Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, August 29, 1913, Image 2

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    Æë I solated
of West Are Heroes.
General News of the Industrial and Educational Development
to a id
Resume of World’s Important
Events Told in Briet
New Y ork;C ity has added 600 new
policemen to the force, m aking 10,800
in all.
w estern
Colorado S p rin g s—Closer co-opera­
tion betw een th e governm ent and the
se ttle rs in th e reclam ation of many
sections of the arid W est, w as the
keynote o f an address in th is city by
S ecretary of th e In te rio r F ran k lin K.
Lane before the F ifth Annual Con-
gress of Governors.
Mr. L an e’s speech was tak en as an
announcem ent o f the new policy adopt­
ed by the In te rio r d ep artm en t gained
from a to u r o f th e W est d u rin g the
last few w eeks, w here he has inspect­
ed dozens of irrig a tio n projects w ith a
view to g ain in g inform ation th a t will
enable th e W ilson adm in istratio n to
do th e m ost for the farm e r and stock-
“ In my v isits th is sum m er through
land in process of reclam atio n ,” said!
S ecretary Lane, “ I found thousands of
self sacrificing men and women who
are displaying as much heroism, fo r ti­
tude, endurance and self sacrifice as
has ever been shown by soldiers in
any p a rt o f th e world on the field of
b attle. F a r from railroads and amid j
many difficulties, they are building
homes, and I was p articu larly touched
by th e many noble, suffering women
on whose shoulders falls th e m ain
burden of th e home. I t is my concep­
tion th a t the m ain duty of the U nited
S ta te s governm ent in its land d e p a rt­
m ent is to help th e people to m ake
homes and if we lighten th e ir burden,
the governm ent of th e U nited S ta te s
will suffer not a t a ll.”
and Progress of Rural Communities, Public Institutions, Etc.
In A R O M A N C Ë Ô F Î S f W l U E E
Oregon Competition for Annapolis Northwest Association Will Handle
Fixed for September 19-20.
Tubers for Producers.
Oregon A g ricu ltu ral College, Cor­
Hood R iv er — A lthough it
vallis—Oregon youths who asp ire to thought a t first by the m anagem ent of
reach positions in th e U nited S tates
the N orth Pacific F ru it D istributors
A resid en t o f Guinda, Cal., found a
navy by way o f appointm ent to the
$100 gold n ugget in his freshly-m ade
naval academy a t A nnapolis may take th a t th e potato crop in the d istric ts in
law n.
com petitive exam inations a t Oregon which th e central agency has affilited
A gricultural college on Septem ber 19 grow ers’ associations would not be
S tefan sso n ’sjpolar ship, the K arluk,
and 20 n ext, to d eterm ine elig ib ility handled through the sam e channels of
w as badly dam aged by ice off P oint
for admission to the entrance exam in­ the organization as the apple crop, the
Barrow .
ations to be held in F ebruary and Idaho grow ers, according to W ilm er
The In tern atio n al Congress of N eu­
A pril, 1914.
Sieg, sales m anager of the d istrib u ­
rology urges a world-wide stru g g le
A nnouncem ent to th is effect was tors w ith headquarters here, .have
ag a in st alcohol.
m ade by P resid en t W. J . K err, to forced th e handing of the potato crop
whom S enator H a rry Lane has re ­ on th e d istrib u to rs.
A t Pocatello,
The blow ing up o f Gamboa dyke and
ferred the m a tte r o f holding a p relim ­ Idaho, a potato sub-central of th e o r­
opening o f the P anam a canal has been
inary exam ination and thereby secur­ ganization will be form ed, and the
postponed to Sept. 12.
ing a list eligibles from which the grading and packing rules of the sea­
The Thaw case becomes more and
sen ato r can nam e four applicants for son will be form ed. T hree thousand
more involved in red ta k e and takes on
appointm ent from Oregon.
S enator carloads o f tubers are assured the d is­
an in tern atio n al aspect.
Lane announces th a t this m ethod of trib u to rs from the Idaho d istric ts and
choosing th e candidates appeals to him more th an 1000 from M ontana.
Chinese N orthern troops are w in­
us being fa ire r than the plan o f nam ­
ning a g a in st th e Southern rebels, but
In addition th e d is trib u to rs w ill
ing them on th e basiB of personal rec­ handle the crops from Oregon and
both sides are losing many men.
omm endations.
W ashington d istric ts.
Hood R iver
Two larg e ships, one of them laden
The co m petitive exam inations to produced thousands o f bushels of po­
w ith dynam ite, crashed to g eth er while
be given a t O. A. C. are to serve as tatoes la st year, and potatoes may be
being towed in A sto ria harbor, dam ­
th e first step o f the w eeding-out pro­ seen ro ttin g in all sections of the val­
aging both considerably.
cess and are to be as sim ilar to the ley a t the p resent tim e on account of
W. Cameron Forbes, governor gene­
academ y entran ce exam inations, both I the surplus stock produced in all parts
ral o f the P h ilippines since 1909, has
in scope and d etail, as it is possible of the country.
