POULTRY AND GAME Can g et you fancy prices for W iB Ducks and other fam e in season. W rite us for cash offer on all kinds of poultry, pork. etc. Pearson-Page Co., Portland Sscujki-Hand Machin­ ery bought, sold and exchanged: engines, hoflera. sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st 8t« Portland. Send for Stock List and prices. Machinery DAISY FLY KILLER N eat. cJe»n, or­ nam ental, convenient. cheap. L a s ts a ll sssso n . Made of m etal, can’ts p illo rtip over ; w ill n o t to ilo * In ] u r e a n y t h i n g . G uaranteed effective. Bold b y dealers, or 6 sen t by express pew paid for $L * > M t B iO M IM L I N D A f t A r e .. Brooklyn. X . fc M. & M. SCHOOL of TELEGRAPHY 633-535 Chamber o f Commerce Building PORTLAND. OREGON A school for the teaching of Telegraphy under the persona] supervision of th e proprietor, A. E. Myers, expert telegrapher. Day and night sessions. TERMS: Courses in easy monthly installm ents, enabling you to take up a well- paid profession a t little cost. W rite for full p articulars. Hours. 10 a. m. to 6 p. m., o r by appointm ent tu 571A DR. JOSEPH ROANE Chiropractor SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS Scientific T reatm ent of all A cute and Chronic Diseases. Licensed Practitioner. Suite 424-6-7 ^ r c a d ^ B u ild in g ^ e a ttle ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Time Is Sometimes Kind. Father Time is not always a bard parent, and, though he tarries for none of his children, often lays his hand lightly upon those who have used him well, making them old men and women inexorably enough, but leaving their hearts and spirits young and in full vigor. With such people the gray head is but the impression of the old fellow’s hand in giving them his bles­ sing, and every wrinkle but a notch in the quiet calendar of a well-spent life. —From Barnaby Rudge. S t. H e l e n s P ortland Hall , O regon Resident and Day School for Girls I s c h a r e o f S la te r , o f S fc Jo h n B a p tis t (E plueopcl) Oollaglate, O ellsglats, Academic a n d E lem en tary D ep artm en ts, Elocution, Dom estic A rt, r Domeetio Science, U n tie . , A r t, Elocntlon. ------ ------ Bym naainm . F o r c a ta lo g addroee— T H E SISTER SU PE R IO R , Office 30 St. H elen s H a ll Sound Education in Finland. In the rudiments of a sound educa­ tion the Finnish people are unsur­ passed. Practically every man and woman in the country has a working knowledge of reading, writing, and arithmetic, and every child of school age receives careful instruction in these studies. Every adult has a vote, and although 53 per cent of the inhabitants are women, there are only seventeen of their sex in the Finnish diet. _______________ Irritating Skin Troubles, so prevalent in summer, such as hives, poison oak, chafing, sunburn, eczema, etc., are quickly relieved when Ty­ ree's Antiseptic Powder is used. 25c. at druggists or sample sent free by J. S. Tyree, Washington, D. C.—Adv. How Does It Get Across? At a certain eastern university one of the professors was conducting an examination in physiology. He asked for a description of the circulation at the extremities, meaning, of course, the capillary circulation. The youth he called upon evidently did not know much about the matter, for he replied that the blood went down one leg and up the other!—Youth’s Companion. M o th e r, w ill fin d Mr*. Wlnmow-« S o o th in g S yrup th e b- *t rem ed y to u se fo r th e ir c h ild re n A urlug th e te e th in g p e rio d . Lucifer Matches Date From 1834. Lucifer matches — that ia, matches tipped with an explosive substance that bursts into flame on being struck —were first used about 1834. Many improvements have been made in matches since then, the most import­ ant of which was the invention of the safty match, striking on the box only. Faith. By our own faith we can only move mountains; by the faith that others put in us, be may move the world.