— LO C AL - A uro.xi s.iggostion—drop in and pay ii|> your hack subscrip tion. . NOTICE! Hides. bought on consignment. Bring your hides to the Bulletin flliN'C. For ¡tent ROBBERY. Tile best place In tit the chil dren out for school is where tho\ TRINIDADS ASPHALT LAKE Wanted _ „l,_ „ * . j. Thi* London Thiol Woo Quito Dolib- One o f the W o r l d 's Hot S p ots. Torrid, A t once— All back subscrip make a specials of children* •••» i* Mi. Frae.rat.en. D esola ti ng and • f n « r v c tin g . tions to the B u l l e t in paid up in shoes, hose, dresses, etc. That Tbto ator, of ou ela horn tel, pref>*r- In “ The I'ntl» o f the» « ooHiiist: dure*" slore is Mosier’ s department ‘‘d film» *•** toti hy str H o I uti a li l.indon lintes. Jr t«»l!« «*f tlie fmiiotm exchange for receipts. We need; > ! 1:111 lake o f '1 I'rfuldt <i the money. Ii«- n st ore. Strauss. t BfO T tlH ’ nd / T Y h J rd; ’* Lowloi« . i'nn' A T " i*rliiiinai i\ T“ 1! «**1« Tlu* rlllti^i* ;it I4jf tnI^ A. Cf. Frey returned to Mosier '"'"■'o'*' » miui«.a*nv a* m* «innrry amt U :rill «*XII*;int «Uh: Hf.v •*|w*«,tu: U« \«>t n ... . ■ - i i , reinml a lo->iro«ni uenr the nillwni *ln- I m > i ¡M p imi li* lU ;>i lr«J (»III ol |»1 liollt*. Til»* DAVID ROBINSON. M. I). with Ins family last Atondfiy uhl,.„ , i . i . ......... . Liuil il*.lilt* s >urn t‘ of «»»• V«*| »**:<!il»H I it i from Eastern Oregon, where he n»- train r-.i nova. wvii mv—.-q »mi I**-«-.. •• . I»,- >' » : V si»;ruin* en»* P hysician and S huukon has been lookiiitr for a location. " vi* KOMimml. the rriiuliiai , i .». h in- . «»Ills Of til«* f » 1T : • ! i hot (olii in ti few yi»tir iiovf viih N nil«! V -nl»*iH * ii t«» Mr. Frey says lie found not hi hr |njt M „tliv ,(Illv B|1II(Wlf (ll.<lrc • •i iif»i lUFii .H piupoily. di>i»i:i hound- MOSIER OREGON that looked 11 s good to him as I n». ivnmlii iraimti.eil while lie ih-uit iri«K into **v»»rv !*‘ - d i d « , s! 1 •!»«*. «■:.rry Mosier i wllfc • to.' pbl » r* be carrieil in n stylish l.'iiU in irk s 11 hut idi •od v:»r<'< m v n y i ha ml l>iis • T ! m * nliHindun tin 11 of do *«« dai !*»il 1* M rs. f ’. R. M e tz g e r retu rn ed i On«> iiiumlnc lifter n few such Jour Small house of six rooms and this w eek from B a k e r co u n ty . ! m‘>" " V ' “ “ ' . , . . . . . . I having forgotten lit» keys. \ atrangur bith. fuimslied; on the edge of where she is interested in some|H„ t)llK i„ tlu. opposite .orner p..in«‘i> i mines. Mrs. Metzger states that offered lilm hi* hum-h in tlu* in>i»* tti.it town. Inquire o f the ore Ims not been thoroughly l,e w‘”,hl n,l<J on “ u k<-‘-v to 0,**M the i .1. K. M c G regor . . , i luttf. Dnt id »IK* o f them would fit tin* Mosier, Ore. t o s t . but Hit1 indications fll'fi j lock. At the Wffirestlon of tin* strim- that it. runs heavy in gold and | ner. who, <>r <-<mrae. was »n nrcom- lillce, the m illionaire I lieu prodmvd hi* silver. Nrrtice hunch o f keys, and ;i few k » m - o w ! s s u f ficed to ennhU* the tld ef to take a wns 20 acres in brush, 8 miles from | One of our new business men. tnipi emilon of the key of the rich limn * Metier, to exchange for smaller •|ookin« lhrn»Kh '«"-public school safe. A few week* Inter the millionaire’* improved phice, on the river pre-1,ooms’ ,eniai * *,il’ **'ev were Cerretl ¡such cheerful, clean looking nnfe wn* rilled, anil before the crime wn* discovered the thief «vim aenws rooms, he was sure the young the channel with tils rich booty.