Many grow ers have
resigned, alleging uncourteous tr e a t­
for th e faculty com m ittee in charge to planted th is crop on th e ir new land
m ent by th e adm in istratio n .
m ake them .
this year, and all are looking forw ard
The four men m aking th e highest to a good harvest.
A Jew ish congregation o f San F ra n ­
passing grades in the Septem ber quiz­
“ The potatoes from these sections
cisco has granted th e use o f its syna­
gogue to a C ongregational church, and CHILDREN’S WORK LAUDED zes a t C orvallis will, in all probabil­ have been going into T exas and other
ity, be recommended by S enator Lane S outhw estern s ta te s ,” says Mr. Sieg,
both sects will use the edifice for re­
ligious worship.
School Hygiene Is Discussed at In­ in order o f th e ir stan d ing as principal, “ and the m anagem ent of the d is trib u ­
first, second and th ird a ltern ates for tors feel th a t the handling o f the
ternational Congress.
P ortland city officials are prep arin g
the academy exam inations.
product can be put into the hands of
an ordinance req u irin g every loaf of
Buffalo, N. Y. — P ractical and ap­
capable potato men and th e m ark etin g
bread sold in the city to be plainly plied hygiene is much fu rth e r ad­ SEALER’S TESTS WILL BEGIN worked out to the success of the grow ­
labeled w ith the ex act num ber of
ers as well as the central agency. I t
vanced in th e Philippines th a n in the
ounces it contains.
will give us a g re a te r income w ith
U nited S tates, according to Dr. Allen Full Set of Standard Weights Re­ p ractically no m ore ex p en se.”
A p et baboon belonging to a L ob
J . U. M cPherson, sta te horticutural
A ngeles chiropodist got drunk on pure J . M cLaughlin, surgeon of th e U nited
Salem —T h at all w eights and m eas­ com m issioner o f Idaho, has been em ­
alcohol stolen from his m a s te r’s oper­ S tates public health service, who was
atin g room, and had to be taken in one o f th e speakers a t the F ourth In ­ ures in th e s ta te m ust be made abso­ ployed as general field superintendent
of the potatoes. T his d ep artm en t will
charge by the police.
tern atio n al Congress on School H y­ lutely co rrect as soon as possible, was
an announcem ent made by F. W. give its tim e exclusively to potatoes,
A 4-year-old g irl a t A lbany, O r., giene.
Buchtel, deputy sealer of w eights and and outside of the superintendent, in­
fell into a deep and sw ift w ater ditch
“ In th is c o u n try ,” said D r. Mc­ m easures, who has opened an office in spectors and salesm en, no additional
o f the Oregon Pow er company, and a Laughlin, " w e are prone to overlook j the sta te house. Mr. Buchtel has re ­ overhead expenses, it is said, w ill be
7-year-old boy play m ate prom ptly th e enormous influence of school chil­ ceived from S. W. S tratto n , director incurred. Each affiliated association
plunged in and rescued her.
dren upon the hygiene o f the home. o f th e bureau of stan dards in W ash­ will be required to sign w ith the
The children of poor, ill-educated p a r­ ington, D. C., stan d ard w eights which grow er a sep arate contract fo r the
P resid en t W ilson pardoned L aw ­
e n ts are o ften
interm ediary I have been adopted by this state.
handling o f the potato crop. No grow ­
rence Golden, who was serv in g a life
through which th e sim ple gospel of
All standard w eights and m easures ers will be allowed to ship th e ir tubers
sentence a t L eavenw orth for train hygiene and disease prevention reaches
of county sealers o f w eights and w ithout th is contract. E stim ates are
robbery. The P resid en t is severely
the paren ts. In the Philippines, in
being called for on the crop of the
criticised by th e police and o th ers who many instances, it is only because of j m easures m ust correspond to the ones
in Mr. B u ch tel’s office.
Mr. Buchtel year.
a rre ste d and convicted Golden.
th e children th a t th e p aren ts carry j said th a t more than tw o-thirds of the
The potatoes will be handled fo r $15
L ig h tn in g killed four persons durin g o u t the instructions o f the health offi­ counties had appointed sealers of a car, th e sam e as is charged for han­
w eights and m easures as provided by dling apples, but no deductions will be
a thu n d er storm in A rkansas.
“ W ith an epidem ic of contagious | a law passed a t th e la s t session o f the made fo r ad v ertisin g purposes.
P re sid e n t Wilson is p rep a rin g a spe­ disease ex istin g , th ere is a tendency legislature.
cial m essage to congress on th e M exi­ in m ost com m unities to close the
Pears Going By Carloads.
“ A m ajo rity o f the w eights and
can situ atio n .
schools. In th e P hilippines, on the m easures th a t are in c o rrect,” said Mr.
