NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEEK ; TRAINMEN THREATEN STRIKE 76,000 Employes of Eastern Roads Declare for Raise. WASHINGTON STATE NEWS NOTES . r o r id e J o f A « arm and lad m a back tow ards the uouse. He looked very w hite and ill. I still begged for an explanation, and a t last he told me th e tru th . My Uncle, Colonel B ulstrode, had been found lying ln th e road stabbed to death with a spear. They had no idea who the m u rd erer m ight be. "They brought up th e body to th e house. A fterw ards they le t m e see him. Even ln death hls face was con­ vulsed w ith passion. Oh, It Is d read­ ful, d read fu l!” H er reserve gave way all ln a mo­ m ent, and she b u rs t Into a fit of sob­ bing, hiding her face ln h er hands. It w as some tim e before sh e regained h er self-control, and when she spoke again It was w ith difficulty and ln de­ tached sentences. " I t was about th re e o’clock," she said. “Mr. Boyne cam e into th e room w here I was. H e told me th a t my un­ cle had spoken very bitterly to him ln th e ir Interview, and th a t th ere had been a quarrel betw een them ; but Mr. Boyne’s sorrow w as sincere. I am sure It w as sincere. A fterw ards he begged me not to believe any rum ors I m ight h e a r about him. Then he w ent away. A fterw ards, as I was looking from th e window, I saw him w alking down the drive w ith a po­ licem an. Several of th e servants w ere gathered a t th e front door w atching and pointing. I don’t know how—but th e suspicion cam e to me— perhaps It w as through w hat Cullen had said. I ran down th e sta irs and ordered them to answ er. At last they told me— he had been arre ste d —for the m urder." W e w aited for a while, and then th e little Inspector rose, and, ln hls courteous m anner, offered h er hls arm . She took It, looking a t him through her tears. "H e Is Innocent, Mr. P eace,” she said. "I tr u s t so, Miss Sherrlck." T hey moved off up the walk, I fol­ lowing behind them . W e em erged from th e shrubbery on to a broad law n. The house, a spraw ling old m ansion of red brick, was before us. W e crossed the grass, and, tu rn in g an angle of the house, cam e to the porch, from w hich a drive curled aw ay am ongst th e foliage of an avenue of elms. T he cen tral h all w as b e tte r fitted for a m useum th an a habitation of oomfort-loving folk. Bronze gods and goddesses glim m ered ln the cor­ ners, dragons carved ln teak glared upon th e e a stern arm s and arm or th a t lined th e w alls, th e duller hurf Items on the General Industrial and Educational Development New Y ork—Peace o v ertu res have ceased betw een 45 E astern railroads and Progress of Rural Communities, Public Institutions, Etc. and 100,000 m em bers o f th e O rder of R ailway C onductors and th e B ro th er­ hood of R ailroad T rainm en, a fte r the BIG WHEAT CROP IN LINCOLN BUGS EAT JIM HILL MUSTARD em ployes’ rep resen tativ es in confer­ ence w ith the railroad m anagers an ­ More Moisture Than for Ten Years Millions of Them and They May nounced th a t 94 per cent o f the men Gladdens Grain Growers. Eradicate Dangerous Weed. had voted to strik e for increased A women’s ju ry In San Francisco wages. F inal action on th e proposed D avenport—Ju n e rain records for W alla W alla— A. A. K ra ft, a Spo- Cfr/UtfAùf W///) /i. Co/ki/) Doy/f tì/ 7/ìt /Ìow)C20c pound; , and advocates of woman suffrage e rty and if it is not obeyed the super­ dragged, due largely to efforts o f the I liked th a t sentence. I t was aw ay tow ards th e fro n t door as ft door on our rig h t and saluted the In­ visor will do th e w ork and the land is spector. radishes, 10(nl2c d o ie n ; spinach, 76c stro n g er than any protestation« of hls try in g to avoid me. Lincoln County Good Roads associa­ m arched in procession as the principal taxed w ith th e cost. In many fields] “ ’W h at Is the m atter, C ullenT I box. (C H R O N IC U B a TO B E C O N T IN U E D .) Innocence th a t she could have made tion, which is w orking in cooperation event of th e th ird day of E rie 's cen­ G reen fr u it — Applea, new, $1.26 tennial celebration o f P e rry ’s victory th e m ustard and o th e r weeds are far w ith the county com m issioners. Peace m arked it. too, for he smiled, called to him. above the w heat. A lphabet fo r China. per box; old, nom inal; stra w b e rrie s "H e slackened hls pace, and finally w atching her with hls head to one a t P u t-In bay. Follow ing the yellow C hinese scholars who are dlssatls- $1 .100(1.26 c ra te ; cherries, 4(d)10c stopped, w ith h it eyes atarlng a t ma tid e In hls solem n fashion. and w hite banner o f th e P ennsylvania Plan Palouse Harvest Fair. Discovers Jawbone Broken. fled w ith the Ideographic c h aracters ln pound; apricots, $ 1.26(d. 1.60 b o x ; can­ "You cannot think he Is guilty," she tn an odd fashion. Equal Suffrage A ssociation several Palouse — P resid en t Dudley o f the R itzville Jesse G otheron, a farm er taloupes, $1.75(