— Sarah Grand. To Strengthen Glassware. Boiling a piece of glassware in a weak solution of salt in water, and allowing it to cool gradually will make it less brittle. Banish All Skin Troubles Remarkable Remedy That Works Wonders Against Eczema and All Rash If you have b e e n fig h tin g some blood trouble, some s k in d is e a s e , c a ll It eczema, lupus, psorlasts, m a la r ia , o r w h a t you win, there Is but o n e s u r e , s a f e way to get rid of It. A sk a t a n y d r u g store for a $ 1.00 bottle o f S. S. S. a n d y o u are then o n the road to h e a lth . T h e a c tio n o f th is r e m a r k a b le re m e d y is J u s t a s d ire c t. J u s t as p o s itiv e , j u s t as c e r t a i n In Its in flu ­ ence a s t h a t t h e s u n r is e s In th e E a s t. It Is o n e o f th o s e r a r e m e d ic a l fo rc e s w h ic h a c t In th e b lo o d w ith th e s a m e d e ­ gree o f c e r t a i n t y t h a t Is fo u n d In all nat­ u r a l te n d e n c ie s T h e m a n n e r In w h ic h I t d o m in a te s a n d c o n tro ls t h e m y s te r io u s tr a n s f e r e n c e o f ric h , re d , p u r e arterial blood f o r th e d is e a s e d v e n o u s b lo o d la m a r v e lo u s O u t th r o u g h e v e r y s k in p o re acids, g e rm s a n d o th e r b lo o d Im p u r itie s a r e fo rc e d In th e fo rm o f In v is ib le v a p o r. B e n e a th t h e s k in Is a fin e n e t w o rk o f n e rv e s , a m y ria d o f th e m In w h ic h S. S. S. w o rk s w ith u n tir in g e n e r g y to p re v e n t the f u r t h e r d e s tr u c t iv e w o rk o f th e a c id s and b lo o d Im p u r itie s . T h e s e a r e s c a t ­ tered I n to t h e v e in s to b e d riv e n fro m the s y s te m . T h e lu n g s b r e a th e i t o u t, t h e liv e r Is s tim u la te d to c o n s u m e a great p ro p o r tio n o f I m p u r itie s , th e s to m ­ ach and I n te s tin e s c e a s e to c o n v e y In to the b lo o d s tr e a m th e c a t a r r h a l , malarial g e rm s : t h e b o w e ls, k id n e y s , b la d d e r and a ll e m u n c to rle s o f th e b o d y a r e marshaled I n to a fig h tin g fo r c e t o e x p e l every v e s ­ tige o f e r u p tiv e d is e a s e . There Is s c a rc e ly a c o m m u n ity any­ where b u t w h a t h a s I ts liv in g example of the w o n d e rfu l c u r a tiv e e ffe c ts of 8. 8. 8. G e t a b o ttle o f t h i s fa m o u s rem­ edy to-day, a n d if y o u r c a s e Is stubborn or peculiar w r ite to T h e S w if t Specific Co., 1( 0 S w if t B ld g ., A tla n ta . G a. Their medical la b o r a to r y Is fa m o u s a n d Is con­ ducted by renowned experts In b lo ed and TWO CLOCKS START IN RACE Puzzls la to Find Out Whethar Tima- place of Grandfather Started Ahead of the Alarm. STORY OF NOAH FOUND ON STONE DIAZ VISITS SAN FRANCISCO Noted Mexican En Route to Carry Thanks to Japan. EXPRESSRATES ORDERED CUT New Kind of Work. Cynthia, a young negro cook, who had recently given up her employment in order that she might try her luck at the easier profession of cateress, met her former mistress on the street. (This is from Life). “ Good morning, Cynthia,’ said the lady. “ Where are you working now?” “ I isn’t workin’ nowhere now, ma’am,” replied Cyn­ thia coyly; “ I’se capering for a con­ gressman.” » R A IS E S f he DOUGH ■ Better than other powders— ■ producing light, dainty, whole* ■ some cakes and pastries— San Francisco—Hedged in on all » CRESCENT sides by armed guards, General Felix Yesterday morning two clock« atarted a race. The alarm clock went # BAKING Diaz and his first secretary, second ao faat that It gained one minute an Hieroglyphics Confirm Bible Ac­ secretary, third secretary, fourth sec­ R. R. Commission Makes New » POWDER hour, while grandfather's clock ran M i* high grade and I retary and military aide, are safely count of Great Flood. Wells-Fargo Schedule. so slow that It lost two minutes an »moderate in price—| secluded in the Palace hotel. hour. The picture shows the alarm » 25c lb. tin at t i grocers. I clock to be one hour ahead at the fin­ An entire wing of the eighth floor » [ C C r r . u » c « s a t M fg. C o ..S u t i l « I Red Cress Ball Blue will wash double as many ish. But who can tell the hour when Slab Oldest Ever Dug Up—Gives of the hotel has been turned over to Investigation Under Way 2 Years clothes as any other blue. D on't p u t your money Into any other. the race started? the general and his suite. When an Duration of Rain as Seven Finds Company Makes 136 Grandfather’! clock lost two min­ He Had a Vote. elevator attendant is told to stop at Days—Names Many Gods. Per Cent Annually. utes every hour and the alarm clock “ I t’s all very well for educated wo­ that floor he first sends a signal to the gained one minute every hour, so It la Intelligent Dutch Cows. men to vote,” said an ardent anti to evident that the alarm clock In every guards above. Mrs. Belmont, “ but think how terri­ “ Cattle unaccompanied by a drover hour's time gained three minutes