Mrs. Thos I^elliott and Mrs. J. E. Proctor and two little j M i l t o n N u r s e r y T r e e s . daughters were shopping in Hood j True to Name tor .7.7 Year s. A good suggestion—drop in River on Tuesday. Hardy Climate, High Elevation J. K. McGregor motored over and pay up your back subscrip- tf> the county seal Wednesday in | See RoHt. T. Newhall, tion. l^rs new Ford, and got home without'» mishap. Hood River -• - Oregon. FOR SALE E. H. Burt and James Burpee Iron bedstead, with spring:» returned Sunday from a fishing- and mattress'. Price, $7.00. trip on Hood River, brine tug H . G . K IB B E E : Call at Frank Ginger’s. home several fine saifnwn. — LOCAL — Have you renewed your sub­ scription to T he B u l l e t i n ? If not — why not? MOSIER Hicl -s ho-tgln on consignment. B iin gyou r hides to the Bulletin (.•'rice. DR. H. L. BUMBLE PH Y S IC IA N S. F. GOSS a :: d S t'K G K O tf Chas. N. Clarke; of | I’ATKP'K BOLTON, deceased. N od e? is hereby given & S t e a r n s S u r g e o n - LAW YERS OREGON Notice to Creditors- H ó n íe P â ,p ci Nutisv ¡¿'hereby given time’ ifie an- 1 derstgned has been .f]>| minted by .lie County Court of 'he State o f Oregon, for Wasco (YAintv, Administrator of* the Eslath o f Thoinaa ('. Godberacn, deceased. All |ier*ons* having claimii again*! sat 1 estate arc liereby notified j to (.resent the tine properly verified | lo the undersigned at Mosier, Oregon, within sir- months' from ¡.he dale at this notice Dated this'lhtfi day o f June, 1913. HOOD RIVER. r OTLÂTCH j Gus A .• G odbeksbn , AtlnMnistrator. L. CO MIN I IF Y O U The Tombstone -------- Man -------- To | W iSH ÿ fe - ' / I f / J H B I G S H O W m eet your fr ie n d s ,- stop a t ' j HOTEL MOSIER. ------- -«r— ---- A ll Modern ami under New Management. can supply you with any­ thing in this line at most reasonable prices. au g m en ted hath r a g i l it ie s GUY Q? STRYKER, Prop. T R Y H IM A N D ’ ■ B E C O N V IN C E D D r . C , H. J e n k i n s D E N TIST The Dalles Oregon HOOD RIVER : OREGO N K*s. 1081 Often Phofce. Phone. J1&. Mrs. J. P. Erhart% Prop. SURE Ben Selilrtgér crime over from derby i MOSIER MEAT MARKET DR U GS ? Kimball Cultivators, .Chown’s. AD VERTISE IN YO U R Repair Work. Special for Saturday. Ladies’ ! Miss Doris King arrived from Norfolk Khaki Suits, for 95c*. — | Portland the first o f the week Satisfaction guaranteed and will spend the summer ¡»ere "Slfratiss. M OSI ER - - OREGON . with her parents, Mr; and Mrs. S; W. Small was a passenger! Thos. King. on Wednesday’ s local to Port-1 New shirts and underwear for] land. men have arrived— the men’ s Garden Hose now in, Chown’ s. | furnishing goods store kind. Miss Laura Kibbee is spending You save here every time you PLUMBING. a week or so with her*'aunt in trade with Strauss. STEAM a n d HOT W A TE R Portland. 1). B. Finch o f Albany, and B. HEATING. J. H. Austin, • The* Dalles well H. Finch of Portland, have been .7Milting |irtoii|itly attended to. driller, was « visitor in town on visiting this week with MY. and Tuesday^ • M o s t ER - - OREGON Mrs. Rj 11. Cummings. The two gentlemen are brothers o f Mrs. Dresh stock for Saturday — dried beef and boiled bam to Cummings. slice. Strauss. W. E. Butterfield j ml family, & F. Goss and family spent o[ Hood River, moved to Mosier tjie Ffktrth with his son at Stev- |a9t week and are occupying the enson, Wushu Denny house. Mr. Butterfield Miss Margaret Maier, o f The is working on the rock crusher. Now that it is possible to send1 Dalles, is the guest this week of Mrij , Gr.iy> 0f The Dalles. merchandise by Parcels Post, wej Miss Alice Mosier,- spent last>Sunday.'herfc' with her suggest that should you need; Diipoiit.P5wderisl)^st,-Chown,, daughter» • Mrs. Frfed Evans, an. thing in the way o f Prescrip­ .. ,, „ .. ,. , . 