W. A. HUSBANDS Mr». Frank Sturt and little E. C. Race, formerly traveling daughter returned toMaupin the amlitor for the Tum-A-Lum Lum- Bl.ACKS.MlTH tirst of the week. They were ac- her Company of Mosier, resigned Horse Shoeing and Generali companied by Mrs. Stuart’s sis- j his position the first of the week The May term of the Circuit A good s ti irire* ti on -drop in Repair Work. ter, Viola Piercy. 1 and is now acting in the capacity Court convened Monday morning. and pay up your- hark subscrip- H. M. Huxley and children, of » » Judge Bradshaw |.i< sidit u. Lil­ Satisfaction guarantee«! tion. Mr. 0/ Rurrws the retiring lie hut rontiiio work was done OREGON MUSTER li n-«d Ri ver, eafne* up Suwda-y and u — . — ■ ■» ■ »• manager, left’Tuesday night“ for the first day, afftki' the g-nnd spenta few lurtrs orfMr! Hwx- NOTICE! Waite Walla. Wash.« where he jury was drawn an:! the judge’ s Hiiles bouprht on ertMriHnmsnt. ley’s fruit liOn'Ch, in the Grstrnd- expects to rwo-ept a sinulai po- charge given. A number of civil M i l t o n N u r s e p y T r e e s »- Bring your hides to ’’th e Bulletin view rfeighhorhooil. cases were called in tie“ morning, siri-ev • True lu Name lo r ,33 Years. office. The Moxirr'meat mark'4. for hut were postponed. In the af­ This secTitry was.-visited by a liarily ( limate, Hijjli Elevation t merly ownedh.f C. II. Dunsn »it1, ternoon only one case came to rather severe rain and electrical NOT «CE! ha» been sold ttt’J-i P.- Eritert, trial. This was a suit to recover, S.T Ruht. T. Ntwhall, Al­ Notice is hereby given that a Mr. Erlmrt ‘ akiiRg prtsseesion storm Monday evening. instituted by parties in Malm, Hood River - - Oregon. though no one was struck by special meeting of the1 s ! i * k - 4<-• yesterday movriWg. • the t> pewritten testimony living lightning, yet it was of sufficient holders of the Mosier Valley Tel- ' taken. According to the evi- «phone Co., will l>e held on Tires -^ A N ttjf) - 1.<> exehange 300 fI#|BhaMs of Canker Hill mining . light system by burning out I ho ¿Hid was not presented to the tunihS Halt, to cowrirhM* tMfe**rd|f- stock, (in the Coeur d’ Alene coun-! fuze in all meters. thus putting No. 7 West hound 7:22 a. m. jury. 2:45 p. m No. I ulution of rates v. h'riV’ lias be*n, ^ 1 * ’'* M‘* ‘e r the town in total darkness for Tuesday morning court'opened I he night. The rain, although ordered by the Rail rear! Comm is- (:al> aU B *letlrv otfi<*. 10:20 a. m. N \ 2 East at 9 o’clock, Iml in less than half 6:35 p. m. No. 8 sicWi o f 1 »I’egorv. Mrs. Edith Ford, a former res­ not as heavy, as we would have liked,-will lx* of great help to the an hour the jurors were dismissed 10:40 p. m. By OfdtM- of the Directors. No. 6 ident of Mosier, hut now of until 1:30 p. m., awaiting the de­ Our Head Refraetionist will be in Mosier for a few days be­ D avid - R.filiWhoN, Setf’ yt Umatilla, spent Sunday and ranches back of us, as it will liberations of the grand jury. No. 17, at 4:04 p. m., flag stop ginning Monday, June 2nd; with all of the latest scientific in­ — ------------------------------ —— Monday here, the guest'of-'W. bring the grass up very rapidly, on Sundays only for Hood River The following compose the struments for the eyes, the same as used in our Portland office. thus furnishing plenty of grazing A. Husbands and family.* f4iI Cook Stoves- Chown’s. grand jury: J.‘ F. Rorick. fore­ Also prepared to furnish and Portland. i for stock. ■ ■ ..................... Circuit Court convened Monday.1 Specif! for.Saturday o h Ladies’ ] man, C. P. U ’ Ren, Otvert Jones. George Ruch, John Eubanks and Trimteed’Htls at $2.00. We sold Baseball Goods, at Chown’s, IMMANÜEL CHOriCH ANNIVERSARY W. N. Wiley.