Philadelphia — The Bible story of San Francisco—The State Railway General Diaz has little to say. That ble it would be if your cook had a are forbidden to cross this bridge,” upon the other. Noah and the flood is confirmed in he is or ever was a “ rebel” he indig­ commission, of California, has ordered vets.” “ He has,” replied Mrs. Bel­ runs the inscription on a signpost near Therefore, In twenty hours It gain­ many details by hieroglyphics written Haarlem, Holland. nantly denies. A “ revolutionist” in reductions in the express rates of mont, with a smile. ed sixty minutes and from the picture at least 4000 years ago by a historian Mexico is a person to be honored. A Wells, Fargo & Co., amounting to a who lived in ancient Babylon, accord­ “ rebel” is a thing below the notice of cut of $750,000 from present annual ing to announcement made by the Uni­ a true patriot, so the general vehe­ revenues. Every rate of the company versity of Pennsylvania. in this state is abolished by the order, The writing on a tablet—an epic of mently declaims. which is effective October 1, and more great length purporting to reach back The general refuses to discuss Mexi­ than 3,000,000 new rates devised by to the creation of the world—has been can politics if they connect with the commission on a 10-mile zone I n th e loo k in g -g lass a w om an o fte n se e s w rin k le s, hollow c irc le s u n d e r e y es, deciphered at the museum of the uni­ United States policies. He scoffs at basis a re ordered effective at that ^•‘crow 's fe e t,” —all b ecau se sh e d id n o t tu rn to th e rig h t re m e d y w hen w orn versity by Dr. Arno Poebel, the an­ time. dow n w ith 'th o s e tro u b le s w hich a re d is tin c tly fem in in e. B ackache, h ead ach e, nouncement says. The tablet, said to intervention, saying that when he is p a in s, la ssitu d e , n e rv o u sn ess and d ra in s u p o n v ita lity —b rin g u n to ld su ffe rin g In its ruling the commission re­ Ito w om anhood a n d th e fa c e show s it. T h e n e rv o u s s y ste m a n d th e e n tir e be the oldest ever recovered from ob­ elected president all will be well. quires that the Wells-Fargo company w o m an ly m a k e -u p fe e ls th e to n ic effe c t o f livion, was dug up in Nippur several “ My mission to Japan is simply to shall operate for a period of six years ago by a museum expedition. thank his majesty, the emperor, on months under the scales of rates fixed In strange symbols so finely written by the commission, which is approxi­ that the entire poem is contained on behalf of the Mexican government, for mately 15 per cent under the present sending a representative to attend our seven inches square, the primitive his­ It a lla y s a n d su b d u e s n e rv o u s e x c ita b ility , irr ita b ility , n e rv o u s e x h a u stio n , an d rates. If the company feels at the I o th e r d is tre s s in g sy m p to m s com m only a tte n d a n t u p o n fu n c tio n a l a n d o rg a n ic Clock Racs Puzzle. torian harks back to the beginning of independence centenary,” the general end of the period that the commis­ d is e a s e s o f th e fe m in in e o rg an a. It in d u ces re fr e s h in g s le e p a n d re lie v e s things. Then there were several said. “ Our relations with Japan are sion’s rates are not justified it may m e n ta l a n x ie ty a n d d e sp o n d e n c y . K now n e v e ry w h e re an d fo r o v e r 40 y e a rs we saw that the race must have been all gods, chief of which were Anu and. th e standard remedy f o r th e d isea ses o f w om en. Y o u r d e a le r in m ed icin es as then submit a statement of its earn­ as friendly as they have ever been and on for twenty hours. s e lls it in liquid o r s u g a r-c o a te d ta b le t fo rm ; o r y o u can s e n d 60 o n e -c e n t Enlil, and a goddess, Nintu, the tablet During the twenty hours the alarm says. Nintu was the goddess who we welcome the Japanese as settlers. ings. s ta m p s fo r a tria l box o f D r. P ie rc e 's F a v o rite P re s c rip tio n ta b le ts . A d d re ss It is set forth that the investigation D r. K. V. P ie rc e , Invalids* H o te l a n d S u ig ic a l I n s titu te , B uffalo, N. Y. clock gained twenty minutes upon created mankind, whom she called We need labor in Mexico, and, as our of the commission has been in prog­ climate is too hot for Europeans, we correct time. Twenty hours previous “ my creations.” must look to the Orient for immi­ ress for two and