Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, October 10, 1913, Image 3

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Veal, Pork, Poultry, hides
No Better Foundation Can Be Had
Than Solid Clay Soil— No Ad*
vantage In Ualng Rock«.
W rit« today for ta«s and our net cash price list
W e guarantee fair treatment, highest piicea. and
“Check by Return M ail." Give ua a trial with
xt lot of produce, t . h . Schmalz & Co
14Ì-143 Fr«. S l .
Tn making a cement feeding floor
on ground underlaid with clay a few
Inches below the surface, remove the
S S & iF iK f
E g g s , P o u lt r y , H o g s , V e a l
Bought, sold and exchanged; engines, boilers,
aowmilu^ etc. Send for Stock List and Prices.
TH E J. E. M ARTIN CO.. W 1st St.. Portland. Or.
F a ll Catalog o f Men’s and
Boys’ Clothing
sad all wearing apparel now ready.
Save money on your clothes by sending for it now
that you may learn a new way of saving. A ll er-
dara Par eel Poet paid.
Portland. Ore.
Manufacturers o f and dealers in New
' and ' Kegs, 5
and Second Hand • ~
to 50 Gals. Suitable for Cider or Kraut.
Buy a Piano Now
Every Make o f Pianola Player Pianos.
Low Prices and Easy Terms on all
Write Us for Particular«.
Sherm an . p i a y & Co.
Cost of Maintenance.
Beef cows that are not suckling
oalves may be wintered on silage
alone if the silage is good, without
may hay, says the Breeders' Journal.
T h ey are the better for a little straw
and a pound or two o f cottonseed
m eal per day. Cows of this kind will
-consume about 50 pounds of silage a
day and the cost o f their keep will
wary according to the cost of silage
and the length of the period between
Daily Thought.
old and new grass. Anybody can fig-
ure this out according to his climate,
W ipe out the past, trust the future,
cost of silage, other feeds and graz­ and live in a glorious now.— Elisabeth
ing, and see whether he can afford Towne.
to raise cattle on hls farm. What
does it cost to keep a beef cow per
Daily Thought.
year in your locality? Can you af­
Keep well thine tongue and keep thy
ford to raise steers? A little discus­
sion o f this point would be helpful to friend.— Chaucer.
A great many people.
8ure Thing.
Borne men who are always saying that have been relieved in the past 71
"business before pleasure” never give years by W right’s Indian Vegetable
Intelligent attention to either.
Pills and decide whether they are not
worth a trial. They regulate the
The Real de Luxe Edltlone.
Buy your books to read, not to brag bowels, stimulate the liver and purify
•boat, and you'll be safe.
the blood. Adv.
W . L. D O U G L A S
* 3 .0 0 * 3 .5 0 * 4 -0 0
*4.50 AND *R-oo
ßoi/s' 8hoes In thè World *
$2.00, $2.60 and $3.00
Ask j o u r dealer to «how yo»
f .L D obr I m $ 3.60. $4.00 sad $4.
•hoes. Just is food la style, fit sad
wear as other wakes costing $6 .0 0 to $7 .0 0 — tha
only different* la the price.
Shoes la all
leathers, styles and shapes to salt everybody.
I f yoa coaid **rit W. L. Douglas large factories
at Broektoa, -»a**., and see for yoartelf how
rarefally W . L. Doaglas ahoea are made, von
woald then aaderstaad why they are warraateo to
fit better, look better, hold their shape aad wear loager
than say other Bake for the price.
If W .
Douglas shoes are not for sals in your Tielpity,
order direct from the factory. Shoes for every mem-
_ her of the family, at all prices, by Parcel Poet, postage
free. W r i t e fiw !ll t « t r B l r « l C a ta ln g . It will
ee that W.L.
show you bow to order by mail, and why you can
•oofflas name Is
save money on your footwear,
nped on the bottom. W . L . l l o e g l a s , OOt Spark H int, Braektea. Baas
lation Must Come Next.
We «aad back *f m (radutes.
Passengers All Saved When ‘ S. O. S.’
Is Answered ■y Oother Vessels.
