PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING RATES BY F l HSCRII’ VIUN KATHS •On# Year. . Six Muwtbs. O ne s q u a re .................................................,M •• One-quarter Column.................... 44 One-half C o l u m n . . . . . .................... \ 44 On«* C o lu m n .............................................. 44 44 3 00 j 44 S SO 44 9.00 B u sim au local* w ifl be charu<*t a t 5 c en ts per line *Thr«s* Kani n* 'Ebitèrwd R*#r per uumth t .6# F ro ff» » l C « n l» ...................... H. -C. IvIBBEE. Pior^stor ior earn insertion. imitter Ma#<:h li’ R*’'*' at the poat-olHee at Allait r, Oretrou, under t**^Aet of March 5. \S7i. # Le^ ai advertisenietitH w ill in a ll c a g e s 'b e ch a rg e d ^ 01 \r MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. AUGUST 1. ., n 1 > • 1 • . * 1 The Knst li.tlf of the Northwest 1 .lived and written, during the Quarter (h}N\V ;), . . tru'iM . . . )U . . th\vt st Quar- . .. f ast yt?ar. ot a 1 Heine Hl^ll- Ler w{ th,. Northeast Quarter ( SWi w av,” running, in Oregon, from NK; >, and the Nrtrtlien-t Quarter of Fortland up the Columbia River the Soirthwest Quat .'rN K vsw ■,) of to The Dalles, thence traversing ^ tion Seven <7> in Township Six (tit We received the follov.'mg let­ . I ,, j .. Soath of Kanire Sixteen (16) East o f eastern aiu! Centro I Oregon lift« the . Will* ... .. netie . Meridian, .. . or so mufm t e r this week from Charles H. ( nil lOmia. e am iltll. the ex- sfl(| pr0| , as will will satisfy satisfy said o f said propeMy as «Davis, president of the National tT road buiidtr ;tnd the father j u<1jiuu*nt ami decree, with costs ami I -Highway« Association which of good roads in the "Pacific accruing casts. ■will l»c o f nr eat interest to every Northwest stales that the pro­ Said propefiy will lie sold-suhjtct to! one who believes in good roads eonfirmation and redemption, as by lav posed road up the Gohrmlna requir- ii. and their absolute necessity for would he. from a scenic view­ .'the development and prosperity Dated at Dalit's City, Oregon, this point. the most wonderful and 21st ilay o f Jaly, 1912. • o f the country: beautiful route in the United L e v i CH k is m a n , South Yarmouth, Mass., Sheriff o f Wasco Comity, Oregon. States, and would attract thou- duly 24. 1912. -Kathte o f tourists from this coun­ try and abroad. From a money E ditor B ulletin , SIM M O N S . Standpoint, Mr. Hill claims that Mosier, Oregon- a better road eotild he built and Ir ttie-Circuit Court o f the State o f Dear Sir:— Mr. A. I.. Westgard, Vice- maintained cheaper than anv Oregon, for Waseo County. President o f the National High- other route. Mudi work has al- fclLizABi.Tr* H. S tklictbu , i Plaintitr, y/ays AssociaUon, will shortly read-v br!' n ‘’ « "e «>" l,u* »utamo- VF. mobile m id between Portland ■ pass through yeur city on his G iùrge strektbu . 17,000 mile ‘ trip by motor-car, and Hood River. It would nut De feints tit. require a great amount.of money which lie is taking under tin? ¿auspices o f this Association, in to finish (he river road from Mo- To (:,'orR'e stiv,'-,“r- defendant above the interest of Good Roads Ev­ «ier to The Dalles. The road lie- River and Mosier b . the Name o f the State o f Oregon erywhere. In his ride through tween i ^ Hood _ a .i i . -Yau are hereby required-to appear and •Utah he was accompanied part can b e vastly improved a s to . i n s w t ,r t h e ,.oni|)^ i nt f,ied against you *of the way by Governor Spry, ftiatie, and about 90 miles o f one,in the above entitled suit within six -and while in Nevada was joined o f the finest pleasure drives in weeks from the date of -the first puhli- ■ by Governor Oddie. This trip 'tlre-vvoirld will he completed—a [cation of this notice, if y«u fail so to —.................. and answer eaiil complaint, Ig is creating wide in- |ink connecting North west Wash- he is taking tiff will apply to the Court for the • terest ever, ■ywhere, as-every city, -r,fciton ami British ( ohm: b:a w ith. r.qjr q demanded in her raid complaint. i . soutb *tnd aud east l ast o i f us. m, Town and imntlel is anxious to the states south us, _______ __________ _____ __ ■The-relief demanded is a decree of ■share in The good werk that llr- 11 totiving tin i* e.