Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, June 13, 1913, Image 2

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Brakeman Makes 65 Miles Per
Hour, But Sticks to Post.
next day th a t Peace told me his story.
I will set It down ns briefly as may
“I soon came to the conclusion th a t
Ford, w hether dead or alive, was In­
side the grounds of Meudon Hall. If
he had bolted, for som e reason, by-the-
way, which was perfectly incom pre­
hensible, a man of his ability would
not have left a broad trail across th e
cen ter of his lawn for all to see.
T here was. m oreover, no trace of Him
th a t our men could ferret out a t any
station w ithin reasonable distance. A
m otor was possible, but th ere were no
m arks of Its presence next morning
In th e slush of th e roads. T hat fact
I le a rn t from a curious groom who
had aided in the search, and who,
w ith a sim ilar idea upon him, had
carefully exam ined the highway a t
“W hen I clam bered to the top of
the wall I found th a t the snow upon
the coping had been dislodged.
traced the m arks, as you saw, for
about a dozen yards. W here they end­
ed I, too, dropped to the ground out­
side. T here I m ade a rem arkable
discovery. Upon a little drift of snow
th a t lay in the shallow ditch beneath
were m ore footprints. But they w ere
not those of Ford. They were the
m arks of long and narrow boots, and
led into the road, w here they w ere
lost in th e track of a flock of sheep
th a t had been driven over it the day
"I took a careful m easurem ent of
those footprints.
They m ight, of
course, belong to some private inves­
tig ato r; but they gave me an Idea.
Could som e m an have walked across
the law n In F o rd ’s boots, changed
them to his own on tho top of th e
wall, and so d eparted? W as It the
desire of some one to let It be sup­
posed th a t Ford had run aw ay?
"W hen I exam ined F ord’s private
rooms I was even m ore fortunate.
From the bootboy I discovered th a t
th e m aster had th ree pairs of shoot­
ing-boots. T here w ere th ree pairs in
the stand. Some one had made a
very serious m istake. Instead of hid­
ing the pair he had used on the lawn,
he had returned them to th eir place.
The trick was becoming evident. But
w here w as Ford? In the house or
grounds, dead or alive, but w here?
“I was able, through my friend the
bootboy, to exam ine the boots on the
night of our arrival. My m easure­
m ents corresponded with those th a t
Jackson, the valet, wore. W as he
acting for him self, or was H arbord,
or even Ransom, in the secret? That,
% /Jyii F
General News of the Industrial and Educational Development
Medford, Or. — With his lantern
and Progress of Rural Communities, Public Institutions, Etc.
swinging in a brave attempt to wpm
the people, J. A. Fowler, an Asmand
Resume o f World’s Important yard man, came through Medford MANY NEW LAWS IN FORCE
Thursday night at 75 miles an hour on
Events Told in Brief.
top of a runaway freight car. With More Power Given Governor as Re­ O. A. C. Summer School to Teach
the wires busy clearing the right of
sult of New Measures.
Rudiments to Beginners.
A cold wave has spread all over the way, a switch engine in charge of
A course in basic agronomy to be (oVJu/Acs t/M rt. CurkinDoyJe o / ~7he /icw aJ c//Aej3a±Aea/jJ/ti’fc.
East and is doing immense damage to Engineer Adams in wild pursuit and a
iro n K u n r
M o P a t »! o f
C op yny/,/ óy 11/ Cf. C/U1PM4H
doctor motoring to the scene of the recent session of the legislature, ex­ given by Dr. M. M. McCool at the
expected tragedy, the car by a miracle cept those having emergency clauses Oregon Agricultural college summer
“Finding a solution to your prob­
The government has brought suit to escaped collision with a freight train or those to be referred to the people, session is planned to introduce the
lem ,” said the little detective, getting
novice to farm science through an in­
compel the dissolution of the Eastman at Central Point, as it hastened into a 1 became operative June 3.
to his feet. “Perhaps, gentlem en, you
kodak trust.