- Those having glasses fitted will have the privilege of calling them lip to $4.95. anil they are- The rattlesnake season is now ¿it our Portland office and having lenses or mountings changed worth up tf> $7.50. Any child’s'! Monday tTie grand jury re- arty time during the year with no extra charge. Prices will be in full blast. trimmed 'hat for$1.00. Saturday. Sunday, JuneS, will be the sec- turned true bills against the fol- no higher than our Portland office, and there will he no charge H A YN E ’S BREAD" Diiify. S traws ^ - ouii anniversary, of Uie Mosier lowing: Orville DeBois and Ar- for consultation or examination. AY STURGESS C o NFM’T. STflfeB. Feileialed Cliurcb, and Uie con-'nold DeBois for larceny fi-orn a The undersigned is thoroughly Mrs. Amos Root, Mrs. W. A. gregatmn is planning to recog- dwelling; William Clark and Ed prepared to put down open wells Kimball Cultivators^ Cbown s. Husbands, Df. Robinson, J. (). Mize the tact-by. holding Rally.- ,. • . .. , . ¡in any part of the surrounding H, C. Kibbdd is “ couftifigfi’ in BarnetUand Jack Lelliott attend- Day. services. Visitors ¿ire ex- 1 * ’ ll1’ 111,11 'v 10 a * R E F E R E N C E S : The leading Banks o f Portland, and country. Has a complete outfit,, any ot our many well-satisfied patients all The-Dalles this wefek. ed tb£ Sunday School Convention pected from Odell and Hood u tl) ’ !u win 0 H including pipe cutting and thread ovet Oregon and Washington at The Ddlfes last’ Erida-v niohi Ktver. After Uie morning ser- Mosier valley hank, and George ing tools. Does all kinds of ce­ Ohvp!*:i+Beef, Sliced Ham and ‘ , „ . vice the congregation and visit- Kemp, who stole a small check Butter on Ice,—STRAUSSt an - yr ing friends will join together in a made in favor of Irene Hopper. ment, rock and concrete work. Childrens’ Has had 30 years’ experience in Vh-s Mvra Wellherirw ikH vis- BUM" Lurlin* Ffal&r reached basket dinner Childrens’ Day A short session of circuit court Our patients in Mosier will kindly call Monday if possible and t the well business. May be found have their glasses looked over and adjusted. was held Tuesday morning itorinHood Itiver last Saturday home Wednesday morning troni evenjnif service. by addressing him at The Dalles, ■ | Portland,-wbereft)hie visited with when Kemp, Clark and Gagnier Crystal White Soap, k'-bars'Tor friénds a feW days after relúrn- Acordial invitation is generally Ore., or inquire at Maier & all pleaded not guilty. extended to all services, includ- 25c, Saturday. —S trauss . j Schanno’s Store, The Dalles. ! ing^ frdm the Rebekah Assembly ¡n^. noon-day repast; John Fleck, who fatally shot P O R T L A N D , ORE. i Medford Dbpont Powder is best*.1 Chown. ¡ J at A. E. N egus . Dan Olson, generally known as 209-210-211 Corbett'Bldg-., Hobt. E vaths Snd'd irti f'Yi'«* were i A ‘ d¿ine riKpt-oi-way east ot slaughter. He will face trial, at m, o f H6«aHiver. town near me VVePOer tracts. this session of circuit court. Vf. E.'UhoWn. Now that it is possible to send1 R. F. Smith, who stabbed City Di». Robinson returned home“ i A,UM ls. a ,,ew exPenu,e,,t llie Garden Hose now in.CHdwn’s. railroad company is tryin g out, Marshal F. H. McRae at Antel- merchandise by Parcels Post, we I Saturday' front- Medford, where suggest that should you need Mrs. C. H. Nichol and Mrs. P- ! from ThI WlU w -U,ey w-lU ,Blop Uie ^ d e d guilty. j anything in the way of Prescrip­ Vf. Arthur were Hood Ri-ver’vis-1. V f n . " 8and trul" ‘,lllnK up 1,1 liealJS 0,1 — — ------ iiorfl Tuesday; °ca ,0^ e 5 T ^ “ *3 bl° W“ irom I Church ol Christ Notes tions filled, Drugs or Patent Med­ tend a meeting* of the Grand ! the side fulls. icines, that you send to. A 'W g f party from The Ditlllps1 Lodge, lietd in thhteity liist week. The company, will try. out this Distinguished Eastern! Educators Added to Regular 3 pent Sunday fishitig and pick- , v , , ' oil experiment between here and Next Lordsday morning we nicking on Morfier Greek.