Seattle, Wash.— Captain E. L. Mc-
Noble, superintendent of the Pacific
Coast Steamship company, received a
message late Friday night from Cap-
steamer Spokane, saying that all pas­
sengers were saved. They were trans­
ferred, says the message, from the
Spokane to the steamer La Touche
and will be brought directly to Seattle.
Or.— W ireless
calls, caught at stations In Portland
and at Corvallis Friday night at 10
o ’clock, told o f the rapid sinking of
the steamship Spokane, 15 miles north
of Cape Lazo, on the inside passage,
about 100 miles north of Victoria, B.
C., and o ff Vancouver island.
The steamer La Touche, o f the
Alaska Steamship company, was one
of the first vessels to answer and at
10:30 was standing by and at 10:45
began taking o ff passengers from the
Ill-fated Spokane.
“ Taking water fast, send all assist­
ance possible,” was one of the flashes
received almost Immediately after the
which read:
"Steamer Spokane, 15 miles north
Cape Lazo, wants assistance.” The
commander signed.
The steamer Dolphin and the steam­
er Minnesota also answered.
Nome, Alaska— Following a night
and day o f terror, 24 hours o f the
worst A rctic storm that ever visited
Alaska’s most famous mining camp,
flames started in the ruins o f wrecked
buildings and at last reports the city
seemed doomed.
The Pacific Cold Storage plant, in
which is stored the chief supplies o f
winter provisions, was burned. This
plant contains virtually ail o f the meat
in Nome.
It is impossible to cope with the
flames. All o f the fire-fighting appa­
ratus was destroyed by the storm and
the waterworks also is out o f commis-
! sion. The firehouses and their con-
) tents were swept away by the gale.
Front street is a seething mass o f
wreckage into which ice-laden seas are
| breaking.
Hundreds o f homeless persons are
struggling against wind and wave in
an effort to collect enough food from
i the debris to sustain life for them­
selves and families for a day or two.
Receding seas are carrying away
wrecked homes and store buildings
with their contents.
None o f the buildings on the spit,
I that part o f the city virtually “ built
j upon the sands,” remain standing and
a score o f fires are blazing at different
| places in the ruins.
Persons who remained on the spit
are unable to reach the mainland, as
the high seas have made an island o f
| that part o f the camp.
Front street is a sea o f floating de­
bris. Not a house is standing on this
| thoroughfare.
More than 500 homes and business
buildings are destroyed.
Telephone and electric light serv­
ice are out o f commission.
papers and other plants depending on
electric power have suspended.
It is estimated that the loss will
reach $1,500,000.
So great was the destruction o f pro­
visions that it is feared a famine will
Men and women, standing waist
deep in the icy waters o f Bering Sea,
labored all night in an effort to save
some o f their household goods.
Sweeping in from the sea, the wind
backed water and ice above the found­
ations o f all houses in Front street.
The gale completed the destruction,
and by morning not a building was
standing on the water front.
Suffering from the cold was intense,
although no loss o f life has been re­
All small boats in the harbor were
piled on the beach and destroyed. The
steamers Victoria and Corwin escaped
by running to the open sea.
S2$-Year-Old Oak Felled.
Monmonth, Or.—In the year 16S7,
when Europeans were planting col­
onies In America, one
o f the oldest t o d a y a n d
o t i c e the
th e
in l­
and largest white oak
trees In Polk
. •
county began to grow.
The massive p rO V C m C T lt U1 yO U T g O n C T a l
oak, which has been cut down oa the h e a l t h
Tt tn n p fl
n n rl
Whlteaker farm, twe mile* north ol n e a l l n <
lO neB
this city, was $ 2 $ y e a n old. a* eatim strengthens the entire fly * -
eted by counts o f the rings Its c lr , .
cum ference wee I t feet, sad the dlans t € m .
star about six fe e t A sbert dlataace
away stands another giaat oak. Its ,
circumference la 1$ feet.
SooA to W Ktp.oiiof Arm, Co., Now Hovot i. Comm., for cireolor.
Middle Age Mortality.
Insurance men are noting an ln-
creasing middle-age mortality.
this country It has increased 20 per
cent In thirty years. In England It
has been very much less.
Putting Pigs on Grass.
When pigs are six weeks old they
| may be turned Into grass and clover
pasture if the weather is warm; If
j cold and ground wet, keep them In
dry, roomy pens.
