitered m bmo M d a »« matter March 12. at tke p«s* affireat Mosier. Orejron, under the Act of VOL. V NO. 34 MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1912 paid ft»s b efore ulliiiaviU are. furnished. M arch 3. 1K79. M»M4* day that I read about Edison's jua uaus s a s — s ns ns i ST. MARY'S ACADEMY discovery of electric lighting.” Nor was it very long ago—the THE DAL.LES. OREGON. announcement of Edison’s first lamp appeared in the New York; BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL Herald of Dec. 21, 1879. tw o1 For GIRLS. months to a day after its inven F O R P A R T IC U L A R S A P P L Y TO tion. It read: S IS T E R S U P E R IO R . ‘ ‘Edison's discovery o f a sub-! stance upon which electricity »qs « n n a a a i i a u a s s ns iis>wMs could produce the light o f incan descence with comparative inex- H. G . K IB B E E pensiveness and perfect effect is one of those little romances o f sci N O T A R Y P U B L IC ence with which the pathway to every great invention is strewed. m o s i e r - - - O regon We are rejoiced to eorrgratolate not merely Edison, but the peo IF YOU WISH ple of all civilized nations, upon Edison’ s success." To meet your friends, stop at Since October 21, 1879, the in HOTEL MOSIER. candescent lamp has been stead ily improved until today the Ed A ll M odem and under New ison Mazda lamp, the latest and Management. most improved type o f incandes cent lamp, gives ten time* as AUGMENTED BATH FACILITIES much light for the same money as the first lamp». They also CUY q . STRYKER, Prop. give three times as much Bght h for the same money a* the im- W. A. HUSBANDS proyeci carbon lamp». Mr. Edison recently said:— B l a c k s m it h ‘ ‘Electric light is the only thing Horse Shoeing and General I know o f that has grown cheap Repair Work. er in the last twenty years.” Satisfaction guaran leect OREGON 5 MOSIER Mosier to Have Moving Pictures. HOSIER S FIRST ELECII3N E ddB ItiSO N C raM COUNCIL CONCEDED SATISFACTORY Mosier’ s first election o f mu nicipal officers was pulled off on Wednesday, as per schedule, with but little excitement, al though much interest was mani fested by the citizens in the pros pects of their favorite candidates for winning out. The voté was light up until about 2 P. M., and from then on to the close the election board earned their money. The entire registration (78) was voted with the exception o f two votes. A number of voters who- bad neg lected to register in time, de manded the privilege of voting anyhow; but, in accordance with their instructions, the board had to refuse them a vote. The interest of the election centered, of course, in the count ing of the ballots, and a number of the candidates and other enti re ns crowded into the small building to hear the result of the count, which was as follows; i f . goss Shoot Now Satisfaction IS Contentment W hen the ground is dry, for Tree Planting and Rejuvenating No contention for satisfaction if you buy o f our new line the old Orchard An interesting book, full o f valuable of Underwear and Sweater Coats —direct from the whole information on sale house. “ Farming with Dynamite” price on new goods. A reasonable N o price on second hand goods, for there are none in our stock. May be bad for the asking. Get one. Nichol & Co., w est Hay Grain Feed The Agent for DUPONT Powder Hosier. Store where Service and Satisfaction are Classmates. Oregon M O S IE R : : OREGON -« * A fine, large, beautiful DOLL will be given hy the MosiFR Windows, Doors B ook S torm to the little girl under 12 years who receives the most votes between October 1st and December 23rd. the way that you get: ; Shingles, Roofing Wm, Rudolf, of White Sal mon, was in town on Monday David Robinson....... ....... . . 68 and made arrangements with W. i E. Chown to put a moving pic PLUMBING. FOR RECORDER ture show in his hall on Tuesday P. L. Arthur............................ 