Chief among the new measures are timate first knowledge of the fields, T H E V A N I S H E D
siding safely, and made the sharp
crops, and the mechanics of the
will be good enough to follow me.”
China is the fourteenth nation to ac­ curves at Gold Ray and finally came to those relating to highways, irrigation, the
farm. A part of the instruction, also,
H e stepped through the opening In
cept, in principle, Bryan’s pian for a stop one mile this side of Gold Hill. wages of women and children, pensions will
the wall, and lifted the candle which
universal world peace.
th e valet had placed on the floor
way car may be had from the fact that of workmen in factories, mills, etc., ture as a science through a wide range
Both sides refusing to make further the car slipped loose from the train giving the governor more power to en­ of scientific study and investigation in
w hilst he was raising the panel from
concessions, war between the Balkan at Ashland at 9 :50 and reached Med­ force laws locally, revising fish and fields still unexplored, or to interest
You, sir, sitting peaceably at home, within. By Its light I could see the
states is expected at any time.
ford, a distance of 12 miles, down game laws, appropriation for Pacific the beginner in the business profits w ith a good light and an easy con­ first steps of a flight which led down
' Colonel Goethals says that “ any­ grade, at 10:01, a run of 11 minutes, Panama exposition, regulation of bro and practice and the professional op­ science, m a j think I was a tim id fool; Into darkness.
“We will tak e Jackson w ith us,” he
thing that floats” may go through the or an average of 65 miles an hour. kers, regulation of pawnbrokers, uni portunities of farming.
I was afraid—honestly and openly
The work includes instruction in the yet
The pursuing engine made the dis­ form system of accounting in state
Panama canal by January 1, 1915.
afraid. The little detective heard the continued. “Keep an eye on him, Mr.
and counties, teachers of Portland on origin and formation of soils; soil
It is claimed the loss of revenue by tance in 15 minutes, half of the sched­ civil service basis, pensions for Port­ moisture, heat and air; common soil new s of It In my voice, for he gave me Phillips, If you please.”
It was a strange procession th a t we
the Underwood tariff bill will be more ule time, but lost sight of the runaway land police, abolishing district fairs processes; plant foods and soil fertil­ a reassuring pat upon the back.
made. F irst Peace, with tho candle,
than offset by the income tax amend­
ity; tillage, crop rotation and manur­
Fowler was pretty well shaken up and creating county fairs.
hole?’ he w hispered. "In the days th en Ransom, w ith the valet foliow­
Summaries of the most important ing; soil bacteria; drainage and irri­ when Meudon H all w as built, no coun­ ing, while I and Ilarbord brought up
by his experience, but said he was too
A cloudburst covered the tracks of busy swinging his lantern and keeping measures are as follows:
try house was w ithout its hiding-place. the rear. We descended som e th irty
Highway commission bill—Creates of common farm machines. A brief P ro testan ts and priests. R oyalists and steps, formed In the thickness of the
the Clearwater short line in Idaho for his balance to think much about his
highway commissioner and provides survey of the agriculture of the state R epublicans, they all used the secret wall, opened a heavy door, and so
a distance 500 feet with earth and danger.
for a highway engineer at a salary of will close the course.
found ourselves In a narrow cham ber,
a t one tim e or an o th er.’’
JAPAN TO STAND ON TREATY $3000 a year. Under the measure Another important agronomy course burrow
som e tw elve feet long by seven broad.
“How did he get In?”
The department of agriculutre in its
about $360,000 will be provided for for the summer is that in crop produc­
“T h at Is w hat we are here to dis­ Upon a m attress a t the fu rth e r end
June report predicts a bumper wheat
In it
road work annually. The work will tion by Prof. George Hyslop.
crop, sufficient to make 160,500,000 Fourteenth Amendment Omitted be done by the counties, and the engi­ the chief field crop seeds of Oregon cover; and as I have no wish to de­ lay a m an, gagged and bound. As the
light fell upon his features Ransom
From Land Bill Protest.
barrels of flour.
neer will give all assistance possible will be studied, such as wheat, barley, stroy Mr. Ford's old oak panels I sprang forward, shouting his name.
