W. H. Steelsniith, o f Port- i Mrs. .I. T. Davenport returned C. J. Liltlepage and Mr. and land, was here this week looking I Sunday from a visit at The Ors. Henry Nelson left last after his land interests south o f | Dalles with iter parents. Her night to ntieud the Round-Up at town. little daughter. Florence, who' Pendleton. WOOD WANTED Parti«1» with w « kh I to sell write Wind Amos Root ,'iml E. W. David- was seriously ill while in Th . Mrs. Jane Kent, who has been I talles, has ill; ■it recovered. River Lumber Co.. Wulla Wulla, Wn. h iza r wore attending to ItllsinPHS visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Giv«* (ietailx a-iil price». [ ! mat t« rs at th«-* county seat on as m rtlarnl last wee! Ii .ley, and family, left Wedues- Tuesila idy to show » i • i; night to visit a von ru Weis am! am Peaches For Sale s in gingham.; m *i\ Id;.ho, and will l!;on return Df. D. Robinson and wife left s wool d i t s goods in tl Early or hate Crawfords and Wednesday evening to take in \Y o iter hoini in Kansas. She was • sh ides of rei, wine, hlm», ic.-ompanied part way by her Albertas can lie had for canning. tin- sights at th" Pendleton lilac luttons, ruffling, grandson, Leo Iligley. who goes etc., nt Leave orders at Strauss' or Nich- ftonnd-Up. silks a id V ,l veis, ladies’ ned« I !.o llaKet-county to work in the ols’ Stores. I Mr. and Mrs. It. Campbell wear, Balkan trimming velvet, old mines. i Clark and Mrs. Dick Evans were I and many other things that will NOTICE! visitors in Hood River Wednes- Messrs. Geo. G. and Wallace; interest you. Before you go Hides bought on consignment, day morning. ! McClure, of The Dalles, were away from home, try me and see Bring your hides to the Bulletin Mrs j Sendlinger and daugh- what I have. You may save | business visitors in town last ■ ednesda.v. They represent the ° ^ ce' : ter, H. Kolierts and wife and S. time i nd money. Strauss. j Portland Realty Associates of ■ D. Fisher were visiting in The Portland, considered by the best Reward | Dalles Monday. ! Iiusuiess men of the country to will pay $25 reward to any I Miss Rena Morgan, who has jj- ^ a? the safest proposition for a one who will give me informa- ¡)een visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. owfitahle and conservative in- ÎÜG tion leading to the arrest and \ Race, returned Wednesday to ’estment to be found in the conviction o f the person or per-1 her home at Moro. \\ eat. sons who stole my watermelous. H. W. Danielson and family I am going to have ladies’ and 1000 N H FREIGHT CARS NOW BEING C. A. M cCargar. and Mrs. Prill, Mrs. Danielson’ s children's coats for winter wear, CLLIVEREO TOR MOVEMENT (IF mother, were week-end visitors) and as the styles will he right FALL M OPS Baseball Goods, at Chown’ s. ] with friends near The Dalles. aid 1 promise to save you over, — LOCAL — I Trespass Notice Notice is hereby given that persons will not in» allowed to cross the Littoms which I have leased, or to go upon the land without permission, under pen ally o f the law. as L in C. li. DAYBNrORT. f] $ f] HfAOY TOR BiO ADVERTISE IN YOU R ‘ M OSIER. - Your Choice, the su it.......................................... 79C Ladies’ Vests SPECIAL: Igidies’ high neck, long sleeve wool vests, sizes 1 5 :md 6; cream and grey colors. Values up to. the garni >nt, $1.50. Your Choice, Hie ga rm en t......................... 6 9 c Do not miss laying in a giwd supply o f those Work Shirts for Men, that we are selling for 25c and 35c. Made full cut, reinforced shoulders, splendid grade o f ■ twilled shirting. You won’ t get any l»etter values than these for loss than from 45c to 50c anywhere. Slightly damaged, but nothing that will hurt the wear. Your Choice, e a c h .............................. 23c and 3ac R IV E R . ORFGON OREGON W ALLA IF Y O U W I S H LO W HOTEL MOSIEK. W ALLA Sept. 22nd to 27th To meet your friends, stop at R O U N D T R IP EXC U RSIO N A l l Modern and under N ew Management. AUQMBNTUD BATH FACILITIES 1 GUY Q. STRYKER, Prop. H. G. K IB B E E Cut Glass Tumblers that is very nice and will he appreciated in every home. Do not wait too long about seeing them for they won’ t last long at this price. Each........................... IOC HOOD 'i FARES V IA ■■■■■■■ Tickets On Sale Final Return Limit Sept. 24, 25 and 26 Q I . A Spectacular September 29th ■Eg Reproduction of Pioneer Days Emigrant Trains, Stage Coaches, Indian*; Cowboys, Cowgirls, Racing, Roping, and Broncho Busting M ONSTER STREET PARAD E Full particulars on application to O-W. R. & N. any Agent of the .MOSIER MEAT MARKET