S u c c e s s d e p e n d s la r g e ly u p o n
G o o d H e a lth
In your race fo r success don’ t loose sight o f the fact that only
through good health can you attain success.
The tension you must necessarily place upon your nerves, and the
sacrifice o f proper exercise you have to make at times must be
balanced in some way.
D r. Pierce*» Golden
M edical
it (be balancing p ow er—a vitalizing p ow er.
It acta on
the stomach and organs o f digestion and nutrition, thus
purifying the blood and giving strength to the nerves,
Indirectly aiding the liver to perform its very important
work. D r. P ierce'o G olden M ed ical D itco o ery haa been
successful for a generation as a tonic and body builder.
8old by medicine dealers in liquid or tablet f o r m -
trial box o f “ Tablets’ ' mailed on receipt o f GO on»«
cent stamps.
Tli« Poopin’ s Commoa
Sons« Medical Advisor
—newly revised up-to-
date edition—of 100«
P M «*, answers hosts
o ! delicate questions
- L . _______________
. . . . worn.«,
«laele or marri «¿.ought
la kaow. S e n . FREE
fat cloth b la jia g te cay
id d r a t aa r —
c «ipt mi
31 oaa^aat «tamp«, ta
cavar coat a l wreaping
If in failing health write Dr. R. V . Pierce’s
faculty at Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo* New York.
Robber Band Loots Bank.
Fort Smith, Ark.— After a rifle bat­
tle with several citizens Wednesday,
a band of robbers, who had looted the
vaults In the First State bank at Dar-
denelle, Ark., escaped. There were
said to have been eight men In the
band. The robbers secured approxi­
mately $4,000, according to a state­
ment from the bank officials. The
robbers have succeeded in eluding half
a dozen posses which are scouring
the country.
Four Under Auto Escape.
Hoqulam.—J. H. Brown, secretary
of the state public service commis­
sion; R. A. Brown, editor of the State
Capitol-Record of Olympia, and Mite
Yantls, also of the Capitol-Record, all
o f Olympia, and Charles Cooper, pro­
prietor of the Pacific Beach hotel, a
well-known ocean beach resort, es­
caped death by the merest chance
when their automobile turned turtle
on the county road east of Hoqulam.
All four were pinned under the car,
but none was injured. Peter Gran-
strom, who arrived on the scene a
Daily Thought.
few minutes after the accident, res­
True dignity comes only o f humility. cued the trapped autolsts.
Pride is the ruin o f dignity, for it is a
Copper Consumption.
worshipping o f self, and that involves
a continuous sinking. — George Mac­
The United States is the chief eon«
sumer o f copper.
B l /r
3 L //ID /S /G M A T F /? /^ lS
W N £J?£ rü U C A A / S A V £ M O M E Y
O u r b ig 1913 catalog ( t r e e ) , sh o w s th o u s a n d s o f t h e m ost w o n d e r fu l. b a r g a in s e v e r o ffe r e d in th e 1
h is to r y o f th e b u ild in g b u sin e s s. I t w il l s h o w y o u h u w t o s a v e m o n e y o n L u m b e r , 8 a s h , D o o rs. I
H s rd w ftre , paints nnd a ll iiu ild in g m a te ria l« . * W e soil t o y o n d i r e c t a t f a c t o r y p ric e s.
ne i i r t O
Under New Tariff Law Women
Lose Plumage.
to get our f c y f
m is u fio -
turers prices be­
f o r e you buy
pslnt. W ell savo
y o u money o n
paint* for Home.
Floor. Wagon or
B i r g kBiro
(0 e
T lioutand*fpg7
of t iy le s 1,— 1 ;
and sixes |r— j •
In stock 4, i r — 1 •
$ 2 2 .W (
fr— 1
I nw *J;
Be your o w n prompt
p lu m b e r ! ’ We d e li v e r y ./
from ,
• e l l plumbing
$ 1.26 u p
materials of all
kinds at whole­
Our fre e ca ta ­
sale prices Toll- log s h o w s the
• ts. Lavatories. f l e e s t Use of
Sink*. Pipe, Fit- doors shown any­
t i n g s , valvss, where. sll e t mut
faucets, etc
l ^ Bath = tube.)