Hood R iver — Several carloads of
contrary, i t is th e policy of the bureau B uchtel, “ work to th e disadvantage of pears have been shipped from this city
I t took 18 days fo r a teleg ram to to keep schools open because of th e ir th e consum er.
T his is probably not th is season.
“ The crop w ill be com­
reach Colonel R oosevelt in th e h e a rt ex trao rd in ary value in teaching the the resu lt o f w ilful in ten t, but long
paratively sm all this y e a r,” says Mr.
of th e N avajo desert.
precepts of disease prevention.
use tends to m ake them so.
I t is the Sieg, sales m anager o f the D istrib u ­
"O p en a ir schools and open school j intention of th is d ep artm ent to ex er­ tors association.
“ We will have no
A Spokane th ie f locked a woman in
a closet and then leisurely searched rooms w ere the general topics of the cise supervisory control over w eights more than 10 carloads, and the D ’An-
day, and it was p ractically the unani- j and m easures throughout the sta te and jou crop will be the sm allest we have
the house and collected valuables.
mous opinion o f the delegates th a t see th a t the people g et w hat they pay ever had since our trees cam e into
A S e a ttle m erch an t has collected children in rooms w ith windows wide for. I t will ta k e a little tim e, how­ bearing. W e will do well if we ship
several bad debts by sending dummy open, even durin g the w in te r m onths, j ever, to p u t the law into general as many as two carloads of D ’Anjous. ”
packages to his d eb to r by C. O. D. are im m easurably more healthful and e ffe c t.”
Hood R iver launched its A ustralian
m ake more rapid progress in th e ir stud­
parcel post.
business this week, when 1000 boxes
ies than under o th er conditions.”
Land Ordered Forfeited.
of G ravensteins
and K ings w ere
A m ericanized Italian im m igrants
U nder th e “ innocent p u rch aser” act shipped by rail to Vancouver, B. C.,
are said to lose th e ir ta s te fbr mac­
to p ro tect corporations and individuals w here they will be loaded fo r A us­
aroni and a big easte rn m acaroni fac­ BAD POTATOES ARE BURNED
The shipm ent consisted o f
who had purchased large tra c ts o f tim ­ tra lia .
tory has gone b ankrupt.
bered lands from th e Oregon & Cali- four and one-half and five-tier stuff.
Seattle Refuses Worm-Eaten Spuds 1 fornia Railroad company, Federal Two thousand more boxes will follow
Owing to th e drouth in Kansas,
From California.
“ T his is a cash
Judge Bean has ordered 20,000 acres on Septem ber 10.
stock raisers are a sk in g fo r th e remov- j
al of the duty on corn.
S eattle, W ash.— F. N. Rhodes, dis­ | of land in Coos county forfeited by the sa le ,” says Mr. Sieg.
“ We have betw een 10 and 15 car­
tr ic t ho rticu ltu ral inspector, a fte r con­ C. A. Sm ith Lum ber company to the
The good roads rally of th e Pacific dem ning a num ber of carloads o f po­ U nited S tates.
loads of K ings here, ” says Mr. Sieg,
H ighw ay association for 1914 will be tato* shipped from C alifornia to this
As in all the o th er “ innocent pur­ “ and this fr u it will begin to move a t
held a t Medford, Ore.
m arket, has determ ined to invoke the ch a se r” cases th a t have been settled, once. The grow ers a re picking it as
The U n iv ersity o f Missouri has aid o f th e crim inal courts in punish­ the lum ber company had hought the fa s t as it colors. Then will come the
We will find the best
brought su it under the in h eritan ce tax ing those responsible for a tte m p tin g land in one large block from the ra il­ Jo n ath an crop.
law ag ain st the e sta te o f Joseph l ’u- to force wormy spuds on S eattle con­ road company and more than $2.50 an m arkets fo r Jo n ath an s if they a tta in
acre was paid for it. The g ra n t al­ the good size th a t the trad e likes. ”
sum ers.
litiz e r, form er new spaper publisher.
Sam G. Cam pbell, chief inspector o f
A carload o f potatoes shipped from lowed the railroad company to sell the
A woman has been appointed judge Sacram ento to a S eattle commission land only to actual se ttle rs and th a t in the d istrib u to rs, has ju s t returned
in N orway. She is 36 y ears old, un­ firm on A ugust 18 was destroyed. In ­ blocks of 160 acres a t $2.50 an acre.
from Medford, w here he has been
m arried and has been a practicing spector Rhodes says he found the po­
of the
One of the provisions of the sta tu te , looking over the orchards
law yer for m any years.
tato es bady infected w ith potato tuber which was passed a y e ar ago. is th a t Rogue R iver valley. “ If a man w ants
moths, and th a t he took 106 infected the lands m ust be bought back by the to see a B a rtle tt pear th a t will please
orig in al p urchaser from th e railroad his eyes because of its b e a u ty ,” says
potatoes from one sack.