67 STEAM and HOT WATER ! and Friday night o f each week. FUR TREASURER HEATING. Mr. Rudolf has bad several J. N. Mosier........................... 63 Jobbing'promptly attended to. years’ experience in entertain FOR MARSHAL MOSIER - - OREGON in g the public and understands Guy Q. Stryker.................. 68 the class of picture» which best E. A. R a c e , m g r . pleases small town». He will FOR COUNCILMEN DUMBLE DR. H. run a 4-reel show each night. W. E. C h ow n ,....................... 35 This move on Mr, Rudolf's 4a». E. C o le ............................ 39 PHYSICIAN a n d SURGEON S, F. Goss . . . . . ,. 40 part to entertain the Mooierpob- pi#- pf- J. E. H igley.......................... 33 lic this winter should be appre HOOD RIVER : OREGON j ciated, as it will afford an oppor W. A. H usbands.,................. 48 Will practice in Mosier and 4. K. McGregor..... ................ 33 tunity for a pleasant evening’ s entertainment. May be reached by long dis- | In Business Ë. A. R a c e .............................. 42 H ood Hiver m5 0 Years Oregon Elmer Root................................ 50 tance phone. Home phone 61. Mark A. Mayer, accompanied H. M. West................................ 40 ! Is a Jeweler and Optician of many years experience, O. E. Wilson.................. 41 by Mr. Ben Landauer who, with Notice to Creditor* i f you have a “ sick” time-piece, he can cure it. George R. W ood ......... ............. 32 his family, is spending the week In the County Court o f the State o f If you have eye trouble, he can correct it by fitting you with proper lenses. From these figures it will be at Mayerdale, went to Portland Oregon to t War vco County. If you have jewelry of any kind to repair, he can do it. seen that Mosier’ s first munici Monday afternoon to attend the In the Matter of the Estate If you waul new jewelry ot any kind, he has it. of pal officers are composed of men wedding of a son of Mr, Ben A lfred S mith , Deeeascff. If you want A A F i H I R L in his line, t ie is toe man toco.,suit. Selling, who is a cousin of Mr. who are competent to handle the His prices are right and go is his w ork. Notice >• hereby given that th e ■ city’ s business affairs in a man Mayer. County Court o f the State o f Oregon ner satisfactory to the citizens Mrs. D. Robinson returned for Waaco County, has appointed theun- j P A T R O N IZ E H IM A N D B E C O N V IN C E D whom they will serve and whose Tuesday evening from a two derstgned Administrator of the estate of Alfred Smith, deceased. All per totes put them in office. And weeks’ visit in Portland. sons having claims againat said estate It may be said right here that, are hereby notified to present the while an election never exactly Sale of PmoMfi Property. same, properly verified, to the under suits everybody; while some of signed, at the residenceof J. S. Taylor, the candidates, as well as their By virtue of condition of a certain at 1422 Pine Street, The Dalles, Ore Capital and .Surplus $11,600.1,0 Supporter», must naturally feel chattel mortgage, dated September 1#, gon, within six [6] months from the 1911, given to me, W, E, Chown, date of the first publication o f this disappointed at being defeated, mortgagee, by GeO. S. Hail, mortgag notice. The date o f the first publi it is the square thing, the sensi or, for purchase price and In accord cation of this notice ia August 22, 11*13. A SO LID BAN K ble thing to do to uphold these ance with provisions of said mortgage, I da 1.. S mith . Administratrix. officers lit the per .’-.nuance of I have taken possession of the follow CO N SERVATIVELY M AN AG ED ing described property mentioned in their duties. Work in harmony said chattel mortgage and belonging to to the end that Mosier may be the said Geo. S, Hall: DIRECTORS: SUMMONS come ofie of the cleanest, best 1 dining table, 1 buffet, 1 table pro In the Circuit Court o f the State o f J. N. M osier , J. P. C akroll , J. M. E llio tt , regulated, most wisely governed tector. 