Buy yeu* lumber from th* drat grading. Don’t Pur
from ratal! yards that sell lumber that ha» b»»n gradod
S or 4 tlgtea Our» Is sll drat grads and flrat euallty
tv* ooll direct st mill price* Send ua your lists and
S«t our •oth-botlom. prepaid price*
lUnd u» today your lumber bill k*m» your Shlppl*«
point W# will (»11 you just wh»t It will coat t«eight
laid to your «union 0*t*log fr»«.
W * * la Z * 1 ? .
* M tiie , _
Fit Boys for Business.
Get Rid of 8cale.
When a boy undertakes to learn the
Oyster shell scale Is not always re­
grocery business In Prague, Bohemia, moved by the lime-sulphur spray. But
his employer demands from $20 to $60 the Dominion Experimental farm et
a year from him and In return furnish­ Ottawa, Can., has shown by actual
es board and clothes. The lad must test that a good whitewashing will
attend an advanced business school a t ; eucceod where the spray fails. Forty
least twice a week and on Sundays pounds of lime, 40 gallons o f watei
study an additional language.
and eight pounds of salt make up tbe
recipe. Spray on the tree Just after
He Knew What He Meant.
the leaves fall, and again aa soon
W e were visiting a cousin whose as the first wash has dried. The
small boy was very fond o f the des­ scales will loosen up from the bark
serts served. After finishing hls din­ and fall off. This will not do away
ner he waited for a time and then with the need of the llme-sulphnr
said: “ Mamma, Is there any last spray for San Jose scale, but is ad­
thing?”— Chicago Tribun*
W i t i o i K . C o I p i i i i d ,
l’atout !«• wy«r, W Mb ingioi»,
---------------- — I U ’. Advl<« and hookifro^
Hate« r*Mon*ble. Highest referent-«*. Beet service*
T h e "T °p g ra d e "S h o e
A R eally Classy Shoe
Tells How She W as Restored
T o Health by Lydia E.
Pinkham’a Vegeta­
ble Compound.
If pm Nola tm a) fadk ■ * to
P o rtla n d . Or*.
Hours. 10 e. m. to 6 p. m..
or by Appointment
Grayville, IH.—“ I was a great suf­
ferer o f female complaints for a year
-«I and I got nothing
that helped me un­
til I began taking
Lydia E. Pinkham'a
V e g e t a b l a Com­
pound. I waa irreg­
ular and had cramps
so bad that 1 bad to
go to bed.
Now I
have better health
than I have had for
years and I cannot
speak too highly o f
Women Demand Prayer*.
your medicine.” —Mrs. J essi * ScHAAX,
London— Because the clergy do not 4U Main St., Grayville, IU.
include women in their prayers a party
o f suffragettes interrupted the morn­
Cnee o f M rs. T o lly .
ing services at Westminster Abbey |
Chicago, III.— " I take pleasure te
last Sunday morning by chanting a
prayer for the women now in prison. writing to thank you for what Lydia EL
The party rose as the litany was being Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound haa
recited and ignored a request to desist don* for me. I suffered with such aw .
from singing. A t the conclusion the fui periodic peine, and had a displace­
women left the sbbey quietly.
A d­ ment, and received no benefit from the
doctors. I was advised to take Lydia
dressing a crowd outside, one o f them
EL Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound, and
“ This I* nothing to what will
am now a» well as ever. " —Mrs. W ile
happen unless women are included in
LUX T dlly , 2052 Ogden Arm ena,
the clergy’s prayers.”
Chicago, 111.
S p an ish B a llo o n is t K illed .
Barcelona, Spain'— A t a balloon
ascension here a spectator accidentally
was caught in a guide rope and was
carried np. The aeronaut in an at­
tempt to assist him, fell ont o f the
basket and was killed. The spectator
maintained hia^ grip on the rope and
landed unhurt.
New York— With the passage o f the
It appears that in all the world there haa j new tariff, the customs officer has had
been discovered one drug—and ONLY one—
1 thrust upon him a new and disagree­
that actually stimulates to renewed action tha
follicles and cells that nourish the hair and able office. He must tear out the aig­
thereby make it grow—even on bald heada rettes and plumage o f foreign birds
That drug la a standard article of commerce that women passengers are wearing in
wall known to the drug trade. The National their hats when they arrive in Am eri­
Standard Dispensatory says it acta as a pow­ can ports.
