PUBLISHED ADVERTISING RATES EVERY FRID AY BV BULLET H. Ò. KiriliEE. Proprietor S U B S C R IP T ! O K -R A T E S .51 SO One Year. •Six MoaUis Three Woun. Professional C ards.........................|»er month I .M One s q u a r e ...................................... “ M l.ff One-quarter Oulumn........................ " ** 3.Of One-half Cplansn........................... ** ** 5 .0 One Colum n..................................... M “ 9 of 5 • fcntineE« locals will k»e charged at . cents par line fo r each insertion. Letraiadvetiitfem enU will in all cases "be charged •Cntered a» er. d-c'j*- itt • M a r k 12. ISM* at the post office r.t M wrier, Oregon, under 1?ho Act of *March 3. ISTtf. Attention, \7 n t0 V < f ltiS'ier' >n elegant last«*, has lieen S UtCIS. MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1913 VOL. V eiectej for the manager, Mr. E. ST. M A R Y ’S ACADEM Y | IS When the ground is dry, for Tree DR. \ , DU MULE Harrison, H. S.......V V ’ s Eyes n , , , , -i , Porter, C. S.................... Laddie From g tract of heavily wood- p 0 . H . . . Bobby, General ^ d timber t « well improved. Ma r< farm m about a year’ s ttme. is .Richards L E ........ Miss Jimmy ■ I d a I , S m i t h , the record made by E. B. Vensel, Seaman< A H. . .Little Mamselle Adm inistratrix. manager o f the Buena Yista o f the Wilderness. '-Orchards, ” about six miles south­ SUMMONS east o f town. This tract, con- JUVENILE NON-FICTION, In the Circuit Court o f the State o f sisting-<*tja fraction over 100 Gulliver, Lu cile.. .. Friendship of Nations. Relates the h is t o r y Oregon fo r W u c s County, acres, was oiSginally known as o f the peace movement. IB k kth a M addaugh , the Brooks timlier claim. Mr. Hutchinson, Woods........ Child’s W. W. Vensel. a Pittsburg, Pa., «I Day. Presents the simple prin­ W m . M a d d a l g h . capitalist, purchased th e ‘ tract ciples of hygiene and the facts ! Defendant. «bou t two years ago from Wm. o f anatomy anti physiology. T o W m . Maddaugh. the above named Neilson, who had previously ac­ defendant: quired this and the Sundborg J U V E N IL E F IC T IO N . In the Nam e o f the State o f Oregon. land, adjoining. Gould, F. L ............Felicia Visits You are hereby required to appear About a year ago Mr. Vensel and answer the complaint filed against put a large force o f men on his you in the aliove entitled suit, or or B!6 GAME HUNTING IN AUTO land to.clearing and in this brief b efore six weeks from the date o f the first publieation o f this summons here- time all the land has been cleared It is rathe) unusual to hunt big ¡nafter stated, and if you fail to so ap- and thirty acres set to commer­ game in an auto, in this neck o’ pear and answer said complaint, the cial trees. There is a hearing the woods, hut that is what Fred plaintiff will apply to the Court for th>- j orchard o f six acres on the place, Evans did last Wednesday morn­ decree prayed fo r in her complaint, to- set out by the original owner, W’ t: ing. A black hear has I>een dev­ For a decree to the effect that the and the fruit on these trees astating the Steelsmith orchard, Itomis o f matrimony h e r e to fo r e - c a s t­ proves conclusively that at four miles south o f town, for ing between the plaintiff and the de­ this altitude, about 2000 feet, several weeks past. Several fendant be fo re ve r annulled, aet aside -apples attain a good commercial cam o g w 1 . ' , " “ “ c n .in i hunting parties have been -out and held for naught; that the plaintiff size, are beautifully colored and aftertljm ^ „ fa iU t J . t o lo_ £ « « ' • * « ■ »/' absolute divorce from : possess the keeping qualities to . . . . . the defendant and fo r such other re lie f | Cate him. Wednesday morning ag t<( the Court may seem equitable ami l a marked degree. The land on the Vensel tract Mr. Evans took his hear degs and just. a n d h is trusty r i f l e and motored You are hereby motified .that this i has a north and wost slope, so U T ’ w ” ‘ Ir up in search o f bruin. The dogs served upo.ryou by publi-l llllich ----------- desired. ---------- With the , . I cation lo fo r r six six conseeunve consecutive weeks weeks in in in-- the —— best of , ,,,| , . 1 1 t . • ...