Tokio—It is learned that Japan has to the county courts.
A United States Supreme court de­
“Silas Ford, by th u n d e r!”
County bonding act—Gives counties grasses, as to their vitality, germina­ until he comes back again."
cision in the Minnesota railroad rate decided to omit from the text of its
W ith eager fingers we loosened the
T he shadow s leapt upon us as Peace
caae gives states the right to fix rates rejoinder to the American govern­ the right to issue bonds to build roads. tion, preservation, growth and repro­
ment’s reply to the protest against the This and the highway commission bill duction. Some work in seed judging extinguished the light he carried. The gag and cut the ropes th a t bound his
for interstate traffic.
will be done, and seed beds and seed­ g reat window alone was lum inous with w rists. He s a t up, turning his long,
California alien land law the conten­
A San Francisco woman alone and tion that it violates the 14th amend­ are important, for they constitute vir­ ing will be studied. The relation of th e fain t starlig h t th a t showed the thin face from one to the o th er of us
unaided, raided and partially wrecked ment, and leave this point for discus­
climate and soil to crops, culture and tracery of its ancient stonew ork; for as he stretched the cram p from his
a gambling house where her husband sion between Viscount Chinda, the islation enacted in the state.
rotation, the prevention and eradica­ the rest, th e darkness hedged us limbs.
had lost $1300 in three days.
“T hank you, gentlem en,” said he.
Japanese ambassador at Washington, ates $450,000 for irrigation of 23,000 tion of weeds, and the harvesting, about In Im penetrable barriers. Side
Chinese women of modem education and Secretary of State Bryan.
acres of land in Eastern Oregon, work marketing and profits of crops will be by side, we stood by the wall In which “W ell, Ransom, how are things?”
"Bad, sir; but it’s not too late.”
The reason for this decision was the to be started at once. The United given some consideration. Two other we knew the secret en tran ce m ust
have been arrested for conspiring
He nodded his head, passing his
against the government, and it is conviction that Japan’s case as a na­ States department of interior has subjects of immediate importance will exist.
It may have been ten m inutes or hands through his hair with a quick,
tion would be stronger if based on the offered to give a similar sum for the be discussed: The distribution and
claimed many have been executed.
m ore when from the distance— some­ nervous movement.
Stopping of Columbia river boats by contention that the land bill violates work, but it has not been accepted by value to the state of various crops, w here below our feet, or so it seemed
"You’ve caught my clever friend, I
high water has prevented many berry the treaty. The idea here is that the the desert land board. Another bill and the methods of improving them.
to me—th ere came the faint echo of a see. Kindly go through his pockets,
pickers from reaching the fields, and
closing door. It w as only in such will you? He has som ething I m ust
it is believed many berries will go to stitutional prohibition against states 000 to investigate feasible irrigation RAISING OF FLAX IS URGED cold silence th a t we could have heard ask him to return to me."
It. The tim e ticked on. Suddenly,
W e found It in Jack so n ’s pocket-
tracts, might eventually be the basis co-operate by giving a similar amount.
The latest Japanese reply in the of suits brought by Jupanese as indi­ Still another measure appropriates Speaker Tells Threshermen of Prof­ upon th e black of th e floor, there book—a cheque, antedated a week, for
shone a thin reflection like the slash five thousand pounds, with a covering
itable Insustry.
I $15,000 for the investigation of a pro­
California land controversy opens the viduals.
of a sw ord—a reflection th at grew Into le tte r to the m anager of the bank.
posed power plant on the Columbia at
way for unlimited “ friendly negotia­
HOME RULE BILL IS PASSED The Dalles. It is declared that the be added to the annual earnings of the a broad gush of light as the sliding F ord took the bit of stam ped paper,
panel In th e wall, six feet from w here tw isting it to and fro in his supple
j project contemplates the creation of
Governor West, of Oregon, says the English Commons Scene of Fiery j one of the greatest water power sys threshermen of Oregon by the develop­ we stood, rose to the full opening. fingers.
ment of the flax industry in the state,
Interior department has too much
- terns in the United States.
according to H. A. Brewer, manager
“ dead tim ber.”