1 leaving (Mh* Monday morning for Re M. Ross'was attending to tions filled, Drug's or Patent Med ­ a visit'w ith -frien d s in Califor­ business matters in 1 Portland on icines, that you send to» nia*. Wednesday. ,, . , HJ F. LaUb, wlho has had! j Mrs. C. G. Stoltz.. returned , . .. . . . . . . t ... i ... . charge o f the installation of thei Sunday from a visit with rela-( , , tives at The Dalles electric plant tor the rock ci ush- The Druggist o f H ood Rivet, j * * |er, finished the1 work Wednes-j Fresh -finest creamery butter day an(], with his crew, returned for them. He can send them to! you cheaper than you can getj twice a week, • and you save a 1 te The-Dalles. t hem at'home. pickle tir'a dime. Strauss.- ...... I Bert Middles wait* came over Estel Akerfi vett&rfied »to ' Port- froni p^-kiM e last. Tuesday to ------------------------------------------------------------- ' land Sunday, having* spent a j vit,it relatives and friends, and-l Notice of Final Hearing week on the ranch with” his brought several crates of straw-1 In the County Court of the State Mrs. C. A. McCargar and son berries Which, he said, were Oregon for Wasco County. Donald, left on Monday for a about the last of the season in j In the Matter of the Estate summer's outing at the seashore, his neighborhood. — of P hysician and NOTICE! Ira Evans, Wifi Graham and N O T A R Y P U B L IC HOOD RIVER : OREGON E. M. St vans* *were business vis­ Oil Cook Stoves—Chown’s. itors in The Dalles Wednesday Will practice itr Mosier and Most e r - - - O r e g o n F. A. Allington was a visitor1! forenoon. May he reached by long dis­ in H o ( k I River Tuesday. • Mrs. Dick Evans rfnd her sis tance phone, Home'phone 61. BasebálKreoda-, at ChoWti -sf ter, Mrs. Zibble, of Seattle, who W. A. HUSBAND'S Miss Nora Burton has returned is visiting her, were shopping in B l a c k s m it h frdm a visit with friends at AD; Hood River Wednesday morn­ ing. Horse Shoeing and General bfiny. I D AVID ROBINSON, M. D. M O S IE R , O R E G O N f. * ai t ' i-i. ~ , i. . n • All kinds o f Smoked Meats,. Lard,. Compound and Fish. W e will pay you the top price for Butter, Eggs and Chickens. I f you have a Beef, Pork, M utton sell, come in and see us. o r Veal to Saturday, Special Prices on-all Smoked Meats. Notice to f ruitgrowers' IMeasé lét us have your esti­ mate of fruit of all kinds,. in­ cluding apples by varieties, be­ fore August 1st, if possible. Mosier Fruit Growers Ass’ n. that the The Fourth in Mosier was a Ortley Items ! LOCAL TIME-TABLE very cftfiet affair. In fact, the J. H. Devlin, J. L. Firebaugh’ No. 7 West hound 722 a. mi* town was almost deserted. 2:45 perni About 76 of our citizens went to and W.-A. Firebaugh and wife, No. 1 a. nu the big doings at Hood* River, spent the Fourth here, remain­ No. 2r East No. 8 6:35 p. nu bthers went to Ortley to help ing over until Monday. No. 6 lb:4ff p. m,- that enterprising town celebrate, Miss Berry, who has been v is-! some to the Punch Bowl to fish, iting here with Mrs. L.- D.-Fire-i No. 17, at 4:04 p. m., flag stop' some spent the day in shady haugh, has returned to her home on Sundays only for Hood R ive r and Portland.