^ J ) cauoii air and water drainage, while " . * ' . '' ’ ’ *' ’ ’ M ° sif . k B u l l e t i n , by order o f th>-1 ♦ he soil is a deep volcanic ash— brought him to tho gioun-i couff „,„, 1 ^ Septem ber 26 th, 1913, di- ideal conditions for an apple or­ with a bullet thru the heart. H e r e c tia g that said summons be m> pub-! was SO large that Fred had to go liehed fo r a period o f six weeks from ! chard. for help to get it oart of the th* «*•*• t*1* fin,t putdic^ion th e r e - ! Not only has the land on this of, the date o f the first publication of large tract undergone a remark- *,rua^- this summons is the third day o f Octo­ ber. 1913, and the date of-the last puh- able change in a short year, but * .dher sulistantial improvements Roht. W . Simpson has moved lication th e r »o f will be on the four- have been made. A modern into his new residence which he twnth d»jr W Kutemlwr, n i t F a u l W. C h i l d e r s , Jaiuigalow, commodious and fur- recently Guilt on his lot in thej A tto rn e y foe i'iaiutitf. Loiter addition. No contention for satisfaction if you buy o f our new line o f Underwear and Sweater Coats—direct from the whole­ information on “Farming with Dynamite” sale house. We believi in and practice: A reasonable No price on second hand goods, for price on new goods. there are none in owr stock. May he had for the asking. H. Get one. Niehol WEST Hay - Grain Feed Agent for DUPONT Powder Mosier, - - - The & Co., where Service and Satisfaction .are Siene Classmates. Oregon M O S IE R : O REGO N : * A fine, large, beautiful DOLL will he given by the’MosIER Doors j ft » Shingles, Roofing ( r _________________ ____________________ " * B ook Si orf , to the link gir1 under 12 years who receives tbe most vole.: between October'isi add Deceiftber 23rd. the way-‘ lull you gel: This is For each and every purchase of five cents, one vote will he given. Com in and see for youi'self. Mosier Book Store ! « — Tum-A-Lum Lum ber Co. « I I signed,- at the resid en ceof ,1. S..Tap lor. at I tZ^ Fine Street, The Dalles, H i ‘ i gun. within six (tij m ou lts from the dale o f the tilst publication o f fiiis | . I notice. The date o f the lust poidi- cation of. this notice is August ISIS. Planting and Rejuvenating the old Orchard An interesting hook, full o f valuable S. F. GOSS a Satisfaction Contentment I met BÜENA VISTA FASlfl puid fo r before affidavits areffurnished. » ------ B. Vensel, and family, with an THE DALLES, OREGON. | A mass meeting o f the citizens electric plant furnishing light o f Mosier will he held inCliown’ s an,| power, and pumping water BOARDING and DAY SCHOOI. | P a ll Monday night. next, Octo- yt ple premises, and a modern JKorCHUS. '1 her 13th, at 8 o’ clock, for the aix-room house fur Pis foreman » f O R 'P A R T IC U L A R S A P P L Y fT O ® purpose o f nominating a ticket an<] rj^ht bower, L. H. Leining- S IS T E R S U P E R IO R . § for the election of city officers, er, is in course o f construction. said election to he held on the Besides this there is a large and pc convenient barn, carriage and '22nd day ©f October. As the matter of choosing the tool house, and all the buildings H. G. K I B B E E first set-of officers is an import- necessary for a >well equipped ant one, it is to he desired that farm. And ali this in a space o f' N O T A R Y P U B L IC the voters will torn out en masse time much shorter than is often ‘ and give the subject the coirsid- required to start such a project, M O S IE R OREGON eration it deserves. A mayor In fact, the magnitude o f the and six eouncilnien are to he undertaking and the wonderful IF Y O U W I S H nominated, bcsid“ s a recorder, a amount of work accomplished, treasurer and a marshal. O f can only he appreciated by -one To meet your friends, stop at course the most important offices familiar with the physical con- HOTEL MOSIER. are the mayor and eouncilnien. ditions existing before the work ------- •♦---- Nearly everyone in town knows of Clearing began, A l l Modem and under New what, material there is to draw The view from the Vensel from for the various offices. In bungalow is superb. In the; Management. fact, several names have been clear atmosphere at this altitude a u g m e n t e d b a t h . f a c il it ie s coupled with the mayoralty, as Mt. Hood looks but a short dia­ ls always the case when an elec- tance away, and St. Helens, in GUY Q. STRYKER, Prop. tion is due; hut up to the pres- Washington, only a trifle farth- e n t time there seems to be no er. The