Mr. Rhodes, backed by J . H. P e r­ company. O therw ise the governm ent Mr. Cam pbell, “ he w ill only have to
will in s titu te su it for the absolute fo r­ see the B a rtle tts o f th a t d is tr ic t.”
W heat track p ric e s : Club, 79(<i!80c kins, com m issioner o f ag ricu ltu re a t
feitu re of the pro p erty w ithout com­
per bushel; bluestem , 83(dj84c; forty- O lym pia, some tim e ago sen t a c ir­
pensation to the p a rty losing it. The
Salem May Get Factory.
fold, 80c; red R ussian, 77c; fife, 78c;
ing th a t h e re a fte r all potatoes shipped lum ber company will have to pay $60,-
Salem —T iiat the G rand Rapids Fur-
vailey, 80c.
into th e s ta te and found to be infected 000 to regain possession of the acreage. itu re company, o f M ichigan, may in­
O ats -No. 1 w hite, $26 p er ton.
C orn—Whole. $37; cracked, $28 ton. would be burned.
stall a p lan t in th is city is a possibil­
“ This m o th ,” said Mr. Rhodes, “ is
Wildcat Game Dying Out.
H ay—Fancy Idaho tim othy, $176i!18;
ity. T. T. Stockw ell, ag en t of th e
Eugene— O regon’s new blue sky law company, is here m aking an in v esti­
fancy E astern O regon tim othy, $16((fi th e m ost dangerous pest known. A
16; tim othy and clover, $14(itl6; tim ­ few years ago it destroyed nearly the has p u t w ildcat m ining propositions on gation o f conditions.
As th e fo rests
othy and alfalfa, $13(<i':14; clover, e n tire crop o f A ustralia, T asm ania, the obsolete list, according to Sydney in M ichigan are d isappearing fa s t the
$ 8 .5 0 (u l0 ; o a t and vetch, $10(d!ll;
B. V incent, inspector in the corpora­ m anagem ent o f the company realizes
cheat, $10(<iUl; valley g rain hay, $10 A frica and Jam aica, and is now a tion d ep artm en t at Salem, who passed 1 th a t it will not be long until it m ust
@ 11 .
through Eugene recently a fte r inspect­ obtain new fields from which to obtain
Onions— W alla W alla, $1.60 sack.
Mr. Stockw ell says the
ing m ines in Southern Oregon. “ Wild­ its supply.
Japan's Note Delivered.
V e g e ta b le s— Beans, 3(ui4c pound;
cat schem es,” said Mr. V incent, “ have pitch in th e pine and fir is a disadvan­
cabbage, 2(i/ 2 )c ; cauliflower, $2 c ra te ;
W ashington, D. C. — A m bassador no chance in O regon,. If we d o n 't get tage, b u t it is believed a process may
corn, 10(o 16c dozen; cucum bers, 20 Chinda la te W ednesday delivered to them all th is y ear we will n ext year. be provided to m ake them ideal woods.
(o'40c box; eggplant, 6(i£8c pound;
S ecretary B ryan's la te st note in th e The A m erican public likes to be flim-
head lettu ce, 86(<i!40c dozen; peas, 6
Roseburg Women Busy.
C alifornia anti-land controversy. Sec­ flamm ed; it likes to buy ‘d o llar’ stock
(ffi7c pound; peppers, 6@8c pound;
re ta ry Bryan and A m bassador Chinda a t 1 cent, b u t it can ’t do th is in
R oseburg—F or th e first tim e in th e
radishes, 10(i£12c dozen; tom atoes, 60
agreed to continue th e ir understanding O regon.”
history of R oseburg women will serve
<fi!76cbox; g arlic, 10c pound.
o f m aking public nothing contained in
on the election boards a t the reg u lar
P otatoes- Oregon, $l(nll. 16 p er hun­
th e diplom atic exchanges on th e ques­
Mexican Cattle Received.
city election to be held here on O ctob­
d red ; sw eet potatoes, $2.75 per crate.
tion. It may be said, however, th a t
Ashland -B enton Bowers and R. L. er 6. T his w as decided upon when the
‘ G reen F ru it— A pples, $ l(u 2.25 box;
th e la te st Jap an ese note is couched in Rurdie, local cap italists, arrived here election com m ittee o f the city council
cantaloupes. $1.25(<t!l.75 c ra te ; peach­
a vein to carry the n egotiations along w ith m ore th an 500 head of cattle m et recently and appointed the judges
es, 30w 70c box; w aterm elons, $1.25(<(
and preserve the issue w ithout m aking from M agdalena, s ta te
o f Sonora, and clerks o f election. In th e F ourth
1.50 c w t.; plum s, 75c(it$l box; pears,
any determ ination of th e contentions Mexico.