When the Underwood bill went into
erful stimulant to the growth of the hair.
Therefore even if you have tried a hundred effect Monday a score o f women on the
kinds of hair tonic without that drug you I French liner Lorraine were subjected
have not proven that a hair tonio containing ; to this treatment.
Their indignation
that drug will not make your hair grow. Tha was so great they could net contain
best way ia to mix your own tonio or havs a ; themselves.
reliable druggist mix it for you. Hare la a
Try as they might, the customs men
formula that includes the drug referred to: were unable to make the women see
Bay Rum, 6 oz; Menthol Crystals, H drachm; j they were only carrying out orders and
Lavona de Composee, 2 ounces. You can gat disorder and
these ingredients at any drug store. If you
This probably will be the rule, steam­
choose yon may add 1 drachm of your favorite
perfume. Apply to the scalp with tha Angers ship men say, every time an inspector
night and morning. This formula ia recom­ steps aboard a vessel.
The customs men got busy also on
mended for falling hair and dandruff. It
should make your hair grow. It la NOT in the’’ Campania, which arrived later
any aense a dye and contains no eoloring mat­ A collection o f birds o f Paradise was
ter whatever, but has a tendency to stimulate found in short order by the inspectors.
the pigment-secreting cells and thereby re- The trunks o f the women passengers
■tora prematurely gray hair to ita natural
were raked for them.
The plumage seized will be turned
Milk as Ration for Chickens.
over to the appraisers, who will set a
Combine the dairy and poultry price on each piece and send word to
plants on the farm. In other words, the owners, who w ill be permitted to
feed the milk to the chickens. For return them to the dealer from whom
fattening or for laying birds, there Is they were bought. I f anything goes
nothing better.
It does not make wrong with this program and the feath­
much difference, either, what kind of
milk you give them. Sour and but­ er stay here, the traveler will be guil­
ter milk are as good as any, while ty o f smuggling.
Prof. Llpptncott, head of the poultry
department o f the Kansas Agricultural
King May Be Dethroned.
college, gives the following as an ex­
Munich— The newspapers declare
cellent ration for fattening purposes:
One part cornmeal, one part oat flour, that the Bavarian government has re­
one part barley meal, one part beef vived its plan for dethroning King
scrap, eight parts butter milk or Otto o f Bavaria and
placing the
skim milk. This makes what is Prince Regent, Ludwig, on the throne.
called slop feed, aa It la thin ensugb This course was suggested at the time
to ponr.
o f the death o f the old king last year,
but Prince Ludwig vetoed the move­
ment. The government has now in­
a bill for increasing the
Prince Regent’s civil list,
thereby to convince the members o f
the clerical party that it would be
cheaper to place him on the throne.
The Model 1912 Winchester is the lightest, strongest
and handsomest repeating shotgun on the market. It
weighs only about 5 )i pounds, yet it has great strength,
because its metal parts throughout are made of nickel steel.
It is a two-part Take down, without loose parts, is simple to
operate and the action works with an ease and smoothness
unknown in guns of other makes. See one at youi dealer’s or
Memosial to Be Marble.
To your Ability add BE H N K E-W ALK ER training.
w / N c / fE s r m
Gale Drives Raging Seas Into City
Built Upon Sands—Food Sup­
plies Are Destroyed.
Wilson Says Rest o f Problem
Chiefly Financial—Bill Be­
comes Law at Once.
Mine Death* Increase.
W aihlngton, D. C.— Fatalities In
the coal mines of the United States
during the first seven months of the
year numbered 1437, as compared with
11419 In the like period last year, ac­
cording to reports to the bureau of
mines here. Pennsylvania leads the
1 list with 763 deaths, an Increase of
193 over last year. Of these 380 were
In the anthracite and 383 In the bitum­
inous fields. W est Virginia, with 181
deaths, shows a decrease of 72 over
the fatalities In the first seven months
Turnips and Watermelons.
of 1912. Then In order follow Ohio 99,
Turnip seeds scattered
among Illinois 97, Alabama 55, Colorado 47,
the watermelon vines after cultiva­ Indiana 32 and Tennessee 25.
tion has ceased, will produce a good
Anti-Futures Campaign Open.
second crop on the land.