—Llv S. B lack , folks couldn’t help “ getting erpool Post. Wasco, Ore. wise” in such a place. DAINTY COBWEBS. Prune packing started at the Baseball Goods, at Chown’s. Mosier Fruit Association packing How Spiders’ Fine Spun T h r e a d s C o m - Fresh stock fresh roasted pea house yesterday, but the crew was laid off until Monday, as the nuts, 5c. quart. Strauss. fruit was hardly ripe enough to J. T. Davenport, was a business pack. The continued cold and visitor in Hood River Monday. cloudy weather has kept the (iardoM H« hc now in, Chown’ s. prunes from ripening, thus de Mrs. 1£. L. Root and children laying the season a week. pare W it h H u m a n Hair. l.ikt* 1 n sj Hit s <1 |utIn 1 ki.lt*.I In (Jiscolis.iilntcl.v In* n«|»!»niIt drot A llJiV.» sortir« 'il » **w n irts of v I’M* <toti 11 if in plilCf ■ H ut for tho tv st ll : ;i solid innsM1 1 tf h ljiik . dull. evil iD«*ilitm 1 dtch. \vi th pools o f V. ■ itci* «'IV Mild 1 hero. III w h ich >4\vl m little :tr boiled fisi MVS. Aenlnst :in y of tlie 10 I spots i n the w o n d . b n r none. this MU lie iMieked. "A wicked looklus blnck-nnke nix * ■et loins islide* into the bin-lies near ■ i.* linirisiu o f tin* hike It Uns lieen iiiniiic Itself on the nspbnlt. No w on 't the serpent* ore .supposed to be "iiln i'cs o f the devil. As for ourself, fteen m inutes' slny pikes aw ay every li o f vitality w e cun sum m on Not oongli Interest is left In life to Inquire h it the nenroes hewinu with niiit- « k . lit tbe nsphnlt receive In wnj;es l'ln*y Piirn tlie pay, wlm tever il Is. The luke is ninety 10 n hundred i eras in extent now . Imt It Is frrndual- iv sln in k ln s with ttie rem oval o f the ■ nornious quantities liait have been i token out." D e r b y 8f S t e a r n s L IN YOUR Home Paper a w y e r s H O O D R IV E R . OREGON IF Y O U W IS H To meet your friends, stop at H O T E L M O S IE R . ♦ A ll Modern and under New Management. AUGMENTED BATH FACILITIES GUY Q. STRYKER, Prop. H. G . K IB B E E N O T A R Y P U B L IC M o s ie r . . . O regon It Is lim'd to realize how sumII a W. A. HUSBANDS spider's w eb really Is. A fam ous mi B l a c k s m it h eroscoplst once made som e Interestine comparisons o f a cob w e b «villi human Horse Shoeing and General hnlr. Repair Work. "I have ofteu compared the size of Nearly every unfortunate cir-1 tlie thread spun by full crown spiders • t:e i ■. with „ hair of my tm.nL» he says. ^ '» « t a n c e m li fe h a s its co m p e n - Satisfaction guaran teea MOSIER placed. the thickest part of the hair ' R»tlon. OREGON We shall ask our readers to before the ml<Tosco[*i. end. from tlie ------------- - -■ ■ kindly overlook the appearance "»'»t »«curat# judgment i cuutd form. NOTICE than 100 of tin* *pbhVs ttiremls The new breakfast food —Ro of e the pajier, if it is worse than more (lll|Ce(, , We by Bl<J- C(ml(1 not fi(|HllJ fhe My thoroughbred Jersey hull man Meal. Strauss. usual” this week. We missed diameter o f one such hnlr. If. then. is kept for service at the Fisher connections and at the last m in-! w® *moB°se such a hair to be of a Oil Guok Stoves-Chow n’s. round tut LU It follow* that 10,000 Livery Barn, Mosier, Ore. B. F. Reeve* re'urned Monday «Le got sick and couldn’ t get a threads epuu hy the full grown spider, M rs . S. D. F isher . visited in Hood River Sunday. ADVERTISE PENDLETON. OREGON S E P T E M B E R 11-12-13,1913 Excursion Fares Tickets e a Sole Sept. IQ, 1 L 1 3 , 1 3 -F in a l Return Limit Sept. 1 6 , 1 9 1 3 Pam’ EXPRESS SUMS astaco bustino INDIANS, COWBOYS ___ OUTLAW HO#sat P L U M B IN G . when taken together, will not he equal STEAM ant » HOT WATER In »uhstance to the size of n single HEATING. hnlr. , NOTICE B u l l e t in is late in making its To this. If we add that 400 young Jobbing promptly attended to. Elm er lN»ot was transacting appearance. W e trust, huwev- *plders at the time when tliev t>egin 1 From and after this date the MOSIER - - OREGON httsincss in The I)all«*s the first er, that it will not occur again. to spin tlielr welis .ire not larger than | services of my thoroughbred one full grown one mid that each of hoar will be $5.00. O* th«t week. -------- » ---- these minute spiders possesses tie C. H. D a v e n p o r t . »nine organs as tlie larger ones. It foe ; Notice ot Final Hearing Extra Special Men’s dress Mosierites Picnic at Ortley . • ,. ... . . ... I low» that the exceedingly sum/. . T ! In the County Court o£ the State o f RniltS, W O llll Up to .>1, at 4UC. ^ picnic party composed o f l fbrend* spun by these little creatines A picnic party composed respass N otice Oregon for Wasco County. Strauss. f tI „ ,i r „ .„ n .. c \ i r must tie still 400 timis slenderer, and J. H. Weaver and family, E. W. consequently that 4,000.000 of these Notice is hereby given that. In the Matter of the Estate Dupont Powder is best. Chown. Davidhizar and family, Miss minute spiders' threads cannot equal persons will not be allowed to i of Frank Gintrpi- l„ft lflst w e ek Mary Mathews and Mr. George ! I“ aulwtnnce the size of a Single hnlr. | cix>ss tlie bottoms which I have [ BniDCdiT B oj .TON, Deceased. Furious and Exciting Wild and Wonderful S. F. GOSS Now Contestant» for Clory Old Champions, man and betjt, ■ Hold You Spellbound with Their Nerve end Daring From any Agent 0-W.R.Jt N. Cat F m i and Particular» Com » b r i e f visit to Portland f,011^ h?iP. US,n a ',in.clA’ 80 f“ r the first time in its existence the and Seaside. for Jackson county to inspect hi*! Mathews, went up to Ortley re Notice is hereby given that the i leased, or to go upon the land cently to see the town and the DRESSING FOR ROYALTY. ! without permission, under pen undersigned, as administrator o f the timber holdings. scenery. They were pleased and estate o f Hriitget Holton, deceased, New outing flannel just in; surprised at the development of Pie Preper Caper W hen One le Invited alty o f the law. Inrs tiled his Saul account and,re|>ort to W in to e r Castle. i an 2m C. H. D a v e n p o r t . ! in said Court, and that the County also blankets and outing sheets. o f Lhe town. Those who ura invited to spend a few Court o f tlie State o f Oregon for Was Save money hy buying of Strauss. With tke king at Wltnlser are The view from the winding1 co County has appointed Monday, the For Sale Kimball Cultivators, Chown’B. path along the brow of the hill sometime* apt to be rather overcome j 4th day o f August, 1913, at the hour by the r t a f e ir they find, and an ex o f 10;(XI A. M . , as the time, and tbe An assorted lot of second »i n , n- n \ a . i north of Ortley is one of the cess o f abyDeae, something like stage County Courtroom in the County Mrs. G. J. E. Carlson and three „ . . ~ , . • r, hand household goods, in I l Courthouse . ■¥ j finest along the Columbia River, fright. U ta s e n e cams the inevitable in. Dalles City, Wasco children were visitors in Hood1 . ... . . cluding kitchen, diningroom | County, Oregon, as the place for the fhere'is an excellent park in accompaniment o f the first evening at River last Saturday. ¡,. , ... ... . hearing o f said final report. All per- and bedroom furniture. Can ; I sons