a half years and it DR. PIERCE’S PLEASANT PELLETS REGULATE AND INVIGORATE to twenty minutes of 8 is eleven Like the first chapter of Genesis, has been found that the company STOMACH. LIVER AND BOWELS. SUGAR-COATED TINY GRANULES. hours and forty minutes, or twenty the Babylon poem opens with a recital grants. “ For that reason our immigration makes a net yearly profit of $842,097 minutes of 12 In the morning of the of the creation. Nintu, godmother of laws are not so rigid as those of the on a property valuation estimated at day before—the *ime when the humans, is lamenting that the other United States. We do, however, sub­ $613,232, or 136 per cent on its in­ started. gods seem bent on their destruction. ject all immigrants to a strict physical vestment. The ruling characterizes Chicken Race War. Origin of Present-Day Games. “ At that time Nintu wailed like a examination. the company as “ a parasite on the “ A sectional issue has arisen in our Though we get our games of tennis woman in travail,” reads the transla­ HIGHEST AND LOWEST POINTS “ The rumor that Japan has been ne­ railroads,” and suggests that rail­ tion. “ The holy Ishtar wailed on ac­ gotiating with Mexico for the pur­ roads, instead of appealing to the In­ town,” said the commuter. "Before from the Eastern countries, most of it is settled I am afraid the civil war our games of bat and ball come down Mount Whitney Is 14,501 Feet Above count of the people. Enki, god of chase of a naval base is preposterous. terstate Commerce commission for will be fought all over again. Any­ to us from the ancient North. Ring wisdom, held counsel with Anu, Enlil permission to change rates would “ do Level of 8ea—Point In Death Val- It would be absolutely unconstitu­ and Nintu over the proposed destruc­ tional for Mexico to sell any portion well to look into this express situa­ how, our Southern friends are sure to games and games in which light ob­ lay la 276 Below. indulge in some fire-eating language. jects are thrown come also from forest tion of mankind. Ziaguddia, high of its territory to a foreign power. tion.” “ A resident of our village, who un­ countries, where the spear was a fa­ priest of Shuruppak, made obeisance The maximum difference In eleva­ “ I have separated myself from the dertook to raise chickens, received a miliar weapon. But all of them alike to the gods and prayed, prostrating government to attend to my candidacy COAL TRUST IS UNDER FIRE crate of fowls from a South Caroline appear to revert in origin to early ex­ tion of land In the United states Is 14,- 777 feet, according to the United himself in humility.” for the piesidency of Mexico. farm. When the neighbor! learned periences of the race by which they The Ziaguddia of the Babylons, it is “ I shall run as the candidate of the Anthracite Supply Is Declared to Be where the chickens came from they worked out their salvation. States geological survey. Mourn believed, was the Noah of the He­ Liberal Democratic party at the elec­ Whitney, the highest point, 14,501 feel raised a row. Under Railroad Control. above sea level, and a point In Death brews. The tablet tells of Ziagud- tion next October. The fundamental “ ‘If you must get chickens,’ they Few Keep Perfect Time. dia’s learning from the great god, Washington, D. C.— Investigation valley Is 276 feet below sea level issue of the Liberal Democratic party said, ‘get Northern chickens. They Enki, that mankind was to be destroy­ One very peculiar idea which pre­ is the separation of church and state. of the hard coal trust was proposed in don’t crow nearly so much as Southern These two points, which are both lr California, are less than 90 miles ed “ by a rain storm.” Then comes a “ General Huerta cannot run for the a resolution by Representative Mur­ chickens. There is something in the vails about a watch or clock is that apart. This difference is small, how­ description of terrific wind and rains. presidency this year because our con­ ray, of Massachusetts. It calls on the climate down there that makes a when it is being regulated and the “ After seven days the rain storm stitution clearly prohibits the re-elec­ department of commerce, the depart­ chicken crow four times as often as a hand are moved forward or back to set ever, as compared with the figures foi ment of labor and the Interstate Com­ chicken brought up in any other part it, if a little too much is gained the Asia. Mount Everett rises 29,002 feet had passed