J . P. Erhart, Prop . M O S IE R , O R E G O N A ll kinds o f Fresh and Smoked Meats, Lard, Compound and Fish. W e will pay you the top price for Butter, Eggs and Chickens. I f you have a Beef. Pork. Mutton sell, come in and see us. or Veal to The Be&t Creamery Butter and Fresh Country Eggs at all times. DRUGS? D r . C. H, J e n k in s DENTIST SURE HOOD RIVER : Now that it is iKissible to spend 1081 officc 1’hone- merchandise by Parcels Post, we suggest that should you need ' anything in the way of Prescrip- LOCAL tions filled, Drugs-or Patent Med- XT n ., , . , No. 7 lcines, that you send to j^ o ^ Chas. N. Clarke, The Druggist o f H ood Rivet, OREGON Res. Phone, 333 T I M E -T A B L E «. ! , West hound ,, wr j j f j En? 7:22 a. m. 2:47 p. m 10:20 a. m. 6:35 p. m. 8:45 p. m. 6 No. 17, at 4:08 p. m., flag stop for them. He can send them to <*, Sundays only for Hood River you cheaper than you can get and Portland, them at home. j Ladies’ Oneta Union Suit, splendid big values in every suil; lung sleeve and ankle length, medium weight for winter wear. Values up to, the suit, $2.50. Sizes, 4. «5. ( » and 8. You can’ t atford to pass this up, right M this m ason of the year. Grey and cream colors. rns LAW YERS Home Paner PlIVKIOIAN AND StllMtKON S. F. GOSS Genuine Cut Glass Tumblers, light weight. Very neat cut, very handsome design. Here is something S tea DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. Miss Alice Rodemacher, a Confidence Felt in Cooperation other cities’ prices, don’ t you Geo. Haacke, o f Portland, was NOTARY PUBLIC school teacher o f Portland, visit think you had better see me a visitor in town this week. of Shippers M o s ie r - - - O reg o n ed here the first o f the week about this? Strauss. P. A. Knoll left Sunday for a with Mrs. J. T. Davenport. ----- -------- One thousand new freight cars few weeks’ stay at Milwaukie. ordered by the O-W. R. & N. Jas. Camp and family, F. A. | W. A. HUSBANDS TO THE TAXPAYERS OF WASCO COUNTY Oil Cook Stoves—Chown’s. Allington and family. Miss grace Co., in anticipation o f a heavy B lacksm ith Honey? Yes, and pickling on Higley and K. McGregor were demand for cars to move the Yon arc Hereby notified that, pursu Horse Shoeing and General ions, at Strauss’ . in Hood River yesterday after large crops this fall, are now he- ant to a law enacted by ttie < Jregon ing turned out by the car build Repair Work. | 1.« (.dslature, and now in force, the Chas. Sparling went to The noon. ers and are arriving at the vari I Board’ o f Equalization will convene in Dalles on business yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson, Satisfaction guaranteed ous reserve stations o f that com regular session in the Courthouse in - - OREGON Dupont Powder is best. Chown. of Dallas, arrived this week pany in Oregon and Washington ' The Dalles, Oregon, on the second Mcn- MOSIER ______________ _____ ____________ i ,, i to visit with Mrs. Nelson’ s pa- ! day, being the eighth day of September, Mrs. R. M. Ross and daughter! .... , at the rate of 50 cars a day. The | A. I). 11)13, at the hour o f 9 o’clock, A. , .. r, , rents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Little- delivery began on August 1st j M., for the purpose o f correcting er Betty left Tuesday for Portland. page. and the entire 1000 cars will rors. and equalizing all properties,» so E. H. Burt and Will McClure1 .I«, , | Miss Lorene Dunsinore re prolmhly he ready for use before . that the same shall lie at its true «-ash left Wednesday for the Bound-1 ! value. P L U M B IN G . .. turned to Portland Wednesday the harvest. Said Board will remain in session for **’ morning,aftera week’s visit here “ With this order of 1000 new STRAW ano HOT WATF.lt Kimball Cultivators, Chown’s. with her sister, Mrs. .1. P. Er- cars,” sa\ ; l1’. W. Robinson, As a period o f one month, or as much H FATIN G . thereof as necessary to equalize and I sistant Traffic Manager, “ mid an correct the several Tax Rolls for said Dr. C. A. Macruin and wife hart. Jobbing promptly attended to. Mrs. Roht. Husbands and chil- additional 20(H) just delivered to \ County for the year 1913. were visitors in Portland this MOSIER - - OREGON All persons intending to appear b< fore dren and «Miss Alma Wright/ of the Union Pacific, we are confi- week. Portland, visited several days dent that we will have plenty (TT 1 said Board, are required to do so during A. F. Lockwood was a busi the first week of th" session, and tile Notice to Creditors this week with Mr. and Mrs. VV. rolling stock for all emergencies their complaint, on