2 extra leave», t stand, 1 dav Oregon iff Wa»co County. D avid R obinson , F. N. A ustin and most prosperous municipali enport, 2 pr. pillow», 2 lhattreise*, 6 B é n i n a K addauoh , dining chairs, 1 Morris chaif, 8 rock Plaintiff, ty in the state. This state of ers, 1 No. 3* chair, 2 kitchen chairs, 1 Ortley Items Hailoween Social at the Ortley vs. affairs can and should exist; it kitchen table, 1 bed »pring, 1 hrasa M *----- Inn, Oct. 31, beginning with a Is a condition which every citi bed, 1 dressing table, 1 dressing chair, w " ' Defendant. A. B. Strong is building an dinner at 7:00 F. M. Admission zen in Mosier not a pessimist, 1 dresser, I range, and water back, ( 25c. We understand there will doz. plate». 4 do* soup», 4 riot fruit», 5 ! To Wm, Maddmgh, the above named annex lo his house. misanthrope, drone o f grouch, do* oatmeals, 1 do* teas. 4 do* lame , defendant: Mrs, K. R. Firehaugh went to be ghosts, goblins and all sorts Surely wishes to attain and which dishes, 4 veg, dishes, 1 pickle dlah, 1 | In the Nam« of the State o f Oregon, Portland Monday to receive med- »1 soookv things, Can be attained if our citizens covered d!»h, 1 casserole, 1 »auce boat, You are hereby required to appear ical attendance. \ — ♦ are willing to forget their petty 1 sugar, 1 creamer, 2 cake plate», 1 and an»wer the complaint filed against T he floating dock for the boat you in the above entitled suit, on or H. M. Schmeer and family, of spoon tray, 1 celery tray, 4 baker», 1 grievances, real or fancied, to ward each other, if they have salad, 1 pr. salt and pepper, 1 jug, 1 before (lx week» from the date o f the Portland, are spending the week larding arrived over a week ago, do*, tumblers, 2 nappies, 1 Syrup, 2 oil first publication o f this summons here Capt. Nelson Having towed it up any, put their shoulders to the jugs, 1 mustard, 1 Balver, 4 do* wine», inafter stated, and If you fall to so ap at the Ortley Inn. The Hood River Orchard Land from Cascade Locks. With it community wheel and work for V doi cordials, 1 crumb tray, and pear and answer Said complaint, the came the lumber for the storage the common good and a better scraper, 2 trayi, 1 ba»ln, 4 Axminster plaintiff will apply to the Court for the Co. began digging their 500 house to be built on the boat. It rugs. 2 Axminster mats. 6 pf. lace cur- 1 decree prayed for in her complaint, to- MOSIER. acres of Potatoes Iasi week. now remains for the piles to he tains, 161-3 sq. yd* linoleum. 1 berlin wlt: driven and the road to lie made Robert Hallyburton, o f Port For a decree to the effect that the kettle, 1 fry pan, 2 double boiler», 1 from the railroad down to the bond* of matrimony heretofore exist measure cup, 4 mixing bowl», 8 mixing land, is visiting with his parents, boat. Just at present most of OF GENERAL IN TER EST spoons. 4 sauce pans, dual pan, brush, ing between the plaintiff and the d. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hallyburton. the people who have subscribed feather duster, butcher knife, bread I fendant be forever annulled, aet aside Alva L. Dav, the Hood River work on the road are quite busy Mrs. L. E. Adels and and fam- knife, 3 paring knives, I eg g beater, 4 j and held for naught; that the plaintiff electrical expert who, with do* kitchen knives and fork», 2 C»ke 1 be granted an absolute dlvoree from ily left last week for Portland, with their apples and other fall, “ Bunt” Horenberger and Thus. pans, 4 do* pie tin». 