Minimum wage bill — Creates com of the Portland Linseed Oil company,
London — The house of commons mission to be named by the governor
It is proposed to amend the military
who was one of the speakers at the
laws to provide for the use of the mil­ passed the second reading of the home to investigate wages of women and banquet of the State Threshermen’s
children and the conditions under association at the Commercial club re­
itia in foreign service.
an amendment by Mr. Balfour for the
they work. It gives the com cently.
A Missouri official says women rejection of the measure having been | which
mission power to enforce decrees, fix
“ The linseed factories of the state
workers are as firmly in bondage as defeated previously by a vote of 368 wages
and regulate sanitary condi­ are prepared to handle the product of
colored slaves ever were.
to 270. The announcement of the fig­ tions.
26,000’acres of flax in this state, if
A special house committee favors ures was received with cheering by
Mothers’ pension bill—Provides for the people will only plant it,” he said.
limiting appropriations to a fixed sum, Liberals and Nationalists.
assistance of mothers whose husbands “ Taking the prices paid for threshing
The debate was marked by fiery j are dead, in state institutions or phys
to be apportioned as congress sees fit.
declarations by the opposition speakers ically or mentally unable to work. The in other states, the threshermen
should be able to get from 20 to 25
A cloudburst in the Blue mountains who predicted home rule would result counties are to provide the pensions.
cents a bushel for the threshing of it,
washed away the O.-W. R. & N. track, in civil war in Ireland. Sir Edwards
Ten-hour law — Provides that 10
but operated the block signal at the Carson, the Irish Unionist leader, hours a day or 60 hours a week con­ and they would be able to handle the
flax crops without in the least being
same time and this saved a passenger said:
stitute the working schedules in fac-
train from plunging into the Grand
“ For my part, I will continue to j tories, mills, etc., but that employes interfered with in their work on the
Ronde river.
support the Ulster men. and will take j may work 13 hours a day, but no long- regular grain crops.”
The senate lobby investigating com­ full responsibility for their resistance. I er. They are to receive time and one-
Forestry Builds Station.
mittee will inquire into everything You may seize their homes, or send half pay for all time more than 10
City—The forestry service
hours a day.
that resembles an effort to influence
Irish question.”
Bill increasing power of governor— has ordered a telephone line to be in­
tariff votes.
Lord Charles Beresford declared:
j Gives governor power to appoint spe­ stalled connecting Prairie City with
A Japanese colony of about 1500
" I f the government sends troops to cial district attorneys, sheriffs, con­ the summit of Strawberry Peak, 12
persons has been established in Bra­ Ireland, I shall offer my services,
miles distant from this place. A sta­
zil, under an agreement which sets poor as they may be, and help my fel­ stables, when regularly elected offi­ tion will be erected on the extreme
aside 150,000 acres of land for their low countrymen.”
measure, urged by the governor, summit of the peak at a height of
classes immoral resorts as nuisances over 10,000 feet, which overlooks the
Jones Blocks Senate.
so they may he closed more easily entire forestry district of Eastern
Attorney-General McReynolds is
Washington, D. C.—Senator Jones, than at present.
convinced that neither the Standard
The purpose of the government in
Shipping of liquor act—Provides
Oil nor Tobacco trusts have been dis­ of Washington, who has failed thus
establishing this station is to enable a
solved in a legal manner.
far to secure from the senate the extra
“ wet” to “ dry” territory must be la­ lookout stationed there to notify all
A tariff amendment has been intro­ clerk he declares necessary, got on the beled and bear the names of the con­ points of the reserve in the event of
duced which proposes a sliding scale
signee and consignor.
The package fires.
