¡PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BV H. C. K1RBEK Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION- RATKS ’ One Year. •Six Month» . *Thre*» Month* ADVERTISING RATES M 6 SSER BULLETIN Proftnwionui Curd».............................per month $ M March ■!. 1 at ;». m j . qq ** 3.00 “ One-half Column........................... M *' 5.50 One Column......................................... “ •* 9 oc Bu«inee* locals will be rharjrtxi at 5'e««»* per line ; Le«ai auvertiaementa m ill in all cases be charged y Q M O SIE R , . APiLh GRADED “ One-quarter 3»Umir........................ for each inae»tion. E n tered 'a s second1 - ¿¿a metter Mk:rot. 1‘2, UW9 at the post office at Mt«ier, Oregon, under the Art of One sq ù a ry .............................................“ '■SföiüL NOTES W A S C O C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , F R ID A Y , A ttention! The Mosier school opened last Etl L. Howe, owner of “ Le- Monday morning with Prof. E. •howa,” one of the Lest kept and t M. Ulmer, of Valparaiso Lbiiver- best paying- fruit, orchards in the Saturday, September 20th. is sity. Ind., in charge of the High Mosier District, and probably in the day set by the County Court any other district in the West, is gchodl department, with an en- to determine by ballot wliether somethi ng of an inventor and an ml I men t o t 10- tout in tit st yent or not the town of Mosier siisi! originator of many ingenious do- aud six in third year. Ai pres- vices which he has perfected and ent the work is handicapped by incorporate. . The report has been industri* put to practical use on his farm, lack of hooks, but this will soon | ■ . , , , !y circulated circulated that no person One of these is an apple grader, be remedied and then it will be ous.y could vote at this election who The writer had the privilege of “ full speed dr.ead.’ had not registered 15 days prior Inspecting this “ machine” re- Indications point to a very to election. This report is erro­ cently, Tind it certainly looks to efficient an'l successful school neous. A decision on the ques­ be just what Mr. Howe claims year. tion. rendered by Attorney Gen­ for H— practical and economical. \ 11 ^he pupils are entering into eral Craw foni and received by In fact, that is the verdict of all, their work with a vim. the Bulletin this morning, is to the apple growers who have in- We expect to organize-tht ath- the effect that voter-s need noti spected it. and it is their inten­ letics by next week. Tennis and register to vote sit. this election, tion to provide themselves with basket hail are to he the main and that the election will be le­ the same kind. Mr. Howe offers features. gal. any one the plans and estimates The seventh and eighth grades of cost, etc., and is glad to have ere shewing nn active spirit in NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE. the grader'inspected. their work, under the excellent Mr. Howe says lie got the direction of Mr. J. P. Ross. The In the Circuit Court o f the Stftte of Oregon, for Wasco Couiilv foundation of his idea tor the enrollment in these grades is 11. s.p(ile grader from the Thomas ■Mas K. A. JI uhkace , The Intermediate grade» are Mosier Plaintiff IE. Avery grader, at Hood River, leading out with an enrollment vs. but the rest of it he worked out of 35, under the leadership of himself, and he considers it su­ Miss Dorothy A. Little, of Min­ E d w a r d J o n g a n o O n i e W i l m o j r t h , D e w i n O a ñ t s . perior to anything of the kind he neapolis, Mfnn. By virtue of an execution, decree and f has seen. This grader consists of The Primary department easily order of sale, duly issued out of, and ■* 14 separate sections which, when compares vvith'the other depart- Valer’ ! lie seal of the Circuit Court o f | placed together, make a circle ineirts, w ith an enrollmentóf 25, Cite State of Oregon, for tin courtly of 5 •'tihout 8 feet in diameter on Hie W ait o> a>e din cted, and da! 1 I the 1 f under Hie direction of Miss Alice 21st day of July, 1913, upon