They drove the ca ttle 40 ward the board is composed exclusive­
$ 1.60@1.75 box.
of e ith e r governm ent.
m iles for shipm ent by rail from Mag­ ly of women, w hile in the F irst, Sec­
P oultry— Hens, 15c; springs, 18c;
dalena, crossing the border at Nogales. ond and T hird w ards the boards are
turkeys, live, 20c; dressed, choice,
No trouble w h atev er was experienced about equally divided among men and
Old Soldiers Go Hungry.
25c; ducks, 10(iil6c; geese young,
They started from women. The nam es of those appoint­
London—H undreds of arm y pension­ across the line.
Eggs—Oregon ranch, case count 22 ers in Chelsea hospital, th e old sol­ Mexico w ith 700 head, disposing of ed w ere not made public.
(<i25c dozen; fresh ranch, candled, 28 d ie rs’ home o f London, w ent hungry about 200 a t M ontague, Cal., from
Salmon Again Plentiful.
W ednesday because of th e strik e o f which point th e c a ttle w ere driven to
U nion — Salmon are p lentiful in
B u tter — Oregon cream ery b u tte r electrician s o f th e public w orks de­ Ashland, w here q u ite a num ber have
C atherine creek th is season fo r ,the
cubes, 32c pound; b u tte r fa t, d eliv­ p artm en t, declared because o f the em ­ already been sold to feeders.
first tim e in m any years. Old se ttlers
ploym ent of nonunion pain ters a t the
ered, 32c.
Farmers Want 70 Cents Bushel. still talk o f the tim es when they
adm iralty.
A fte r a form al appeal
Pork—Fancy, 121c pound.
Pendleton Many U m atilla farm ers caught salmon in C atherine creek,
from E arl Beauchamp, first m in ister
V eal—Fancy, 16(ftl51c pound.
H ops—1912 crop, 15fitl8c pound; o f Public W orks, to the strik e leaders, are holding th e ir w heat, w a itin g for a but for many years the fish have been
th e electrical engineers consented to raise in price. A little is being sold blocked by dams below the town. This
1913 contracts, 20c.
Wool — F.astem Oregon, ll(S 1 6 c h eat th e ovens and supply bread to the a t 68 cents, and 69 cents fo r choice year the w ater has been high, and as
Ten thousand men laid lots. W hen 70 cents is reached hun­ there has been no need for irrig a tio n
pound; valley, 18(ftl9c; m ohair, 1913 veterans.
dreds o f thousands of bushels will be the fish have been allowed a free run­
down th e ir tools.
clip, 31c.
throw n on th e m ark et, but local grow- way of the stream .
C attle — P rim e' steers, $8(<i8.35;
Militants' Truce Not Complete.
ers declare they will not tak e less.
choice, $7.60«i7.76; medium, $7.25
Farmer* Unload Wheat.
(ir7.60; prim e cows, $6.76(i£7; choice,
London—The news of the truce be­
Salem Orders All Dog* Muzzled.
Pendleton - W h e a t, which has hung
medium, $6.25(>i:6.50; tw een th e m ilita n t su ffrag ettes and
S a le m —The city council has passed around 68 cents a bushel since the
heifers, $6.76(ii.7.26; lig h t calves, $8 the R ritish governm ent evidently has
(i/9; heavy calves, $6.76(<l7.76; bulls, not reached the d istric ts outside of an ordinance providing th a t all dogs present harvest sta rte d , w ent to 70
$4(>i5.50; stag s, $5.75(u6.25.
Ixmdon, as a fine country house in the in th e city shall be muzzled from July cents Monday, and several U m atilla
H ogs — L ight, $8.60(0,9.30; heavy, suburban town o f Finchley, to the 16 to S eptem ber 1. The ordinance county farm ers who had been holding
Unmuzzled out for the la tte r quotation unloaded.
north o f Isindon, was burned by suffra­ goes into effect a t once.
Sheep — W ethers, $3.30(0.4; ewes, g e tte sym pathizer*.
The place was dogs are d e c la m i to be a m enace to It is estim ated th a t 750,000 bushels
w ere sold.
public safety.
$8.60*i,8.76; lambs, $4.60(fi5.
occupied by only a caretak er.
■ Jæ Z-j
F o r fif ty y e a r s t h e c o n t i n e n t o f N o r t h
A m erica h a d been isolated from th e re s t
o f ttie w o rld by th e u s e o f Z - r a y a , a w o n ­
d e r f u l in v e n tio n o f H a n n i b a l P r u d e n t .