“- Nrs. C. A. McCrum arrived llie Dalles and if found to work expect to preach on the subject, Faculty, University Dormitories Open. Board and frorri Portland last Sunday and satisfactorily they will in all “ God is - oh His Throne.” Come “ RUFUS K IN G ” is the IVtAn ' Room at $3.50 per Week. Reduced Railroad Rates. The Druggist o f Hood Rivet, wilf spend the sorrtmer here with probability oil the right-of-way and hear it. In the evening will arch of all 5c cigars, 'fry one. on both sides for a distance of For a Complete Illustrated Catalogue, Address her husband. She was accompa­ be held the Childrens’ Day exer-l for them. He can send them to Sold at S t u r g e s s C on ’ f e C t i o n - nied by her sister, Mrs. J. E. 200 feet from the rails clear I cises. you cheaper than you can get through to the Idaho line. kry S t o r e . Bronough", who- will visit a few We have received several com- j them at home. The Misses Dollie and Georgia weeks with her; mendations on our sermon upon! PRISONERS BREAK JAIL rtslver visited in Portland last The Mosier hall team will cross ___ W liat Mosier Needs,’ and we Sbfeurdey and Sunday. hats with the Lyte team on next1 ,a' e intimations that it caused Mr. ahd’ Mrs. G. P. Morden're- Sunday. They will make the trip1 Two prisoners, lodged in the some people to groan, but they BASEBALL SUPPLIES _____i... _ I.;» by a city jail awaiting trial al the; were not there to hear the ser-' twrned hotno from ■ Porthlnd by boat,' i accontyfcnied lafrge " i , . . .. , . / ..y present termot the Circuit Court, i mon FISHING TACKLE Tuesday'evening*.1 No doubt they groaned, i P L U M B IN G . delegatimi of rooters who will go ^roke jall W(,n.lay night by saw- ' hut it we get an opportunity, Days Work, Bdgfey's” NaVJt; .along to- See that l he boys ‘bring tug through two burs of their, SPORTING GOODS . .. . , i S T E A M and UOT W A T E R : cell, crawling through an eight- make them groan louder. ( lAdex and Clawhammer Tobacco' home the bacon.'' Get your Fishing License and be ready for the opening H E A T IN G . . . . . . inch »Pace. They were young Some deserve- to groan in The! 26c a plug, Saturday.—S trau SS^ tt *' Union makes the claim that it Schoonover, of Mosier, held for Dalles. “ He who runneth may! of the season—April 1st. Jnhiiiiig promptly attended to. Miss‘ Wilma Burrows arrived will have the biggest and best complicity in the Mosier bank read.” Yours for God, MOSIER - - OREGON Tuesday' from Helix, Ore., to live stock show in Ofegon this I robbery, and a man called Ben H. C a m p b e l l C l a r k , spend1 her vacation here with her! year. Its dates are June 5, 6 and Clemson, charged with white Minister. parents. ¡7. The big feature of the show slav«ry. The get-a-way was DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. ..