over the land and carried tion of a president. timepiece will continue to gain or above sea level, whereas the shores away the huge boat. “ Our government is now on a stable merce commission for information as of the country.' Then the sun god came forth, shed­ basis, and all internal difficulties will to the ownership of anthracite lands of the Dead sea are 1,290 feet below “ That peculiarity of Southern chick­ lose, whichever the case may be. sea level, a total difference In land ding light over heaven and earth. Zia­ be settled without the necessity of in­ by railroads and as to prices of cost of ens was news to the amateur poultry- Simply moving past a certain hour production. heights of 30,292 feet Mount Everett guddia opened the roof of his ship and tervention by other powers. man. He noticed, however, that his often seems to start the timepiece to the light of the sun god was let in.” In a statement accompanying the chickens really did crow more persist­ running faster or slower, as the case “ We have already secured 40 per has never been climbed. This version differs in respect to the cent of the loan of 150,000,000 Mexi­ resolution Representative Murray de­ ently and more vigorously than any may be. But few clocks keep perfect The greatest ocean depth yet found duration of the flood described in Gen­ can dollars we are floating in Paris clared facts in possession of the de­ • ther chickens he ever had known, and time. Atmospheric and magnetic con­ Is 32,088 feet, at a point about 40 miles There it was said to have lasted and Brussels, and all claims for in­ partments would prove one of the when an experienced poulterer assured ditions seem to interfere in most in­ north of the island of Mindanao, In the esis. days. demnity against Mexico, including most complete monopolies in exist­ him that they always would, because stances. Philippine island. The oceoti bottom 40 When the water subsided Ziaguddia those of Americans, will be paid. ence. Southern chickens always do, he sold at this point la therefore more thaa prayed to the gods with a loud voice, “ I have every reason to believe,” them and bought New Jersey chickens Work Falls to Women. “ The Huerta government has been 11 % miles below the summit of Mount the poem continues, and sacrificed an recognized by every nation except the he said, “ that there is now in the exe­ instead. Now he is in hot water with Everest. Zululand the women do most of ox, a sheep and something with “ a United States, but we hope your coun­ cutive department enough data to the Southern families in our town, the In manual labor, while their hus­ The difference In the land heights great horn.” Through the interces­ show that more than 90 per cent of and heaven only knows how the squab­ bands, fathers and brothers laugh and try will soon recognize us also. In Europe Is about 15,868 feet. sion of Nintu the gods forgave the “ I think Ambassador Henry Lane the available anthracite and between ble will terminate.” — New York sing. surviving human beings and gave Wilson is a capable diplomat, and he 85 and 90 per cent of the anthracite Times. OLD SPELLING SCHOOL TRICK them immortality, which they did not has done the best any man could do to shipped yearly is in the control of the possess before the flood. serve the best interests of both the seven railroad systems which form the * W h en Your Eyes Need Care Dr. Poebel has announced that he United States and Mexico. only means of transporting the coal to T ry M arin e B ye R em edy. N o S m a rtin g — F e e ls One of the Mott Interesting and Puz­ will make public later a literal trans­ F in e — A cta Q uickly. T ry I t fo r R ed, W eak, zling of Deceptions Which Can “ I shall spend a few days sightsee­ market. W ate ry E yes a n d G ra n u la te d E yelids. Illu s ­ lation of the epic. From other tablets ing in San Francisco before I go north Be Done With Cards. tra te d B ook In e a c h P a c k a g e . M urine Is found by the expeditions, it would ap­ on my way to Vancouver, where we oompoandod b r o u r oculist*—not a “P a te n t Med­ Astor Family Taxed $3,400,000. icine“ —but used In successful Physicians' Prac­ tice fo r ninny years. Now dedicated to th e Pub­ The “old spelling school” trick is one pear the announcement says, that embark for Japan on the steamer Em­ New York—Acting on the report of lic and sold by Druggist* a t 26c and 60o p e r Bottle. of the most Interesting and baffling of 460,000 years