Work on the telephone line and sta­
tax on the output of tobacco manufac­ when he engineered his single-handed must describe the liquor it contains.
turing companies, which reaches up to filibuster through another session. Another measure provides that saloon tion has been commenced.
“ Here we sit, the sworn representa­
Prairie City there is telephone connec­
6 cents a pound.
tives of 90,000,000 people,” said Sen­
tion with all points in this reserve.
Labor leaders in the Pacific North­ ator Williams, “ trying to transact the persons, minors or blacklisted persons
west are much concerned over the important business of the country, and
Tri-County Fair Dates Set.
threatened importation of cheap fore­ all we hear is the hoarse voice of the crue.
Tri-County Fair will
ign labor to the coast as Boon as the senator from Washington crying‘Jones
wants clerks; Jones wants clerks.’ ” vises game and fish laws of state. It be held in Condon this fall on October
canal ia opened.
is probably one of the most compre­ 1, 2 and 3, according to the decision
hensive measures ever passed by a leg­ of the executive committee in a spe­
Woman Killed in I. W. W. Riot. islature.
cial meeting held Tuesday night. Tri-
Ispwich, Mass. -One woman was
Election revision measures—Uncer­ County fair is to be a permanent year­
Wheat—Track prices: Club, 94c; shot and killed, seven other persons tainties existing in many laws cleared ly event in Condon henceforth, and
were wounded by bullets, and many and laws which proved unsatisfactory the directors have decided to purchase
bluestem, 99c; forty-fold, 94(u95c; others,
including several policemen, repealed.
the large grand stand, chicken coops,
red Russian, 92c; valley, 94c.
Bill creating board of control— etc., from the Mayville Fair associa­
Oats — No. 1 white, $32 per ton; were hurt hy (lying missiles in h strike
riot outside the Ipswich hosiery mills Board to have jurisdiction over all tion, which disbanded recently to join
stained and off grade, less.
Millstuffs—Bran, $24.60( k 25 pr ton; Wednesday night. Seven persons, in­ state institutions excepting those for Condon in making the Tri-County fair
shorts, $26.60(<r:27; middlings, $32. cluding leaders of the Industrial Work­ higher education. To be composed of a big success.
The local fair grounds, which were
Barley—Feed, $26.500)27 per ton; ers of the World, were arrested. The governor, secretary of state and state
woman was a spectator of the treasurer.
improved last year for the first Tri-
brewing, nominal; rolled, $28.60(<( dead
County fair, will be still better im­
proved since the purchase.
Prune Crop to Be Bumper.
Hay — Eastern Oregon timothy, ried to the Salem hospital in an auto­
The actual fighting did not
choice, $18(d)19 per ton; alfalfa, $13 mobile.
last more than five minutes.
Films to Show Interior.
crop will be between 35 and 40 car­
Onions—New red, $1.25 per sack.
Central Oregon now is to be shown
Vegetables — Artichokes, 76e per
Seattle The armored cruiser Mary­ Holt, secretary of the Eugene Fruit to the world in motion pictures. Its
dozen; asparagus, Oregon, 50c(o'$l;
association. Last yenr rains peculiar industries and its varied ac­
beans, 121c pound; cabbage, 21c; land sailed for Alaska to complete the Growers’
the pollenization season cut the out­ tivities have been made the subjects
cauliflower, $2 per crate; head let­ tests of Alaska coal begun last year, at
put greatly, but this year there is of a series of films that will be dis­
tuce, $2.50 per crate; peas. 7io/8c and interrupted when the vessel was every
indication of a record crop. played wherever motion-picture the­
per pound; peppers, 30c; radishes,
l(MiiT2r per dozen; rhubarb, lo>2c take Secretary of State Knox to Japan The green fruit is well formed and the aters are operated and patronized.
trees are loaded. Cherries will be at Lloyd W. McDowell, publicity agent T here followed another pause, during | " It was sm art of you, Jackson,” he too, it was necessary to discover be­
per pound; spinach, 76c per box; gar­ to attend the emperor’s funeral. Eight least
an average crop. Orchards to for the Great Northern railway, has which I could see Peace draw him self ; said, addressing the bowed figure be- fore I showed my hand.
hundred tons of Bering river coal have
lic, 7(«i 8c per pound.