- places along Mosier1 Creek, and a in Hood River. few stayed at home and worked Messrs. Ji H. Devlin and I . or loafed. All those who went Adels pakl a visit to Hood River to the celebrations at Ortley and last week, returning by wny of Hood River say I hey hadamighty 1 Glenhurst. fine time1 . Mr. and Mrs. Youmans, of- Mr*. J. H. Littlefield-und Mrs. TfOUt. L,ake’ Wash” laf . Sm'day undersigned, as administrator for the Notice Jobn-> Gastner, oí Hood R iv e r,1 mormniD returning in the after- estate o f Patrick Bolton, deceased, lias noon, accompanied by his moth- ¡ tiled iiis linal account and report in were visitors-in • town" Wednes­ er, who will seiend the summer said Court, and that the County. Court The Home Talent Concert, day. > o f the State o f Oregon for- Wasco with him on- t he ranch. ieen given in C ounty has appointed Monday, the 4*h which W a s tô liavé heètï Mrs.GertVdde Ledrtafid chiD , day-of Auguat., 1913, at the hour of Immanuel Church tonight, has ch-en w e rit1 td Portland ^Tonday, i ^ rs di,s- D'ercey anti children, 10:00 A. M., as the time, and the County Courtroom in the (-uunty «Court- been postponed until nêxt Friday where she will visit with” her! M rfe' *’ •' A- Allington and son. house in Dalles City, Waseo County, 1 night. Thé program will appear and-Mrs.' Wm.- Stevenson left sister. Oregon, as the place tor the hearing of y »*r Mrs. C. A. Brcnvn returned] Portland, spent several days B E G I N S >1» forty-fifth last Monday for Sumner, -Wash., said linal report.- All persons having in next week’ s paper. S eptember i *. tat*. j Sunday from an extended v is it1 with us last week, returning DE G R E E C O U R S E S In m »ny'|»hW »or A well known brand o f laun­ wherè they will remain a month any objections to the same are hereby notified to be present at said time and AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING. H O *f in Portland. She was accompa­ home Sunday afternoon. dry soap on sale Saturday. or so, picking berries. place and present'any such objections.* e c o n o m ic s . M in in g , f o r i ^ r v . C o t*»' It is a significant' fact that nied home by her father, Mr. | Special, 10 bars for 26c. Strauss. Miss Fowler, o f Portland, en­ MTRCE PHARMACY. The date of the first publication o f Wm. V, Grubb, a cousin of Dr. this many former residents o f Hood Barcroft, who has been seriously notice is June iîîtft, 191.1. joyed the festivities here on the T W O -Y E A R C O U R S E S f in AOtttcitw Mrs. Wm. Johnson and chil- TURE HOME ECONOMICS. MECHANI«^ C. A. Macrum, with his wife, River, now widely scattered over ill for the past two months, but J. A. B oltov , Fourth. ARTS. FORESTRY. COMMERCE PHARMACY* dfen went to Ih e Dalles last am, NeweH Macrum. the doctor’s ! the United States, send their Administrator. is now convalescent. J Among- the out-of-town visit­ T E A C H E R ’S C O U R S E S in. ui»nn«l- Friday to spend the day with brother> speilt the Fourth here watches back' to W. F. Laraway, training, agriculture, doi»r»iic •ciene^ MrS. J. J.' Smith, of Big Eddy, ors who bellied us celebrate the ami art. relatives. with Dr. and Mrs. Macrum. Mr. ¡ the Hood River jeweler, to have who has been down here the Fourth, were E. O. McCoy, wife M USIC, including piano,* string, band? Notice o f Final- Hearing Mr.’ Joiep h L. Gould, a Port- Grubb is the western manager i them repaired. ‘ ‘There i# a init*;rments and voice culture. | past week looking after her place and daughter, and Dr. Lowe and In tl.