Washington. D. C.—On the heels of
the failure of congress to legislate In
Cheesy Butter.
j the tariff bill to prevent gambling In
The cheesy taste o f butter Is doe to | cotton futures. Representative Harri­
lack of thoroughness In washing and son. o f Mississippi, has introduced a Get rid of that feeling o f de­
removing tbe buttermilk. Butter will resolution providing for an Interna­
not keep well If any of the buttermilk tio n a l campaign against such specula­ pression, commonly known
tion. The resolution would request as “ the blues.”
It is Only
the president to negotiate with Great 7 7
Common Fault.
Britain and other nations with a view the liver that has become lazy
In the long run it Is with a profes­
s : : r . «« • « » » i t » t impaired d ig « -
sion as with marriage, w * cease to re­ ■
mark anything but Ita drawbacks.
proached should agree the president t i o n a n d c l o e E f e d b o w e l s . T r y
would name a commission o f three |
persons to represent the United States
in further negotiations.
Bookkeeping - - Shorthand - - Telegraphy
Flames Complete Destruction
of Alaskan Mining Camp.
Remarkable Remedy That
Works Wonders Against
Eczema and All Rash
Banish All
Skin Troubles
U J M toed paatin— a feed salary.
. . .
Washington, D. C.— The Lincoln
Washington, D. ^ '~ ® urroun<le<* y Memorial commission has decided to
the leaders of a united Democracy, - recommenci that Secretary Garrison
President Wilson signed the Under- award the contract for the erection o f
wood-Simmons tariff bill at 9:09 the superstructure o f the Lincoln Me­
o ’clock Friday night at the white morial in this city to a local construc­
house. Simultaneously telegrams were
sent to customs collectors throughout tion company at $1,637,800. The su­
the country by the treasary depart­ perstructure is to be constructed in
ment, putting Into actual operation the main from Yule rmarble from Col-
the first Democratic tariff revision orado. New bids will be asked for
since 1894.
I the foundation.
A happy group o f legislators, mem-1
bers of the cabinet and friends en-
D a m a ge b y R od en ts,
circled the president as he signed the
Rats are said to do damage estimat-
’ When Your
Eyes M Need Care blI1>
U8in8 two gold pens. He present- ^ at $3,000,000 in Chicago every
Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting—-Faeja e<l to Representative Underwood the
It lo r K »a , W e a k , ____ . u _ . Z .„ a ___________ __ __________ a " w t . ^ a
Water^Eyes^¿nd’cfranufated’ Eyehde! I n S Pe& that had written the word ’’ Wood-
trated Book In each Package.
Murine la row," and the one which had COmplet-
m«i07i £5 £ !£ if3 p h j3 > 8 & K S £ ed hls name to Senator Simmons.
Me© f - o r m any years. Now dedicated to th ^ P a b - ]
Amid impressive silence the presl -1
“ o an d sold by Di
A Îe
V u ^ T Ïîâ
^ ^ lS ’ife deut delivered In easy, natural tones
a rm o Uye B a li________
_ ____________
_ o., C hlo»*o an
Murine _ Evo _ Remedy C
| brought prolonged applause.
H e said that the journey o f legisla­
To Remove Stains.
Grass stains may be removed from tive accomplishment had only been
washable fabrics by rubbing with partly com pleted: that a great service
had been done for the rank and file
fresh lard before washing.
of the country, but that the second
step In the emancipation o f business
was currency reform. H e earnestly
Use for Aniline Colors.
I f yo u h a v e been lig h tin g so m e blood
called upon his colleagues to go “ the
That aniline colors have a marked rest o f the Journey” with fresh im­ trou b le, so m e akin d isea se , call It e cze m a,
lupua, p so ria sis, m a la ria , or w h a t you
action upon various kinds o f microbes pulse.
ill, there Is b u t on e su re, s a fe w a y to
appears to be established. It is dis­
"Gentlemen. I feel peculiarly pleas­ w
g a t rid o f it.