Potatoes— Burbanks, 40(0 60c per been mined and transported to Control­ the northeast of the city are unusually just returned from a trip through the together as If for some unusual exer­ | fore him. "I give you credit for the
“Your story of H arbord’s m idnight
ler bay for use in the tests by the Mary­ heavy, while those to the northwest interior with about 3000 feet of high- tion.
Idea. To kidnap a man ju st as he was excursion supplied a clue. The sec­
hundred; new. 3c per pound.
class films. The pictures were made
A shadow darkened the reflection bringing off a big deal—well, you retary had evidently followed some
Green fru it— Apples, new, $1.76 land. The cruiser is expected to re­
by a representative of the Fathe on th e floor, and a head cam e peering would have earned the money.”
per box; old, nominal; strawberries, turn from the North early in August.
man who had disappeared m ysterious­
Weekly service.
Parking Plant to Be Projected.
out. The light but half displayed the
“B ut how did you get down here7" ly. Could there be th e entrance to a
75c(o.$l.26 per crate; cherries, 8(o 12c
Dundee With the practical assur­
per pound; gooseberries. 2(o4c; apri­
face, b u t I could see th a t the teeth j struck In the m anager.
secret cham ber In th at corridor? T hat
State Wards See Circus
St. Petersburg—Fifty persons were ance of an abundant prune crop here
cots, $1.26(o:1.76 box; watermelons,
w ere bare and glistening, like those
“H e told me th a t he had discovered would explain th e m ystification of
6c per pound; peaches, $1.60 per box. drowned by the sinking of a dilapidat­ this year, the Dundee Cooperative
Salem Five hundred inm ates of the of a man In some deadly expectation. j an old hiding place—a 'p rie st’s hole' H arbord as well as th e disappearance
Poultry—Hens, 16(o)151c; broilers, ed ferryboat while crossing the River Fruit Growers’ A Packers' association Reform School, the Insane Asylum The next m om ent he stepped across he called It. and I walked Into the of Silas Ford. If so H arbord was not
26c; turkeys, live. 19(u20c; dressed, Tcheptca on the Russian Ascension met recently and formulated plans for and the Tuberculosis Hospital attend­ the threshold.
trap as the best man may do some- Involved.
choice, 26c; ducks, old, 161(o'18e; day, June 6, according to delayed dis­ building a four-story packing plant. ed a circus Saturday, being guests of
W ith a spring like the rush of a j tim es
As we got to the bottom of
"If Ford w ere held a prisoner he
young, 24r»25c; geese, young, 14(0
the show management.
The invita­ terrier, Addington Peace was upon I th a t stairw ay he slipped a sack over m ust be fed. His gaoler m ust of ne­
in the populace of the district, owing the building will be completed about tion was extended early in the morn­ him. driving him off his balance with my head, and had me fixed in thirty cessity rem ain In the house. But the
Eggs—Oregon ranch, case count, to their indignation at the laxity of September I. When in operation this ing and Governor West informed the the Impact of th e blow. One loud seconds. He fed me him self tw ice a tra p I se t In the suggested Journey to
industry will give employment to superintendents that as many of the scream he gave th a t w ent echoing day. standing by to see I d id n 't holloa. town was an experim ent singularly un­
! the police supervision of the ferry.
19c per dozen; candled, 20c.
about 60 persons.
Formerly the inmates ns possible should be allowed away Into the distant corridors But. W hen I paid up he was to have tw en­ successful, for all th e three men I de­
Butter -City creamery, rubes. 28c
Throwing of Bomb Fatal.
greater portion of the prunes grown to attend. It was the first time in before I could reach them , th e little ty-four hours’ s ta rt; then he would sired to te s t refused. However, If I
pound; prints, 29(w291c.