intervened between the press of Russia. Mnriuo Myo Salvo in Aseptic Tubes, 26c and 60o. the appraisers, Surrogate Cohalan has the many which can be done with creation and the flood, although one “ I shall not go farther than Japan, fixed the amount which the beneficiar­ M urine Eve Remedy C o ., Chicago epic writer asserts with painstaking cards. All the cards in any suit are It is far better to give the and ’shall try to finish my mission ies under the will of Colonel John required for the trick, which conalsta accuracy that the exact time was 32,- there as quickly as possible.” Rule for Candles. Stomach, L iv e r and Bowels Jacob Astor will have to pay the state 223 years and some months (exact In "stacking" the thirteen cards in An old rule calls for as many candles of New York under the inheritance tax some help a t the beginning such a manner that when held In the number undecipherable) and 18 days. AMBASSADOR WILSON IS OUT law. The total amounts to over $3,- on the table as there are guests about th a n to keep putting it off The particular tablet from which hand, face down, and changing a card 400,000. The amounts received by it, and it is a rule that might be fol­ until sickness overtakes you. from top to bottom, with each letter the story of the flood was translated, Ex-Governor Lind of Minnesota, the beneficiaries and the amount of lowed with interesting results. There spelling the number or name of the the announcement states, may be as Be wise, and keep is so much variety shown nowadays in taxes which they will be forced to Goes to Mexican Capital. card, the one desired will come out In old as 4,400 years, and is reasonably the way in which candles are placed turn over are as follows: certain to be no more recent than the Washington, D. C.—President Wil­ regular order. One comes first, then Vincent Astor, $88,958,599.80; tax, on a table that the candles could be two, and so on to Jack, queen, king. reign of Hamurabi, about 2100 B. C. son took the first step Wednesday in $2,741,883.99. put one in front of each guest, in a It is regarded as the world’s most an­ the policy through which he proposes In placing the cards In position the John Jacob Astor VI, the posthu­ circle or oval or oblong about the cient historical writing and is in fairy to deal with the Mexican situation. mous child of Colonel Astor and Mrs. floral centerpiece. fourth from the top of the pack as held He formally accepted the resignation Madeline Talmadge Force Astor, $2,- in the hand, face down, must be the good state of preservation. Red Cross Ball Blue, all blue, best bluing value of Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson, to 917,672; tax $100,000.88. ace, o-n-e; the eighth, the two spot in th s whole world, m akes the laundm President Sets Fashion. take effect October 14, and sent to Who can tell how to arrange the re­ Mrs. Madeline Force Astor, $7,673,- maining eleven cards so that, placing Washington, D. C.—President Wil- Mexico as his personal representative 896; tax $290,465.84. For the Congregation. a card at bottom for each letter, three, I son is becoming the Beau Brummel of —but not accredited to the Huerta Muriel Astor, $4,861,758; tax handy and take it promptly. One Sunday a diminutive preacher four, five, up to the king, come out? Washington. As he dresses, all others government—ex-Govemor John Lind, $177,570.32. exchanged pulpits with a pastor who It helps overcome all Stomach, of Minnesota, a lifelong friend of Sec­ It will be noted fifty-two letter* are clothe themselves. was a giant in stature. The pulpit Liver and Bowel Ills, also pre­ required to spell the numbers and White duck is now the vogue. retary Bryan. The understanding is was unusually high and was reached Move Aimed at Judge«. names of all the cards In a suit. Thirty-three and a third per cent of that when a stable government is es­ vents Malaria, Fever and Ague Washington, D. C.