<> County Cotirt of th<- Stste of reason.” land attorney, is visiting th is 'o f the Indiana Quarries Co. * A B E A U T IF U L B O O K L E T entitled' wife, of The Dalles, C. A. Mc­ east of town, says that she found Oregon for W hsi - o County. week at the liome o f Mrs. Har­ “ T u b E n m c m m k n t <>►' R u r a l I,trs ’r Will Graham last week moved her house had been broken into Cargar and family, J. K. Mc­ and a CATALOGUE will b« mailed f r * » - Ill tile Matter of the Estato riet Poe. NOTICE his family into town from the|and the contents scattered all Gregor and wife, and a number on application. of . Address H. M. T e n n a n t , Reglstrarp Ed F. Reeves came up from B kidoet B olton , Deceased. Jacobson ranch, where he has over the place, and some carried' of young people, from Mosier. |tw7-l» toS-S) Corvallis, Oregon.-- Portland last Sunday and spent L. H. Wilson, the Portland Our celebration, the first that This is not the first time Notice is hereby given tiiat the been foreman for the past two jaway. thé day at the ranch with his Optometrist, will be in Mosier undersigned, as administrator o f the years. They will occupy rooms the outrage has been committed, : Ortley has attempted, was a sig­ ovnr M . YEARS* parents. of Bi iilgvt Bolton, ilvrcaged,1 ¡tl his mother’ s building cm Main 1 aT1d while she did not see it done, nal success in every way and v. e E X P E R IE N C E all day Monday, July 14th. Any feel that the visitors from the bn» fiK-ii ins luiui lie-count and r.-port g|reet and, with her, keep a few 3he has a pretty good' idea when J. M. Elliott, E. C. Rhodes j one having eye trouldes of any in sHid Court, and that tin- ( UUllty , , I . . • T, . I outside were repaid for their the miscreant is. It is a dis- trip and we trust that their and W. B. Vensel were passen- kind will do well to consult him Court o f the State o f Oregon for W as­ hoarders. co County bas appointed Monday, the I gers on yesterday’s local to The tkat time. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Craft, o f K™ce to, the neighborhood to pleasant impressions o f Ortley nil d.-n of August, 1913. at tin- hour *" Y , " ‘T ” ” * have such a person or persons in and its people will he lasting. Dalles. * of 10:00 A. M.. hh the time, and the Ml. Hood, visited relatives here( , ,, , , , , , , T rade M a r k s D e s ig n s Miss Bertha Godbersen hiis re- E. W. Chipman, of Portland, Counti Courtroom in the County Wednesday afternoon and night. !lt who w o u ld wantonly destioy j courthouse m Dalle» t. ity. Wasco . . . .? . a n o t h e r s p r o p e rty , a n d lt is a ls o | R. M. Ross was seen to alight C o p y r ig h t s A c . - A r pPTvMüg *.»kctch «tu! dr.-tcrlntlAn may turned to Portland, after H ¡9 in town this week in the mter- County, Oregon, as the pliuv for the Tliey were returning to their “ ' ,, ouuo .1 cyutt'klr ascertain our ufHI,kers Reserve healing of -aid ti.mi repot t. A ll per- home from a fishing trip on the a 8'ltlve ofyense tlonaatrtctlycontidautial. HANDBOOK en F*kt«nta Sunday night, having in his pos­ son» having any ok>j«>fhon* ro the same . . t n nn . . the la w * and a repetition IS IlKely aant free. Oldest ager-^ for securing patents. at the ranch. ¡L ife Insurance Co., o f Omaha, j are hereby m.hlied to hr present at Deschutes IllVer. 