A s k a t a n y d ru g s to re for
covered that aniline compounds In gen­ ed.” the president began, "in what a |1.00 b o ttle o f S. S. S. and you a re tben
eral act to destroy microbes, even in I have just done by taking part in o n th e road to h e a lth . T h e a c tio n o f this
greater degree than does phenic acid. the com pletion o f a great piece of re m a rk a b le re m e d y Is ju s t a s d irect. Just
O f the different bacteria examined the businoss. It Is a pleasure which Is aa positive, Just a s certain In Its Influ­
e n ce a s th a t th e su n rise s In th e E a s t.
typhus bacillus is the most readily very hard to express in words which I t Is on e o f th o se rare m ed ica l forces
are adequate to express the feeling,
w h ic h a c t In th e blood w ith th e sa m e de­
because the feeling that I have Is that
g r e e o f c e r ta in ty th a t la fou n d In all n a t­
Mothers w ill find Mrs. W in d o w s Soothing we have done the rank and file of u ra l te n d e n c le a
T h e m a n n e r In w hich
Byrup the best remedy to use for th tlr childre n the people o f this country a great It d o m in a te s a n d con trols th e m yeterlou a
lu r in g ihe teething period.
tra n sfe r e n c e o f rich , red, pu re arterial
I "It is hard to speak of these things blood fo r th e d ise a se d v e n o u s blood Is
Much Gold In W orld’s Coin.
without seeming to go o ff into cam- m a rv e lo u a
O u t th rou gh e v e r y sk in p o rs a cid s,
Seventy per cent of the gold in civ- j paign eloquence, but that is not my
llized man’s possession is in the form feeling. It is a feeling o f profound g e rm s an d o th e r blood Im p u rities a re
forced In th e fo rm o f in visib le vap or.
of coin.
gratitude that, working with the aplen- B e n e a th th e sk in Is a fine n e t w ork o f
did men who have carried this thing n e rv es, a m yriad o f th em In w h ich 8 . S. 8 .
xi nr
I through with studious attention and w o r k s w ith u n tirin g e n e rg y to p reven t
ILnew W h ere B e w a s .
doing justice all around, I should have tb e fu rth e r d e stru c tiv e w o rk o f th e a cid s
Sportsman— “ Can you tell me where had a part in serving the people of a n d blood Im p u rities. T h e e s a r e s c a t ­
to send a handkerchief I have found this country as we have been striving tered Into th e v e in s to b e driven fro m
belonging to Father M aloney?” Irish to serve them ever since I can remem­ th e s y ste m . T h e lu n g s b re a th e It o u t.
th e liv e r Is s tim u la te d to co n su m e e
Priest— “ I can; but he’ ll have no use ber.
r e a t proportion o f Im purities, th e sto m ­
"I have wished to see the accom ­ a g ch
for u t
H e’s been in Hiven these
and In testin es c e a se to c o n v e y Into
plishment o f something like this ever th e blood stre a m th e cata rrh a l, m a la ria l
three w eeks.” — Punch.
since I was a boy, and I know men g e r m s ; th e b o w els, k id n eys, blad der an d
Pr. Pierce’ s Pleasant Pellets regu­ standing around me who can say the all em u n ctorlea o f th e bod y a r e m a rsh a le d
Into a fig h tin g fo r c e to ex p el e v e ry v e s ­
late and invigorate stomach, liver and same thing— who have been waiting tig
e o f eru p tiv e d isea se .
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. to see the things done which it was
T h e r e la sc a rc e ly a c o m m u n ity a n y .
necessary to dp In order that there
Easy to take as candy.
e re bu t w h a t haa lta liv in g e x a m p le
might be justice in the "United btates.
on d erfu l
pu ratlve e ffe c ts o f
“ And so it is a solemn moment that e 8 . f 8 . th 8 e . w
Make Money in Fox Farms.