Pork—Fancy, ll( u l l l c per pound.
Lisbon, Portugal—One person was here have been shipped to other points many years that a circus had granted detective had him down, though he let you know w here I was I held out w ere rig h t about the secret cham ber
Veal —Fancy, 131c per pound.
killed and several others wounded by a for packing.
admission gratis to inmates of the in­ still kicked viciously until I lent a awhile, but I gave In tonight. The I could checkm ate the blackm ailer by
Hope—1912 crop, 9(o'.14c per pound; bomb thrown at a procession in honor
stitutions and those attending enjoyed hand. The click of the handcuffs on delay was getting too dangerous. keeping a w atch on him from your
1913 contracts, lfiiolSlc.
of Portugal's great epic and lyric Investigate Handling of Prunes. the entertainment hugely.
Have you a cigarette. H arbord? Thank room, w hich com m anded the line of
his w rists ended the m atter.
Wool— Eastern Oregon. I Oo; 16c per poet, Luis de Camooni.
The bomb-
it was F ord's valet, the man Jack- you. And who may you be?”
As a result of a recent conference at
com m unications. But Jackson was
pound; valley, 14«fl6c; mohair, thrower was wounded by a splinter the Portland Commerical club between
First Pension Is Granted.
It was to the detective he spoke.
clever enough to leave his victualling
choice, 1913 clip, 30(u32c.
from his own missile. When taken to prune growers of the state and Profs.
"My nam e Is Peace. Inspector Ad- to the night-tim e.
Hood River—The County court has
W e w ere not long by ourselves. I
I scattered th e
C attle-C hoice steers, $7.75(o8; the hospital he declared that he wished C. 1. Lewis. H. S. Jackson and Her­ just granted the first pension under heard a quick p a tte r of naked feet 1 dlngton Peace, from Scotland Yard." flour to try the result of th a t ancient
good, $7.25(o7.60; medium, $7(o7.26; ! to commit suicide.
“And I owe my rescue to you?"
man Tartar of the Oregon Agricul­ the widows' pension bill enacted at from behind us. and H arbord. the sec­
trick. It was successful. T h at Is all.
choice cows, $6.60(0.7; good, $6.26<o
T he little man bowed.
tural college, this fall probably will the last session of the legislature. retary , came running up. sw inging a
Do you follow m e?"
Atwood Flics Over lak e Erie.
6.60; medium, $6(o6.25; choice cal­
"You will have no reason to regret
see the beginning of an important ser­ The recipient, however, is not a wid­ heavy stick In his hand. Ransom fol­
"Yes,” said I; “but how did Jack-
ves, $8(0 9; good heavy calves, $6.60
Sandusky, O. Aviator Harry N. ies of investigations on the handling ow, but her husband is a permanent lowed close at his heels They b»th I t And w hat did you think had be­ son come to know the secret hiding-
©7.50; bulls, $4(o6.
Atwood, who left Ecorse. Mich., Wed- of the Italian prune.
These will invalid, being afflicted with paralysis. stopped a t the edge of th e patch of
Hogs — Light, $8(o 8.30; heavy, | nesday afternoon for a flight across cover all phases of the subject, from The woman and her three children will light In which we were, starin g from
••It w as th e general opinion that
"H e has long been a servant of the
vou had taken to yourself wings, Mr. house. You had b e tte r ask his old
Lake Erie to this city in a hydro-aero­ the time the prune leaves the tree receive $17.50 a month. The court us to the gaping hole In th e walL
Sheep-- Wethers, $5(o6; ewes, $4(o plane. arrived here at 12:30 o’clock until it ia put into the box ready to has received applications for relief
"W hat In thunder are you about?" Ford ’•
m aster.”
5; lambs, $C.56©6.76.
It was as we traveled up to town (C H R O N I C L E S T O R E C O N T IN U E D .)
Thursday morning.
from more than a dozen widows.
cried th e m anager
letcher obiiisoh