T h e in v e n tio n h a d s a v e d t h e c o u n t r y
f r o m f o r e i g n in v a s i o n , a n d th o c o n t i n e n t
h a d been u n ite d u n d e r o n e g o v e r n m e n t
w ith P ru d e n t a s president. F o r h a lf a
c e n t u r y p e a c e a n d p r o s p e r i t y re ig n e d in
t h i s p a r t o f t h e w orl d. T h e s t o r y o p e n s
lth P r e s i d e n t P r u d e n t c ri t i c a l l y ill. H is
e a t h is h a s t e n e d b y t h e r e c e i p t o f a
m e s s a g e f r o m C o u n t v on W e r d e n s t e i n of
G e r m a n y t h a t h e h a s a t l a s t s u c c e e d e d in
p e n e t r a t i n g t h e r a y s . D yin g, h e w a r n s
nis d a u g h t e r A s t r a t h a t t h i s m e a n s a f o r ­
e ig n in v a si o n . H e te ll s h e r to h u r r y to
th e I s l a n d o f O iry n lt h , b u t d je s b e fo re he
c a n te ll t h e lo c a tio n o f t h e p la c e. A s t r a
Is n o m i n a t e d f o r t h e p r e s i d e n c y by t h e
c o n t i n e n t a l p a r t y . N a p o l e o n E d i s o n c alls
on A s t r a , in f o r m s h e r t h a t h e w a s a p u ­
ll o f h e r f a t h e r ' s , a n d p r o m i s e s to he lp
er. H e g iv e s h e r a r i n g m a d e o f a n e w ­
ly d is co v e re d s u b s t a n c e w h ic h , h e s a y s ,
will so lv e t h e p r o b l e m o f flying. C h e v a l ­
i e r di L e o n a p p e a r s in E u r o p e . H e n o te s
t h a t p r e p a r a t i o n s h a v e b e e n c o m p le te d
lor a n in v a s i o n o f A m e r ic a .
C H A P TER IV.— Continued.
The count’s face was disturbed for a
•econd, when hla own cold blue eyes
m et the gray ones; they clashed like
two swords, both blades keen, hard
and elastic.
"C hevalier dl L eon?”
The chevalier bowed.
“Your business m ust be very Impor­
tan t, since you ask to see m e In my
private residence.
“It Is, your excellency, and as I
know your tim e Is valuable I shall not
delay you long.”
"P lease!”
The chevalier took a sm all package
from his pocket and unw rapped It,
then he placed a piece of yellow m etal
on the table.
“W ill your excellency exam ine
th is? ”
The count picked up th e m etal with
a bored expression and Its w eight sur­
prised him.
“Yes, It is gold.”
"And w hat is Its m eaning?”
”1 am willing to build and equip a
factory for your excellency, enabling
you to produce the m etal for 25 pfen-
Blgs the kilogram .”
“Then It le not gold.”
“Have It exam ined by an expert.”
“I will do th a t.”
“W hen may I re tu rn for your an­
sw er ?”
"Tom orrow m orning a t n ine sharp.”
T he two bowed and turned to go,
but the count stopped them .
“Who know s the secret of th e com­
position besides yourself?”
"Only one man. H e lives In South
A frica."
“And this gentlem an?” and the count
pointed to K alm ar.
“He knows as much about It as your
The count thought for a mom ent.
Suddenly he cam e n earer to the cheva­
lier and. stopping before him , looked
■teadily Into his wide, gray eyes. They
■tood thus for a few mom ents.
W hat the chancellor felt no one
knows, b u t he looked as If he w ere
the supplicant and the o th er th e al­
m ighty chancellor upon whom the eyes
of four continents rested hopefully. At
least th a t w as th e Im pression H err
K alm ar received.
Slowly he asked: “And w hat is the
price of your secret?”
“I will tell you tom orrow .”
C H A P T E R V.
Tho Countess Roslny.
Chevalier dl Leon and his com pan­
ion hardly had left the room when the
count gave orders th a t caused two
men to em erge from the side door at
the Instant the two men approached
the .waiting conveyance. T hese two
men took se p arate cabs and found
It an easy m a tte r to follow th e quarry,
*s they had no desire to avoid the
H err K alm ar retu rn ed to th e edito­
rial rooms and C hevalier dl Leon w ent
"What it Your Intention?”
to his hotel, w here he bought a num ­
ber of papers and magazines.
The secret service reported a t 11:00
p. m. th a t he had retired, and consid­
ering him safe for th e n ext eight
hour* they did likewise. T here they
made a m istake. The chevalier read
until twelve. Then, cautiously open­
ing the door, he looked into the hall
and listened.
No one was In sight and no sound
cam e to his ears, to he turned and
picked up a sm all box and hurried
with It to the Are escape a t the end
of the hall.
It was a clear, sta rry night, but no
c o o n was shining. He m ounted to the
square, flat roof, and listening again
eept tk e Invitation to the 'Hof-ball*
given day a fte r tom orrow ."
T he chevalier bowed. The count
filled out an invitation card personally
and escorted his caller to the door.
In th e afternoon th e chevalier
sought aeroplane hangars and stores
and bought a sm all m onoplane of the
"B elt” style. A fter trying th e ma­
chine, he Inquired for a large, private
h an g ar and succeeded In finding one
n ear th e count’s residence.