—A constitutional by a winding stairway. He ascended all the males in Washington wear suits tablished in Mexico Mr. Lind will be very slowly and for tome time disap­ amendment proposed in the house by of that cloth, because President Wil­ named as ambassador. RIDDLES. At length the President Wilson and Secretary Representative Hull, of Tennessee, peared from sight. son wears it. would provide that congress shall have congregation saw a little bald head Bryan had frequent conferences It was in the first hot week in July Why are real friends like ghosts? the power to abolish any inferior court raised above the pulpit, so that only They are often heard of, but seldom that the President of the United States Wednesday; Ambassador Wilson had of the United States and remove a ths eyes were visible, while the a long talk with Mr. Bryan, and first appeared in white. Now all the seen. preacher announced his text in a high, men in official Washington wear either Chairman Bacon, of the senate foreign judge of any inferior court of the squeaking e e e voice: “ It is I; bs not United States from office by resolution relations committee, discussed the sit­ is what they all aay When la a sick man a contradic­ white suits or white trousers and dark afraid.” if concurred in by two-thirds of both coats, but it is all light-weight ma­ uation with the President at the tion? of oar houses. He continued: terial. White House. But except for the an­ Constipation causes and seriously ag­ When he la an Impatient patient “ The ancient procedure of impeach­ gravates many diseases. It is thor­ Painless President Wilson is the most con­ nouncement of Mr. Lind’s mission no e e * Methods of sistent wearer of white. He wears it explanation of the policy to be pur­ ment which has come down to us from oughly cured by Dr. Pierce’s Pellets. When is coffee like the earth? Extracting another century is so prolix, involved Tiny sugar-coated granules. : to his office, to play golf and to the sued was forthcoming. When it is ground. Teeth. and cumbersome as to render ft most ball game. He also wears it when he s e e expensive and difficult of utilization. Today. O u t - o f - t o w n peo- Clubs to Train Shooters. When is a baby like a breakfast frequently goes to theaters to Bee It has become manifest that a simpli­ p I« c a n h a v « t h e ir stock company production. Do not let us wait to be just or piti­ Washington, D. C.—The bill sug­ fied substitute method of procedure cup? p la te a n d b r id g e - ful or demonstrative toward those we When it la a tea thing (teething), gested by Representative Kahn, pro­ should be made available.” w o r k fin ish e d In o n e love until they or we are struck down e e e John D. Still Boy at 73. H a y if n e c e s s a r y viding that the government issue 300,- by illness.....................Life is short, Cleveland, O. — “ I ’m still a boy,” 000 Krag-Jorgenson rifles now stored A n a b s o lu t e g u a r - What roof covers the moat noisy Drouth Oppresses Kansas. and we have never too much time for a nte«, b a c k e d b y M tenant? John D. Rockefeller, 73 years old, in arsenals of the country to civilian Topeka—The month of July, 1913, gladdening the hearts of those who are w ears in P o r t la n d The roof of the mouth. told Ebenezer Roberts, 105 years old, rifle clubs in order to stimulate marks­ was the second driest month since the traveling the dark journey with us. e e e as the two met Sunday morning after manship has been put in tentative When la a sermon like a round services at the Euclid Avenue Baptist shape at the War department. Kahn local weather bureau was established, Oh I be swift to love, make hast* to be kind I—Amiel. ahot? o rr ic r hours : church, of which they are both mem­ will soon revive the' measure and in­ i 30 years ago. The total rainfall for When It comes from a cannon's bers. The old man saw his older troduce it in the house. Kahn and the the month was 1.57 inches. In 1887 • A M. tn 8 P. M. Sunday« 9 o » t Phones: A 2079: Main 2029. Played for Place. mouth. the total rainfall for the month of War department officials believe that friend first. He rushed up to him. e e e Harold and Mary (the little girl next f s ld f li Bldg.. Third and W ashington. Portland Mr. Roberts greeted him cordially. the issuance of the rifles will result in July was 1.08 inches. Kansas streams When does a leopard change hl$ | “ I once was a boy, too, but I’m an old providing several hundred marksmen that have never been known to go dry door) had been playing together in the spots? are dry now. More than 30 Kansas yard. Suddenly Mary began to cry man now,” he told the oil man. Mr. in event of war. When he moves from one spot to Rockefeller laughed and replied: , towns have been compelled to shut off and aald that Harold had hit her. Har­ OUT O f TOWN another. all water for lawns, and a dozen town* old was called into the house and ! “ Well, I once was a boy and I am still Five Legislators Sentenced. e e • PEOPLE aaked