a decree * inside. Within the r :rcle is a Bennett, of Wisconsin, whose for the foreidosure of a certain inert- J table four feêt in diameter, on competency in the work only gage and judgment, rendered and etl- • which the apples to he graded or needs to he seen to affirm the tired in said Circuit Court on the 14th a “ sized” are placed as they are good choice of the Mosier School day of Jt.lv, ISIS, in the above entitled brought, from the orchard. cause, in favor of the plaintiff, and Hi .. . , , . Board and The good fortune of against the defendant Edward Iiong the two-foot space, between the .. . , ., . , ,. the patrons ot (he school. as judgment debtor, in the soul of -round table and the circle ot sec­ Thirteen Hundred ($1300.00) Dollars, tions, stand four workmen, who! A scll0()l bu,,etin wil1 l,e * togther with interest thereon in like the ap-1eac^ ' week and published in the inspect, wipe anil grade _____. gold coin at the- rate of eight per cent pies fer size and quality. The iIocal The editors are Em- per annum from June 3, 1012, and ac­ Snspeclion is of course dene with ,ly Husbands, Hobart Scearce cruing-interest fTom and after the said 14th day of July, 1013. at the saint the eye, the wiping with gloved aiu* ^’d Sttngesa. hands and grading for size is An eraone interested in 'said eetaie, Oreeting: In the Napie of tlie StAie of Oregon, One of our prominent apple' You are hereby cl Led and required to -growers received this week a aopear hi the County ’ Court of the ■letter from a well known and a State of Oregon, for the • County of successful apple grower of Hood W aseo, át the October ‘ term of said Court, at tlie Court room thereof, at River, in which he eulogizes Dalle* CHy, in said County, on Mon­ Mosier apples, Plating that they day, th • 0th (hay of Oitober, ISIS, at were better than any he “ ever 2 :oo o’ck,>k in the afUrmmn ofthat say in Hood River, or unywhere da.>. then and there ><> »hmv cause, if else,” and that if the crop aver- any there he, why a:i ortler should not ntflde and erttered l»> tke* County aged tip a« good as tin ■ -impk s Court of the State of ^1 *t IlosierUes a-tad, hut h ¡itiio. L uj Ou»rter TS’.SWl-4) of S ^tion Ti a shock to H?>ml River ;rK'»wvrfi. T fue ( 2 9 ) a*id thr Kast Hr\f r,f the A k müter ms píre äell N. C. .latitiseli, of Portland, recently finished drilling e well for Mark A. M; yer, and loft for Lis home on Tu sday. The well is 240 feet de< p and fnrnishes an abunuance of clear, cold ater. ’ * ter ( F LSI-4. A of S»c- SfUii ’’1 'tio’i T hirty [3 >|. all In To * tishilj Five Tnirteei , [13] blast w « >ath of Hi of th.- Wiliam-- ttr Merlili an. in W"a».-» 1 ‘ount y, Orrgoi Witness,, T! - Hoi». F g C onking . JU«I*H of th­ Mikl Bosiity { usrr. with ti.f s<*aï of satt! rt-aitixe.■l.‘ ' b>. 2 .r-i day of Auguot, 1913. Alleai: !t, i?rk. [Seal of Bounty Court.] ON OUR. 6 R O C E R 1 E A . Oregon WEMARKoUR w'-diU’. tile 'lefendunts, 1 f \var.t I.t.ng'; and Onie Wilraourth, or either of them, J had On* the 3rd day of June. 1912, the A date of the mortgage foreclosed here-[ J m, or whieh such defendahta, or any of 1 J the defendants herein, have .since ac - 1 j q il I red, or now have, in and to the fol- f lowing described real property • lying j j and being situated in Wasco County. A Oregon, to-v.dt: [ J Tin Fiat Half 6 f ‘ the Northwest <¿ 1 :: - 1 . r • I i! N W ) th< Sort' . at Q ip r- :i i . sts* 1 . 600D ^. ) A GIVE PRICE. i OUR GOOD -'GROCER l E X f ’ OR THAN WHY WE fO-U ANY T H A T VS T H 1N 6J & Co., O regon '-H G -E. A * RACE, MGR. ORE. f/ .