the town, provided with tables the castle. having any objections to the same la Queen Victoria’s time guests were be seen at i are hereby notified to l»e [»resent at P. L. Arthur and wife are iln(i seats for the convenience o f | said time and place and |iresent any spending a fortnight’s vacation picnic parties. There are also bidden _. , only to “dine und . sleep.” H. M. WEST’S Warehouse. | such objections. with relatnes at Castle Rock, several swings, a croquet ground. ^ e*«pH*c 4 ,« f<iw mo. Tlie date of the first publication o f this notice is Juire^7tli, 1913. Wash, i and a tennis court, j meats' conversation In tire drawing Notice to Creditors J. A. B oi . ton , Ladies’ smnnle handkerchiefs A« we finished lunch . a show er' , ro*m mftpr *,Baer on,es* bnpi«*n- I j . io i l * . .un|ii( i M i m R u i n i u a . . . ed to bo near the queen at the dinner In the County Court of the State of Buy now for your present and b’» 11" “ up we were invited to Administrator. Oregon for Wasco County. holiday needs and save 20% .— the home of Mr. and Mrs. Goetz, This is ail altered now. Guests are In the Matter o f the Estate Strauss I where we were entertained with 1 bl<1<lon to 8t°P two or three li|D's nn<1 of I . . , consequently see much more of the to ™ ca a ,u l ' " 8tl'l,im ®n tal n ll' s ,c b y king and queen than lu former times. . ,, , ,, ,, Mr. and Mrs. Goetz and Masters The question of dress niwnv* i* a great Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carro l, at v ^i , n . problem with the Indies “ commatided” . . . . . . . ’ Kenneth and Carl Goetz. to Windsor castle, for, Instead of ac »heir home near Mosier, u 10« ,, ,, , ,, . - ,, ound dau liter j Mosier would do well to follow quiring only one smart evening toilet B o r n : - A l lg . poum 'i " L i 22nd, 1913, aug I e i . I Ortley’s example and provide a ¡and suitable Jewels for a “dine and H. C. Brokaw, connected with park and play ground for the ac- »kit of one night, quite au out- *he Power & Light C o .,, commodation o f the home people! ‘ ‘ y“ u^nyb# N'^»!"tiraia?X%ri.*°rer at The Dalle*, was a business as well as out o f town folks, qulred on arrival, as guests nre shown at once to their rooms, but next morn- visitor in town this week. B. A. J. « Rolit. Scearce is clerking in Chown’ s hardware store during Mr. Chown’s absence at the sea •hore. Robert is assisted by Collin Page. j u of H. v ci j • i J . Frederick, ZL ! Ing It Is necessary to appear rather i smartly dressed for breakfast, which i* "tZ Easy to Wod. The man who writes to ask If he esn marry on $H a week lui* wasted Ink. Of courue he can. Two dollars will secure a tasty 11- . ! cenae. $.1 will square the preacher, and n contractor wi11 i>e n dollar i«rt for a modest in town last' wedding breakfast Hood River, was Friday, figuring on the erection 1 A,’d ,hcn? (lb. well. Hint's not the o f a new hank building for the Cleveland I’ luln Dealer. Mosier Valley Bank. quite a formal men! at the castle Then another change of toilet Is re qulred when the time cornea to Join the shooters at luncheon and yet another on returning to the castle for 5 o’clock tea. Every night, too, a different toilet must he worn, suitable to the royal sim roundings and proportionately expen sive.—I-onrton Answers. question.— The Habitat of Devils. Cynical Foresight. Mrs. C. G. Nichol and little "That boy of yours umy be president «laughter Mildred left on Sunday 1 " f ">«* United state« some day.” Maylie." assented Parmer Corn to* «veiling for a two months’ visit eel. "Hut (he chances are that he'll be to her old home in Illinois. one of the fellow* who think they are She will »Iso visit relatives in lucky If they get appointed to be post masters."