1 hey also- at- ' tuken tnrriugb Muu:r * Co* recatr* ‘ session a fine steelhead salmon. fpt. Patente ial notice , charge, in th« I This company has gained much said time and place and present any tended a reunion • o f the Cooper to get the perpetrator into seri­ As the Dr. refused to incriminate such objection*. - ,r , . , ... ous trouble. G. A. McCulcheon and fAraily popularity in this section bo- himself as to how he obtained , , ,| ,. , . . . . fa m i v . I h e re u n io n w a s h eld 1 he date ol the first publication o f A handeomely Ulus’, rited weekly. Iunreal rtn Don’ t forget the Home Talent the fish, whether by force or ctilation visited several days in 1 Hood cause o f thé promptness in meet this notice is June J7th 1913. of any arientlOc t»n*CBar. Terme^ |S m on the s it e o f th e c a m p w h ic h year ; ft^ar raontha, $L soi<: I by all newedealere. persuasion, the public ws)s forced .Concert at Immanuel Church, River hist week "with T. H. May- jng j|S obligations to the policy J . A. B o l t o n . the Coopers made when they to draw its own conclusions. Branch OfBce. fi» F 8t^ TTettiHNrton.H. C. bfetry and family. 1 holders. ! next Friday night. Administrator. crossed the river 50 years ago. OREGON AGRICULTURAL- COLLEGE Scientific HHKricat. MUNN S Co.38’8"“1"» New York' Special Prices in A ll Departments Now is a good timé to do yotlr shopping. Every de­ partment has some dandy Bargains that you really can not afford to miss: Bargains that are real money savers. When we make a reduction in price it is not a marked up and then down special just to mislead one, hut act­ ual reductions from our already low prices that make of thém greater Bargains than you can get in any other store. Th'é reductions we quote may notséem so large, but i f you will compare the quality yent will readily see the difference ahd acknowledge that our values are away the best. Make this Store your headquarters. You are always weleotne, whether you buy or not. Women’ s full fashioned siile hose v.'ftn'gáríer tops. Men’s Suits Reduced Hosiery We have sorted out the odds and ends in this depart­ ment and now have some exceptional bargains for you in the line o f Men’ s Suits that you should not miss. Just now everyone wants new hosiery to-take away on vacation journeys and for summer wear, and her£ are certainly some good values that it will pay you to HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX and CLOTHCKAFT SUITS FOR MEN are always a good ¡»vestment. They are really worth more than we ask for them, and all that you would pay for them anywhere. But in order to close out the broken lots we are placing a still better price upon them ami you might to take advantage o f this and secure an extra suit o f the Best Clothes made, fully guaranteed in every way, at hit a fraction o f their toaltli worth. Call and see them and note the values. grab. A regular 11.00 value. Misses' and children’s lace hose, black and white, all sizes: a good t&e value anywhere, at 5C Misses’ and children’s fine lisle hose in colors black, tan, blue, pink and white. Here are some o f the best values you have l>een offered. These are seconds o f a regular 25e and 30c values. The pair............... 3€C Fine silk finished lisle hose for women in black, tan and fancy lace effect. Regular 25c and 35c sellers. The pair.................. THE PARIS FAIR 15c AH colors. Tbe'fîln-, 33C Ladies’ low neck sleeveless vests: tape»! nfeck and armholes. Yonr choice....... ..................... . SC Ladies’ knee length, lace trimVned cotton pants. Regular 25c sellers. Choioe, the garm ent... life Heavy work shirts for men, come in strii»e»i twilled shirting, dnrnble seamed, reinforced across the ders. good grade of buttons. This is not' a flimsy shirt hut a good, strong, well ma-je arrie'e that sells in other stoves for from 50c to 75c. Our priée, 3 9 c Men's Khaki Pants, just the thing l o r warm weath­ er, cool and comfortable, the Sl.trtand $1.25 values. Our price..................................................... e o c , HOOD RIVER’S LARGEST & BEST STORE