sunsets, as viewed from choice, tho everyone agrees that the verandah o f the Vensel bun- W. A. HUSBANDS the mayor should be a man who galow, are wonderful nature B l a c k s m it h is thoroughly progressive and at pictures, painted by a Master Horse Shoeing and General the same time one who will safe- artist, pictures which cannot he guard ike city's interests; arnan duplicated by band (if man. Repair Work. who has the time to devote to Taken altogether— the natural Satisfaction gunvameen the city’ s business and the abil- advantages of soil, climatic con- HOSIER OREGON ity to get results in dealing with ditions, etc., combined with the the various matters which are scenic beauty, Buena Vista Or- conScantly coming up and which chards hid fair to rival in coni- 'require sound judgment to s live, mercial importance, and certain- The eouncilnien are no less ini- ly as a summer home, any o f the P L U M B IN G . ,istrict. KTLAM a n d HOT W A TE R o f the city's government, and '.H E A T IN G . they should he men of good busi- Recent Additions .to the Library '.lobbing promptly a tie »»led--to. ness ability and sound judgment, j ----- MOSIER - - OREGON , » k een ly alive to and jealou s of, NON-FICTION, the city’ s interests. Questions Bl.yce j anies-South America. affecting the future welfare of A scholarly work concretely em- the city will come before them j,0(jy jng the observations and and they should be ready to give j mpresgjona derived from a four P H Y S IC IA N Ai*> S tlltG E O N them the earnest consideration ,months> journey ¡n th e republics! they require. We have men in o f Panama, Peru, Chile, Argen­ HOOD R IVER : OREGON Mosier who can fill the bill,a few tine, Uruguay and Brazil. Will practice in Mosier and -fof whom have had more or less Hunt, T. F.--The Young Farm­ experience in things municipal. er. A survey o f the whole field May he reached by long dis­ This is sucli an innovation for o f agriculture for the vont)g man tance plume, Home phone 61. Mosiei— this municipality busi­ about to enter the business. ness, that the timid ones appear Rhodes, J. F. — History o f the Notice1 to Creditors to think that it means ruin for United Stales, 7 -vols. Covers . In the County Court o f fix ’ Statu ot the community and the mdivid- the iod from 1850t() 1877< Oregon fo r Wasco- County, nal. These timid ones will ad- J ^ Scott, W. R. — Americans in in the M atter o f tbe E state mit, later—-that is, some of them Panama. Conceded by engineer -1 of ¡1 J will, that they were wrong in ing authorities to be the best j A lfrkd S mith , Deceased . Notice is hereby given that the t •th e ir predictions about incorpo­ popular account < o f the work o f i County-Court o f the S tate o f Oregon i j ration ruining the town. building the canal. for Wasco County, hasappointed tlicun- | * However, ye voters, come out White, Bouck— Call o f the dersigned Adm inistrator orf the estate ; f next Monday night and choose Carpenter. An attempt by a o f A lfr e d Smith, deceased. A ll per the citizens whom you are will­ sincere Christian to formulate sons having claims against said estate': , are hereby notified to present the j i n g to have as city officials. the real teachings o f Christ. I same, properly verified, i to the under­ FICTION. NO. 32 to the partjr*oiderm * then», at legal rates, and A. R a c e , MOSIER m g r • i Ì . 1 ORE. .«+ »• ft****!* In Uusiuess '¿50 1 ears W. F.LARAWAY Homi Kiiwr Oregon i Is a J ew eler ami Optician o f many yéars exj* prience. Ji you have a “ aicU” ti/ne-'piece, lie can cure it. I f you have e y e Lrouhie. I can correct it hy fitting you v* ¡til proper lenses. I f you have je w e lry o f any turnt to repair, lie can 00.00 ELECTiilC K G Hood River, A S O L ID B A N K C O N S E R V A T IV E L Y M A N A G E D DIRECTORS: J. N. M osier , j . p. C arroll , J . m E llio tt , D avid R obinson , F. N. A ustin Mass Chown’s Next Monday Night October 13th, ’13. T o nominate Officers for the city election to be held Oct. 22nd, 1913. Everybody Come! . . ;.oFFLV CO. Oregon F im i National Bank Building S f 7 i ■ li! -m e H ■Ë/ ’ e ä t1 ■ ! i Romical lamp* f >r cellar*ways. U R ) , close's and olker parts of tbe koase which need light only intermittently far brie# periods at a time. T ry a f - w and realise t h e ir -----r t s l t n r r . Pacific Power & Light Co,» “Always At Your Service/*