-itei n end -.t a divorce furevrr dissolving the bonds of National Highway« Association transcontinental higiway. ¡.matrimony now existing hetwio,. you fis planning to do. Good roads From a tourist standpoint a,!‘h,ll1e. |,la' 1 . and published in tlie President. benefit. Arguments Tn favor M««er Ib.diem, a.*d .,|,e date of lint | Of A. L. Westgard, ‘ .‘ Hie man ■of many miles,” the National •ot tins read are not necessary to lhe (li,t„ ttf )aat pupp^tion August prove what is patent to all. We 29. I9;n Highways Association writes: J ohn g w i n , Pleasure- ‘ ‘ Every eu-tomi-hilist (and, for need the highway. Ationn ' for Plain,iff. seekers demand it, business de that matter, every prosperous Tarmer) in the United Stales mands it. Pleasure can afford NOTICK ¡knows the name o f A. L. West­ 'it and bus;ness-can't afford-to do Therefore every . , ■ ward, than whom few if any men without it. W ESTSIURb ill SflOi PISS TH RU H OSIER torh«- party uiuenn* them, at ieKal rates, and NO. 22 pnitj tor b e fo re a ffid a vit* a re 'fu rn ih h e d . R E J ’O L V E D ! The Only Substitute THAT IT IS BETTER,To C o br,R E - FOOTED t h a n To W e a r B a d S hoes IT IS o u n DUTY To WEAR GOOD FOR clo th e : ^ c Green Pasture W 6£C a v 5 e we ha ke better , IMPREJAlONJ AMD EARN MoRE MONE Y ’ (jOOD CLOTHE«* ¿MOULD C o MMENCFA t «~> IS th e f e e t . P o o r » s h o e s w d S tockings y w o n t fool a n y one n o t e v e n V ¡ fe e t II L Y o u r . bu ster . b r o w n . ----------------------------------« = s — — ■ — Shady Brook Dairy -$2500 Per Ton For Sale By • fe e s , " Hay Grain Feed Mosier. »**- YOU HAVE HEARD O f THE HOU'JE BUILT ON THE 1 ¿ A ND— OF HOW, WHEN IT CAME To THE TEJT, til TOPPLED OVER BECAUSE -IT HAD No FOUNDA­ TION. DON T YOU THINK YOU W A N T T o BUILD Oregon - land*, impvnved or un-inif it>ved, tn- t closed 'o r nn^ncla-fd, i . j t.,is Stai.<*, he has crossed the continent ^haal knowiupciy |s*rmit or Miiffer any 'from ore an‘t*o ocean six times in NOTICE OF SHERIFF’ S SATE. Russian th irl1* , Canada i hi-tl«* or ( hi ■an automobile and three times NO OBJECTION’S lies«* thist’u or si.svmdrium aUiftir.uiii •from north to south is to give Ill the Circuit Court o f -the Stilt« o f (ciiiki! whi ;«1 4 »v Mim IUn mustard), I-KOM THE WIFE !but a faint idea o f hit' knowledge Orsgon. for vVtuto County. | fork*;• bur (known « m s the dagger roek about smoking in the house i j elbur), utriij lox argentia (called the* j -«of load conditions and his expe- M ks . R. A. H o » h a l e . the cigars come from here. In silver salt l.fc ;h), to g row up then on, Plaintiff Tience as a tourist, a pathfinder, vs. m upon a road-or hltfhwa\ a«* lined not- loss than be ended. the State o f Oregon, for tlie County o f 'quantity o f book knowledge f 10/ $10 nor more than ^50, a:ul for th«* sec S. H. FRANCISCO, when it. comes'lo a consideration W asco, to-a * ;tlrec,ed, and dated the oud and eath sulnaqiieiit favor o f tflH plaintiff, amt where the offense is committed, and or found elsewhere. He knows w "™1*h" d‘ f‘‘nd*nt Kllward such p«*rson, peraoi*« or coi*|Kiration ' FISHING TACKLE . i i , ar judgmertt detitor. ii« the .sum o f o f coruhtmns not 1>y hearsay, b y Thifteen (, n 0 o Dollars, .shall aim» he.liable for all damages sim- photogt-aplrs, 01 b y a n t ilo g y , hut togther with interest thereon in like tained l»yf the neig;li!