why he had struck the little have hardly enough water for domestic Webster Springs, Va. — The five purposes. The Kansas river Is the girl. “ Well,” hs answered, “ she hit c a n receive p ro m p t t r e a t ­ Why Is a cigar loving man like a a boy.” m ent* o f Iton-Potaoaoaa, members of the West Virginia legisla­ lowest ever known, 3.3 feet. tallow candle? me second.” H ealth-ball ding rsmatliae from Thirteen Die in Mosque Fight. ture convicted of bribery in connection Because he will smoke when he la Calcutta—The demolition of a por­ with the election last spring of a going out Similar. Men in Jail Four Days. e e e tion of a mosque at Cswnpore for United States senator for West Vir­ Bacon—“ Huxley said that an oyster Washington, D. C.—A report from ginia were sentenced Tuesday. Del­ th e C h in e se d o c to r. street improvement*, which had Why Is a watchdog btggar by night m ore If yotj h e re b e e n d o c to r in g w ith caused indignation meetings to be held egates S. U. G. Rhodes, Rath Duff Consul Letcher, at Chihuahua, which is as complicated as a watch.” Eg-1 th T la ry o n onoe than by day? e a n d t h a t o ne a n d n o t o b ta in e d p e r­ bert—“ Well, I know both of them run m a n e n t r e lie f . L e t th is g re have a t n a tu r e h e a le r d ie*- Because he Is let out at night and in many parts of India and Burmah, and H. C. Asbury were sentenced to was four days in reaching the State down easily.” noee yoor naee e n d p resc rib e som e rem edy « h o s e department, brought the news Thurs­ led to serious rioting at Cawnpore. A six years each in the penitentiary. taken In In the morning. e e e procession of natives, carrying black State Senator B. A. Smith was given day that Bernard McDonald, Charles, ____ ___ ____ _______ _ - it p tf n r __ „ What chief virtue does the north flags, visitid the mosque and began a sentence of five years and six Biesel and a chauffeur, the three are not known to the onteMe world, bat here been handed down from father to aon ia thephyaleUn? replacing the bricks of the partly de­ months and Delegate David Hill five Americans reported to have been sent­ pole remind you of? ? famillee in Chine. molished edifice. An attempt to dis­ years. The five men were disqualified enced to death by the Federal* in Chi­ Just ice, that's all. CONSULTATION FREE. e e e perse the gathering resulted in [a con­ for life from bolding any public office. huahua, were safe, but in solitary con­ may be either a transient or per­ If yon lire oat of town and cannot call, write for finement, in that city. The Ameri - ■ , symptom blank and circular, enclosing 4 oent* in Why are tedious talker* like very flict with the police, who fired a volley manent affliction, arising from stamps. cans have been charged with defraud­ Mrs. Harriman in Idaho. into the crowd, killing 13 persons and old people? some error in diet or as a result wounding 30. Pocatello, Idaho--Mrs. E. H. Har- ing the Mexican government in paying Because they dilate (die late), THEC. 8EEW0 CHINESE MEDICINE CO. s e e rimfcn and family, accompanied by a taxes to the insurrectionists. Huerta of constantly weak digestion. 1 6 2 | first St., Car. Man-ha* has ordered the release of the men. Tolls Act Not to Blame. party of friends, have arrived at her For temporary and obstinate cases Why la a lawyer’s mouth like a Po rtlan d . O r««««. summer home in Island Park. Idaho, London—The Standard and Chron­ tollbar? the best relief it Hail Ruins Olive Trees. Because it la seldom opened hut tor icle, in editorials Sunday morning, near the western edge of Yellowstone Rome—The Brindisi district was warmly repudiated the idea that the Psrk. She traveled in s special train. money. No. It, 'IS r. N. u. Panama canal toll* act had anything The Harriman ranch in Island Park devastated Saturday by a great hail­ e e e storm which destroyed olive trees and consist* of 5000 acres in the hesrt of to do with Great Britain’s decision not Why la a historical event like a W H I N writing to i to participate in the Panama-Pacific *n untouched forest. Every year she vineyards, causing damage estimated parcel untied and tied again? ” tlon th is paper. at $4,000,000. I •pends the summer months there. Because it la re-corded. - -- - I exposition at San Francisco. A WOMAN'S PROBLEM D !L P IERCE’S FAVORITE P RESCRIPTION: “Better be Safe than Sorry1 HOSTETTER’S Stomach Bitters “DIDN’T HURT A BIT” Wise Dental Co. C. GEE WO CONSTIPATION sfanwMß EE)