(,+ ' -» *- W. F. LARA WAY Hood'Niver r ii Oregon Jj fr “It Pays in the End” PATRONIZE RIM AND BE CO NVINCED W e handl e all styles and sizes of G-E Electric Fans— The Leaders of the Market NO OBJECTIONS FROM THE WIF ELECTRIC WlfilKG & SÜFFLY l litHid River, about smoking in luhe house i • the cigars come from here. In­ deed, they Hre so fragrant tha women often urge their hus­ bands to smoke. Try one o them today and take it from us, all your smoke troubles wil he ended. S. IL FRANCISCO, J Ore;< First National Bai I Buihili 1 rat ,,i,^ / Proprietor “ THK ()AKH., ’ S hool Opens September 8. s ¡ i i l l i f i i ü í ï i # l / / In lm í //I n 1 % Orefpm, for Wasco O iFuty. Attorney t«r Blaiotilf. f'AST “ This is bettor than Lr(>irRi away to the country and leaving [xx>r hubby to sit lonely and disconsolate, in a hot city home.” In the Circfiit Court of the State of J ohn G avin , GooPj AT Is a J; w< ltr and Optician- of many j< ars cxp< 1 i< nte. if. vmu have a “ sick" time-piece, be can cure it. • i f you have eye trouble, he can correct it liy titling you with proper lensea. . If you have jeweb’y of any kind to repair, he can do it If you want new. jewelry of any kind, ho has it. ■ Jf you want ANYTHING in his line, he is theinairtocoHSolt. lii.s prices are right and so is his work. SUMMONS. 2t>. 1813. dRO’CERl E.»5 YOU R AT HER . ALWAY-VKFINP T R E 3 H Turn-A-ÌAim Lumber Sheriff of Wasco Count;-, Oregon. In the Name of the State of Or» jfon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agdin.H you in the alkore entitled' suit wrfthin six V. ■ “eka from Ihe date of th.* first fa.bli- c-ition of this notice. If you fail so to appear anj ansner said complaint, plaintiff will ar pl* to the Court for the relief df Jranried in her siid complaint. The '/P\ f deii.anded is a decree of fli oret* fsrrvt'r (fisseli iug'the bunds of matriroiny now existing bAtw(.pn you and the plainti!1' and" that she be per- rniU.it t :o resume her farmer name. ’I Nil r •JmTr.ons is ». r*e fendaiit. WAY IJTo£IVE POOR .SELL OUR Y O U WILL T H E R E AR E T W O W A Y ^ TO E A T A T O U R . ¿ T O R E . S"i I 1 ro| ( i tj will be s-i a 1 j . 1 t to confirmation and redemption, us by lav> required. I.I.V I Q l U l W E CUT o U R PRICED W HE N OF CUTTINfi PRICExS. MOSIER Three canvas-bottom bins.' Tlie the part of tho patrons of-the upper bin receives the exlra school, n. the past. (fancy fruit, in the next lower Notice:— Visitors are always -are placed the fancy apples, the , welcome. 1 liev are cordially in- third bin, or tray, receives the v'l ed to come til any time. Iti -choice grade, while the culls or t«ct, it is a duty patron« owe to «ider apples are put into a box themselves, their children, the ■which stands underneath on tlie community and the teachers, '"floor who want ami expect their bear- The idea which Mr. Howe has ty cooperation.- •carried out to pei feobkiti, ai. any rate to his satisfaction, results Win. Marsh is walking about etfi-i, cnftches as-the result of -t Hu a grader which proves effi-,on r' slippin g on a ^fraction of “ lost motion,” and round knot while ork in g at the •scan be built a* a minimum cost. ■Vensel.p*!p-( this vi -ek. He will Mr. Howe is justly proud of he i n c a p a c i Led for work ful­ bis invention, as he is of his new some tine “packing house. But that is “ another Story” which will ap­ CITATION pear later, suffice it to say that In the County Court of the Stute.of it is probably the most complete Oregon. For the County of Wasco. • and convenient private building In Hie matter o f the Estate? of -•of its kind in the country. ( ' H K t S f K N A i M , l l e c C i f * I. W E N o r ONLY CUT CH EESE W I T -W E CUT PRICED Windows, Doors I E S T ' Remember, the Cheapest place to buy SCHOOL SUPPLIES f e 'r n IS AT n(¡¡ (K/j, Mosier Book Store \ : •No B igaboo5 Down Cellar Children on » vc you many t -i'ams *t<-ps; (in': the tired* est mother Fites to send n <1ui 1 tr.to u «ni! r/erry older |>cu,.lv.. % ww TuH?nty-five Instructors-Fifty Courses SU M M E R SC H O O L J”"* Edisoit Mazda Lamp ^<»nvwiit*nllr lo c ttfif -n the c# Jl«r-w.iy will hftjffecii thf darkcfit cellar «it the mpfc fbHch o f a switch. Th® new low wnltft*e Ld*»on Mazda Lam* 4 %r* thd'Wvf •iW'ai lamp- fufMlv-wan, ha.is, «I skm S r ^ ot^-r ?uU of Iho kcuM wiiith n3«td !. ;fcl only fo»f-Hri mf pin it*.k at • tiT.»o. Try * and real!:« their rcnvb|ii;nco. Dislinguished Flantern Kilucator» Added to Regular Faculty. University Dorm ¡lories 0|ien. Room at $3.50 per Week. For a Complete Hoard an