The court ball was one of the form al
social events of the week. The room
In which th e court m arshal and his
assistan ts received the gueBts w as In
th e ultra-secession style. W hen the
chevalier entered It he received the
Im pression of entering a gigantic wed­
ding cake th a t had been hollowed and
decorated artfu lly on th e Inside.
T he stiff courtesy th a t once pre­
vailed a t the court of Frederick the
G reat still was in existence during
cerem onious affairs. Only th e few
F rench diplom ats seem ed to have ease
of bearing and a ce rta in freedom of
movem ent.
T he C ount von W erdenateln ap­
proached the chevalier w ith unusual
kindness and Introduced him to m any
of th e guests. T he plain, black eve­
ning dress, w ithout stars, crosses, rib­
bons o r o th er slgne of distinction, was
stran g e u n d er this roof and among
th ese gorgeous uniform s.
Baron von K oener w as asked by the
chancellor to tak e c are of the cheva­
lier, and the little huzzar did his best
to en tertain the Interesting chevalier,
whoso sole reason for bolng th ere was
th a t h e had som e g reat and valuable
Invention fo r m ilitary purposee.
A t 10:00 p. m. th e g re a t double
doors w ere flung open. The m aster of
cerem ony cam e In w ith his big gilt
cane and knocked on the floor to an­
nounce th e arriv al of his m ajesty.
The em peror, a tall, typical P rus­
sian, cam e first, leading th e P rincess
of W ales, then cam e the P rince of
W ales, escorting the P rincess Isold;
the young em peror w as not m arried.
The hidden o rch estra played th e old
melody, “Die W acht am R hein." W hen
his m ajesty finished th e reg u lar circle
the chancellor Introduced the cheva­
lier. T he courtiers fell back a t a mo­
tion from th e em peror and he and the
chevalier spent som e tim e In w hat
w as apparently an in tim ate conversa­
tion. W hen the dance began he was
dism issed and the em peror w altzed
around the g reat hall once w ith his
cousin, the P rincess of W ales.
C hevalier
Leon stood alone for a
sh o rt time, w atching th e dancers with
In terest; then th e B aron von Koenei
advanced to the center and leaned
ag ain st the chim ney about which the
enow had m elted. He looked a t the
sky for a long tim e until he discov­
ered the s ta r he was looking for. W as
It a sta r? It gleam ed like one, but it
winked like an old-fashioned revolving
C hevalier di Leon took the object he
brought with him, and directing It
tow ard th a t w inking Btar he m anipu­
lated som ething th a t gave a m etallic
sound. A hiss followed, like th e hiss
of a bullet.
A m inute la te r an o th er s ta r ap­
peared n ear the w inking one. It was
large and bright and seem ed to spit
fire. Suddenly It disappeared In a
sm all w hite cloud, looking like a
shrapnel exploding In m idair.
The w inking s ta r vanished entirely.
Then the chevalier retu rn ed to his
room s and w ent to bed.
The following m orning a t nine
o’clock he stood before the chancellor.
T he count bowed to him m ore cor­
dially than he had the day before.
“T he experts rep o rt th a t th e ore
you gave me is chem ically pure gold,
p u rer th an any they have ever seen.”
He thought fqjjia mom ent. "F or some
reason I cannot doubt your w ords; I
am, so to say, forced to believe In
you.” H e looked Inquiringly a t the
chevalier, but as he did not answ er
th e count continued: "Do you realize
the far-reaching Influence of your In­
"I do to the m ost m inute d etail.”
"W hat Is your intention?”
“To give my invention to you—for
a consideration!”
"And th a t Is?”
T he young man weighed every word
he said.
"A bsolute disarm am ent and peace.”
The count showed no surprise. He
felt th a t he stood before an extraordi­
nary man. H e w alked up and down
th e room thoughtfully, then suddenly
he stopped before th e chevalier.
"Sir, who are you?”
The chevalier stood up and sm iled
"I expected this question, your ex­
cellency. but if you will perm it I shall
not answ er It. A11 I can say Is th at
I believe I am a tru e apostle of broth­
erly love. My Ideal Is to overthrow
tyranny and m ake not only th e leaders
but th e m asses happy and contented.
W hat I am offering you Is a m ighty In­
stru m en t to forw ard this movem ent.
True, It also m eans destruction If In­
judiciously used. I cam e to you, sir,
the chosen leader of the arm ies of
ioui continents.” He looked e a rn est­
ly a t the man standing before him .