—Washington Star. Missouri. All Beneath Her. Jimmie Dupee has returned Clare—Do vou think you coukl bring home from a summer's visit at i yourself to marry a man your Intellec- .... .. Milwaukie with his grandmother, , tual inferior? L y d la -I suppose I shall have t a —Loudon Opinion. M rs . Alex Stewart. Captain C. H. Stignnd has written a book about tbe tribe* of British East Africa In "The Land of ZlnJ." Refer ring to Mount Kenya, whose summit wu* reached by the Mackinder expo dltlon. he *ny* that the nntlves "b e Iteve that the upper «lope* arc the hubltnt of devil* and all kinds of evil spirit*. I am told that natives who have returned from the upper »lopes are not at liberty to »peak about what they bare seen Tbe bleu 1* that they have been let off by the demon* of the . . . . . . _ ____ . . . . . . . . . aome evil will befall them, or tho evil spirit* will avenge thamaelvea ” MOSIER, OREGON AH • kinds of Fresh and Smoked Meats. Lard, Compound and Fish. We uM pay you the top price for Butter, Eyys and Chickens. If you have a Beef, Pork, Mutton or Veal to sell come in mid see us. Saturelay, Special Prices on ad Smoked Meats. DRUGS? SURE WOO« RIVER Now irtwt it is possible to semi <"*8i merchandise by Parcels Post, we The Tombstone Marr Scientific American. Brauch Oft!««, TO F 8t., W ashington. D. C. want when it comes to clothes. Suits for medium, ■ stub, stout or slim figures, and our prices are right. We have n splendid variety of sty-1 es and patterns for Are now in and we will take pleasure in showing you to choose from and we invite you to call and let us them to you. The new show you. HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS Ladies’ Suits, Coats and Dresses (Second Floor) 1 Each week brings new supplies of the latest styles and patterns and we Jcnow that we can save you from $4.iX>to ^lO.OOon your purchases in this line over wh«t H. S. & M, Suits for % js , $ 20 , $22 hud $ 25 . ; you would pay in Portland. Come in and look at them and you will sec that we are right. Other makes in men’s clothing for $5.75, $7.00, $8.00, $10.00 and up. JUST RECEIVED:—A fine assortment of Ladies’ Our stock is moat complete and we have what you Lace Collars and Collar and Cuff sets. h , J e n k in s ,’hone' : OREGON R «. Phftne, 333. suggest that should you need anything in the way of Prescrip-; LOCAL TIME-TABLE tions filled, Drugs or Patent Med- ^ y West bound 7:22 a. m. idnes, that you send to No. 1 L. COMINI H. F rank W oodcock , D r . C. DENTIST Chas. N. Clarke, MUNN S Co.38,B",d«' New York MARKET Mrs. J . P. Erhart, Prop. Notice is hereby given that the PHYSIC1AN ANP SURGEON County Court of the S tate o f Oregon for Wasco County, basappointed theun del-signed Administrator o f the estate H O O D R I V E R OREGON of Alfred Smith, deceased. All per Will practice in Mosier and sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tlie The Druggist o f Hood Rivet, May be reached by long dis same, properly verified, to the under tance phone. Home phone 61. signed, at the residence o f ,1. S. Taylor, for them. He can send them to at 1422 Pine Street, The Dalles. Ore- you cheaper than you <oan get gen, within six [6] months from the them at home. dale of lhe first publication o f this N O T I C E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N (Publisher.) notice. The date o f the first publi- (.ation o f this notice is August 22. 