G et a b o ttle o f t h is fa m o u s re m ­
Fox farming Is a growing Industry brings business to a conclusion and 1 e d y to -d a y , an d i f y o u r c a s s Is stu bb orn
hope will not be thought demanding o r pecu liar w r ite to T h e S w ift Speclflo
In Southern Yukon.
too much o f myself or colleagues C o ., 1*0 S w ift B ld g ., A tla n ta , Q a T h e ir
I say that this, gTeat as it is, is m ed ica l la b o ra to ry ta fa m o u s an d is con-
Shake Into T ou r Shoe#
d u c tsd b y ren ow n ed e x p e r ts In blood an d
Allan’s Foot-Eaae, a powder for the fee*. I t core» the accomplishment of only half the
painful, swollen, smarting,
aw sating
fee*. Maksa ( Journey. W e have set the business of Skin d isea se s.
new shoee easy. Sold by ail Drugstore and sho« this country free from those condl-
Storee. Don'
D on't accept any •ub.tltut®. .Sam ple , , — „
a _____ ________ i „
Gross Carelessness.
tlons which i have made
monopoly not
A . S. Olmsted. Le Rar. N . Y .
FREE. Addr
“ Bill’s going to sue the company for
only possible, but In a sense easy and
natural. But there Is no use taking damages.” “ Why, what did they do to
Phones for Rescuers.
away the conditions o f monopoly If him ?” “ They blew the qulttln’ whistle
A telephone designed for use o f we do not take away also the power when e’ was carryln’ a ’eavy piece of
mine rescuers whose heads are cov­ to create monopoly, and that In a fi­ Iron, and ’e dropt it on 'Is f o o t ”—
ered with helmets while at work is nancial, rather than a merely com ­ Everybody's Magazine.
operated by throat vibrations, the mercial and econom ic power.”
transmitter being held at the throat.
Lime and Sulphur Spray.
The lime and sulphur spray is ex­
pensive. It Is disagreeable to make
and to apply. But It clears the trees
o f a variety of germs and Insects.
The shothole fungus Is dreaded by
plum growers. Bordeaux mixture haa
been the remedy. It is effectual, but
It requires time and several applica­
tions. One good treatment with lime
aad sulphur will do more to rid the
trees-of the disease than a season o f
spraying with Bordeaux. For this pur­
pose, If for no other, the sulphur Is to
be recommended.
Add to that the
effect on the other ailments and It
makes the treatment a valuable one
for the plum grower.
Lealfers Told C" rra,c>' u 8is-
solid and level, and put on the con­
crete made of one part of Portland
cement, two part9 of clean, coarse,
sharp sand and four parts of crushed
rock or clean gravel, thoroughly
mixed dry, then wet and remixed,
right onto the clay.
No better foundation 'can be had
than solid clay soil. There la no ad­
vantage In putting down rocks over
solid clay, as they cause trouble In
the future. Put down three or four
Inches of such concrete, and before It
has set put down one inch of Port­
land cement to two parts o f clean,
coarse sand, mix and dry as before,
then wet and remix carefully, and
may be spread upon the coarser con­
This will make a durable floor.
Rocks and sand below are not re­
quired, and are no use In a floor of
this kind.
N et prices f. o. b. Portland, week ending Oct. 11.
Fresh valley eggs, 30c doz: dairy butter, 22; cream-
ary, 26<&28c; hens 13<ftl4c;
ka, 11 ©13c; fancy pork, 10<&llc: veal, fancy.
14Vic; caacara bark. 5c lb. Ship us furs, woo la
hidas. Write for any prices wanted. Cash by
return mail.
1KUBY Jt CO., 107 Front St.. Portland. Or.
Assets I30.0U0.00.
1 2 7 W ater Street
K ja 5714
C hiro prac to r
Scientific Treatment of »11 Acute end Chronic
TMeeeeee. Licensed Practitioner. Suite 494-6-7
lealtà-baildim« r— M
the Chinese
it relief. Let thin graat nature
nose peer oeee *■«1
e»d preerrlf
preerrlbe some r
action Isenlrk, sure and oaf*. Hit preeofipl
•re eomponnrieri from Root*, Hart«. Baris
S ’» \tV ÌK ihT K .-ihS Ì S T S m T S U S i
conm station
1 « ? i r w t 9 t.. Car.
I f yoa h a rt tbe slightest doabt
that Lydia FL Pinkham ’a Vegeta­ V»__
ble Compound w ill help yor^wrtte
to Lydia R.PInkhatn M edicine Co.
r n . u.
(con fldentlal ) Lynn, Maaa* for ad­
vice. T ou r letter w tll be
read and answ ered by n
1 n Mss this pape*.
held in strict
N a 41, ’U