"Do you not th in k th a t It is your
duty to accept my offer—to send home
the m illions who are am assed to break
peace; w hose final destination Is to
b reak Into a happy, peaceful continent
w here every m an Is free and w here “ I Am Very Much Honored,” He Said
the h e arts of the people a re not poi­
soned w ith the passions of selfish cam e and w hispered In his ear th a t
greed? It Is my own wish, also, th at the C ountess Rosiny desired to dance
those Invisible w alls w hich sep arate w ith him. Di Leon sm iled pleasantly
the A m erican continent from th e oth­ and followed the baron, who led him
ers shall disappear, not be destroyed to a young woman of g reat beauty.
by ru th less hands, but opened to re­
H er large, dark eyes rested on the
ceive b ro th e rs!”
bowing chevalier; h er rosy cheeks
The enthusiastic young man stopped dim pled in a sm ile as she stood up to
when h e saw a sarcastic sm ile play take his arm . They w altzed aw ay from
round the corners of the count’s the baron, who looked a fte r them w ith
adm iration.
“I know enough, ch ev alier!” His
The chevalier proved to be a m aster
voice w as cool and cutting. "You are of w altzing; disregarding the usual
an A m erican.”
habit, he did not stop a fte r th e first
T he chevalier did not say "yes" or to u r of the room, but continued. The
“no,” but scorning the cold expres­ countess smiled a t him coquettlshly.
sion on tho count’s face he alm ost or-
“C hevalier, you dance w onderfully."
dered him to h ear him out.
"Ah, you, countess, a re the dream
"Your excellency m ust listen to me of a dancer.”
to the end. W ho I am o r w hence I
T hey arrived a t th e countess’ chair,
come does not m atter. I have offered b u t th e chevalier showed no signs of
you a secret th a t will enable you to stopping and carried h er along as eas­
m ake your country, and through your ily and gracefully ae the m orning
country the world, happy If used with breeze carries the fragm ent of thistle
diecretion. If not, it may bring con­ down.
ditions th a t will break all your am bi­
"W e a re creating a sensation, Chev­
tions. Your trem endous arm ies, men alier dl Leon.”
of w ar and fortifications, figuratively
H is m ajesty and th e princess left
speaking, are all m ade of gold. You the ball a t m idnight and soon after
can easily Im agine w hat chaos will the C ountess Rosiny found an oppor­
reign If I give my gold aw ay—m ake It tunity to talk once m ore to the cheva­
no m ore valuable than Iron. Don’t lier.
you realize th a t It will break you. In
"Am I asking too much of you In
sp ite of your m ight, and drive your Inviting you to our house ball on Sat­
arm ies to work Instead of w asting urday next?”
tim e In pursuing the scientifically per­
The chevalier bowed and sm iled at
fected exercises and studies of devas­ the countess, whose long, eilky eye­
tation? You ought to realize th a t gold lashes shaded h e r beautiful eyes w ith
Is only an Image created by m an; th a t such ap parent Innocence.
yellow m etal has no real value. W ork
“I am very much honored,” he said
la th e only thing of value to a nation. simply.
“I have one thing m ore to say. You
H e m et the chancellor once m ore In
have evidently selected for your life’s the buffet th a t adjoined the g reat ball­
w ork th e Invasion and conquering of room. He took th e chevalier by his
the A m erican continent, claim ing th a t arm and led him to a table. T here, In
th e U nited S tates had refused to yield the com pany of high nobles and diplo­
to th e w ishes of the European powers j m ats, they clinked glasses and drank
fifty years ago. Do you think th ere are to th e health of His M ajesty, th e Em
no m ore men like H annibal P rudent? peror of Germany.
Do you th in k th a t a fte r breaking the
(TO B E C O N T IN U E D .)
Isolator all you would need do would
be to land your arm ed puppets and kill
Saw Ancient City Under Sea.
the people who have nursed a t the
T he Greek M inistry of M arine
bosom of L iberty? I have spoken, sta te s th a t L ieu ten an t Bakopulos,
your excellency!”
while carrying out the observation!
The chevalier made a courteous bow. entailed by the naval dutlea assigned
The count seated him self before his to him, happened to notice on the
sea bottom to the east of the Island
“C hevalier dl Leon, no man has ever of Lemnos, on the reefs m arked on
spoken to me as you have.” His voice the B ritish A dm iralty ch arts under
was dull. "I will think over th e far- the nam e of the P haros Bank, a t a
reaching perspective you have spread depth of from five to twenty-live
before m e; I will have to consider It m eters, tom e ancient ruin* which
from every side. F o r th a t reason I w ere perfectly risib le and prove the
cannot se t a d ate for my final decision existence of a town about th rae mllea
and the decision of hts m ajesty the In circum ference.
O rders have been issued by the mln-
"Above all. you have aw akened my titry to carry out sclentlflo researches
adm iration; you a re a strong man. on the spot.
chevalier, and I am a friend to strong j
men. I welcome you.” He rose and
Back Yard Art.
offered hts hand to h it visitor.
"T he Idea of paying for zuch a Job.”
“I w ant to Introduce you to his maj- j "How now?”
esty and the chief diplom ats,” contin- | "T he fellow who w hitew ashed this
ued the c o u n t **I hope you will ac- * fence for me Is evidently a c u b is t"