¿n l ', e • i ... ., niade some time between one A. M. and O. E. Jamnsen le ft1 Wl11 ,fin« ,10r8PS“ wh,le the o’clock in the morning and four WIDOWS’ PENSION BILL BECOMES A LAW Monday for St. Johns, having apiendid rattle for which Eastern o’clock, the time.the delivery was P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n From the interest shown in the IMMANUEL CHURCH. SUNDAY, JUNE I It is thought- by finished the work of drilling at \ Dregon is famous will also he on discovered. The H idows’ Pension bill, O-W. R. & N. Go’s, corn contest, MOSIER - OREGON officials that friends on the out- enlale. exhibition hi large members. side slipped a caseknife in to the Passpd by the last legislature at it appears that Oregon will be­ Sunday School, 10:00 a. m.; F. J*. Patterson, of Hood R iver! Among those from here who prisoners during the day. The its hist session, will go in to effect come a big corn producing state. ahd Portland, visited here !fc»t were called before the grand i knife, which was evidently of [June 3, according to advices re- More than five tons of selected Regular Morning Worship 11:15. seed corn, enough to plant 1000 Rev. Hargraves will preach. Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs. Me- f jury at the county seat, Monday 3°°^ steel, had been converted eeived from the Governor by acres, has been distributed free Welcome to all | into a fine file and with the aid Cargar. to testify in tbe attempted bank ¡of a “ slide” made of the top of Judge Castner. The new bill will of charge by the company, while C IV IL E N G IN E E R ’ any "'««man whose the Southern Pecific has distribu­ Hans Kollanderud drove over robbery case, were the following: a tobacco can. the soft bars of ™n‘U‘r aid I F Y O U W I S H General Surveying, Plat­ or an inmate of ted more than two tons addition­ txi TVont Lake last Saturday on a> R. M. Ross, Jeflf Mosier, Charley the cell were cut through with- husband To meet your friends, stop at al. This seed will lie planted Davenport, A. F. Lockwood. C. out much difficulty. an Oregon state institution or prospecting tour for a span'of ting and Drafting Dunsmore, Ren Veatoh, S. T, j As soon as the jail break was "h o is physically unable to ren- throughout the Pacific Northwest Work horses. HOTEL MOSIER. and means the corn acreage of Franciseo, W. E. Chown and L. discovered, the news was spread ; der her support. A certain sum this year will be twice as large Hood River wilt celebrate the W. Kitted. by phone and telegraph all over l is allowed for each child oi such as last. Fourth. A program of events A ll Modem and under New , „ 'the country and Washington, as I needy families. The Columbia river is very it is more than likely that an j ' ^ will appear in a latter issue of The Battleship Oregon will not Management. D R . H . L. D U M B L E miicH on a rampage. Some of effort will be made by them to ^ BARGAIN he used as a target by the Navy the Bulletin. AUGMENTED BATH FACILITIES Department if this state can help | tht* old-timers are predicting that get out of the state. The get-a- . ... PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON H. E. Dean, a prominent it. Resolutions strongly protest­ the June freshet this year was planned at a most op- rAncher of the MosierDistrict, will nf„B.ihiv onnoi HOOD RIVER : OREGON' iti , any CUY Q. STRYKER. Prop. r,f mat portune tmip for the prisoners, ,, y quantity, can get ing against this action have been lining on Rock Creek, transacted' 1 ‘ . as their trial was to come up to- >em for less than a third of the adopted by many organizations Will practice in Mosier and * ---- ------- 1 • ■ when the river I boats made their , SJ*!, ---------- j. P'Uf* 1 by apply,ng at - the ¡and a petition, as long as the fa- btisines* in MosierMonday« day. May be reached by long dis­ landings near the depot. A rise* 1 mietili office. I líese are first mous battleship itself, has lieen n ,y. • o» .... , , — mous nauiesnip nseir, nas neen D r . C. H, J e n k in s tance phone, Home phone 61. ™ cer* * r® confident that clitss trees of the Spitzenherg, signed and forwarded to Presi- O. A. Graham, a real