2 biscuit pan», 1 j the defendant and for such other relief where they will spend the win work, hut when that is out of the way. if the weather permits, Humerick, the latter accompan lemon squeezer, coffee pot, tea pot, j a* to the Court may aeem equitable and ter. they will no doubt turn out in ! and Juat. ied by his wife, is wiring several rolling pin. broom. Clyde and Victor Nye and A force and finish nn the work in Notice is hereby given that oh Sat- ; You are hereby notified that this buildings in town this week, has urday, October 2«, IBIS, at the hour o f I »«mmon» 1» served upon you hy puhli- Kamsden, of Vancouver, Wash., 1 short order, banded us the following informa ** I ^ Q r (|e y g Uf)(]a y 3 o'clock P. M,, at the wxrehotiae of I cation for aix con»ecutive weeks In the came to Ortley Sunday. They Mrs. A. M. Hoop, who re- tion which will prove interesting H M West. In ktosler, Waaco County, i Moil»» BCLLXTTN, by or h r ,.f the expect to bring their families turned heme last week from a to electric light users and others: Oregon. I will Sell the above described j Court mad« September 26th, 1913, di- here in about a week. visit with relatives in several October 21. 1913, was the 34th property to the highest Udder for cash, j »‘•«ting that »aid Summon# be ao pub- valley towns, brought with Iw r Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cameron, "-eke anniversary o f the invention of said sale to be made under the pTOvl»-, «»^<1 *< " • P**1od a blue ribbon, which her exhibit Ion» and direction» In said rh.Uel ‘ be date of the flrat publication there- o f Cenlralia, Wash., made a o f 20 pieces of fancy kiit work the Edison incandescent lamp. of, U m ? dmte « f the flrut publication o f mortgage to pay bililitc dttt? on aaltl The popular esteem in which Mr. mortgage, together with $19.(JO itofage thin funtmonv I« the third rimy o f Orto- week-end visit at Ortley last won at tit“ Salem state faV. Edison is held throughout the charge and attorney’s fee. at ,0 I"» ¡ T * ’ ’ ’ 8' t h e date of the last puh- week. Mr. Cameron expects to return next week lo d o s o m e tie -! ' ,r.<5 ^ b t v ’ e s '• ft v r- country makes of this fact a centtheron. for the advertising, and tb“ foUr‘ veloping on his ten acre orchard for her home in Boise, id;;- other expenae. Pf this sale. | ^ 0# N.vemlK-r, »IS . news item o f general interest. j ract bo. having spent the past t n W. K. rttowN. { P aul W. (YNLimas. How often have you heard the days on the ranch with her lius- M ortgagee. I Attorney for Plaintiff. The («dies Aid will give a Cemark: "It seems only y ester* I iand. FOR MAYOR We believe in and practice: This is For each and every purchase of five cents, one vote will be given.- Come in and see for yourself. Store M osier k c r a a i' Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. ) MOSIER •»///A ORE. W. E. LARA H A Y =3 11 l - “It Pays In the End” “ T h is is better than g o in g away t o the cou n try and leaving poor h u bby t o sit lon ely and disconsolate in a h o t city hom e. W e h a n d le all sty les and sizes of G-E Electric Fans— The Leaders of the Market. Mosier Valley Bank ELECTRIC «KRIKS S Slid H ood H iver. Or.» First National B? 1 Bui I V-36 MIM IM I / V i f "i / 1 'I ! b s n > >v] I. j! - jnjiihss. r,*!* v 1 % ít i I - - i f «' »y - . Ijfi.f 111 No Bugaboos Down Cellar Children can save you many t'-ilioua teps; but the tired- est mother li itcs to se: I a eiiild into a dark cellar, and children d i'.'n c to go th re. No eel .r need be dark nov.’-a-tla;.-», to terrify children and worry older pen;,1 . A ray o f sunshine from an' Edison M azda Lamp conveniently b-rated in the cell.-r-wiy w:!l l Tighten the darke'g cellar at the mere touch o f a switch. T\ r .t v low n M ( , E d i m M a n ta Lam pa Are ilia m oat a , » Penrfeal lam p» i% *t .• i . : •, , t j f. - o ih o r - $ e f t 1.« b o u r e w i.;-l* n e o d L Hf «m ty r V m i R — lly fo r b ie# period s r t a tim e . T r y • fe w e n d r « s i r e th* r cr .n r e n >*nce. Pacific Power & L ight Co. “Always At Your Service.^