regnlar blanks fur- ness visitor in The Dalles Iasi A. Husbands. this year. In the County Court o f the State of ! nished by said Board. Tuesday. Complaints may be filed either by the : Oregon for Wasco County. F. R. Howard and wife, o f “ The greatest need for cars in B. J. Weller went to Portland [ p[(H)(| p jver> spent, several days crop-moving time is about the taxpayer aggrieved, or by his regularly In the M atter o f the Estate ! of Tuesday to have some dental| this week harvesting the peach middle o f October. As delivery constituted agent or attorney. All complaints so filed, will lie taken A lfb ko S m it h , Deceased work done. j crop on their fruit ranch in the | of all the new rolling stock has up in their regular order, duly consid Notice is fare by given that the W ait for the Millinery and Grandview district. been completed, we expect to be ered and disposed of according to tne County Court uf the Slate o f Oregon best judgment o f said Board, and com for W asco County, has annointeii tin- un- Cloak opening at your Dry Goods Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McCargar 1 'eady for any contingency, plainant notified o f the result. ilersignei! Administrator o f the estate store— Strauss. went to Portland Wednesday af- “ The new boxcars are all 40 J a s . A . D a v is , o f Alfred Smith, deceased. All per Wm Akers anti J N. Mosier ternoon, joining a party there leet long and of 1(H),000 pounds sons having claims against said estate County Assessor. «nsa'cterl business famines» at at. the conn- 1 which left in a special train for capacity. This is the standard i are hereby notified to present the transacted the conn j same, properly verified, to ttie under- the Pendleton Round Up. ¡size adopted by the ( ompany. ty seat yesterday. j signed, at the resideneeof J. S. Taylor, „ , ! “ The Pacific Fruit Express has Notice Mr. Paul Wells, o f Kelso, I also ordered 2000 additional re Garden Hose now in, Chown’ s 20 acres in brush, 8 miles from ' at 1422 l ’ine Street, The Dalles, Ore Wash., and his daughter, Mrs. frigerator cars, which will bring Mosier, to exchange for smaller gon, within six [G] months from the Mrs. Roy Firebaugh, of Ortley, Eliza Huntington and child, are its total number to 13,000. This improved place, on the river pre date o f the first publication o f this visited Sunday with Mrs. W. A. notice. The date o f tin first publi- visiting this week with Mrs. ¡will greatly facilitate the moving ferred. ) cation o f this notice is August 22, 1913. Husbands. Gertrude Leer, who is a niece of | of the fruit crop.” A. S. B rack , I da I,. S m ith , C. A. Huge and Root. Evans Mr. Wells. Administratrix. ' At present the O-W. R. «Sr. N. Wasco, Ore. were business visitors in Hood ____ 11 ___ | Mrs. A. Bellinger, accompanied C«>. is arranging fur the parking R iver Tuesday. bv her son, Ben, and little grand- o f freight cars at points where DR. H. L. DUMBLE A good suggestion—drop in j Mr. and Mrs. Ed F. Reeves son, returned on Saturday from they will he quickly available at- and pay up your back subscrip-' wore passengers on Tuesday’s a two months’ stay on the farm ter the harvest, PHYSICIAN a n i » SURGEON local to Portland. at Trout Lake. A most favorable omen in con- tion. ... .... . . nection with the important prob- Martin Clement left Tuesday OREGON HOOD RIVER Miss Gladys Phillips, who has||em of cm. 8Hpply ia the better for a fishing trip to the Punch H. been spending her summer vaca- linderslandinfr that now prevails Will practice in Mosier and Bowl, on Hood River. I tion here with her uncle and among shippers in general in the I ST. M A R Y ’S ACADEMY [ May he reached by long dis P. L. Arthur and wife returned aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Robinson, THE DALLES, OREGON, j matter o f capacity loading and I tance phone. Home phone 61. Iasi week from a visit with rela-j returned on Wednesday to her reduction to minimum of lost lives at Castle Rock, Wash. home in Portland. BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL J time in loadnig and unloading. NOTICE FOR PU B LIC A TIO N For C1KI.S. | To bring this about a most D m » Duvall arrived this week, Mrs. Ed 1«. Howe visited her (Publisher.) from Independence and is work-1 mother in Portland this w e e k . ' persistent and far-reaching prop- FO R P A R T IC U L A R S A P P L Y T O J Department o f the Interior, U. S. I io g as assistant at the depot. returning yesterday, accompa- Uganda has been conducted S IS T E R S U P E R IO R . Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, M im . T. W. DeBussey was a t-! nied by her sister, Miss Daisy throughout the year, not only by July 14th, 1913. . tending to matters o f business Biles, who will spend a week or railroad traffic departments in Notice is hereby given that Ira Al- i the way o f direct instructions to two at Lehuiva. H t The Dalles on Wednesday. | bert Dungey, o f Fir, Oregon, who, on I agents, hut by traffic bureaus in I For Sale August 14th, 1907, made Homestead • Mr Elliott, J. E. H.gley Mrs. S D. Fisher Mrs. P I , all large commercial centers, a „d entry No. 15671, Serial No. 04184, for An assorted lot o f second an. S. E. Francisco were visitors Arthur Mrs. A. B. Burton. M m ] , t,R1 Bl)reau ,)f llailway Eco- hand household goods, in i NE'.SW i, NW jSE l-4, and EJSE1-4, at the county seat Wednesday. Clark Mr., Ruth Graham. VV nomic8 at t|u> National capital cluding kitchen, diningroom ¡Section 5, Township 1 North, Range 11 F.WM.. has filed notice o f hi» intention Mrs. I.. Vickers, o f The Dalles, W e b e r , Shelly Hudson and (j|| jt ¡s fajr|v safe to say that and bedroom furniture. Can to make Final Five Year Proof, to es »pent Saturday and Sunday here Leo Nichol were visiting in Hood every shipper and agent in the lie seen at tablish claim to the iaml above de- with h ‘i sister, Mrs. Dick Evans. River last Monday. land is alive to its importance. scribed, before the Register and Re H. M. WEST’ S Warehouse. ceiver at The Dalles. Oregon, on the Mrs. Win. Akers left Wednos- It is believed that the indiffer- New iimn’g hats, dress shirts, 5th day o f September, 1913. ties, union suits, Khaki pants, day morning for Portland, hav- ence and thoughtlessness of past Claimant names as witnesses: NOTICE this week. We have the goods ing spent a week on the ranch seasons will he-supplanted this John West, John P. Snyder. Emil D. From and after this date the you want and we really save you with her husband. Mrs. Clara year and in future by hearty co- West and George Thomas Absiier, all money every day at your cloth French, o f Portland, who has operation, and that car shortage, services o f my thoroughbred o f Fir, Oregon. ing anil furnishing store— that’s been visiting Mrs. Akers, accom-j except on extraordinary ocea- boar will be $5.00. H. F rank W oodcock , companied her home. , sions, will he largely obviated. Strauss. C. H. D a v e n p o r t . Register. Specials This Week & D erby L. COMINI The Tombstone -------- Man ---------- can supply you with any thing in this line at most reasonable prices. T R Y H IM A N D B E C O N V IN C E D The Dalles * - Oregon Is °- O R EG O N A G R IC U L T U R A L , CO LLEG E B E G I N S '»s forty-fifth school yen S e p t e m b e r 19. 1 9 1 3 . D E G R E E C O U R SE Sin many phases*« AGRICULTURE. ENGINEERING, HOMS ECONOMICS. MINING. FORESTRY. COM MERCE. PHARMACY. T w o - y e a r C ourses ¡n ture . H o m e E c o n o m i c s a r t s f o r e s t r y . C o m m e r c e . T E A C H E R 'S COURSES aqricul . M ech a nic P harmacy in manual training, agriculture, domestic science am! art. ? J|U 3 IC , including piano, string, band instruments and voice culture. A B E A U T IF U L B O O K L E T entitled “ T hk E n r ic h m e n t of R u r a l L tfs ” and a C atalogue will be mailed free on application. • Address H. 11. T f . n n a x t , Registrar itw r-15 to »-t) Corvallis, Oregon, Millinery N ew Suits, Coats and Dresses Call and see the finest display o f new Fall Millinery to he found in the city. You will he more than pleased with these new Pall creations. They are very becom ing. stylish, and the varieties o f pretty shapes and col ors, together with the reasonableness o f the prices we have them marked, will more than please you. We want you to call and see them, whether you wish to buy or not. Second Floor. Our new Fall stock is now in and you should call and see the many new styles in Suits. Coats and Ginghams Thirty-two inch Ginghams, pretty patterns in stripes, checks and plain colors. Very desirable for aprons and dresses. THE PA R IS FA IR. " ° ° ° Your choice, the yard. . . . IOC Dresses. We are showing all the latest styles and weaves and know you will like them. Why not get your new Suit or Coat now and get the benefit o f the full season’s wear? We have then) marked very reasonable and not added on a big fat profit for the purpose o f cutting them in half a little later. We mark them right, and the early buyer is not made to pay more than anyone else for the same grade o f goods. Call and sec them on the Second Floor. No charge for alterations. * ’S L A R G E S T & B E S T S T O R E