1913 Department o f the Interior, U. S. ! I pa !.. S mith . Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, I Administratrix. ’ July 14th, 1913. Notice is hereby given that Ira Al-1 OVER 05 YEARS' • bert Dungey, o f Fir, Oregon, who. on PERIENCE i August 14th, 1907, made Homestead J entry No. 15671, Serial No. 04184, for ! NE1SWJ, NWJSE1-4, and EJSEl-4, ----------------------------------- " • j Section 6. Township 1 North, Range 11 EWM., has filed notice o f hi* intention can supply you with any ! to make Final Five Year Proof, to os-1 T rade M arks tahlish claim to the land above de D e s ig n s thing in this line at most CnpvniGHTS Ac. scribed. before the Register and Re- ! A n r o M M o d in i n skptc’ i nnd dM crtptton may reasonable prices. > : :-: ryiilekly ascertain one opinion free w hether nn ceiver at The Dalles. Oregon, on the Invention ta probably p.-uantahlo. Communion* tions at rtctly conlKtont lui. HANGbOOK on PBteuta 5th day of September, 1913. sent free. Oldest agency for securinfr patenta. TRY HIM A N D Patenta taken through M aim A Co. receive Claimant name* as witnesses: John West, John P. Snyder, Emil D. B E CONVINCED J West and George Thomas Abaher. all A han dsom ely Illustrated weekly. T.areest cir culation o f any scientific tournai. Term s, |5 m o f Hr, Oregon. ▼ear : fou r mont ha. | 1 . Sold by all new od calera. New Fall Suits for Men have certainly opened up fine and we know you will lie pleased with the materials, the fit and the finiah. We can fit you properly and can guarantee them in every way with a guarantee that guarantee» and means ex- addy what it aaya. DR. H. L. D U M BLE A lfred S mith , Deceased. MOSIER MEAT The Dalles • - Oregon Our line of Sweaters and Sweater Coats is the largest in the city, in all colors, sizes and styles and will give you some extra spending money over what the same quality would cost you elsewhere. We are never undersold. Specials This Week I.idies’ House Dresses, good quality and Cnlnrs, nicely made and trimmed. Regular $2.25 values. Your choice to close them out quickly ... 90S East 2:47 p . m 10:20 a. m. 6-'35 p. in. 8:45 p . in . I No. 17, at 4:08 p. m ., flag stop on Sundays-only for Hood River and Portland, OREGON A G R IC U L T U R A L COLLEGE BEGINS its f w t y -f if r t i school ye*t S e p t e m b e r i » . tads. D E G R E E C O U R S E S in manyphasesof AGRICULTURE. ENGINEERING. HOMfe E c o n o m ic s m in in g , f o r e s t r y . C o m m e r c e . PHARMACY. T w o - y e a r C o u r s e s in a g r i c u l tu r e . home E c o n o m ic s . M e c h a n ic ARTS FORESTRY. COMMERCE PHARMACY T e a c h e r s C o u r s e s i* manual tra ia in g , a g ric u ltu re , demes'.rc science * n i a rt. M u s i c , ia c lu d in g piano , s trin g , band instru m en ts and voice c u ltu re . A B E A U T I F U L B O O K L E T entitled “Î hk E nmchmkxt of R ural Lira"* and a C atalogue will be mailed free on application. Address H . M ,|tw-7-l» io MJ Register. Sweaters and Sweater Coats for Men and Women No. 2 No. 8 No. 6 T e n n a n t , R e g is tra ^ Corvallis, Oregon. Ladies’ Tailored Shirt Waists Slightly «oiled. $2.25. Size» 32 to 38. Values up to Your choice to close them out . ........... 2 5 C Men’s Shoes and Oxfords Men’ s canvas shoes and oxfords. These would give you some splendid service as long as the weath er is moderately good. Ycty Comfortable and cool. Values up to, the pair. $2.50. Your choice...................... 98C