estate [of four feet wss reported during . CIRCUII COURT CONVENES — LO CAL — .GPPORÏÜNITY Have Your Eyes rested by a SPECIALIST With A REPUTATION » (or High Class Work Tories, Kryptoks andShur-OnGlasses Well Work Well Done Thompson Optical Institute UNIVERSITY OF OREGON DRUGS? SURE SUMMER SCHOOL J""e h 1913 Twenty-five Instructors-Fifty Courses Chas. N. Clarke, THE REGISTRAR, U. of O., Eugene S. F. GOSS Mosier Book Store E. C. BROCK M o s ie r - - Oregon DENTIST man of Pofttand. was up Sunday-Wednesday night, and one foot b ^ g T ^ » ' ^ U^stanTl'^trialTm -un-'iind WÌ,S° n l,y Sch° o1 chi,dren „ . . Quick asking thaf the Oregon lead the HOOD RIVER looking over a piece of propertyJ additional between 7and » o ’clock the original count, and also for delivery ( ¿ill or write to “ X ” , naval parade through the Pana- which he owns just west of town. I yesterday morning. breaking jail. Bulletin Office. ma Cariai. Office Phone. 1081 SPECIALS THIS WEEK Sheets made rrf good grftde sheeting, size 68x90" 4 K ‘ inches. Special price tlSilf w*eek . ; ............. x O C Ladies’ pure Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched or- and hand embroidered. Special, your choice *-OC DRESS St If RTS FOR MEN with either hand r / i . or soft collar, full efft and newest patterns D U C Men’s SurphiPf1 Underwear—First grade French BktP briggan in black-and white mixed and'^n plain eotrir».' These are frttistiy exttft large sizes or small sizes, but ¡they are Wörth tip*tö 7fve a gaf- O flX ir.dnt.’ Your choice, th^ gaffrient . . . ___ True hitrftism is not sectional or local; It is anation- al possession; an international asset. It doesn’ t involve successor failure; sometimes there’s more heroism in Men’a Half Hclse *of pdie J^p. sfill' thread? all ldsing th.1h in winning. There’s not much that’s hero- colors, spetlal*values’, th etk ir........... ........ 1 »)C id alioiif thb clothing business: it*s a matter of fact, Men’s 4-in-hand \lrrf. a splendid aisortment'of all the j hdnl-drdni hort'of a proposition. But it is possible to newest shades and cclorlpgs with (ipeti cpds/-rtr _ dd business in h spirit of service to see that a man who full length and worth 50c apiece. Your choice ¿ D L pays his money for merchandise shall get all that it’s Trident Mercerized Cotton-a good run of colors. 1 _ worth 5c a skein. Snecial this week............. T L possible to give, in value. That's the way we are trv- ing to do our business. Hart Schaffner & Marx and Clothcraft Clothes Boy’s Suits We Waht you to come*in and1 take a look at the splendid line of boy’s suits that we have this year. Wre have all the newest weaves and patterns in Buster Brown Russian Blouse, Double Breast or Norfolk styles, and we know that we can save you money in this line. Suits for Boys for $ 1 . 75 . $ 2 . 00 . $ 2.50 and up THE P i 4 /? IS 4 I Pi F l This store is the liom cof : Have you renewed your sub­ scription to T h e B u l l e t i n ? If a«. Phon*. 33.n , not—why not? OREGON Summer Dress Goods W’e know von can find what you want in this line“ and what we want is for you to call and let u show you rrimmings o f every kind o f the newes* materials and designs. We have s-irne extra specials in some Lawns and Dimities that wiM make up most becomingly for summer dresses ^ allies in this lot up to the yard 15c. i n Special, the yard.................... ............. LUC W e have some extra specials in some suitings, suit­ able for summer suits and dresses, in val- o r * U6S up to 6oo a yard. Special, the vprd « O C THIS STORE W I L L BE C L O S E D A L L D A Y F R I D A Y —. D E C O R A T IO N D A Y HOOD R IV E R S LARGEST & BEST STORE