>ori'ig land owners SPORTING GOODS n sulting fronrsu<’h negledt on the part by actually haviYg Itecn upon the gold coin at the rate o f eight p. r cent o f such person, pinions or corporation S p ot. He can te ll the dra,ureter per »im im fr»m June 3, T912, an* I ac to extirpate ami destroy such noxioCH o f the soil, the varieties of roads r,u,n,r int*rMt f,B" m" ' i,f,4r " " Si,; 1 weeds bef«fie ‘ the s;«me shall mature, 14th d*y o f July, 1913, at the same rate now extant, and the kinds of |gr annum, and thefurtiirr sum o f One to he recovered in an ;ii*Uon a! law in roads which should be built, in Humtred and Eifty (SlSo.OO) lh.Iiars the Cireflit>Gourt o f *t!n* county where aimos! any section of the United attorney’ s fees, and for plaintiff’ « costs such lands are located, d us tic« s o f the IV hch ^Elrall have jurisdiction o f this States. He can look at a road and disbursements herein taxed at offense. map of alrm^t any locAiftv and $23 50, and aecrning costs and the costs This weed has at tail.e<| a large •of and upon this writ, and eommamling tell you if it is correct or not; me to make sale o f t!i*- real ^ o p e r t y growth in this locality and a similar and if not, where it is wrong. embraced ir. eueh decree o f foreclosure notice to this is being served U|»on all He h a s at first hand a fnrtre inti- and hereinafter described, I will, on persona upon whose lam! the same is grov ing, ami an immediate conifdiance mate k n o w l e d g e o f Hie roads o f the 3f,th day o f August, 1913, at ti e w Mi this notice will be o f greatImnefit this country than any other sin- h ou ru f tw oV ctoek in tlm afternoon ;■ ■ts'»ve you further rostaStK) trouble, i bai»! tiny, an i at th* front door o f the SUMMER SCHOOL June 23-Augut 1, 1913 The ( ounty fW irt o f this County gle inth’ virhial--a knowledg’e in- Gonr.ty Court U ohsc in M alies'tfity, ha.» ft»rd! !,eiil>liu the tifi .*$us Pistricts <»f th«- (iounty Twenty-five Instructors‘ Fifty Courses acting as St»erial Agent for the auction to tho l*i'tdrr, fo r cesh v R h copies «»f tlie altove d« scribed No- Office of Public Roads of the in hand, all the rt^ht. title an«! int^rert tvec. v. it... instructions to serve a copy whi«*h the defendants, Edward Distinguished Eastern Educators Added to Regular * Department of Agricolture.*’ •ii km i ail ,« m ti»*« I Mat have a I For any o f and Onie W flmoiirth. or either o f them, t^ * nor:i»U)- .veecs upon their premise« S o much hr an ir.tiialnction of had on the :*r«l day o f .fune. 191/, th«* Faculty. University Dormitories Open. Board and «ieaerthed ami natned in the al ove Mr. Westgard. fife p jlth fin d p r date o f the forei-Io^e I h r • Section fvM-l, and the C o*ft stands Room at $3.50 per Week. Reduced Railroad Rates. o f the nation.” 11 Ì 9 v isit i*». or whi» h auch defend* *'ta, or any o f hUc . o f toe Su|>ervisors in the enforce­ 'F o r a Conl^let- Illustrated Uatalrgue, Aildress is, of course, irfcidental, **** d. fondarti her. u . bh\ ment « f'th is law. ;_ or now have, in as it is inclunt4 , «! ï in l his itineran : quir^l. . F. S. G unning , County Judge. . . . ... i.i.i lowinir dcMerii^d r al H. ( ’. II oopkr , Commissioner. btit it will no noubt ìk » int^resiiiK a , ■ ng *ttu»' THE REGISTRA R, F. C. C l a » SKN, Corn mission« r. to him and of p iS S 'L liijfie a l tm- Oregc to-wit: A ttest: L. ii. Fox, Cleric. r .portance to us. Much has boon J “it Pays in the End” “ T h is is better than g o in g aw ay to the cou n try and leaving {joor hubby to sit lon ely and disconsolate in a h o t city h o m e .” tLECTMTOG & S T O ii. Hood River, — . ------------------------------------------- LÌHMSatmsMirMsr»ai^^ —, . . * . .. .* K dd w ta i I Uneasy Lies toe Head of him v ! ios 4 houre has no porch lamp. Why worry about midnight marauders when it is so well known that burgLrs tear babies and lamps more than dogs and pir-tola ? I hey r.tnct'y a/old houses having elec­ tric lights -particularly porch lamps. And the annals o f crime show that such houses arc rarely ii ever burglarized. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON , Oregon First National Bank BuiUlin» Mosier Book Store . We handle all styles and sizes of G-F. Electric Fans—- The Leaders of the Market. 0 Kuve y ur hou- z wi-cd at once for electric service, and then you’ ll fully appreciate the fvefing fit r^'-elutc safety afforded by a brillian* Edison Mazda Porch 1-amp. i ct t*s suhm t an estimate to sire vour house. You II l»c astonished at the mod- crate k * 1 'A c tric P O W E .» « fl« L ig h t C o . S AT Yul.'.t w-n • ' •Jv I